Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-19, Page 1 (2)0 NeweNt T$' Hein Nper4 -Finest VOA* Riit14 rultw 50iin* 0,0100 OS tor $1.00. ' we a llov vsr!ou n1att.z, uys regardn Sonibody ougt. ta about-the'i Bend boiStr , toort n Si. ctUng Own ,4,t; tne heel end 11 IMPrOverneOt 40.**. not ioolt o'OOTC-- find its geod *stn., '.dimlniehed.. A* YII1aE'i is :eat incorporated,, the Tow:i- sikips of Stephen and . tiosarnattet, ii , -should-take an ext t h eroellig It tip. The Ideonehips, .0enaueetttegeert.from the Bend to WU2aAt eppropriationetor irett4 t;oe- te '114cWalleseach side or the 'm4,14 rept .40Wo to the heath, and for main- talnlzig necrietahle to soperuite rowdy- lem and .preaerve. ,better order. Then, he. prOperty.owncrit' Whe poottetts the, • lettlto the gOttagete d *he* broader Id** of the fit. thtbr., Beal pliveq I* Impost. jn 140 Onditions that :prevail over most f the inaee.„Pienteltere front tt0' ountry are allowed .to ton Wild tell* thLetittageoWiltteriar the grouvt _ aprt toa tie c-Ottao ect1un an4 d. ated-teecillif Should give plate to ,onth1ng modern and real. An epi- &nc of paint Would Jut.,,destrettlet i,tary arra, -mettle are voateeand - n ;onto. C&SCd Jfld(Ce!t. Too „evidentlY the Wall or peoplenathie rot` the: art wall dfie to tbt a I t b rt,Poultry I ricea subject to change, • . „eow_geer. has ,great pos- .b11t1ea as a. ennuner resort of the bct clam* in the right hand*. it Will tice money to effect the, transforma. tten, but that it Would low there Call 130 manner at dant*. if matters itec as at present, the Bextdwill declin t that fate *ti0uld,0*.;**eti,44; anc! It *fir Can with enterpristur ca -operation twe,1n the owner* and the towneltiPs, he preenof this election a ootatto 4,144 -tmco the matter Op, and adinin ter the %welled Prod. 'Stratford 101 in* Attd in Grand Demi and In It. *tog; 40, made Into 4 cleao; welt appetnted place* •tepayer... lewed the matter of- the dtptibluittoS,914"Fi'truinix hottrr-ffitxt PII1104 that the Outten exiiorkter, to look, over Aktieut Clioltien111"Ip1:11114):00,* vtwe's-wrn*:44t.i.007.t •,100t0r. Ittareb.,Ialet, lits report, ve three PrOpaeltionit which the reeve The flret InVOlved an e*Penditure of traere_ the escond gilVentit and third $51,000.., The council fonsid. led the ;natter carefully and, brought 0 likrOPO441011: 001141.0.0 In 44, :W.ent ' Orrrt riA%:°V.4 Mil 0 ,ert.oneer had, advleed. „ IN; winch -we* largely, hulloing of- a. *tied. **Otte' engine, a ler scat'Atilt would alIow ,of an in- Ing tr3rhe,....701.t.thento•'ainh*oittolot .tIi- ard .1te_vorot4 VA_,loirge enough f'or ay OrOOttoi; There would the be t any throe finding It nem*** to tear downand build Urgers. NIT Sttoe tion. 4y'i,41.01, ,*204( 0%401 :4; I:443 14414.416414.011. `;':11:;41;1114'to,o...t: 11flag tz tulfdiriti,*11k i4 , trtmeitroOtOre 44,41' was 4,4*Allf ,p,o4L,gront4 t„be' Io- tel,-andlt Was.verj- tertinvoto viOt, the wind -wal in the right direetion, other. wimp.... the betel and Probably other hull, log* would have fallen a• prey to the • _,e. it WIS eve» th9, h0A09.A.L0 te south of tbe, stable *at salted, horovo, were In tho .,*table at tele* Were sexed— There wes tto inaur- the 'Ohio* but tbcati Arol ollimeia,bie, *um ori htdidingt gr. Brenner will at onceeonuneeee rebuilding. glas Eari of .E*eter blorth task* OW 140.ridgri, to teact:. _ !either ghee elite Prier. a ale • r .