Exeter Advocate, 1909-11-25, Page 3 (2)-
• -,
0 TO filtOM‘1,111i
et.P1110 Brief* Fie* .0**
4 ,Otitkr ,Vonatria• .1Eiteitas
of tito `They displa0 4,803 t1:419
, ,
tays; type •of -*coat zalolita
Ai • Jrne
ees Catfk, Grainy ChOsit
Other', Dairy Produce *,
4 d0106 ai,Abraid.
rom itrs
aipe, sN,'6; r IT,tonsiblo for. big e. 'Sbottli
anti -have d siwe`,.15 "A orae Strptid, the• well- 'Toronto; 21, -;flour
tire ttpprov- • • •
Carrnthers,&4Atontr.i. the 'to reportd b snlittantiated
gest grain p..x:ptirt(r .41 • na5ia„,qco, it hu.ve effec,.
t. AillotAr,ii . tri provide. whteh•t•q*no en e'attl tititY,Orw. ti. IlniniltOlae 44. ScliPckti, 99. 0431‘ eIlt. Pat°1439 Yln,„ln 0 , 0 ,1 lire3t, to:0,nd if V,,,,,p tiapply t *ea ".Thanotllethlg9,4-
I *116
r t i ' -Ita: at '
- v „I ' ,
) Iv° Pr'4°)r.!1 for'‘i,t. 'Ones. otlevelopil'22,0a9 '..116z40Polir#1,!' ' 0 10". tlili, M' milOzire.'tveki OATt-^146' Ye.4,1',fillotii',Aht... `Vana,diarif NA,.'est 'eittiaiiim in .tl.4e „States., _ , Eitrolie '
iiii0e,'•erat3ero 1irliFy ii 3 . ,th t, ; - -0,;4'.'''1 hr Brardoli .sh ,,e 'totinipiny ,re.. trna k, Tetonto • and' ' 4- 1)3" to 84201 Will liiikUout or 11 It Ire be.levts --tfigur ,d en heft •Vol. et ' ' I is
t.,_ostio MI04 000,-.00at1,tep ,r.:routqueh xluiektfireis, ,as .& C01;ly ;burned teal. at Ailiiierwilli'Cutsitlit 4*.8 buycis! sacl4.I uiitfilA the IV 1L Jfi beit.ng held ati, and tti'-', lot Of. i'&he.at froin 1314",,loiN Ole lime,:'
'atitl;tiiirdestroyers, costing 'well ir,3 sinaller 11-papons. N'lz•ove t4)..11rantr4E4'..., ' '• • 1.11011i,,'IttSt, Patents; 85,0.0 (.0 frac ' ':,144*i.g. to Ma.110 a trittrtletouglt the %jlait it doe.,n't look ' ta-
- .
, •
, -, • a
.eitelt, •att 4 ittitilens:o . - The' (it 'v aye rinia It .a./.4:lierY 80r0411.1s",. ohalftes- : of. , i Toronto SC 011(1 !patent,, .$5.10 t.Olt' M ot. to And tvht the farzaers azce if t1 s. wert.,-, swing to , get iivat, x„
..ial.f,Orce.,..1. Tlie.lttitalit penerW:..' er4ft„ inteatie4 ','_ tri.i.,. war ',..,PtOtekting, ..priinitiatS„, • 14¼ 0, and , litrong ba.kers , 84.Q0 to ' dolug, , ,.; i •, ' • ,. , ,
. iiirriees there zire at, least siN, 4.icmits ._
, , •
and men .rieltiireit'for ti'4gairist torpedo. boiat3;. :,•Ttty....ii,),:w Against. the' CouriCit ef St. , a. ac',.el ' et' on ' traett„. Toronto. *. : ' ' ' ' * 'I fee'', k) ,-`'alli Mr- • 'Car:litter-% higher tlian t'iiioe';•vittiC11 Would niii/No'
'Will,Ilei: 1$403,; and . the pa..'s, i, carry torpHoe,s; to be• tist 4, -ii. Ott. 41tir. II. I1. lililler, a...p..,‘• intro.' _lailit_gh3,, Wheat. --No.' 1 Y,)rthern.„"tht Wheat. xPrices are bowled for., the_krtiin. availabli,,zioy expu,ri..:_Xet, _
'vietuallintr, will,Ite„;6-i-e-pa-,iiin -gi-iii,-es•In ti,-(4.,t'itt-1411.,,414-0ii-tOrtl-t-tr..rb-iltli''rt 'tt,e-eininions, to -S-1,04, Ila,V Ports, and'. No. 2 Narth, ihrgliTcfre-ve s. I .1)an iiii7.1T-reiiFrii7a-niituints cri cali- ywile''t ii -•e w11
. — • _ - . ‘44 . ...
