Exeter Times., 1908-09-24, Page 7ougl the tree*. t th back.
ter .andtPUrU*
the horse
joen uceced
hap-- there aiway
e in Fix your. ti
t to others, the1
\T0Uld but
though thii
lovo \:it11• I
of. Ilis
orka,, ho
he orb,
Lrarncar on
which killed se-'
Eoniewhat seakei
the tranicar
us ;we.' *Proj
114,0 Urtde
deadly wire* .an
a 0)40640 au
aith in Uod is $
$ 1* 1
he 1. A fatherIL,'evei
eicvery'bigh thought'
but tbe faint, fat off e1ecton
is t 0.."tv044 C40;!.
good and
frequcntly truck by
'110Vtof buildin
•1 Lirn.AJ
are leastlik
Walis or ceilinga ma
rao .
i)ig may subside ar
you area lot itentiieL
, „
.lere n d hi
ncre ofthe ve te ral ladies who tna
rtg in 1tho house make ai
xpedition to 1,40 ate** an
It y yard to feed and intervie
ik favorite doga,,,horses and pout
iy of the establishine
tftoruoon 4 drive is arranged,
of thinkin
tic., It lia
Lo prove the o St( o
Y establis 'too tho utter bac
-of- man and the moralcharact
the universc It has relcgated
to sortie far off how
world to tho tonder mercies o
in- the devil tban they
; they -tbink of the
ving been . made le
SI evil 'a, TIO'nd ha00 4.i.v )
in niaking it whol-
for 2,000
404hall grown, - Itwas
:Btai, 00 '•!vorY' An 0
hants* Art)ldi i , e
r '4 '
shot,11- which were
way adrfor
others1 on 0 0
is a tusl..for hall an
roLled oti its back ad its feet
with,mthe horte84:'010.04,„ It was tben
fastened to 'a -tree, 'art„ the next
44, driven. in,to tamp.',..A ter a..day
.9!„..tr':.6 itfiee*Ve.,.-0..,.,4,e0e.thatits.
ttekatioaa wore,rathet a nuisance,
'ts' it tried to treatt'on the hunters?
helPed...itself,to all the avail"
*hie loOti; and would put IV trunk'
*tato the cooking pots' and take out
'WOO tlqi0Ki; "liWile it would
Y lone
at ervanta' liveries h v
ld world appearance and are
rent in cut to those seen ehewh
t*e'Oents are scarlet, made in
awallowtail style, witli dark
• braicL hitunue
humanitydopr&vity of you
cc in thc omrnoi Nieptaia of the
logians. We readinto our out
the, colors of the world wi
he heart turning' over lingo
°cling over...real...and fancied
out and the fair scene
nged to gloom; -the cloud o
-n rostsover all. 4
•Yet it would be hard to do a
t have gold itock8; and white sa-
tin breechcB and: white silk tck-
ingatoMpletetheir atately cosuuze
II the royal men servants are o e
ix feet -in beight. -.
The Queen. ist an indefatigable le
tel. writer, - She'll** been known to
daywith her own &nd
st-rittiellye,' herlady-in"7-wiltt.;in
often would get through a, hundred,
all written uneder the queen,* per-
, ItuPetvillen"-- - gneerr,Ale.tan-,
Darter, ii ereain.colore
and rather rough, ,'W% thc royal
d and
• -During the- liooting seaon the
Quien stirldric re -it
• ."'W117.p—M. too am' rien s, an
tottliptirraie labelled "With the
Queen's coreplintents," At V.hriat-
tot time she often prefent* her in-
• iates ;with a signed photegrapli
tido, it * keen photographer
photographs onto aiitta.
se94 ONO comes to h
faith and high livingme
, . ,,
women' who ver that
g0041100 72A, ',' greater . the 24104
that-loveupt,..14tettek their. ate . that
'-„iiniveraix.„ia..33Oti..tia de
UN but to makwue make us
'after the pattern: of ittilinite ,
"hathwbjch open
without measure!'
