Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-10, Page 8 (2)•
- 7.1r7 `,77,1k77 11.1107,
• •••-••.....i
:17 177.77.:77"... • 77.7.777.7"1211-7.77=L:
t vv.
on 1
fintt 4419.
• -,4 , Xeite
( onnible
1', f4ftkpJ. trtals, tU)i thtto
uJ . o tev,,act here -,as on
•1 11 in.‘. - t ..3.aburg,. _Ilia
I th undeceifin
0 lady. the. ZOII
?iou lh&tse thest
t11 t,ie,
t'eavis you
ve it ,sVonld .1
•release:11w salitmin
tad,. ii
4 4164131On me, „your. ex r
reiiected much on the 4t1i4ti..,
nil ifits-e 14,1.11X cot
vering. M. de
. - ---
'he. question i bother he b
llv 'anything- rvits,' salt
4.41h. ;scut doubt .„
'''Yotti exCell ney- shoid I n t
, V. '$1 1
^DOW MYEelf to ,entertmin a differ'
d'qlt opinion from: Ito: manter„, hut
, ou wigt. deign to bear my ilia;
it l'kely that vitit 'yOurself '" sai I a. t
ixtirid c
I; It
1!X 174A not at
1 awIuI
tiomj.liu rou
Mv Iie.i4 ached irweasantly..
as *hi to trr.--..trraittolives'
Now I titireI
He 4! ore?* 41* fz
near Itereia
cot toward X
retted ,youdigi
ob,fl w it We might have
mit lvere k‘kildraCti,11 M. de
t, bat tarot -Krone
it itgain afterivaliit"
.really,; and whely diI-
V • '
It went ,t4--t1I1e gt*
it skoppoi beryl th
gate I) pved, ,
;itn z
v. sl-
it9 11%4$,
4 lo . pers,o,t'
'I tit: PAW it OW e ' nu.t--
repliedthez eolone , tgat
mg t4,. suppres.,i a strong,i1101ina-
-thigct.,i latAgli,,. "yoli 1:Itiitleitkit 4 . - •
L' t etary, 1t ug b
4een j'i
pu, VOn nig' IP
s pylon
t came 13eitf!
• n4q1g& (ft I it.
__tole!, evtioplaint for
'traiy sequestration:I':
Your excelleney, I .do tto
it.. It. would 414111pet
. into explanatiwis vahieh
; wild rafitex Ilesidosf you;,
could exact a prouti!FoL-76!
ho. ga've you': his word'i;f how)
v--svictulti-keep it,"
admit, that ite will riot con
plairt to! the Itathorities„_but if he
$1,4t3 ,Pettleres ;or writes
At all dodo% 0
14 do not 4upp
v(stuntarily.'' A
"I'ltett I kiditappetl hit)) in the
a*vd.sttgoAfil:ittfiltoor„a‘vnit4lItinvfouilvlym may
not, know, -•sir,
tething 'else to talk 1(64
'la so 'tin!' t
kit. seritts ail air that tbe
lonel intinediately..ehttogeti his e
titsztle !Act'
"/"11005.. f3irt, . • be kind, enjpiiik11
lviti Nihilists would 1,1
WO fallen into the trial)
Jor Min?. The rascals of that
not dream of embarking fttr
A _erica."
se not said he. -was rept..
tolled 'Nihilist. Firstly, he
t Itumian ; IS on.rely
4.3n their infer
11)y, did not app
naturally be lett tot explain
!Anwar for ai
',Near c.xesileney, I know him, I
hase studied him, .he promises
;sinu silence he: ut be sileilt even
with Mlle. Dorgeres."
