Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 7 (2)410111. rporrip,
e spnn the patio tie
up.' aptin$
ltby and atron you must have,
hod,just as the trees must
IN Asp. Nature d).'1 it
hoot this now blood you
ft'eI*.;,eak,lato, lauguitt YOVL
twinges a reacutuoim or
ih*rp,StAlibitirit pain* pf
)ften there. are llishsttrirg
ertiptions on the skin.
Itt er.easea. there is merel,y
g of tiredness anti aoltarialde
aIlLtetitot _Any of .these are sign
hat the blood ii out of order,..t 4
is indoor life 'of winter has told
Yon. What is needed' t put
Ou right is a tonte, and in
orld there is no tonic
Williams' Pink Pills
ills actually makenew,
k of Oil
he ¥car4 Was
15 t itilne about to ilia
ft.z the' faces of the major..
v Cf tFi 9pttlatiOn of these,
. tt4s'a asks tto Afillgate (Loudon)
Munthly. It almorA looks as -zi
1401404 was tewling in 1.11,01 ditec,,,
ft-- at le*st judging front one's%
your . greatest, w4!t in
pring. Thi a new blood flriveit out
iaeste, clears the skin azd malcew
tilY tired men and women
r a bright, active -att
(iii A; M. Dugay, Lower
; IsaYst-,41 believe I owe
Williams' -Pink Pills.
tented to have turned to
was pale as .04 sheet ; I
oin hesslathesi arid bat- party. - In OM finite st-sentation„havu mastuished Bright's Dirwasol,
med to be constantly was caused 'when it heeame k-pown4 the rost deadly of all. kidney trou.
fremvees.As the trouble thous the then Arelthishori of Yorkl'hles, while every day:brings stories
'did not appreve of the moil ac rn4.44tesh
, .,. , . . , .
amt.rtg the clergy.: Drpsy and Heart, Disease from
it was about 1855 that the hes,ril 'various. parts of 'the Dominion
Plgvernent teckwaof the English()Met kidney medicines ..y1,.gar cute -
people. The Crimean war had muchDodd's Iiitiney, Pills always oure. -
to dywith it. Ou•r goldiers were 1 - -.......;---+......--.,
. .
permitted, to forego the use of the; LIE ANSWERED 'EU.
ruors as .the hair on the face pr-
teeted, them from the cold .and at- r" an alien wanted to .he naturaliz.
tticks of neuralgia.. • i ed and was required to ell out -
The first three lines had
About this, period only one" elvii:i.blank.
i n of -position- in Englandhadthq I -"le following questions: •
* -34-iit.wetwaate-ustaehirt4frniat'..A.17.-X4stzu_AX-;Wir; ALT&
V 0
The years are not far distil
tea the.. iiirectors of the Ban
tigiand issued .att order fuz
rho; not to' wear inustaeltes,
J)1 siness .10,301 Thilii''IVU701/it
)., ordor affgrded, the',puhlic bO
ii�h "ainusgnikutilltet it Ava$,..aO0
e Iltiras one:of the ear
tnwns in 'which the mustite,
was worn 'among policemen - the
cfPtitreittee passing * reso
ittiotilti-015V-TierertitOogalhom to
'wear a beard and a* mustache . if
thej, think fit."
tat's What ney
• Osdni,. and /Vow
.117,t(ltpe* * 1, Viten-
Dodd's Kidney Pill*
relief -right • away." IWO
PO4(11$ 14:4421ey, r
czI4e'. So' 'says.
wefl nd hilt1y res
th ne"wiletztarltood,„ And
has' a very good re,ason for mi
so empliatie • statement.-
• Ro�tPflhi
tloosetatt whir* ti*
orr lowkly tor .
444 raitoliM
*re tlyer Wee.?
bIp y be lerealtbigi
oat tiro !siratt* vat tan
101a04. la a* **SI* warther 0144
sr our* ailiousitoso, Iasi000040,t,
Sick Mototatotolmtoi ,ithanionOt***-- wad -
*titer 100011100* .00101404 'Avi
X$11e$3, 40040e Of $343 WOr‘ii 0,30.
el" lains4 Jtoot you***
0 -P
In I
cionum WAVER P01010
• )3onth wind* 41.0,Win
flap ,1k &Mint*
Zephyr* P,UNIISt-
Hegel% *ttuffing,
Whitewash splashing,
• 'Dint *.11yittr,
Children trying, -
Rens all layiegt,
Crocus'. bobbin:,
'fear' the robot
Seems so inin
Ain't it funny!
