The Exeter Times, 1880-9-16, Page 8♦ ,r
18yl PT ll!f131 B 6 ger
Septi anywhere, put free on
reeeipt, of price.
J. rGor.,
Bookseller, Exeter.
COMV nCir4yCuL"7k,•.^M^C,X.. .aa+Rir.m'�Y'il`.M K stn' -x '
�'t ` - ` ' t The Hay correepailctent of the Huron'I?r-
r r , ,T posi:or• trate;;— "One day last week Mrs,
pl.11 .ii l?;��', 5LT''1T,i1IBER IG. I5t�01 Clarkson wine resided at the “Garden of Para-
Holn hoe r. --'Ir. and Mrs, D. IfeLennau,
o. Olyt`h, lortitlerlyof Pinter, arrived home from'
their European trip a fete days slime. They
speale in glowing terms of the crops in. Scot-
1aud;andbespeaks it beautiful harvest through-
out the country.
A commercial traveller, who has driven all
over the Dominion, stated that one of the fin-
oet sections of the country he ever saw, \Yes
that lying along the London road, between
Exeter,saucl Clinton, This is the universal
Cortprzesn.—Tile drain from Wellington'
street to the river is completed, and will be a
great benefit to the people m tied vicinity. It
is about ten feet deep, with a boxing two by
three feet. We understand it is the intention
of the Council to extend it as,soou as eouvoiai-
o tate fit,tit Ca., :4larehal1,
r; n g t^1.1;,^, t 1 1`Ioct+o 1•oltafe F i ios to
the a, !, r,t1 up.,tt :?, i ori thin. Speedy t rt'•
•snare al .a. t .ttt- rnn tirilat they nay. Write
t':: them w itl.t a. delay.
Why look rhntby when yon can got a suit of
clothes fur f;11 at U. A: `v. Soothe att s.
7 n 1? t beet i ml. cheapest tesertuent
ol! shoulder !emcee iu illeeter, at C::nteal Ilrut
Store. C. Lr.rz.
Vi tors at the fair will see the hest 1'2
\furry in \Vtetertl Ontario, at Satuwcll
Irick ar d's.
A tine a:;sortlaellt of fall tweeds at O. et W.
Si,u ln,ott'S. Clive then a call.
1 re ll arrival of a eplew1h1 stock of Boots
and Shoes at Clete. te. I aerett's,
A. Superb display of millinery will be shown
cm lex stay, ei Samwt'1L & Pickard'S. Every-
bedy desirous of looking at this stock will be
For a good fitting suit of clothes, go to G.
a@ W. Srutl.cnst't, C. Southcott's old stand,
Main Servet, Exeter.
-Mr. S.F.Joereehas a large stank of watebes,
eleeks. jewchy, silverware, etc., nn haute hiell
lie is selling ng very cheap. Those dieu'ing to
Purchase tin ttn ie in the jewelry Hue would
loll. t:, their advantage. by calling ou hitu and
examiuiug his stoop.
S nnwe11 & Pick ard's Boot & Shoo Stock was
never eo a it assorted as at ere eat: Those at •
tending the fair should not fail to see for them-
Parties visiting oar fair will do w,31 to cell
and see 5anivell & Pickard`s stock of .Full and
Winter Dry Goods, and Clothiu<g.
A young man who has recently taken a wire,
mays he didn't find it half se hard to ,et mar -
etas he dill to get furniture. He did not try
John )retv's furniture store, or he wrould not
say butt.
The rush (di fair day will not find Sainweli
& Pickard unprepared, as they have an unlimit-
ed supply of goods of every description to ills.
pose uf.
Preparations for airing cider, at the Ceu-
tralDrug Store.
Seafortli show to -slay anal to -morrow.
Tar Ptraorr.—Mr. R. Redmond preached in
the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday after -
nem last.
Oue of our villagers says if his gate is not
left shat daring the night, he will make it hot
for somebody,
S;rmlm'i n.-1 ba Messrs. Petty, of Heusali,
s tippet a rarer uuanb;;r of from this
station on Saturday.
P ^erre.-1'amember the Catholic picnic to
be held iu Mr.. lfeCarty's grove, two miles
east of Limerick, te-day,
• AaorNn l>Azx.—We vatic° Mr, E. Davie,
who has been confined to the home ever since
lto.t winter is able to be around again.
