Exeter Times., 1909-02-11, Page 7*boy arms*, d�.otsudtuithoon 81 flM telUepl4Ya1U stb*tthI7 via not'uo,100.tk t ot*iistog4424 i 'o ttieir 1ac'tu Their'duties,• gPoll, , e , h 0 1,71P eir hertti And how machOre Ile would hvc obaerved the ainoh. 'a3pect to,,slay Life then w nd.froe Compared with. the preeflt.' c-, e complez thatis hard0`keep from ' being under *7ressi.,.....„if one 00k0 1 r at the Multit orporsons be ' I • . meets on our tArects, r every one ieons in 'a hurry, 44 if b,zatio!.),&.!!L.Lif is not being =. of tha yourofrcca1 thi severo ccption of life. Christ considered this a di torted, needless and unhappy thin And so He calls men to look at th ireedon and * old at Iris liurder Acquittd ordinary murdertrial,- lob ce..to a charge huand poisoning Was that the rafters of the taken place at the Ulster asizes. By acquitting the accus- 0,0eepted--,the-i plea put orward 011 her ' half. The pris-. ncr was Elizabeth Kirkwood L}och- er husband pear Daily- 01107,it •ed, who was of etrYchaue--D010014 minitered o' an at his sapper,. ich was prepared 'hy the prison He would, counscl declared he ury thatno iniman nd was laid o ' .gg which atained thc poison from the ino- flt it was broken in the pan until ten tieept.thati et the- A+ 4. Death occurred the follow- ing. week later one Of thc prison- 's daughters, aged three years, to d from strychnine poison, uci had been taken in milk. The sins, were exhumed ..:0_51714nite_Jhat the Lamachs-o 600— (-fait: 4um, bt it was not d wal insane, at the time of the OUGHrtibOR, ing 3 statement kitor-general intimated that the elite would be that aome strych- plaoecl on the t leer of the'lloft nodiately abdve the kitchen for r-03r1n—*4--r he rafters on to the ding removed from n not bavo arred,, 'but . that _th prisoner's hand had iitto.ittolpoi, in the egg. EvWence'lvits the .run,el for thr, defence said hs tbat the olsoriliad title :h tlic -rafters and aeeidentn pped on anegg„ Portions ri had •Also eaten. be ore. he' died:, 'lad this 'view, and -At .he or he (counsel') suro do snd she s BLITHESOME -1 of the Oa cis wiser m t e in all their anxious forethought and strain. How, then,- can we avoid this error and take lifct easily and itatural that-everY,one ,olsti bow- 41V-,eaaet calling than you have.' gest of us .have' found the labor.''fitter to our hand, . and, remembering that work is life's lhief,!Initaness, -we- should takedelight in it. Throw away all T ambition beyond at oi doing 'your day's work ..,:w.ell. 'Exerejge_imigh borliness, Ti,,e1 kin ly to your broth- er MAU:, -show an interest in his sac ' 4100-00t0449t4im,,,* ure in IA and interest in -ethers. trUSt , It is our selfisimeas that accounts 1 "—iitirvtlisteeme---Torr,r-risiortessol stossosiorosisaii* -.1:01ri, .IL, vet nadcthe.mit.keP ithrm1ess iristian pep1e who haveso ve se.d1 miurepreented, Nevcz work ver ivi1s ufficient untq tbe evil roubles axe vit ensations an 0* 'V a iall4M, ill 013ot on terror o or So dren4zug th ea mwe, w . m clesia* ovitish to De an 810 •I he Toud n -.a a o One Or' , had givepway Vgik, nwben troubles hcin patiently. Ptti nt ..tvou vhich deadens the hlo .rImpa -11,- theC�r q ne extrao thorns sweetest ,gri taught by the birds. Tbey are -by no iiitlit le., hom- morning untilnight. J3ut to , e tivity.i without care. . free, joyous, unbu en le a gladsone flight; ceaseless song d yet your heavenly father feed - them. Are ye not much better than they s then li fait rn . of. IA 4 .of th-o original.ahorx mai population; in t olony of ,,, .. uen Ia.44...tilr.P1,0 ' -0,, - r on tothe floor 0 He AS rescued by the flremen af for -48 hours, without food ancl li ening0-the-moan5.and criaof little **Otter , -; or - looklng. atter tfle wel- fare -af the backs by means of aver the 0 ..aq that th 'patives are clothed,. and ¼sIii&kled from, the .interferonce, of whito- people. ^Miss:4)44*r' reports received 'indi-, 144 natives havo ,..tirottress in - both reading and writing, but teaching e11 over six dceased, a. listrict, stood Lesson VIL .The 4i.postles„Initkris., oiled* Golden Test, . Matt. 0: 10. - - Verse 17. Tho high priest--Caisie phas. who was the officially recog- nized incumbent of the office, and :who ,.keld...LOgiltilLtIA,Cycar.,A.,„D in partisan. 