Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-19, Page 6 (2)aUSED
E tuA:
thiiari L3 ia
; I
he tree
tftvr they e
, *to holm 1
-of luk3 as.,
r Department 0
investigated tit
hte, or witj.t irt..thosik*inil4 a
tIO eountry, j. . . . 4
awn Juiubr aceounti f.n
f hi,f tbv ittput0 i
ut setntub44aviitril *hrlut 4 ! Lttrolt'gg car"ii141;:. ta; i — o
e WM -
roduttion. of woodf7tratiora,rrlekil. i tUried rids.
flhi .#,J14- -IT-Alt to,:„ iiP'11,44% Triin. -of r;e4leinei but I got A-0 1;01144-.
45..1 7.7 t oro 0,, weo.,,,, am. Na*sse.* ** 'T .trio4. Dodd's' Kidney :pins 4raty.
od ' t 1*. i
me go au4 AO MO * e.c- tea*
MILLIONS OF 14.421.18: '!' Afieen boo* ** all but I an tured.
'0 -This province lends in the •M'ak- "3174. wife also bass taken, Dodd"
of laths; having *413,211,0041 to Kidney Pinti and reoeived great
eredit, „mist- twice as many as nefit,..fourix thera.44
Rrunswick ttrrned ' out. 1 . Dodd'a Xidnet:Irillsettre fliii, Xi
les are the bobby of )3iitiSh Asp.. Cured Xidneys strain all ixn-
which, with 7„it,t4a,000,#' purities, *II that stliseaset iteda'on
. ethan Quebei and On- cant. of the blood. . Tha-cirwhy they
; her. , always eureftheuraatisra# Lumbago,
For . railway *se*and
I' ,*„. vast *mount . WI,: Dr0Pii atui Wart DIStaiSta.IA''
'00110 year
. .Y't . '..
zut1y cedar and-ti'orth abon
at ist reasonif . 1,01.
ved ,.'surcessfull,rthey
t Xt'a in .4ct.th 4)0
he bk;Qd tbose.crup
taiMp es rclieyethe irri-
itohinv and give -perfect
b4144 Area 'thousands
awhre poor blood hasre-
ip Isease., Among 'those
4,U1'C1I lames Wil..
ylnfet; Ont.,. wliii-Sar
good deal with leCZeillit
Ot famt, 411.011.1,14, tilielp
eae itet4 inY, Wood 'of afl
.and gavelne *peedy re
m. therefore* - na
,usi.ssstffic; hi prai$0of thtte
* 1 ..
e ' rnedieiue that ,.can.make
red, ill cure an* mils r
nlatisres. eczema, neuralgia, .
't( U, heart p*Witation, th
prillhooti and of roman*.
hose of other trouble3simpl
-aue theeublea are resU
of *had%T�c,d :'th*tlir,
w*y eure thc abovetrouble!I an
Wing t.Iu' glow of • health to pal
theeks. SuId by all medic; I-
*ri. or vdireotr at so ,eenta & box or
six boxes .for 8'440, from The Dr.
'Williams' 31eitieino Co., Brockville,
Ont. • .e.S, !. .*
410DO'S "41c 411,1
*Or 111,.:1;,k#
vountry o nimrods.
portsmen, which
..I00 le*
. „
k. 13,400
, •
IT1 a 1'1
tb s r
0 .18 ' „,
T,IV4 GOLF• - Zite"
1 It
1 r00*Ilin Mista
Reports as, to) the poles vireInts d
were reeeivNI from. AO telegritph
uti telephone mop/tides, 15I elec.*
trie light, power and railway coin -
patsies ar14 19 ibeara railways awn -
int: their pole 1inc. These repre-
ent 01,044...tatiles of lines, supportby 2433445 poles, nese comic
patsies bought z total of 1s5,s07
Vs, paying for tbce, at th
"tistak Black ase all hunky -
y, 'oePt zuy right Mistalt
.sulterin,from. de,golf
„ot you fi
Ween Join'?"
