Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-10, Page 2 (2)U
ow* land at. is
ire litert."
to ride 4I1* tr$jn
0 1140,7e psotSed no
meehanatal etagne.
to get foll-value
* , bOt$811
erotbings ,eontent
details to'speeiax ists, but
aa nialterti reiigion all desire
o be teclinieal experts; we are -not
I t eoatent until *e ha've so filled mind
with the tioneSstillial an
the triditajf titatt-we v w
'appreciate floe beaat
of the 'Whole ,. tter
o have A ,lightrotrot
• than to it ia the darkness w th
• oreplete guidebook. , our hands.
Religion iseaftei' elf, Simply one'e
terpretatiou •of life in its what,
ittli and breadth. . 'Your religion
is the philosephy of life upon which
• trait proceed°. l'he trottble• is that
here we all seek to be prefetsional
yliibisokhers and we. refuse to take
a step'. In any rty tat living utitil
we have civil analyzed and. co:,•ott.,
dinoted till the dust and pebbles
tin the woy.
Dt'ellarS the capital-erse re.1
igion always has been t. • s se tin
1 its teparated parts and their -
planation• in, the place cif Its
whoJe this anagnifyinor of' the
desptiOns until; it
gtkt, power as a knotive and a
mo els-tato
beneath them. •
•,---eteite. this 4 long that
t, . lilies, themSelves. ,Lithairs. The
wakitere weite red tie*,
i 1 .„ ' addreu. , t
jutnon,, :0, auutroitpri.eslirbilii*.411,ktviwtt miitiollairo, t sve
y grow i mit to de-
tIwubteouseious effiart on the Isade,et.
any rs it il without , 1441.s.
...., .... _,„
i'r of tho *oiliest oectipao,.1,414ni f reit linives had red laandle,s.
atiriongiretele rother, thau one" ti 4
iril,i ' WOrli tiell in the. In.11#40t.,411 " . tiolter4, - Theik, 111-ero, itsed 4.0r l'ilk-pri 1 tiyiyafy oe,en0.' There'ltrOkt,
iiiiboortiait.h.:ert..ltutiat,:r.:,_,,,:iirsitkeiinboottikat: Ili; i tov:rius,Ptolvahnlirbloyi,iiikito ;goemniepcatsill ,:. fAitQr they' rotieee to, tho ,hiotrooia
(tame the 41;4 a-torti .pa the na A '
WO .:10 net- feel fully quatlifie to„
of Deity,/ ' • ,
What wr, need io * religivn to lit ,
e ter, but 'of htvisli displo' the toirtu k)f An,' t4litise„ atoil were
,, in the'calteenett • vet 'In dia7 naitiiattki.e., o - wor.o •.a., .10144100
uperfieitil apendor, ' , supplied with 'oysters anti eaViar
W144901, lii$ Wealiii, 4144 his, tquestriatia banquet not long ago
I all his. glory- -The i At * restantttint, iat New Tor
It irsit not, howetrer glory e..leoesto eat, 4.4411 At a,„ t alile i
UL *n4 ds n the hand,spludle. • leourses, ."..e.o4 #75 a )4ead.
of wove:, was the tTlte raeati, too. was printed ..to re
'OW Oat .g)C'Wt4411 ilhe di:miters, which "rats of e
,00f i „,. atetaxtrant,, *hie avas .tt
k 1
gli-,t 1)40 elato)rated oatith "Kettle f•,.ietti *here gi#11.,160 . tOe#'111k,,lh'iiro0):?:".04,11it14 C' lfalg,,,11# awl tieltis.
s*tisfoction ort Paper;. life ,oee . I 'en into Whielvtlke gti$s 'Ittts mite., and over *fl S...‘ the hiate,Of tt bra
fsith,that; will eoioel us , to ltadlik, Olwata a hole a ;votiokin rsir..0, aeeorti-'lliaitt, silo, Prorided Itato, itiOniotts
deMt;:evett 'tlintth,- Wo 010 reln!tin ling to the need,' dn/COI.ale kkoolttl 'Arrangement -44 electric light gliibes:
. .. . . .
Standing on beds of grass
thirty-two horssie opt). for elle*.
gitest„ carrying small table$ en 4
ponnnels.a their eaddles. . .
