Exeter Times., 1908-10-01, Page 3V."
le on equal tern2sto all. Uc rich a
ma 0
bcing denied, turn, • ti
up to bitterest gal
at make all the difference
Yet they -are dein,-
•dren and I
en Iw
0 coutm
Oe usement rn
er, se
.A1)01.1. She reater or
persons a
could be be or ilto
•Bytern of ro
umber o, lidus
fltude than
umber of
N,(414 •
il t.a.1
it11c$ra1jit h 1ing0i and
.tt lfir.Vhl
) know 'of Win n
vcry well that in;
,countries publiepower which
no frce eon ever again supproa
and tha t wiU.h.e ud for the
for ,the vat lna3ority .of 41;
iscountrymen.,' Thcy know
that battIcubip aro guiilatforrn,
and not oril r the vessels o
"Tv...At ••.y
sii• world. Othors apend al
their enelltor&
hopmgsome 'day to have euougt
to purclia.ss such blessings
hov foolish are We all, for tbe
arenot. to bo. Loud.
inuch I 'no''bought witi
• • t 'that inner13elf withou
e e r that whicbis r
r thau.tirne. a
0 ,will 1ivell
.4ove and joy and peacen t
nat es. life, fairand* . e'
fat' for sal countere or -t
Lily store; store; they 1 *n anare not hidden
%ray in strange plaCes, Tbey are
vuits4...the...spirit4 they/spring-it
it, rpenin the hearttofnia '
r', &ii1d zt TrIA • h-
much we all 'need to
s Within lit-
iitiitieg0 • --hlrg •otou
thingan no .
irbeasti-c"Prible for the dirt; let -ti
benco 'it
d deas be counted
I herebe in him .tl
t of .an infinite Iife and 10'
to which he belongs* if he
child of the great spirit; I
him live more and. -more fo.
higher life toward which bia bei
ut.'nds 'est,ve
rt-treivi fruits o the
ore to be desired than
in the world of sceset
onxisted of forty, milliuns
after all •sometbmg other
rtk himseif.o•If he bad lic vvl1
ebe t n
I least known of alt, thth. or
3UL1U3 ser empire,.
ty the r itien isiinalil&to
it would Mr. Sargent to paint
file, like thatof znost
to chin, like the hew a
o cxirittiiut
t .'rhammer an
in Marr3ats-tWf,' e
direct and aliie, under' brow
-04 , extraorlmary powers of
centraton,Aliove- thern the.„
head 1 a /4701.1
tog, belongs
1 ov
d• ownI:;?ViaTtel'i:-.:"--
at a cost Of ,Oiter
ca .-fitted: up
0 leeping.cars, tore.
lt A
s . li-ntOcketilIbirr:rriit'yh.,e7a17:11:14:1.41;
tonne, telephone connection
throughout. The doctor often takes
n on thegine. All the Van- ,
does George Gould. • •
rfude of a
0 a 'yards nufaitly well at an.ta'ihtelt seriou
rectedby an ascension:to aheigbt
of two thousand •.' According to
Mr Beck, tbis medical treatment
sltouIdLbe..zndergonc4ai1y two or
it are speci1ed re:
conifortbly equipped
tidetk belOW'S large cij
What would hkepert if t
veno .. A
. '
t e'aris
• he fruits of din trAcolimation did soinc
ty priies ago, Mr Deck does not soy.
any life - are the
Self.. The
it woe
an set infinitude God born bein
he eternal things spring up within long as we se
/hat You are and I:hat:you rcally the dust, t
have. dependent not -on your 'Or -for hi we
e instances but On the deep sourc- . 9 tfEN,
. .
tiis t!,
t people
they Wren*
main energy out
he beads of the ari
waa liar personage
aorilbw, peti
' Oee, thing about Jum
Ihe number o
is the tribute' to :his
Let usbc eertain'of it
er popular' when Is
Land systems 5y ve
ri4 ,ruthl
d v , you
the street ,,.without
ou, Would be coutPet-
im t,wice..‘„Ilis 'talk
of the unexpected, yet „re-
brases 'which light np a
flasbe ,'01 convent
ng. Ilo is as irrcsist
when tir
ed what was his favorito
replied instantly'And there
ghout• his career tbas. hoi
The bet
the Test evidencet of
spositiOn 'of truth is its
are rst won la
t thing about ei)y evil
‘.!,,thter 1
n, the 'pr.er
7. For his error r. s
The punishment which befell the
unfortunate trzzah, and which
cessailly seems to Uso. extremelv
excessm, " since his motive w
clearly that of preventing in 44Ci;!.*
tit to dent to the uric, must be 'judged
• from' the religious standpoint of the
• m
Liiing a double life is killing toe
hnlf of life with the other. •
The turriatlum of cliaraoter may
1ten involve-Orinfiirric-
*sr never worth thinking mud)
- about *Ito thinks most of hiniself.