'at. John Willis, of this plane, off.ars a special
prize of a3, for the best one year aid Durham
Ball shown at fail fair, ou Monday and Tues.
d sy next.
FALL Sanw -.S'o i h Iilu'ou. Mad t t piton & us-
sborne Agricultural Society's Fall Show will be
beklin this place on ttoilclat and Tuesday next.
Dntt't fall to attend.
CATTx.e SsrrrED.—Mr. John Willis shipped
forty fat rattle from this station, to Europe,
no Monttay last. ---:.Ir. T. brier deo shipped a
car load to the eastern markete.
Neve T'ti gn—d. new paper has been pub-
Ii.;l�t i at Strotf,r+i, called the Urusa.cter. It is
pi;bll •'lad monthly, and devoted to the interest
of Iroh]bitien. NEWSPAPERS, -Judge Longstreet, the presi-
dent of Suutit Carolina College. thus sets forth
dist," tools her ticket at 1'Ienlsall for Detro't.
An ureter gentleman left that village the sazne
evening, baying for his desti atiou the same
pity. Enough said."
'finny.—While Mr. N. Delehert, of Zurich,
was drivin;.; riuwn. Main street 0)tMonday, and
When opposite ' Trashy. C'. & S, Ci&ley"s, Ids
horse took fright at some fart cattle. and jnmp-
ed into the ditch, throwing lir. Deichert out
on his head. Mr. 11, got up and proceeded ou
hie way, hating only receive.' a slight M-
ill -17.
SEerrei xei:n—Aroidibald McBride, the party
who was arrested by constable Dmilef,, of
4aaforth, on a charge of stealing a Ilene, and
disposing •of it to Mr. las. Swiuer lou, of this
pi:tee, was tried before Judge Squire, on Wed,
uesday of last week. Ile admitted his offence,
and way neatened to one ruoutbiu jail. Rath-
er light puntehiuent.
Ae'eini tr.—Rhiie a man was unloading a
load of brick at the C. M. Church ou :Monday
last, he suet with an accident. It appears he
had taken it]l the brick from the front end of
the wagon, and while proceeding to remove
those at the other end was participated to tiro
ground, by the front cull tieing up in the au.
He hal one of his legs badly bruised by the
brfvk falling oe it.
11 Aalnr ax ACCIDaINT.-011 Tuesday last, as
i'Ir. Robert MaLearu Was driving around tho
corner at the Methodist Church he had a rtar-
r:,w escape front meeting with what alight have
been a serious, accident. He was sitting ou
a barrel of eider, and on going around the
corner was thruwn headlong into the ditch
bat managed to get out of the way of the barrel
in time to prevent any in]uly.
SUCCTiSart1L CANDIDATItO.—At the recent ex-
aminations held in Torantn, "sir. T. J. \Valronel
sen of lir. G. \valrond, Stephen, succeeded in
obtaining a first oiass C. Mr. liralrend is now
atteudingthe 81. Catheriues College with a
view of obtaining a first class A.—Miss H. J,
yorngest daughter of Mr, G. NValrond, was
also successful at the late nun-ln•ofessional ex-
aminations for third-class certificates, held in
l.i ocierich. Miss Walroucl was a pupil of Exeter
Public Sehooi.
MrssIox.tztr Sx1TXCEs.—On Sabbath next,
the 19th., services will be preached in the B.
C. Church, off behalf of the Missionary Society,
by the Bev. W S. Pascoe, iu the afternoo.. at
2.30. A juveml missionary meeting will be
hold, to be addressed by Mr. Pascoe and Mr,
Webber. Monday the 20th., ccmanencing at
8 p. ni. the Missionary meeting to be addressed
by the Boos. zt : S. Pascoe, J. R. Gundy, F. W.
Whitlock and other ministers, it rare treat is
expected. M'ssionary sermons will also be
preached on the same Sabbath at Heusall,
Bethesda and Sharon, and Missionarymeetings
held at Bethesda the 22nd., Ilensall 23rd., and
Sharon. the 24th,
interesting event tool: place at the residence of
Mr. C. Southcott, Main Street, yesterday even-
ing, being the occasion of the anarriage of his.
daughter, Mollie, to Mr, R. Verity, implement
mannfactu rer, of this place. Bev. J. R. Gaudy
performed the ceremony, after which the
;nests sat down to the wedding supper, There
being around the table a large circle of friends
and relatives of the bride and bridegroom. In
Idle parlor were displayed a largo collection et
preeeuts, both beautiful aunt useful. We ex -
I tend to them a wish that joy and happiness
may attend them through future life.
