Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 4 (2)waAt 01 44 de;44-4,4144Tri- I vian, ; it in the, suriowidlog town" While this • erritrutement Ls tifying. t Cettnot tiawh 10,10,r, deroatida made upx't ItA sod o latter 'Me vitticto Stutor isava t4 nti,ke pro -14100n • t'er ly 3tten4ed-4z* ot 0ue advaxed a1 r.nbitb0o, 11104P, Ir1* comElted to, g0 Ait'ody Mitio-**'44qvteral 'oblIC,..t1, 0 leAve I. 'ardor to' take .the„ -Irtor4 itto.ntsVuorki Wi tt at ocItool ti.;.,;(1x4,-*X. 711,t0v4, ttio h441144.423- wit* ..adentrate, and the, ttt.trx Upon the • iii;--VfeW 10, *A* r Wtstertt t" inot but :1th ketrott> nuinber at' t O4O. tho eztant 4'4 re 4:14 time; ; flora '',14 *too it wit twilit** o: tou* 1 tit tronyt, over 40- lt ;the i1i oZ Atted tte wos * 431Atter or to 1 AAir , too uetI ve4s4 44 honieto rt proNerAo, voutrontint *14 ot Canada, It „to to-beliOred. ler tferiutitfloth, *Mott wilt t, o 1,13t t3 'aooto posit tont Oteoetet ken or your;,*0 thei*leng Yeer* Q. *dIb yOQ *A away„ oven ott dIstance, w* deolio you • tot these r hairs, whicIt we lop. roliY be *Owed by yoti tor oviiitie to cow. - Kr* Mold' Itawitioney end Uri .30144 181)1:(14n.proopecile1, 1em:A*4140 -rocker*. to InkhOiner made ,s4itatobs M. 411$1 ktAtbOinerrt0 Qj. SAWNWAOr Acte4. In the ,(4400•44tY '10; tftjj' and all 'had pleasiint Moe w** tooted 'Attet**1.044 md the • ny.hrukt: up_ 0,tbe beet ot. Obit*. Ituriday. afternoonthe. relAtive* 4.4 grit Vinkboloor *aim thorn Tpre Wheel rinkbelher •reed .poottdollors fottows„, Pret.h the eveot our departure from' our toir autrtsehmlOw yo Way tt: • ppott We„.royret that- ou ate 44.1001 to leove"'Our'roldst b. 'au,s w have ;Ivo*. toitether . from ourI1dhod; by one, Ott ed to iftire is 'wad when we .03noser tt Itto en account Z decltnfnE k'Pees,ele, 04 loony 'our i. terolifor with the histOrl* rdyerettri, and therefore a toot not be out or , Vetiversitto-reeetved4kte-chatr bout t Irty.Yeara ,atto. aim AA,O.00At t tUttell-poder the ,eontrOt 0t the iurch of nx1and to the .1310tese 7ot tt« For her or So* the eu1ty,ot Art ilufnout, Out tte n belr 0. ,the 2attLr• o onterthirtheir 'tbe yakiaii r( ostorrOntarl of the illoreee 'of, /rural of *V* Univetridtri he taculty of Art* was 1 101* on 04r, itte. It IAA* Attn atttuUo and-•a#houh good 414, *nchoy ntv of 1tfe; to W,11 . A t;te iutiter•ot Itte c in.we are 40,4'r who 4:140:,4A:,:wfo,:;:tir.101)4 dee ot Uri* our tt turdaty s and ''darro, rearm. surrotnultnit her death are Itt.- ohs' bettiz *irk • only •*, 9. $‘40401-'74- Sik01(-f-tr0V1-00*--1,0- her *he tontrected a tout, but, it ,doe.10P,74 ;into *Leuttotnipti ars It oh* ortlY ),*tett .two or three es4pd wapp a nittive. ot etnni14 tOJOanede, *bout twenty - ye -Oars ao. /*on )?ears_ later *Alt 'ter**, he:- now :berett huebsott,''. bew deo whent she 1eaV00 itWO Oillare104, * ,and -dluintetylo...4nourn her death: so -Otte' Olstiri, Violet of troyiventsi that youI YOttr, • inany nore' 7ear to ender' IUe after qt y.ar. 01 tabor We are *teapot* to t ar. not to nto vnoi.t0,14ant441140ttolttonst-. t wm to enitOr '0*s ,hostpitalltY' wIth axe both totittod;„..