Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-10, Page 9 (2)ZOO
bern rf4ov1-1 fr ni
*title of the
eeMpany, in the' State of Co
ot where an. ets;plosioq
..ort lc I ay. esidesthe
L& ad. igtit'wended, ht
ittught t1outface., ,While an
aecutate mate of t1i number at
t whejj the explosien 'warred
oet piThe, it 'is expeAe
'4' ate stfll tht
, •
t 7,
Tho I rnini jt
ur th b�t rqwpprd
xutnt with lero proviainns
tlic afety f the wtiorkotene
de'pateh from Printero, -Col
4L1sa a: Ifcinday:s ex o
't in mine of thrCol>retb, kue
t!1:I Irii,, claimed Victims
it it left 347; Iwtt4nt114, fi(Itei.„10**
tildren.•-• e, Istett,; were. deter..
nii,',,e4" late dive"sday• afternoon,
,ttitett tho iIcent to,';' ofithe
eotopany .waS 41,19z4pteted_ Attr
ttnof the tnissing men.. were
eitecked 'With the payroll.
1 tItting 011,111tkolll
and Lowlaildeet
total .export .of coil for las
i'zr Watii-M.2,000 tons. -
..Edirtintrglea vagrants one day r
tly numbered $33, ehlek *Iwo.
There it$i1,17O at the, credit.
ositors in Dalkeith Savings
teltAL 341.1190
("411$e4: /40kft-,0t 1,0
twat' delive eNtension of free
The etto
(104 a burden
of meny 'mil ions -f \ Adollarf3 to the
United States PostI)i eke. Depart.
molt without bring utt immediate
financial returns. Congress ought
to have made some direct,. aePros
priatiOn for this eervice, says the
Ainevican „Review of Reviews. Even
if .he free rural 'ettrriers could be
permitted .to deliver small Swots
for the benefit o '• the people on
ttheir rates this luable extension! lit' 8uit'ido in the. i);.nlee' °f The
4,, the. service could soon hi, .nIndo Doily Mail, on Thursday,
almost self-supporting. It is not I
uninteresting to note-tho -fact that
%-t3 tigreenkent by which a tariff
war '401 be avoided ita4b_een I'll.aeh-
ed by „the United States and Ger-
many.- .
Ten Joiners were killed in an vs:-
plosion in a mine at ,Drakesboro',
b.y. Seventeen others probably
tet death also,
)47. ,91,c04
tier* Pro* Owr
Otoirent *yentas
rton, To o tol's pty.
4 on Thursday.
unsuctessfal atteloi)t,
made tee hlow att th T. & N -
,Itaitway Station at Coli7.ilt with,
./le.14 Thomas Nielfolsoi!,
otiVol4hurn„ tutt$,be appoint,-
Prestlent of 'Boston 'University.
alfte4 -who it ivalleged
as injured by ‘,* lamp -thrown at
Pint by hie wife,: died in framiltoti
ILspit!d 'on Titursiay. '
pager Turner of the Canadian
pper 4,:intipany denies that titer
le any combine tu the nickel indus-
irt Canada.
Jfeauorz -Drown „unite Molly
81 Btoornuttort, ZB fw th,...e ntu
of 'her Mistress, was arrest
of the Anetraliiii,
tr.was launch Wet:loos--
14.0y journalist; wito.lost a -law
'agoiest Lord Northeliffe-4or
,irrongful dismissal, attempted, to
At Clitastroae 30 tons of coal were,a ., :
i eortatn exPm
reas copanies and
* tributed t among the poor c't other private, interests are always
t Itenfre*"the Salvation .firmy
tr ipplying "'free breakfa' sts to
«n ebitdren.tlie people. And the public may
r two cvses of diphtherial just as imitiwinfori
hed ot the, fact
cen reP°11e4 '11- Kir'kee"4" ' that'theee same interests have been
lobbying at Washington to previ-nt
the passage of sucli measures as a
ponlel post ter the...conv'enienee of
eh t jG poor families-inVal-
v ts o coal.