'DO you forget thet'e was some
nia -, telley r 0 .. t I) i 1 . I n tide 0 e
0(1 the dittighter of 'Al, -ger tild who, Viline to a.* ft.r ,hint. lite
. . ,
' ay I brougIrt Itilet here. Thi,,I,cliOtt's
iil he 04 vOhltie of .0137 tiapersi,coilduct proved that ' he :ituipected
.., e %Tory day. h4 was, disinissedisoinething, and I . 4vitortItl hare
liankort - ()ir -t at-- 'day --1.10-watitet1-111111-0.10 , yi:but .1i.i• earned. IrLettat 101.1_, bit. intlY.,,r 1 . _
t „thn.... voice or a woritaulimmt, int3rning that there was ttir,i -"Yes,replied Afiestilne.
v en itlit rnistress. .'i'litt -tIA1/3 . niort, to pay no, ..wa's iici;.to "Well, t .wish .to .1(now why you
tily - "I thought. you wiblted to
pay MO A friendly visit. It, seems
Witti 01.1$1.41Cen bitti I cannot gueo
What you have to Ray to me."
441 liAlrfk to.,ask 'What 1111$ become
of M. ge cearravel," 'replied Max -
hoe, oking, fixedly tat 111.. -Boris
scat -T-1
out betraying Itiinseltz ,
-You wish to know what, hali
come to M. de Carnoel, Who
employed, believe, %with 'U. Dor
im her protection int 'or; talt.dead thp. bioultrw4rti. Idress yourself to, me, who itad
la he WAX &intent who, bnppened I jiim, With A111$ - gentleman.
" 14111W4 if01011
less.it- W45 r'itt tti
1iin as
Th .rson de
4- otters atLold-deht Pi 4 ler
C it* thittarettV."
it mo 110, A lter10-
- accomplice of M. de
heen vossible to
rch Wts not been
n I have the theft.. Y.ottought to have tit‘V+1;!iofg ,Youi and. M. de Carnoel
tspod he was trying
viten wan and felt.
I% that he 4tn'
Jit nevet_speak of what
hii bolievr. (ince ut.
, ak
4 trk
'flat is
idiot an
'I Atm. itttt ttio
3 'Ode, Tient'
t were much occupied- with
tn." "
ht get well. , And it is very "Ile_good inough to explain r
aortlinary that -.a grown Rio r MOM i.learty.'
ve risked 'Ids. treek" to accertatut I 'need tot say that
at had become -of the -hanker's v Carnoel left rity Uncle's
secretary. Who kiit.v:8 this. house the -evening the titde WAS tif
dhtp 110,1,1trt Soinctluag tit do vi'it131 tett: (basket, WS4 taken helots
bird i4eet14'n iM -% •1' '
. There aro vineurt.'-wouten
1-0)11 no one has thought of as man.
ing and arranging, these p19ta.
ey, knew that my casiMt con.
ed the wh•ik,v- plan of my 'utis.,
1fl1 -*U,my VOIV41)40141.31C4*
tIzt riti"IZI 1Are. okinist e1Y'' '
extraordinary is that
on t*Neeliency, it: hos bee
dtme„ and 1 havo ntcertained po.
ively that it 'WX.X P1 IniPte than
Vortunately he broke his-licad be
fore he' had tithe to, balk*.
the ,proof dialing this. ,mon
it i attempt has been iittiale to
liOr M. de Varnoci."
Thedtr opened arnt a,
hey should have botto AW'Are the3pied entvo
epositing Of the casket with. you) .i.aver
banker." "'Who is it' asked the colonitl
"Idol:Med by the flecretaryl -Po sill) .* gesture of intp.!ttienee. 4*
"liarr'" 1 t
"Your evellemr, 1. have math4 ''Your 'e.xibellency„_ rim - go
nfiritstP inquest eltpeening the life insiste41, saving,- that ' cause ot
ored, ,iscarAng. a 01E41 ton
tv the iiatnig Irtsan, awl it i9 pre:340g ht1SintifiS."
certain that -he !oat associate 74. liorisoff took the eAA.
With 4100 It i*itttl. -1 41'41 gone rota with 4.stonimhtoc, tame
*afar as to obtiitt inf4rmation ;mai oi hp4, lisliArc •
rrsing thi* Countess, Yalta, Wiin him_ into the mil
11*8 funds deposittid U. •florger-, t.; the valet dr .pleot
yotol I' loot --,ttalstivii that he has • When rtiono, with, hisPtOWAtell
"it seen lter,:** icatto ylitt !know aim asks for
1"4.)1%; Viiata 1.14,4:0144-.64'ieso- it, is Oil nollev of banker
jinn with Nihilikt14.. intve Point Dorgeres. 1 dzi not know hint
deti her 00 to the department.„ She What can he want with toe 2"
has been watdicit very elosch, and, -row, rxeeltene .s it"
it is ettr„tili6 that'. !Ake kfiot vnI430(1 ,voulig 'Man sent .to you by his
, ; X )4 11 W85.4 tinpith.