404, le ° Sothiurai vhicirieut-itii--suppert-ter'the high ' The .10t_ of . the,Rad Saddaftes„ were the aril_ cultic -rtir-Witif-74if-;number, rv'her, less - riA.i4.13T 1es riot in theirhabit of life thai the Pharisees. Prom, the latte they differed also Ae. tad that known.' Their prornpt-reappearing in tic temple with undaunted ;courage in thav.Proelamatied of :their message cOuld, not .but reflect uutaverahly, .upon 1 the Jewish au- thorites who had publicly taken to. interfere with and put k end to their teaching. - 20..Withotzt vio1ence-4ccause of ho -great popularity- of the apos- ties. The latter, we note, ctra not resit-2,lshs1;firteliesto;4.::b• otoie tio couno ,Faco,mined them and gave them,* hearing before -the 'Sanhedrin.. We: strictly eliarged you -4) dinar*an vt...,,,ebidirt41-ecd to. from , the •Sanhedrin, which wasC6,higheat no iitttte 45.0 Theydid not accept the ditionar interpretation . of the. law :upon by scribes_ 4 abd rabbis. They were in league with tbc Herodian and other' ruyin families - and thorofors inllu- 'entia1--in- -6-t-'-the:' Snnhedrin 'long 'as' the iTeariilt Stateexist - stat.; at thii7timc.-61c the ,rt tion of Ierustileta their wer and influence came to AU end, 0,0(1 they soon disappeared from history. 18. Laid hands on -Arrested. In publie„ward *der guard x the ublie plriee in'Which offeTIders '11 ere-usuallrkep ang• el of the tort1 by night optned the prison door* This rnatural intervention 011 , 3 !..) 0 ha' belie ed et aiigela ,nor spirits or a ifei. Our antlior,in thi sat* chapter freely ac -know 1 3 the interVention df. and its. effect, hot he is htre ,peaking of a itpernatural eC(u nee which it; is imposible to e lain 3r. ij1 ti la g kn1qus c.mdummtion. he'ouneil ly reserve, toman Ye have iFiferiy; •tles' offer tT Favage*,they are Ohrganzi t but -they are not cannibals. het 114- fivA,4 under civilization have de - eloped habits of economy and, saving.. The, ,isa aboriginal girls in domestic service :212Queensland over $55,00.0 t� their eredit in tht Government Savings Bank and considerablc .deposits are mide by the men engaged in work through- out the colony.. One of the best things the Goverilinent of the:col- ony. has -done for -them is to pro- hibit the 'sale of opium and elouP and ail intoxicating liquor, to them under, severe p.00414014 aterwad On out of irithSO whole-- an -A poor WeiiTati whowas found in tlic Streets of " Mesina attracted attention through her strange be- havior. At first, it was thought that, her terrible texpmfierices had turned her brain, but it was after - discovered that she VAS per- fetly ri seems that she had w1iz oho and outli*toom near - of appointingliim, to the- -worlc-and-nunistrr - which rated. The expression dee* relate t° th ilew- • e LThc-con Clore ar Jlri4g6 on .the and• Tru cite "R&ilway are said to ;bo th ' an -por.haps in the world, n are of which are 140 feet h and the tither* seven :a_in. M Tlrebri fron abutment -torzbutineut is feet below tht, surface of crete *irk- s u ni *4 • ter. 0 i1tea 'Nor children - probably " in- tall, as' she heard no sound. baby felt withbeam, but on her. chest and 'would have been alive new had not One of the 'ghouls who_adde4 freshterrors to he city; angry at not finding any, thfng to .steal and irritated by the crying of the ehfl4 which attracted attention' to the spot, brutally kicked it, killing it immediately. This mother was afterward released' and finding a friend on the street, poured but her terrible 'trouble. The friend bad evidently been the eedy of her district and *obi the poor credulous creature, that if her- selfat eviry street er -atitistereis,e 6 _i,rerdIrrottenvo "4' live if ot rthing:bacLpurnned perambulatious for- 24 saft:13017.:.no*.ciL#OPPirThr for +AI; poo children, long since_ dead. ;She solutely-refused-even'tcrsit--down Ake orchhishoP of m she _We* ken, that IIueums, o-bearbs tly.In, gy p a tcrirtr1 nptl34:tis to tiei0:ea o haeuthmearvtigteancient Egyptian clrelated th o -voyages SS u fact, describecj all ,audtettee given b3 KingiSraelr .rthe cbisf 0 .ta o h thesetr947--ivn-ewl".43: wi: d°11;egointg: (*Off 'PI: liarteenlich; ficlIckuor!alnoti History at Cairo* 'though the Inter national Congress at Berlin las tAruagnudost. declared