Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-26, Page 4 (2)0 Witt;Intten nar
latici wfl deuble ka-Valtee.11
d'-etie7* of Me. J. rijklM NV le
tope v1n,3 Parliament, thettelinge.
for the -91d country, where be Will itie
veetleate agricultural methods ter the
P;011/413; dePartMent. Uri W11uon eXe
'Plaine this by, the statement tit* the
Rt.-est:It high prieeo firin''Predoce
and the Ihereasseo pePttlattOt*W1re4
*aolC' in re g-eter detnandter tarn pro.
pettk a* * fine:paying litvestintelt. •
tathre taloa: • 'awy rr�zneensuittei
.e'otmeini In, toWne, and fOwne,1
U1* .atitkrity '„`;t4 ' 000e4.04"
send the fiefor dot Wen** leflxed
1:OY: **MO Otaitite a* folloWee-Male
tiogee first $1., Sechnd .42 ;ontato 'dogs
<urea $2. oecond 415. The statute- 4100
Wed the .method of collection. There
• 'are to be no MOre dog tege.y, instead tbe
• assessor enter* dogs on the rein and.
the taxes are collected by the tit; col-
_ -
"'Do hogs pay 74 0.sks one ot our ed-
itorlal brethren, who*e work Is to solve
togrigultural and such problentioeNot to
any great extent, dear brother. They. ate
oaththat lie Se oozier
tU et V. 4, reviO4.._•.4-;44b-,,ivi,
mold orate Oar.
pay the sera ot
ft tech eel tesce eese
-crelt ee settee RAI*
re. fitatiti J. CivOliir
— "e eadite-54.--fted -tOt
Avezbera a.te
• Water relate
sautereceuelsees et Ike
tfret0t, **Wee •
MAI by all Doubts, '75e.
Tel!c Camay *Ms tor corAiratg*
Itt'auttfu,1 s)Owe* 4uv
.ave W0111404 ''inatellat
It; ete.tQetten take Olt too
riptt'Atria t 4 ,
114n41y..tOrtir was a very ''setorney,,n
:cloudy. niglit and the eclipig
'ntoan- Was conatquently not elothle 1
Trte comet wineit 1* nOw *uppoeea t
b.'3.-szen in the west.after autulown! 1
ker..,ping itoolt securely hidden behin
the etoutle and few If any have. seen I
since. It got in that quarter,
Ilieharde9414 tnather of' Thateei
w(rvieitors la town, ,over MAY 241:thet!
. Wneetsald rettreed tteittte)
Monday swr v5s2tI; et a few day, with
ter autos.. Now. 1 0. at Stratford.
-eThe b:ind conce AreursidaY night
of tact Week was i‘rar-.11 OWc*(80, TAO
,bair Was crowded to the doors and the
.pre)rtain wasp elle that (oud be expectO
--Mau 0Avta lielieman of Ceediton Wad
.2)11". loVtaittig. stildcat Vietoria the-
iversitY spent' 24th with nese and Mrs.
number from. here tOok
In the baseball liratirti at: Ceediton On
.ma,* :,:4th, While-otheras went 10 ,the
,1%)(1, flitaLlr. • •
4 De*t$ile44(E04,, F41100 of Grand 'Mod
LS: Orinor remident Daehwood„ died
at her. .1tOrne on Thursday, May 190'iitt
•the age ..ot 53 'Yeanol. 4i,',;ment1110, and
e 14 days atter aa Hines* of about
n. !mete The tuttcral tool(' Place on .tinn-
the remains being laid to reel in
o' the Lutheran cetnetcry, It beteg One *at
i• the largest fOrtereds held bOre for *erne
Ono. and -went to solvow the high esir
t teem , In which she woe held. She is
sureiveof by het husband, four MOON
• releatieUghtersh Alteletirod- -ettildrene Alt
Presbytexialt church on Sunday last, th
oveasion ben x ft1fother`s- Day". The
and made the- *service Nrery p leastng d
e 'sisters and one brother. The :service
woo -conducted by /tee.
past4 Itev abarir-oec pied the
° 1
tend thumb for months but wilen ask- instruct!ve. •
help- support Atte" 'Preacher.: 0417.,
Rena -and reed it until at least three 11'0'114 1'eTet-41'Dm irargutzar Isot
,and have Witte 'tvaddell in: the heuee
dongalie The Prodtietigata Of thent aiturrhaeted fOrn atte .Job.r. "Vtt. Taylor, on,
4IUlet (don protitebte to those engast- 14oridaY Moved beck to the terns tore.