Cirettomian ”A;Itir,sootol Ar
. °ery inot for 14441' it
prineipality,:o.tbeettrator for set., tiic'tohki, that bettppears jot aS
tral" Million," of rnbles. dough- *tipealdsig :of tht 'secretary.
ter married vogue 44ther4irpositen!i)(5(1 to _the 10,1114 Or. the fs,tioiles ;
.44,,t,(14 who son leftioet a 'widow. 'make ready My travcilittgAlorritoge
e left Russia, in her 041(1)004, alv; ktrentti, lt by no 111441.13
d tig11. sinel, only th+lht A.,f bee ec'ttain thatI hiMil &Ode'
tosurio« Vet iv-, 14"I -u' her ,atot :tense out. i'an'fistt
RV* the Vrenthinank- 1- nitost-de.,i. The intendant,' iorow-oq, o
tido' what..„-rourRe° 4,60 take,: ‘ifej ieft %otos bav
tiontio of ttrohation i" J! Old dimnissing' hint*: tr,
tnerrort, molt, tio.f9t'r it'or rap!, from the divan and itov;s.
tqt1 make one more atto topt.. Ism,* (A jut., the 11,,i0004,,ting
the' hanker yelotetois:v. :1401 44-4141!! :maul Ati6iiirmy porsrros
volc that the billet igt ftlatOtttr'ON‘ IltrtOing ,a ,and th
Siorriaite of bin (44044413ot!
what, the wit! tlii!:4 Sal:get! that Isi!..t errand' wry4 of a"
ilitiastroto „ the grate natitre tt, WAS 1,14ateilielV$
Ttlin '44 lasthopit.6., -61ot,' he hal Svieo. the hanker' toe.
you: say to toy ','1;tto. *v. bat hall Mi'Ver 43okeri
ITufitr '00CrIblitf:'V't, 1 Clie<i" fitt.'hirw. owl «)I 11 ;net tilw istolla co
ither hits 'ootrool ntp:' hien cold etottigh, Iola for t (
"Titt 118 ita%
*tart front 4.1 1,out ''''Nfoni4etti," he
/44 flocts,,,,t.611" the 114 11IP4
akorli du) 4.41or logratolAtk 'toys11 1
f the t- s- of, the, Nii)illaFtcf.,°,!„,otir DorigereS' fets
-have LN'ta Atiteitt .0.01,',i/kilttif von,-: and i442
ti 143 aisltavoc bN,tt Iiot'Alw:7t't
a$4,1,!‘?tii., that hair F d Zi4J, IN' 1V1,1fSit1141,
)(° , I']A*r;),,,-visf"i 4e •!i 'I*
ve‘11 .;,,,i90) *tee '
14 11"11P4 But i
big 11hOttid,h0 krjii
et astanished that,
elated it, to youd
No matter, 1 know it I an
now stlso ',that .you chaVtl yet
elf, with 'discosoring '
I eannot say, sir, but I know 4:
Parnoel has b7.1414
rpught to your 110116e, 41,0t 11011
11e, there." -
-cro i•Untinuvil.)
•sle o 4 whole *wheat,
id •, . otbint-Aritle.4.- -11(:$ tgt v43914,17.-941 It)14:"--
.ins all - ateriat for• ' a --"biTititft 'bone. stud ' uvular
u . spness promotes ,., tuaOicatiou, whieh
ans 'sound te good digestion. It light, palatal)
td nutritious . Wt. insures 'sturdy, robust hcattb..
wo biscuits „Omitted. itt stkven)- eaten with hot InntrtivelY
ins, fOr breakfast 'Evil1 enable.* boy or girl to" math t
topnotch of, muretilar agility and tAetttal alertness and will
fortif . them against- 00 t:4:14ntrs , 'of oftl and oitlPostt
All Meat Orr'. thn f,:kiltleir Wheat. Made in ,Canatla.