P2:a50s,u,.-Mr.J. I). Ladlev, son of Mr, J.
'Ailey, of the firm of Wanless 3i Lumley, ar-
rived in town nit Tuesday evening last. He is
here to., look after his father s interest in tho
rvt;lon factory, wlria]z is shortly to bo erect-
ed. • to fill it fifty-two times a year witlaour putting
into it something that is wolth the subitcrip•
Loc: .r."s Aztvavcxu G.xooaArny.—We have tion price' livery parent whose sun is off
reeeieed at espy of Loveli's Advanced Geo- from home, at school, should supply Bien with
graphs-, punJienel under the sauotion of the: a paper. I still remember what a difference
Ali lis er of JLlueatitan for Ontario. It is an 'there was between allose of nay schoolmates
veceliullt work, with handsome maps, good who had and those who had not access to news-
papers. Other things. being equal, the first ,
wore decidedly superior to the Inst in debate
and composition at least. :The reason is plain,
In:zlaivo krtowlc:tlgo of the old and new world. they had command of tante facts. . Yoath will
r11i» weds eontaiui; 4:i colored mops, and over pursue newspapers with delight when. Choy l
eero iilnstratiohe. will read nothing
the value of a newspaper t—Snaill is the sum
that is required to patronize the newspaper,
and most amply remunerated is the patron. I
carenot how hutnble and unpretending is the
gazette which be takes, it is next to impossible
t ta„ raving,;, and presents a first-rate 'appear -
01100. it is aldrin ahead ;a f any publication of
its I fell, p i iu;; a very ecenrate and oompre-
Beeetrmxo PosuAe genes. --Says the Hamilton
Tines: "We frequently hear complaints made
of the carelessness with which postal cards are
treated by the stamping clerk in our post
Wilco in stamping them u;aonthe reading
matter. Yesterday we hail an instance of this
off a postal card ooiataiuiug it number of high-
ly important figures, which in part were oh.
'iterated by the stamp. This should be put a
stop to, as the tclittnyanoo in almost universal.
Where fine writing is nsed upon a postal raid
itis virtually destroyed lay .this unnecessary
disfigurement. It is presumable that this action
is general In the Dominion, to stamp postal Has laden appointed agent fur the sato of the following articles mamtufacturee
cards ou the reeding side, and it aught to St, 'l.'bo2,aas true Brampton Agricultural Works.:
cease. In the grates the card is stamped
alone lion the direction side, and should for the
couvcnicuee of the receiver be the same hero.
Let us have this blunder changed,
Goon 3 treasre. —An exchange gives us the
foilowiegsnles for the improvement of the
,fit liora. k. Thozsz
.A1"]eultun uI
MR, W ."
V E i .I Yry.
town, which we think wouldn't do the pet pro
of Exeter any Marin to study, carefully :
t. Hell your buil ting lots tit rensonabl,
prices. 2. If you can druid to do so, donate a
building lot to seine largo business enterprise,
and thereby euhaune the value of town pro-
pertyt 3. Induce businessmen to locate in
your town, 4. Patronize the business men of
your own town. 5. i ?eek well of worthy .lob- These are all R urratnt.,,i, aul bore eideo.l n vv`i�la roptttatese . rtietiu tier: =,'1 i? 1 .:cod
F I 3l
lie 011111111•late, 0.1f anything ibataid be 1121- ne s;alc, Any repairs or tally of :h:! above itllith?naiallt:. cell he uht:el'iU t front .•t r, Verity
taken that may be of benefit to the fowl), doreT.<'x . .• .
not speak i11 of it to others because yen hap -
Improved Royce Reap
E.'Lci r 21 L
...t,t 4r 1 ��,
el 74
!, •4'
H ESa e IN
pen to be prejudiced against it. 7. Speak well
to strangers of your own town Anil its pco-
Cormee e11:1.rINe.—Tttc «0011oil met putt
s era to edj ones o ut, at the :Market :Yorke
on the lUtil of Seoetewbor, All members pre- r�,
sent, exec t'ir , 1': J ai-d. The minutes of the �d�.d r.:Aiu,.e `tcyt Wa .d'o�t'g .L
ks•� fisc)'',,.„, .,e.i ..a,.:.,,, u'scc�a3 °::+.•
proviotltt meeting were read and confirmed. 500 i 0 P1P.C;'eti of' 'Ewe-- ;
Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by J. Banton,%� )1'
that the following slams be paid, viz; E. 11,
Bissett e715, pert payment for gravel; Sant 1.
