Exeter Times., 1908-10-01, Page 2to impr�vc their cond o o e the rapkl growi tliem c*re Inoul ft ei, '"'it of* dcor,and wasthi ,(evx sornewhat deeply. wake aro to him, and spoke in * lo to that Olivo could -not hoal seognizei Mr. 1eIman, severatoccasions bee instrumontal in -Wies !nt one!; you. havo really ery greatAtte tain you any 101 noving one f o8t in conifortabl orally ,moult than thoe, wide sheds o in t inoull L4ngs, more importanttha “Pultef proof, unless it its ed. but it is o IOElUtifll ortre s,tridge sat pit• Vfor aitinm • „g it wore tonvath* sic*" smile, Was , unexpectedly up awn to*or ot,11-°114.er 4)31 rive t erecl bar I 1$°-.41morfvAtrtt, of 4it'S t newhere, as Olive begii_3,,t7oii;.rliLL: e your Only, be blgb (seante o Dv to� earl' ovum 6 Phipps? Victor Ketman, with * chuckle. It :woad havo come out chesper.."4-,_. "What was the originat anns due to our nephewt"..asked Olive. 4'1don't see that it matters but it was twenty thOotand pounds, -entieillof ita-ft he added. -Olive-glanced at Martini -as, it for some suggestion., ",X think ask for half," she aid. torly Impala lei.* Sax.drIfipps ticidid7tote.4.- We invoke the iddspr*to game for sPerate s 'and sec whatd you've *6 Oing‘ ler° not likelyto cc me a it the y.i110.1tr6 %tot old fi mine nnd or Martin ' dieter back, and Vietor Kelznan, * little less confiden 1 tban usual, -Walked across* Olive was seated. She Iookod at him steadily, and for a moment s .ett tell; then he laughed and ehruggcd hits,shoulders, and 'apoke. '11/ dear Olive -1 haven't used ou well, asia4"-ire *hate a out with foot --agailX,. and looked down at it, and then up at het tand rm, sot You're tho mots wonderfOl ivoMan. ..ever met, or V1 t ,teU re ,eryirau -hearted loWlslititUldit* eather iich are dropping out have a ten. enoy to aecumulate in the%corner of the houses, and to form a haven for inseaet, vermin ; but it does not great time to sweep them coital rt them 11 these o ,wo 0 eurlously4rosed taken. to ep the bout am 11. other; ve.rrulul and these may include limo twine with liyallg and perches, use of air -slaked liineupon T..717%T: Va Fortbis was to bo th-l*st 'without their knovin presently to.,,via out ,(,,;$ n, %nth smiles and promh was 110,,."Or to *et them.,_ agaii wou Itve this! ut a 'DAUM lit'lrg ottir-Makers should he , hot. then only on two occasions, write B. W. Narreaard in the .Londo, Daily 04114 .bave they vzsited St sburg,. and thcn 041 the opening of thc"fir urna-antFattheconsecratiouof and'r 11. on tlio t where ask a botttc of dissinLt,:t for licer, and et m4)1 Lord unrav; en has given to Lirnerick to th3tablish two shi t fiat training:1u 2', it, Baltic 1' ay bait an :hour bytrain from St. eterob‘frg; heautiftilly kept parka 13 with mignifieent 01 ,tree and gorgeous ,shrn114 ;with daint 'w it '-avilioterand work sculptureof .and eantifut terrace anci oiss 0 epaiac " a great lake with richly woo horc and a :xf,x0S picturesque littk lcd „440 ,Oreelt tomP*104, g1ams:oul &rattly. **on a stately- on tion talian renaissance style, built b Catherine U. It it,, however, used on state, oaeationt,_at officia tanners or banquets. The impel!" t 6-143144%° ats liall d. 4;0etes be to his ervad*'roo:GlitallnliinuoutP4celievelloan'itifhltmegein ad c* forwarded from Bue Argenti esulting in 'considerable' kas took lace recently in the drap- ery es of Messrs. aawks an Co., in Main street, • 1303-1e. Mr. Alfred Ansell's jewellery. shop, 'Donegal Place, Belfast, wait obbed of several , thousand pounds' .r 11-. by exploding a mine uncter he clining room at- he Winter -or* <tort to h *served leapt 0U- hly potted on ,the secrete per- .family as a rule live at a 'mai hand' and went forward l to nieet the girl. "It's 111: right* Lucy," ebe odd, "why do you 1(iOk SO frightened *ontre not afraid of nle-areyou 1" • 4A0! coure_no said the, It -was only he. Cans ing their "business. ' • re -water bent in butter are: temperature oE churnirrg, thickness ot cream, *Mount, of • cream, churned at a, time, -condition of -churning n • working. of 06 iSiXt „Under zornial conditions a thick cream wilt give a l*ighr rent. of over -run than a thin cream. The ferent fir*. Of g 0 ii than hi the other,' , „. xuorc. • f"Three thousand pm *(.1 -and si- lence_ on.both_sidesr itsked "Silence._ '4• tcr • 'Phi p' eagerly. .." it a bsrgain tiki 44 71 : WW1 AAA „eyes , that there would be nodelay, TW cittestion..6f comprotnile.'Indee, Ifartin. ;Made 'eyrie.