Beatio' ealtet."
Prasilerity Skew*, by Govern.
poles IGI1.were of One of the mo4 rem*rk*besbow.
ot er woods sued being tam. in nutftle by any Eank in ein
aek, spruce and Douglas -4r. •s made evident on the part of the
Traders Bartle hy' their Govermnent
k$tatetneut remittly Attlamittetr,
owing that Ob- deposits of the
bank ingfissed .the
first thremonths of this year over
One and atilailf 3fillions of -Dollars,
'Why go limping and whining
;•'•.ut your' or** when a."*. 44/ Vent
te of Ifolloway'stOorarCur wil:
we them! ,tlivo it a trite an
not regret it.
- V.4010aSiatt
r-ati.e or
I 1 \
vitt mill sd
rower. 0
at9u# Zi
£IIlisianiteo of. $41(liA. z
P. r4.4A))111711411' arise, ,
" Wei 'LS .0 t
tikes o seir sizei- veryer .to
it thi'
entX-foolips41100 weighs m:h1r. Fain troubled with eckerna4
Pci,utitlo *pd the gerk" * *Iways worse in• the° earl.v
l des; tiger snake of .tt'itr* jat.o ' winter, and seems to leavt
will,. when six keet long, tip the about spring. "i tried Z*1)1-11111,
bm at tally- two pouinia. t Iutlf
er s viseinolhOtre. tbain the average rat- hir'eariosutet.a170nd .1.111161m pire4: stlit'444:;4, tiatt:
*The erciuthil)g Per& of • Ind!At Itahlintsorite. tthhaftnk;ritigle.satf,r47:11).,Ywthltet/h
travela frout P°01 t� pool, **1 Irt Ivare ever before tried We now
it eross,eountry tramps at.t.se, ligve Zaus.Stsk house eon-
s to moisten-itklii.10; 1/44.1itne tinitoitSly.; and '1, carry * small
watier tolleetedln the Isoll,w-s of the ea,i1 box irk..iny0430' 1i:et, One, OVAIRIk ,
leg1 tbaippened to lookiii where a
vid Man had -met with an seident
week beforr,. and had lest s'finge
nail.' I (tressed the wound. with
and left the sample 'box
ful ,er,y and the -deer halts and: with Atm. / 1-01,1„,s ,seen the old
standsotiOnless, trying to locate' gentleman oilite„- 404 the in,int,„
e• nroauviii47t
it;' victim. • ' " ,*railed at 'The Utilise,' and I notte-
Certain species, of 1. er41)8 1)111.007.,.' ed. a. rig on his finger,- Enquiring
and Iilant on tlieir 4010v,eeti; about the injury, • learned that lie
• r biti ofsponge, wawa* 10°"riolv,i had somehow'taken, pieeeof flesh
afford excellent .vonee.tilment. This; oir, irtn4 the, wou44 had started t
rata' is amusing in An aquarium.lfaer. 1 -rave him about it,thir4170
leyrreiroyg,nintea sst-izweistlsobuittksitosi 1.1gpnastpel 're*
;10 , • box
h.e°1/s. ZaiskIni;i'WHIIiistkt":"g( lit.'feswalv4te:So
bf cao.edte t:ent cod :04 it:, ue:eus itaoteafriot irvetil:trini :d o:ndiehtt, fiyroTae;rt,a;c; taroi m )34::: or 0_ az:: g no obws„ id aingt
Jw put on in.. a hurry as SOMA SL'ariay rron*will, find it give s the hest
mi. co in pre,e s#
ON' AND TA rrn,filLet sores, eruption. and
,„ EN
we*e at 'dinner, and 0.
the table.
4' ya haVe tart or ruthr
d papa of Tonioy.
art, %said 'tunny pomp
JIi fatherhed tet
e, many ks,,r41tn ;winners.hi
41 given Alo boY.
;rat% whatrle., flue z
st Tonony's eyeS Nfere glue
e pastry.
