The Exeter Times, 1880-9-16, Page 44
The Mo!sons Dank
I &Corwortt'R171) DS" AOT 08, PAAGtA'.)ILx;r, 1633,
Crtpttitt, $2,000,000.
Tntigks WoutosAN, Esti, i'rcatt7ent
Don D T, e,phetsun, .It W Shepherd,
H A Nelson, hl 11 N, F1 H 1,1wing,
Aiites Williams,
WV.11.114P5.11,1)).1,'73) 0,1'111ttt,wo.,
alts b'1,rAo r t1.tq 'IC t t t) r Ifuttre G, '1
X. d1.Ar) t, 1 .y:, T,t44,:11.;ar..
Exeter Brani,li..,
11b;:+FTL) C,. 11111:'4 F11 _ I1i<1.NAGllie.
LOANS 1,NS T() PA.1w1T1'1iri,
Aleueyatgeq1(rdtolt111'rttOtlerl )terms,°nth/tir
tetv.t proateraory 3(.t,. with one or more good. ext-
ti.irsers. N) nit) t,;.,gi,+r aittiretl as eeaulitly.
SANINOS DANE.' 11''•'1=:11tT511:N1=
Tatat73311.1Mtive,i 11n deonsrta.
Draft; nn'United 4',,),111ltSter1-
itl xettWn te , 1 31 3teld,
r y,i etions tut 1 11 p ): f4 of the Dominion
ar31 , u: p1 11 c: l tat„lur trate' of
en 111
Exeter Alg3(,t ,. -i 11, 1 r. G-111
THIS JL7 limta)yRHLlo&na,! c3(P
Mvert]tle34 Bureau (10 Spruce
Street), where advl'r F
tisitln' eouttal to may 1a,9 .'7,.
be Made Sus it to dEJ aa. te-
"7 -
Toe libel stmt between be. Yartlon,of
Galt, and Mr. Peter Criib, of the Nor -
period of allrplusee, which clllaracter•
ized the Darty years of Coufodoration,
when the Conservative party was, as
it is now, in office,
To ala'* Editor uP the Exeter Zitltcv,
DtAra 111(,-1 sec by last week's
papers that 1i:.tyileld has eftrr:ed their
railroad boons with brat one desetiting,
vote, anti it seams from the opiniotte
expressed by some of the dress that it
will carry la the townships. Sea.
forth is also to the front agitating for a
branch from Seaforth to l.irueefield,
and Lune expects a branch from the
Groat 1lresteru,its also doss Ailsa Crain.
It will tiros be seen that all the villages
around aro moving in their interests,
and I thitlk it is about time that Exeter
hied something to say in regal d to
railway oomwuuicatioil ('lien we con -
eider the way iu shish we have been
blocked other years for want of moo-
luodation. Nu -doubt the railway corn -
pant/ do the bast they can, but no One
railroad is sufficient fur Exeter, and it
hours roost decidedly that something,
(mist be wrung or we should be moving
ill the matter, its I think that when the
deputation met Mr. Hickson, of the G.
T. Railway Met winter he crave them
every eueuura.,enleet possible a'3 far as
he could, tht•ugh at the time he
elaid the Company could not possibly
take hold of it as there was so mans
eollewe3 ahead, but he said he wished
wick i. rtaatt',is to be tried 3(t the Assizes it to be distinctly tuxleratooli 111(11 the
to be held in Guelph this week. The (,and Tluuk l;ttilnay Commute, was
d emagea are laid at $3,1320.
Tit;, el€etiou t.1 Maultuba on FiidAy
last resulted in favor of shpt. ucott,tbe
0 nservative candidate by a large ma.
jerity: predictions of the Grit press to
the contrary notwithstanding.
