Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-19, Page 1 (2)0
NeweNt T$'
Hein Nper4
-Finest VOA*
Riit14 rultw
50iin* 0,0100
OS tor $1.00. '
we a llov
vsr!ou n1att.z, uys regardn
Sonibody ougt. ta
about-the'i Bend boiStr , toort
n Si. ctUng Own ,4,t; tne heel end 11
IMPrOverneOt 40.**. not ioolt o'OOTC--
find its geod *stn., '.dimlniehed.. A*
YII1aE'i is :eat incorporated,, the Tow:i-
sikips of
Stephen and . tiosarnattet, ii
, -should-take an
ext t h eroellig It tip. The Ideonehips,
.0enaueetttegeert.from the Bend
to WU2aAt eppropriationetor irett4 t;oe-
te '114cWalleseach side or the 'm4,14
rept .40Wo to the heath, and for main-
talnlzig necrietahle to soperuite rowdy-
and .preaerve. ,better order. Then,
he. prOperty.owncrit' Whe poottetts the,
• lettlto the gOttagete
d *he* broader Id** of the fit.
thtbr., Beal pliveq I* Impost.
jn 140 Onditions that :prevail over
most f the inaee.„Pienteltere front tt0'
ountry are allowed .to ton Wild
tell* thLetittageoWiltteriar the grouvt
toa tie c-Ottao ect1un an4 d.
ated-teecillif Should give plate to
,onth1ng modern and real. An epi-
&nc of
paint Would Jut.,,destrettlet
i,tary arra, -mettle are voateeand
n ;onto. C&SCd Jfld(Ce!t. Too „evidentlY
the Wall or peoplenathie rot` the:
art wall dfie
to tbt a
t b
rt,Poultry I
ricea subject to
change, • .
„eow_geer. has ,great
.b11t1ea as a. ennuner resort of the
bct clam* in the right hand*. it Will
tice money to effect the, transforma.
tten, but that it Would low there Call
130 manner at dant*. if matters itec
as at present, the Bextdwill declin
t that fate *ti0uld,0*.;**eti,44; anc! It
*fir Can with enterpristur ca -operation
twe,1n the owner* and the towneltiPs,
he preenof this election a ootatto
4,144 -tmco the matter Op, and adinin
ter the %welled Prod. 'Stratford 101 in*
Attd in Grand Demi and In It. *tog;
made Into 4 cleao; welt appetnted place*
lewed the matter of- the
dtptibluittoS,914"Fi'truinix hottrr-ffitxt
PII1104 that the Outten
exiiorkter, to look, over
Aktieut Clioltien111"Ip1:11114):00,* vtwe's-wrn*:44t.i.007.t
•,100t0r. Ittareb.,Ialet, lits report,
ve three PrOpaeltionit which the reeve
The flret InVOlved an e*Penditure
of traere_ the escond gilVentit and
third $51,000.., The council fonsid.
led the ;natter carefully and, brought
0 likrOPO441011: 001141.0.0 In 44, :W.ent '
Orrrt riA%:°V.4
Mil 0 ,ert.oneer had, advleed.
IN; winch -we* largely,
hulloing of- a. *tied.
**Otte' engine, a
scat'Atilt would alIow ,of an in-
tr3rhe,....701.t.thento•'ainh*oittolot .tIi-
.1te_vorot4 VA_,loirge enough
f'or ay OrOOttoi; There would the be
t any throe finding It nem***
to tear downand build Urgers. NIT
tion. 4y'i,41.01, ,*204(
0%401 :4; I:443 14414.416414.011. `;':11:;41;1114'to,o...t: 11flag
tulfdiriti,*11k i4 , trtmeitroOtOre 44,41' was
4,4*Allf ,p,o4L,gront4 t„be' Io-
tel,-andlt Was.verj- tertinvoto viOt, the
wind -wal in the right direetion, other.
wimp.... the betel and Probably other hull,
log* would have fallen a• prey to the
• _,e. it WIS eve» th9, h0A09.A.L0
te south of tbe, stable *at salted,
horovo, were In tho .,*table at
tele* Were sexed— There wes tto inaur-
the 'Ohio* but tbcati Arol ollimeia,bie,
*um ori htdidingt gr. Brenner will
at onceeonuneeee rebuilding.
glas Eari of .E*eter blorth task* OW
140.ridgri, to teact:.
!either ghee elite Prier.
a ale
• r
oderick. "Or., formerly
'Babylon ay,, but now eft • ValW,
grove,Mtt. 1av1elt4 In tOWn, the
gueet a '$fr.. and tkliocoKse'
She te 81:Yearie•Ot i.tge and still enNY*
the bvot a health. Tier friend*are
tweed -to
*W. ' 1,14 'I'm '?..