The, waiters, as a00111 ns thie hos
hing, With a dead summing up... This' of eourse is
- .....,_ _ *. 1. d. his guest* had 'mo_iatk.otestl.elitikries
4 pip '-iirlitei- DOtTa Ifierept-- -ed torksorome, then fish, entree
A RANDFtll, OF 1?1,TST, , WI followed literally.. An atifort. , ti , , and Tioally .yoffee, e
mettir of 4 Pkitintivand ittehes, ' ltattazto-moutti existence cane n iquextrs. , Tile ,waite
-, ein jeans' toind- - 'o, -weeef tittire4 in the_motumeo of hunt
thing that knows, nothing ortor
rid the tout or of 'the ideals that , Atter oll 'these things do the ervaneee
defy eitefinttion, Gentiles seek auggests that ,ansiety
is heathenielteea well ns" unreasot WA_,ITiNG :cIF011 Ttlit Tit..VN.
If we cotild ooly 'tutu for a few
Able and unavItiling.
boura from our childish atteinpts
to describe down to the last 'eta Ycsl'i* heatvflilY l'ath't k't'"wi'th
how the finest atom :04 star dust is is .,letaiaas bread auswer to thet.a.reie york itx 1i� stable%
fundoeueutal ouestion ao, to, the attlimlionee happened•to be. a Vel*
operatea in the univeree, if we *zooid means of .litiman susteuanee. Ile lofty and roolui„v apartment,. anti 1
let our ''ologies rest *in the buds of . -.-
tlie, profeesional. inreStigators alit'
take a 'tee a the siMple,, elenten- olvtibilstleiitigshei)StIti,Yer''te(;1:1:136:::iott<zo''iclieredt(3)
la; facts of life and work them Mat
provile or thin*
for .ourselvesopliope up a Working 7.3a.. Th a is. the .. teeret of an un- down *to it. "After dinner a horse
•'creed or plan of living, religion troubled ' heart,. - The man who 'arid four Shetland ponies were led
would.have new Meaning for. its all. Makes God's ktogdom and righte- , ildie.tlie -room oral treated to them -
The deeper probleuta of life will
- - t
when tlicw artived
r f000a tar their eel
rethlog th*
red ial ctalor oliktotte,
tlowape tiatakils, and
hezy In our *tiete,ited esigns t, el aed .linej with *comet. '
(363. 'Yr& I Little Itaithe-An eXpresston often
• There mutt be porno fit.ew: on the lips of Xesus. All human
enutining -Alto wan I faith sintall torop:atison to the
whose ret„igion is to iiiin * eomplete wealth of God% provision.
%tent Statioel, oxelianging truith, ra. Do riot therefore anxious
' • 1
Anothtr "loarso bouquet. w
Vert laV prOnlinent oriOttStliatt
neeited the idea traildortaing
it into banqueting limit. A table
woe erected in the foran alibrse-
shoe; and twenty-five persons., sat
routinue to, baffle us.„. vire puspese his lt•Aoltest,„ and foremest !Rogue poueed into massive silver
ask, how etiat thts be o right Worl *teoncern hog responded '.? to the se- boolo„ •e
of g. ,.., three, theattical
where- Bo :much ..sorroveje known loPm",rn hri" hemlig*. ' God ''''m ' Sum' 7Y(*ars
gut Ave' Will • learre_a? o to -1 three eggs, a f.ii11,111 1111,11-01.141111,1 Of
atf,trii.lititomi,700.tiotoing....o.o. fear sueo roots thou companies found •themselves
V! or,oats, proston_.statiim .in, ..ti lord., ixOd. a_pitich "of salt :. mix this
some unanswered questions, believe ric14114-11'es*." ''' a' '
s the' call to manhood, that- bre! . •
1 ould not be worth ,the -living if trfl ' 4nd it 18 '"de n° le8s 1):?' hit'x'''g
i rizes were set .before- us like '6'.*°r. wh4t* it m'Y b' We nut do
II wit tetty. biekerm .over [goo oil
Two upfula
urnnIk 411/11t '1111 Ot 1004
two 4114 011(01411( t041,-
1 It (4' $04. Rest together
until qua,itititiy:altake 1111x:1;:ideerucit.471;11Stiliff"-lblitn-
. ia slow oven; This
wore*, '
'tau• MIS $, ne eupfut
oneeetoxfud. bran,. two -to
onfids bekin g powder, ttst'a•ta
tootatuls. syrup, ,Oxte /jeeg heaten.0
:11;oadd littlelcalt, milk enough
gaiter until eveiything wonTtiNNow1-$7
titalw the batter soft., Fleatoto.
