Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 3 (2)• ,..1109 •
19$#' -
. 19114.
- 19041
Tpronto, "Aprit 1 .
ter wheat$0per iit tents,
*4.2* n :buy 4es
• Toronto, and *4.10 to
outit1e, .in buyers saelts. Atanit0-
VatentS, *0.10
tents., 5 to $5.30,
bakers'to• 5.10,
itoba iheat
1 -1 North-
y pots, All. "rail
ptices$1.173* for No. 1 Nortbern,
.. Ontario' Wheat ---No. 2 .and
red Vinter, $1.07 outside.
- tarley-No, 2, 4.44o4-63atoutsrl1e
extra at 31 to 02i4 NO. 3ait
to 50e„ and feed et 47 to
No. 2 Ontario white 30 to
entaide,:antr-18. toZifti'-‘14
track. Ttronfe. Canikda West,
fiir No. as and 3c for No.
ay ports.
No.„ 2for tot
"bie outside.
Je 1‘4To. 2; CO to o IOU
ue Aeitt,t-*1 .41.1to ,ott
'orit--;-,No. it kiln -dried Airl'erican
o 6.4e, and No. '4 yellow, 64 to
Toronte Ire-431as.Canafli
co We. Toronto' freighte.
anM*nituba' 421, in bags
Toronto, anttahorta t4122, in. bags,
-tittle u
ync I"' tim aany pkpicisa
1CL1n or loPt d
ek bottom
ma`teristi hetamisie" buying '
14$44j1.114''' -t-' txade, weget 'POf
l'terat*vai list -***fu*
the i
tly Uttet
ic NA4,141.1.00 Nereattesek enother *taring
e ot the irestilto oar sitmed chemist* f
Toarktr Tor Orailor.
Comptotootetoe** IlikWaffolole 0
ValPfort tomitlex
¥f our4rigg1�t
you *tut i stock be
4sYs frPP1
AMR1,40 rairotiois;
toboc soot 'a'
*woks whit t
• *no
Como S's 1939
tom cola* Plogr *Bib
a -Limited 6's 192*
Ce., Limited' o's 192#
- •
g' Bdll hr CAtitipoprir Olt 1913-20 •
ali oit C., Lianito1 61's 109
• The hooter limois skews Out? the.
*oats isterost rotor* to tho isvostor
*PIACI from Quebec says
waa neeived Thursday even.
from St. Mplionse,-. Seguersay
• County, of * terrible accident which
.ottekirred on Thursday afternoon
bout live o'clock, .on the line* of
11*-Ifa Bay, ,Railway, about
three mile* from St,' Alplionse. It
osopma that while blasting in. an
*sea* dump, the man working the
battery 41 %tot gift the workmen'
isaileient time to get out of Oat
The, mine exploded with ter -
ac bur/WE some twenty
en uuder a bust pile of Earth and
rock. U to * late hour ten men
rat Olareit DieertaSe,,
$hoilr Inerelisets.
sp,atth from Toronto' says':
port issued by the °uteri('
se Department some interest*tatistio are given regarding
• the decrease of town and
populations throughout Ontario. In
had been teken out, two of them
dead, and three seriouely injured.
The work of rescue isbeing pushed
witk. =nth vigor.
.The thief engineer, Mr, Ladistis
Gagne, had just *Strived on the spot
when the explosion occurred, and
he i buried in the --debris. It is
imgosaible to get thlii n$me ofthe'-
rats1.1alled and injured,or those
burled at the present writing, but
it is said there were Only nine
.ieneh-Canatlitins . working in the
gang at the time of the explosion,
the, renukinder of the men being
fel egriers.
t1c.4, 60 towns, flaga and narked in in alphabetical order,
14 show deerease between 1900 and
1110, 7 inereased and tlire'e retrakin-
ed stationary, This five cities in the
province showed la considerable in
tease. Betwein 1907 and 1000 the
first 50 returns showed 18,atereases
sled 31 increases of towns and
• 4pples-41.50 to *2.50 per
.kording to vitality. „
"-:*g "r0 4216- vet- bualtel.
ted, 103;44' to 1.1.0 per
BAted ha -No l, *-10 to $15.
and No. 2 at c$12 to $13.