• 15.1 e
ordt, sirnply two' for
se toonirstost
"man" are is
between the debasement of all man-
kind enr1 th0 '.0:14144100 of $13ii
of —
10. te
hitv*Iii on, of
alwsys majest,ic and -1
s for
On the record day went e-
bants-vrere shot it nne
aeeonnted r eighteen of the twe
*lido*, These' two elephants
iteedily became docilet and now
tlat all the captives'are n
e n *
denunciation -in 2 As pr
balify origiu*lly lclongingheti-EN-Ave
..have seitentthe cornplete number;
each one being -the abstract of what
was ,Lprobably extended. -oration,
(cOmpare !Owe*denunciation in
Matt. 23. The first
inot graph* lithd4Avue(vers
This is ..annect drunkard
and their neglect
sluts.- -The qkther sjna:refoi
ore .veriout, but behind the
e, backgrourid.,of avarice;
ge,, and drunkenness. ,
Early in the Tmornirt
tit, it of alavery to drink. Tho
morning brings no remorse for the
dissipations of the night - Peter
inking ar1y in ke clay (Acts 2.
1004 rather than mortitler
connection with ,the heathen rites it
often.an• motsil-meaning.-The
sacred isolation of ,Jehovah auctitis
trong. drink. -A infxd liqu,
COMP° tett of the fermert ted uiee
, of 'several fruiti -, sua often wit
spiees added to .0ve it inerea
. .
.. ' ft, .
From the juice of
Melo e
.The t is Wult in ,thiA
e. Thc kilo* it --of the he of
c r -he dsstruotion,
by &ka forpasture.
la. Draw iniquity with cords of
Iseliood,--Profeitso 4.'A. Smith
translates this 4tdraw unishment
hear with cord* of 'vanity'," and,
Nays: •"Thi tt figure of sinners jeer-
ing At the: OProltill of i eiclaPit,
,-whil0 they -actually' wear ther-
-nest- of iturcerriegit is striking.
la: That-stsbrizteekleaf.
tovali, soma respect for his purp
The ractieaI, skepticism' of dim..
lute offeri is denouncedhere.
ourtft "woe,", pronou
, evil
a 'Won
He wu looking, at thishe
other day when le
iwhorn he had giii110-- -411
rodueed his own rich
waled gold watch
oPejte alkeeePt it in exchange for
the much *mu timepiece,, **hirable
%aid he should regartras a price-
possession, The Pope gently
declined. "It was a present from
my dear mother," he sairl "1 Was
r -1/40
keep it until it was *
beyond ,repair. It Mutt b
id etch, for it has "leiter &iota
e y
depend0 I
assurance, „however, haken
by the. driver and fire
the morn
ess thate
ope minute and go
an tin in
c 0
h yuig. to
o'clock iirthe m
•sarnenotlier train wit
'n way74
Y similar raina h;
sorry for ey ray ever
.thing 1140 it .14. nice
to know th eaou for tbinfe But
the hurry ern. Civi
sem* to 'be the only thiug.furwhia
no reason, 0406.
Let us, 'therefore; mee I
tha for_soMe
awe itI5 ncccary, that wepu
work fast, walk fat-, talk fast, ea
feat, live •. fast and - die, fast.
tentoriau .411i out in
r onl-o'rr-'4"-a."7iru
the vojee of progress. And if u
stop to expottulate progres
,down comes the electric, and on.
she agi
The 00bor. was st,artled and4
out of the room.
stick h
wornan and the snakeshad va
uci he asked ftc
or her rags,. sb
akes - out o
kS: shouldwanliko this :ticit0,0110001y hoursdaibeig
o night, when they oughttobe
tjuie. to go to
What a dening thought'
we ago sensation-
al news was
*bled that the.itaur
tania had en 'hy one minutth
sitAnia .1% :heit re0Ord rO1r. the 1041
not,i ' :dieting i; 'ecn 're
de ed with a a erns' of rejoicing,
but,.priiately, - I am . not without
our !tgivirtgs,- that3hie saving' of minute-
-S-V;i:fti1'nti0-7,AtItti-e-a-i:S:ngers--TifiSt '
alive, ,*:Otte Of these day* the boat-
safety ,that hi to be found' in. the
oilt by 4' loud „hap
ing is - n art
every giri °1414.fhoine t1141
:Auly, The housekeeper
st be
bre to handle' the nioney earned
by the bread -winner, practising the
itt rt; ve41:41. e. 1141 th rWal rel sag a: If
110 catering, - thing,
ironing,- and alI other.forms of
,houstework, S11t3 may wt have to
°kin xtt houte-
ppo regard. it as
• e ithers:bold ft the
tore in life. Both..
