The Exeter Times, 1880-7-29, Page 22
'Is elm coming to tee you,' said Eric
Hale, with t; slight grimace, 'that sim•
print , fine lady, with the useless
white hentle, and the shallow little so.
t>iety lnuuh ? Olt, Aunt Dolt, pack my
portm>tutaau, and let me be of on a
teetering tour, until Flora Lee's visit
Carotin to an end,'
Mrs, Dove 'looked a little dis'ppnints
ed. To ennfese the truth, she had es -
specially arranged this visit with refer-
ence to her nephew, Eric.
'fl:ti e a fine young fellow,' she said
to herself, with true feminine diplo-
inaey. with anexcellent parish and fine
prospeots—and it's high tune be was
Fettled in life with a wife, and I 'think
Flora Lee would suit him—exactly.
Awl here was the young man him -
.un, we shall see !' nodded Miss Lee
self nusetting this charming lithe
LW1 ''N1E
'I am not afraid of house cleaning,'
said Flora. ,'t see how it is,' with a
comprehensive glenoe around the scene
of oonfusion, 'and I ane going t.0 help
you tbr'iugh with IL'
'You 9' said 11Irs, Dove,,
'Yes, 1 1' said Fiore. 'Why not ?
-net lend mo one of Betsy's otd dresses,
Where is Betsy, by the way ?'
'.Her father has just carried her home
in the wagon,' shit\ Mrs. Dove. 'Sate
has just broken her knee.'
'And your charwoman ?'
'Oh, dear 1 oh, dear l' said Mrs,
Dove. 'She's got a visitation of the
measles, or smallpox, or some horrid
diseaee,in her family, And my nephew,
Eric, is to no gone for three days ; and
I made sure I could finish the house-
cleaning while he was absent.'
'And you will,' said Flora, cheer -
'FTow can we ?'
And depressed though she was, Mrs.
oastle in the air, without the least Dove began to feel the mercnry rise
scruple of conscience. like a modorn in he metal thermometer a`.. once.
And Flora Lee arrayed heraelf in one
iucnnnolast that he was, of Betsy's cast-off calicos, tied her rip -
'Well, Erie,' said 117rs. Dove, despair• pled brown tresses up in a oambrio
loges. .'I'll write to her not to come. sweeping cap, and went vigorously to
Of oonrse, I don't want to put you out, work with a scrubbing brush, while
with teles. Dove bent her attention to the
just when you are so busy, too,
that course of lectures on tele 'Book of window -glass, and Adonijah,with more
zeal than discretion, splashed white•
Revelation—but I really think Flora wash over the floor and himself with The importance of physitsal health
wonid make the house lively.' laudable impartiality.
'And scrub theee rooms,' glancing
'Yes, sire and dusted the cornices,
and washed the window•plaas,and took
down all the picture frames, and put
the lace curtains to soak, besides other
items ton nuinereus to mention,' nine
ehievloualy needed Flora, }•athnr enjoy-
ing the diseoiilfiture of the young oler•
'linea Lee,' said Brio, 't beg your
'What for, 11'Ir. Idele ?'
'For always regarding yon the mnst
useless and ornemsntel of erentures,
I recant, I own you are eqnal to any
And when, later in the evenine, Mrs,
Bove crept out, she fotlncl her nephew
and Flora Lee playing chess together
by the fire, in the most amicable maze•
her imaginable.
'It's all right,' said Mrs. Dove to
It was all right, And Mrs. Erle
;~Tale won her frank, unconventional
husband. nob through the medtnm of
dress, or jewels, or waltzes, or flower
ahowe,. but throtigh the grim realites of
cleaning hoose.
'I wanted a gennine helpmate.' eays
the Reverend Eric, 'aud I have got
in relation to the °teenotee is not suf.
—'She's a 'deal too artificial to suit 'Wal,' said Adonijah, afterward, 'Ifiin rel lb realised. Instead of not eil e
me, said Erie Hale. 'Ask her to come
i r line, when I shall be off to Omaha
;'\YL 29, 1880
True Conuvras Y u Moro Than Counterfeit,
ttierefot.),read, l urottes°, and enjoy its bargains), When soy 1 manufacture nay seri). furuitue 1
am prepared with Illy pror',t•,:heet chat the people can Inskloot at any ,lune Uy oailiaig at my Ware
rooms where they will see a superb die Piny of
and Nevaaa on that conference bust-
uess. Bet as for a visitor, I should
perfereittle Polly Peppereorn's wax doll,
with silky Meal, hair, and the staring
black eyes, that open and shut by ma-
So Mrs. Dove, choking batik the
tears of dieappointulent (for she had
been nnrsiog this pet scheme for a
,Im;g while.) sat down and wrote to her
friend, Miss Lee, postponing the pro-
poeed enj.Tu>•n at Cedarbongh Farm
until roses should be in bloom, aud
str.c.nberri:,s beginning to ripeu.
