Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-07, Page 7 (2)a site )ttswa,tays ,„Doniii;itut eed httrs41*lie hunalreilt itirr *n L' tf IH1(H !era:tls.e ti iib.tut four milli ois ,o,ver thc. provi., iTtivirsodaV will * * .reettrd, iy,eitr of 190047. tat .0Ver ‘1 figure* Will not, be knwn 1 rfigures aro .ut weeks •yet,', -but fX•Ona. ttate' of, -aciaily, thiet .CustOnts,".and other preijoit of revenue already* available 4ti$,O*331100c1 for safe to -state that the -total *intending Matti*, 1003. x - up to the ' nineteen rine of ti. b&* -':Thel Ger ,ye,ar „ending t• tang to *4 estimisteif„,,to.vice the fir .when :the finitl is anixicr'esSe,,,tihK' millions Over the i-1,Pi141 '0 iceor tunnel - he t'i&he monti mpare 4.! ROO 1:1 OP lines oleo, will erim. $ 'eager -tun SHfl 'f aynamite ro„ved tbe 'boile s -works aat verely. , • inittee it ineortioratirig he as firern'a reported •4 bi blo little 4ver $1,00,60000,,,, liatst Yeti, it is SA zn use (di, wally to bo it' aline* from increase 4:4 *hoot two td A little-over*thiren millinus. The .A3forltrea1 to Iliolson's Bay. , f over-- Ilona* retripts.for thetrout:1i ending Theirs,* day ,totat $5,0190** art increase O or ct.iupaked with March .last Idiitg'8 estimate ,of ievenue', de in his budget Speeeli Iast, an should bng. tlW _ ee patch roux Taxis' says.Zn f b reilliXaC'tnVeSnow sbd 43441 Foilipi, ti* M'terra dron of rivy, hat the time has arrived ,for arid Great Britain, ati stren then their forces o t that the tact hain Id w iao, Secretary et the, Consulate, at .Ottaw,,,t. ws.if rossly insulted -by a, local doctor , approaelied himon the streeti Vinuipeg .fruit imPotters hay* . s v re, ' 1ftEW0R1 r Clke Dairy 0, Prtilsesk anal Abr.**. AD8T(TITS: ,cent; patekts, (. 12i Zil buve[ssacks 'on tot Lt)Zt41tU $4.13- .tutsitle httyC-te 41S111itObt ttift#* patent second patents, 0 to 0.30, an ( nakers' on track, 'Toronto,. Ianito1,a. WJuat -Yo 1rth- $1.13, Bay ports • and No. ortherri at (ling' an arrangement1.)5tween Ontario, liVliest-No. 2 'nixed red tluc7inselves and the operators- for a $1.07 to $10.1:;*,, iviage scale for another year,_ the _ ;Itrit,77-4,40i t, 04 to arie outside, old seak having expircil with:the Alit.8 extra, 61' to 2e; No. 3 at 49 2tonth of March, • t 50,2, and feed, 41 to 4,e, outsid* Tlie men 1/4•tmarid ai increase of *ts- -No 2 Ontapo white, 37.12 payin prone lnstaaces of five (*eats titlone4 the 40,million Govern- to 48e ou,taitl,---;and to 4O on 0, ton, .4%nd in other initances Mom, nt 4 States to Fiht For ase .les1144'11' film 1 g Igti• ',41T's: Three hundred:thou orgaideed nrinelis of the. IX,itu xinOus coal 4q4s. of lvai .ut waS44,Io :,04,k,i4olualF,ro*:in'tett: *iters, nieMbers night., T ne Workers' o .uite ea* tleclar it the walk -out WAS a strikt* nievel,ytta e a VOX: , ,1 gen 4 441", 140154e. lane. VarPli„es Of fuel havin ttpcur- ' anticipation ,ivaMout., **Iitter8 514 brt tlitt.,1,1404:hY _41•• ;g0ITIF; Ot, 'wage scales. some the • .operatots, rnaintainedAltat ht 1),e, tePt )0104,41,',fen* • ,n nt-t6 allow the tree importatiori'track, Toronto. Caaada WV:fit Oata and certain changes in working on. s, • - ,, ,i, tut and and vegetablesndurixig thei 41c for No. ,2,' and "40,0 tot No 3,, ditions Contidene4 was expr ter month.Bayports. . essekl by the operatora that therq, would TIA re tin t Ottawa will etitio#480t. ,t) tcq 0 r, et, Id . r * in ' ' -- ' . entst, 43. 