04 therein, hutehelittis -don't par. •- •
_ .
• • 'row 0,4A have, to .4 -to to War to lie
if T.;TRAtt,PRquhTfvf.-ri-T. tte-Posiin,t 4119-aceeixe-Prov'e‘, l'OttrAonalltY.
" ,
I " *arime;itIf_tAgrtculture at Oft';' 541.-nr9d4/f1„Wtr.--Itir1"
&Wit has arranged for s *tries of trilit and lend a nand to Pronteis and 04'
,atel Poultry meeting* in whet is Icriown are s Lpatriot--a lower or' your country
'as the Lake Hurt District. There —as trulY, as the soldier who shoulder*
wi11 also be ore Qard demonstrations. hie musket.
Thise-b7neetinpu will be held in this A'correspolutent wants to know when
e_county as follows.-areter, town ball. to Use shall ,and should -e -Never woe
on WednesdaY. June 1st: Zurich, town shall when You ohOuld use should'
•-• *Met -00cliwill Us' bi.
irosuk -Thylor-for -good
August -It of Stratford
spot) ho week town., Hs
sutosd to the city. titrigoisday. -Mrs.
Hy. Aruba'. woo yrtl. Colo and
FEtssie sceompanying hitt*.
Ship hall, Thursday June 11:nd; Orme- and never use ohould when You should
field.- 'Olionte MIL Pride*. June ard:-,- utte shalt . In- short -we- should- alWaya
Holmeseille, Saturday, Juee 4th; 'Myth
. say should whenever we ehouid zed
itfonday. June 6th; Auburn, TuesdaY, never should say shalt when we should
. JUne Illt; Dungannon. Wednesday,Inne say should. to that plaln enough?
8th; Lucanow, vhorsday, June 017.13rus- A malt who was afraid . or . thunder
'eel*, Friday, S ee, Inth : Wroireter. crawled Into, a hollow log as * Plane of
wnl, begin at .titi p.m.:The *Peahens thunder rolled and the rain poured
Saturday. June tti: ,,ell the meettngs iteteth„during a thunder, storm. The
-e- .
win b3 Mr. Alex. HeWill, Chief of the down in torrent*, and -the old log, begati
Fruit Division, and Mr. A. G. allberla to_sweit Up tut the Poor-Tellow - Wait
eetteeetetaneger,....Eaperiniczatal —Farm. -..vaareed-4-rearoetighteritaleenote
- 4.'-'''•,-":7-z-0r,Atitiotetteeeititt-leellIrleetrialle-rectett*t.-nwera ekie;--e-44-laellei-eveteiteereeeeeeliegetietpa**Intr•
hags as to the time and Warta« for the b3'ore lam. Suddenly' be remembered he
orchard demonstration On the fotiowing bedn't. paid hi* newspaper esubscription
' -daY. The orehani work will Include in- and he felt so anion that he watt able ,
otruction in pruning, and discussions to back right out. ,...;. - . ° .
on Cultivation- and care 44 fruit trees.
...1„ JScr, Mc$0111 wlil illustrate his everang ' ,- ,SNELL ItIro.utilori.-A. reounitin -ot
-addreseeSi with -lantern slides. -Ile will Large nuntber oir ,lho' Snell filnilY
be aseleted DY othtr ntenfoe-s. et the t dik nelhborbood took pleee at
fruit Abaft.. EverY POril0f1 Intereeted III hcorle of ealltis.' ;Geo. 'ilainWell an May 24,
_.grult .grOW_Ing and poultry rale -hag Is where they -took tea and enjoyed *Very -
invited to attetui these meetings, Mr. pleasant afternoon and eienint with,
McNeill and' Xr.,,AllberCar?-amislista their kind hootess. Fiftyefive in alt.