• oderick. "Or., formerly 'Babylon ay,, but now eft • ValW, grove,Mtt. 1av1elt4 In tOWn, the gueet a '$fr.. and tkliocoKse' She te 81:Yearie•Ot i.tge and still enNY* the bvot a health. Tier friend*are tweed -to *W. ' 1,14 'I'm '?.. Y total • . i a 4. It :,znc.”14t- .dought,ir.Mi� Woe 114Ot .W01* CAS, .140 to atotterdlaw), r*.: C0410* .o.lottri, tind, t __betesearyi,th.e irved tproottix1 sloe tcrn . 04 he would thee a joiid: , u front hoth, *We. The , old taaaJcay • repaired but he ho, t would not be lodlichave. 'let4tted that #22.0.00. would neroase the debt too .inuch , for toWit .titte -partieuiIY, as he / ;When** notch 'a* MVO acme Of. -rwithin the corporation Watk.0.- tini) thep torw* inauele It was Ptrit. propertythought the 'bond* .could never be 4014 and The credit of the town much impaitiSd. -Fie, wished not to * the necessityof waterworks, "ep wth*ant Itohtt, manyitre1nItie41,411:oeterrr inattraitekae raPreantliteelms,wro;141r44' "be - *Medal risk* alter the by- tein of fire proteellent had been nstafltd Th.' Ott answered that Mr. ald bOt/t-' 'vox cent. I 0 t before the lystern weir nit • .satiefaction could be 1 the rIters,..4 .no sWud be pae.d In st G. f c2ass 13, as• ni. Bet. an fire_ protection would r terrine from the ante companies. 110 sttd. . not vilith • use the titteadoit at better insur. n, otos, tor the taienue to be Orly. ed front peorile 'using. water' for„ lawn*, le., although he had considerable en. pautagement elm* those lines-. 'Whet the town needed 'MA *lad tOrs)(100t, -VMS better fire protection, and that Wee the *in thing to • retuddered Datedert. thought Another, t f the river health*. Mr, U0Wardla could seemed and be Inert Ignitable. jx onliderabit discussion tOok-Placit: thfji point wit: the reoult, that ttearlY. tt, .11 Were in favor of the UoWartt property beltrtn0iulta417itZrtt eiaee,4ilno.:44avetetz4i d *rater boilers , met 0, Exeter, Steen. las/ Thursday.' The ors W: two gancs by,-;,ItatroW -while Exeter Wort two OY consld bis margin in each case, and were I �n the 4ttro play. 0. Mori Etthotp,,Wairlt ad or in the afternoon d N. D. but In tbe tvenlng teat_ to W. tretdenharruner,, B. . Of $014on, R. N. Creech end P W. alga man 2440,. D. Brown, '0...Brown, Dr*. 1,44 H P. Eing:r-tor. Orediton. ost in the afternoon to 3 Pedlar,' M. Beretiford, lox *Beebe, O. W. liarrisiOn 4.14, but Womin.the evening against Mutat. NV May, II Anderson 414 4* Taylor, - • • .11101, • . I jitI I 1 • " • Dok nO 0,, A OrttLICW.Aritiftt i0"tera or* cti a Waists an, Wititeuear. ood wage's. itteedY We HITEWEAB\M'X ' The'tundereighott 1.- offering for I t'at valuable 100 aeriefeittn, being tAtt stcoon,, Alicleertet and in' Oltd atatet,of caltivattiotl. Feces good • wet' under.drained With tile., About vine drff of orehard.. Tvg0, atOrY 110:01 briek cottage - and „barn; also eemeot 010 lEglitrea geed wells at water and, ilk, tint leteek* 000 ktuerter, mile Zroin hOol and two, mile* trent petal 'ostioroon Ettoon itt the tall, Aply to itittyT0te )341010, ,CitiftTrtottftit, OND , On the whale' Tannin** riC at Go4. • tournement played .c fine 'genie, , fulling six Ansi losing three. Twice he e_elentt-finals, . o .1,101c. Was not IMO Thi$1" *eh 1wO antt. !Oat thrill* 1,10 410;*: 4`414tan b**1011 IWere 4$4Zk d* r4 AraCt Oland three Olkinelf WliMing two Ertl losing' four. Pot oranton 1 Andre** as *OP twit to 3. rJTt to Dickaori 21414 while 0ornish ' Granton wen trent Ifh et4r1stie*46 Miro Joil Deft* lgatt," end lotit43.W. W 1amait 1741. The totel result was hat riatterAottri-git Otortht-ttiter** . Zoos-Thtiey lluegeitted *that the east'+eidf----of.