A. Rant diepateh says alt three South
t!metiCat1 Powers at war ou the Pwifie
i mast barn accepted the offer of the
United' States to metliate between
}last as aexioue as Exeter to leave corn.
tl)ilnlaatitln \1'111) so important a 1)111(10
as Exeter, and as 80.)11 1113 they Doubt
see their wily clear to :lake held of the
matter, if the tatlnialpalitio:s luterested
would move t11entsiilves, they would be
glad to do so. At that tune eteel rain;
being.. high anct other schemes eater -
ed ou, tbey could. not eee their way
clear but probably before a year or even
six menthe had passed their might be
a change. Nue., 1 think part of the
cheese has e,aino to pees, as I believe
1]11:11. the rails have beotene a good deal
cheaper, and what is witch more ha -
The Lucian Enterprise atatOS that peanut, our leading men are becomin,e
more euterprisiug, its when the rail
the t:.'ar ul the G. R. aittboritiea
way was lir.t mentioned to thein last
to buil( th(r Loop .!line for $18,000, to ,rl 1101' they allua:it hooted at the pro
connect o 1h the i1,, H.& 13, branch, iota as Eseter,11Si1 every eutcrpri5a'
prove sEetiefactar•y to the villagers: elle needed. But 1 bee a change Dills(
It is expected the town will give $10,- have come over their dreams, as wit.
0e0 and 1110 nucn�llit) :k 5,000, nese their interest and 1ibert:lity iu re.
gal d to our free fair advertised for lace
tvr', k, which, :,Ir. Editor, is surely t
1'lnsr came the loan of ti 4,000,000 good sign. The Cance of their liberal
Cef 1)'rench capital, to the Lsevernnllel,t ity might be because La ntrad g.'r call!.
r. ren E$
One day last week as Sarah Jane
Oonery, who is employed at Mr. Fran-
cis Olegg's, near Sunshine, was in the
not of removing a tin boiler full of boil-
ing water from the stove, one of the
handles gave way, and the contents of
the .boiler tisane dashing upon the feat
of the unfortunate lady, soalciing them
frotn the knees to the soles of the feet
in a meet shoolung !!tanner, 11liss Oon-
5.7 being all aloes iu the house,
sareamett in 50 mailable voice, which
aught the ear of Mrs, it lellons, a
neighbor, who came in haste to her as-
eistauco, but may in time to behold
the painful aenditiou of the unfortunate
MI6, who, but for her unparalleled
presence of mind, wuuad have fallen a
viClinl to the boiling water, Mies (eon.
ery was immediately removed to her
Thome, and, though unable to bend a
toe or put a fou t to the gronud, and
suffering the meet intense pain, there
are good hopes for her quoit. recov'
16^.4.41, -*-41
R 1.1
People visiting fair, which is to be 1e1
next Monday and Tuesday, elanuut (lo bettor
that etall and inspect the stooks of the follow-
ing business men t
J. Picksr,l,
Sanzwe ll 'i Piel.•ara,
i'.1urtuu Bros,
L (Jarllilg,
1. A. !race,
J. Fariner,
()..a. klv,ulntan.
Geo, 1X141),
))UUv3 Aril) t'IIraneAL1.
W.1) S;'iley,
Dluuiuion Laboratory,
C. Lutz,
G. Tbexieu.
J. Grigg.
PANTY caorrfi:
„ries Garitek,
Eacrett it Abraham.
eeeent axe 1x51).
.T. Fa,tk,
J. Melnuis.
iV. D1'011',
t;. a$ S. Gitlley,
J. Drew,
J. Brawn..
Bissett Pros.,
E. 11. Sl'ackivau,
W. A, Cana'! 1, F. F. Batch.
T tcl,rrseeith branch, at Seaft,ith, Sept. 16
ivu( 17.
5 tt,l Huron, Stephen anti Usborno, at Exc-
•t r, S p) 2,i and 21.
We.t I:i 1111; , at (to ierich,. Sep, 23 and 21.
Huy branch +t Zi.ruh Oct. 4 and 5.
13.1>t RC (iii;.. ,at \i1(,t(tea•, Oct. 5 and ii..
