Exeter Times., 1908-07-30, Page 4l•
4 ::; .
betber tb47
Oa' furce decded that re
.ilng fo take neWspaPersarppriodo,
from the post. offiee or rotoov.,
":them uncalled fer,
bile subscription :remains unpaid, i
,•jia tacia cvl4enee of intentiona
Jie 14St"eart reMains Of it high-
eemed gliopaer arvaxnan worn laid
rcst-7OLflZfo- yziettern
ela 00: a AV6)
• ,ItobcrL
wio of Itobt. McDonald. Sr.,
:held fro]; ber lateA:. ..resitlenoe,
Imea tr,'•0114
en oAt •in the 'Su r'sr4me.
tbe ds of the xdofi-x-TOVIkvti
an acUverlmeniher -of-the Thames
etbyterioa church,,aL,14:110
iwarra friends, ifer pall-
e'her four -eons, 'John Ito,.
ore74-A---1-ke); -Panay_
LOIU 34g,,, on,
a, Pavia Downey, Owaton a, Minn.
of eanta re, "V;
P. If I i 1 1
et 1 e toad 1 --Dir
o. Cti...,4r, iVartlitbar ' Vildiani
, llilmval.1411.01 of Essex; Alta and
atine at ,tiome. Mrs, McDonald
a ' to in7-Seotlan41-.and came to
, , •
Mil I . rents-vAte
ititk... 4a, untaaw)...,actitirAliaja-Aart
ot-Viogeriog. EVIe iwas ",iniartted to
' er 'now sorrowing* .huityand, Ur.
,AtiObert McDonald, •sr. in 1.85a -owl
.4r Ua
e4gaged veeur n ,largo ero
and are( wortjij o1 mo1 credit tor
their" ,enterkirito in, going In: 0o
ten:sive:1y, in this' ihnsitteas, end LV
.Ing so much0101,01Ment, not only
in the securing ,lor !I he oFepthr. Ibut
early all through the 'Year In frnt-
.and Mrs, Modeland, fromnear
IJra1fliOfl, Man, in the •village
wItorn they are we are.
ItileakSod to leata• tkat they are
favoraby impressed
- riotThnT'
tions atJaCa
Ms Gladys, 1.
EtlYth• White are !spending. a
1, ,
Xr. and Ira, b ask Pepper, of,
-onto-p.m.te-.4Pemling,,,a_10....oitth With
Mr, Pepper's parents, Mr, OiWIERS.
ThiSt00-TOPlpe... L :
araping at Grand Bend..
Mrs. MacArthur •and taWili are At
s. Duneearl.taylon -mho has.
to...Unita' in Llendet '
r-severa --utenths,--returnitr.
on Saturday evening, accompanied lay
the matron of the institutien. and
while Ors. itaylor IS yet very, ea
we -Are: 'Pleased to -learn that .under
the skillfu). care and treatment of
her nurse she is considerably, irfl.
liroved and it is the hey° of her
mauY relatives end friends that the
unptovefltit may eentintte.
Southampton this week Attending
the funeral of. bje throther•tinClawit
't c late li5rru.
ticbero iived until e time fog. her James flonthi ' of Viarrii-ilf_
on, sr ra
detith. teen"rears ago .1they 13. O., is here "vielting his P,arentS, 11f-
re arc o Ibuttding .; ter an alisenre--ortifirteur-yetrrv.
to*Ole on the corner of the OW bottle.. %fr. and Mrs. Wilsort and three
Zra. iNieDonald was enjoying
iheSt ilealth -up to 0 o'clock
fidaY evoning-twIten-she compliable('
11 eh Old t
11overe 40, ae Oe
Utes later .Jjeesane uneonatiOaS, 1.)888,
IWO in few hours;.` She great-
, 00.10,0 her home land it oCiaxe „the
rtithfullY mid; ger greatness • was
Atm,. ban:Laity and her loveliness
1--iar latr sweetness 'disposition, 4.
for tho€i e ovetl«
1Iow1n tiirotl{Iemi
ame. an) , • torpor.*53
' 'in the Irish,- 'hiairne," 'n'litti0 -004;
tl Cholla ferm, keing''4bitlit" or '"hlar„.°
a plain. The village' Is fon' tulles north.