"Tart, what 2" Wa9 44461 Sh4101)1
Art Tomo
The'tiger's ee 'has a 1.011t!50
eerberating that. it skants to tome,
rom ell sides at ow.' The tiger,
-•heu talking the deer, utters hisR
10 taking' Oa "Ftesh-Watolt lefol ' Z4104tuk k70.,. Toronto,- for,
rom Voiiige ' from Sarsiia, Ontario, vile., ,but refuse. all substitutes,
! to roil; williant, ()nutria through
✓ en -#.;. these great ird'ind se0. Xeiti, ‘4,!4,7urse,". . -reed little' Teen
The sr, *wets ,have been tdiled ft I Le. my jw diotrelas.,, "Nellie ham Pi*
a# 0 .-s.
sunt reet-ked $ tbgng1,341000th.eir ,t.,.:44 ,tiel,---iitit our" t°,i-sS;,i1CittthtterkSillIt*Stintrintrfalltfa; '4eett; liglttiatbhtlett4):
for 47A04,4451"-egr•ceitr *11,4:
# • Aar A. „. •
... i--.1,..__,--
SVPERION. •all skin injuries and diseases. 'AU
A ma t. summer trip I en* -druggists and -stores,- 1$0e box, or
, I 11;arlissr .,ttit ..e.itially pleasing inerease is, 0 ott the Grizit Lak4 /141 • / g' -good-owili.that be to err %entity
Natites Have y Sapersttocan, enown. in 'the toata1 *soctS to the ' hour gag of: this .110Pulii COM1 tlitatight ftwttlit, atki then iiktivb
4++++4, Caluireted Witl; Them. Bank. Tim*, •Sank-teporth` to the 114 TIV_Itilianlera run in 4,9311W4'' answer
-„, - .. ... ...b. .
., The African ,,,e.obra it, regswea veroment an increase of its to, .witit: the Grand Trona: itau. v unis she's,:atfroMwedat'ilit:110.t,:titttoE:.,'
ftABY CRIED assets to the grand total sum sSYstall# And fin particulars hole 'too '1
oroewhat reverently by the oar- 40,060,000. winch is an lnerea_ve„! i ,.
CONTiNt.741.1.,Y and.. descriptive literature,
......... ..... ....:..
ives- of that country, who once wi, of over ;Op:a:a:Oaf-over the reportl, can lac-talid for the. askingLby
, year . kill * cobra 4o- kutiello .sind' =Ade. 44t. tilt „e1,4,31 The y.ear,, ,r_ ppkingto Ma. I. _ ,D. AlcDonsi is a Liver 1411.—Bfany of (lit
,-.....; ..
ug e born duringStation, Toronto, Ont
Oagon, L'Islet olowir-n..4.loviticiutnt.1,;11,_016tat iituj.___.oart ribasLe"
rt140to "t0.111.c.11'
-e-,-,-W.--witivardThen ai
. r e swhic
tka h is ,showiug sua inatiii. „.
tug its skin .to the brawls of A _liters is ,perhips no Bank in Can.! Distriet Paztzenger, gent,
li A ()vita T4bItiS the.elti.ldreit . the fast year &mt. ovide,neet-dv
tiroverityind 6- - '-''---- o'rdered liver, tiliiiqi is --'a de it
i "'n the world for .arS brOUght ()at and made to Witch sti6 rapLd growth as the Tia,der3! 'Two. wrotehed-looking ramps organ. peetaliarli. susceptible to - thf.
, v -n, . the, skin. This, the parents think, ..Bink at the present time. • - ikvete hrought..before a otagistrat.
, disturbances that come from irre
I I have, gie
ni - a - for „eolic, 4 I puts Item under the serwnt's pro- . i , ..