day a,rs, 111t;
to -get cin, affixtd himself' to the
,he lumped, off* *
moto ran over him Ire was- 1
hurry. So was the motor.
rence it ..that the passion for speed
een rrand 'boys have caught it
They 00 101564, as 01 old time, taki
'frcqnent to-Acting-their--.-
...-Li&It.-.4 411,,-..tieiLin:..the
0 ' ,
gettingre quick,'
on rtanee 0
iv he mi h
haveAi l 4 *.grownt btboy
o . up to be a lit -a‘. on the
hostler and m
h- Iwne't , ex.behiweitan_irits.„..„: trte:ty
.were 17,000
oarth. I estimate that the a4vanco
Ijijjj&tiofl and progress now
increased -the --llore to 52,000. St
titics prove that 1,,7 1
yell _J.:1par „ throulh ,-awailowin
things414 •n p 0
e t a'teeth.
rn London alone ther are
1°44 as pin*,
per7PM$ - oentirely es1
cidents se alnzt
y of the pnpulsee to ,ge
quick. iwea
iositonros,other b.re,res
tramcars 4011 pareel 1 go dashing a.lvnghiciiiran
rightad eft, cut
i 'off _ legs.
with v NIL
other da;
¥uicand dineing
the fri1stng. and
iei testi'1 ,
eligious in rung, il
degraded, though
h *till formally honnred
' hem. Ontae the wfrkedn
ore intinte trefimpare 1 Cor.
mind from
vet h by Asa
nally to tilt
•t iente. ,
nter undetected tJid
ji their own eyea-----T s
a the ,fifth woe;
self-tatisfaction in the
Hong and perscnaI
er called Piet .. forth,Aonttiohli14"11,41.1of
to ,Was faith inlehovah*
Mighty to drink wine The
of • All
,. tflr 5I1uUI&
Ite,U01' .4 -do„ 4. .. friuk
'..knowlodge. ,that cbrthin
0114 and that comfort and Itoincit4...
c . ' *raft the return of the, *age,:
r.' -.7 orn'Iuri
tousckeepe dot
thou hese wero rominon
thunder" -the, way thing* do to e
u ntlalay, according to.
-L13ut it is
a-pleaaure to le&rn,
h ia World that there
been .* „change in Mandalay fo
ear,- That iutbority acJmit
the Burman - that is th. emanel-
psted and comparatively well to d
fIrMirt who an afford to think
about his apparel -has taken it
t.1 But -her stilt shiee
at he u he-inapp
atenus in his limateEuropezu
.A few yeari thing at eloOttii %ruin smtinr:o
men drooled in al
,o-Lcative .tvetttinsil
of utott„ delicately lleautifu
shsles atncl f tliei most gorgeous
digured by * pair of
the bggest, biackets, dullest boot
stoekins, always- down!
npin the ankles. But.happily the
Wed „boot of
own, zhaprly, thinga in brown
4 white bcokin, .which
very w�ll with native elothes,
tvi they, wear finely.' knit, *ppm-
- tely tolored -stockings kept' in
PI sutiPenderg.
neglect her
ionaJ appearance. She must be
WOO 'neat and I.dy
Switzerland is suffering from a,
p1agtte.of which are .killin
the • h in th lake* and.rirersby
houtands; - In the'iupper -tours* o
he %thine,' in the Aar, the Lakes of
the sejri
itiot s toir"0'$vt:ataitothetudoe:i., yot., higocus: nide
ot dead sh are-2-fi'v9earter
in gathering the
het :Sore* e ad 3
'Of I.