Littlejohn $37.50 for labor; Juo. 1?rinser
i5.621d0; It. )iellwayP3.123- do; J. C'reeeh
fillets. do ; Juo. Clilleslaia 42 do; Joltu Tltomp-
i;.in $0.00 do; E. Ed,vorthy t3 do; W.Dawden
430.00 part payment for drain.—Carried. A.
patitiou signed by Geo. Thexton, and fourteen
other ratepayers, asking for the removal of a
tr7isAnee by ,. a t, .e of tirainege uml Ann street,
was read, the matter was laid uvea' for future
uou ideration by the Council. 'Moved by J.
Renton.aieondecl by E. Drew,that E.Ed,vorthy
be pail 36t) on account of contract. ---Carried.
Council adjourned until Friday the 24Th inst.,
at 7;30 p.m. M. Es.cnaTT, Clerk.
c.'' ere esiereeesrJ{ see \'• e ,...�, see,"
ACCIDENT —t heifer belonging to
1111'. Goo. t:rotlbolt, of the 10th concee-
sioir of Usborne, head its back broken
while pasturing' iu a field oue night
last week.
The Traastees of our school section,
are going to built' is porch on the north
end of our school house.
Messrs. G. Powell and G. Turnbull,
intend going to Toronto on the 17tu
to take part iu the Odd -fellows
procession in that city.
Permit sue to a k the oar*II the
columns of your paper, if it is legal for
the trustees of a school auction to let a
contract without giving due;.
They are not compelled by law to ad-
vertise for tenders although it is usual-
ly done.
Csetrcie IIAxrrlts.—On Monday last
a depntatiou flow Huron Presbytery
mat the people of the .Bodgorville Pres-
byterian congregation in their church,
to awes train the opinion of the people
upon a proposition to separate from
the Exeter congregation, The meet-
ing rias very fairly attended, and after
a full discussion of the natter, it was
decided almost unaairnouely not to I
sever the existing mime, only seven
voting for sepaa•atiou. The deputation
then proceeded to Exeter and mot
with the congregation there, and a
similar deeisiou was given. So the
question of dividing these charges has
been settled iu the meantime at any
Mr. Parsons has built an addition to
his store, doubling its size, making now
a very fine store.
A. money order office:hes !leen opened
hero for t1lo,convettieliue of those seed -
Me small amounts,
Those farmers who patronized she
cheese factory this year are making a
g0011 tiling. :+3*'
A. very fine private residence, in fact
about the sanest to town, has just been
completed for Mr. Henry Either.
An immense number of ilex workers'
are eonstautly 911 the move attending
to the various t;roeetrlos through which
the flax is prat, The crop is a very
high average ono, and we hopo to see
the friaudii tnakii money.
Gil' rx 'YINC+.—Por the in eopnlavity
of the land 'regulations in the N. V.
for the unpopularity of the r,overninent
in that oonutry, also for the' nitration
the N. P. It universally causing, es-
peeialiy in ittanitobe,, rook at, the re -
eta of tho Selkirk',, (Man.) election
til p y
, "1 5
� ? 1
Beautiful range of SCOTCH TWEED (f orst stock ever show' m in the City) from $1:5
tiV e show an
/ .v terse Stock of =0-7tEr EMITS
Made froth the Latest New York Styles. Priers from $2.
lest Friday. Donald A.. Smith the
former member, with All his money and
prestige, wars badly beaten by Capt.
Seott. a local ti>:an, and a Tory. Those
Wiuuipeg people are bring robbed, but
they don't appear to know it
BusINESS,-21lings are fairly boom-
ing in Crediton notwithstanding trial
the N, P. was to ruin ns in n0 time,
and uotwithsstanding that this too 11
possesses some earnest adva+cates of
the ruination doctrine. We vriature to
assert tint not nearly so lively, good
and safe business was ever Gone in
Crediton as is being done this fall.
Everybody is good natureti. and smil-
ing, and their smile is 'cif that only
nature that speaks of an easy consci-
euge and a good bank F10 150111A.