',nixed. This recipe is a goods pee, .2‘ „.ha.rffitc,,s lt4i„°41 !or t Tett
1 ir one cupful Of molasses, ono-
., . troubled with a weak stomach. 1
(oterr ollysofoat'q "ats vettell;urtu rt. aus:tise,, /"Jreis:4ars,g1T311,initegeaRst "Ist:41,1-
otteileialtf;t:c.o, d.(7.11TptrAt,tois clict)px (tier 1,„:71441.0,,t;r3;i.rusilltisza:74srlxtriti; rre.eety:,eituthittbai.i6, nwia, tw,
ro, o
;Aare un lay
-eat of b*id *
of the eltieken. tirst a, r
white . then of the darletneat,
the soup w:tlk ealt, pepree„ pour
the ehiekeit in the mold, sot
y harden. **.4 *risings -
tEall *ith pateleY garnish..
l• oon Lettf. --thee 'OW it111111400
(„, 0.1pfult exateker erumbe. en*
g beaten tight, 'ttlize of one le -
Mon. one • tras000nfail ' of ult.
ruough milic to hold tvgether z eteant
oxic,halt hour; serve int? with drells,
4)C44;shlig ta1)tetipoonfti,14:,
f butter; . to lAbleapoonfuta ot
or. melt botter *nJinwwjt
ear: owe *nal onelourth
t c until tide
or.bair copfut a sugar, one ye e
i 'otit.. f., uill-teop the glass
.e-,;1,--,::.), a wet
.tilitt,% 11;1.47 in
iwi egilr.e45Liedetilarnasise4rtriteiti 14s4 d'sh. °''''' jai, " on
a se again. .1lake in moderate, rkql;""6.
Take a eotiotrpiece of cloth, ri-
own abentame hour. Ile eareful it rubber iu ft. land k.eep'over the
s' thoroughly done. .I.toes not re- ) of meat chepper; no dust mud
quire kneading, simply xxiite well, -ays ready for Ilse..
Oatmeal Breadoe-Scald one cop= atoll* and matting . rugs of
tova oatmeal with two eupfuls of '
x w lairo be freshened ,bt wasb. .
III;iling WAtet,, let eoo ,tutil one -
ter with tett and water, and Then
lord, one-half cupful of C sugar, . Another method is ,
lo'nalet tve*sk:volni;')umisPo'fealrit.s°.:nadt'auk:e" ;rubbing dry ouiekte with a cloth.
/quart of 04340,,00te tablopoontui of 0.Nuenedwiruilnaeiks*orbeyanatibdeinggiNa'ertfetwto'
sittotirtnuitgatnniaikghet,init.e.t rilosaev,eas.nd,itiTtubi:,.sttilic:r. tlhceiniii°11;vitti u hag t,d,. stokes.
1 inaokierms etii,V4n) riefiatile.tir4ke 0. ne pint of tott:tttitheT.,tsafichbiacbfle-aIrecarinssnotto-t7,alelkt itilitate,
New °Orleans -molasees, one-half staTuvi: ptouottlii.4i1;;I:tell:a7Zstointttailitle
Piot °Coat, brawl) sugar. two or til"‘'!'oo,'" is ..tLki 111"e:tot howkitt3-
- -
-'4"titaltystgloopatir paths things neetiftil"; ' ' . ... lie of Ilkelliglit,--iontlentrotil - littliti-nold:11-itY1:44d-20.04.1A
3.1:-Eoteh-olay* brings itiS 0 elatif Vic# 't tt, e I* - f - t * ' inteof hot wet • hi-li t
3/ -re Roars . or- a ra,,, , p o . ,er in w co owo ,v
* carry them liortirtvards„ in ,,rao . teaspoonfuls of soda have been 'dis-
co while away the ' time a coneeot solved, two, dogicatspeonfUla of
-as plantied a_od give-tx kv the mem. ground gingrr# and ono qiiart ttf
4'1'3 a too t-Ittte, companies. A
tage wa' a 0-5.1fifitruk.ted out
tare tr4Al,V, and, a programme wae
* i out on a large -sheet of
oar .best to.day, lea -vino the rum --
I •
• ' tookeepiag
awe, Ana party. ',amen. aria *ceded nor any main or sheddiug um
ielne. And so tong as to us of blood lay in the, Vitly, o
Jot to belleie a few great things,
°414144 " ) those that our 'ow!! hart speak D va • 111
. I A•Dffik.:1,,E, BANQUETS
-any value-mp?rty s luso that raise en. Isioes at ettlyton
- ant oor 405-4X1'410.1/-1014.,
mefite, jest to follow the light
itaxe, to walk in the' high way and OMERS IN VIM:Se
not be led•into the fields. to fight
over maps and roadmakers'
grame, tiris is to find the light en-
larging at every step _and the way'
be worth all the wearbtess.