OlAugow several Ship-,
z'ds are so Noy that the, New
pst rates on periodicals and
'newspapers. It only needs state.
teent, to make it dear tltat if tna
zines and itewspaiters were thrown
out ,af the:4014'1s by-proldbitive pi.12.-
ta'; rates certain netvs contpacties
tit , 14144 • 41—
his attentions, au -Callen oramitte't
euichle. on Thursday.
A woman at Wabash.. Ind., was'
teunited to her husband whom alte
ritoUtto$4.423.mrp curt:Ailed. had- for fartv-eight years"..helievq14
te shipbuilding firms in 'Omen --
Wiled in ono of. the battles of stile
and Port, Glasgow' have 'orders .
arid- express tompaniee plight hovel etvil war.
ceeneck is einiming 4 TnedalleT bait of ueh peri `limas Ile! Y k State Legislature to make
nt s ot . ot
wing., to having bad fear -
resenting over100,000 tons. to, play a larger pati. in the distri,1 A projtovil• is before the New
The .din shows that OA roore pa: , grOati tlitiVt, %St tin
tieritS were treated last year ,tbart t°Ple's 01D nave oeett tteut.
°in 1008. npon his attention in the opening • -
.:,,..atinnio-last,;y:eatc. **Meet pfitettat .Mte. Taft • halt ibe Ooveruor, repponSible.Tfor' the
$41' Iiifirmant 'repOrt•-' net_taken._ 41,st 'haat •:*p_pointerie.nt' 'itea-r 41 .444 tixt.
- irt, t
Leith Dock revenue for the year lseelts of his teno, t 1%,
amounted to £103,000 -an increase fl0t strange that he should have
47,696 compared with previtins 1 LCZt 1fl2$14 few matters.
,Urlflg 3 0 s yrrlser-
anret ex,rted 115,333 barrels of-
enred herring to eontinent. , Some- * Spirits of Dead Sing
e,30D tone, of grain,: 2,059 tons of APMOIIg Ilronehes.
preserved herring in tins, 903 tons AIMO g the curiosities of tete life
r,)of manure and 4210,000 empty bar- iA the eofar, f,r whistling • tree, of
rots, were Itiso exported. Nubia. When* the winds blow over
A. Linlithgow miner pulled the this ...tree it gives out flutelike
ontinuttication tord of a train to, sounds,. playing away to the wil-
so. if the train would stop. It ,eost derness for hotire at a time strange,
$10. _ Aweird • melodies. It is the spirit
In Edinburgh last tear there were of the dead-snging aid -oaf; -the
10.430 apprelzensionS, showing a de. itraneh,ee, the natives gay, but the
trease compared with those of 11'09 scientific white num, says thiit the
of,491- jsotmds are due t„.1 myliadS-of 'Sloan ,
ii'b'- were last year! holes which -an \ insect, boresin the (161°""c tlervallt4 hrfloght to the
tet fewer than the preiliins yeiifr ' it hv the attir4-11arket garden-
'Witnesses eXaZline ) WeSt
Indies Comnitesion, ja-
maiea, state4 that' Canada's trade'
an ould b inerea
01:11 lt' sithsid17.ed w.02cekly lino of
steal -nets,
1,000 %tree tele Etilized ns Labor
Supply Depot. 0,
A desp,atch front, Winnipeg as
A thousand ae
**Misfit.d by the Salvation Army
near the city for Supplying* place
for unemployed men tici-,Work, and
44 a centre a the farm laborers and
rtiegett wei.e down 33-, and de,aths
swore lgt up. .L
There were during last eear
Tlw, weeping tree of the Capary
Islands is -another arboreal- freak.,
This tree in the „ deet weather
0.19 !tenons. apprAemfed or cited Not ram down showers fr4n,
in Leith a detrease of 393 compared! helves, and the natives gather up
with the previous yearthe water front the pool formed at
fluwi the past year deaths re tite foot of Ithe trunk and And jt
teriedrn itzPriburgh numberedpure and liege The tree exudes
giving a „death rate of 13.15 the water from the innumeraf.ire;
. For K03 the death -rate pores at the base a the leaves.