°vett''.of Cork find has a fair Imwlred
10 '• ''''
..11 iii a the -iu1iil ';'1ieftlei in Ome tower
of ;,,,,a,hieh 4. tile world famous , stone.
tilc-kisslail-cif , which.Ja_maniett-to %
endow ,one with. the gift of eo:ixhg.
wlieedling and fintteringi-
, 11.0-4QA I
,..• '.-'rwi
and Osettlate it It is'neeessurF , for one
to be held swer,41.310. parapet ,by .the
n the latugraid IsIe (leolro tO roper
huLthositup j,Ittivsl the real blarney
stone..that nueltahe.,ton of'
Is held st.o. be sullicitmtly neer the teal
thing for the fiction to he nilinto I
that.lt lathe true stone .v.ith
owers,, of the _original...Likud eveu 10
carile entrance Ts-il1-red turti-e-
k, 4 ,
:WV on 'reads. "'Corinna; McCarthy
Of-the--blartiey stoner7• Partior vivo!. •
the trish poet, declared that It Was the
palladium of liberty- for thin.. ile de.
scribes the stone and relates a number
t t e that It
wes bartight •to the tstand by
wenieffifktte illintitertf
eteeneod the region. stlid a
that it mi
L1': g heen tii _the cusdy toof the Curtin'.
it'll ?UV 111,S1.14:'4017 VV`ini.`h la trans.
JEti_.!,ed ,phittse- fnith."
ttInt'llefere'that it belonged to the
' w t er, lit 41, with
- visiting -their- relatives,- alv. _W4 1J7Pealib doable tong eesi after
wbo sons Of Briabanato Australia, . !tre "11144' e , " °
Caldwell and Mr George'Joflt.H j kiesing fl. Aecording to the ste-Av
tere List 'Pot 1.90'
VIk44PE :13:'94Trirt.
OIs htueby g that
Loons .mentioned—in----45ection•Eight
• matted Or -delivered' of the list
sax t,
• rooms eV iettrin --tt the last Be.
Ssessment_.?., of said
unieipality to. be entitled to vote
the ;mid: °Municipality at lectins
ter members of the Legislative ets.
SetahtY And at Municipal elections
and that said Iist was first posted up
day ,of July, 1908, =trim:kilns there
Lor inspection. Electors are called
u.. ft° examine the 6a1d list and if
otnission or other 'errors ae
1OUJI4 tiferein, to • take lame
proceedings to have the said errors
cOrtected accord'I'ing to law. •
23ated. this 20Zh day of Tali, 190S:
OIerk ef the Village of ollxe
upspitioli YOU frAt-U TIMES.
Mr. .Atnos Marlow, of London, is
visitang At &fr. Wm. tittells..
%fr. Olarise Snell is °visiting .at his
hothe for his vacation.
7f.fra—s tria Nora motz, o
Crediton East, ftTe visiting their
forc-te week,
LYD ' 1
Ito• other (Irvine has kit' fl�
iteessfutiii velieving the attifering
wonien or received tot) many gen-
Litit&thnIah titi hal -1/3111x-r;
1'int:6404kt; Vogletalile Compound.
• in every c ommunits, you 'will find
men, have liter. restored 'fiY'
Iiealth by Lydial. R.Pinkhates Veg.
e able Convound. Alinnst. eery •
one- oil meet lutsk\either beat belie.
by it,Drbls frienda who haw,
inkhorn - Laboratoty at
some Carthaginian adventtrers be'
I. cone enanim!et) of the 4stoue •and op -
pi opilated IL They ref sail for :Slinor..
ct. hot. being overtahen by a stotta.
were driveu info the harbor Of Cork_
end' leffIthe stone In that vicinity nui
Jade_use_otla_the.thaatru J
t .1 of the donjon til)Wer Of Blarney
- • • 11,
cold ,nleat canned at �t
beans, tit
JBt 4.
on tho tit
althi, and
itielt tlnv
over their own. Sipa.
,Itero cured by Lydia
rinkhuu'.' table Onntieutal.
inpod. IIS ed: 'many won*
.c I rations,
0-,frorni root antt
4 and is WItok.,
e or
ipa to the qualities 'secured by hiss -
ug the -stone, • trafttut .14AyS
ti it in.160?... when the -Spaniards were
irging the Irish chieftains to harASS
i° e -
titen-b-e-Olitett Ittlythtli
'Hee with_tbe 16r1 president op *condi-
• ( oda It to an to Usti
..gatrisotl.•lat.-he-pat hint o _fro
. '
. -
fair pwoiiiT s and false pretexts .onti,
the' lord' iii'estdent became -the laugh-
LingstocIt of the ministers ot 9ueett
Eftzubetll,and the homyed and dela.
:Sive -Speeches tiruio tont ar mu- Castle
own as mere alblarriey."