: . . i • vu
'The total cost, f cr t, cuppress race -track ganalling, ern, 81.0234, Bay, port% a number of / ()hits Wil,i01 1401,F 4above tin December option, with
is estimated at
year. This Avill inehitie
maintenance of'efficient "dock.;
Of scif•tits 1T1) L' the ilrintols, The'. R„ the Allans and -Ontario Wheat -No. 2 rased, :affeetinG tU tuar4etw European 1 1,signs of breaking. This liwans
ermany ,haq hut fiht at,Jh;•,ine.' tvierctl leading, British ship-, uild- $1.01 to 81,05 Outside,- and No: 2 kt4c1-c-1 al'e at i
am? ebb. •, Prices that 1?,urope will have' t.i point. to
,nt time; white13r:taig as t•;:i ing firms have AKranged t cor. v.iiite and red Winter, $1.05. out.. have beeic! _z4o
i4 44- A i
szarmNL•irir, kit);n thAt --f cignorg. haXe £3 11 tar piii"Otir prices high r.
- •
'will be available for'"the arg- Lion to spoufmg, Otips quard Alo's- Bailey of Vorth Bay wad Barley -'w -No. 2,.59 to 60a outside, ululated .no suiplus,"but have Only i'In chimmi, I talk( fah
ta.ken enough Ilheal• to satisf.4,.. ini- eral big traders and- they all take
sbiPs of-tlie...Rtqal Navy. --helisefill, in cif 'war fa Ore prk). Lacked down and robbg4 by an and No. 3 ettra at 57 to 590
•to . o
The 'Bristols Are iiiirniest recent tection of oceitn tra routes. ' ',u0..nown loan, who visited; his house side. Mediate deniands. ;tins view. I'm also io-V,Thed to
.11. the early morning. - • 2, Ontario white, new,, 'Now, in spite of naanupulation, t telt the Stut.s
. . Chief Justice Dubuc Manito- :37 to 3Re• outside. Canada, West wheat price; eventually come to a eminent reports have minio.what
TRADE Fon ocloinni. 1 ENGINE tiAVEPT INT()
Is the prime factor we must look at °;.knd now 11 e" re comiug to the
V a chair by the Provincial Gov- • for No. 3, Bay ports.
s About 81..44y -two and a Halt Engineer holed and Tui,o ernment_410 with a...tp.artrait-ot Aletevione--the- futur,e trend of
the -Winnipeg Ear. Rs'e-No. 2, 74e outside.
the market. The Argentine (1 .p
Vic, Bell Telephone offiNals.„ Ilueltwiteok-56e, hm freights. %lin 1114' a great part. -We have
Ch-lrom ottawa says: A despatch from NOrth Bent,
11. ba, who iq retiring, itat- presented •1-.-atf.",„ 8914e for No. e, and ss•$-.; t,..).;Iiiipply and demand basis and tlgtt over-e-Aituattd the crop th-L.r.
says,: /47,11 oough, of it., 31outrNil issue a statement thAt Corn -No, 2 'American yellow, sCen durmg the past week what
d trade for Pctober wa
• . their company iq not in the recent 74.',4 to 75c 011 track, Toronto. klamage reports from that countrY
4,417,614, an increase o -80,189,- loops. was awl two tratumen:
mimed with October of last ere badly inerwm, injurtd• in a cree,k Weqern Union- Te- Erfai---$21 in bags, Toronto, and u
taegraph Company and e t 8.
Imports for the month. to the (..Zenadiehere
n Paeifie on Tuesday thAmerican horts at 23t0 in bags, Toronto.
Thw,. hold the key to
and you may rest ASS41-2
et; have to stay at
a.; they are row to
'III do to priees. They have been luoseu pp."
• night
i• telephone Company
-831,473,9GO, an increaseof !, a few miles west of . A
the situation
)'c,4 that prier-
leclst as high
mrtke them'
COUNTRY PRODUCE. at 5!,u to 5%e per lb. Gond lots of
,C00. . Exports- of domestic landslidestrivk the engine of the fatho about 8y,'e per lb, STEAMSIIII's TO t't itt.