4 ay. in case al u ea Me ".4uts:ide -for No, i n y' O favor a law 2. , , . a - o to , ~ , to, come to - o. -2 Ameriesn,10,14e, an to I et. ilwayeroSt. 0 yellow, 01" to 07,';',4e, Toronto qr rf, ilk the Mewl came an an , ile34 ftlool traaa, ' - Intl. * the , 'centre- of the Indiana,,,, Wok Coal distriet, ',where it, -WAS Annin0Ped '"A demand f*,,o* a, 1143 .cent merease *ould'i.be graut. ortesident Lewis said he was , thAt the ,.uspeusion of - work beginning on .„ThurEdav ,oight il: continue -only a few days, and at. the .n)itrs will hate little, oable in matting their ite* et$ 1%itili 1110 operators. e ongiiieers4 xecirtI easz,--No; , for Shipmen . x lIghts, eartadia4 eorn, 43 to 64e, , , , Toro' Ott), freight. BRITAIN. . jirart-42,2.50' in - bags,- Toronto elli is 44,14torolti, *4 shorts, -423.50 to $2,1 in bags, or, o •411t OtriXtfOrd,01)..” - 'Int * ",..7';,,, , , 6 .1, 0 ,i. 0 0 Oil tioith,,- in the . Unnse of Q°171s1/Itir V4°I)17C13* t a ' mons*, Inovid thati his' rosolu- Apples -41.50, to ,,t02.50: -per bar. for the olorteo of the Wei reo, accordink-te quality. . , . . A, rarliament an 0 0(4,1 . Beans -Car lots outside, $1-4,615 to rds bepti.05, 1/4and small lots at *2.10 to e and offente; Pronto by ad-, tided the' 'dispute between GresOt011ederei in 'Committee- of the'Se. 40 Ix sh, I 41340: a nee a Emperor William' Ute failure of lave t man o , international'OL , commission of enquiry, wbkh, de. itl'*oft lite veto of .powerful fieet, of battleships Britain and Russia, growing out of whole. $ lioney.Cotubs, -dozen 2 to $2 in,- torpedo boats to. her ;drool/ -41xe action of the Russian Baltic), In the Rolls f Commons LOrd extratted, 10% to peg lb.. tr( ng 4104, and 1.1gland .suPPle squadron in firing on tile ClanieeockiBugh Cecil proposerd to reform the Iltile# Ilay-No. 1, $14.15 to i $15.- ig,:lar fleet with a great arrnv''. trawling fleet under the delusion, t House of Lords by- making the Man- ,em „track and Nft 0 50 to Thjscourse, the admiral whit. is ikt alleged, that they were Japanese ber.of members .400, 350 c*.t theSe• , tial to sareguardmg the ta. edo boats; dmiral roomier aPPolutedhS the Xing from the! ilalez,1 Stravv-s7.50 to $7„ rttid to enable Iranee, Great * the comm- reditarY. Peers and 50 to IM e the track, 'Toronto. e-ident ri ain and Russia' to: tombat th ion, avs tit felt* thou forces ot_ihe triple allianee shoold, without' justifieat at M. DO hostilities - between the Unifedi erase*he * - Stites and Japan, occur in the blocked his outies „ UT. RcTtque Toroato Fo11ows.. / A despatch from- Montra1 *Vs: ` the sixty” million dollars; which tstitutes the Customs duties col - ted in Canada ° during the fiscal year, the' port of Ifentreal will con. *lode $10,315,000,4eing the larg- �t in the aggt4a,te. Toron#,- to will follow with $12,000,000.