. .
• r o
PROSPt1101.4ii 1741,4111.'11
Aursual-jteport -of If:tatters 11
is Ifighly Satisfaetory,
The, 'Traders Bank of Oanadti. bite
ow liieers in existence it.4ut
eclitury and in this tline tLis
AO twee,
roe d Montreal and ;Van
liank's grttwitig
les') olemandOtt the otcenpatioli Of
thege itt)go)rtant•Voiskts, auil the
grOWth Of the Pr4ii;441000S Of fias.
katelvawatt Itivd Alberta has induced
th l)irteto to -- increase tite
wholo t nt.tut )0esent * re.
COM of 'creilits' well observed., debts.
promptly paid, .and no lotties.
One klt-the 'best investraents
the tank continues to he the ifeavi
Oflice Rstry roat'Of rettCL1-
able space is ocettpied$ and ,the rcittor
twenty --fifth- ye'nt *.jitht
tnost ,ditablo ,showing widely It
betrs exhibited. in any. of its attnit
-tatentents -and hi .itositiott
atrengtit-witielt.--114,1to roost r.a1iSf..4._
of the' Bank., as dircetors .slioul
They :are kept. most; mia410 -
••tortned, all...the' .:Alet*ils.,".0
Bank' JnLLflRgcnk nt. Th'it-'systert.
of_ inapection, anti 'Epc'eval Audi
keePs the 11oar4"it the elosest.poS.,
touch. with tile aCtual.etinth
;lien of „every ituportsint _,,aecottri
.every Wet44 viiid with practicalty
every tooveln the Wittkiligs of seae
office of tate Bank and Wit-10414rint.
aslant credittitransotiolis.
The Trader* Bank has. in -the pas
.titular • attention t
titirOni, and the hot that it'.
o ere() tite Ontario most
tight). is 'shown. in the *great
uniber of branehts in the kroir..1
net.. * Now, httwever, their o.Orati.l.
ions 'aro extonditig
'ester,* - Canada,
*nag% have In-,..ert ostablishetl.
important points. We. Itriderattint
that -the tnost gratifying results
have e01110 to the Bank from the new.
erritory thus opetied 4o.
from tise new (salves opetii-d
be 'burlines*. public; is.not
bpi*. its appreciation Of the PC0110.
'1111C1t1Toanttgentent. and the tonSt.r.
vative ragresivenet)t) of thia gotir.
Bank knot tot the .other.ltatto
)ire'turs hatA, telt justifittl iii
e the *1)1'41)4 dividend t
; ht per 'cent 1344
e.g ,
e viet'ailed statement tit
buines -for the year. extd.ing ,f)„1
outlier, itt09„ witg_promitted. a
re Antrutif Sharefroltler,a Ineetin-
held at the Bead Toront.O,
it TotesdaY of list week.
notice °that. trent the itiofiti
yfear, after' inskitrit nisi -toil
tetiona anti 'the .usual vondi
(-to)al lodlovotartees„.irtere, *ere paid
t opiartserly ',dividends' at 0140'
int I -per fent, prr ititinTo *stdi
(4 tit the rate of eight
T suns' of 1900,000 Wits added 'to
the rest aiceottnt,,toritoging the tctat
a* plared to, eredit (if pi -Olt!
up to tg,200000, and 10,1044.443„40
1,1 loss totrootinti -.'Tttoire tors tirtot
tery tiottisfai!tottv growtio in dor;
its; these title*: an- inert ame, of
'40,00,"oir /ter cettt. ove
Increase of the prorceoling *year!,
tictoresetat „year begirintitg with
1 of .VN,t11,104. !Poe
it 1411:41 titOW4441 large increav.„
ihtot:titto(Ise. tt-alpireint:itnitfoothotot !,42.400,000.
ir it rfatited
he, highest fistores
142 j.
up 4.13111,14..°.t.nttitet llitteStillAt
etiitg the -*gement t -wag 4nadi't
ot that /Or 1909 .kir*t progress might.
e *O. deriglitOtt
Say that,- this stafentetititaa been
v*!` fully verified. Tito Ilank luta cliittek
ryjni its history. ' .