7 lUdiee•
salted ..#4,0 uti as it philosophy
uot.. coinplete 11 :its parts, yet
giving a suffietent motive, altd pr.).
tontine. for' the present t May we
believe in goodness, toottli-, and
ove, strive after the unselfish life,
said -eeek to . d even tlitoigli
Lesson VI
-Worldlitteoe *rad 'Ern
• Matt. it...194,1„ tloldett. Text.
Matt. 6..
coNeEnTs itiosAnt.
Rich P4101410 • Like lo *Hosts
Entertainments Out onto,*
-It is ossible divi tieh men aria worlootooer.
.en, until they get real hot; on
witilAmoyttor fingers .tvill never
One ousekteper says: "In °
etiolting,use lootewater for allthings
ipIrt.:nnar.; Beat until
It „becomos az that grow undergr4.-mod- sn�* "' P"'
..nitptioteutter and brace in studio& tutees, or turnips, „and .etati water
•for--thooktegrti, ',wing -above, vromoi."
(344,00u Buus...tiese are new 1, For elta))ped littrals reeder pure
utton 'tollosv and while it is still
:cop,ttriv,o utt-Itliiietilpir ros,opitoito. t,,e‘tilhoenIttlitivellotoc: I :111Z1x4e:a. rfetxweOblireenatti •
naAdYlloteonvesewtatitnettt xnh,:eiciti4a.sso. (7:4g:urea/I...I, ,eTaitsuellosr„.4inn Itat.s
girS Of' emeipaseeligere- anal .11,-i5,11enerall ,.'.iise "When the .
S al, the---elar biro- to,,c1 n. .t.e.tnled ) il hoods. a
t „ „..... ir
- . ,
r •
ertairinient wt given,, I ll , beaten .eggs, ; also sugar to
eaeuts of .any led. an towel/eat,' ti mixture .and wpr ' unto itit'fitit) .4 nd in:io put ' 111,
. fewer elosely 'with la eloth wrxx e
a ,e,
te ter ..' ..te no ninSieal in:-
. o .
,..graUflike'• .,oneert -was gi'ven a fowl taste* half a pound of butter . ADO , nned.
aris.. „ono it ivas Attonded .bs tlicA stootitlx.- -Tite°114tigh shoed(' *he tat 111,:ovhboe'7"Inl':.1sangtn.°.;:e aysol'Ilvlb771; 'Aritn.*:•
, .ty oted -gen*.tt. .1 stAtv.h.tiniied, t_otiroyd,se..th!‘e,oi:igsitnattntd. bultitil e., ute ' -77."':4:, :::: .,.. _ _ . .
tudente* and artists' .xotniels, of ,the - . that the oddittort of a, little glvver-
ottir, i uarter.
t Pre . thou 14)01 the , kneThlig *fie-luereases it3 mil -,4 ye i rtht
bta)athleia.ndit'xitle orleltadI(t bite ftlonovig n a es It tome e . , t)-ne pal ,,
mixture: Ralf 4, pond ,01 butter_ o. glyeerineeto• three. ports of glat,
• •
ttliwroee.ttrili1Prtfrelisfuttif4 a u. pfounitinnorpi°1.:11.1;•
, ''1,8 Tt°11e(4)‘;-)1141thi'l 11)17:41P6Ptktlit:Ite' a'Ss.iik.'