.irsrOduett3 totalled 0:47,2$0,750. an_lre_tight_troin. just afte t 'Lorca- Price_s $1- t,
knereaSe of' nearly 0111? nnlhon leor ',-etnerged from a tunnel, and carried Lord ebarItt,' Beresfod to be barrel, iCeorcling to/ eirality.
to, Nov. a
fair sprinkling of choice butchers",
the Orst sevett-tudtvtils of the fiscal the locomotive and four ears tr,•er the Unionist candidate in the coin- Peans-81.51 to $1.05 ner bush- which sokl t $5 to 85.50; ordinalY
7,yearthertotal tra-delrasi*eir$363;- einbankraeirt d-owirT,:orrfeet li'on-413-Portsintrattiz—erhat-°ntshkr-t""ts ;1' 111 loaTai-at 84.,25 t.0
in-Pnaso••.91 140U1 Alie_ ensireeil linee-cows front
coanpareti4rithtkV correspco.
Wing was not. seen .again. Fireman- Mae, 4 .4•11sa 14nd ball. Altering „certato 63.; "extrtet.Pd, per lb. .•$4.60. Feeders "vivre strong at Si.-
last_year...„_bnporta_tota4kag iumped_ife austained4v broken • amendments ,-whi2.11. the Commoris Hay -No. rtierothy 815 t,) 015.0O3 e0. Milkers and springers -Slight -
led $202,787,005, an increase of !arm, while Brakesman Fostir, of ha4 de.(.4ined aceePt. „ ond No. _2, 81a.50to 104 on traelt, easier. Lambs at 85.50 to $6;
'tat)" millions. Exports a domestic Kamloops. was given a severe shak- 1 In a speech at Manchester, Mr.'. Tr.r• W0.-1;
Sheep at .83.25 to *14.' Hogs - Se -
Products totalle $1,17,7.35,0,14, an ing up. Three ears were 'derailed A rthur J. Balfour declared that ' St raw---8k5o to 59.50 on trneb., . leas, 87.40 f.o.b., atld 87.05 fed and
besides those carried over into we
river. A blinding snowstorm was
raging at the time. The slide missed
the as
etboUnd passenger train by
,inerease of a Litt e over eleven mil-
-lions. Last year during the corre-
sponding sever), anoutlis poin and
4..mi1ion valued a 12
t $7,2,812 was.
-imported. This yearthe tkpionnt half an •hour.
vas onlY 81,886,187. The total eus-
Ulna Avenue for the seven months
was $33,791,50, an increase of $0,-
10,452, or nearly one minion a
tar& reform .e -tis the only practr. Teronle. watered.
val alternative to the present bud- ,tat -yes --4s to 5th per bag on
Big Falling. Off in Shipments fro*
A despatch from_ Winnipeg sayS:
h&c -fife* -roif the local railways
*re wondering what has happened
40 tlte'wheat crop of Western Can
because since the beginning
of the month there has been a big
falling off in grain shipments.
4Theriel, won't be the usual rush at
be close, of navigation," a promin-
ent? official remarked on 'Thursday.
'‘The fanners are holding their
• • „
wheat for higher prices and we can.
not get, tit it at all. Atipviry point
iti the country we have cars wait-
. Ing* with their whe,els getting ruitf.
They are certainly not markeung
the wheat looked for, and all
the Wheat has not gone out of tile
'country yet. September and Oc-
tober were very heavy months for
thipments of wheat. November has
Atn started very badly, and
esn't seem to be getting any
killed the Bishop of Cs.ozeo' at LW*,
A d at,441, from Lima,. . Peru
iays: , bishop of Cuzco has been
killed by a bomb thrittrn by an
ititnrchist. The 43shop 'orbs riding
in bts carriage with .his secretkry,
.when a bomb was hurled tit the v A despatch\ fritkri, Bristol, \ Eng-,
hiele. The Bishop was instaotty iland. says: EIkn Pitman, an elder -
and his seerctary terribly in. Stiffragette, is the first martyr
tared. Roth of the secretary's legs to the cause to be sentenod to hard
.were amputated. The, innrderer patio. ' Size WAS arraignel in the
pude an unsuceessful atteffipt at magistrate's court on Wednesday
Weide. The police had a hard on is eharge of throwing it &bile
timerescuing the assassin from a' through a window of the post7oIlle:,
rowd hick ifad, caught him and She, was tienteneett to two months
'we tie err/nitwit to lyneli him. iprisoment sit hail labor.