, , ,...,......... , 1 marcng ssithe vot5e.10014ing of el gular habits or laek Of care in eat-
tioo and oreetiines + ii: tectan, The cobr2 (le eapello 411. mts. matreuly.....ecrou aro at the te-9," he said: "Where do y'ou liver' !i'g 41.arui drInking.. This 'teecat•ntil
I ever knoin-them to m.o. e quest.:Jita e ono
r 0 -, ......a. von, Dorothyl"
bettom of the spelling elass again, "Nnw,lni.e* • sir." •a '''Aud '10.11* (14) LtIr'w‘"pertg;:eadt* I;t1tr-Vtiiltliveartrteegultitiloantift,r1
eaking up a fever, and vides with .Ite homed vivo! of Af-..
1)orotby -;--4Y04 Ilveg ' lidaressIng the. See°164' Suiferers. Of these there is none
giving, prompt relief. ,f,.. ing the "worm of -the Nile " to k cryo';, mummy... '1 4110W did it hap„. . '1 ve got the roont above -hint, your 8urerior :to parmelee.s vegetable
X4' I began e#e use. of the + whose, venoznous tooth Cleopatra'sli pen r• • ,,,/ got um many z.t.3 in rorship."'
Ta,hiettin14 :baby.*.ms-ve-yy nil) 4,1catit was due. The Xaffirs use the 0..acissnrs.,20 •
• od cried volitionally: Since 1 venom of this. Snakeis cousirt,, the
1 • Pills. Their operation though gen:
-......... • A ultimo/1i for thee, Legvvr,z tle is efftetive" and the most deN.
eaft.,,,can facet tnein.
*atirtsdh:115;iiiTuingproLndspitiewlidi t+ li 4111)Coy Adwhtleenr, ttOlippOy iShOnavt611., el:473.1%671i 11.4.statuertIonrefooft Fiehvte,raato* akdavAhsta. Leg,gers lead „is life which e:ix,posea
diem to many peiils. • Weurads
lee gave the -Tablets to, illy quantity left they swallow it, bar. fiver always preeetie attacks ot. cuts and bruiv,es' ;cannot be sitta• l' Bride----"_Itainroa cil*"f1 Ale
four '..urs old child who, f.! 44 ii144 a theory that.it wii! .proteet, irevor and Algti. Sitaittitig derange sether avoided in prefistring timber 44 St not think lye. will ev.er quar-
, fercd frequently froin eouVuli: .,,+.11thein from the bad effeet3 of (Attire %cot .01 ti t diestive organs atti for the drive and in river work. TO as she and Paigidfh" tilr(tffin
't 11 '4 fore. when i hi,..1,,. +1' lab say that the bites.of snakes* b'; ed. itt. thec, ailments -panne-
!Ilona and they made a per- T. q bites. The Snake tribe of the Pun- letAtliorattion'in the quality of the
f ditly experietice 'cough3 and
here wet and cold eombinefi are
.6 8110‘. says .you will be mit
Nisi .dearest.", ' Wav Bride,
13 114 - Own TAtiie14 itl titil) 4", P not hurt them, and if they And * !(!ed ,v,.8etahie . pills ,ilave .been, :cutds as:d muscular plin,s 'cannot ewier to manage than itpss, was.
, honlie I. reet
l safe and Iad- fleiitt . serpent they 'dress it in touaft most effeetsvire; abatiag.06 but etriEue. 1.1r. Ishi#M44,4,7 Felegtrie ..
74;:frVi.$V other' Inotliers- 41$0, tn ettlms, and give it * superb, Tun&-. toyer ,sx(1,miixtutng the. Ague lb,_4 0,0, -when it.pplied to the, initired Gs
vrit 4101/wfursiikos*4
+. t4,13?. t,110;111 on hand's". -,a
-± kv ntedieine deileri •,r ..':.F.4. ,, . ..... .........,,...... .. . .. ., ...... .„.., , E4,,a.* clays.. There ;tte many wha at 44-4,5gois.'4'r414----1-9' 'tilt *ilizig. VOrts
, A slot wilt las
4, ' Or. WilliatoV. litedieine vn war, and then u'll ur , Hod. to these distresing 'distur- orders.