..embitteil ages of Wiveltte
rs eitiployel In the handleora
4 -weaving depattment,of
jiiLry-firm-tittall 1,03tt-yeaxs.
hat Chapman Gray, profession.
TOUSidado Parliamentary Road'
(a native of Hawiek) committed std.
(ado in AO Edinburgh OXprOSS trAitt
leo* cutting his. throat.
'#!the report of the Sayings Dank
resents one bright spot. During
lact ,ear the deposits inerearleol
neiitly $300,000, and the pacineattl-
deeres,ted by over $230,000.
• Vietkeeltipludiders launched 40
tog lost rear 314 vessels, of' 403.904-Y
t ts Tl3ji ts an inere141., of 4.4,31,7
tons, coultared with lots, but
06,F1, below the, r(zord total o
'A despatelt
I) TO tlaNt
Dollars tor „
ijft Ottawa
Itat,fteet in , aid e
4 in' ITEiciittee.,.
Ltaiv estitikat privviklin
as brotight down in th
hv on. Mr. „Eieldirt
beIII,Otse904 ThTtU
imply 141414
t- jbjteFfikilkStritiit tbi
i-,rptitter *h., lie
t he, in
tc rerk ('it's Ittoord tOr the'
`Your4.Inst Closet,.
fiesp-atett front Nit Torii tavs
te were MOVO thiti 4900 violet
atbs"in New- "rt)rk city last.year,
tel an even Jeundred honueides.
T1ts' exaet number'of violetit deaths,
sh..twn itt Abe eorotwee annual
epArt, subirtitted on Viredneeday
v-as!Leo:. krikty of the homieides
bv shooting, 29 Ittfre due t
-while blunt inettuments
awl fists 'were resnonsible for the
other fourteea; Suieides 'totalled
4.1e. Subway end elevated trains
tut entteee titre killed fa jaer&mts.
11 atomobiles and motorev-elee, 44;
d horse veitivii% - -Of the -au
tom tbile ietinot 23 were ehildrort
*hitt 41.,cbilarfat wr*-' kilkc1 h
ruck., waggons. ityrl by
WON, eak
Tsii:- TT
ea 1 ) (I AlitVii
irr `hoett.A7 tri
work„ and it is *bp
venture self-sopporf
mstke t
Railroads 10111 Not Increase Vire.
• tuen's Wages. ,
A &spate)), from New York say
Sits railroads in the
netified t4,-rettreee
639 firentefi of the r
der and,. for a 0 t
nutty have
vex., of 31-
1011 of their,
per cent;
ge. inereo.se and other toners.
ions. Islewe or the relectlon wee
taineit itt a- --tilifatti-7110SPate
Mt Chicago on Wednestlay. The
ds'•'-extieees 4 willingness to sr,
rate the question of -stages, but
flatly refused other elemonds.
•••••••••••••1***4 44:4 A 040•444:44‘44114
lhne Sontelonli Insured tor
*lent 114.100;
destiatch from. Bridgeport,
(Ay*: Insurance 4:)n his. life
or tit 6e,000,000..and *3,000,-
&10.; ity to pay the premiums
ntotIzteetwe the _belifitta ,itudgr the
dieite at death, is the 'novel
hew,' for pitying tite city debt,
oted Ititvit.1 Beath.: to
ridgepott eommon rountiL lie
plate* „in, 4rettirrt that the rity,
to. his .,0101t14)ry 4 monument
ot the ..orightator of.titunicitat
,,) , this notdia
Ii I anti, 4
v niiiteit .-
1 tii 6114 441r
Viker Daky t
._ *ma MorttatI,
-Toronto, Vett. 8.4,---;14out-4
90 per 'cent. initents, ,
. ,bnx#,r,s! • *seeks-, tr
Toronto, and -g-.29.t4 *1,„-2704utaitio.