The directors '-of the Trade
Bank appar,enttly direct the- offal
e year, 'Si
co abe
r gre11414 alvar0'40011401
o' had tlebis during th°
11- at?4-tun
" 4engagrd ;your uncle not t
I a ('0nij,I*znt It w uld he
to use to have itpy Tam
tip *ith juditial sriquOs
M ,-
• I Yorger(!s siAded to _ixt..
• end beggcd Hie (to make use of In
ni ft* the diseo
I cry of the 'utth who hood'robbed
1,7nfottupsote!)-' tioe recarclocto
1„.ended in nothing. tlif. de Carmel
'*ent into Brittany* and slater. his
lh-anee tut you know all this,,
return ,to Paris eould 1104, 111' tretked
. forthei.. lt is likvly Ito las left,
lie investment, or, , -
0.410 percent. Bents:
inc.rossing, -.. notwithstato t
1044 new' °Mee buildings)* 1 1
the Itatirii e( nt-ttn. 0
iodation 'far e
ittno fear at
Lids' source. h
it icItili-.4 Yielt1 - e
) tieWell'
Vs f
tre4fitifl,ft ,f.',00t,f)51
4'10* ICCOOf
• etc sc.
4 I.
,3 81 are to Well infornsvil, and
StilS(ittitly ex)relt toy s,t1r.
prive st suel; tit prottedinit. It is
Jliit, 1 preotomei your undo: *
La e,. recomintncNd it
'No« sir:1 hi' eettlsttitcti no 0
4 btit have toeted with st perfect know.
Ictlgol. of the facts, and 1 .dt,oniond
(once' more assisWer nsy qtst,s-
tion.: !What itas berottote„ oif M. tie
1 °I:ft) you tisic mtthis stritvitsly
"It P4 so strange that. :k niiht
111142 it in had but, I eoloaVnt
noself with toqinx that I Itave.,*.i.
rt'*dy ans*cred )4,116 M. de Car-'
- Is ito toorristt,parts,, f 41,
resisotn tu tsploose."
'I'M. oh. (.1arnoel Is in l'atit."-:
Brow ,doo xoolo
f Xt461 hint," PL,
; toott -in
r aahleks. .
(ktiffing .sfie 7,161.to.
. ,
1 of the totrik-‘-n* 1Y,'' siamvs
r7.1«rtt 1 7. 1 t ifit.,,imi*e, 1
thq*'rt' F the Lxtkto: co.,rialkA ,1
,eitt. **int the' piar.: ..'titt14l
-Sinereale - o t
,.11!1,1)1 f 1%, *.44,P114111))
, lif,' *.!‘
,.; It - .
D'otoi', o-,,I,,t.
44 the tacit. ?tow t.. to1,09,„th,,11,',,t4 ,
011(10 '<'4'nerea4tir -..il, rolicrto
40053, conowlio.,Ir, 4,9 *in
)4'44',•.,)4,but t',&tatons rolo....,.ot
t ' hp- VT - isTiening .4„, twth.:, it
arliIXS, 11116 tPpittp 't1i,,;6,3
ltii,c!",t.),flittatf.44 4:4,010 Yin,i'ilic;k,..
Mt ,,-I ''.1,fttiltf tifffirfr-Iff•ih-t
Al4 'ffie det.iiled!tols,4t.ei, in 4
:4 'f4sett,-..;.; ' , ' • r,
Mt ,Si sokt stitsolor,, -thy, (;f1,,,& -i‘
re itit hi* ,,44t.41/1—,.. 44141*1, tttitt
4 )1 - ISMas 44.01-4* hal; ';' Iwo.
itht ftit..10: .th4,* 1414 year It
NI k: inl qt iti !,e.o,tott ne* 1h:iota!,
s , opt ao, Pt, illrp,I,1
o,4,1,,i,:;11;401.44,16 t
toot; Ito:n*0o
14141414 wtt 1ftti, 1/44 Ottf:ft
form .s.tor# ot $ 11*
N 0 otti01,410 CoOlVitti#ANY* Utrottocti
N . sog toftettritk- ititotattosto