Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-05, Page 4 (2)• Ctizar:o " aIrtir!!'aY izOvc1f her qJ atadow offtt,i igibubt tUat '21s $04.24,r4r 14.44;7 frri:Ni ittgi aii Itx P.4:0011 kuotiva44O Th 4110. $1.1,c*TC$14911.tIr $0.oVett 'Tozo,r* 4cAtizatoWtro:1-‘e :wrie. 141 ,epest stow; *14041 liat' Year sa,;t1r1Y- ifiX1f4 we „ Act, 'czcp tfg k utpd /Inane *rrtefit to 'Me fatale e state. -Ttrre- are tiVE dWerent traacties.SIZ' AnterZean.. Turitestap. AriVan. Pernv- Ian-and German, hut .for Ont*lio , e litateriOn variety la beet suited. Alfalfa, unlike many other croPs.Cfl riches the soil rather than erniloverlsbes- ' -it. The roots extert into the earth from *five :to 'trove teet.-Yeaching down and bringhig to the surface' nitreien hed Otber"valuabli Mineral plant food '8 has beta grown cOntinvously nerat the eountleit of this:1;0104n neeply thhly years, and *till pro It can be illoWin agc. blittry„.43LY, igloo or ty ,Ot .14011 Properly exPeriments with It on et: thiiited in -nearly- eve rs pert -of Ontario, both w and with odA nurelos SPrinir sowing has even best results tt sown with a bursiiiii crop, tiariezt,' ;10 at the-rAte of one intehel per, are an excellent ono tor this -PurPnse. ',Atria or twenty pounds p2r =root alfalfa is the Proper quantity ot seed. From • thrii to. -fait -ittaPii -can be hariteited !I, �ie season ,and the average height c es. When -about one-third et the crop le Leona, la an eiCelient time to enttb33 as it then _parataxis ite gr,teat, food value. The,euttinS b2 done In the reozi)on whOn the due ia oft the gnome and the tedder should tottow inunediatclY and In .kapt at. vel)ric until: it In the afternoon.. AF1 the crop . left in windrows. This pt-ocesni-allould 03 _reptitted the tollowIrrA• day a,74 •the pttli n. 07410 ani eft'. tor eevorat dzm It should:not * cut too close' to the,ground as the plata may 1:1,1 injured yteld p2racr ot greea sem, id about enty tons, and of dry hay% five. It, should not -he albwed to, -remain top I ,,to bete dry 4 break Often nutrtents. * produze4,1 btst fronl eittier first and C'uttings and averages nye' .bushels.,Per 4;4=e. althougia It inantllinee tans als'hIVA s ten. ' Alfalfa co, -abut 5o p. -t cent. orc digestiaa prigs:2m th.14/ has' made fzn red eicteestft nakpa a splendid paloture ;or hel•sesi bog*, tput. eare is cdouired when sheep value -aro tu°1-oi ed hi ots. there ist a ten n ff Allowed to, e3t Murh; esp2elakly: *hen the &Tann I* wet. -- An aPPlica,tion4Zabaut twelve loads of barn yard hanure per at everyl tour years ham provelvery-silistactarY Fertilizers ,contelning rhosphate halie ir:vefi` thg Wet Moults. When a fieid, *Usk% 13 piouit :led down- the - suirtice sot ts compl,nety tilled With Toots rich tit tertue *lenient*. IS lkt hovel that evetY farmer. n Ontstt:0, wtter hits 'suitable wen &An - eel *oil will *tit td"E„.rield eZ this repot. dosieable erop. IrAltQ1ThL811: " 31r: Jas. Gardiner was taken sudden - ill it VIM/1w .but 10 now gettitig, along "tiicely.,-Mr. 'Fred C Stewart is dunned tO the house With * sorP• knee, there being sornithing wrong 'with the joint. ...gr. Janie" Dallantyrkes two children have been very ill with pneumoniabut recovering rdcely.