81 ,buyerie, !sack*. ,Xtainitolta ,tiour
Patetiti+, $4.-te; etteonds.' •
iltub* 1irth
" rtS„ A*1 No. 2 No
ern i:ii 13t rt'i.
tario witeAt---::',;o. 2 uibd reI
Vint' or White $1.07 to .$1.03 out-
tt, t.Te outside; No.
al4ti:ai.lir#0.;-,,No. a at r,o to 0,04
feed -48c ontsi.dc. •
Oits No- „2.A...(etario wbt,3814
outside . n41 Ile .6 track
Toronto- ;Vii-nagla West pa 43 to
43e, for No. 2 and 49 to 4 e for
No. 3, Bay prts.
Peas -433% to 84.c outside.
08z, outside.
Buckwheat -1.-4334 to pe- outsitl
ftxr No.
Corit-Ifiew kiln -dried N -NO.
and N. 3 new 'yellow, .sclee
-7 .0 Toronto freights.
Br-a-0-42?',.50 „,bags,,- Toronto,
114.,,shorts; #2,1, in bags, Toronto.
-_4pples.--$1.59 to $3 per barrel,
ancordihg to quality •
Deitn13,--,Car lots outside,. $1-.75 to
$I 00, and smAll lots qt $2 to VI -
15 per bushel.,
Honey -eoliths, dozen.* $2- to $2.
Octriepted,.10% 1t 110 per lb.'
Haled lihy---No.
-$14, and--No,at $1374
-Potatles-17 to 50e per bag on
stek for Ontario's.
Poultry -eTurkeys, dressed, .17 to
lee. per jle ducks, to_ ge se,
i. to, Met thickens,. 13 to tic, ad
fowl, 10 to ite.
ter.-4Pound -*iota
fenor, i ta creamery, ;id
solids, 2i to c per lb. •
tIggs-,...,C04.o-. lots a new. laid, 83
ale per dozen, and storage,
lb. -foe lar
e Orders
A -despateli. Teecento
,hies in .44, Very violeett form Jtas
roken out in serer** portionsof
tOzazo, particutarty* the ivester4
Ottli:nt 41:01rmitileitrtroOstl ;t:
tangtng eorrestmetelenee end la,ke
to, Prevent Ake dtsease.
Irorn spfeading any: farther. Thad
he outbreak v it fieriona*. 011Q,
9t doubted, but the provinebtl tuf-
14intietirtalltftisrs 4114dtletat4W4e44hav8uee-e4bslit
destroyed rats .41, resittit of the out-
break, end no less than four pe,o.
pie have hod to go to the Pasteur
In'stitute at New York for treat.
went, the reside of bites by mad
Itive t ation has roven that ilte
origin of the intibrealc is traceable
an episode which took place
three -or four weeksago, when a
mad dog ran iteross the Interne,
tienal Bridge at Lewiston, to
ieenston, and thence up the steno
road to Niagara Fills, Ont.,. where
it 1 several ilogs on its rampage.
Et finally fell exhattetedl' in a field
anil , .
r4(.1iCred.*A. Ifodgetts, secretary of
from $4 to -$3.10. Sheep were
4k and 25c lower,, but lambs
were. steady At last quotations.
Begs weak and unehanged, at $8.10
f.o.b. and $113.35 fed And watered.
Pt ovincial Treasurer - Meets With
ory‘ direetoe,gert rat, Are
ctence,with regard to the. *ita-
The Dominion dePolmen
rhiaa eltarge Of *It .'ileterinary
live tok atratteric', While' the pru
vitteial 'authorities, !Oak after
nest.ions.,- pertaining. to
Nutnerous Centeterices.alrotly2 att„
faker* .plaee it the Parlieinee
Iluildinge with regtrd t, wbttt. ac
'Ott is to be taken to copewith ti -u
sltread of the
It i altogether Prohable th t ,ta
general -Inspection will be orderett °
and stringent m;t.dotions •adopted
.t,.) prevent the spread of bkdropito
bia, which
ay the-leitst. -,Oneorder 'width mar -
be issued is that all dogt in Oie,
arm tuna; he muzzled, and if s�
special 'officer* will -1001e•aPivinte4 to. •
enforce the order. The Situation is.
regarded its being most dattgerouit •
in the cities. The real • danger
itsou mad ;dogs -running at la
lioine owners IA cattle have deitt
ed cows whieh lutve been bitten
wad dogs, and in. two eases veterin.
tuies were bitten 'While attending:
to sick cattle.
r., ,..