A Had Italini.. Named Seaga Sen.
. tenced at Cobalt.
A despatch from Cobalt says: -
V Sealso, en Italian, charged with
stabbing James Stevens,:. a section
man, last Sunday, was on Thursday
sentenced by Itagit' trate Atkinson
ta ten years. The attack was en-
tirely uripsovoked. Stevens' com-
panions were jangling with an
Italian erowd when Steveffi tried
to patch up the peace. Seals°
.rushed in, without having .been
spoken to, and cuf Stevens down,
making a murderous attack upon
him, one of the nine knife wounds
being a fraction of an inch from
tlie heart. Stevens is flail confined
in tlie. hospital, and was unable to
give evidence.. , •
Six Men Conticia at Cobalt
Could 'Not Pay Fines.
4 -despatch from Cobalt says:
Unable to raise the money to pay
heavy fines inprosed for selling
whisitey: here, six men were taken
down/ to North Bay on Wednesday
afternoon. They -and their .sei
tences were Sawyer, Lewis
Lawson, S. Buchanan and " Henry
an,- three ' -months; Bea
Smith, 15- months, and Clarks
Tripp, tg months. .
„sr ----
Suffragette Gels Two Months* Hard
get. . ° track for Ontar:es. ' WRECK. AT MOOSE JAW.
Lord thnselowne gave notice 111 oultre-Chiclrens, dr‘s--4(1. it to :
the Iroitse of lords that on Mendoy 14te ner lb.: fowl, 9 to 11". t turkeys. ;
Wheat Train Ran luta String tit
he would move that the budget be 17 to itic _per lb. : decks, lb., 12 to
not accepted until an appeal can 13e: geese, 9 to 10c per lb.
be made to the country.
Standing Cars. ,
A desplitch from Moo'se Jaw
THE ITAIRY mARKETs. - cays: One of the worst wrecks that
UNITED STATES, ' *ere occurre
pened near the ,yard linlits-otth'
of The Century tubs and large -rolls, 20 to 21c; in-
Matgazine, is dead.
*caFre-in 44 Winston-Salem N C 2,7v, and solids, 24'4, to 25e per lb. of Rolan }hum s api 25 an
Richard Watson Gilder, editor Butter. -Pound prints, 22 to 221:.7e ; e‘ , el in this vicinity hap -
city shortly before midnight., on
six workmen lost their lives in a ferior, 17 to 10c; creamery, 23 to Weddesday, resulting in the death
kdward eurry, one time manager Xggs-Case kJ"' 3° t°'"32c Per Enirlish n who gwl'as fireman' on
, • .
of the- Montreal---Telegrvh oin--. &jet; for frefih_,,_ rinii„..20A9. gIe for_jho:7,Ato h :Line - freight, and -Hi
pa s office- at--.-Cobtiurtis iliid--A"rsige' - ' comp et,e wrecking Of seVeri- eafil.
at Staten Island, 1 ieese-i.„,e per . or arae 9
A. Detroit Judge says that half and at 125.ie for twins' - ' , Millings was priished un ler a ten -
ofheapplications for divorze flint
married in Windsor. Bacon, long clear, 14 to 14i4e back of the bead. Brakeman Bert
Dr. Louise G. Robinoviteh de- :per lb. in ease lots; mesS pork, Barber was slightly injured. A
monStrated to medical men at New 826.50: short ent, 828. leavily loaded wheat train ran into
York her ability to restore a dead Hams -Light to medium, 15 to a string of cars standing in the
r •
cone before him involve persons HOG PRODUCTS
der. Re has a brother in Souris,
and leaves a wife and baby. En-
! gineer Butts was gashed on the
rabbit to life by IlleanS of rythrilie lt4c; do.. heavy, 14 to 14e: rolls, yard.
eldetrie excitations. 14 to 1‘l'Ac; shoulders, 12.32, to 13e;
Plans are on foot to hold an ex- :backs, 19 to 20(...; breakfast baeon.1 imoisTERED RAM sroLEN4,
hibition in 1913 t 7
the 1 to 18e.