The *asingle.10;416 main Chine
ays images the great opportu-
nity. .
The hest Way to titre the -rear ,0
man is-to,,lose-the-Iovi Of tuuntuott.
:There is only one. Way to the
earls of men, it is the way, of your
resolution to 'go'
heip"3zoir much
wroflg trains:
Mettit thin
0, Win
o puthim
to heaven Will)
if -yon. get 'on
to Id up thc
iiIe you're
from the "man
, iaeae
of thbusandsand of hundreds with
t1tofrlirn inider-thern• (l'ehrorn
who had chine .together In the gn-
eMbly called by David.
Iaale-judah --A ,we .learn train 1.
this -*ss but-tvn
me for Itirlathqeitrimi relerred
to Ander that namein I Sam. O. 21
s :the place to which the Philis-
tines sent the ark after their trmt--
experience with' it as Alai
Odd. ,Astbe name her ute.d
totes*,the,place was-- within the
,The .elitruhint,Angelic • atten
ants having; actording to, Old Tes
tatnee• sYtubolistn, tertiiin sacred
clutieS in the courts tA hetvien. Lat.
erthis syinholism. was repleseeted
in the elaborate 'golden cover. o
17. the -coyenant Fiore
'cherubim with lontstreched pro -
g voiters turnionuted this cot
thead Wilitiritt* titoift
er at."
new cart -One not a ye
test for !ordinary put -
"d lus `Coo aries
titiOn. or Moral- trantgre
ious an e
daugex andeven of d• eath toord
8 roken orth u
99 .419991, •
"1 bavo COMe to see'yout sir, on
ity delicate misaien," said the viung
man as he iiit""doVii on the edge
'chair and looked numnfor-
es young men. sometimes will.
•The old gentleman laid down his.
pen And looked cUrious„
you have two beaut-
daughtersr explained the young
he oMgentlenia he tame w
• utuntluit na.,ktve.„:4,
t the
tant UAW,
e land servic
commander in ehief of the navy,
under the 'Secretary of State; has
been Sir 40bn Arbuthnot Fisher. In
at period be has Stainped a deeper
personal impression upon the whole
organization of the 'fleet than ,had
been. left -upon it siuce,Trafalgar by
all .revics First Sea Lordsput to-
gether; -Jusras'eTeetions are wkiriti
'the committee rooms -not in the
ballot boxes -battles are- settled be-
forer they are fought, and they are
decided by the efforts which have
porter effieieney in time of peace.
Von Itoon .4id not command in the
field.„ -but
coaB s e enemy. en e
Viennese, courtiers were Oman
Bismarck to the Emperor Franci
Joseph that, monarch listencd in
silence.," and then said: El -only wish
had him.' In reply to Sir Jobn
Fisher's assailants the Maser migit
say the same,"
orals Who .1114tve a Robby et
Running titomotp'es.
'ate railwayfront h a)
-el-Tin in Alexan rut'
Few people have any idea of the
mount of gambling for bigh stakes
that goes on aboard p,ractleally *11
Abe crack Transatlantic liners.
aundreda, and ,tvert thpusands,
o dollars are not ildrequently lost
or six days' voyage, and nothing is
'heard of the inci.dent. outside the
smokeroom of the .particular
er" in question.
s_aieneral,rult, that is to soot
t and agi.in, as happened on
board the Mauretania res:etlY)
orno victim will "kick," others,
is a_
scenes are
ui Uizah." •
IO Obed-edum, the Gittite-A
tire of Oath, the Philistine city, but
now, * resident in the environs of
Jerusalem; and WC' who had 'been
admitted to•eertain.tivil $414 reli
Jetts privileges' among the Jews.