-We &ku hose gati AA * mark or reard for you are niollog It. :00mtortitiw-, YOU and we .0410t.thati *414 often, -revert tvdthe asoctt1ons the'',4014 1100**** •_:trir,hpeii,:o:Ir74tritottbk4,___Evrr Jacob 1?1»k 4vion FInkbcner xnde an ArfeettAr replyi-Severel 01 thoe *resent 'spoke And iri their enire5 Instances tit.: .their lost ,flfe were reletOdi 0141 time, *. tcytiont were ott and tattoo att 1t 0.11 It sr** $4y old thno rondo" The party the evert -14 4tott -Wood the tultrh ' diet' brolght with. :them. 0 w- it or 0 for thelr hozue In, Lon*, N, ''4P4ter *re fl*IL- sound* .00 Irotoq. TOltOlxv,to co:opomr, Uni- his been formed to take Ove. peent *retell, 10-1Orte".11 *rot thirfitra, est tohneettd thoreWitiv The op** ‘1,419rKturle &-ffit •centp4ny'. fohell, Xe4.L.. Xt!,' truer ?eau,. 00-.11.0oter., Jub- LptLre• for ,ittiock S'ito nnw beIn te, - loOkort *44 ptoo Zoom :614 Itth tuthistere • atate,,." gra,' Solotoon Kuepter have ret▪ ur,cd aro o *lett in WatetiOo, 0 ock *04 )41*Ati: Ethel Wlfltam.41a, Itennie was lo tfOr40 , thetinit;.*...terftIteranee rottvcr.Uoa.—e.sr&. Ilertord,' )Ltte1. 'roster lett 'an Tuesd win torWe* t 6 to Ontiottett, Indiepo Mr elgatyj neipelyot the put t orced t° laUlt *rid ht*, ,taken by 3tios,,leingiand ot Goderkh-1ra ,ardt :of rtes.. latOi ; 'nevi and iton)&n.t at the pe, to the o ,rtellent 'me and.thoky Thtaned wit to r 4, 141 eitisene , outtltort It bet*us or th.t dencrnwu*tional '04f1uentei The pe.ent • et: 11at3niegt41)40441444* if or *,,otIttolos, tte ttottoestt , ti*ottisoloto or ItipcdiOreee,-wtth,,- -out gretitly.hantOttringlti ItuncejoAtt e*Lei to the -0001i Zietuton and to the- 'adviatattrity-' t*k1n..ther. *lois 4, was acted upou wltli the '0 We3tern L I .0 nftue notituthin supported at* of 1.00s340 ani adkieot parte first eduratioul • n 1)u: riot i Cad*.• - • . Th t *this, utitvoilty thoroostilY equij- pet * moth -nrododlo Viestern 'Ontarlo cannot beodeoledi and It hoped- ' that unttip41,010* and if.ltxtene 'generally will rsUy--to---its-stoport-ptort- in -every' way tndeivor to *obit and 'promote It. So- 1ueze the uphutkettnot-bt the youth af ;part ot the Produce.- Wbe we are on the ouhitet ot hither u let u* out tati toi*celotte the, 'preparatory aoboblo, prOirtdoti In 440 :40astates- 404 High Solipaolo Z the sr, nee, %toe aro the Irzatitu- tlor&a wbere the real tottndattlort of en *ducatlon 1. had* .otel the OnerOus toot and support fbor rocoiyo at Atte, bandi.4 the Vrooloolol Government poosible tor every *ilea 1'L the roiflCe to 11011tort One. ,It to greatir to tad that otetto were not 0 to establish * In 4 . atocropttlo*Ilt Ztotee torttory--Ot any In the county 01 Ittiron-s-to draw front. a1ton, kind a. and Iter deat ound1y,reviettol by aC-4. TJn funeral took *lac tr ery on Tmeeday and n ThO,,beregved will .of the .vonnotottyi. thank 'the netths, • riejda fop their many words eztended1.:10 the; Illneji and -and znother. 1 -Milker* Th*e wt rpfj* wer Z ev$eiee *tot nwie the- Itt,.out ot them made utt th1ojt that to, Atitek, of "rot** boa *rock towo,fl value of the tOttrolooted tottd _has_ dorreatted ata -remarks Tr:* ',One insumoo 11., known where .1* ec.taln owner' wantod $2. a, week *gator pup 44.1* now vit1/110* to sell_ blot tFr th Price ota muzzle, A. dog with-. utLi nat.