4,-11steel by a simple prooess, and this
fiftieth anniversary of the freedom Lard -Tierces, 15!,-,,,e; tubs, WO; :$7,000 Disappears From Canadian *ill do away with much of the nie-
of the negro "race in America. ,pailS, jec.
North -ern Train. elianism now u_se41 the .1“ng
trust frauds at New York gives i BVSINLS8 IN MONTREA1.
Nen Con( met %1t!s Thom ;Nor,
Steamship Company.
r,ervlice betiveen St. John and Cuba
will be signtd nortly by Sir Rich-
ard Cartwright, Minister of Trade
and Commerce, and the Thompson
Steamship Compauly. ite4n of
$23,000 for such a subedized ser-
ylee is provided in the estimlio•s -
'brought down Thursday in the C
WAS. The strviee will be a month.
Iv one. Thrs only steamship eorme,-
tic'', between Canada and Cuba at
Ipresent is proVided by the Alexi. '
lean service, which inclpies Cuba,
trio's, but not ort
. There is a
in tobleco. fru;ts
ean he handled by
on the, southern
the rcturn trips
siderable trade
anirsitgar which
the new- s-erviee.
Village Blacksmith Ifa% Invente0-
Shit* Effective Process.'
A despatch from Gallipolis.
Ohio, says: A new secret method
which is said to be able to save tbe
'United States Steel Corporation
at least 81.000,000 a year has-been
sold, by Mason Grover, village
blacksmith at Bidwell. near. Inv,.
for $200.000 and royalties. Thii
plan is to convert iron ore into
The prosecution of the sugar-
A despatchlroni Rose Isle,- Man- emi'l°P-41 in 'this 11"an5lionlftd`-'
non Work. Grover has been a poor
promise of developing into *n • itoba, say's: Robbery of the regise .
man his life and has little edit-
vestigation Which may rat& With 2 Montreal, Nov. 23. -Oats -No. 2
tere& mail has. just c(inie light.,, „
the insuranPe inquiry
(4, four ,:ears Canada Western. 41,4 to • 411Ac. Two packets, containing cte.
Barley---Itea. 2, 60 to 67c; Mantto- and $5,000 respectifeN., di,,ak••
ba feed barley, 52 to 53e. Buck- peared from registered 11f the . DRANK TINSMITH'S ACID.
Wheat -5s 'to 58.!..6e. Flour -Mani- Ilartney train an Nov. , .
toba Spring wheat patents, firsts, They were addressed to Halif
FiVe hundred imsons, bieluding 85ax Atimsoi mas mimeo/. 10 se4, it it, -
wo Americans, have heero
l sums,r. wheat patents, $5.50 to $P10; Ma- LI unable to account for the disap- 4
i tias Good.
.70; do.,- seconds. 05.20; Winter and Belmont% Man.' The mail clerk
ily executed in ISTicaragua. nitoba strong bakers', 85; straight pearanee, but it st;ertis lie was mo- A despatch from- Otte. a say.s
jire. insurgen6 tollers.!-Var-10-to-41-,23-; (To., in bags, •Entqattrity -absent FL-nthy. va-,r .itontain„.v anlin. or Einhrun. a vit..
seized the • Djetator, it Norwegian , 62.40 to $2,50. Feed -Ontario while transferring *114 mail to Ow lage in Russell County, 40 mikai
fruit steamer, and pressed it into ' briin 821 to O22;..d0., nliddliti*so IN'tnniiwg train, when they met at froM (Maws., killiql hierelf on Wed -
their service. 1823.tiO to $21;`'lklanitoba bran, $20 It rt skiing. . ilt-slis, Morning, whirr) he was re--
Herr Pawlowski, general agvtt to 821; do., shorts, $23 to $24; '", —4.-- *----•..-. ; fused liquor at the hotel at Eth-
oi the ?North ,German Lloyd line at ; pure grain' mouille, -$3:1 to $33; 'ii . 1 -
ITHREE WERE 'DROWNED., brun. he walket down to a :lore
Paris, committell suit'ide because of tinstwl mouille, 41,25i to klez. Rheese ' , (i‘where a tinsniitlV Was working. He
financial difficulties. ") ' -2-W eqter0s, 11,4 t6,119.;e .ff,r late Their Skill' Capsized at Pi•r1 Artist r . se:zed a bottleof aeid,and anninine.,
Stlior Rabid, as ili,ealthy Si ani. ZPal male, and 11% to iite fpr (..p..\ • ' i i. e -h ,i01,,r .