' siouijah,'she said to the hired man, 1 freq'iently.
•'tape tine letter to the post office.' 1 But, as it hapnened,llr. Daniel Dove
'Yee, 'Pru,' said Adonijah, and he was unexpectedly detained on business
put is i.ico his pocket and forgot all at Whiskills, the neighboring town, and
instead of him, who shonld walk debon•
.about=•ie, nairly into the room', flinging dowu his
It wst,e a dismal morning in April, carpet bag, bet Erie Rale himself, jnst
lily yellow jonquils beaten to thegronud, as the rainy dusk set in, and the deli-
eiens e'lor"of frying oysters and itionba
the very wild. violets shutting up their
coffee filled the hoose.
•syee as if in unmitigated disgust at the 'Hello t' said Eric. 'So you're clean-
unttrotlaislug state of the weather. ing• house—eh Betsy 2'
Overhead, racks of gray donde scud- 'Yes. sir,' a demure voice responded
dee across the heavens, and the litt;e from the kitchen.
etie->t of silver lekelet under tete hill 'And `"Here's my Aunt ?'
'She has retired with a sick head-
w't4 dotted and dimpled all over with ache.,
falling rain, as if pierced with a thou- 'The natnral consettnence of cleaning
can l tiny javelins. house,' said Lyric Hale with a shrug of
'iiia no nae trying,' said Mrs. Dove, his shoulder. 'Dear old aunt Deihl. t
i Iintively, 'the fates have conspired why couldn't she be contented to leave
P ' 1 things as they were ? Tell her,Betey,
a;; ;inst me.' that Washburn has concluded not to
The enrpets were up, the pails of exchange until next week, and that,
whitewash stood in the middle of the now I'm in the midst of the melee,
peeler floor, and Mrs. Dove herself, I'll lend a helping hand in this busi•
with iter grey soils tied up in:a damask 'Yes. sir.'
pocket handkerchief, which her great- 'And Betsy—'
uneie had brought from China half a 'Sir'
eoittnry ego, sat crying on the lower 'Mien did yon learn to make ante,
delicious coffee 2 Bing me a cup at
Te lee of a step ladder, For Betsy her once. I'in recap to die with weariness,
licit) lied fallen down cellar and broken and it is like a dream of Arabia.'
her log, tend Mulroney,the charwoman, And Flora Lee, with the flipping
heti Pent a message that her eldest son edize of her sun bonnet concealing the
never did see nu cricket work spryer
than that city young lady. By gra-
cious, she heats Betsy ell holler at it.
And she's got such an np and down
pretty way of doing things, too, I de-
clare, I couldn't take my eyes off of
her all the time that I was white-wash-
Mrs. Dove, however, unused to the
severe exertions lneiaeut upon house-
cleaning time, went to bed with a sick
headache in the middle of the after•
'Never mind. Mrs. D:)ve,''aid Flora;
'I'll Met tna.and I'll make some of those
cream waffles and a shortcake for Mr.
Dove, and you shall see bow nice I can
'Indeed, indeed, I don't know what I
should do without yowl' said Mr . Dove,
Furniture in All Its Branches
,ItLnuf to tare by eivsr`it it e.1'n,YOe)nl,ttaodertt`it101ititl, wit•l;;ood wnrlinafinshi p. 7,tc, tare n'lt
asatisfying the tleeple with tt class of I i •nitare that eennot 11 equituea for iiuitlity 0r price in
l5xeter,all Meowing to the coutral•y,nottvitltstending.
Nearlyopposite hemp's Tobacco Store,Mitin Street, Exeter.
UR= FA=imums.
A iN7D 1-1._E LEBORE,
—A1' Tit u=•
W. B. S , LLEY, Prop,
Call, neral see the Flower Plants,
_.,.....-, .-... r_.m. _ �...�
lamentations on the score of ill luck,
the unsuccessful in life should set to
work to discover the physicst cause of
failure. It may be lack of energy, tor,
pidity of the mental system, deficienev
of neve or brain force, or, perhaps, al
peevish tettiperment, which quarrels
with Vortexes, instead of accepting the
gage which she so often throws down,
as though to try the metal of the man
who dares to essay the struggle for
fame or even competency. If those
who get a fall world rise and search
for the weak points in their natures
''A:',,.MIMS, FAQ '4' ,!
