Exeter Times., 1908-10-01, Page 3V." 9 le on equal tern2sto all. Uc rich a ma 0 bcing denied, turn, • ti up to bitterest gal at make all the difference Yet they -are dein,- ro •dren and I en Iw home, overjh 0 coutm Oe usement rn er, se .A1)01.1. She reater or persons a could be be or ilto •Bytern of ro umber o, lidus fltude than umber of N,(414 • il t.a.1 is it11c$ra1jit h 1ing0i and , .tt lfir.Vhl ) know 'of Win n 40 vcry well that in; ,countries publiepower which -. no frce eon ever again supproa and tha t wiU.h.e ud for the for ,the vat lna3ority .of 41; iscountrymen.,' Thcy know that battIcubip aro guiilatforrn, and not oril r the vessels o "Tv...At ••.y sii• world. Othors apend al their enelltor& hopmgsome 'day to have euougt to purclia.ss such blessings hov foolish are We all, for tbe arenot. to bo. Loud. inuch I 'no''bought witi sc • • t 'that inner13elf withou e e r that whicbis r r thau.tirne. a taliar .THEY ARE TFREE TO ALL 0 ,will 1ivell .4ove and joy and peacen t nat es. life, fairand* . e' fat' for sal countere or -t Lily store; store; they 1 *n anare not hidden %ray in strange plaCes, Tbey are vuits4...the...spirit4 they/spring-it it, rpenin the hearttofnia ' r', &ii1d zt TrIA • h- cw , much we all 'need to -that s Within lit- iitiitieg0 • --hlrg •otou thingan no . irbeasti-c"Prible for the dirt; let -ti benco 'it hilmore d deas be counted I herebe in him .tl - t of .an infinite Iife and 10' to which he belongs* if he child of the great spirit; I him live more and. -more fo. higher life toward which bia bei ut.'nds 'est,ve rt-treivi fruits o the ore to be desired than in the world of sceset onxisted of forty, milliuns after all •sometbmg other .:ithoitofittadhav u rtk himseif.o•If he bad lic vvl1 ebe t n I least known of alt, thth. or 3UL1U3 ser empire,. -John-Fisher shadov;a ty the r itien isiinalil&to it would Mr. Sargent to paint file, like thatof znost to chin, like the hew a batlorileahipt:e7:vst: fh- tax o cxirittiiut t .'rhammer an in Marr3ats-tWf,' e direct and aliie, under' brow -04 , extraorlmary powers of centraton,Aliove- thern the.„ head 1 a /4701.1 tog, belongs 1 ov d• ownI:;?ViaTtel'i:-.:"-- at a cost Of ,Oiter ca .-fitted: up 0 leeping.cars, tore. men lt A s . li-ntOcketilIbirr:rriit'yh.,e7a17:11:14:1.41; tonne, telephone connection throughout. The doctor often takes n on thegine. All the Van- , fics,ThvItyrlitledemor, does George Gould. • • 001-0 rfude of a 0 a 'yards nufaitly well at an.ta'ihtelt seriou rectedby an ascension:to aheigbt of two thousand •.' According to Mr Beck, tbis medical treatment sltouIdLbe..zndergonc4ai1y two or it are speci1ed re: numberoura conifortbly equipped tidetk belOW'S large cij What would hkepert if t veno .. A . ' t e'aris • he fruits of din trAcolimation did soinc , ty priies ago, Mr Deck does not soy. any life - are the Self.. The it woe an set infinitude God born bein he eternal things spring up within long as we se /hat You are and I:hat:you rcally the dust, t have. dependent not -on your 'Or -for hi we e instances but On the deep sourc- . 9 tfEN, . . tiis t!, 'West). t people they Wren* main energy out 0 t he beads of the ari waa liar personage aorilbw, peti ' Oee, thing about Jum Ihe number o is the tribute' to :his Let usbc eertain'of it er popular' when Is Land systems 5y ve ri4 ,ruthl igkszed knowing,-; 0: d v , you the street ,,.without ou, Would be coutPet- im t,wice..‘„Ilis 'talk of the unexpected, yet „re- brases 'which light np a flasbe ,'01 convent ng. Ilo is as irrcsist when tir ed what was his favorito replied instantly'And there --no-mort-oekd ghout• his career tbas. hoi izuewy The bet 1.4tioButmen " the Test evidencet of spositiOn 'of truth is its tories are rst won la t thing about ei)y evil **fulness. ntnbled ‘.!,,thter 1 n, the 'pr.er 7. For his error r. s The punishment which befell the unfortunate trzzah, and which cessailly seems to Uso. extremelv excessm, " since his motive w clearly that of preventing in 44Ci;!.