, .
• • ) on ivednesapp„ \ f rag that t would sZ w t.... 4
tiTd, the Owner of the Illue olio' tem r gods, ,kitli easternh at\ 11:1 ' . . -\ , I .) I" was gond or riet,,,4 be iirank the li- `•
diamond, is reported to have been to 11Ne. Rutter --Finest creamery, 'J A despatch front 1 ort Arthur ii, wild. I, Doiritero ivero called, .ara
drowned in the wreck of the steaxn- 4625e, and fresh tI4 to 2,1Ne. Eggs sari: TILree mell *evo drown.' l hPre alien they had Ilene all in their
et. La Sayne near Singapore.
........4,--,........ ii -Selected stock, 2, to.Vie, and No.. ( .41, ries * Ito!" 1 a s.: taMIL rceitt, a t In, turylnev- 1..,:
' ' . t• rw." 1.4 ' " .„, .
A PLACER GOLD FIELD. If 1 candled, 25 to tryil pot dozoi .Viltit it party -of tour .wpilf, notrin,,,,,,v," : 4••-•• ...”- we .8 wif;ering54 lid,0
--- , ............ . i,
- i , , ,„ , , ' 4 e11.- a few hatirq after lo.is ar-
_ i_tierosb„ tho_I! ftnitt basin., xit,er waci, br,Aught to the hospital here,
'UNITED STATES MAIIKETS. rallies are John azartikzati lx,graie, rival
ound at Sivai Lake, in Thender Abner Burnius and Pete Ranrni. ti * .
. veng
Buffalo, No. Ita. --Wheat-Eas- ma na
,I The men fame here from Ne'ii.v Or-) e ,
Bo, Distrirt. (iiir, ; No. 1 Northern, cari9dis, leans, The bodlim
ies e not yet '''
.been (i. ''' 'L.T
A. despatch from Port Arthur' store. 81.17 !„_': ' Wiiiti.,r,laealTy.
, -ered,.. .The fourth MAO sow's sn
D nt-th an.
Miss' Anna %Ala:a-
d has e"-h-eSe"rt "lieji-a5trirc'tecedri'rojcinfi PSiaillic--:nil ' (C;;illt.,ac-f;: EN4O8.1e4r,;1•*(11alf;:, 6.'ilie!1":Chiell:: nelv.3% ed.
ke ir,rosnpeTelionjrndiesr t4Batiy titois_tiruticyte, *mil:Tem, eucitisiht,ieG:gei (N)aotvs.-13i.rfivileat_cash '
. rich find while exploring fNo,.:.*. rem, $1.19; No. 3 red, $1 -Ort
0 rtz lode. Some black. sand t.,9151,14,111„,?`11h,„4111,151,00_to $,„„130;
0 said to be the Eyrie „kind,,Ao. 3 utirt4 .•;111.1r3 to 451.0i v, AO. 1.
ai In • the Xlondike fatuous, ikod It Northern, 81.10 to 81.11; No.
ai statapod lois 'Wen gs11/4
erted ..,orthern. $1.P4 to $1.091', No.
r the fields already. Twenty-four Sluing, $1.0-1 to, $1.071:..c. Corn
iLierst.had. h0.,..en staked at th.? last Ni*. 2, Cell'I to .63%P; NO 2 Yellow
Cre‘et No. 33. -64%e; No, a yellow
e; 'No. 4, 6'4,1e. Oats. ---No. 3,
3`e. NO- 'I whiteoi” to 41e- Isi
d.•4 . • t. , 3 ,..3 4, . o
4 white', ft.4 to 1:t9e standard, 41
.. . 41.!c.
11,408 for the
1ifl, 1911,.were table
/40,,t0 •
()tat 141:1 t.tIetpprA)
or last n$titnate in.
tt $3,040,(0) for the tittribas..
contrt'ctun and inaintenance of
, the 'maintenance and1.1kcp
Abtria Where, Prair.,
(Th:flVftfl 'Ye
vattz eltzlitto
is. it
Tlierc/ it)/ ttil
,CPY,t'hir ti;z*,
of Ott`:.*
stifrAt';',.i. A -c,45,,, -,r r
egt ,tot,