Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-05, Page 2 (2)• APTV,It V "out'd),I ",f rd. He asked tile first if I woul Auk:" IiiYing-his 'drive him 'home -only tiro* steps, •4 on the anis of M. Pidarel„ 'do and 1 hoold ItaiYe a hundred sous.. • OJ.K=0 titoSe threp ,tiliallewe out- Its might ha.V.is 4)ffere4. inc a loub4 oei the curtain:6f thetsalon;sod stayed'by you. And • .eraluty, the woman and the .when lie saw I didn't bite, be filed we messieurs, parbleut Must he 'eft: I would lay a litre he's als that supr,er•isn't ready, or they at's+ ready at the Boulevard de Cour. • n Moine tines they don't ap- . Fear to be going „ to -the dining--1iiI s; - -mese, -to- totem."' send that.,,mo,n, WI to walk, and "Tl.ey .are Estandiiik .promise you shall lose nothing. He "Yes, or'; bowing and scraping. will retateit, the, animal, and, tie I Bee ' the talleee-bows, and -the co- want to Watch hint, i am going to cette gives him her hand; it's station myself as sentry at a place istonsing likeany thing, 'poll' my below, Yon , will remain here and *Lord. One might believe himself ,at Seraphin's Chinese shadows." ! ith ! the one that bowed is oing out ; there are only two „sil- nettes° t() be seen now. "Likely he's gone to bed. The tether is the cocotte's gentleman., ktr. If any thumping is to be - -The-friend-who came with them has done, Icap prove thatr-I am not seat, good -night.'' tinr-handed. if that was sci they wouldn't •. have. lighted the salon and dining- Xootri. But. we shall see." ' Five J. ••••• without inel- M. tinsitsisr sttreillteolfeceie "r have teen onmpletely cured frightfitt eondition of :My Stoi through. the seandertuf fruit "xnd Truit-a-tiVee, Veouletitot eat but viliet suffeeed Msful.pa Atedeoestion. • li.ty head -Ached incteesaistly„ z,rtnitrtot e ksw, nor 4. sate T valet welat-41;440s, ,t1015": illeony, meat:Mile the dietaeee from to lePttton. • L'iiitiv,tor-i-otietbe meat, lima- mireil from butte 1 to top. Vie men "who goarded the • door, an these placed igainst the wall, isi) Proaelied the colonel and formed a areutiti him. The little troo"p tlieposeal itself as if for:assault. The Yuan ,who held the horees brought fot'ward tlie .berlin and placed it under the window,. "They .are ishisut inva,sle the Maxime i'itiettout ; "two Of • hem, are_ climbing on the bax; the carriage, isito serve them for a lad- • delicious " •• ' fragrant -lie "Ali! exelahnea uratia„ , ch "that is, tuo hese, in pat om your grocct ow finest neighborhood in Paris, to 1. have these brigandii acting like shirk sionvif TELEeeopE„ glic4Sugthleo-fitTe-stlill'InVentiou Proves of Valti-e-in Dings i leas told to try 4retutra-tives' end alarm-eif monsieur does_ net. op- _nosing Stomach Troubles. - sent for six boxes; ,NoW 1 am entirely - pose it." well, can eat any .orilpiaxy food and At this inomeeit the cock -crowing The "stomach telescetpe," or gas- eidver have a ileadathe, . sounded out still snore clearly ae- treseope, invented at the London ALCIDE IlitEBERT. - ' compairied by a rattling noise,. A. Hospital last, year, has proved to Soc. 'a bOx_ , 6,for $2.eo,_ or trial box, falsetto' voice cried out: "]Out- be of the greatest Value in the diag- ese., At all dealers .or from Fruit -,a, throat!" A lease voice roared:. nosis of stomach disorders. An "Sealing a wall ---in the night-cie- r-fininent surgeon, recently referr,ed keg) Your 4)yes °Inn, and when 1/ tives fanuted, Ottawa. return tell me what you nave seen. If by ehanee I should need your services, may count. on you?" "Fully. You have only to call oot, Auguate! and I come at a gal - "Thanks, and an revoir to -night or to -morrow, according as events Iwo determine.'' Auguste, tieltered ' by the confi- dent. The two stories were bran- deuce in hint exhibited by his*nitiiir study lighted, but the shadows had SIICUt, made a magnificent gesture, ensappeared. Suddenly the' little! oink+ 'eignified: "Be ease' ; I am ch rthrough which Madame Ser- -------- had disakpeared ,the evening And having thus -*arranged his ris there." ' ' — 4 , ot the Rank was open -id- Seftsty.