* tit to dent to the uric, must be 'judged • from' the religious standpoint of the a • m Liiing a double life is killing toe hnlf of life with the other. • The turriatlum of cliaraoter may 1ten involve-Orinfiirric- *sr never worth thinking mud) - about *Ito thinks most of hiniself. The *asingle.10;416 main Chine ays images the great opportu- nity. . The hest Way to titre the -rear ,0 man is-to,,lose-the-Iovi Of tuuntuott. :There is only one. Way to the earls of men, it is the way, of your resolution to 'go' heip"3zoir much wroflg trains: Mettit thin in_dOwn_wi 0, Win o puthim to heaven Will) if -yon. get 'on to Id up thc iiIe you're Lry- from the "man , iaeae et53 t________ of thbusandsand of hundreds with t1tofrlirn inider-thern• (l'ehrorn who had chine .together In the gn- eral eMbly called by David. Iaale-judah --A ,we .learn train 1. this -*ss but-tvn me for Itirlathqeitrimi relerred to Ander that namein I Sam. O. 21 s :the place to which the Philis- tines sent the ark after their trmt-- blesonr experience with' it as Alai - Odd. ,Astbe name her ute.d totes*,the,place was-- within the ,The .elitruhint,Angelic • atten ants having; actording to, Old Tes tatnee• sYtubolistn, tertiiin sacred clutieS in the courts tA hetvien. Lat. erthis syinholism. was repleseeted in the elaborate 'golden cover. o 17. the -coyenant Fiore 'cherubim with lontstreched pro - g voiters turnionuted this cot thead Wilitiritt* titoift er at." new cart -One not a ye test for !ordinary put - "d lus `Coo aries titiOn. or Moral- trantgre in7130--;. - ious an e daugex andeven of d• eath toord 8 roken orth u den---auipumsbnxeuti.-- 99 .419991, • BEQUIRED ASSISTANCE. "1 bavo COMe to see'yout sir, on ity delicate misaien," said the viung ° man as he iiit""doVii on the edge 'chair and looked numnfor- es young men. sometimes will. •The old gentleman laid down his. pen And looked cUrious„ "WhatisUr' you have two beaut- tul daughtersr explained the young d he oMgentlenia he tame w • utuntluit na.,ktve.„:4, t the tant UAW, haracter e land servic commander in ehief of the navy, under the 'Secretary of State; has been Sir 40bn Arbuthnot Fisher. In at period be has Stainped a deeper personal impression upon the whole organization of the 'fleet than ,had been. left -upon it siuce,Trafalgar by all .revics First Sea Lordsput to- gether; -Jusras'eTeetions are wkiriti 'the committee rooms -not in the ballot boxes -battles are- settled be- forer they are fought, and they are decided by the efforts which have porter effieieney in time of peace. Von Itoon .4id not command in the field.„ -but VOMIA, W coaB s e enemy. en e Viennese, courtiers were Oman Bismarck to the Emperor Franci Joseph that, monarch listencd in silence.," and then said: El -only wish had him.' In reply to Sir Jobn Fisher's assailants the Maser migit say the same," NOTtl) ,ENOINE OftiVERS. orals Who .1114tve a Robby et Running titomotp'es. oflrg 'ate railwayfront h a) -el-Tin in Alexan rut' Few people have any idea of the mount of gambling for bigh stakes that goes on aboard p,ractleally *11 Abe crack Transatlantic liners. aundreda, and ,tvert thpusands, o dollars are not ildrequently lost or six days' voyage, and nothing is 'heard of the inci.dent. outside the smokeroom of the .particular er" in question. s_aieneral,rult, that is to soot t and agi.in, as happened on board the Mauretania res:etlY) orno victim will "kick," others, is a_ scenes are ui Uizah." • IO Obed-edum, the Gittite-A tire of Oath, the Philistine city, but now, * resident in the environs of Jerusalem; and WC' who had 'been admitted to•eertain.tivil $414 reli Jetts privileges' among the Jews. • it,. Jehovah Messed. Ohed-ede The' nature et -the blessing is not indicated, but totobehly if took the form of health, happiness- pro'perity,being 'vouchssfed to the dont in connection with the' Pre * of the ark irt.;his .homeslead* David to make,* second and mor cautious attempt to transfer, thev second aml more eautious• attempt to tionsfer: the, sacred shrine! to his w- eitadel, 13. The ark/op t otaion was driven tUe te1i andfles ,hterviteci 4.fl*ttd before fen-fidlall un 3 ; 7. 