...„ptarsitzetmd, „spsutgeaard: tollaisltiott;ourthhethde - sth"easit 641., c ure...mov)v.r.eii. otair tes:det,tiro 'ztergoin11.;)apikttl,vitt. ,
a dough from end to end,. strew fkiin ,_,4tijlint4# 7 ttik.,1!1
currante, overlay ,_oi,er it.- and roil turouga a ,eomitoer. • ...'-icHoreranag is
prevented .atitl time eaved'by Ode .,.
p at 'you: would rake for , ., • ,
to A Ittet13.
heat -era"; otois ofjeaus-ore sures and stnedusIiiitti°ttsdtirattY, if)ILY Only ..lotte eoriceit has .'"o,
vinPhatio T -q lovo„th-e 8Vt°14 il"s° Leavitt tor entirely new forms of beer peen ita a tomb. This took
ael°0 to hate 0°°11. ewirvel:seltt entertainnient. This State of Things'iplat+ iro tend) of Agamemnon
00 leve. God, you must do -with that.4....,lea to scores,. of eceentrie dio-o. at ...11,4-teroe in 'Greece, on the oe-
Paiisi°1- th eN4111' trianThren ner and supper parties being give& cation elf the visit of a Philharanti-
wor.ldrrintletlues$1. ot,SPeteriatilY.1 '31°' tiuring recent yeart. Soeiety Of Nauplia, to the anti-
,Itialvte*riajli'eg*01011876, 1A -Se"' .."e A "Ixorroe'party wao' tried a few i tot residence, of •the "King of
b It P ti I st be gimp dariewas the tomb that
. wee tte, tit aris, t#S. „
therefur°-"The a prominent'. uetre'ss. Eaate tht band heti to platy by torchlight.
which follow are a logical' Onfeome guest .11/1.eto briog fatoimite: of!' Some yeara ago a eorteert was
f those whiela preeede.
not- ttnxiotts' for 'your itLe
Not intended to eliminate, pri
Vetoe JO. Loy not up ete.JJ
• earth, -Not prohi-
bit oo against aceunat ating to broo and worry (moo the po
--boa lieainet---e--seM
Jestis"e teaehing Was that ake 81 I morr-The -yrhOltr-
inatertal things the chief aim of life 01.1110. ri not in what- we eat and
'was to make them a eurse. Riclies (r.rfflit ant! Pot on. Iestts has ttlreadY
PAM bo made mutioters of g )0(i. but bidden disciplea to pray for ihe
roll. When folded thue oloae..11,0(00.11.
#, take hetld of the '41rids of theroli
bat t(); olflettifpee(t.'haolr+ertr)sri,7 4 iveitv?spulida: ho;tltia oenotithoeittomili°11r Iht° 01131111r1 6h1,ahr:j *b°n4dtittl‘t:tt'Itintit.1:h41:(1)1!".61:Ingtehh °*tindth':
half thiek, lay, upon' buttered pant;
caterPillats, blarkbeetles, iniee,,lartistes were tarried te the top, of fi so close together 1kIt to interfere'
f a: but one lady. the .eltiumey, where * platform haul wn6itth the last risiog, 'This sltpuld be
rested a tonsid bit s
arenseinentoby oikaring wit
doll dreesed up -to represent 1111t
iced and ceeetownoss are enemies dallY-- IKS,teMiltUtS !1)! ft and rAti, Diemen, uneeons and loin
'on. higher, eft.. i molt (verse tl. t us •v , WO, am ,havo been veil, popular in America
otike-In "(Wyllie,' Niuntrks a , ht." lursli,s(14 tli.ta.! th.„‘6,,,ri Y'1,4ti..„,"141',1,,11- for some time.. A few months bole'
put Of the treaeriee consists t".war" "L'Ill. l-Oi '''1: '"!'''''',Y, * .Chicatto Jady :gavo A supper at
Alk, E.megt glijil woolen !Aeries, Now he re:oeitule theui.t at it ie. in
The oth feeds on these and out e("--9 ' . 1 ' ' fitted Hp. A.; a prison.. The guest
. 11 istent 'for -them *to *rote anti . '
' - - ----' 1 midnight:In 'a. larg6 Mho 'Width watt;
- 01 tuti,",,material builds's' P. ortolde 11,is•trt,8t at ..th,'" -han• ieotuir. •..1,4#foth".4: •-sat 'on, retie. woiti1eit be' pelieti _•
liottiti3U tibial to laV its egfet-These 14'44.Y''"v *4-6" ''''''''t" diiiikoeuceif clone mugs.- Waiter ,
tar:ages'. tif 06 .1110tli #1eSOS. tlaSSet5 ii tO. 130 not for these. things, btit ,...14,..d in the strived ethrviet dress
with the ootoodhateinfluenet iOf 101%t ar- the' th'ePet OiteS thintti00,4%I. 10 ---
of the thaited States penal eettle.