Kay! X. *ruler-
• Spong,: thunder!'
11 for .M1 Reanons.
privolitt4;t0:m.errrpi. ad 144m0:11310:0:114,, r cy tt buii
. eon be depended UPOU to do
e workt,---Thwayi$Wit *111 find:
Leni a friend alwos and Should
uy that with hint :everywheie.
hey are made to Withstand any
irtilact and are warranted to keep
their. freshness and istrettigth. They
do not grow stale, quidity 104,.
pOiltieeSed in many pills now on thi
eop e Are uses, w/Iling to do
their &Ay, bat. they -do not like to
do too met, of it.
d gala lettitka:b0Witht 111011, OM Pro
draper wilt street effieefl at eit5tit -years he Was a•aufferer from eitira 'corporate/ end tionnoed. Write
artictilara Vann.
one tiine to employ shopmen who Oeduftt Difiesf80* 112141.dia not seem 1:11 Parcsia Taranto, °Itairetoe4
wore a..---intiotnehe Or thoSe whoto be able to get, relief. of..e
Parta liatr down the tnidelle.1 '‘ViaciY, I was. to 1414," Mr- Vain,
The prejudice extended to the Ober. goes on 'to tate, TOY: 'abort AYOTRW /WI
al profeasieno. Barristers had a, .• hothered inc o that if I would go ,ts..„1„1,tou !0$11 CP4
loo; fight for the mustache, and ta- to pick anything off- the 'ground I
y it is ,uot Aiarg-ely- worn as -in' would -fall." But tiodd's Kidney
Pills -oared him just as tiler htorei beelut.Vete..netesel nters." Dom
MS *on
'cured thousands of other sufferers"--'et.41, nein. Pays for star in one ho
an over Canada,. They never fail! owr. :tiowy,',., 0. E. AdAme 00.. salmis,
to cure Kidney 'Disease of any kind.
No once, l;*
other profession.
. The bishops in most instances op -
pined it, and at the present time.
mustaches are not popular, more
especiallY among the High Church
y imi gen o sw
and it was fared that dropsy bad
* et ht and that my case was hope.
to this time two doctor*
me, but notilithitand:
kept growing worse. It was
at thia *Jetta° 1 began using Dr.
•Pinic Pills, and after tak-
ing * few boxes I was Muth im.
Ovect, Lkept on using the Pills
until I had taken eight boxes, when
zny -health, was vornpletely", re.
Id .by *it medicine dealerr
y mail at tO tents a box or Six
boxs for s5O from Tho 'Dr, Wit-
IfedOine Co.,- Brockville,
TWELVE 311L ION P 0,,,
said on the authority ofthose
ver,ed jn statistic s that there are
;day 114000,00.0 pupil* On the
tuat rolls of the, Sunday oeltools- and
thzt they are .di4ibuted among
'SMOG sehoalti and taught by
000 esehers.
B 110111Era hill
y's -Own Tablets' are not, 2U
.401ided for babies only. This meal,
eine is intendedfor children of all
ages. It ti gently ImittliA- and
,00Mforting. Cures indimestion and
other stomach troubles eonstipa-
*ion and simple fevers. duaranteed
free:from poisonous opiates. Mrs.
NUL Carrier, Petite Mechins, Que.,
Pipit "X find Own Tablets
-the best medicinT6 I have ever used
jor thildreri: X have used them for
most of the • troubles that,i'aMillet
little piles, (and have not known
tb.emto fail). tIrothers should a1 -
ways keep them on hand." Sold
by medib dcalers or by mail at
,eents a box from The Dr; Wil.
Iianne Medicine Co. Brockville
re,, 'the
Iyrcug' anus; which give
-& great edvantage .in battle&
with the ',.bayonet,
Otfothe. Eitited r_ Nerve
Xervou; a,ffections are tisually at-
ihatable to defective digestion, as
tko stomach do/tastes the go,rve
tree. A course "of Parmelee'
aruIS Pills will still ell_ _
ees of this character, and by
reston*g 016 te-001314 to nom?' ate-
the,nerves front lirita.
tciThere i$ fl edative/like them
**IP' in the,correction of irregulari-
Woe of the di ative processeih, no
pspuatwtt dont . so effective
s **n'e tttAe4 to by tliou.