- it affairs, Maxim hastened -to -regain 4t , Matt appear d en the threshold fol- ha -is mbuscade. lowed by a . ervant bearing, a light 'rho porter awaited him and open - with two braneliee Ilv the bright- <a -with rent alacrity. anxious to suss of this light Maxime recogniz- learn the result of the sally. • tixtteeeeelife.eekglete*eelhor-kteeolloent. areetieteatee. et, • NyeeitellegaVe7 light 01.*14,:e4,-4afx, with the valet de pied -which by -- with item, during they ravens of the gestures the observer *putiseel, standing on each side of • Juterpreted for himself.' the dor their comrade lead just feHe says he will return," entered. The coa,climan hi citizen's theught Maxime, "and the servant explains -.that he has only -to ring add they will open to hini.7 4, - The door eloses again. torisoff goes toward the Boulevard Male - • eupied house -band of inalefactore. in the highest terms to the advane- . 6or are ai the window. One is _ alleys for me ,; es lately ,made at that hospital hi the early detection of diseases of quaintance the stomach ,by of this in- ship." strunietit, whielt•evill in the imme- diate future Probably come to be part of the equipment of every up: to -date hospital. Tile gastroscope laugh." • * (To be idntinued.) cienical fellow -likely he'll eisake us that sort, and the persons on the WHY YOU ARE THIN ; Maxime had little inclination of street -stilt less. They looked - up HOW. TO GET FLESHY, to see who had uttered this moek- - thel the jammed Use of the gas- seZ4peo future -saves -- irony lives that would otheewiee in- tahly be tost through that &s- tare.-- London Telegraph. - (MOWING OLD TOGETin . Irate Creditor -"I • shall call every week until you pay this. ac- count l" • Debtor-"Beallye Then there seems every probability of our ae- ripening into frien "104 appeale,e'll, including the Diseusses.Causes of Thinness ;tend p.,8„ enables the physician i coachman on the box, this °singular Gives 'New pethod ut Inereasingeon to actually see for himself theg eoaehmaa with a tall hat on. The „Weight. and Boundins Out the exact condition of the whole of the ' itiast rettention to tine Form. ne- 'efeeee- . interior of the stomaeh, the slieht-I successful imitation of the reville tet ulceration, growth or' other eh: eliant was undoubtedly Robert , Prescription Aecomplishes Wonders noiniality in tile iining membrane,. (roeI Ik aPPeared in haste tol 41. treatment which anyone can being thtireadily observed'. .TO be enter _and the valet who held the prepare eheaply at home, has been aide to do this is of the very'great- ' ;de bris 4110410 way- fur- 1.th IL to pass. One of the three escorts passed ti,e threshold immediately after the prisoner, and the two others were ed liorisoff and redoubled his atten- '‘,J8 monsieur satisfied? Has abeitt to do the same but the new?' - ''The man sped away "by the but,` -1-- am atisfied he means to return." 1"Oh, that is clear as day. They are not going to table without him. All is lit ep and, nothing tuoves in the house. Nora that they are waiting for him." , sherbes. And .now the fencing -Inas- "Jitislf !" said Maxime, in a low ter and the thief reappear behind voiee. At this liniment a eirriage the window of the ';salon., efrofil thsnee they observe the colonel, They are awaiting his return. "Shall 1 Nlow their 'example or TM: a sally to see where he is go- ing Maxime determined on„rthe latter. s Lmtu Ile sd to his ally Bi-- UM botelehinolieetnen- (lord, "I want to find out what.,. orisoner. They had even the_ ap- rnan is going to do. I am going to earance