--Clarence Gowan* who baa be teaching In our school ias resigned end will attend lformal. The trustees have ban very fortunate In stecuring an excellent teacher to take hie place, In -the person or Miss ICaths. leen Itobb at' iftrialtard, 0itt 7ri per t.. r., 114r0103,E 144e)..1. fl Ai k krantort.: Sr 11or" Zt rayatatn ore? 4,01hcrt; st;se3t, ati Jr Itt.p.ottr Ira. 11• M01s itt* r4tOttf V60 CYO -40* 164 Ille ttww-A—tiktitti; exatoz.,,,11 *per ao• eiaNfertt M OtettWitoUkka Ilekr.tY ; civet ci3„ W. Iftests.bie;,ab Ord,' Polmsg. vt„, Itt-ever 60 L. a/kelt/v-1Y, M. ilrowt. Pt....1r,vier 1*, Itrirtals tatiorit. IL .0s,roo1 risten untltr1,10. t.; 4r-sh Z;i•.-.Zrci. •*V.',croa W ••4, tl 14eaval • 43.4. . wt. Li.:' to tact' 04'.2.,z,:o at -0,7,eC',IwaY. -1-,,tarywaa co:zducted. 03 tti'1,9 t-tY to latcp ccncicrol. louics wc;111 ta,t1 pri":se3t a!1 1;10,' tpt,' ipt:!Od tiat0 Ilak;:w 044 Mare' 0.11. 'Rae We 3f to. -1C704 ot Vi. -.30 -st:A,ae4t tho Preehyte. . elaureh at 'tiorand Bnad text 'Sunl.ay fionter.74lie torAion was te .o. id':e,by- 944!Planted 40. tedlie, ete. '.,P41,;tF. tEtri; a p'.e (Iroveo °Kilt= Dr, Own: 'Wha reee:rian • ,0t .44a acqelited tant' ptlitio3 On the staff Pr e.'-ot*w ..);700:inery "vgaroynt*,. cztOvet 5,ftittY ,c,14" w1s! 1m rkany 1t4VP.71.‘, yitn.30.,.2,rous :$11Ale*,' Sudden Peatho-iThe death Occurred on. prli1.44tho bh1 espectecl and o 4 wenoat ht. the p,arson of ..lyttOundY.--34--the-age---ot 10.1-7yeare.--She had not bmn well and after net,..stAid she ,, woUld tg her rOtsu aid ire downShdid hd yy (aced away a'rainute y, two ;yin dew: t. e s Qr-Insipatitl; Who. icalso poiot in the tospitil' at Toronto, *ii-S.re • recently underwent 4M1 operation': Mt. turd' Mrs.Iitt'it,ardy have iorkg reale** •Ii-Arkt,"30, conducting the *tore and Poet officr-tsr 40 years helots, 'titer retiredfifteen y.e.a.rii ago; l*Ceas0 was tygleeinstried, her Vret husband being agr. coho.b..m. She, wiLe old lady and much beiOlted,.., by all. They ?lad 00 The tuneral A.ervlce.V420 goo* dtpted at the . ;hause,. on.,N0114104 even. tag" br.,;(tets. Pleteher,Xneit and RaXPy ;*nd the.,bpdy ..,Scts• taken to. St, and/thence tit. Olen Niritiliantit,..F4day Lor. ernient. boarifi.„„. notetinA or the, telirtnirtitenidaY' everiing;, wheu the thanees were found to be In _flontishing eendition. There „le a nimsurplus.on hand. excellent congrer gat:Ions attend the services an .Sunday'. Ti-,eona • serVICO %et litintittY elenine. V'*a: very rnuth Spprecisted. The char/ under the leaderehiP of Or. L-PamPliell is well ouranized and: thins ezettlicnt tervice which le apPreciated by pastor' and.congregat1on..-4(r.:John. Ilanna hap purchased, a ..f(rte stallion, Pearl tuft, ftlorn ell 'King of .Crediton and vfiu i&tIpe. Bhe liCat. lady of great ate and this *et weather ,haa 1”ert very 'unfavorablevr-Miss LOY Veale, daughter at Uri. Veale or Dor ehester. & fOrraiCr minister her, took pr,t,t ;in the song serirles Ounday."-.The marragi, took 'place reeendy Qt Itties titahzliMeCurdy, 'daughter or Mr. Archie t tfihte D. ZIteNte01 of Farquhar. The to Mr-, •JOhn Isiftlffieolp San of eriunony 'WAS' perforated , ,quietly In Strd1ord. CongratulatTons.- *as, Kate Dupe IS -on the Oleic list.' 41 30 Emma, Simplon is loOking after, the howathold dutes at preeent„-- We ara much pleasid to _state that Mrs Fawcett Stinson, vrho recently. had 'a. otroke and was rendered ,unconociouti. at the time a writtne to- fluotty tul4 pr4v;rel am" 14 again conversing :a little with tier friends, and giving sigma ot further improvement. .who .;• Ja,. Kemp. Joia E. Efllott. John ,M)3r dr C:ia,rte's Auction Sale Panne. Farm Stock and Iitnplernenta 'Mr. Thos. Cameron has sr eived in- structions tront the under*nd to 'ell by public ateztion .03 1L4)t It.. Maborne. on TUSDtY.