East •t.V'a)vai,i)811 'branch, at 1?. Igrate, Oct, (1,
Norris branch. at Myth, Oci. 12 and 18.
Iodh+trill, at Toronto, Sept. (l to 18.1
Provincial 01 Ilaln11t(ut, Sept, 20 to Oct. 2.
\e ~tern, London, Oct. 4 to 13.
Kirkton Oct. 1 (11(11 15.
of Quebec ; next, therewas farmed in.. t0 ;acv (2'.te the interests of Exetet. .
Paris a lain aPml3u 1130 FelttlJ,Ot.)v,ODU
He old your humble servant that they(
earner, anti Canada for the field toter•
atio::s ; rapidly fulloaing upon these
came the formation, in Pari',. of some exptee.ialt of ie. Atid I thiul;
.,all that is needed in regard et; the raft
rr. +•1211 Siai'7'idl`e ijtl - (.�(tlita•I(I•, with the
wiry is to tur(1 111ii enterprise in it,
view :)f making sneer from beet root. 1 )
g a right tiolu•sa and the `,.ttei•l�y vv1,t gt•
These three items involve 5;1 ornouut booming right along. And jello i,
of $11,0.)0,000 ; the whole work of - a More fitted than yoursolf to bring of
-keep the matter before the rrooe 511(1
(show them their interests ? i tr 11 Sou
11oue.3rtly,11lr. Editor, that I there
is euterplit.e in Exeter if it men b.
shown to them, but I think our ewe
people iuterestsd iihl'uld toile the mut-
ter up ar,d fai ly dimities it or ne;ythiee
else that would be for the interest 1,f
Exeter, awl not allow stringers and
dead -beats that have art iutereet what-
ever in the place to Came and gull tbo
people. \Visbuig you adieu,
l remain yours;
DEEPLY L7: I]•1TL1a)•ST6J PalIrf,
was no enterprise in Exeter, but sure!)
Ile must have gune awi:y with a vere
different allillinll after each a hand.
few oeief months. In filet, they may
be sail to be all simul amens. But
even these do not exhaust the list, A
French fieaueiol company is said to
faro; part of the . syudiaate that has
taken ever the Celnatla Pacific 1Zuitway.
The Province of Quebec Must receive
new life from the two enterprises which
affect her meet closely ; and 0.tuad3,,
art a whole, will benefit in an appreci-
able degree.-1ionctatte Tuna's.
Tett Albany 'i'renir+ri J:;ramal thus
of the Doalltlion revernne 3 ideate
=ant :—The finance Minister of Tatn-
Newspaper .Laws,
We call the attention of po:'ttnastere
-ria has juet j ubin:hed the revenhe and steteribere to the following sy'nop-
st ttemeslt of the Dominion for the year sic of the naw1rp1l)er Lata: :
aitfting ;line 801 It is a vary gratify -
notice 1. .A. postmaster is reenirell to give
by tett(. t (returniPg a paper• dose
tug exhibit, and the figures contain but not auewer the bee) when a subscriber
e')ld comfort for the Oppo:.itiou, t,lio coos not take his paper out of theuf;iee,
had been eoli6tiently counting on a and state the reason for its not beiug
largo deficit. Iu the budget speech taken. Auy neglect to do so makes
at the last meeting, of Parliatneet, Sir the postmaster responsible to the hula
Leonard Tilley estimated the reoNis is ushers far payment.
2. Any person that takes a paper
from the bos1 Ofhoe, whether directed
to his mune or another, or whether be
has subsalib;.d or not,. is responsible
for the year ea „1124,450,000, and the
expenditures at 24,078,000, showing
e itnat.ed deficiency of $528,000.
for the pay.