-Moiltt—street-for.--* water supply -was preferable, owing to the fake thaOmutit of the dritinage of the town went in at the bridge. ' Ciladinart toolc.oscePtion the nwfl 4;3 re ats 'at gr. 4. .Cottles. Ir. J. Willis Powell waif at III$th t. :Malt week on A butanes* trtin ' The: Mt:sees' Rudolph Kirldon are vlsitins at the home. ot Mr. I) Wood. Wm. Witeon of 'Batter ha* purcitaie in treborne., near Bettie**. iles Mary E. Taylor has returned bollit-'after-spendiste—OVitl-inorithei-414 her sister, MrsE. Horn • Zion. if your *Item, vacation. trip .beeins too long to. YOU; Juliet tell her you are avin a *hate ..of a time. Shell •Vehltq Thomas and !rs. Judge :havore- turn:ell. to their r.e.specttie hoinee, atter epetulIng a -kW ileys with their brother Mr. , Wm. Whiteford. *ire W._W. Hunter, & ineinbcr or the. Union Oink staft,In the Welt,: has been trattiferied front . the Ninga, tx..4.001* to the 'Saskatoon, < Salk., branch. glut Palo' Itodgeog; ,who ha* been spending otr voeitiOn here_ and -with her Ogee, grit, S. Itbicat of .Wildwpott returaett to . 'Hayfield Saturday. Hindman .performed • ritical opera- tion on iier throat last, week. Which, was eery' euee'essfolit: • Anders -on,. a ,fitriner !rind. of the Exeter tiitooi, after !ew days With Wend* in toWn, lett Monday for. his Iteene In the 006 t Where he Coeduets,* .radelceli stem Anderio-n; :Oho lia* 'tom yIsltIng h. -re., for overarareate, Mtn' $4, Cicbrat'o: at A*forth...,e 00tie,-of '110tlitrolareltavint liration InSeeforth on Wednesday nett, August 25th. Special feature" are tte, atirort` garathon-Beet bicycle ,rateetthe Barei .get. .1.401low..local recta, batiehall match between ,Goderleiti and giteheil. • Grand. Concert in the eventogt ift4itrt.Eddle Bigitott will be aesleted by the Kittle* band and. piper* and ,detncers. Single rate -Art alif railway*, • It - will be regrettable news to manyt. learn that gr. mime* ' nemtr. or; ilaserroerli• or _triehorh * Among the untOrturiatietthiltedo bl the recent heavy *to.ret in the Vest. SI* entire .trop "ot 400 acie* was coot. Pletely destroyed. , is 'said. ' hail" stone* to the., Wee of plgeon *eggs -fell, stitch quantity and with' -tetteh torte thatIthe craps:were itterally beaten In O the eirolo4. glillAECVI0140 FOR .3.0WORIZA-11014 Trio f011o*Itig are ilte -sielletions for ,mottoriuttot, for the. fl1gI 001001 Ent the Isamlnattoti tken front the.** . Vital .tatinttade, 1P-fi The Private of the.,Butte'0. 111 ,Auttint ,Woodie/ to 1.00i To the Cluekett p. .106; 5,0,34‘4010, of 1.41.; Mat, "4. US; addlni 'o„, 0414 ne$ T'Oou. 1.,tott Bork on What he:th Been,1,1. p ,209 ' from • lit gennorien"i,.Myeteriotts. 2444 (steOnet)• tt., • ti.04 ; .00 tit*, Blitt4neset 9a; 'The liarit that Onto through' Tee. et Baile. p. p. 40itt A. • k4 .. • . TIIItEE itIOCIMPitt4, .114.11t into'. Outdoes* Ooltige. has: ;:\40d,. three at: atteresstui: year* and we .'under tand that proepeitet for the coming year trigliter „-itteh ,Atter. Te gradtiatea o .0..,B.014Vare now occupying O the, fin4e t. popition* in tint • leading nadian, and Anti/dean eltleitt ln Wt. 1.3rge Ii*obtr are thy:at:rt.:, **.PeeLchtr* o other inivitteit. Mileget..4 Ung Matt will° Is * graduate .0t the' Godr1cai "brittle), ,Inee'recently been ap- pointed eominereial• teacher in :the .11410, gest commercial ached Pa the OW Of Toronto. Ai C1thtrias prod to „itteh ait **(latent :ceittie Mr. '00-otton tlae detertulited to toy ..00oetai. &tomtit:0 to t4ei,asItt01and _** the 'citisent Itokroa are ever loyal to their own cOuntY he l'unitidetttly,,:,-ooteloodies #zes4oltit pat- roaage Of all wtho cfl Huron Melt home The' Preetige which the C. 04, C. e:tjoy 'beitoi Bole ,Of 0,theithea• Greitteit Oialtrtat IVO; -.Grade, Acteati-Unaltieste .tkiwoass. (1411: graduate*to get the beet' Paintloul4; The Vali tarn, Of this extelleht ,ochool -eitette let, In Exeter, be! g and 51, ttift- bperty ;cottage (brick foundation) ran' *10114 !Ive room$. ientf a gOtidi'-',Oiller. leo well awl a large otob10. o '4404 i'ruittree*, pro- aerty 1 to 1* sold to wind ult•tht **tate -Apply 10 ULAD)iA4 & ..„Lester, ittotarittf t'&t the &asc..znert book Y .hoWed attir ron se OW»Ing drat the required 26 acre*of farm property, ***that there vleadritriluineittlidriyotiniteionotetwhoilantosk,a teettOy. hair Of the town',.times;te said, were odd'. by •\busilittitet inent, who ,wer assessed ale nuteA for file toet as in* Place* were isleseased. for one-fifth 114 erre. It 'is then a matter .of anti went. not of the Juriount land held. frhtli4teu, oetinetigiz, nisb;11,14, . ewe, !total ta etpliereut "1111, large *mount Of the testa. tion 12...Do we require better tire piltettiont Ile thinight,ao. The _ elitein I* 'not gotSt eaouth. eutimitted goad plan pt *totting ths ater. The.praPinittletn seethe to be threUghl. as it' forms the nut oX al.eornplete....eeeteinl. The *tan ppc lonectanutry to rgive etuiek'lest Af Stewart.' was, iitrongl fe the Proposition and Ortai t :d In every way. We would. trtaLiy better Intifteranteltatei and if we tor PrOtott104 we would not 0 terry as much Ines:ranee. • Mr. 11. *. Pickert.'thOuglit wit would let no better iniuretrice rate unite*, Pt a PerMehent engineer and a patd Ire ad*. ilittught, ihe propos- tlo:i gacd, andfl we wael4 not Okr should *Awe a *tit* ,multt be olttyt, Wit Mu* t omelet .0 later. , is skid not be ' o Way tot lot .1t. itichardn.. n Vaborric on Auguat tritht to 3Ir. and gra. Richards, a 14seter, ear Aug. 15tht *gr. a,;n1 Mrs. ilerbert. Azt*, a clauwitter. Atitinsotb..4-itt Biddulpit,'ozisli.„.ug, Stit, to M. and Mr. Jae. Atkinsion, aon. Gladetone, Mc in.. on .ioly to ge.,4314 ko. 1crett. a artat ilir • ' 4th, _ _ Ir.. aW4.3 *on; Ar. liockie.ingcaitlivray. . hth to •Mr. and Mr*, Jae. Bock, twin eons. Stephei2tug. Ottruto gr, and 1,qrs. Ernest Mallard, .a Magieeon.—Tif-Stephen, 'Oft/Aat.g. lith, to Mr. and Airs. David r4, lotion, 4 eon. Cowle-13ialr-4t Grand. ValleY, �1UN" 1, gr. J. 13. ,CoWic of Aliso. Craig, to,.. Aline Jcseic Blair of Grad. Yeller • • Vb-rbett—Phreburni-At Ilenattik, on Aug. 10 1ncd Corbett; to Miss VInoburth itieee of Mr, James o'Brien, all of iiax a Snell—In Val:write, Ateme Snell, beloved wife 01 gr. George Etrieringtorn aged ad years. 11. Moire thin , Grieve—In AlcGillivray. on AS.ust., 5th, Wet Grieves, relict of the tate Thom** •Ozirtreiga, • tVrtakkitall—Iti laAleArts August lath!. -Mrs. Annie ge;Qougallt aged to and A moriths,,k' *- V' • Ornyth. .At levant August 11, razabgat, 8inyth, Wile of the lite MontgontoirY *flitb leaaed the store Prottert Mr ZXt. aroderlek, eitreett4 announce to the public that 1' halte,„ lipetted out Itnelftetell In the. line t rat Phials -fans. lel..0triit POOP, .ST6,01:. poop. Pau& ifti BAT, Ertit4117,. _AM KINDS 00 $314CDS, Tams, pivt rm. Tour iatranw: and *elicit call from yea . Ai