*led straw -$7.50 to $1*.T5 o
ek, Toronto. *
Potatoes -Ontario% 35 to 40c per
bas en track, and New unwuk
40 to 45e per bag..
roultry-,,Boxed Ms nominal
tter-Pound prints,. to
largc rolls, 10 to 2.4..einferior, 18
ereamery, 00 to 32e;
28 o 29e per lb.
i':gg.i9 to 20c -per „dozen.
ese--ia to 13,4:e per 111. for
ige,, and at 1314 for twins;
Bacon me vicar:, 14,147 to lee
per lb. in caset lots; mess pork, *29.
lo $29.50; ,..iithort eut, *at to *02.
Ifams--Light to medium, IS to
10o; dbl., hetkvy, 10,1„,-* to 17e; rellisi
; ehouldera, 14 to 1434e; break -
feet baton, 10 to 20e; hawks, 20Y*.
to tit.
Lard-r-Tiereete 1014 to 164e
tubs, n to 17".1o; pail, 174c.
Montreal, April .19.-Oat5,--No.
Canadian Western, 42 to 42%e; No.
0, 41 to 41350;,,Oratario_ No. 2 whit
40c; Ontario WO. 3 whate, $30e.
+wig:v-1'41o. 4 white, 38e. B*007- 0.
3, 00e; No. 4, 58a.; feed barley, -56e.
Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat pet
ents, firsts, $5.f30; 40., seconds,
.41-30;- Winter wheat patents, 15.
50 to S5.60;i Manitoba" strong Sok-
$3.10; straight rollers, $640
o $5.20; etraight rollers, in haft%
2.40 to S2..50. Feed -Ontario bran,
to $22.50; OntariO middlings;
ISO to Sitt Manitoba bran, *to,
to 1; Menitobe shorts, *V to
*23 e grain mouillie *32 to
ea nionillie, $21; to *28.• .
iteese for white, and
12,4 -to 121'e for colored. Butter-
Oid stock* &)e:' nevi; miIk eleamery,
at to 311,,e. x:$10;s-19 tc, 20c pe
telt ,fro
sica 'Tr
tig /lames in
wre gilt by a' ba
to death 1unng
d ion of the New
*1 on Wedaticlay.
were *04
irks out
of the six mett
�a *day * af
Chiessee Apn-1. 19.- Cash wheat -
red, $1.10':',,4 to *11.1-11;;.. No.
ea, .$1.073'4 to *4.10; N. 2 hard
09% to *1.11%; No. 3 hard, 1111.-
o *1.00,41 No. 3 Spring, *1.06
1.10!1:2'. Voris -No. 2, filli to
No. tiv. white, 601.to *Wise; No.
. %& Id iLrIow. u.0 Witt; No. 3, 56%
. to 37e; No. 3 1$ bite, efk to 50.14c. ; No.
• t yelltiiv, 37 to 57!ie; No., 4, 52e
gbtirg their way lair uoi th 4: t-. 4 white, 65 to .3(10; Ni.' 4 yelo
- 'rt of the jail into the wo ksh
r o iti, *2 to *3.1*e. Oets-No".
2,L;e; NQ V.I. white, 43e; 2;o.
44 exPlooloit (31 ** 611"14/1 frItite - 42',4 io 441,2e; Nai. 4 whit
n list& a boa ;draft *id slaiiii ...