Y total • . i a
4. It :,znc.”14t-
Woe 114Ot .W01* CAS,
.140 to atotterdlaw),
r*.: C0410* .o.lottri,
tind, t __betesearyi,th.e irved
tproottix1 sloe
tcrn . 04 he would thee a joiid:
, u front hoth, *We. The , old
taaaJcay • repaired but he
ho, t would not be lodlichave.
'let4tted that #22.0.00.
would neroase the debt too .inuch , for
toWit .titte -partieuiIY, as he
/ ;When** notch 'a* MVO acme Of.
-rwithin the corporation Watk.0.-
tini) thep torw* inauele It was Ptrit.
propertythought the 'bond* .could
never be 4014 and The credit of the town
much impaitiSd. -Fie, wished not
to * the necessityof waterworks,
"ep wth*ant Itohtt, manyitre1nItie41,411:oeterrr
inattraitekae raPreantliteelms,wro;141r44' "be -
*Medal risk* alter the by-
tein of fire proteellent had been
nstafltd Th.' Ott answered that Mr.
ald bOt/t-' 'vox cent. I
0 t before the lystern weir
nit • .satiefaction could be
1 the rIters,..4 .no
sWud be pae.d In st G.
f c2ass 13, as• ni. Bet.
an fire_ protection would
r terrine from the
ante companies. 110 sttd. . not vilith
• use the titteadoit at better insur.
n, otos, tor the taienue to be Orly.
ed front peorile 'using. water' for„ lawn*,
le., although he had considerable en.
pautagement elm* those lines-. 'Whet
the town needed 'MA *lad tOrs)(100t, -VMS
better fire protection, and that Wee the
*in thing to • retuddered
Datedert. thought Another, t
f the river health*. Mr, U0Wardla could
seemed and be Inert Ignitable. jx
onliderabit discussion tOok-Placit:
thfji point wit: the reoult, that ttearlY. tt, .11
Were in favor of the UoWartt property
d *rater boilers , met 0,
Exeter, Steen. las/ Thursday.' The
ors W: two gancs by,-;,ItatroW
-while Exeter Wort two OY consld
bis margin in each case, and were I
�n the 4ttro play. 0. Mori
Etthotp,,Wairlt ad
or in the afternoon
d N. D. but In tbe
tvenlng teat_ to W. tretdenharruner,, B.
. Of $014on, R. N. Creech end P W. alga
man 2440,. D. Brown, '0...Brown, Dr*.
1,44 H P. Eing:r-tor. Orediton.
ost in the afternoon to 3 Pedlar,' M.
Beretiford, lox *Beebe, O. W. liarrisiOn
4.14, but Womin.the evening against
Mutat. NV May, II Anderson 414 4*
Taylor, - • •
• .
I jitI I 1 • "
• Dok nO
0,, A
i0"tera or* cti a Waists an,
Wititeuear. ood wage's. itteedY We
The'tundereighott 1.- offering for I
t'at valuable 100 aeriefeittn, being tAtt
stcoon,, Alicleertet and in'
Oltd atatet,of caltivattiotl. Feces good
• wet' under.drained With tile., About vine
drff of orehard.. Tvg0, atOrY 110:01 briek
cottage - and „barn; also eemeot
010 lEglitrea geed wells at water and, ilk,
tint leteek* 000 ktuerter, mile Zroin
hOol and two, mile* trent petal
'ostioroon Ettoon itt the tall, Aply to
itittyT0te )341010, ,CitiftTrtottftit, OND
On the whale' Tannin** riC at Go4.
• tournement played .c fine 'genie,
, fulling six Ansi losing three. Twice
he e_elentt-finals, .
o .1,101c. Was not IMO
Thi$1" *eh 1wO antt. !Oat thrill*
1,10 410;*: 4`414tan b**1011 IWere
4$4Zk d* r4 AraCt Oland three Olkinelf
WliMing two Ertl losing' four. Pot
oranton 1 Andre** as *OP twit to 3.
to Dickaori 21414 while 0ornish '
Granton wen trent Ifh et4r1stie*46
Miro Joil Deft* lgatt," end lotit43.W.
W 1amait 1741. The totel result was
hat riatterAottri-git Otortht-ttiter**
. Zoos-Thtiey lluegeitted *that the
east'+eidf----of.-Moiltt—street-for.--* water
supply -was preferable, owing to the fake
thaOmutit of the dritinage of the town
went in at the bridge. '
Ciladinart toolc.oscePtion
the nwfl
re ats 'at gr. 4. .Cottles.