;sees anti totheit there is no bast,
--, , i
'..i. 'mail at Y...1' . cents 4 bcia front Wife feroisly)— -e
The Farerer--"Ify ' boy gets
C41." Hu _ — not sea cer- - preparation, ' proeurable a* *
• pc od &al of fun out of 'motoring.
Ce., Brockvtile, Ont. *the pride royiself on. ,
++++++++++44** wten I 'married you, but 1"rit not nis eot relief.' .
,ear.## Tho vairner_4cot , course hougls I have the brsghtest; sma
tail. about -that. Ilistd-iny'nwrt way Ti' Visitor-4.43ot he ,doesn't ow ng,” said tile 4,attittr father. '
satisEkxf.i' -• The brains of the Scot sli pe t eutest,, best, youngster I tvrt
-weigh, mo
ore, n -in rratte# not eg" Ws; one o' the counts ton.
." saw?, I never bras; ,about isim.•
than those of the Ertglvih. '
$N.t. ° A
, eitielerrimer.e
Marion ' slelitrea 'papa thaoiel
stersesyou w ate me, ant It'a.? 'seem d
leased." • ifarver.-‘lfe did
strion—"Xes. lie said he was s0 .., . .
_Riad 41 see you .,vere not a poet." MIIls,s Littv‘sar C. uratitia,
. .
Dear sirs.,-Yegoor 1110141i1E6 Milli St
our ente#1i la 4v)rolkroft1, colAs *Ail
li fordisitto saitaleatto. ,
t *eller fond to reNelet Itssit ear. loroAstit,
A 4-cugh ts a,f:era ate forerunne
sor';3'ous palmtosary aftlieVeas, yet
s2ze14ie eure within the
f itlf in It• le's Anti=Von
vid y teccgaied remedy, whielz.if
re,torted to at the iureptic,r1 of
cola,. Will tirtiaristal'y /Ai*rehf anti;
tveree.niiag 'nye. twattble; guar'
tits systesicfresti anv serious conte.
isittie.es° tfriel* 21 teats.L all
t -ias
a ex
Lary af.• you w
Y lor.et
rt tiliA14143 WKOINTE„*Na',,
Itislagroove. °
"Titero oughts-to.,,bi but one fuss;
*very 11044430144:' sltowattd t
r an in the
ith ie" ahiufed
gliag hint osi
410 I have just, inishe(f pa
iv for he hig4 9f my nine (laugh
1144 -
'Yost; lituslm
His Wife -le
ffer Hit
would ar,',
iS Wife
Ur Ifus
atei o
I, Val athtir
;title ,
;CH. atisaiirs Lifalissaat la Oa Ikaisms:
By the, time * biwbelor things114
is afford 40*-marty he 4doesn't wan
aellt" '01)o
rip!" .. Not a,
0:1. -rat of
%Alcj3ftt4 tisrCoira'a
;sr issiorirs am;
Itottilindustry, it I4 e thanat-
hags into Switzerland about Ifobo----lia-am,• , nu hungry- 111
,00E1 every year: . 4frkirs' ter moue food.
ousewife - Poor man: I won't
:cola work.. Here's a fine hot
vox, rear vy•resaMeas. I, fA4f—ifiSt WA+ your Itantls..
iittrint. 'It A b0-- 'Abeam. I said I was, hur,i-
ola. writ* or
lasr.:0.41 Rdr1Aed.,... 1 -441.-# isiffiir J grj not ',,ttirvire" and desperate.
.11110arill Llokosiaist total liby ,P1,Yskolt114.
iI(NX S0140W,„
• *sea, Wrk iiteararr, 1111ster,
eatB7 Jiturlate 'EY," 'lensed,.
A eakts ke at :It degrees :Fah -
s *ordinarily considered WI
ratkcr a told ssfistante, but
*arh botter than liquid ;till'
ire* in which limed is /*LW
an the ice.. A teakettle
*ilk yolk' air
Ice, of -ice' teeeis•
fr'rn (he10e that t
Vsifl 40i gorously,
e mot*,
-lent br • mg a fewnapi tif
temperature of
r*tth re at freerias point
air and we (' 'zld obtajn *-bloek,
iloated b,y the
ke ,eould
be put into
4d t itti/eatbi ii
. ithei
not, Mr !oisslIon
(44 t f4 oratsolstia
;Anti wit :nun
sritz.lc„.t. for tta .