GOING.—Creditors Sseciety is about
to suffer a severe lose if rumor pro-
ves three. Three of oter most amiable
and best looking )rout.':; ladies are
about to leave for new fields. Miss
Harvey, our laopubat music Teacher,
goes to Prince .:1rtleeves 1.reetl.ilig, -Miss
Schram, Teacher, goes to Winnipeg,
and litiss LI,yotl !,goes to' O haw:a to
tape a poeitit,n •in a Ladies College.
We very much fear the dt:veloprueut
of much melee tcholy or probably a
suicidal mania Among the young tnalo
generation. T.1 a+i 'might have beeue"
will be eonuct.i, over in secrecy.. Ia
might be here stetted for the iitforsua-
tired of your ;gent. readers, that after
°Arafat eugni',,y, this hegira ie net at-
tributable to the effects of the N., P.
Cerec re.--CouI,&1 met en Mnn•T:i:y,
Gth inst., all members present, li,lin-
utes of previous lneetiog read and
eigned. Resolved that' Clerk commuri-
cute with 73iilclulph council regarding
deviatine road. 2nd, that $75 his ex-
peudeel: on 2let oon. pard, J.' Ryan
to nae -eontractori1 of S. L', road. 4th,
Clerk to draft by-law regarding the
different amoitute received. 5th, next
meeting of ci)u1,cil to bo first ;tfiutdey
Ootuber. The following o: dors were
gransed :—Taylor, wcuk on 4t.11 con.,
$5. J. Bing, approach to S. 13., $10;
blank hooks, $4 ; >. 1Vinar, lfoeling
girl during Divot, ;110 ; J. Lynch,
part coatiaett $r70; gravel, $6,80
JT.tvinr ;anrea,nseci the Boot ural fii:o" trade of
W. it Trttt,we ,;air atm Wier to the .Iris cilia;. one n
Best ani Cheapost Stooks
of ready made. work ever offered in Exeter, Wo
roliiri ells,. reuliud thole {u want oa tiret-eltt; e,
1l nta,matie /mots :ruts Shoes, sowed cool a f.. (.d,
tour w•e tiro supply them witu what will give sat-
s ••n `.
1 il._ .t. ill " 1s» C at A{,irCRt rR{CR Ana Pnt, .i i t
u t a,c
zrar a+'tt rd. 1',11 lu 1 r,•o fen yonrdcict:s., 1) le { ma;tjg t the lilac,;—� s Brock.
1.xeier, 1 ol,ruata I0, I6cd.
wxar.,,��vrLL�zx ^_ e;r.�.•vttsu�rrri9dsaaYs
Igravel, $2,60 ; H. Eilber, damage to
horse o0 defective bridge—; relief, $2 ;;
Hodgins, repairing scraper, $1.10 ;
2 scrapers, $13; repaint on advert,*
1.50 ; H. Parsons, work 0, B, $4.50;
['. Treb:)n, repel ing bridge, 50 cents ;,
0. Clark, let S. R. hal s Company roll
with nr.lp, $3; L. lticOormielf, 14tli
eon„ $14 ; relief, $4 ; L. Sttauley,$10;;
A. Alieu , $4,
0. leisure,.
Al viers', Curtis and Seei car, the
British f,trrti delegates, aeeoreptluirld by
r yt 'i 1
A. C to h L .. Ilrtrrizu i u
S ,, , , o Itlliui-
`grant A, not, arrived in \Vingham and
put up at the 13r a;ussvick House Friday
1 might... They were interviewed by sev
t era' prominent Heron fainters, from
whom they derived a great deal of in-
formation. Saturday trlovping they
drove into the township of Turr"nbury,.
I aceompauietl by Mayor W1ls.rn and Dr.
! T'arulyn, Mr. Seeger; exp erred Mies •
`self de11;Irted with the land un Ilurote
The visit of such pract:it;ai molt meet
it result in a great dealof good, tis they
Cat1 give intending r e, nigl•auts to Canada
1•velu:able and corre•atinforrnittioai 00 ter,
Iwhere the best laud is located. and,tl1ee
1)100o per :tore.
On Thursday last a.n aged, ve,ornrire,
named CJaute;iou, residing t )?ttnoeaee.
seroet, Chilton, acrielr,r t,-aep) 0d.
baekwnrdt hitt, a celle•e 1.nd' the,
bottom. Fortunate:fir; 1'<o bones were.?
broken, but she ro,er ajv,e,l, it very esvetsl