Ir. J. Willis Powell waif at III$th t.
:Malt week on A butanes* trtin '
The: Mt:sees' Rudolph Kirldon are
vlsitins at the home. ot Mr. I) Wood.
Wm. Witeon of 'Batter ha* purcitaie
in treborne., near Bettie**.
iles Mary E. Taylor has returned
her sister, MrsE. Horn • Zion.
if your *Item, vacation. trip .beeins too
long to. YOU; Juliet tell her you are avin
a *hate ..of a time. Shell •Vehltq
Thomas and !rs. Judge :havore-
turn:ell. to their r.e.specttie hoinee, atter
epetulIng a -kW ileys with their brother
Mr. , Wm. Whiteford.
*ire W._W. Hunter, & ineinbcr or the.
Union Oink staft,In the Welt,: has been
trattiferied front . the Ninga,
tx..4.001* to the 'Saskatoon, < Salk., branch.
glut Palo' Itodgeog; ,who ha* been
spending otr voeitiOn here_ and -with
her Ogee, grit, S. Itbicat of .Wildwpott
returaett to . 'Hayfield Saturday.
Hindman .performed • ritical opera-
tion on iier throat last, week. Which, was
eery' euee'essfolit: •
Anders -on,. a ,fitriner !rind.
of the Exeter tiitooi, after
!ew days With Wend* in
toWn, lett Monday for. his Iteene In the
006 t Where he Coeduets,* .radelceli stem
Anderio-n; :Oho lia* 'tom yIsltIng
h. -re., for overarareate, Mtn'
$4, Cicbrat'o: at A*forth...,e
00tie,-of '110tlitrolareltavint
liration InSeeforth on Wednesday nett,
August 25th. Special feature" are tte,
atirort` garathon-Beet bicycle ,rateetthe
Barei .get. .1.401low..local recta,
batiehall match between ,Goderleiti and
giteheil. • Grand. Concert in the eventogt
ift4itrt.Eddle Bigitott will be aesleted by
the Kittle* band and. piper* and ,detncers.
Single rate -Art alif railway*, •
- will be regrettable news to manyt. learn that gr. mime* ' nemtr. or;
ilaserroerli• or _triehorh
* Among the untOrturiatietthiltedo
bl the recent heavy *to.ret in the Vest.
SI* entire .trop "ot 400 acie* was coot.
Pletely destroyed. , is 'said. ' hail"
stone* to the., Wee of plgeon *eggs -fell,
stitch quantity and with' -tetteh torte
thatIthe craps:were itterally beaten In
O the eirolo4.
glillAECVI0140 FOR .3.0WORIZA-11014
Trio f011o*Itig are ilte -sielletions for
,mottoriuttot, for the. fl1gI 001001 Ent
the Isamlnattoti tken front the.**
. Vital .tatinttade, 1P-fi
The Private of the.,Butte'0. 111 ,Auttint
,Woodie/ to 1.00i To the Cluekett p. .106;
5,0,34‘4010, of 1.41.; Mat, "4. US;
addlni 'o„, 0414 ne$ T'Oou. 1.,tott Bork on
What he:th Been,1,1. p ,209 ' from • lit
gennorien"i,.Myeteriotts. 2444 (steOnet)•
tt., • ti.04 ; .00 tit*, Blitt4neset
9a; 'The liarit that Onto through' Tee.
et Baile. p. p. 40itt
A. • k4
.. • .
TIIItEE itIOCIMPitt4, .114.11t
into'. Outdoes* Ooltige. has: ;:\40d,. three
at: atteresstui: year* and we .'under
tand that proepeitet for the coming year
trigliter „-itteh ,Atter. Te gradtiatea
o .0..,B.014Vare now occupying
O the, fin4e t. popition* in tint • leading
nadian, and Anti/dean eltleitt ln Wt.