Mrs. Gabbs I *asat
iik4* ideutist's this afternoon,
letlek keep '04' mouth. open
▪ **We, hour. It nearly killed
Stillwater -"Yes, but
• itt have loin worst,. If he had
you keep riur mouth shut for
ksi at time it would thavt kilIeJ
thotit a 41 *IA,"
$pu niter (1asinnatingly)
,i* otool1 eigor *oit art
Mr. „Tittewald--,--."'Yes
re iit- stiklreeit of the
• come P. itfuntz, member of fteussLie
1?arliament for Birmin•gham.
NettleMichl Jfarris
enlightened electors, however, dor -
not take kindly to the bearded pct. ; busi"
Et NORM ram AsKTRAnn
Company 1ae good (Twill:Its for ex.
perlecced inetsracce writers.' *too for
reeler teen who /care to realte molter
Adams, ,lohtt Mflw, Managiu Director
Norther* MO. lootcloc..pat.
ries, booming."
Ittletatt. .An *Meer candidate on
tion from the leader of his iparty III
Oft' occasion. received' au intima-
that his mustache might prejudice , .,.. . 'BLOOD V SalkLi.
hiirt"m the eyes- of the rural palm- , 7 - --....
lotion. The candidate replied that . iitsys Banter -Avoided and Oa
o was .'idetermined to -lace , it • onfighti in
_ _ _ _ . ___ , . . .
A writer for the reedieal press
states that coughing is'ireSpOrtsible
"SOUNDED SO P/1111TTY. for the bursting of blood vessels
Them is probably as littic rcetry quiW frrquently.4--vough-or-eold
in the average Briftsli workman. as 'Means inflammation (fever) and
in any elags of men in the world, congestion, and these in turn indi-
But "the ontnipatent. baby" wjfl eate that the body is full of poisons
evoke poetic sentiment in the, pro-.3rald waste matter. ' Simple relief,
set nature.
-Some years ago a Nottingham., and whiskey, often. result in more
shire clergyman, in baptizing a. tharm than good; , as they cause
baby, paused in the midst of the more congestion. A tonic -laxative,
cervice to inquire the name the coughsvrup will work marvels an
ich, is
as fcuiid in attntc�ughnedii
infant, to winch the mother, wt
a profound courtesy, replied:
"Shady, sir, if you' please."
"Shady V' replied the minister.
"Then it's a boy, and you ,111.8,11
I' here follows a prescription
becoming fanfous for its pro pt bal Ile -sold his son-in-law the half
lietand thorough cures. It ridsthe,' ,°1 4$,Lver$ fine e"r* and then refused
system of the cause, exceikt it be; •La share -the milk with till` Young
consumption. Don't, wait for con. felIow on the ground that he had
sumption to grasp its victim, but orlb. sold him the front half. _The
son.in.11,w was also. eoinpolled to
provide all the cow's fodder and to
carry water to her twice a. day.
Filially, the cow butted the . 014.1
MAU through lc barbed-wire fence,
and he sue his son-in-law for
man, 4'if you must kw:V-01.)er analie Ut;Vlity *drops every half hour for haulages!"
If you would please your friends,
Istoadhy;ei t4o, b__e zbealtrledr ttieaays.p000nifvtatl etiliiirideerenoritsfosuroctiomregnasg.ikeep your troubles under cover.
-sounds so pretty r age -
ion ** 'Miss w 8o1 oixty rottutitits
orsott by fOreetot *wield **vnt
vtioutook 11141NOS1A34 010iN61)
Sole lirtro4eert tax tees**
tier -*/**4 with * 4a
u*Arair qIUII
t&siL but*eel, Valak
L VES 0400..uriresos 00# s11P5.uz SI* coilv_101 .fitittionguotrytt coandr,a1Aohourr; iro Titus:
artriiW to use.' Get a bottle at once ,
and curo your corns.