In their reoptetive departntents and we evere present. -
are OW that ail who attend these meet. '
lags -will be both Interested and instruct 1000TBALL. li. large crowd 'ZIT spec -
ed. tators attended the football game , On
T./tura-11V .n.:111t on the Sehoolt:Orountis
hes lost ts I a 1404110sas
lieve it bee left WI altogether. 80
bow 44"4 we poor innocent *opposed to
know how, when and where this
mysteriotu' body should appear -
Fortunately the critical pisiott lest
Wednesday night ,pasSed oft without,
hitch and we are 4111 here and can
pritoned-with tine_ itorttattalnire,
atittAilts. Garnet Baker of Wooditoeis
spent last timidity hit -Vona the ._ guest
of the lattees father. -4%e Phone'
men .have completed their work in •
town and this added improventenc 1.
found to be * greet convenience... -
G00„, '11Onsen of WInithant 'Spent= a
few days, here:. visiting Ws brother,'
-Bieb..-Oommenciae: ..vritle next Sun.
a.m. 'remember, chatio of
Zarlehltte has his
lawn r*..sofIded *Mt the OMe now
beautiful appearance and is
dociald Improvement.-tast Sou,
ay morning nett. Eidt of Dashwood
apletelict-iermou lit the
cal church. In, the iivening
g. tt Univerelt
T and ,n*de
a very On
Pride evening, Lido*
A note made by a minor is ',Old.
It la a fraud to conceat a fraud;
A note dated on Sunday is ir,otd.
A contract with minor le void.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one. it
A contract tirade with a lunette is
erold. t
Illotes.bear interest only when so state r
Signatures in lead 'P2rie11* are goxl In 0
A receipt for money -is legally COttebASI
A bre-
Principals are responsible for their
The acts ot one Partner binds all -the
waire, tie—ch team scoring one goal
Emeter _got theirs after throe minutest
PlaY and ICIrkton evened up just at
tt time. The,gattre was well handled
by Tont Doyle_ s*s referee. thts was the
rentrn tlame. Exeter having won at /M
on. 1-0 a weekbefore'. ar.eter foad
much- the -better or the trame durtn
irst halt and it 'should halre been W�ia
ht there, but the latter half .•-•was
mueh In favor of larktonstithOughther
ould not succeed in adding another
TIRE 110LIDAY-It Is many' years
cfnce Exeter has spent such a qutet
%y on atay 24th. The day had almost
7,1111,3 tObr moseateed as Exeter's Day,
roht the tact that for many years in
tre33/0:1 the -day ha* Wen celebrated'
n some manner liere. Thio Year, how-
ever, -tate eltlz.-nts were given an oppor-
tunity al' having a quiet ''tioettieelOtte
?lease Cm% NTani people Wined with
Zriencia out Of town, while other* enter*
tained-friends here. A few of the bowl -
era enjoyed a short statue on thegreen
for- the at tinm -th,„
is seasin:.1
baseball' boys held a practice ti the
afternoon. The. smali boy bad se time
with fire -crackers and-rocklts. andlhe
girls enjoyed, their basket -ball. Severs)
of the ba enthusiasts went over
to Coeilton 4nd witnessed Crediton de-
feat Zurich in two games of, basebell.