\MAT lith. 910 at One O'dock sharp the fol owittst:r-- iat to ea farm cornnoied o -1.0t con..1,• '14p. . at tirel/atne, tent Whig -04 -19tnd. On the prentlies therd gOod trail -13- we zvircy'ha,rst, a never f*Ilins -stream or Apr:ifiv f*ter so a god well; 2' r•bv !ail wheat set4e4. te_grass; cellos VAYandht,lance in pasture. 'Ns prop- tenezd with a 10.wire wettest fenc• e' CI ts• CITir 11 thortoughly invIertireinedi an °I. well suited for frmeral tarmtntr. Poutiessitm given at one,. Allo that choice grointStirt. be eorepeetko* Stuart half of Lot ;, Con., 5, tlaborpe. This property Is fetteid With 9•Wira woven • fenee; litres/an- of eisring Witsr tuna across prop?rty, and it Is Welt suited for graz. Purioees. .14011$S3'.-1. brood mare. ,7 YeAtiii old '101117111tUritl 1 bnaod mare 9years elk* agricultural, with. toil; 1 filly 3 yrars *gtcuitir*i th foal; 1 filik '3 Yuma oldar: letilitaral-Lgeldinir pars old. agricultural; 2 Milli 'I yr,. old. agricultural; 1.4ekilos,,1 year old agrietiltural: '1.-earr1age snare ti• years old, -.quiet and, reliable; 1 aged mare with foal at tot. fvnier'S driver,, roi.elitqt nil.re 3 year' old; 1 h*dater galling 2 years old; 1 wrilly 1 year old a CATTLZ.-.1. "3iarsey eow ; 3 grade eoWs ilueoln *fay. . 1100.8.•,-4 SOW with utter at foot; 1 sovr du 3 In May' -1 saws ,40e trtv/ufiel 17 st0r6 togs **nit ';140 pOunds. POW1a...100 suilletSi. 40 young hens, rn Chotte• ItIoliters. turkeys. it4Pplelutf.tra'.-1 truttr wegoiw1 dem: 004t *agort;'1:.tith bug ,ntarlY new,, 1. 1040' ttemIths." 2 cutters. One neati3+ aziw. !teeth -toot b:nder nearly new; . tn4wer,-,1 1ye tikke1 hi Y tack, 1 ..r.ss-bow Coekshut riding Sow:, 1 2. ,ow "CoOkAhut walking, plow; .1.it. w sang plow; 1 spring ' tooth,, stor, cultivator, 1 see4' dist barrow, ,a,tt Iron toarrI;ova tand toiler, 1 ement lend roller, t totiqr. 1 sculfter, 1 straw eutter /sly..r.„ I. taro/ins mill, 1 bone grind. efl-,etl. to:Ow**, 1 ptstform ettens"..0:1 1 'trait ladder. . 1, Mira holit, I. Incubator, It hrooderi.' sets double Wanes, I, *et single tants*, •it, twt, ittiory r.4iy tot Notes*, .Vidi* Saddte. andbridle0 cookIng itooc. 1 eUn stIvel"9' 150' * 'huolvel* 103/1itottio Shave's, eiteina. beet, a. luI1v.1r1)u3 to tnes'atton, $1:Vott 11) rteetve as thisportc. gonato wtit • 'rums SAL'S. Is of ,res1 est tale; Ltite st 814 t.n5ut I * ue. _0*,000. a; -rota..• ther article* is 1.iiniI that 460.47 at 600 'Nadel the sixth rive. beat SOC13144 byCal,,,Settag /Rale, 07, th ilattadian. Capt. utcleesOn. 4301p, is 0$0. ')feicittle 4$41t, teo,t10.t1 sitventh; ilunner 3hhrtitis 14*/**twO3tyleightit. And tient Snatti/,' Nth etti,rtroka tu.lizii4 :about 0/ 'shining* a Will sir* oft * In She Ino,t;o4o Ara BrOadhUrtt, Itute1w4on a a R 0 44 points, 7licirittlesiv.l I e have a tits .Ootlen Panntflayhotratt, eott,„and. IgeVittle cad; *Li inizcst. . . . , • . Two,ort.n.w4'l,t, 1sr‘mv4111i4 MOOTO • Ot -°*7,0elliirk, was aeld,,nt-ATity. 31;4- vitIthilPed. -eatt-hati thp**.ientr.,..n* to; t, 1{4hihInAtv On thO NtA, ' woo hid: tu .nee at the wor4. ortfte !..o6 o-r,It N.,. r'..tort., find tz w4ou 4:4! 