-title to elienvietal action of metals, v"--- " . 'Meta; trought in,outallobeefettaks
A wore ,)ften Iddriefi ie, thtt 20; Behold the birdeeolestet'o in,. bet,,a,i,,en slices_ IA bread., „which, the
ground (MAtt, 13. Ot)oas Mastro- timati-oequointaneer iiiitt, all the guests ate from their fiugers.,there,
etitino of the distintegtatioo ;exult, naturai life about him le on& of the being -uo-knives, forlis„. „or vitae's.
' ling all t'arthti tbinotto - . ' attractive stiones et, the Gospvls. A . remaArkable bate:wet' mats thot ,
Brea:, th &it:Ili-Literally. "trig They * tat!, note-Tlteir heattiO137 held at Ciotat. The- day l'ollowitig
• , stio , one- la
at•tt arter teaspoonfkd of
_ttiyouell,:is. the _walls. tirthe liouteti• Father feedeth theou, not. beerause the- eompletimrof the bettor there, iidd*, of". quart tuilk' env' l'Ikt on"
ten being `bititt-,=efoolas----------- of •their failure iii --itiiik, Ife're is teo-notierte,-"the-contts,e,ta
. four tablespoonfuls of tiOor,
, .,.,
•teoteatettoonfut-14-.6, 'lite -one-eighth.
.1tt, bay op , . . treasures in heae o invitatioo to a. lift* of-listiemnoss. lei the Press_and the.Arteniberia tatiopeotiful -of -pepper' two table;
-thie layj-leinto :Dirtier -are, not. qtreltlied...to...row:. And N ,etatf ,to _A-Ainner which wale lait I ' , ' . *
.. oo Jo _ --„, - ............o.: . - konftds a butter. . Cook the to,
, rd eompare 'Mike li.I.1 reap.. Rut men *rt..' And • God 'slue toe taVISOD, or to er-uanto 1 tr..,' 'With' the- i3ugo 'awl 'onion
IN lis. tlorax the thing3 which I provides for men by prospeting. whit+ the excavattira bad he fteen minutes, add the soda and
• _wan 'the tlivino approvati living for their work.' - .orking, At A depth of 24 feet . •tilt through tlieVe., • Seild the
---------tio-it 0 level of the ow*,
- letineel of ootek-wealth ots that, 1 'iis like,. 0-,-„, ___ ___
• rob a inaa ., ,. verla$ ) , en. akove gronn a teret%
., , .„. .. Otis, eie---K.iftii,,.'7'-linlate, tie ilikt .ini ado(1411,* •t tlearnai:g. thtcke
gst,tiod!„--..and: - fettoone wet'with water to
keavenlo' treatutos MC' his forever.. -Are not ye of much more value ' . y 4, it.Ato-etOetoof- brilliant*. Ant , - twenty Minutes,
11 this Submerged 'dini
nd *wooden seat. Crowdsnof peo-
0. assembled -the-Treet of -the
chimney to hear the songs and
• eelection of popular outtie that
(*me down from the summit.