-. r 110/0 contributors will be 11)eigi 417,000,000, and Vancou- 114,000,000. The 14tter port liectsjan aggregate escetxt. total of Quebec, St. ;elm alifax - Showing the ene of Pacific trade and -rowing demands oceistioned by Iling of the West. ' ESTEADING Z liEST. CNADJAN INTENT() raite-olt- Hobson who , said to, $trioi., .1.0, to 1Se * 4 to ton- w4ll'ree0ver. , creme*, 4,1' • Oes ei the tilopfroment, . PotatOok-40 to 5 . per bag , .....„! . track. - UNITED STATES; l :Notary Turkeys, -dressed, 18 to ,slieer. one hundred tette thin . x miners were killed'. ,,i10e per Ib.; thickens, 15 to lee and ' descent was impeded by genes And , i ti xplosion in an 'Okla onok:foxi, 11 to 12.e., ; bohes. The, fall .. was 'observed. I m ne,, . - li from the 'bridge, and the unconsei. Two condemned ImirdererS, both ..T.,#,E DAIRY MABRMS. ... ous 'Mai -W*111 bt011ght# t,o,and eon - n es., escaPed 'from, the -4101- a , Butter -.round, prints, 21 . to Zell. .„.,v(1,ed't°' the best'1114 *76/' twe''' 0 onouthCira. - - : --- A.,ttlis aliti wrioi rousi ‘440..to gze „ in,,, 4.4.4 Siengl is ri Pole from 3 .t rs strong a .),, 5.05 SI KI lambs easier„ 'I '1 Ait, i Spring vl. Witidt -are OW. towing in, w • quoted up to $10 *eh, Hogs (ate keePing up to th $10 mark for o e ' week' deelined .25 cent. Ketects otod at **it (1* wateredhe r OVER UGtH Otto lilengl gas emarhahle tape Vim tiestIk. A despatch from Niagara rails say. fell 450 feet over the Niagara River bank on Thurs-. flay night, and still lives, although sustained -ere internal injur. s. Melte was walking along the bank on the American side, bear. 10Wer steel %rob bridge, a fel; over the precipice. He fell All gtou arv sister ittl Canada, was fat.:,1100. sillids, 263.4 to 280 per /b. A desPitteh , To stop a ick,0004on irattleslop, red, in. a Saud -pit at Pon. Eggs--19to 200 per dozen. going at full..peed within her own ich., where he was working. 1 ecse-,13 to 133,..e per lb. fo length is the problem whieb, the Iotham, P. Ands', .a New lork large and at 1331'e for twins, Illet-Itis Sister Probst! littxted States, Navy rtepartluent, State -Senator, was branded as '1,..,, ..,„.,..., Fatiily Isijared. .. ' A despatch from, Montreal rays: -glasses, doors on the side of a ship., which was iiken., Baleir.--Tiong clear, f53f, to 1,53,1, e . . * * Hughes, . Dovextiv pAtti has set. for 41, Citnsd.ur* u inventor. tit e -taker oolleagiies at Al- naG mop/tors.. Ile has an arrangemeat like .barn 'my but resigned before, the vote Cale lots; mess pork, ),..Ef bo nEned Ant"it BQvrett' ill ne' wihieh to ms to .e to $1113:d to on m!31. Ye-ra of age, Irne illetlo And '.1i.41"n sold thePr4etturcemLinary hieongt.ia.rrha:tc.deesp4Ittoroernoitlfitatlhisof.i'iolutuore:, tlIttine Iltsy:GorAfttehariozhsect C.t017 f leas triatfif the device on thelat. the finions-Genexid belong', was