\Vhile proceediiii down the walk
from the Partiantoitt-biacErtgsl on
Thursday 4.vening shortly alter the
adjournment of the Legislature,
Bon. A. J. • Matheson slipped and
fell, fracturing his left "atm just'
blow the shoulder, The 'accident
occurred shout one hundred feet
from the entrattee of the House, at
*spot where the_ wei _inclines ra-
ther4sliarply.„- „Tlii..1. • vineitil Treie.,
ureic, after being-' A$NiSttil to his.
eet by Col. Ifuglr•Clarl.M.P.::,,,,, of
!entre' Bruce,. -who was with lam,
was Able to -walk bit& to the rooms
the ffort. Dr.:. Pyrto. °The Minis -
too, of Volucation tedttec,d the frac-
ture, and Mr. Matheson Ivo later
he -Western flospitall..
• 1100 PRODUCTS.
fl*eon-Long dear, 1 1 to line'
per Ib n eittfte- Iota; mess pork,
tO to Itil7pilhort ea, $25 to, $29.
atn,s-r-Light to medhint, 15 to
15,4e:; do.heaVt
y 14 to 14%c-1 Vit)116.,
14 to 14,tee14e,,sitouIdere, 13 to /33,1e;
, breakfast, bacon, 17 to 1.8c; hacks,
19 to tie&
ret*-45."tuber -I
pails, 16.
Montreal, -Feb. 8.----Ottts---No.
Canadian Western, 46 to 401'.,,;
4 to 441,40; do., No. 3 -white,
3,11o7c 110.---47;tettite, 4e -to 4‘244.
Barley -So. .2,' r)./34 to 4011; No. 3
5J' -e; No. 4, 0.0,tic.; feed. barley,
544. Flour -Manitoba Spring
vilest: patents, firsts,. $.40; do.,
seconds, $5.30; Nitititt;r,wheat pat
ents, $5.50 to $5.00; Manitoba
-strong baker:', $4.4,10;, straight rot -
kris $3,30- to $54.1.; do., in bags,
•Stt.50 'to 'la; Ontario,
$4140 to $11; Manitoba bran, $gg;
Manitoba short.%, .teat pate- .49-410
$31 to tkn't.mixed ntonille,
,tri-$21).----eltecite---,westerns, '11
to liege; eastertts,' 11%to 11.7;e
-flutter-,Cboieest cretumv,
.42C0;,' fresh receipts at; et to
'Eggs -Selected new laid, 30 to'
leetel No. 1 Mtoek, 4 to 30:4,.
eattatel, p,to Vet' per _dozen
rm� sTrti:s
et t.10!„; toA.1.11-4;-..,..,,,N04
1.14 to. *133; 31e.,Y,
far;.,' • t
te. -Stitt:am r
tier) 4!
C. P. R. 110)49:VEMEStr•
Company Expected to Spend $00-,
000,000 in -the West.
despatch froitt Winropeg s*ys
The Canadian Paeilic is -preparing
to expend a huge' sum, s41d to 1/40
thirty mini0;tm UP011 .401t-
struction and betterment /writ 1*
1 -1.4.11,i1:ACCIOU, -The- raAtirr-
nee--in--MontreaL within_Ja. Jew_
days, . when Vice -President i Whykt
and his assistan,t;" (1. Dennis,. will
represent the western ttYstent.,
tlottble-tracking from Witortipeg 'to -
•.Brandon and the completion of 223
mites of track -laying connecting
Moose Jaw with Castor, giving de.
rept- eonurtunkatio.n With Einionto*
over Tthe new line, 4.).robak
take place,* And the Weybuttt-Ltit
bridge line -will also...be completed.