The actual receipts and expeudituree 3. if any persoln orders his paper
brave both exceeded the estimates but diaoontinited, he n)nst pay all'arrear-
the deficiency is less than was antici_ ages, or the publisher )nay continue to
raters. While the reeeipts were $24,-
708.585.10, the, expenditures were
$25,131,012.60, leaving a cleficit of
$1003,127.47. Lrt.ven that small deficit
would have disappeared but for except.
101)31 expenditure, which could hardly
have been forseen, such sts the llnnd•
red thousand dollars voted to Ike Irish
relief fond) and the heavy cz.pendi-
tines connected with the iudfane' in
the Northwest. A:s it is, they have
in this statement the assurance that
the days of deficits are over, and that and leaving, theta uncalled tor, is prima
send it twat payment is made,and
collect the whole amount, whether it be
taken from the office or not.. There
can be no legal dnacontiulianee until
the payment is made,
4. ,If a subscriber orders his paper
to be stopped at a certain time, and
the publisher continues to sends the
subl;criber is bound to. pay for it if lie
tapes it out of the post -office.. This
proceeds upon the groundthat a man
must pay for what be user(,
5,. The courts have diicided that re.
fusing to tate a newspaper and perio-
dicals from the post office, or removing
t�'91'1,^"..'0-..T•...C'.L:,•,•• .V. s SL t,e::.m..
rue311rzy,1Se )t. 211.—Fartn atm.!: and imp14-
rucnia, the., property of Otta Soblen, lot 30,
north boutehir'y c.f Stephen. III. Orth,
VVII'ITE—C'r.1:r,r,—In Philetb1p1if, ontlre 14th
nut,., , }• Tiev. Charles 111 Cooper,. D. I)., of
Iiuly Apostles Church, Mr. T. 3t. White.
of tbi., paper, to Miss Sallie UI; de, of
1T (10.13—Sor.T11ooyT,—Tu tzetnr, nn tin' i.Sth
]u:at„ et the rusl(lonee of the brides lather,
1)c th;i Rev. J.1 R. Gnn,iy, 31r. B. 11. Verity,
to 21133 ?(male Suutitcott, both of ''Exeter.
131 TWA. .T. Apply to Airs. Dr.Iiyn0lnan,
Hansa Street,
(,bey hew° caloy enterec , up^n the facia evidobae ut intentionaltrawl..
•i N 5.ANa3 SPICES
—AT THE --
HP•,—sETr ' GIRO 0ER'Y,
TI-..lae! IS T
R. 4" IT .,lye
And you will bind. my T
Choice tinily Grocery.
, . E ,.bCI J1JID, 1.1 .A,1 V ,
Fanson's Block, Main St., Exeter.
brn'1'g the (erl'mitider of the 50550n of 1880;
Manitoba. Parties t
wiil'leave ore
The FIRST TUESDAY of Every Month
Next party0n September 7th
,fror yartieolars 1114)1y to
b. W.13,A.eent, Oentruliu.:
For Cheap Prints.
For Cheap Dress Goods,.
For Cheap Wimples.
NTO;� 3.-3ROS
"tt' -"� ^ r a
For Cheap Trimmed Mats.
For Cheap Ostrich Plumes.
BAN T N 13130 b.
For Cheap Cashmeres.
For Cheep Mantles;
For Cheap
For Cheap TWi3edS.
For Cheap 'Worsted Coatings.
gidvAu131 u isst
FrN _il , PIIOTOla lIAPIIY, _ ..
Alt'tISTTI' 1'Il()'.t'O00APIi> It.
'113(111)-t f4ieltulon(l Street, London.'
AU the latest 'ilr prnvemnl is hi 'Photography et:
13114. a tl )(noun . tilaltr, 0 'o l �ottie ,i1 111xeto)
tt ud 1n(,rr.t)' wine au'l.SOO us weal! yee1. 001110 to .
sere iio1L 131,31
We itr'b i1 LIGHTNING " 017 Children..