. Cr' tt01001 etandeedt 44.!,; to 43e.
ing the two building*. Three ,i It to., (sot. itio. 14.0 '
hinti thein th*'% irmiLd°43".4 Detroit, April ta.-- teat
TflCfl were hemnied in** cor-,1
id horned to death, while the * 1 #' 7'2'
thrre, made , their way to * -')::'' I"
ifiiRIOIN. ' to whieli they„,
.streinis of water play S'The
• ttem fcitin the out5ide. Soon M,ntreI, April
11;ng the. window the root, eteeri Imught *6425 t
. and the ladders Were put geed, 43.10 to it5"43,; ' flu
outside, and down the 1*0 oa. "."51. hogi, $10; StYttro. , k
.W azz4 tile Then titkOn oit:-The attetly 4.75 to $IC ill
A 'CA **. .4 'Alt fli •
three iirernen were c*Littht bY it -44 ;le s
haek draft as ;they were all *b ay fro*i Itt0 to VI.
at the ntr toti i of the ITiiroti (Aptil '1*. -Cows
1. i dine and vitt earned slows by again the 14, of the atair.tket a.
rot,f when it fell ilk*. ' reit' "'ors thoiet siaisaals 'elitist sp
0*6, wbfletb
ei $4I
Stskrs 1eeders were
kU(1,, ear, Milkers ' 11"
a anAJa d.
*rts unebanged Se1ts were qu t
ea et 0.16 f.o.b. . 40
Le- by e Unite& States
ni the Tide.
t�ry.oftittle Itfuss:ditieso thanre from 12;000 Ameriban
e . 1,Visliington
• mania* road.
itialla with /roux $1,000 to .$5,000-
depath froni iNuatipes say
story of the 'remarkable thrift lialaPtis oPtraciatzsino, pa
little foreign -aged four-,
svas revealed when he applied solves between March 31, 1900, and
(4titlxItIreeSiltr.1: tneerlwdsebIlt)Y4 lit,!4-x015 ot,tettttidit Ptrrt.°)54n4:- -67116 btilid:61)14A'
pears that put here front cularly from the /fiddle 'WeSt, to
' uniauin t10,years'ago, unable toi take up. government homeeteed.% in
peit at 'word or Suglialt, And since'resin'.0*-; The full nuntUr-acotr.
' Let -lime has siteeeettled in master-, sons who went, from the United
ng W./language to a cer In‘exa I utes to 10. t is perwe was
tent, has attended school and has 19* -.370,. „;' • -
ot only, supported himself, but hatj These figures were in/tiled AS
sen _ten dollars per month-- to hisithe result an intestigation which
widnwcd mother in ItOurnania to-thas just been ..completed by \torn.
*siist lier in support of the little Junstioner-general of immigration
Ilesides-this he lias saved Keefe. The figures and inform^.
'tltirty-Ave dollars towards...the ,one tion which ,have be.eit gathered by
hundred. dollen" required to pay thks Conmaisioner-Otneral have
her passage to this country. .1.01 surpritted him, and the influx of
this* he, has.aceomplialted by telling Ameriean-fariners inte Canada will
newspapers. be called to President Taft' s atten-
0( II and effor-temay he Made to
'stem th!?. tide. . ' '
itt ..1/4") -GANG or TIMV 8. The information dse1oes the-
telk of. at .Elk
torttlitbistittlitre beit fr:r°et girl:neer;
'Whe Vete ktellinjeout In this emin-
A despatch from Elk Lake says: try and taking their money to Catt:z,
By thesentencing on Thursday of 'Oa. there to take up fertile, GiN-
DOMetlittiltitOtlii to tico 3 -ears, and ev....tunent lands.
t_erhileteSiartini5t-li'iehasthberoCekenntrilupi w-24'11:itte; lithurttelithnoattnorintittrantfi".tliirneti;
-the worst gang of thieves in Sftier. taken from flats country by the 90,-
laita".- They had a -store here where *JO person ti who lett this country
they dispoeed of Many hundred 14,14211likt. their Suture home under
d011are wortit'4)UttOtri X00.01t pro*, the British the ei,660 fe
*ally from the miners. Tie co- '116 num, tho being, it is nn4, a eon -
lite, no* believe it leat this gang ristive estimate.In the period
whra Sred the, town* *6 much Pro'
then has
been recovered in their possession.
or is Veriskixeil investors
• A -despatch from 'Chicago saki;
William S. Phillips,. -Pj'esigent of
the Auterieere/fexico /toting- A;
Development Company, was sen-
tenced to three years' imprisonment
*Aid Assessed a line'of $1".000by
Incise -Landis in the Inctited,State
District Court _here On Thursday.