.r. „ , 1 toov. toir.,.•(-(...altl:
t',' b. iOl„.11r..5.t# Asto c:A!ala,'
, t17.4:T-44$.1,43ZfW 41 SA ,
a, ' ' giN't'l t.ltella . ia,,
• it,,irtet.t,,;..a. ,..4 Ir4alita. 1r1,94
-,10,iflis *al il 4313 • t3a.trfer. $41, •
' tticm: r4lat... ' .• st*Avavlatblaa!,.. tail' ,
tratter. AL:lace. .weAstAA e..i, *rise* -
,c,14Atitreseot 13.e.:41t1) by Alwaya),: ./KePst+.
•i ialg, 4A bola of 1/P- 140',5s1A troliait'
1Y,,T4 • r4P4-114. -Ow h14.0e4. Ttwir '
•- e I, el
irtry time sln,,,,glaneeS, 10
la5er's" 'watch ,she *starts...kr ...
ii .wirpir" Ittiti*---*'01i, titers
4uotiser 'woman in the 0450 r!' .
Oraves Ex,termire
tor s;pleasant. to take 0, ontl
11,341 tiestrilrio no. •
144, tried' it
Lt wa4n usiness
.1,1alassit; Lute
• iU. the e
* -
f I*.000
to,day* . A railk,
tiVA A 0
to 'sot
litt"rat Id
na. araraflIarrergoli
11 A
Okla.:, few week* '00;as 'esetWeertleti
T free; grata:tale* earn, twelve to
Stateera *Wise* weetalya write fee rota- -
Ittatue. Voter iteetter Cvilet7.
tow. Toronto. •
111141311 RADQOARIZ1VO„ ..-
LYI rwat *ad largotiqfroleittlig -1.11kb01;445r,r,
**Sint% bolters. Atom' PumPv,
eoginep,• oleettletowaoriii- tinorsteigurir
rasclalsort. oto, omit' for ratotoilio
tvot 1400 sogettitteo- -UN W., PrrOill.
Toroatto, Slontret#1. riocotOrtif.T'
Ttivw,s` liartirrat roas AcitE's
beim len& wilt sefl lteast for ram*
0" 14 4 "roroPtn,
.at silty)** .efltSrY
:• thews'. . Ira* sr)I's;:*ts4-.TItilitPre4.1:ee'r:v}old.i41:41?:
144 Art„Wt-IVit IIAT#1.: Ott Erco4'Noi„,1,,w
Aeret ix the, ecuratY nt Es14-4wW
ezellatsort for- A* larger tarni 3bt WC*
ern 'tent Estate Vulattogetiasitartf. foal;
00, Otlt,
TS • AA lt It tb(4by
4 01 Al
01* ot itslefifVtbS aaw
ts OussWait t»�
Writ. for Ices*
iascratlai Aeletv00.eikao sit Cassads., Lt
Is .Your Hearing gond.?
211/ nitalf.41011.01.41t will glie sratt the
.lits. -01 ;good- Ittarins- tlost tor fre•
bo4kIlt. iviug parilatlar* astO„ fume,
..03,10ef4; *wt.' Moo,
garialal tiltaar ler a Iniagoth*,-14.ass *traits:
THE artA01.0 14..E011t0,029talE 1,011T,IED#
331 5W1a aosois** Talarlittak
iiiwriktioni -Alt who Are al
;1st* Itioeosev-oht -*fish '10N, a*
*hall lloollitti:011'4411.46114".tolletZtiillif**1167-ta'N."1:40,toratlift41717*
with tall :fanattartottooll hit
to toe;s pemotaerat too.
, .
Y 04101.111
le/or *two Oliallt WWI*
0 A A