at- 18 to sit5ter, aged -four, seriously hurt onitb, Am three Irish rods of old mea. • tlosbip zoduirrt,„ off the Delaware :rested in ,Brookin on a ehuge me4. do., beavy,0 1,4eto; ilzo7ere,;aikofilssoThoritisrult.tte37.4,1iftaerriroe viiirbeyrets; sltrheeeto_trt:Tric.tvetts60. Capes on April 11, the tost to be larcen.34 he'k,_ shoulders defrayed by the inventor. • ors, 19 fo-,e004'bieks, o to ie. dre,n Were crossing the street when C460tbstl* P...ardlans have eozttlet. 4ard-Tierees, 16,34 to ..10,4,,e tiler. were run down by the ex(ri, The F:11-;ntobereaoptiriroctloon; 0,,iortrt413thdittuitarputaLhar;erilo! *ideate. Catherine Duffy, 1,43.ose death has urred Gurken, to. Sligo, ,one of a fainil$, of, five„ .all of no were in receipt of old ago Thei°t"en'ionts on the estate of Robt.. lunin Park, Galway i .., with vrbitsns, and cazt read without XL:WS , 0 BELL 1.N,0 LotOPI.E, '•-•72,731t 0 e , gilly. 176tinty ' ath, . the age la _ PO 'died ... 1,4i0tigh. . Of 101 , . - r#Xt011$11r0 iMPtoyernen6 are ten- templated. at ,thei parish cluir Cashel,„germanagh.i A :sieries ,4') ,huirlings, Alleged to grttoltt,imhdatautpreoilvt. patent tor ,gte - holdirw its . own. in Ireland* hub is: 4yibth,i11.:41.411r. sh repreen- 101:11,:epirrikg,,:ths:atrr'ildutereela'an4:4A,:; .,i13:twsIde.'eutiet'llastwvryledides".:01: . It -tightening.: pd attic* klahire, ' - Ballyniseelli.. ti maldng. satiafactOry prOgresal, for C. Cros r'. 1 irrinaeliin* .'°41Art41411411hnitisrlyl',1111f7lit'is toiiian4 ',III‘an'id, lisS,': Osignt4 and. built for ..berself avenne, illelfa . are *Milton, -of on*. . ign ateniYerilienher ni.irealltalt4,. intoyt'8heS a . . 'Itt 611 " 430r Anver Bey, ivne* the leid- ubg" t6 17!..‘e.; PtEi18' -1114e* gt*rl*istloglisetfruto* gall' * "154"' PACIVIC BRANCHES. Jr • BUSINESS Ilsr MONTREAL of Cite 'Young -Turk movenient, y she is likely to die. 001rar 01 far LiNt Vivo negioc,, is to be rewitrd for his Work v.ith to Bouadary. ontroa the head of the Sultan's ratee: lontreal, APIA '6.-.-:01tta---10. A despatch from M 11,„1111 *tees over mar4 'rho ' 'op,. Grind Trui* 'Pacific b RATER'S POUR OUT; IOAV.; 01 1414 „'XiPs!tt... tosOl/tition with the Canatlian Pa;Cisiders railing Over Area Eyteati‘ 41,l2*'°; °vita rig No. 4 ltilitr.t:'40,11cli 'Itell Alerted. : ' • . - i Barley --No. 3, 00e; No,,, 4, 58e ;.tee , As, dei,„„ateli *„,,n,n, ea' „„-diff 13,11,00„,, '.,„__,..,Blake,„,_ , „„_,,,„,_,,„ _ , _ _ „„ _ _ ' Iron” ottatw-,*„.**-ys;lcolle or traffic,' between western:IL- . jug -t* ,tke Sea, , , , .. 1, r.e.,,,,,,,, t me,, --- 1.-iour,,,,,fittlito-bat il: 1,1417 th401,r;',teriezi s*k*e, '''.