Closing Winnipeg Postolfire mi SOU.
41,Y8My Cause.,,Tronblo.
A despatelt 'front Wittrdpeg says
Commereial” travellers who make.
this Lev headquarters on Sun.
VS are UP in *tans, over the de-
ition of the Goveranterkt to.)close
the Postotfice on Sunday at the re -
'quest of the Lord's DO Alliance
ttttd most strenuous opposition is
going to be offered to the innova.-
tion. A tlelega,tion Inlay go. to Ot-
finti fightIL.
oTE,j) itEran ES memissEs
Two DaYhtefore the People Trottel.
. Them Ont.
A de p. from Montreal sans ..
There -are many curious echni*
from, the eity _hall. A faction-rtt_the_
defeated host claim that two of the
newly elected controllers nuts, be
pi-agalnst me the grounki
that Ahey have not property quail-
fications., It also transpires_thet-
at a secret session of the road roue,.
inittee tw&,.. days before the elettion1
presided over by Chairman Giroux,
*genTertil` increaser wate-vOted4o--tho--
-employee„ a14611 ofgettin
AU advance of SG®, ttakt Oallcry's,
cousin 000.
enty.One Warbii aro ileito
Adtled to the '
• despatch from Victoria-, B. f
Twenty-one'warships at to
additiint to the Upon -
way by 11 tiroler-lhe new
programme*aeeording edviees
brought by the Awl), Mara on Wed-
nesday. inclieting four
I)res.ditouglitsi are praetieelly emn-
Plote. Vite..ethere
kind two despatch bOttts. , rest
bout 'tit be laid down,
letuseil--hy;,-tx-Plosiett of 1444
Chinese LaundrY; .
A -despatch -front St; Cath Eines
yo The explosion • of ,a gasoline
in a Chinese laundry in Mere,
Iton on Thursday eitAISed ik Sri
telt aittioet conittletely destroyed
IbeHough -Block, in wide!' -aro
situated Atrg'.. Ifunniforces grocery„
koaritrre's tILIkArber
'Itinese lauridiv, awl' so
mit store. The 1.inetalre Iliordatt
anti Whitton hjse eomintnies
alarm„'atut after
lit ors* work succeeded ht .gettin
-control-of-tine lire. The loss
titrtated at *Witt fett.00),"..with veer
httle insittanae.,,
(TOPP.Mitf.:11 I
S POD 4e. 'to ;beide. •4
atCons ale being restor- • nrgm
ities„ although nitwit ) 1
he 'dote. tont j
line'a,1*' ,v
a, and, 1nes5ages T
10,0. Eivopt, fltr, th
tou4 th,'itr4'si
subitr unrelieved, T
the* etitt 'dei,Jeitt t I
toogts, And Work est
he, obtained. Acteelitint Par
very dillettlt.
0- trefect of police ls ek
len rowing, ot ,cooletti. demote L, ow, „
rettehrel tone ethie -
the iflirilflf Arithi0W14,‘ isbtat
tito Italboaing W14", 1.14tiot
strew* in fete' tastes .4 nth-, hiA walk
rdoat s *lpft to 1.4o# Seine from
rain* b sorairon,=. *
ook Sewers
Lring Celebrations
0 •
, • s
1 the., pl'k..1.1( -
th tSti
'lel, on I thatibst ,• •
0 '4
/IV tile
te V*
ct •
I)eklat t
illitt ,sto.
UW 1 „ II ist r`
It's. tit 4 li41111fe'Vr
--",ritr tuntit te'rget' tittlit*,,)1.1a.
Iftst tkopot ritifisrv4
. .
ia,14.1.-.1., ,:at
i owe, ...A:: ._, . ..
fat t th. es* ----
ee,teol gal! tee
•relttottel st