Castorine Machine Oil,
Mann Street, Exeter.
and equipments of life, instead of pite. Having been drawn into the Furniture Line by deceitfulness and falsehood is compelled to
coutiuue the bu•.,iuess, and
ously bemoaning their reverees,or even
seeking to escape "the ills that flesh in SELL OHEAPPIt THAN ANY
heir to" by some foul and cowardly THE COUNTY OF HURON.
artifice, the number of miserable and
tottering folk in the world world be
leas, and the ettm of social prosperity
and personal happiness greater than
they are now. The health cure is first
personal and then hereditary in its
aims, aspects and bearing: Medical
men might think more than they do of
this matter and the lnitelio take it to
heart as involving issues imnortaut to
both the present and the fntnre of a
a life which is ten little studied, and
therefore commonly understood.
had broken out 'wid the maisles, sale
__.:i•,iekfed nil over like a shower of red
pt:n*ter—an' sorry a bit of cleainio'
ca'11d she undertake until the week's
'And these three days of all other:,,'
si;,':,ed Mes. I)'ive, 'when Eric exchang-
e! .in ''its with Mr. Washbnrn ! Aiid
he ee dial kgs housecleaning ; and—'
'Aird me, Mrs. Dove, what is the
nedt;,r 2'
An old physician. retired Ricin practice, hay-
ing bate placed in his hands by an East In
dia missionary the formula of a simple vege-
table remedy for the eperaly arid Formation -
cure Ira. Consumption, If (rattail), Ast
thine, and all Throat ant LungAffections, also
a positive and radical cine for Nervous De-
bility and ail Nervous Coutplai>ts. atter hav-
ing tested its w ii 1 ifid curative powers in
thousands of cases, has felt ii his duty to make
it known to his suffering ftr.t,>n'=. Aett,uted by
this motive teed a derive ,• 1'u re hma>au Suf-
fering, I will wend free of wras.',• to ell who de-
sire it, this recipe, ill tiel•ivaC+, tli d , Or Eng-
Iislt,with full directions for l'rul•ariug 1,1:4 us-
ing. Sent by nail by athiressing with stamp,
naming this paps,', W. IN.. Si1Eltn1:, 3.19 /'ewers
Block. Rochester, N. Y.
amusing dimples around her month, Tbnusabds of childiei lost au.
brought itt the oysters and coffee flank• nnally from cholera in''u'tum, diar-
ed by a pile of feather•light waffles. rhoea, and the snmuii t e ,rnpiaints,
'1 declare, Betsy,' cried the Bever- whose lives night he etc s •ry 41 by using
end Eric, feeetionsly. 'If you we -e a Extract of Gild Straub, rry. 1'hyei-
ciaus recommend and nee 11 cnuatautly.
itis a remedy well knuw>1, aud more
highly valued the longer known. It is
for sale at all drug stores,and is within
reach of every one. See advertisement
u auotlier column.
trifle younger and prettier, I'd marry
you myself, to make sure of coffee and
waffles like this every night.'
'Would you, sir ?' said soi disant
'Alio we wonld make a compact,
Betsy,' merrily went on the young man.
as he helped himself to butter, 'to fin-
ish the house cleaning tomorrow, end
',qrs. Dive started to her feet with n save Aunt Delia the worry and work of
title en -earn ---for there, exactly as if I it.'
s l s had h,n'n rained down telt of thek d th
Important to ConAumptives
L gentleman 'raving been so fortunate as to
cure his son ofOonsumption in its worst steges,
after being given up to the by the most cele-
brated seed Betsy,
An examination of my large stock, which is not excelled outside of the cities, and a comparison
of my prices with other factories, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of wrat I say'
Every Article Marked Down to the Very Lower, Figure,.