1.3rge Ii*obtr are thy:at:rt.:, **.PeeLchtr*
o other inivitteit. Mileget..4
Ung Matt will° Is * graduate .0t the'
Godr1cai "brittle), ,Inee'recently been ap-
pointed eominereial• teacher in :the .11410,
gest commercial ached Pa the OW Of
Toronto. Ai C1thtrias prod to
„itteh ait **(latent :ceittie Mr. '00-otton
tlae detertulited to toy ..00oetai. &tomtit:0
to t4ei,asItt01and _** the 'citisent
Itokroa are ever loyal to their own cOuntY
he l'unitidetttly,,:,-ooteloodies #zes4oltit
roaage Of all wtho cfl Huron Melt home
The' Preetige which the C. 04, C. e:tjoy
'beitoi Bole ,Of 0,theithea• Greitteit
Oialtrtat IVO; -.Grade, Acteati-Unaltieste
.tkiwoass. (1411: graduate*to
get the beet' Paintloul4; The Vali tarn,
Of this extelleht ,ochool -eitette
let, In Exeter, be! g
and 51,
ttift- bperty
;cottage (brick foundation) ran'
*10114 !Ive room$. ientf a gOtidi'-',Oiller.
leo well awl a large otob10.
o '4404 i'ruittree*, pro-
aerty 1 to 1*
sold to wind ult•tht **tate
-Apply 10 ULAD)iA4 &
..„Lester, ittotarittf
t'&t the &asc..znert book Y .hoWed
attir ron se OW»Ing drat the required
26 acre*of farm property, ***that there
teettOy. hair Of the town',.times;te said,
were odd'. by •\busilittitet inent, who ,wer
assessed ale nuteA for file toet as in*
Place* were isleseased. for one-fifth
114 erre. It 'is then a matter .of anti
went. not of the Juriount land held.
frhtli4teu, oetinetigiz, nisb;11,14, . ewe, !total ta etpliereut "1111,
large *mount Of the testa.
tion 12...Do we require better tire
piltettiont Ile thinight,ao. The _
elitein I* 'not gotSt eaouth.
eutimitted goad plan pt *totting
ths ater. The.praPinittletn seethe to be
threUghl. as it' forms the nut
oX al.eornplete....eeeteinl. The *tan
ppc lonectanutry to rgive etuiek'lest
Af Stewart.' was, iitrongl fe
the Proposition and Ortai t
:d In every way. We would. trtaLiy
better Intifteranteltatei and if we
tor PrOtott104 we would not
0 terry as much Ines:ranee. •
Mr. 11. *. Pickert.'thOuglit wit would
let no better iniuretrice rate unite*,
Pt a PerMehent engineer and a patd
Ire ad*.
ilittught, ihe
tlo:i gacd, andfl we wael4 not Okr
should *Awe a *tit*
,multt be olttyt, Wit Mu*
t omelet .0 later.
, is skid not be '
o Way tot lot .1t.
itichardn.. n Vaborric on Auguat tritht
to 3Ir. and gra. Richards, a
14seter, ear Aug. 15tht *gr.
a,;n1 Mrs. ilerbert. Azt*, a clauwitter.
Atitinsotb..4-itt Biddulpit,'ozisli.„.ug, Stit,
to M. and Mr. Jae. Atkinsion, aon.
Gladetone, Mc in.. on .ioly
to ge.,4314 ko. 1crett. a artat
ilir • ' 4th,
_ _
Ir.. aW4.3 *on;
liockie.ingcaitlivray. . hth to
•Mr. and Mr*, Jae. Bock, twin eons.
Stephei2tug. Ottruto gr,
and 1,qrs. Ernest Mallard, .a
Magieeon.—Tif-Stephen, 'Oft/Aat.g. lith, to
Mr. and Airs. David r4, lotion, 4 eon.
Cowle-13ialr-4t Grand. ValleY, �1UN"
1, gr. J. 13. ,CoWic of Aliso. Craig, to,..
Aline Jcseic Blair of Grad. Yeller
• •
Vb-rbett—Phreburni-At Ilenattik, on Aug.
10 1ncd Corbett; to Miss VInoburth
itieee of Mr, James o'Brien, all of iiax
Snell—In Val:write, Ateme
Snell, beloved wife 01 gr. George
Etrieringtorn aged ad years. 11. Moire
thin ,
Grieve—In AlcGillivray. on AS.ust., 5th,
Wet Grieves, relict of the tate Thom**
•Ozirtreiga, •
tVrtakkitall—Iti laAleArts August lath!.
-Mrs. Annie ge;Qougallt aged to
and A moriths,,k' *-
V' •
Ornyth. .At levant August 11, razabgat,
8inyth, Wile of the lite MontgontoirY
leaaed the store Prottert
Mr ZXt. aroderlek, eitreett4
announce to the public that 1' halte,„
lipetted out Itnelftetell In the. line t
rat Phials -fans.
lel..0triit POOP, .ST6,01:. poop. Pau&
ifti BAT, Ertit4117,. _AM KINDS 00
$314CDS, Tams, pivt rm.
Tour iatranw: and *elicit
call from yea .