Exeter Times., 1909-03-18, Page 1,40t l est :r
� u is a ,h ara►.�
M t �h a<an+o cher ' btt� +� m � a�n >nx
i line.r
Is � � � rna
i:atlssaab ea? .
with the sono$ flohlolabiaa colore and; o
n>�-Inr ,Iti�A
- AC Y RpnYrai. Y{Jx'r'
c t tnctlon of the kind over given
i x+ ter, fleetly Z50 personas Pei**
! 1L
n tendered
their tees =fortie o . si .
2n ._
lr ci
y� 1 decorated
at`;�.. at deeo�a,t+ed. RT 7a.nF3.
'flow*** �'t�n1 '
d � 1n
t+' d
.lac d
rt ►
.' re
ane. lablea were a>+e. st,erst or �� err. u
+�`� de of 'the auditorium, with
one running 4190t, the
centre, w
*Moiler tables me laced ln= the
aMio�Y..rs:rt.., h.rye (�ra�:. t..t .-a. M r4T,;�ya.;'...s�come
^. r.4it�. al. re+rvrtt-'L
x : r G+aada.,in all th• leadiu
o -of '+ Wool ' Taa11
tet V
Pari Cord ,and *ustar
beautiful ;rasungo- of moi
auft1nga in altw theseason
abider all at 1
r u our.
In 01 Dress Goods we are. ashowin as seas!
_ es
As in, ! thi�a � n�lasa� shades,
r-4'altthtdwiifihitto-ruai leaner*
0 0:41oh in vogue thinr•eipriing Will he feu_
Do not fortOt to see
large easortmettt
the -wan -
t ' $rb%hn"."
y r fie ::p sin eats are a little . �e�
a, this
sl a! little r. Vire hove some ‘rer st llX14a
nor Striped Covert Coating Mt atyery reasonable urge'ea,
Lai/lies�Lai/liesDart atr' stud
r Wl. ttia aoxn afire with 'l aml arcriclery+na 'la►
,aesai°tea: cL n�ter 'tn '"nn r nr^ c
<; olin Pletcbbr; 'pastor of- the Th.tames
toad 2rcaib ' tet tni chug b, . Offeared,
up an Mr en* oh , a eminent
,' ath N• �,.. ..:
caterer. of Terontea. dao `brad .char e
of the-' e u fore -1 ill"
-aeerved, the dainty;. VI sl that .bad.
„be inre red:- adf r - refrcolunentst
ad -been -die
cvcrl► 'Cans atasarxi'`otbe >ie�.. aars!d
singing"Buie Brittania .
toatt, to Canada
arid the
ire watt t en *posed b�... E
•o�..;�,_ %a . .a.
Americans during loss, ccntun`y"r but
ming been---- uuceaaf idly-= ..xepelie
tlxey.•are 'now a ndcolvoring ,to` it:Wade
Canada in a different manner,.' by
becoming. residents... of our fair Do-
minion. by taking up, Janda in the
northwest and they_. make tae- best
kind• of settlers. -Unlike other far-
_eignere, they do : not itau r together
and.form settlements, but spread out,
each one looking 'after has' {own in.
tercets. Air. Pickard Also dwelt op,
Claes aes of indigents*, rlvho. occaniaslon-
ally get across our bio. rderst and be -
<d. � � Q �ap
extent« ,.byt...;having them st+n tiped
A the port_ of leaving_instead,' ,, ,try.
t av the sto edat Canadian
utttul, mend , something -. -
new on�3nrnet** them
>t 'ri $1 op' to 44.5
for + two! is4'q trimsroil
With an Icinas.'bf
for250. f075ei
ustomers fram a dtstarice canfullydepond: on, .us dor ..
'$ l Orders, Samples of afiyt ung in.the store lent o
tat on and your orders filled just as welt ` aS if you,
were bete. Try our gait Orders
a fquare or thiti eluate
othin -alsod h racdo:=sh and.: _
xrcnded to the taoast and gave :,,
client addre ,•, pointing: otlt the'
aand'potnsibilitiea of Cada,a roar.
_tris of which, we should feel jo tly
proudk c' apo`ho , o < he Oeltt care*..
uMiv asit,:ill *Ad *SAC. »aay.