• A most remarkable- toneert wss
given in Ptarie during the Exposi-
ioti 1689. The 'members of a
laiiharrnonie Society of Versaillee
ended in it taptive balloon, and
ivAs tile order of . the day
urittg-Weeitiit -audo fteakent. 1#1.14 -
don Tit -Bits.
ayn TomAto Soup* ,Ore -half
tomatoes,' roe teaspoonful of
N., A o_ati*, els-41,4111e is the thing Segateeting the iinteasosielaleness of ifiegkitt t ntly-akt tint, theft
11,.: 1.41614 414,..t, oct, that 'upon wilieh t ateXiety. ' Men ore the ehildeen of i mteon ; and, but fAr the rtrixitiii 119-
mixt,aires, add the butte
• l•z,. tieart i -a. ect, rlietZio%r tlett ii••%rl•I`e 0(41. And. the 'Bible, pnts-upon them! the •eare tevasioned by the pressure log Arad serre.
the higliftst talitatioit Of all oreave 04 goi.yonot Attoosphertet maintainett Sou ti o.
titan, • ' - 1 tx• thocaitton to prevent the inrush *10"other 4
t Suggrokino the 05,rles..,nem of h of the vaduntea flt water. *Ida' ex ' -• - 4'11 - - 11
•et.t. : eieNere4)11..s*id that trie5t tended, abort and around* itgv' iintiriet7itkvntdin
sokoalth 3314 the iilles,,ar.04 of the. pqc.=.
sent. EV the 114,Ikr '54 taliArii and the.
4,1.3311K, 1.4% -for 004.
it 11144) e
- .
„ _
ittatt o *agora' inr spirnmet
,ci'notstut,,,44-401Avienati,,, 2,# %ben din
I1» i0,!ttast.Ktsto .every p
• iitraccs Sfo t1414, 041 ft
• evelosiielo •eeiritual poaelise' of ,
-tool& their lives iii- Appreheti- emesta littt1)411Ctet f.,11,Lnkinit raiinnor, To
datigere ahst never eome Ae -the. faitrire the , air pumps;
t tt egg add** thiteli t‘ift4N11 SOU
)Uld have eakkeed them to be
1,retersvr isitav ", , _lona oat, tiaIrt #14 water *a
ottned like, rat., * trotty XePkkir.tt,11.,. *jai littit
acme's er, sinu .4 t. 44 -Roll: t
one entoit tintlip the tot
tr*nodititt,- 4 t% tlitr451. ler,th ba • oreoie notativ vita. ntr
e *toilet eanteert earrittl A"teir
pre. etrge a.nht o-feettivitioo fattl, the *ft r •4. over intfos pogo., roil *no Amt.,
• ova- -4444e. tad..•Slake
ttl. If th"
eterdS Nei
e no
• 0;1., Flt4ir,Q11481
04*Y.0 tr,
Iwo aro.'•lit"
• tiklcst OM*
• 311 $71, *am tlia
.4. upon We And duty..
evil- -Siiils,likeT-
atight; in that it'etkou
sion. If coneei. tr;'-ehe'i
#.10i11inated.hy •
aigh,t will
)400w *ether
•when•he is
be sop greStt r
tVitO 10144.
3,, -4-tvisititeelt- '''
, . .
•-,. -.-- ..- ..,•-...
" 1V "Oa it`t., dry, them dropi into
1 rad Lae -Ad+, A o .0.
:QUESTRI AN' itiNItila •
0 the effect thitt what .. ailing StIfIlli: '
IA 'ill 1411 10410# oitIP, et. I It Ike 'ITO 4 erventrie,di
Alt). • It , -**1 • i A retrat ,s'eiii!ri wafit trlAt : ,rent, % aeratA4att
ra4„' Vont' it witts wits •in. alotitol;,
T,', -4 '
lire in levee 4* Veit a tqelehtskted South Afri troth,' a ntediett r g in ilw#i
ea. - Ott.'' St; WI miltioliAire. at * liolidiest bottles -eh*. reit 'ALI itiok it *ell rti
tP., :Mt dot. r he' had V,..PO a, Loge ham itt'totiatricriti artiiltf• tritiith sleoth
t stn4r We te Carlo' loi PluAlong 4( tlike'vAraiahetl *ith eliellAo otli!odb.e4
OF 310,N 41.1XS.
ir Lives Comfoet:On
• With Ilis Charges,:
ve.r.4 Wm, the Mao, -
lotig. ohm), bike. For • tildside, thatolses ..abeve 'Sim oot ere, lieeTe -
eoating, boil togalg,fra,°.eupfut-ofirteselitary- Ilinticefoltitcoatt_old matt .