.000,0) worth of stock in'
htearkiittiltlitatiririennttl's 4A0nUltsem.lozniTy6
r cei+ed front purehatere ef..the
Msvitirns are said to_hale
$aomoo: an, a
from, March 31 1000 to %fa
1010, the sum of 44E070,000 was
taken into Canada. The investiga-
Licit also disclosed that since March
1807, down to March 1,;. ,1900*.
• 425,400 persons left the United?
' States:permanently-- tti-• re 4.1.4s irk
Canada If they took with them the
same. average *trona as.those wh
n between Mardi
Mereli .1; 1910, they
.ert into nada since
p,,Litri practically SU' 4U- g
Of the 05;37/3.persons who left in
the last year* • 0,57$ were Austri-
a') • horn ituil 10,14 *ere *lien'
whit had route to the Viiited States
reside here permanently, but
changed their minds.
The Middle 'West eontributed the
bulk of American farmers who have
"kW out their lend and belonging*
an*.1 taken up permanent homes in
Canada.. In the last year Noll
'Dakota lisislostl,404 heads.61 fans.
flies; Minnesotan 1,741; South Da*
kota, 522; Michigan, 514; Worains-
ton, 510; Wisconsin>, \ 477; Iowa,.
440; Illinois, 2961i Itottant, .1,44. and
varying numbers from every ,Stat,
tut t4:flitot, 1470,01 York contribut.
lug 140.
Aecoraing to .figure's given out al
tiles bureau on 'Tuesday, in January,• •
rehruary. and lstarch of this 'yeAr,
244,067 inunigrants Arrived in this .
country from all parts of the world,
With an average of about 450 each
in their possession.
flO(R18S OF $0:01.1.50.
C. P. R. Ite Of
the War
A despatch frOta VirinhiPet( fAY
Mott, pleasing new of the progrees
of seeding ware giveii out CM
nottlay morning by 'the C.
after reports front agents covering
the western lines were reeeiviul.
From these it is estimated thtt for-
Per, tent. lie entire 'seeding
at done in A1berta, abouf twenty*.
a'xI Ave per tent. MiMEd*
toha. About" iikinVoritim, tilreire no
giain ifitat sewn at this tinie a year.
go. *bout forty,per- tent. Of th.
rk is dove, and at Meditittelfrot
it is nearly completed. Some *.e.e.
limit or $011thott Manitba r. Jol-
nearly titroogh,
iting ninety per ent. Of, the
, tittle P on
A Aoloakt6 fr
Oxs Thursday morn
rtold liftughter
0(,,n filet:rim
ir to ttrthree miles west()
tbr italli‘a
irribrothe :
lmsi. twin -
r *xi ire
tielt nOtiting th; thild. who
skink on ',the trek until too
11104 i4itd Itholie *bull '
aturd, had eottirei frnrt
a, few rn utes *for* the'
Ontario rots
o 'the tof 11500,
Temiskarn Nort
rtailwav :omission4
from the
m t/ittar
eeording to
1:e reptlt of the itOMMIP53013- 40p:e
ting the Provinciel Rsi%wa- Lbe'
1! It tar *thrailli1(1.1 *ere $655.S11 .31
hic been publitlied`bef;ore. After
payinents there is * s'attpiti's
Miltage, tteedt r
*-t4tal48 .11,t. reikcnA,
40inti the incera e (lora
1%iiIi t e
sit-rs.tle ftif#
i-tsrlattirt atilt.gt
,tsa .,to
t: soter'i a 113
t ol coal,
f rip
4;diwtki :tgthipt
the line.