Ile predlcted . that anaada woad be
come' abate' of the ,greateat tea nufactur»
Ing countries in the world, :and, with
its- beautiful scenery, - -pleasant --re.
sorts and excellent climate is a coun-
try unexcelled: rile expected we
would live to see the day when we
would have Imperial, Federation, giv-►:
ing us closer relationship with the
mother countryand the other colon-
'he toast' colon-
"Caven and Cbiaselhurst
Che rebea" was proposed by the chair,:
and r'es ded - to a'_ by r. ' d cn
-•:! _x ' ' mac• n.r 'sar' P+:'c' • >w:.i+?' r ^.m'
telling how' Ytev John"Logie- formed
aural at liogerville in 1861. The.
TWA ...terrldn 'fte r'r r + rith%p d
-In t r ire o yn n n1 north u
river, until the-preasent structure .was
o y t.x • d it w
tine: bi
�. tb
fist �a as Iafferetittz,:rainiaters
ass's 'tl�,rnpredicted tbot a
Christian cbArch-1
ell being guided,
w;ithyoent. in ' u1s;e',', 4ncl `Abject in views:
Bev, BA A V r, in resaponding.i
-: kae Of .1; n . lty' ��nd lore wha�saia
ter, did_
pec t wbthis ideata and worthy
ch hard bte o
Fin* aI eke of �tlr+ m+em:he
v riOua-(hu ` e! -!urians
nt no drotariut +tate.
evr Voll n a k
:11111illtd 1.114 OA
to Tt is a ko:_ uniqusi . that 4, r Vs*
toil coin l' ' z -a; : congregation
eo - xnyr rt+narir, Ur.:Collins gave an
outline tory of the -Anglican
tat �rchA.always found
�r. yyijr.'
1A fi
"-our MunaEicipaaai Instaltuti'ons" . WO.
proposed - 14.; ; ?fir. A. Q. llobier, Mr.
I3cibier .' sPec'e of + the. excellent ' eon.
ditionns of. our town, -and, its. inhasabit-
annten. The banks ore the : beaat'medium
for showing the prosperity o a a.` Muni.
px itY and ss:� thelocal banks a e
the -best- feeders' for -the head of fieest
of any section to Canada.. Ar.
Reeve. T. . 110 03110n3, in respond -
log ;poke of the excellent educational
facilities we *Noy. and of the uinasur-
'!+'.F1YI�^ a .i�a, 1. �. •,r
l in .� as and of rnCanada, nd istix ad
d , e�,bba
tweet* , three of the larger - centres,
London, Stratford and Godcrich be-
` untt ioar ertatt'gt facto
the religioes and Pollta
invbieb we enjoy to- dayri
rr laaOm ,usually..falls the 4917ar. >i ire
pondi :,g. Mr. Taman gave a Very.
r -J,
,�tt .,�
.r..�� .yak. rL
BOX', Wat20 aLre always to be on equal
ity wittt cement and whom 'man' is . saris-
posed ,to' protect,;
I.ev....Urau art, of IAPPert. back. •
elorminister, was the first to +res.
ace, toi-
nom" t a aoasn •a ,sl •
li t Int n �a're' a b+aaniunti
+ anYl. .tt •>a215ah�.!it
...Si:�' ..�•�,��� � �..�IltVi
}Inatu n
drs• adt olcokk
s . � ,aw�
�,« ;
" n a�o swu :;
1 Air 46;
Dr. Scott's stock rood reg. . O and
�l pkg��',foarw
Dr, Scott's'WormPowders.....'. '.. A ,
dors . �► .. ,*��,': ����o>�, •,
.Curtain tr' tcbera , ...,,. .: ..as ....,...; Re I. - 'for i.:
,�'..::.2'faNYi6ffW+.NW.4gIF'�,?!h ..t.p..y,•
� '"f vcw w,pa rsiw�.w•.-,•*
termed: sicn the ,r4lady" ..o the:. xeter
9donse :far ;t went .s"i rs she.
lsa been in Exeter has beim the guid-
e.thlirxd • r +
• # 10 offer--cbildr rg
v�= t .,.(,,. (-lot _.rosy
gore a: sibort epeech, an , which he
spoke Very highly of the ladies.