'Sttponiz,tin PM*, pf,1 til ) 1• aiimt.o.1 an..t itea o.,*.p..? Mee. and.. 14,,,,:`,'14 '1i,'.1,14;t tr. w het"' 410141k 110%0 a. , 1-• , meted PC1111,,r,q4., 110"10' 1i:13.14,1e was, thovra 0 nedate a_ . tett et Tea, sisa ,.lrestivers 1* 11L --In •Enginitd, f..160 itenalty, of tar suil; 'feathers ras intrcetneed In 1139. when Richard I.; before setting out (or the IZO.ly Landop/lair/ed. iu onIer t� pee - Sells the tiliselpihte of .hls fleet: that whosttever.aboillt1 t,Insvietel of theft shoukt first have hia bead Shirred: that shatild. then be weirett. itilon It. and a eushion ot teethe* Is, plume Woollier;abaken over It. Us. itiocitafterward to; be put e on siioe the Orst place the atilti totu1ud at, 'baptism, -ot .bo!IInx ttliati5 retat Wou Ile lifti teft in hi*, In modern times the pracites hns found faveg vrith the mutat*: 40 it l'inettutt of .r.OilltY eke, ettiltiS justice- on an Offender whom the la* perhaint-showa no anxiety to rtiseti. Loudon. 41111. - - „ „ 3 Sara so riosess, 'The only Petfettly beautiful 11414 a well IrhO*1), .cUl "must have beim a god ones ot one. AafoCeopatra,a1 Vintlishruan hi* iltscoisotd In 'some aa- elerit goes* written on papyra --tha bad4t10-40:9" retludr freckkd skin of ell the Ptol and was Used to* reit** to baIr dpi and -to keep up har reouta. wa • e',:ke Ve?%er, seco7; otd.Azs, T. 4. V as • 1.rbit01. K121., to ,Uz i'far$ ,r44Y,k0 rsar Matta bt$, t4o EcrSIzaw ,ot ArmrdUe./0 Wottafed4Y 'ot laSt Our arb*,11: go wit4 lloormtburOp..4)4,a 0‘04 XW444.11F1or4 .0f 0.1190titon, N. D., ealle4 Oa relative* Le re. reeenitt• WeR cAlltd to to :14-3•10 ot their utner.: Mr, Jolla Ford, who is, we are pleated to so!. recooNr. (c7,ir.*--Misit Mr.* 'Oaten Is *flatting at; Ith„o h9411,1 0: 31r. ,11.11 Tucxer.., qpo• flobkixk • Sr si4 Mrs. Itobitirk.Jr 'erpc.at 'X',?n4a:51 ir•vSeat. forta tb.;‘,440,7,49 olivto,73,43ltneett;. , • 8TATA,Qf 9/40# 7011190/1 Frs.14V4331 C01, ki,trisoseyiliskeigitk that be is Stator partner of Willi ot it. J. eory exo„deiagbawis atialetikecityarTelado,_,Covety end state asore. asid.aadthatealdans Ifni per the wane et on 14414/401)01.10ilidiseelkek sad !tory tole et egarlihthstrepietAaecktt•d_ by jlis /me *I Mari einNIT :" MN*J cillt."19f Iwo' ta.bet.seiiieaad eakeesibed iny -pit* 4eletg We*); day et imoseiver, £U. 1984. t amountlpayaVe in Astir ,any, Great-Vtritorin, wjtzer1and iatate4 ou. the SACe of tby steAble at cMiretit'irstea. *nd *It Infartfittilen of tlas Bank.. , Misrsttrey having* ju*t» competed moving b.14 turnluiteArzepartitery moving to another district TheyManag. ed to 4,01Y0 the barns and tablebj putting down .a entail bullaing Used as refrigerator, The burned buildION Was 1nurd for_ 6150; * lia*GI141.411,ItA.T. OnlY seven liquor Menke* were Issu. ed b the board ot cantridssioners et North 'Xidcliesty at their *oceans' In *the 'Town MU at, ,Aihra • Otaig4 'The -local oPtion.eatelot teat Ionuary„ tut oft two ,licerises in '..4t4els1de, two 10 Attu *sii siteire***114, -Streithrtirt.- Trife-'2.;; _ licenses Welreirinted;-Varkhill, he Ileltings Mime. The AellitEton. and Rotel Selisteri: Imes% 101P44114 go - Lean** Jona torshawaI Indoliato• ciao- deb.oe. On Thursday, April 211t, the hotel owned blr Jas. MerAffrey At Neat itte- 01111vreiy was coMpletely destroyed by The.cause Of the fire is attributed o sparks front le burahor heap et Eise st hand. It was by a 1 eh*ne that the hotel was empty. MeVM, ' You *ill regrefrou attend one of Canadee 111 Oradeillusinese 0414" at The Itlf1111, WAX a doing Weir Milli 19 to briny '$rour old truck, suctt as horse hair, rubber, iron, copper._ - wool picking*, etc., te where you get the highest cash price and honest dealings...' port Q11 hand tor tenee posts, etc. only . ash, mg • with the exeeptlo� o ono otb aam..enus the fleet IA Court Of Revis!on for b. Roli of the Ttratita p botd its first *toting for the preuea . in the Wien 1101V"Crriditon. rode3** tho260& drof May, 191 t 10 o'clock LIU. - lElEaftr SILBER. 