The word found its -way
tare iti the last century. in the "Jour-
. nal' of Caroline Vox. 'whla iliVertired
in -1$35, there Is this us e of the word: •
.u2Iftile. do ;Staet"wits regretting to rAill
Castlereagh -that there was no, 'word In
the tuglish Itinguage•whieli answered
to-- 1helt.."Sentithent,4: %IV he said,
%here is no. gnash. 'wordr,-, but the
trish hare One tlitit corresponds exact.
Samuel Lover wrote
°The blarney's So treat a deceiver".h,'
3nmes. iluchatiart wrote, "The general
'hits Yet to leant that toy father's coon.
Salmon .(1 have ever felt proud of my
4lescent from in Irishman). though
they thannielycello blarney others*.are
ret hall to be" blarneyed thenuselees."
'.WashingtWirving In(Vhe -treuvelet"
*Tete, suSo he blarneyed the landlord.°
me* Unseen Lo*reirtil i-4The Vat e.
kat -Crillee" says:, •
.1114 tut 'clettiiitet:rtireleiTIOnt *tate**
• manal4 tries
AO mumbles eirAitt p.m old blarneys and
name of the *lti thne castle..a
toini hes, added n nouu, tt'irerb, nn
4, Patittipie to the len.
Deposits rf $1 and npw=ds are reccived an.cl Interest at CIttrePA
rates. ;Acciausit$' Army bempened in the nntuess of hyo or more,
At 6 mon.1.... old
"'Ci NI
persons, witildraWal$ to be inadd by any one of the
numbor or lilt
Grand Bend
4 r. J..Grieve and family of Exeter
te c, laig-Atere. "
e are leo matirc:ainpete Et
46 her years autif; biAlyiess• ert•
Plain. of a,falling off in trade.
The cottages- are not all filled up.
lack of conveniences la isorue-o
several heing barren of any kind of
furniture wilate-ver-
be inveigled into packing up a lot
of- household goods and moving here
tor a_ w444
iei,rrononMnt tftekle it ' Tent
tei. The refit' eharged' for an empty
cottage, is high enough to poV tfot
one famished.. llowevet ttecotnYned-
ations at the hotels are good and can
he secured quite reasonable,.
imperial is ;well 'filled -and- good ger*.
.vice :is given the patrons, The pro.
genial fellow raid looks after the
coraforts of every oue. .
comet:14d 40 the Exeter to -Wes -and
is (loin ga rushing .business.
. bat-li-TIOUSe gc•atitor Ida 6-6--exi
Citing „experience last rriday, after -
won, but oufside of ft wetting,
- 411.111 1s
-itmt--intor -rat tor -norne-of
„Lovett's boats. naid .wbW.not an ex.
Pert at' lanyledling it sail, he • inanag.
a 'ati, (1 'WI a Oft tile r
r p lowever e got in the way of
atria. r pp e o • reeze All wen •sr.
I1 e' managed to reurit shore,,,,but the
ipkgrons of the bath boast were n
little 1014 out at mot being able to
• get _guy heeottilliodation. •
purgative remedies ar4
6 ill' 'MI6 it tidn.
and 1ti1(I effects of e.rere •
• Live..r Pills. If you try them they,
will certainly please you
A • •
tiays Wins thd Marathon
-Hayes ,tr•Aits on., marathon. John
IfaYes.- the w..tunee of the .0arce•
thou...14;41. in itondotr.--..is tit ,'ars
&A, "and: i emploYed in a New •Vork
departm.,nt Otote. lie, is not. new to
!hong distance turiniug4 - having won
uoAtESIYEAD 00-41.110$0..4
ititeounds a
• •
8 end 20, rat resenvd; ma), be Iiomesteaded by
sny person "she iwthe eole head of tarouyi or soy
tiere. es of stg.g.„„to the extent of one -qua:
ter section of 1$0 acres„ ales: •
*potation for entry Must be made in person by
the applicant *ta Dominion Lauda Agency ,or
tylor thedistrict•ter-whictitho--land-45/1
:Entry by proxy nuty.,.howeverk be made at an 1.0n.
ey an ;crtainconditions by the/ether, mother,. son
eemehter brother or state of an 'intending ho
This homesteader is required to perform tb
IsOmeetwad dudes under one of the following plena:
0) At least six -months' residence upon and coltio
vation ofthwiezd'in each year for three/ear*,
_ . . , _
(2) homesteader may, if he so desire** Perrona
the. requiredreddenca-dutes lithig on larraint
d. 1
'acres to extent, in the vecinity et his homeeteed.