* sago 0 ,whieh was at firat bitted* resent, mrcustiristance IS ill t ;yu1n *n4 abo eense out .being a. bet- ir-abnut giving up titis, o or; lieeastseyou - beiieva , • d I should unless u 1ike*of course) v you to hake :kind • n her feet in a mo n hhands held out to hint,. IIe eaught tern in 'he, ana for moment looked into her eyes ;--an there wogs no smile Qrtilltitt fate then {-turn *way- Oitt,.*--worit!- lit rt. , 0.nod awung on his bat with the fah, and was gone, In 'shill see, You to -mo. Mirtio, as Olive nove'mnnt $0,,sclue fewr like t� ell him '1 would•like 'to tell. need never-he-Orald-of future *id 'Lucy slow 41'llot that, he *skid Lk e him best. of Ou -4 4 +40---nla W041Cyou lin 7 on sista-Olive, ritios s been ound:het„mon 'hn*iftgfr wilt 7-6c-ait'eiit bit tI orie-thira fulls T110ra smaller palace nailed the Alexan- - : - -In.lifeiy-the4ourtineve -Peter- hof, on the Finnish Bay, and stays there till autumn. }fere 44w -there are vast*int gniOoent parket extend- ing the whole way -OraluenbaUra, tight opposite OrOMt TE PALACE 0 st I rge , e on. 1:low r luncheon t 13ne being informaln by the r THE toltr170504: findingat Thm e table laid IR 0. lit e 'Oran "Next tim uches rooib'lunch dinnerAfter h say good night and the Czar .gene ally plays billiards, of which -hts is very ;fond or tbero xr-ttrositriot whichhvis- ondcr* being•hintself a skilled and ubiin during tile lastruafl *id wee ustutil onttne' Bon. . the .,third 'Earl of 'Enn, Cole was it 046 tini the Hackney Society.• four boys who es : frorn the Malone.: ' Belfast, two were, recaptured in fwld ne&x-thecitY. They.liatl ,sp ;under „: - atli is announced ztote, of. Sir 'Eyre , Who'was,bornAt Mnkstowif cast 04.,,,Cor' MO, and-- who, for vcars rulcd the, Lention Fire• practical ,test :estatiliShin n fiurs for the unemployed tittr, Pa _ th� week in Belfast hid tv:.4,5-0911..t,".1) toe,„•191'...t ie 1 1 • 0140 the sut co _ "Illtere- '‘.thepDair ' ational, ale than those o Vcraailleen -t-tv -a or. eauty and e ore than-rxval theni: In a corner of the park right on t 6 ssoreo e.sea, s e te7r c- -bind ma • sentinels and mounted T66t.„VP, CeS 12141IAtedg not ninth bigger than the average dwolling Isonto-tif- air ordin- ary landed proprietor. 'Tbo 1 ,of these is ittbabifted by the iniperi-al faniily. Theseoond at he -tmlbresa- ly not ver r.orn ?!.ttaliti* place - that , often :done by' fai ueky-that !or of the butter i - gain,r lured and cannot 111 and fa, treatratn that emtro.xs 'very ,1.1 1* ready *n-ct- waiting for him 1: world ght. RunAtolt44fort____ 41.41diet n 'waiting would youti el I was. excited hem l• ;the thrust the girt away, and ked her as abe raced off'to' 6 or witerf, euelittml u want whit kind of man, ot,.,1001r. at bit ed. trops.. ;nuilter.how . ,-ina'fbrat himself UP) • 1 talk louder and * 'gra* he:Can., inan 'to -morrows o be done,ryou. kn Pent, and two b * great iva won - 4 so ,that it may serve as an abode or Op imperial family; It was tilt used wbot attior4 of the imperial children, h offering - from ineasies the . target esitlenc- had to bo disinfected and rePtafect---- timo move ily ecovirea their y her AO char/bed 4.6,441 ear Is/ year now :lone or the of the irls nlssda feeling ill, isly called for, and sought br don't feed id Ily told the new, It is Oueetttarted ed nut into he r 1141 tiptl of it fed on yo To be Continucd.) cent. o! its cost, a - food aloe, - There ever the prored to be zuch a wonderful 414, restoring //, have been ow told that the sego . the igh curs ports 'aro . •slice - 0611. 1Cornstroffy Comanmder of ,the GuaillTsn-a-i—tu ---Utortg s titants • rill offit , .*. -,-- plaY9,t-AT- tennis Aso He taloa great interest in Motoring; and nearly every day pesoot for *,, drive with Prince Orloff, who is an expert cbauffeur, at the wheel, ITe I autuinn cruise irz' the Vinish of ,u -34.0**0a the hildren, Fkieular looking forward full of .ncerel expertt, le to lea wholly)ut(luor life, -e' bit* .about the% t 3 srt ee-tts4teing-t1 U OU 0 ms,jor t he. Only rtets::: -ttropolis had a fat different look sir the revealcr of the habits and, , of the English people. One not'_./0,01c for evidenees they , were -brutally ji and brutally ohtrusivc. niun -tunduliwoman and shameless in her drunkenaci as the common London Man. The saddest sight,' in alt this blow°, ‘stirely is A woman reeling st, the bar of some public house, Inutally with & ViSkir.iit her bread. this _thaltip.tu:ett;d.ttelinie_reith.to 1ms 13:11*-1i"Langeriiiiteidatti- way* ape lob The thildren "' they It' revealing rd signs of tiler ar i seen i.ts* ative ab ice of that whieli ; year' ..paluttilly 'citreinort,,,,-the C9c r in' his en alt handl. on , ars th� * 6 4101!i* ,