of talking with him, and follow him to the end or the street it could be seen he walked of his ane return." sin free wiii.4 The door was open "That is easy. I •will open to and a valet de pied stood there monsieur and resume my post. with a,light. Evidently he waited Mensieur has only- ft) Icrioek on the to receive Carnoei. stepped a hundred •metres from Madame Sergent's hew. To Maxinte's great amazement, Robert de Carnoel destended from the carriage and. advanced toward the house, flanked by two tall men who pressed him closely, but did fonud to increase the weight, lin- est importance in suspected can- preve the health, round out seraw- eer of the sti'iniach, where the only ny figstres, improve the, bust, hope of cure lies,' in the eradica- brt ,fiten the eves and .piitess- color CCM of the cancerous growth at the lite the cheeks` arid lips of anyonel very earliest moment. This means who is too thin and bloodless. -It vt18,--01?-sh,mitharliki4miLef-4 always thin whether "from disease' or natural tendency ; on those who by heavy eating and diet have its -Vain tried to increase i.on those who dress tied the reins, left his seat feel well but can't get fat; and on psecipitately arid lutiided his whip those who have tried every known to one of the individuals pressed method in vain. It is a powerful 1 against the, wall, This man left his aid to' digestion, nutrition and as - post an.d placed hiraself at the head cut -illation. It assistseehe blood and nerves to distribute all over the bodY the flesh eleinents contained in food, and gives the thin person th I -same absorbing qualities pos- sessed by the naturally fleshy. Everybody is about the same, but • ceitain elements and - organs of bledd and nerves are deficient and Look! it scents to eonfound the, until this is corrected, thin -people who h ' - will stay thin. The nutritionsta s the box -he looks at the windows- in the.body after separation by the he retreatg a little to get ii bett•er digestive functions insteadof„Ras. • ing through unused, when this va ot the horses. "Monsieur,” said the porter in at Ism voice, “look ! the lights are put out, in the Salon. Droll idea that! to blow out the candles just as the guests arrive -the dining -room, tco! They must intend to -spend thenightplaying hide-and-seek. view -yes, ogle as you -will, my dad, all is black up,, there; you must go in without a light," Ilorisoff standing in the middle of the street appeared t4;) hesitate. noble treatment of blended medi- eines is used. Practically owsone` can remain thin who uses it, for it supplies the long need. window when he returns." • "Monsieur," said 13idard under Lie turned- anid looked'up, probably Mix in a half pint bottle, three ii Maxme glided into the esreet Greath, el believe ehev are go- to see if the persons Who had imi- ourees. of essence of pepsin, and . am; saw l'iorieoff fifteen steps in ad L ing to commit a crime. ;they are tilted the cock were still at the win- three ounces of 'syrup of rhubarb. vane-, and at the same time a man gringing tile young mau to the Tour, slows. trie-- then went straight to Then add one ounce compound es- - *hose feet were pattering on the de; Nesle. Siir1y it is to strangle ,the door guarded by two of his Bence eardiol Shake and let stand square at the entrance of Roe him. I . have a mind to call for1 subalterns. I They moved asideto tAVO hours. Then add .one ounce of" th:t eodelmein of his victoria. , make way, mid just as he was about ' tincture eadornene compound „(not Jouffroy. This was no other than beipe" • "Not Yet," replied' Maximo, to push it open, ‘it wiFs ciose4 ear4aMoin). Shake well and take; 'GrocA !' he thought, "I may let 'quickly, "see first what they willi lently by some one on the inside, it tea:9110011W before and after. my' Ruseizin pass on. My coachman ,,.'"Ah! they have slammed the door inea14.Drink plenty of water be-; will tell me which way he took So sir-Habove theree-in the n his lace,' exclaimed BL, award; tween meals and when retiring.1 , he disappeared in the shadow of the salon -those two • shadows behind cebat,--Was that coachman after 71 Weigh befffire'beginninge- wal. to watch events from afar. tto windows -h" Tile he' -suppose himeelf invited The colonel walking quickly soon “It is the lady and itter- friend, 1 tfx.7"" reached. the Boulevard Aleieslier- the one who remaine-cf-they are ,"It is no -coachman," said. Wax - hes there he stopped, and observ- 4.xi.ecting the other- They heardt itne, who had recognized BoriSOIL ieg the coachman, went straight to. the carriage and have eehie to the "He is queerly dressed for hold - ward him. This surprised Maxime, wirdow." mg the reins, that's is fact. llut who begat* to look -with ail his eyes, "I lay 0, wager they don't ope be is a, monsieur, why' was he on wendering, with a certain anxiety, is, Nty two tenants; of the third thesitox 1 Oh, ohhe is angry; lie rhat Borisoff had to say to this story have opened theirs, and the kreseks at the doors -beats with his man. The cony ersation prolonged brigands don't care to show them- fees and fists. Goodthere are the itself for an unreasonable length of selves, two others taking patt in it. If to aEcertain from a coachman whe- is thel street we, must watch." -weuld break it down: 'What an up - the door . was not pretty firm, they , tune, more than could be needed ''See! the shadows disappear! It roar they make! ,They will rouse the neighborhood. ; I am astonish • - ed the two elerks up there haven't, kt ied out wolf." • "Hushthe dining -room window opens; a man appears there. is one of ,tlie two 'alai 'entered a mine itte ago. I recognizee his square Oleanderstherwig- the .ama. teur cottehmait approaching; they are haviug a Wk.. -I want to ltett what they say. gpen the caeemen a little way -softly.- - is imprudent, perhaps --lin if monsieur wishes it complaisant Bidard his. sentence by opening the" win - Rite .f.,(4alelnen, arming in dow with greit caution!, and Max-• beautiful earriage before a house Jute listene4., whose master gives a soiree is to eolloquy was taking pj. IMI seen often 'and. anywhere"; but between the Irskbn who 'had this very ordinary speCtitcle exelit- peered "it the. window *ad tht, ed Maxime to the high,ese one, in the street. Botire.il Itcbert Carntel in th utl enough be heard, but * ;midst of these people was stranger th! trst words -that ,reactie4.1.'hi than all the rest: ear.' Maximo discovered that they spoke in &Assiut. Will? was listentage,ea "IVIetii, listiruage: must 11 'hmese. drought rliuse 47.caraps re , French. Dame! the eft& ,i)f i'keis4ait'! 411 iroco le they ate 1111 I11 -1.4.1utt they rinakek. II talkera Were making signalu. 31aliatne strot.e ;nterpret. lentty Cite ir,vectidot) tt Otte 4, %qii% 41C4',02:aditig, 4.tatii4;14,1113 WitR,- fee'teen me, an etesateei 00 *tie OilfrophOr ASELINE ,fOR CHAPPEILSKIII.AND COLO SORES, WINDBURN. 12 Viseline Remedies In Tubes capsicum, llotAted, ,Mcntbrilsto4. for isted, estorhomted, 'White Oxide of !Ain do. Each for special urpo. write tot Iftdo Viatiloo Boot. CHIESISROUCIU Wei 00• (Cono*d) 10 lit« Wok 000trent By dwIvthgoromulAtiod *wow fa AA dtos fitoolidoe, delitiots 117TO =Ade Vi entro bettor than mole. elt*old voters. If tend 5W. for ea, bottle sa tip.book. IT is t110 rata MIA stands up bright' and beautiful through mill orshloe. 