Orr sextet tissr-taitcotistietia-
Oa* sr ttiv otsiyols is too ielecttleat axe.
tht4040***t $14 world. ',tit. tor lea**,
€11awito.1 Asov410 Co., Vatios.44. t;t4L,,
*No TE4196,$44,
In The House of Lordsno (Ines
ion ec'ided .ou f "Sion
n the vote,
Where Weakess it,• Disease
Wilt' Settle. -if one suffers frion ani syn." shout- God.
organic weskrtesa,. inherited or con-
tracted, there disease will settle
when it'attaelcs the body. There.
tote drive out the paint that beset
you, do not let a cold or a cough
harass you, and, keep the -respira-
tory organs in wooed healthy COn":
dition. Ih.ts yeu ean doby eget'
------ 1 Itcssuie will never get yo,tt a home
Dr. Thomate Eclectrie •011. toi','
vetition is the wi?4Toreyer,
sest 'course. •1
.- . ............. , ' - -------...t.... .„
" * ,-,yott-ever--iear_lladlo6lay ,c1.1"-Atir.e.ras 12r Is=ei. , wk
an thin --particular shoutmel"'Irbtnionolaottatit ba**** Ihiodoho4 soirolgtot
roostattaas atm aolattioa.
o; he never was', very particular * .
what he said about you.
, t Illobbs...ZA aronfinicalways illo-
A woman will always expect you to,
remember her birthday, but never
her alre."
Tour religion was born in tbc
wrong Place if the happiness
child itritates it. •
Comc to -know folks by love AU
'00 W111 not *feed to do much gues.
nee, Weak'"tVestrx#' Watery
Relieve/ 13? 141121126 ES* 'Wooly,. I!
;Istituto ror Your Vyo Troubles* You i
VIiI Xittzty Murine. It Soothes. vac At
Your Dettsglate. Write Ver VIPs 1300h*,
Free. *Lorna" AY* ntrae4 Co., lorontite.
011110,41A Liniment Cures Dandruff:
"The meanest man Fever knew,"
said Mark-Twain,,"lived in Kemal -
"No, please your 'reverence, it's begin this treatment, which* eures„
a girl."
"And pray," asked the pastor,
"how happened you to call the child
by such a Etrange name 1"
'Why, sir," responded the wo.
some in five hours. Mix,4n * hot.
tL one4aalf ounce fluid wild Cher.
ry bark, one ounce compound es:
scree: earalol thiee . ounces
syrup white „pine compound. Take
is Bower, and niy -husband said, ati, fon., hours. Then 0110181f to one
:nathzk apfl vingtoy,ost
•at tow .
.. 1 '." 4 t*
iteh,wldekfw.ters oc turr
1 ...., lest* t .
ttots at pardsit Zs
veuts Geniis; cuts 01% ii
• s 4
144. Thsailts4
other es
If •you hays In
sms ringworm,
orany w
try"Zastr. iratoun
Ort 04porl.
WiL1h%e t)
tmoir 1.004
M. Wt. )4Ste.01;
1l bad
got Zut"4°.04144a114$ 4L WQ4001114
bour iig001;;SP''C414°4:*1114r;
chettan1 butlywere ()sword with
vat. mulearttltouas.s sn'eto*knhoinneg,,whbourztulng•si
not gone through ova till 1 Doctor*
lotions, aalvettana preecrotiont
de me it hit of good; an& from one,
thine* another 1pa satni, only to 1104
thou* video. With Zanolluk it was
different, aud, with*** goirtg,_through
long *tory, I can say that to* would!
treatThseb witit& riot bail*" 14,tits haiid
-014 tke*
„ t 1b Uecta5a1ktxstte that
kt,t,id of trpaf tit* ifth*r_jittpitlid
*ve savidlbsoettatoteitmeer.
says lIrzn. Itt 111100, or
Ave.* $14 'Boeusr., Witotboc 2r Is
°V.Itieri woo
Y t
troltmMatt tIveriagereraluteeterett,
le4 that the4setor stdriteci zei tote
litopttit, lima& 111 old, thuy .youis
ointpositoic4 O. 40 we woree4vieeit tAktrir
Zwtoltult, Wskottelteverythhig**w**41 *a.
Weitilkeeiy:$IOk42IQ4 tOtir
days to Stow *ttt the eersesset Thirks bit by
144 Iowa to Itealoctot 1nkssthsvitSree
mote reoui est appkitist the YAW 104 414
%tat Irkibiliti sndp.rfseUjMalthy. lt
All 41* "Onto se/ ilmeosee orte
Yotavitair„ rriteta.ereptilee„
diets; *to. (wan** retWra bookliat
sem .bax. dsngMs ead *tom* Or'
hest Zete.fick .Topetoo turps's*.:Settee
The. lIZAtOOTHONE, win 'kite you; filo •
benefits of Itoed heatie1. etend tor tree
bookletgiving particulars an/ manes
Ot satlefted users. MEV-- I
Oner ter ,* Month** Heins Trial,
.14 Anadino Avenue, t erode.