• it,. Jehovah Messed. Ohed-ede
The' nature et -the blessing is not
indicated, but totobehly if took the
form of health, happiness-
pro'perity,being 'vouchssfed to the
dont in connection with the' Pre
* of the ark irt.;his .homeslead*
David to make,* second and mor
cautious attempt to transfer, thev
second aml more eautious• attempt
to tionsfer: the, sacred shrine! to his
w- eitadel,
13. The ark/op t otaion was
tUe te1i
andfles ,hterviteci
4.fl*ttd before
un 3 ; 7. 9; .provitletithet
:.Jhould e carried .by
Le -
The house of Whither
t. t k had ` b ib:4441. ht thitheten e en
lhie'n op
nt fastened by
Atarapter if
explaine& I
n _You
attentions- t actiz
. I bave been makin
toone of_yoer daughteraX„,
The 'o d gentlernan • s toted
and: the the young tnott eagerly wen
* that:s,J.
ue of tliem
ecl'y interr
should hate to 10
which oneis
with bOtit.4%-
The young man sighcd and't
eti for his
"I thought 300 nxigbt,'
ItVe been very attentir
was. sometimes. in douht my
ing -they'rie but Ligot.
air right until r•propysed. And n-
A-Oxt.-0"44tialt *1.11. MALit_yottidoxi,
know !why+ one ,s,ecepted me;
dont. and 'gat to ,:begusidt*ove
ie future r
er our destiny will be decidedby t
results -of the----reforming,-Attion o
."Nominaily thc' First Sea Lord is
7. Practically, if vital spirits are
my index to-.4initn't real age, he is
the youegtst Admirat in/this-0r any
other service. His great opportun.°
he it .did not tome ,natil bet was over
Then cat** tbcre
offered to him the highest prize
*aloes ambition in time of
The.inistietee,* dru
ire said to have rut from, onk.tr,
with hill.;IttuSks of gold, or thepi,'
*Cretl: alba itt;
rJus OlUeSi
But eitv on,re
take-on tistuto. 1I& c&rted in hin
brain' full . seheme of ' reorganize.'
tion, liefbelioed the training and.
distribution of the navy t� be peril -
%lusty out of date He had **tolled
the,febang from w'cdn wz1J*-
, Yet
ton e. '
11. one and, bin •
heft -lad been no fzndmen
hange ;ince Xe1son time in our
etbod of training officers- for their
Adios' in ourpctlit.ca1-
nd it was dear the the *1
. and death the futi
ot*lit in the North.
tiler *here; , Vet An
Lill ganized as thong
rt would bei,a in the
Is; 0
. a short t
-0 it
by theinterest h e e
Nile daivi at 0„..bUt ‘41 r
ennia y interestedlocornotwcs
bnring ts, • visit to France he
the cab With the driver of
ra *1 o mii
and tok a lnd At the levers; says
The s..liarehioness of TWeeddale
drove - the.7..Jskrot-lotomotiiis: that
.crossed the Forth Bridge,
The Marquess of Downshire Ints
private yailivay at ltilliboroug
hich cost his lorilhbir
The' train- tOrkt41115
eupine and & guard's
sone- of js gue.ts prefer to rk
fle Imost invariably drives. the
-with his own hands and hia
avorite silted is flirty miles.- an
hour. There is 09 speed *limit 04
riiatc raliway Jinc And to _police
'Earl FitzwJ1iamr
--Ectera rczsons or
ne tares to admit that ' - - *----'
h '"plucked," and by a
.•ie., too,
,esitty- s , _ore-- ------
ln tt eneral behav, t it requires a good deal of -
of• being neither wore nor les than
nifitoli swindler.
sides, if tie is driven into a
cornery,.yoUr • tnacal . ocean cn.rd-
r is "aa, ugly customer to
•As a rule, he is one of a
gang f. three, or .more, so that he
not: --
imcs ' There are cases
,on. .reord of men having . been
have - -
in b
6 -;0- the .' ovdi 0 ittY
player *tangs rea earthly chance a
winning, iwheo pitted against these
profesiitrnat gigublers,nisny" of
whom haire ttained to /inch dexter- •
1 p biting eleierk A Pet tett*
kit - **VettialreiF-----L=- --." '
_ ,
• . erponents
aim ,
*h. ViO t
I `tyls to vi '