`of lie) ,ii-litixirt, aibppue, inrak,41;41:1,73zr:.., to the 'antii..of relirtiary i,-...ttaiVatia, and th,e States of' the mid., - ii ' ' 4 were entered, f.t)r. in l die 'west is shoWn :by the annennee4 ' ' A °Ie5Pikt411 fr°11a.' Catti'li:*. "ItalY4qpring ti.1 tat' Vitents.._#r3ts,Wales. miners and whicirli.iht tile, of 416 estate. adiart, West, •ttn increate off tuctit no$Ade, at tifw': Grand Trunici' ot•Yfi: Tim truptio ,o: of Mountttrts.41.;; itop,,tatt, 41:40;, W313****1,41e *col bliora ituraved 206.i000 mi4orii), 144 1 . n °T. arAir 1,1:00,000 wOrkment has. .been 4*,ted at the' ttii: ' .11:111?:11d. * vet the:corresponding Patine headqUarters on7 \Vet:Ines-I lots irivre.Itted ili iii01(ineeo Ittnl newiP:telltsi; IS*51 ;,,S**,:,0,,d; liftI lait'ittir. ,The entries.40y morning _that a tontract bad ',Il'at'114 have been '°Pened; Thell; 43'ir,14 --!I er.s '4, *).°1°'. •$1'11I'2"u"tb" 4 40;rette(!..vitittr410,1_reaterft0i(trolArtiedoeinde4i li:trat,50,1tampes ?if:71111r iit stoetsittitivuopt . Atoir,i. director of the *Mount .Etios-Obteri ezsi, $54; straig,lot ?idlers. ,ags, by people Iraq), tut Company' for the-roo.stroctio4 valor's g,sisi Pt. 0 over .m ensters am :.,' 41-."4° tP $.50.keed-Pnts..13‘),Ptlin to rettorimend that the colliers at.' it.e. Royal ulster mat,..• - i 'Of from the United to) ‘ the boundary near Portal, whileit"',.!' 48,Is3.1trin* to, by Atottiokin,l'ol. a branch line south from Iteginsoirw .11,:ttivei ,,,1:0 from *II of Illerr,$22-40 -t-° $(13; 9119t1" .rmadd 'ngg,$ out „in,casei•des,i*7211.16 to $21; Manitoba. bran, OP4; br the 'annual - report of Belfast • A year of prosperity it disclosed:, y Englith; 17 by Scotch. contracts, hare Also been let, for tli,&:', wurit'' einuer8 /Ina litplili are hillinX it, Man.;,111.041# silk II:*ir SIP, Ifarbor Commissioner* . for 1200, gii ,A, to xoicine on tiler, midicitne 0 ...tlo.e, 'ea. The stretuo ofplar* it ad -4 al.,te $0.- elicesol2fil. te ittfitgle' 4 - trade, but in the •Bintill's reeet . determ•ned te enter into attire nadian .AVestern, ,140; • • INERS ACCEPT Tstilits. o 421.-C2 to 43e; Ontario No. 2 --- lite, 42,„1-;•i'e; Ontario li`o. white, 8101te ItivrtIveol 0116 copt the proposals of the mine own. ers This recommendation *will un- doithtedly be accepted by..tlie BIRTR Rt , the Year 1$O Wa,i The west oar Reto • . despatch from t cordon 5 Xs birth rote last year was est On reord-23.639per d of, population. - Fhis 13f 1.0 .below the rate for 4, - slight inereas tiler!! corpletion pt a line north frooti- 103-eir an area ..extenti;ng as far *5,, mom al to 33; raise mom ie the Orand Trunk. Pacific." ers t wilieh'shows * record not only in- Romeo TO HEATIi. Fire Cott** Warelleit-040 at `Alta worse. India. , . . .% despatch' from Bombay „ onty.fire women. .- and chi 'ete burned to death irt *lir oi Thursday 'destroyed the (bott, rt warehouse at Bhilwo the 'strict of Itairoutana. Iliqu People &vitt isoyeiott of Butte 044 piit $2 es. tht Germ who have er torlin ,pon5ible fo ri .agains 1,44te. I yas$ert thatt e Ii*nt betause of 10 crnt.i v. pound, from f ihat cont.' tents, is due to the actual it o rtd„ is of the corottrotditv,w' which The itinl.'1#0,11fght StbOtit by 114 ,ytite$ ' gued the fodder harvests. - se ofThe pre4ident of,,,ithe Indttstri stow tnion of Unit)its declares that the Iput rats h4.tt is chiciTy the 4illeitst cr the eaal,'d.nit aurcog tka,working elsofts ill 