9; .provitletithet :.Jhould e carried .by Le - The house of Whither t. t k had ` b ib:4441. ht thitheten e en ng lhie'n op nt fastened by Atarapter if explaine& I n _You attentions- t actiz . I bave been makin toone of_yoer daughteraX„, presume The 'o d gentlernan • s toted and: the the young tnott eagerly wen * that:s,J. ue of tliem ecl'y interr should hate to 10 which oneis ainly with bOtit.4%- The young man sighcd and't eti for his "I thought 300 nxigbt,' ItVe been very attentir was. sometimes. in douht my ing -they'rie but Ligot. air right until r•propysed. And n- A-Oxt.-0"44tialt *1.11. MALit_yottidoxi, know !why+ one ,s,ecepted me; dont. and 'gat to ,:begusidt*ove •4 again.' fightr-4nIr-oava ie future r er our destiny will be decidedby t results -of the----reforming,-Attion o ."Nominaily thc' First Sea Lord is 7. Practically, if vital spirits are my index to-.4initn't real age, he is the youegtst Admirat in/this-0r any other service. His great opportun.° he it .did not tome ,natil bet was over Then cat** tbcre offered to him the highest prize *aloes ambition in time of TEE MIt32LLTOE. The.inistietee,* dru ire said to have rut from, onk.tr, with hill.;IttuSks of gold, or thepi,' *Cretl: alba itt; rJus OlUeSi 1 But eitv on,re take-on tistuto. 1I& c&rted in hin brain' full . seheme of ' reorganize.' tion, liefbelioed the training and. distribution of the navy t� be peril - %lusty out of date He had **tolled the,febang from w'cdn wz1J*- , Yet ton e. ' 11. one and, bin • heft -lad been no fzndmen hange ;ince Xe1son time in our etbod of training officers- for their -.4e640q;-:There Adios' in ourpctlit.ca1- nd it was dear the the *1 . and death the futi ot*lit in the North. tiler *here; , Vet An Lill ganized as thong rt would bei,a in the b Is; 0 ig ,t-1g4-trf generally course,onlyroya . a short t -6ilit*fit- -0 it by theinterest h e e Nile daivi at 0„..bUt ‘41 r ennia y interestedlocornotwcs bnring ts, • visit to France he the cab With the driver of ra *1 o mii and tok a lnd At the levers; says Loudon The s..liarehioness of TWeeddale drove - the.7..Jskrot-lotomotiiis: that .crossed the Forth Bridge, The Marquess of Downshire Ints private yailivay at ltilliboroug hich cost his lorilhbir The' train- tOrkt41115 eupine and & guard's sone- of js gue.ts prefer to rk fle Imost invariably drives. the -with his own hands and hia avorite silted is flirty miles.- an hour. There is 09 speed *limit 04 riiatc raliway Jinc And to _police 'Earl FitzwJ1iamr --Ectera rczsons or ne tares to admit that ' - - *----' he h '"plucked," and by a .•ie., too, --- ,esitty- s , _ore-- ------ ln tt eneral behav, t it requires a good deal of - of• being neither wore nor les than nifitoli swindler. sides, if tie is driven into a cornery,.yoUr • tnacal . ocean cn.rd- r is "aa, ugly customer to •As a rule, he is one of a gang f. three, or .more, so that he not: -- imcs ' There are cases ,on. .reord of men having . been have - - in b 6 -;0- the .' ovdi 0 ittY player *tangs rea earthly chance a winning, iwheo pitted against these profesiitrnat gigublers,nisny" of whom haire ttained to /inch dexter- • 1 p biting eleierk A Pet tett* kit - **VettialreiF-----L=- --." ' _ , • . erponents aim , *h. ViO t ti flopn I `tyls to vi '