Joint ownership -10 111X4 W.111 nptinget tbil
ts silltt... t i 4 WY •
CeMed) of the homestead._ era* permanent'resideiwe
OA fArMirt" 414 ottnea ettkly by him, not lei* thee
-41044J lairemdettivi-4*--the-eteieivy--ter-eh .
4-0.1neWsi t, r upon *•Ilemeeteed entered owl* him
In the • %loin *•,, inch homesteader may petform his'
residence dutles•by Wing Wink the father Or
Wins tli*liSatole and Other 010VW,orA4 Galleris*
e aStO
''111-1)ili:trermal7a.tional Ca
....• .
4 The terra P4viernitiwIn -fie tiro- Freetili-sTif
paragra tied situfg-nntr-menv
• •.61-61SIfil rerttatr.exeitutre-er-oroldoef •
trees crows 41 in the tneasurement.
)I,Avh.net, it:teadt erintenditnirermto 01:7
deuce tints ,s in aceortlance vs itb the above w•
hbuseltm -notify the.agent-of the ,aktrkiorsuit -
the III3Antle:!alarathcq tlace_stt ;Boston,
It -that-tOtrit'atk!-Os---tollayr-di%; ran, ,ft:
st mg race /torn start' to ',finish !and,
WAS gpad shepe at 'the of Abe
1,0g journey. Ile member of
tbe Irish ArneriranAthletic CIO).
TilE 14NISII • °
Z. I. Vinited 8t-te,, 9..51,40
liefferen., eolith Africa.
3-3. Vol/sin-kw:
4 -Jt. vie:th,1 rn:teit states.; .
&a; P.,'.4.14
4.6,41. • I
rY. den.
Catny, ('r,11q!lai2 34V).14,
e1thg1y 00 1 I.
g talk; pleat -
t **smooth,
g cajolery." •"•dis to °the origin ot the
on)" ono lexicographer quotes Gott
tins the derlytation Of it to5rn.
the blarney
old of 'int ta.n stens very OW,-
ccras itt teitstl* Of that Malt
Mit, of Cork, Ireland," Vat.
et Dr4alnicion tloVes It
istecir •"beilverne,`" '"tt
relo 110 and defines It 'grotes
-.,. Six eothe notice In wrltlng OtICALItt be
the Commiesioner 61:1)0011A164.1A0c1t.tkk Qtta*utit
Intention topoly for:patent. •
Deputy of the. Of theririteri* ,
' „W. WrtY.' •
paidtor , •
. liellth tau saveil
•• tbialsreo Method
All Sickness is *like
, to • •
• 4614
• kitutettsteet
*tree r1nding, to Complete'
ludlog mutt be as
lit, thetogre.tieta*-
(1elailintestirelybylietai1i teitier.
fece...**bety.4yineekinet tea 00,
searcI ent eye...y.1041ot
; oeeditifixteetiott.tiet tooteitei ttte It
1 two with the emte Secret tett Cecit
listsuslit siditelett to -sad yew.'
hate a perfot cobo razot,l,
I• 'Tea evitit htlior'eit' fa*
*jog :gesesi *rat in. otetiag
eteeik he .aatio 'Wrested
•si,ith th,jrindfag of Carbo istageetie
•*St Use t tisu,issiler rut
itkolt ;tees . nate iteittet r
Stet* of are Heal*
dAtabl, .0(
54111 aketately--
its** irregaiist.,
ft wit
54 ceii(ortab1e'
It.*ppllei to 'all - cstei, no matter:what, the forin .0f" aisesse
11 Tr.-AIX:WE
ti the grestoitnecessity, lite knows,
• :r0.0 ten OXVIVIgalt At home 'whileg‘ion ret or Lep
No 'loos of. Vine trc our, *or Otoleta. . omit* oppliedi. .
tide.iinal4414411,603,10e trne. II:afoot tA,rei .tsblittftti. it wilt
'serve tlie.fori/14.tbildr.en ad ir0 as.#dults. •
I 'i'VOte tor 1tEE itoot my, Into-
orsnt 111 it honee for.
At that Into z Dr
ola t.ltsia. It worked
Irat It liiikhilea at
pork and *Vet, gate', siiid WO i
ftd IS bevall$0
ntglrbieh A't Iirtetlp'tiJ*J
iinitlitKi or tfliflti, rPltflrJfl
it healthy nortiat -co)
Vitolon ivin) too I
diatiffimitig111# jwtiliar to fi
mid not loft ,. e,
-ts or doubt. the *hi 1'