*, t`*re thttur to he ven. and -ober- 44, t Govern- iIverybody,.-1*- anxious to dOihta. pout Itoraind !township /loud 44 • Itettithi— A speriel Inclint or our Tovrtophip" 6,444ncti wait held here an. Tuesday to rezei've, a dtpUtattpet or Vonttierehte'Pe0' Igo, who, desired to heti * I** *est to redues. the" literipo'o -within Oh The hell woe -weli filled and oeverataddreinted wt given Insup vort et, ratite -Wm. The -rOttrtelt, how - eve.. took no-oettort in the matter. --** itto. II0wien spent , last •Sundettr at his- hotne-n Winthamo.411** Adeline Bat* alit* Itotobotor-aP000L-tror dorarlaitt (n town the %lost or her *Wee* A, 1100 'load' �t'ibe Young *told* went' ha*setae, rink_ on '14(or.-dity night Atiit: bid it 'fine Altne,„.„'. JikutirotOr twiett turnip(' tone weteret rel ler/ totteh but the ytont state ot the rOddi I* oisilly Iterount444e .gor tho mtz up —U Itst*.V., o Toronto spent Sunday at home with 'ht. lluttl*yei- Albtrt irorlook has **airedthe eptsti** tor bl* *utOnsabilet and le now MAO £t di the enxinl let up i It will be o four tylinder entIne, wtIs euttktent Power to *nett slt requitement*. Albert: will %ke *MITI* hum with id* Pttly tithe' *imotier,-,04t Sod ine'446.4ants hare been talking' ohlOniento ot ',seed* to 044s1tle rtint* Otto' weelte,olter., 0**.n at- tondoll rateting 'ot the. Dentinion Alit *no In Toronto loot „wolto-There *re oeer.,-tItty pttclboe n the- toted Isok., tort:forbore itpd the rtveri -Wouldn't it 1* good 1de* it _tk trivouthip. *emelt get buoy and atarted ta shops thing* to site tritvell To hay* a rubettrgineek thettedsSo w0444 tr.,,,,,t1tor We are Plea* }tun th*t Ur*. Vont? Kuhn -ha* ,,)ttrelf toot her recent 11.1nes4tra' .710et-,-,41eettrieher- ha*roskint- ort nodel itoprivventtoto to the Intor- Io ot hi* dwellingo-4171voistereistuerth 1* attending -the Intert**4,004Site 'Wittinkrui *Pent' last �fl4y *t horno tedo• potent*We are Plestoed tO letrjt thett ho fi inaittot eattolket head - n hi* otud**04-110111 the Potooss- otre the botoe.rollatis r the othrr evening, please re*, them UtOt* 00100 1* 'tiikOrt to ro. .bY law The. *Pirtle* are. wt and It *mad t* Mott It, • the* tdd tonolder the setkispatoito- -ot - -1441:m Itabintion or ligto *Itod )(re. Mule* Zerletter i tor rop loot weak "le hoene Xri cot Ur* SOtos. le? On The Inth on woo the Kent rieroily Other*** .144 Vrettroleitior thureidey. On WeitnetAky nitht /0 thr nefthbete **IC frtiodorem* to eltilltsA' 't04ttp4tte WAtiotl** It MA than, Ureurell *tier bet ..1C.Vikkett0041 4r1 t**114001941,4, ** 0004 .1.7.14r. 1100. Yoolor. tionot*,..-It 10 ilit* rotrot tot Iwo eoutemotideit 6114witi. *ow **, *toot lot* roo*** *ow 01**0.0a, 4,0004* 41)(14041* 'r*** ***IIh 111/400r rikit 0~ * *Mt 11.101110 oho thot wiS I* hoed to y that torpor oeorborior 114 Int, on R.kt • ILuua. Th ass- ws elthova boo out rnarott% An . Irtrozt of. VetrOte*, iw *rooted*. .41,. dterocr.itt ddfl 1*to be torwardel, *tom England, and 11 final te*to 44.4 to (*PM and otiatitY are at- h'fae(o'y,- t ,,e0MOSIt7 Win 7. he - • 0.10 'u vapttait turo, 4!'en tut c. rt. will lar Parrot Xottl-r, POot. C't'CtflM portsso Or' ILtYSt h wbeu sold cial *,ante byothertban an authoriz44 tit are liable to be Secofl n4i3atchcs, ken IntiIC m thc only authorizec, idea Agent here, and am the Iy one wIio can 1 which will be re' ectedby thest_ Dr , tit*, o Duluth; Minn*, 113 ot et.trztoo Ia treating 'petlents ith 'PreswiptiOn s 'There as a MAO here auftertn 1rcinito-te3la Inr- the fit*V-'1,:---foiraften.. 