11-5. tnd 144.
after torte
(oge Hohkiric bsd the telephOn
installed Ibis .week. -144 ttoroc ot
Loudon visitor At .71s. nottoo
• Sod If ughi*Wolioupirs, for ths1-,psst
• (eveVita/041r 044
daughter were visitors here ,over 21th. ,
The Mon Antlerson,,, ,ould Hukh
.44).04, 24th with Allee 1141titt Uo
/4104114*AttortOn bso rst„urtie
Ifsrporhey.-Thot. meat rotas' e'.
oo* vest 4**1 or good in, ;this nsitc4\
liti0004 44,Viikret. and Ausulana 144,11r10,13.***170,0am
Elieriogtoo tiglit visit at their bornee
oms **turned to, Torouto•
..London .spent a few
„ .Ivecit. with ITOr41$00 . .
akod .tofis; ()Orde.0.13100M.11r14-spcot-
the b011daYer Under- the parental
• Arthtuo filtupSOO 'Penh the 24th
.1.04004.41*•;1404,.: -confined
to the: house :through rs‘.•
304„Ooreant of i„Loodoni:**psoliost
few :dgyit here,.414 number of Our
otioolc.p,..eOpie spout theholidsy
474wrd ha*j_ust hes*. received uf
the death -14re, alrent It? t4f.
41•up cootat $▪ t,000,000
Rpaerve Fund 13,6000000
in the United States and England,
$ry. affordid ri.tnrier* *ad
other* (Or the traMoctiort ,Of.' their
'will be cashed pr taken, for '
•, •
AeOottntS ..be' opened by Mail And
*Oolos., 4 sited Or withdraWnin this
formerly 1400, which Om 00 tion hops to wive
brier Jilnesw-Albert SimPori PO" otir this present yOlit.. Mt« Blood*.
Ling an addition to *Osborn and other
onproveminits,,-A tkumhor,, of the 'smith lett ..4be,cons_ grastulated upon the
PeophiAlten-de4 the-tianee;-,-*
bouttuote on Tumidity laste-Mrtr.
Pam! *pent le fey* days in London
last week.
01117001t AT - -13RIPTSPAT •
Marys Ohuratt.-Berkeley wu —
.4 to wozsh1pot (10 by 11
D. Willies"
on Sunday,
pr.acb.d gums
trio *fternoon and eve
ended r
*u4 liber*lity.4.0dicoogrittUl*ted the
elergIrrosu Sod bonding committee on
the conspletion of one of the prettiest
rural ,thurchs in the Sireetern Ontario.
The church is constructed of Milton
brick, cement basernentend elattkroof.
It le of Oothlo llormen Architecture
and the Interior farniehiritri Of guar-
tereticut Menu* oak manufactured
by the Valley Mad 1414 004.' are-
ceedingly beautiful and of oorreot de. '
eittri. A. uninber of Memorial figured
windows adds greetly to ttte artistic
arrangements 'a the church. The ,
**rye. a }Coward . caratilk.,
iggccr 73, years, woo found drowned in a
clotern In hi* yord on Moinday mOrt
Rector the ger. Mr
clanged %with thelter. Vir. Collins
of Exeter Diet Butidardifsay 2nd, and 111111ARTIIINI sal kill
*gab) the church -,.wmt crowded _ • _
rn9rnIOR Onk. 4?vel$Init, • •l'he
A0t4it$K etzt
ii011 t7:i the esti), On Monday, whin
the griatiees were found on a safe
foundation. The church coat *0000
and -it is ptdd for except $1500
D —
' A LOW RAT*/ '
UNE let to stimor. 30th. to
tortiand and Astoria, Ore.. Seattle,
staohnia, Everett and Belliiiithant.Weitio
•victoria, Vancouver and New, West-
f,11,40gAcg_it Mi
.10/TURN ialigIT OCT. net, 1910
• 110)41011rElOCES EXCURSIOtrItS
wiffiTirifE CANADA
Via Chie,agoe Kai 81. and June 14,
VIII' Sant% and Northern Navigation ,
Company -steamer leaves Sarnia 3.30 p.
me_May 30tit_ tend June 1.5th.
.8400re tickets and full Information
horn 174. KNIGHT. Depot. 14,gent,
eter, or suldresi4,-It 110DONALD.
ft 0. 1% 1, 1!otonto
, wadi an
iks.011 Yu lave
Aid o the Meth church will have
Box"Social in their cluiroh at 8 p.m.