I have just purchased a first-class New I earse, and ala prepared to attend'frinferals Coffins,
Shrouds and all Undertaking Material on hand. Prices very reasonable. Society mblenis
ocvstantly in stock. Be sore to give me a call, find I will make it to yotit acivantae to buy
your Furniture from rue, 3teinember the place—noltla of Moll onssaBapnk.. y �c.�.�,y
V�V ri'kte*,, X)It J Y•V
physicians, ilesiraa to make known the
r tenr, , nuptntuisittf zenith, stood ser' its all done except to tac own be cure (which proves successful in every case)
v,e, ,r ts' to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis,
1' Herself, in a tarn brown ,we„ diid it ?'
tee es iur. ,1 ,:. z, with a neat little hand- i, sir, please, and llrs. Dove and
h ' c? t. .,.-+ar,tel' waterproof, and rt :.ilk 1•he,tijtiti. tend pleese, sir, I'm going
to tit+ie911 it myself tomorrow ; end
;:'t.�r, T;":,rtt 1' cried she, 'Holo onnan ' enter,, sir', flinging back her bonnet
I and disclosing a coronal of bronze
It cot },vire''' I brawn braids,,► pair of very rosy cheeks
'Be traits, "f courser' said Mies Lee, 1 ante oyes of sparkling, bezel and mis-
Coughs, Colds, Cousrmaption, and the Affec-
tions of the Throat and Lungs, and will send
the Recipe, free of charge to all who desii e it,
if they will forward their address to DANIEL
ADEE, 34 Liberty St„ New 5:erk. 6m.
TIN AND s"'1 .
li TAKE this nppnrtnnity of thanking my numerous customerW far past favoni. and wislitc
notify teem and the public generally that
have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stook of
and have moved my own stock into the building lately occupied by Mr. Johns, iu the Post
Office Block, where I now have one of the largest and best assorted stocks hi the county.
Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves
Also a large variety of Tiuware, :Gaines. tamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cutlery.
Eastimates given for Eavetroughing. Carriage Plating a .speciality. Depend upon it
will give you good value for your money,
The very highest price in Cash peitl for Hides and Sheepskins.
Remember the place—the Exeter Tin and Stove Depot, Post OfTiee, Block, Main Street„
Exeter, January 20, 1880.
GEttltl:AN SYRUP."
No other medicine the world was ever
given such a test of it's curative qualities its
and I walked from the station.' I chief. 'I' in not Betsy at all, but Flora 1 Bos n etes GrnarAa Snaur. In three years two 1
Len, ,entirely at your SAMOA, millions four imuth•ed thousand small bottlers
'I wrote to you not to ceme, said) of this medicine were distributed free o» barge
by druggists in this Country to those atticted
with Con>;umption, Asthma, Croup, severe i
Coughs, leneuutnoria, and other ,listgazes o1 I
the throat and lungs, giving the Amrtrieau,
people tindentttble proof that C+>rawlx t3vntt .
will dire them. The result has been that ,
elrultuists itt every town and village in the Ca-
naries and United States are recommending ib
;o their customers. (Jo to your druggist ttud
ask what they know abqut it, Sample bottles,
10 cents. Brander size, 75 cants, Thref doses
will relieve Carly case,
Mre. Dove. -
''But 1 never received any such let-
ter,' eeid Mils Lee. 'Shall I go away
agate ?'
'Not you darling, yon shall do nn-
thina of the sort,' said Mrs. Dove, en -
The Reverend Eric Hale started with
rintal-e}•edesurpriae,uot umingled with
'Mi's Lee 1' repeated he,
'Exactly,' melded the young lady.
'Did you make the coffee ?'
'I did.'
'And fry these oysters, and stir up
thndtt'ttiely. 'It was only because we theme weegee?'
siert, houl3e•oleanfng:' 'N.> one else, Mr, Hale.'
u,r. aye t
10- t:t711BTit�1r •'c,;zriuh:I'2' t.lAEztse.
r - `• reECIPMSEST 411130 J 4,E7t rV01iVMiLt' E6riga
Cit'77:7;,":. • t
F, seeee tilt's...
Is recommended by Tkysiceans, hfini^frrs., ..' ss near}esr .iifanayers of
Factories, Work -shops, Z'laxtahrriai, .Z1o'p1tals,--in short,.
everf,botly eve fwlte,re who liar o ver „liven it a trial, ells,
TAKEN INTERNALLY, it cures ])•anti ry, 'irnlcra, Diarrhrra, Cramp and
Pain in the Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Paint':, e (',lir, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,.
or Indigestion, Sudden Coble, `ort Throat, Cion 41, ; 4e„ w»'
"USED EXTERNALLY, is cures Moils, o•isi, (Juts, i3rnist',s, B•rn
ts, Scalds,:
Old Sores anti Sprains, Swellings of the Joints., 'i oolhur;he, Pain in. the Fara, Neural-
gia and pneumatism, Chapped :Rands, Frosc•b. ttt% Feet, ace.
The PAIN-IiILLEIi 11 pot up hi 2 oz, and 5 or,. bottles, retailing at 25 and 50);
.emits respectively,—lar;;e bottles are thercfooe el ,sanest,
. ---0—