110,24A.. Atitt g atbOlted t V. Di 14.,,,Ire4: anent. I alio applied -it .to u nteh of West '11u.1,4411.0,XInni, who 11,tot Off *Poring with ezerna itt hi* i7set. and 10e sotond• ,tre.4,ttntent- ratite- elettred te *Icto almost absolutely. The -Mot APPitrottlon is * ba1m tot .1to *00114 etfeetto brond expresolorL... at wit r.everb Wit4tout'it, ot.d Ault* 444te It *mom- toy o4tIfzutie No. ;latter Low „ terrible you sutler om 002ennt,,soit. rheum, ringworro,*eW. you INtp tet„ ithotttlittr *00th44 01,04 the Itei attars' atyore wilti *,te".or -4rOlts -.of *hi* rOisleastod- ot alt 'of wintergreen :tbrittol,41yeettne, etc. t setated. The' cures *It *cent to be permanent. :POI* ftee trlal. bottle 'ar D. p:4, D Pro,: lorription eirite to the- Di D D. latkof- *tory -I/eisittinoati loidott-Itt Toronto* • • For sell by 'Pill ruzglittoi. 41/4**041 101041t$ A an • • Itthir Ur** WM* 10 Turner) otter- allt i t metrot monthsir in the X/01100 41,thodist onotrh., Itt plot wire t reatir altitreeistedt Ithe 10 theertullt Mitt* the position ot *Want ***Oat In the &arch *nd **Art at the 1.1i. S. Ithz was otto :t tlittit worker b the IgOworth 1441 - The otroPeithi at th* tOMMAAlty ith the. bereittod husband arid tam 10 whkh ot* beloftsd* this Whit he *trot break in the Wont eire1e:1 etot too year ;too loot Zulti Bert ti, 001. Stenimikrt marrted the- Above , rconwl Goo* Atha rood*** the toneritt oerv‘t Ito*. Atter tho ottrele* A large nurnibir .otlewell,,the remain* to reirkh1.11 rem- . , Assignee' or v*Ioabio VilI*ge am tits* in tho Villas* of Ci TotItuablt) et S • ittl)riLorte4",I 'IL 114***0144.04401d for tale by Pi 1110111)4W, Validity of tialuotettreelealt, the oIowgds 18ttool theti4nothin be *Zoo wIiole &mill- can*azoethilig * Mott litean bsintiod down. for-bro or th °611t-t214;34g do not take iny c4iiires on any t is a, *Orgy thatiy011. w TE- vo loilleottorto Thor looa tor otOt0000tt stittit:boyfrOlo. 11 tt donssit;*tut tha rtottitieett ich ottoaki erb, to mak* new it, *n4 nts loodio to Itott ,ibt,tbo ttottot:Oott I*, **kb, ' dtu- trlen4*, *that. Assitre 14,* It by A Tat thole* Um. * Ot 1,'Tow ot 1004,14 c�nt�*ni 190 this, progetty that* dwetttnar witts ell etto." large beak ham*, with WiltrT 110i hOose, loeleottoti Itm4*flk14Jji.IY mai* tii,11. *seat. !Wm** ttlogattg tO o hSPt of Dot And *oil *44114i4 * min 40* a, *lairs losgassoit sr teittraimr.,, • Si. 1.4 tot b,dim. 1, SikYo' COOtotp, *trio. * *trim hob4imoo4 It otos** lottorol *tottott4 On too lb** to 'itiosiot,- - ivotor volOt, *14414001 *at 100 vostt'4"10001 to Vs* t tossin4. rootoottotott to tom* C viisoont. Xttat Novies ,bmisIth haw foriA Magi *at *nos ling t* A14X DOW. - '014, ktitt$404rot 110A1b14 flOSA 060,40-000.0. tit %lob rok tiro *04 a*** * *PM * otir. 10114141000114) AL '1.66r . .4,, 4,„•