1.;;;775:437:24.1i1,7,1 w. u
1.`2.000 in
Ott C• Lvation,
4 h,E th,6t,32,7'thr48Uh OUtobv•
PRtxe T,r-ma (111(1 cu 11 3(.11,(')'4 112.21y be haaton
'L))Qiratiuhto33 3..rt,,•v, 3,6retrl3•s(rer•iliue:t.
1,,1 to It ooh' 1 It t I >f! i1 3,, ' tit Sept. 1 1'11•
10 )'c b: c o mud 0 for 01(3 I'.ro:
to 1,0 1 0011 d_1011 1.311,r0.
'it,'n: ' Moth'. l ,3(t 0rfu4.) , 3' . d. So of turn.
l ! "lir t 1. .w t r , it'. n'Itt t• ) 1'0,11 ti ,7 h 1"•1 111111•'•
919,::.11, ,13teIw33.31o 101 n 3)3,11•,•y.4,
1421, ')1;131,i3i 1.
V,'i.14tera 1 ,. 1)113'. 1
1,i,(N',nll, 1Rt ei,'et,,.hbt),,
.0 L ,iM.i I • N.._
Ti.n 111 uni int e steel: 3(r 312)4.1)3134.1 Hats • 1104'
T•i'•.) ere,,, 1'1 .31101:, Ing ONrrs tut 1 0rt:atuenl,,
will he 43111 at 310)7111• tt'.lit ("l )(1'1''3 t
i' 1.1, 11 0 \r Crci 0 Cl ".
Tfiouiton lura Peiut 1110(14. Perlin '•11(1 I'1cr•ey
li'on14 3)11,4 ,:us :o,,111(1,1 • r.:. Th 04. ('nnlbs 9),d'
ltriti,i Vii.q, 1'1113i r :u 1. Mott , o, t to., (t', Th1 -;
(10„(1 1111.1 bo vice, red mit, unit will hi, Soil el•1„i.o
et: (hail tlloy a u be got 7.r) 1)11.'(1 el -3.33 in tour.
2fAIN. STI;(•,;;'!', - - - EXI'1'Is1i
ChiCa "o” 1/TCP`'
TCP` ir,'.a.1 1.-.'''Y''' ' Cre
The iinucem•.lu (lra,), 1 r'.t,•ur. 11 1 Al..:4). 311
) ;era 1 ((14002102 r•lett , 1- ,r( I: t ),,' (303, 3)
J1:,1i, '1 ( ).3:•r;t 1' ,''t it r L' 1.s it. a:,t
$,'4.13 n ti!,..PT. est ,. l'i, - :t'3''' i1 1:••lt;,t,,:, ry
0.41)1111 hu 1, .321.1 l l ':lt. t 11 t'rl r.1AL I3 1''y •
1,1M1'1Eli At:('1 t) 1Nt 1: r tt. 111'11)1 ( r,•.1, e'„)
F,',311'01 1S order of 3(r 3 13.c iti ,n I r uf!'-r•3(' i
3 Praet tit her', (0311-0 1`170 t= 11 :,) ri1,
1 ~.4. ). For Almon. 001 .1 t) ,r i' 1 1.3.,11, V. 1-
,h.^v', 1)1t. 3. IL I1.(11.1,i'.11111, Su ..,ull100 tit.
}F ADDI1 S ANI) al's '11 1 -.' il' F. Ty.b— ori
I ...I 1.111 got 3.'11,O'13) ,.:I, 1) t i' Wi fait;t
00111'11 t for'nu t 1 c: r.kt.) 3(1,1) owibles ;r'3(
to o(;3.011 1,Y 7.11L'II..., l': -Vit e, if ', o 11). 3,-,,I)
tin•ls i :001,((1:. 11<o c. , It; ,gyp i:l 0111') at !i11
)' t r: 11 1.0.t. all , .s,',, ,,una Atolul(a of EI 1au-
1le ': i 32:.) •
1 1' ea.,it(('(20,-i;:t.