11,Tolitiati.4an7theatxpyooriurnweannut onyo tetrter AMSAY'S PAINTS do th4 . experimenting for you.They have done it alreltdy and are , fidly guaranteed. Thererore, take. -oe risks. You don't need to. Use nsey'e Paints for -all true aintin and INS protected.Do you want our *booklet On house i)aintirsg? It to veil heautiOas We vend it free. Aik-for 'booklet Mr. A. RAMSAY & SON CO. ther his carriage was free. But at Nothing extraordinary occurred. length BoriSoff peseed an his way 'The carriage _did not move - neither • and 'was lost in the darkness. Max- did the 'three men' who had come after waiting awhile ' went tO- as scouts. They , had well " choven •Ward the boulevard. Arrived at 'deli* places; for they seemed to the 'end of the stoeet he stopped to make part of the wall, and to (is- leo4 around. then turned _to the eon tikon it was necessary to Imaw tielat and rejoined the; co:win/Ian, they were there. oho recognised him immediate's* The coachman remained .motion - and began to laugh. less on his setst„ Robert de. Carnoel 4.,Ah, nionsieur.'t "13 esewhibd the tittle door escorted by pattieulieresii woeful, oanted to two persons suitably attired, and purep me, biel tt *rued bit off nice- followed by a third who 'Telt the le "Talley Gal seeing law coach berliri after hint,e A chance pas- drewn up 'here mietrusted inerat ser -by, whom a ifeicturnal proment once und asked if "I had broeetlit ade had led to Rue'buffroy )Pintild vomebeily Rile Soliffroy. I knew hove thought it all quite natural. bataaa op and told him - %as vaiting for a deetoe who hired Inc lee• the month. and was on a ViSit in that big honey yonder --4411 • the "Really!" "eselainied Mt -mime, "'you -Nave- put him _ off the tract'. 'fa waea jell itlea oieonre, and shall reatember kvehen tGet; . "Where Aid he come frotn' Hail 'O'" r -aid ON' coctehrnan; "I'll; be been tile' 'colonel's prisoner;ean I tat unearee about ,my peathoiee; I if so, why had he.let him come O .7 ` IvtAv_r- Tl ily inaqat;14-.w.43, 1 f6ruIA lti vihy" di4-lie leiring hint to the ten' that tall one throve uab the caned Madame seegenteieee - Juct ' as the ei'-devaitt teexotat„ roarbed the duo, ishere a servatt v- ltd with 3 toreh 'waited ltim et vange Il9i,"0 piereed tit I I 11 the eitence of the night. It pas.i tv vainp of a rock. t.r rather, Zh i 4enteacit of it, lor1/4,,IVOtrin[..,„ -.tt tqiht,r0 he, taml 311st l'ite.avIl..„.a. human throat- ,.,-., -- - r IrtWUIWT;- --tittit4, I tia_ilidt, ,'11;'s up there." ishiqere4l nothing, lie iv,r2 r. flarp t . Att.; "the Iletl,,,D. on the t% 4 u3V3nd. ct,rtici 1 miv. ezetougit ti:oe yeti /neat) to play hit* Atria:Le" 1"Perlitija, bat did his ,iitoe cist sten tItive, noteetelookoT" 1,aS:es: it liceed 'aim 1Pt. 44- Adrawo lit ttee en4 t105,4' Srentlieg litinateds et dollete1. building* trieredid Itotse or tot* ad thenAelibetately.,01low 4 to ltitt far paitit. • artin.Senotir Pain • yossiishse Th. Paint Maitars,. • *entreat. 1.414, SIZES 2.-31. 40_6 111.P., 11110.11:431ALLY DESIGNED FON OEN ICRAIL roossis wcsosst. They are so simple that the average -farm '' hand can tun'them, anti are practical!' '001 ' Proof and Frost Proof. j* Send toki. for catalogue G.E.-102, W.P. CO., showing,fuli line" of engines for failn use. It means 'money saved for you. , ritillita$ --Special Mims to rarrnoreo. The CANADIAN ItAIRDANICS COMPANY, Llistlital, iintriehleATironte... estre Whitiloese eataires "wooer A Deitess Gentlemen, ---I wish to expree4 my appreciation of the 38 h:p, Daimler which you have delivered ti.) me. Before hip- ping the Car to Canada 4 snade three weeks' trial of iti,cov- ering some 1,g00 mites. The tar tan perfectly,. and 4never had the slightest trouble of any kind,.and thillk it quite lives up to the elairas you make for it. The silent°, smooth,. nes s of running, and power of aceeleration on hills is real emstk%blc. , "%- Mi petrol consuroption MIA 10 miles to th a1lon, 49411d. ing a, great deal at driving in traffic, 'The tyres 8how no al). eelable signs of wear, and I think it Will prove light oil tyres. I sou .really deliglAted with the e -Yours sineerelyi, (Signe*