gra•nurated sugar and a, quarter a'. effstiod in.yelfew, -with saffron floe -
a Cupful of !water 111tto A Illitk 63111p. i ttl,*4 C.4!,010. owl fl!a-ato ',Marke -.4)11
Spread this 'over. the 4,onis wino title forehead, Ife's ,the guar -dial.
y are taken hot front the oven 1Priest, of the taetett* monkeys, -
bike , the inhabit -an& of '414,4:44
.. ,
leious Waffles-.
floure 'rnViir .olitt tobleepoonful -""...'' ' ludevd‘ the' '1(indil a
-butterot4eat yolks of three.. eggs,* '°-(14 itti even nit4e` PitkAtit'd thwt -
add, teaspoonfUl ,of sugar, one level 1 r61111ellY* and ' "s4'.ats° n'fin't* t"4--5*
epoonful 'of salt, ooe heaPing t1 offered slin'Irti'44ititnIt:-It;'';44.-.-
4"apootiful of baking-. powder,. one,1811"' it!!":(tte" t('s the'lilv4t131"; he
euPftil of -sweet inilkf 'told to pour, "I'''''4•41.'"*,,-;
• vgjes,:ik. '.:18etli:011,,,,:vithr ItT(41:1',A''sirt-i4pt'."-:1 th‘te litTotae.".1,14J1Iftat,ip4li'Vate(t:ft'actf4.11401: .1' '
eold Seuceo-The following is a; s'"I'd °Ilk? -to ihe.'"nyto; for in iho-
Afte reeipe for told sonee, to bi* - "4*1:64Y41114!" Ilic' l'E*1141 ''"ie I*
• ,1 #.,,,,,, fish , 60 meats 0.,„strrt the libidos, it„is written haw Mime.
i'le'.17t;iiihoudlo 0.;:,, thus tit'asii`sunt Jrretta, the monkey god, allied himself •
tunic' Etita-i-titriottittlf -04",;°01;f't:11;e71;r1Pte"ir': irtljeettris.‘"e*ki: iliihniTs-9441171:o:fte'r w'711h.117itiltal.,,:". iiJ°43
told, -lime -ofoeme4ialt,otoa,„ letuottei.
me -fourth eupfliitof Woteeatershitei.0„itaftoo red meido.,,,, mats ti
e4 toue•ledt cupfol. eatente. Itix X. woiail ,sfaasizino.. 4r, is 4",litcra t
-II ' ether. ..e.an be kept for "Ak,q ' throi i' • e lorlAth-iind-hre.
Otneit i on .e.: etto jo tids ≤ (a i I) nibtliz6i:iirtiiir-8.3anti It:
, .4.
It Mkt' OP tin, 1
Aar. in*u7
;**diithard p ee (Heated to his 'woe.
h ' 48. loo 10101Y lw ' » g;r104.1t7 1. :1141,11:' o'' -o.
. ono 'toter., Over this Sprieklei „."!'"...''''re1,..t 4.1-'1'„ t
1 , aeitt.,1!and 4
°m:yoeie*1017iael'd - 'arnitzhelsdr tethi441.1:1";;414 41-14 '''''''';1;";'''ll
hipped ereint mad OVOIr the *hole elrer '81"e the hill trib"»'
riokle- ehoteeet tants. This is a Mitted within the•" el* i 'tn.
. .._......t._„ _.,_._ii,_„...... .... „, r _....., um:Jot the, itilitioi tioigioyr,,,
v Pr! r....07._:._„.-rri;c_.t.,,,. ,..:
an „aAte wtotni .
inonntaliit kir. arid lit Arinir
• what worshipped eats anti
Wiles, the Ifindue of tools
vanity m euperstitious-
%eal futle.t4 in:
s 4.*110ri
Vinod Nit
ith 1 , little red gush the food
T Tioulkottor*Itippets providcii•
In suer th*e,, there.AvAct h*voy
le. 441014et for either, god i
',;..for the hilt faik. ite-41110 ,
x t., stioixoutied 14., Is !vett
o WI** bkrkrit
"Oat •
Aid vett ,the liguor .1».**ork Ita'.14:.*Itialli°41"411i,x114111T':r4t,rit
tj wtelst '170114;'.-frotm, .the toorrip..
• Hasa siicatier autli it iltreo hie.
#*.t k40,1$;, *be* ttisty