!we t .ten 1(31.':3' ,e.! cot .t t o it ,1,(3'11 1
1'r7w at ti,i)u'.I' r :,•1:.1,1 (6..1331•: us r3( (11103,)
.et'toi,.'+,::)•i.'0': '.00lin v.•'?1, %9 awl 31):0(10 •
1 , a 3,3 (0t el.!, 4.r alb C:=1(1 'ti ' ' ) lit 301.114.,'
ti le ,t I.•,•uu, e„=.1 v, 131)..,3 i9, rl 3;; i)':
7.11011Olv t-n.n,3,l if net 3333,ti 1 '.ort 11'!1 ll-
tt.'()N 3.1r 1)t.T"1'1)2,, o]'tn'1tr=t.t,0.'-t':':,22,t-„
iv` 3 •s 3)_t 1 1'+1 r,r a1tS 1 11
S M.l r ri t , `'•
l.vovy 11.:,1.(0), t.3(:.
1 \ticiiass 12, VA51..' 11.Ci 1.1(11 :'101( uc.:rii:,+,ta+=
ir3a' C , 1. Src uut.)loeta Gatto:1,0)t•:
'air d we it lee. 1 t e et re )acct,
1 ) i I,Y,..taiste .,age.
MO .0 '% E11 "1S113)4.-14.,,eee ]t:, '0 f„t adv.•(
titut.27 in !1711 nm1,1 1(10',1 ! 1))).-r,= :t'ut l rt -300 p,11
cr.•a; (,I;. '. 3 it V.,• O . to •i rNI.',, St .:4,17
it $1oil ler "1titw.1s„. tsly,tta2
The (naw1'reneh hies*kinecuresSpsrnlnto,•rh a
latopoT1:.eecE, and cit nervous ous colnplaiuts re-
sulting In Lar t1 of Memory, sea:03 In 111liiment3 to
marriage, great a p'(0oion, etc. 7•)a10311oa: S -
for 3.8. Sold by druggists everywhere. `'1 hole-
sale—LYIIAN Pitt B. & CO., Toronto. Sent by
mail, securely sealed, on rece ipto3 price. Addr'ess'
i:nporial O'etin is (1(nev. Boz633T cc ., T0rauttu
.AAI To . a(D5. .71Pt7,0 ?it raft .r
303)1) f^.r i'irenl ere explaining our
For Cheap Over -coatings.
For Cheap Orctvied Clothing.
For Clte•ap Beady -made
F or Cheap Groceries.'
For Cheap Goods of any hind.
Eaerett's Block,) Exeter..
1tt ew System of can c„Ssing
.A'milts havo V1,0111,4101 Anoe,48. 3110 eran'arti-
Ur3, 'r-) 10)1)1':7) 3)11 tai's, ()ur publiCatieue arc.
staiulai11. A(1(111..a4
Tie ;111111•]' Bial Ptah Ce..
11 d:i 11110 43 Shetuc cot st, Norwich, Conn'
rphe alndol'signod Tutt1 i'lforrr, the in11a1.i-
.1. (aut: of l+;xut01 and vicir)it\ that lit 1 e :
3)11 (nor strati. 01538Iliac hstuithsItOpanlhorEa'
the:0iuoliberal patron:331 th,it liras been a1'
corded to Hila 1111110
et ACS31111 E AND w.komq 1rAr.n$Q
lin e'wiliba.txteu)l0 i 1033101 in 1118 new brand!
3t)Siness, (114 meat wagrat. 4vi]1ca11 at the reel'
lents of tiee villa.gethr0etrmeseat:1 weol,arir,
- tESEt M i .. 1.
(111'1 :ntrs kept 00netantll,)n hand at 1 is
hutch erylrop.
nlacksnrithing and wa3nn makiuge'arrie(3
JLs1:161)11 irr'all its 111111(31(1
Piani'ng i11,Sashr
try -y
J. V� Ei .L't11 I N Or'
t otic to onter
3 o2t cit II.awrard Eros',