3rd, 1910 •Tp Cler] es thougbt to toe even smaller; but th. kngth of lot head sad body o god 'One.balf rilIckee*, wIrile that ether leaset shrew la rarely mor. than tirrOk Jncbes The tall meestores aboiit one and one-third inches, and Its teeth are so extremely small that &Imo M. telt:tired to detect them. , fl**eftJtIJ**-*1 11Coreit. Aggetitingitethe Korean Idiom, It IS dithettdring to MO. "time or *be ot God. -In speech Korean Christians ut (that gentleman) In 'Cater to avoid the obleetkinablie Onus; In*tead of say* Ing 44.11e- -(94i4y.says!!-- they, say That gentleman *aye* Then the ',Zoo*** language doe, not poetess, the *artiele and has not Mimi to represent terms like °faith," "love* *Stage," hat De" lotstitiestion,“,-"truth" aad ***reit 1ife.:**•-$4,-Jamee• "Cteactte‘ Ittireet. A hansom cab d vet had inat picked top a tare awl wtos drlving furiously. along a imowded tared when the *heel of his tab just managed to palm horse which a very thin youth, was driving. "Now, then, oust yet see oil* bavd. ' ed out the latter angrily. "NOP' wort "Set IthteilI front of Yer.**.tontiOn *ewe es, *Os telo, The followingtiote of *ten* was teived by $4** rick tity teacher otos' , 4,--44,„„m Dear Teaelier.414.00 weenie Zama' fa having been *Went reateritsY0 as I bed te take her with ate to help an old. lady *be, died And bed note* to do her work. , 'fkkts Good for sty ecure tickets and full Infortioation 3.3. KNIGRT. Depot Aeon Or address J. D. MvDONALD. °A.. G• T Ite.4 Toronto. UR POLI0i-bas always been to glite our custotuiii the ed. --- • 'vantage of any reduction our keen buying has allowed us to take sodystutage of. , Our . WATCH Dtiient ho moat .0n:opiate and at pricee within the roach o °oversotte-41.00 up to *40.00 -and same warrauted„Arom one to three -years. bioer is the time of year when -an COnle Mit& Nitre a 'fine SeleriVaii. of them.- OR triltiotrliatta am: warranted for one yvelfear. 9143e°11d11- Priefts The to OUr Repairing Department ismostcomplete.NothIng.passee, our 'hands' that does not re *dye *it beat attention. A. • J rattand Exeter Jeweller OpbcXau All itettlesti. **1****Ite westing a tot ot money trying to t *Sure thitrotidow. tirttfhy?. Doi You thholt* 001 marry *et*. um She told 'melba n• itillt it* Met tou that eh. 10011`*01ollt toe" The liter* i'lisevie+11:: °I)o, yOU etutve yourself -all the tooked the;barber. **Xo1 stop octaslonally tor um* said ,Iisupian *SS 7 it to et(ielb**teif La the tion Thaekttay. The goneral pbUc will too ,luthe line ot pure ng kinds ottat-kit Prh.. Pmtd- for Copps!, *sok Stift4 also Walk era t 'a** In 'we. win 'hotel _tittO Unit at -the'-litifil* and On, •I'Vesday. *th Itartle-entertained *-'1` Oteditirag be hOner ot the -hitt Y ,Sise1enc4kg‘1 t the Paii Week with frlirtaltk at Pst tttray.--litr. *rt. l(erhertio • fat w000d bee thart r. ffittry taw *nit 3. .Xt en *t latetwatt.-. wool* visit** ao- titrostoolom **nits at Hr 4 ovi(idennittepttlei of plano and orlon tunia has moodeoTit 'Ms b *11 work. Folttwlng are s Zc Oin4Tuning..It tr... _A ?ii..*:,112; • O.** Afrom *10 to New lottotOd Ilawintera f