Au excellent preirrein heta,tisert
pared and -good time
Melinda Trick of Stratford and
• liletorie Doty in town. Bert Met is
• busy painting end papiring. The ottl
trade come' beck unite naturally;
.Tatneelliirrie of St. Thomas was a
Sunday vieltor In town.. -.0. Hoare of
Mato*, 10.010 Ittatitkt was in town
Mondaytin bueiness.-Mhse Strothers
t the holidays at home in, Blyth.
iteeounSanied by .her friend
Love. •
Bsegrisitz.--1,a crowde.attended
both games of baseball -her. on M y
Mb* when the locale played Zurich
morning and afternoon, .and defeated
the visitors in both. galas, 114 in
the morning and 14.2 in the after
The law compels -no *fie to do Impels- I
An agreement without consideration to
•-- Contracts made on Sunday cannot be
• • ,
Written contract* concerning laud
° mum be under seal.
A *Into Oblainid...by fraud or -from one
hitoxitated le void.
•If a not be lost or stolen- it does
•.., not rote4se the maker. Ile must ,pay
Each individual in partnership is re.
pponsible for the whole amount of the
debt* of the firm.
An endorser of a note is exempt frOm-
It not served" with a notice of
• of Its diolionor within 24 "nays of its
COI,INTY OF ii .rtm,yrAoy. /
Prom the report *sent in by Oaunt/Y
'Clerk Lac to ithe Government, we take*
the foil leg figures as showing the
"popubition of Huron Counlye-tdr the
• zeThir riained;
Toveatiliips 1908 1969
:ashtkld .2*,,689 2,710
-- Polhorne 1,452 1,521
1Ckldah j' 244-50 • 14931
Orel 3,004 310.80
' Ilullett - *2,415 12.00
Hay , • 3,154. 3.140
aloviticit . 34101 3,80a
Mord* 2,110 , 241.o le
liteltillOP 24234 pitiort,
Stanley 1 788 -,-. it tital4 '
• a' 4, i tit
1 Ste#1.2% or
' 114t170:Airni if
taborne •
Wawanesh. Emit
Starrn Period- 1*- centrist on the lite ett-
tending from VOW 3tilh to lune ard-
r. te Wein Is on the celestial equator
on- the 2nd, .estilitiS tor deehled rhee Of
temperature, marked tali of barometer.
with rib, *Ind aid' thun r on end
touthing "thst date; one e to warmer
with tiectrIcal storm94s - Our as o. rule
ten -Moon erosseetetheeeetwitOr., Wait&
tor youraelf eel prove it. Cooler weenie
er Wilt fellevi' cl000r Whin& these
OA:treas. '
rteactitary Storni Verlod ten-
ets -I on the 8th; 7th. and Othoewith:Neve
goon ejit the 7th, near itst "trite* and
ettremee mirth &eliminate. The June
solstice and the Venn* equine.* art both'
hoc:inning. to be felt at thl*
tt very: high tienirrature. loW
)rorneter and vieleus thunder. Stotins
Mint this pend newer tab, with
11,533 JO etta°, erobable hall, ;wilt tesotit d4** • the
1,03 LB -
„ irmgmtni,u thee.....; stems. "tottawra
atellatelV bY rou:it oaler. Within three
1,075 day* of suatier 33 the 7th,e'ettpect
1444 rgY,q,§ illesdniv shakes from, Teflon*
Peet* ot the giolate
•'Total •
Towns and Villege
• 01*
7 72
• 1.110
A , 'May
ifilest, of tae Ora -d •ire
Ltela in'!Al7t1
4.63 -,! farther, residin‘r
$04, ,stita0-aby tha 11.r1n wd l5rsctr,
;24,5f IT*
after.om. Xhe ctioti hitt wanc
2,310. 6::474 the tract too •liitp Ci
'• tiltIzoitth tte brakes were put
akbra as she ws,* *eon tor the tt
03t crew it wae tope ./stse,
_ -
1n- -order toolose oat_our stoek
Imo Posts we have reduced the p
trom 25 *cents to
1.10 Oente.
- Tots vrill regret you did not
feud one of Cane/dee RI h.
Exeter People Should Know How, to
• Bead and need Therm• --
Sick kidneys glve many signals of
distress. -•.