"Our 'Guest. Itev ' % .. M. Martin,"
w�ii' eat. . '
sn v T
let 2
P�.?Si""•F.-...,.. , :CAI.'bxcart S;:a•1-G . � `.+fVc:... _ �aarncsn enc ;� a�n nth bar � . In
than any one present. He knew him
when ;he . attended college and while
he a always took an active interest in
Mmes andsports at the college, 'be
aaiwaaytn dept in mind the high{ :iidenls
'to which he was aspiring and daring
his entire life ..bad followed the same
Christian spirit.
e hadbeen the
0,114111g- spirit of his congregaticon,
had sympathised with them in their
Bor rov and beamed on them in their
joyous moments. 44 a father be bad
brought,his p In et. xrrnanane
that reflects
supposed to . be the beat in the Do-
lom inioni
Councillor IV; J. aBerlinaun followed
along the same line las Mr. McCallum.
Every citizen abould de his .best .in
, ther ez'esats�n o! ' ' s :tom 'aand instead
of .tn king Unna isdow remaacrks,
should form a 41104Stere club” and
thus keep 'Exeter' in the . limdligbt
withother -progressive--' inadiaan
towns.' ��
"The Learned Professions, Was
proposed by Mx. A. E. Vote, who .told.
of the many advantages in the pre-
sent age. for. learsoinng ; r:-oompaar ed
with those of years. ago, and that
these advantages were, being availed
of to good effects.
Thio toast was responded to by Dr.
'al#,oy'. -Th : ate _g ve r ftiy,
ane -af o xto-
a.i reached i tn ek Ined +e lel *noted dposition
tls o fie as
member. of 'rlianantent,, on bas
toorative posiition, ane .is mart ed and
Anna being oneof Exeter's ' most. es-
timable ung, ladies and for :Beattie"
'the youngest of the family he pre-
dicted a more illustrious future. than
any of the others; r ,
-Mr. Martin Was greeted with CO
siderable applause. when he ,Aauraan>ree , M.
snake 'bis"reply,.- Ile_thanked the orti,-
ions of Exeter for -the kindly expres-
sioin they bad tendered' bit► and bit
family and that a waren spot ,would
always' be merited in his. heart for
the people° of Exeter.
Do not fail to oall sod: enquire re for our- _ •
vahzed Safe lock: phi Ie- whi , fl'
11 ».
(�" � S +may
they are bath wind.aud srorm • a►f .
YN -+fir aq
i `dao 1� .
' .^^(fly(:.51iiit;-`wil'IuuS;u'.�aAol'd:,ffii11.'CSi4lY6YR10.Y�^Y1S->:.�A•i�'%A.9Aiil'^.I:Y+.'a7:'�+.MSA'G.`SWJSh:;#TLYkMU�3cNuAA{
Halters, Stable It cioifis'
Yieterday afbternOort being' St.
Vat br ck::s -dtry,, , e_took,. i stbroll:.up
to ssce_ n e ould `Erin"`ii n rzilo" 1niniisK
brae"- after his death, and bow the
different profession* figure , in bier
carer' through-life-i—The -doctor--
,sial ealtas Asn oto -foot :ai fte r. hie
ani siva . II i " then headed°"over tae
the minister for baptism; the teacher
fibben follows giving .him bis tedueationn
a1,tnoulding, avbiler t,-doctoar ' is oo-
si nae�lly axll dTltz claret" SOAIff
"P. „_ ,e,ex� o via ,e, -m ,n r
Wih at manrrioige ceremony,- and at
the age of 60 the•doctor is againi call-
ed to nee that he is chloroformed pre-
rly; the minister then speaks' . of
io .,excellent character /Wile lowers
t tlre-.,grave, and hen -o e>s
the lawyer to interpret the will bi'
made 'out tsimself.
"Our Business interests" was pro -
sed by Kr, Joseph 'anter and res-
vended to by Messrs J. A. Stewartnd S*xbn 3!itton. r,:.�„,r
Stewart vex facetiously apoke
o st e f ► cu ea Ta. sea ur rag`. per -a;_
�era for hist a.ddrssans,, And at the rut
gestietrr first- rs -e- 'fd-_:,riend ba - -
round town searching for them, but
'could ' find -nothing bat mongrels,
pOtulles, etc, Ile went aftes .,the out-
y{ to er ' who-. pur`chitse r
almanacs! sent . out at different
tiamea.of.tahe 'rear by',la e..cityt store
and followed it up with as song ern. 1
titled "Root 'toot for the home town".
written to the tone of "Take Me out
the-Irsni 'the. was
dccldcd hit and' Shower Mr. Stewart, a
*inet At i xaeptional ,ability (1) -
i r,Jfittoni• hllcnwed the: last slOaker
and gave a► very interesting' talk• on
the business interests of the town
what good thin an :etre 'leen stere for the a<
towns wh we get 'better ,railr ay.