Cured without 'operettas. Alt Who *re if
Siete& with tbls diseaseanti with to be
curet pormusieutly. eater e4e4 *Sklar
with Ws great- 11eerieepatb1e retnedri
eibirly will be *cot pcst-pal/ leetieber*
10.the wort& with tell itystreetions. for
eut t� crtect * peraptetent tut*. •
Prke $3, ,M141***. •
Jotm T. Welto liesseattelth14 to
c'efildior mtrtsraes LIN114111:1T the
IYV.S11. Litytintnt
I tIr Not bsibr INrutricti.
bulbul it *41,watt stircsntra 1.013,1111ENT
and ilfc. wai-aispoovell *$ ever nett Oxf.
ars vont truly.
T. Q. IttittAtiEN,
Zn Greet Britairt inarti,se
is found to Atteittite. With th.e
rict or &crease of exports and Of
Bieklels Anti -Consumptive Syrup
. *re familiar with it, it spesk*
Thero is no riouripliirn"b in the necils no reeommendation., - To all
eati of iifc you (Ise 16 45 4 .for YearS of 1130 irt, the treat.
It. , wilt of colds and eouos Ana sit
li your thildiern- are troubled' Zffeetians *f the thr°4 hal tallq"s4
1C4 1 41's t .1*It jaelV e Tit n° 7fIVIr I nit r l'e c :4Ei Id It. e. r n is , , ,t, 'glen: :4 t °' - I: °Iiti ifn jee I 11/4 tasiiifitlitidgiSiseitlitse.' veryes* . bi if i itoi teud gm; i!it 1 ;1 tilloaue PI it will:
41: Lour:no ,,,,,,
mark' the imp-roatmeilt is 'Ioutli you will not regrt it.
Arid it its oents well Invested.•
toots tree: sr
^• otahteen 4ollar* -
tittbrollat - itt returned to:
him, tle.
litres that this is a retteetton,fm i'ts
malty., -
A onto is atu"'st' n' it -1-10: viliert,_•.1. f.o.s, ,t
. 1
• A At,
11. 't"! A A
LTJ Iron * lettelyitery,
it -boiler** ,e emu powia, gt*Atati
earinesi , electric • **tore* • tontrarters.
ayetlylceryt. etc. Pend for receive,* nt
weer 1444 istaelfhtes 0. WI` ..„PKTZTX.'
Vorosto.• 11410.4.44,. Youtrootter.
• r
Ile who t t 30 jeSt is t to
iluti,later on, that eannot jeat
in court.
44111toralOrd lawitts_to
Olv* OMR
11140 tifloot 31**Wit, wkiek it *404 w
tiompl tint th isn't exa
sited. seldom makes a, hit.
w .Iodger
• tho
s i
1 11. allow .
1 tp
tire; careful-.
iaipiet eeleree;
arn terabit to
rife for tat*.
Isti .n fa #
Ravages .°
the rat 109t 18 pots**. Mut...a.,
S.Grautr,*1136-11,1410i. NA;waegirts sod
All hut rtratires tad 4,4
doom** way
deo poaLvdsuizoItotry
Thu Asti* stieadeJsaid
arkiss.ws. wortillos; bit italic
w•stfutisif emir*. E..
loot buitiss fliso Avis*
Gesurrouyit. 1
forytatt. My
"sicol t.4i rot stasorst.
Xy p&akhs
tuli au 1 *WA albtbiskalsOst
EICIVOIX.4 oits11*susittuotslit 1.4
▪ Stati1usi$04,*14
• Dr.. 'is A. $1.0C1011
ritteXtt WAttttAN. A
eti14. linetediate dogrepr,
,74 King Hi. iKeet. Tereoto.,
r*at. Privy
basalt Itsltturis **eta
liar, 0.
; sti to raske_yo dam
rty r#, •
1ie 0141 ea hesitate$.
b�tt see her ticittter
gently, after tItitikiag
'hoe fttotlatr,
ik say- dilferetteis '
rLli to k* the chart -cos.'?"
tk, 'with ,.thtar
tirt 4 ilte.