1{ general roe its the eon of 1 :4' nee 5sities otlife which tat re- , snited in the recent:lbsitace aatt re - rut laws. vanolog. toward 'Catania,but the for it to, and 1211` to 12,40 for tot., At -Its 'meeting of the_j)nblin tor. s ,t ni'alto dm anger; as the strea, or 'Butter---Choicist ereamerYt poratton tat the: 23rd-iilt., tonic' qtst later tort be tiefloted toward ;271, to .2St-; for round lots, and Mc lot Dovle ,Ittattt installtd as Lord sea. Aft. ?erect considers thatiffor tingle paeltages. Eggs -20c pe . . ,. :„Ilayor for the emoting. year. Mr. Robert, Bradley wits moue 1460 . • ._,. i.o. timatrilosom Treaty,!' etitered,in. sherif. I try 18,42 between Gladstone and ' 'The Roseoin mot town corn s, nett. ',Ahoy was thew's prisoner' %loners have received t%1,600 for tho It 'co 10 It_ illutlintlitrn 10,014she at the old*market house, pur. iyileitile*'" rorkeellehated from them 1n.. ihe post 11. nix r*rk.1r111014 were ',': te'e authorities for the erection of ' -Ultintately executed. .a new post otfiee, ,s. A famous, prison in * political sense, has been clos;t1. namery, totiplopenti•TtX • son, Dublin„ after 1 whvh was 'named the histotie le eruption is following the natur- ours,e, and *ill rontinut, as it Intil the internal piessure has .1-cett exhausted. This xna$ la4ifor 3F,1% montls dozen. Nino 8TATEs, IKAIMETS. Chieago., April 6.--Iii'fhett ill. No. 2 red, $1.10!" to S1„20 3 red. S1.14 tu E. No. 2 SItOT 1IIRIFFAND 8111411)0U hard* $1.14%to $1:15; No. 3 hard, $1,06 $1.T3,14; No. 3 Spring. Tragedy. fit British' Colo* $1,144. Corn-Xo. salt et Lore Affair. t No. 2 white, 63 to 6te ; No, ay. to 62'; xo: 3, 00o 1,4 cole! 6Nito No. trip„;it;N e„ 620?1, N450,•to3 invr -No, 4 ,white, fZe; N'o,.-4 yet. 66 to We. tot -No. 2 white, o .47e; No white. 43 to 49e; 4 white, ,to', 40; standstr4 0 011ie. eels). Aprt sot, sietul3z; itearloada gores • e, dy. Barleye-Feed in .26 film No. on k, a'Tep'chVancouver. B. 3r7s; Word, conoesirom North- vf "the Shooting tf" Marshal J. -kh by a luau .narticd Martin Ito (!onntoitted suicide wZien rf('s posse wasafter him. aget1\46', %as paying *ttentofl* to * Mist jel1ison4 he ellison -home being dyne- • was suipeeted. went to arrest bias:. Close: tho *boulder with, * the Otter fell ' the loodyik,'Itilling lo lc •14 ed!1*kk from 'Oar kr through It444 the me*. but a few *ere pring ern' LIVE li1078. Mi.ntria1,pr.' Choiee *tiers ailrosorls tonuetted with its vast ,rnught ttL1; (itt- tt g.tsir.1,$ to eililt Ittld *tilt of Pittslourg, t.Y; fair, tIO is ,stnnottneement Item the 11 Ill o the Philadelphia * Read, ' , ituc Rsdwa7 Comparn late Wednes- yzftrrnoun of a similar adtance T ton ,4 mil s, I4riMe pick., In wages to its Wornt• ss, 0,04;heatiftrot ,,. .too t4 /Like that , f the ws:4114t Ilenttsyl%ania t $6.- Off ROSillAg screw," affeet,s al (,) -3 to36, 1110.. employ*** risotto less than h, corti kip*t4 It • . suanroaas of Their. Bmpio 'Ha !iyhat d Co., width given si sir per end* wsr se to 196400 n- rt " ot 13, a o e. "411 he w the a 3