Theettecretione arsb, dark, contain a *tell
a Passage* are freeetnt, scanty, painful.
-Eackathe lo Constant day- and "debt
Headaches and:di,xxsY *Pens are tree
quen . 7 •
The weakened itidely.a need qttIck help
Don't delay. Use a special \ktdney
Bootle's Kidney Pills curs)Otek kidney
,backseiheand urinary disorders.
* 'Itensall evidence proves this statement.
Mr. 0. Scott, at Main Ste IlenssliosaYs
..,. Flequently t Would stater With a
miserable, dull backache In the region of
rho kitineYse Puha Pain* • Y.1041,4 \come
on nie when I would do any iitoaping .
or litting and would cadet int totteb..
Inconvenicrer. 1 had, ttied kraIntir nut-
ediqs ku._. tound_littie relief. t trrale 7,.•ntd
very totally and it Would *as in' my
batit_and the .urinc would shoiv_s.4 nigh; ..
er„voiori .1 learned' of Booth'. Want* •
ruts through an adverttestnent and pro.
, coking a box at Mr. Ilettnehill's Drug '
store. 1. counnenced treatment; It Was
a very abort „ time betors the pain had
' one •Irkiin my ,beeici, and it had strength- .
emit. I -feet-gretetiii Iry reconutanding
i[tooth's Ickiney, kilts es stx Also too -
no." For -sale at W. 8. Cow* Muir.
Mari. ' ' ' • '
$014 blr limbos, Pries tic centri.- The
$ tt-. V. 04> CO., Iola, rort' Eris. Oa..
gol* Con si nts,
W. H. Butt. medical student,left
for tbelforth weaton Tuesday.',...Tehn
WeeletButt spent Victoria Day with
his parent* v. lir. and Mee; Ihitt.
-Herb. Hanlon spent the 24th with
his parents.--Minv Mood Of London is
visiting at 'the WS*. Wileon`e.r4iret :
eel. of St. Thicktimels Visiting bee
mother, Mrs. Anderson; .Y ctor a
Ds was t In a rather quiet witty.'
In th. y usersking there Was *me
cannonading and through the day
some went gehing and others visiting.
fort, the evening some Ate wet** ware
set off: ,..Itsntgre 1Dity watobeerved lo
tbe Erabtie 04001 when our popular
teacher, mho Pomeroy had tree
clam *at for .the
*choler* and their pinto ,Tbsi
dr** showed consider** training I
and were wUpIa.ed with 0444.4
tertatmosout. Miss rooster 10 AO eit.:
ucationist of more than ay . *bit-
itrand hes bettive.
h wes
We will take in mil -image EfOrae0.
hall-. Riabberire, Iron, Oopper
Brass and Wool
for -which w*wfl
"aiow the high-
" Prle0
is Now-Igt1metoentei',
mates -receive from
$l00 to $150 per ennuis,
Mall two in 100 cliff
• Write for particulars.
svorimr, PamoirAt.
!Amen le salitry0-44
of -the tailWay tritek
-*Shingled mad is having *
put up..,...111to. Ouplatu who has beei
quite ill is itiproviug..-41
thutob gtolog to be dosed Centralia,
church le likely to be Made station
'and will therefore support* own
, minieter.
hal skyways been to give our ettatonset* the ad.
Arentege or guy mductiou our keen buying has *flowed 4s
tO bate,eulyantsge Of. Our
p*rtunt Is inost own extol at prlces wlthls* tb.
et oste...$1.00 up .to sense wsrmnte4 boon
threeyears. NOW is tholitsie of year when an
‘,8v* * An* *election of thei
te tkiierell every secoothPrIc
for Oeterslir.,
itert&Inizzentglyea latlafer
Ste Petteitt t'burchi,a tbe
ItstoeY Halle on the late -4 of lasySithi
Was an no Indieed *Wein* both litt
40/110,0e* ands. to pogram. The ar.
ray of talent was o al tios14"
ity and every neiber. on the
ts. as crut
the re
t w