that t_hey. r Tuhbeiet,:ture;r40:s..0,yry ljai just been oloedstated that lie erzgrayed the tones fro tt— :02 its o• o Sive( • ootO,en 4i) hilt Y4110*- etlo trists rossi Latest Ref 04 of the lltoreau of Sta tistie* and Census of thc Oankinion. Tbe flureau of Census and Sta just ended on. ar e Dominion the vahi imais, and thc arerag -ree0 though,the Oleg had.. been .artifieially ,age, Bouriant and her -goll have ontessed.the frand,..and are being rosecuted in Belgium Will Try Disputes Between Parisian , .. deliberations." and Workers* 1 "I swear to perform my dude with Z04.1 ,. and integrity, and to maintain sacree as to our judicial Thus, with uplifted hands, spokc UT ,rQ!Jf3Qn.thc, et of the Parm Civil ourt recntIy.dreaed iblack, with a blacku e is belie'red woman to be d auth6rity, for zhe w retently elected, at the' triennikU election of urd'homms to be one of the int& Ldges. who alt to bear Asiditt dttputes between ..employer d their work -people. She is the first woman to be tit , thi* apic1ty under the new iuth�rizing women to be elect- 1* 0 urdthouimexj, *--and will aeat on the judges bench firstLO -Sitting of the court. tags** will consist rge silk sash p*ssed over -the houTdes and Vital *11-frOtit- -01-whieh*.' arge ilver ur of the Ft.je1rEc-pubUc. She 1* 3ewisb aubah,s; nstrunenta,in bng. death .‘o 31. Wit "m=riiito onties, this Vi enacted, L'A gf theie things 'Prnnouue- end exe- ter& 'i. tree---1!iitting llflf' *fly au- alsobe itness and th eto., in hirnof hat emphasize g re,t of the lik an a. T t nth' post asth power 3".0, li the keyn6te „Nets. the- the piera and the with 5team, wbich pipes hal*. After the concrete in also necessary t kept 1104tied then altoitectto CondzUons in If,egglo are worse 11 Quid take he *I tO Ngive rthe conditii) n the• sister cities At Reggio two uI*tion-tie- aide, the ot falten buildings, The ather-thirst ••---are-m-the---* without Oaf, without foOd, without water -do* „t. 3:30Y it!) ciety and ricKtue li, and pe *like 4,o pranittiip man who mu ha%o. shelter from cold, and clot ing -and fo'od for Vis- body, a when he is deprived. of them * Aciont time he wilt. fight for t TO-Illisitiffet-bsratitled-161,1ti'dat ,ness at night,only broken by the flendish thieves who, having loot. shop, had beeorat rossessed uf bit of ***Idle and with it made- tk. round - of the lugubrkaut rjib- bih, they,totikl steal o the bodies, of the stead. These Jackals, compo*ed of the seum brrifetZiltti;-*Itie *6 -bold that - their researches are in os conducted in broad daylight and they resit with firearms and kbivet *nyoi who trie* to interfere with In one tate a znan1 aftrr utting his wife in izhtty, average value farm land for all 0 Provinces is A.70 per acre. izi ivo of the Provinces. if is 40er being $27.30 in Manitoba, in Nova Seetia,421.40 :Brunswick 4824.410 in Saskatchewan, and va;20 in Alberta. In Prince Edward Island the average /0 per acre, in 4nebec $41.0 443wontbaiariofs.$7447,i030,,, avndsitiines,B4trriotishhig o - in the,last named Province, owing to the comparatively large extent of farm land there in orchard an mall fruits. - VALUE Or r hendtE4,Clo, 0. inder • -three• e pa, art 4243.for e, la elates are .belOw .an aver age of $12C) in Pitirdls- land,- Nova "SOitin" and Alberta; LO New Brunswiek,:-Quebee '1‘424-.Orkk,4., toio the/ are *bout 4140, artd in 114U.ifciti4 andi'8440411411citte Aber Mileb cows have an average value in the DO -Mini -Oa :Of ranging from *29' in r!rilice Vltava Island and New„ Jrunswiek to 46 To On tario and Oil' in Saskatehewan, but in British Columbia the •average is 48„_ Other horned cattle have an erste Italie over the Dominion of *itt for those under one :/ear, *21 for one , tr-o-ttiider Ore -0 years,- 0---thr-eer-'Yearss and oetY Theae **7---sraigelf*--ArConla or zil the Preitinees, •aT givenfor'Ontar10-and Where, 04 on]y overs up U probably reckless, e'tmelateheard:tyour laughter Annat redding was nie so hin ot an Annie -mated seeitei'„ wine' is 5MU per 100 uclit`Cy'.. Onto:: 4,11:e; thigtowest tit nitob* wan and Alberta, 0 & arjivrn an average atus- st'r head r the.' Donaion bel 'average in thi ritime **, Quebee and Ira farmsnma os he foreg61 aV ' `'of iuiimz rmi in June s $ ' , . ne price f wool flr the