ani' s, and n o r dvoeaated baying sir
"Oldw{��Bose" reunion, at which Mrs
lor~tln will hate the plettettrae'ef
la►lto. ',Lt. . if ain'srtan iaraw: proptsting Can-
aaiaan seta sial be thought dee was
attadner3' tied • to •that, duty, ba,ht-fist
s atsh 'so young old *pert and takes
corneiidae scalds illi resit~ is :omits that
aIthy and , pliftin :• -w:. .i.
on14-014 o th,te.W.aR,
N. D. Burden *Off
uaralG `;ria r ndaar" I>n► �tbrlisad tost*t.
"Al� `tt - bet•° •:'1 ' `;�1�`taG:r. ; t r t «o, lI
fer acquaintance sake tin''a: to re.
*ate ould experfeneeas ansa' foinnd out.
s -me news watts.. ,..
L,i:rr Y nyder*
ehtaand' th' govermint,ex Rein! to. in-
t edoocc a bill to Have th' susahtop-
for wan hour durin' th' mornine
in rie.-7 cu er,,
woiiderin'"Wrbitrtori ne itvt-Wiee-whin
I ring th" alarm clock on th' town
hall ,ra+t sivin -in the. inorninn. ' Dave
Mandl wux tellin' nine I could 'git up
any ould toife afore eight a an. be
in toiame, whoile some sed I would
have to be afhter 'gettin* up afore
six set'to kape up wid th' sun, an;"
others seed they diddent care what
tains I rang tin' blcomurr' thi ng, lex
long ex I diddent wake them u,p afore
ch . toe., ...Surd _. nsr n .
this thing, on' knowin" yes are good
rat hngerrlrr C;ug I would ax er
sex * YT, lithartir_ju tr'-, ' tllL
Met ex n fiy .hittiataLL_. chunk . Iv.:
:ilivitashlre came in th'. sumitanertaim
Yea e. cn kape on snoozi n'" ;lust enc ;tong
ttir' e ' ye the
,alar uir_ o lock .com esl, salt year 'got t'o do
.ex to'tau down to, th. faire hall, ring:
tb' alarm an' accordis n' to ti►*, sun,
its six o'clock. Th' *bele thing a'z
,iransnt lanaginatiort, Then • wla n iliyin
ren' filen 't etre; satyr* to>E>sn fears dinner.
'T.bc . wb in y+er, `watch x an+e ring
arnginna eras' tlisaat'll mane two.
;a n' „tun
five o'lk. tromearing it*gin a of
that sot slipper tonnracrae,, an* 'ea • +carat
do., whet yes loike olurital,t1s scat its
#iiia* verrID' nitldout .f erin.:.. otboui
• toirdCe untU tb hitt :i ntira in" an0-
be k+eerful Saturday noigbta that yea'
don't be, afhter Brea kin' atbe' abbatb.
"Yes•. ---but • begorry, ,y yosir fir a as ann-
in* we'IL bays three .bourse f+erd rtnneri
aarermint Italia
bre hour what they'r
k 'tna;>oaCiainin' at#n' ittioY'
a ai .e ns
ere to 'loaf
eaottina' off in
eas�st,,srusri:n lsv
' o .ao want things '.
l� n n to be � uret �� � Then cut 'We'd like ao
�'_� _ . you u Voir fie+
customer. ,We've .promieed your satlsf`action—p ►mi you, -
thatstyle,, fit And price will please you --we'll keep our promise.
Our boot sale. are aatieftesd acust oroore, Come here for your next -
Suit or Overcoat.
'We -have a end= i
tri0Seikn ts r ;-reduotk+ m o W
, ,w r.ww11111 A
some of the .:great i! tisinas(r, ave s 'sfe
itfl otto ;tom, b
p �f
iiied‘or cru n is cut ook 'finish ►tth low Bovey
e$�/180d .+r,..+r..w+ra+rrrrr.4 43,
50. o' ie ....... ra wr kwr<yk. .'
prns�rYV rr.r,Mr.
Ora aerythisng arra inei>atenn.
vinoi intencliti h 1
taket kkl t t ►u li :t '
lies ata' '4 re ! ct ana4theic"'' akts
Wast tis'fell oir' mux A.o:baandiaan
t T ht in iii ' n'l►xl+L+tt',
don't 'ands
rased at dO Fyazt' . '
fain at, to yea1 " o
a th poiit anti