Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 7 (2)W.17.
, At
r,. A"
bigh- twJtres,iz,. NiIent.
11, whic}i i' .- .,
by i A and .
are being ally 'visiud
e ling eeriati.
The 4re zfft cted usually
m*l1 and individuaJ, are *Of-
*qt.:aunt 1,
gregate will not melon-
Ily uffer from this se.i -
IIoethern in centre' askitebe.
ifl ifee;f5oe
atter grains
gving'rktt,&uL. ftin Olds
te*ttzck the greini„but
lzkcly to affect snytnitig -*orient
fied*with the" settling et Om weather
it is. oaf* to say that better then
,en average-erep will Noe -garnered,'
' he heeviest rain of several.se*.
' tell her on Thursday alter*
F4 ore preceded hail.
Thg Mau -up Illegal Llquor
A slespiteli from Owe* Sound
*aye: Fines, totalling $1,1.50, were
collected on 'Wednesday from thre
hotelmen -and One drug store -keeper
In*peetor Zebu Ayeret's mow. Wil
en and Donald,IVCQueen
of the Duncan Reese had two vo
'each • registered against
them and were . assessed $100 on
-.each theme. lierb \WIWI:* of the
t',,retitral lied his barkeeper were
a*esod!leo, one hundred on the
Mtyon the--stiefoudv--1,;70.
pleaded guilty to two
cbarges,and WAS assessed legroo on
each, andsoste, John Cothet.
'o the itoyal Hotel contributed
, 100 on *AO charge. The veete.were
=added in ench ease A eharge
isgamst Bert Howard of- the ,Pater.
4021 BOUEO WAS adjourned for orie
week. The 'ltotal amount in lines
and st* wilLexteed
Feet Ceitelies` Go••Oiree, Esalbsiuk4
merit West of NertIsik
A deep:at-hit from North B*7 says
The 0. P. R. Attaiitic. Entrees, due
-North Day at 8.65 OU !flawed
ht, wasilitched
two 01:elock
Tke, express *a. 5peedillg i&kng al
a good rate,. when tindclemiy, with
out warning of..aoyi kind,. the pas-
sengere were startled by terrible
'sheds and the -crash of smitehing
timbers, a the ..Cars left the reit:it.
bucked and ed in the_ stir,_
410..KITO A
vation car, and s first-eless car
were piled up at the bottom of the
hill. Ineltseigetion revealed a num-
bee of pestengere injured, but none
seriously, so far as ten, be aseere
tabled. The, cane of thr AftitiOnt
15 unkwown at -present, wes
delayed from Aye to: ten hours., . •
Montreai 'P)*tome,.:Wae arreated
on athArise of stealing letteff.
*army • ucgOlielneterilt4ita aist4retrees4tedtr:"eili
ihrnilton on * /charge of robbing
the tompany.
The .ittiawtLy
On Wei dec.dcd treinstal tcep inc"
oenettiotee at various places on
thejr nue..
*rely Fergueon ,,tif Tor.nt fel
r the batik ger River a'
'tas•oraved by his otlung eatchies
to-USItAbT# fifty feet eiewa tha
3:5,.,.atnd itroig baker',
un trak1 Vorento;',,
ern, Georgusn ,Bay torte; No.
2 at OLIO, and No. a: *t 0.410,
.<01tirvAtou'---4,0Y4 }40, 2,
Barleye.0141No. 3 extra, 01 to
utside. Leo\
. month
who *atilt
Duggan, Ives also amitotic
menthe or a fine of thirty
The Ierotherhoed of
Firemen a
in. favor n resolu-
unThFte merle -*i;e1 t hper
• 'CR
tion h accide in tonne
'Emperor Nicholas concluded
*sit to King Edward ou Thttreel0
efeertioon, and on beard the Im-
perial yacht" -Standart, he left
Cowes for 1001,, eseorted by Ruse
sian and British cruisers.
dent T gued the
111 at Washington
w orn 1141
li track, Toronto, and $2 to
' NO. '2 Western Can,
, 47e, and NO: 3, 46e, tsott
ices ninnal.:
Buckwheat---Prces nominal. •
2 Ainerican
l'ec on track, Ter4tito,
dian Allow, /to- to-76,e.re,ftaeico
19.50 to $$0 for Ontario
an outside in bulk. Mitnitoba,
in eacks, Termite freights;
orte, $24, Toronto freights?
their ix-ya.old daghter to
*i her e out. „T
wee, o pieniee, and
returning me.(, found ,t 0. ,child
Weattby Audftur Wu
ed by Theai.
despatch "Eton illaae,
tea, east The Ito Wit.'
Methodit xninister, ,ve*
.t y for
o t a
v ee
nions while ,pastor churxth.
iiib they attended., Mr. Davis
ealthy, and was in1Pressed
h tile brevity and pointedneee
he sermons: of Air. Williams
it he determined to 'make him
Pendent. The deed opecifies the
ity of Mi. Williams' discourses
the consideration received- for
land. The'sixty acres comprise
'of the•rnest 'fertile 'tracts of
td in Meintgomery county.
Oft 'Malan KIlled and4tuoth
.Fatally Iujurcd.
A despatch from
are, says. .r A clo oc
rrod her* on
ogre whereby
:er, aged 37, of Moostirnin,was
ly floured, and MrF. 't
• - Vila lives ix iniLu
'The elder lady awl 046 b10
"were drivizg near the 0.
IL tracks when the horee became
6ontrollable and ran, into an
eestboiind train. The instegled re -
Mains of the horse: were parried a
hundred yards and the train stop-
ped. Mrs. F.11. Granger, who was
childless, was quite dead, • but Mrs.
11. If. Granger lived for A ShOrt
time after 'the avoid:44. The lat-
ter leaves .Ahree __children and
Yu,. *bawl.
In holdup
cornered by thei
* ion on traek
gtlee- here, and ' lower
Straw—$7 9740 eite track.
Potatoca—United States new,
$3 per barrel; new Canadian, $1.
10' to ieLle.eier bushel.
Poultry — Chickens, yearPlee
dressed, 12 to 13c per lb.; fowl
to 10e; turkey*, .14 to 10c per 1
yne JiuttcrJbound prints, --1,9 to 20c
tuba and large rolis, 18 to 19e; in-
ferior, 15 to 10e; treamery, 23- to
24.10, and. separator, 10 to 20e per
Eggs last et% to 22e per
Cheeee !aria
With -Seven WI
A dteh from Cbarlettetown,
:ete_teA dioWiting accident,
t" in the loss,9/ four lives.),
marred heye -.Ehursday. A
rty of eiglit left the city for a
re resort opposite Charlotto-
lobster boat to pii,e
co e e next.o
neeessary to land in
leaky craft. Seven of
n weielon board and When
f the distanotelad been'travern.
itiank. - The drowneI are
tiin. I Gallant,Rory Gallant
am Barnett and DenielM5iL-
Ephraim. Gallaot` leaves a
ow and one ton. ' .The ethers
ere from 0 to 23; unmarrie-d,
11r. -Cornier Orereouteby. Oas at
Legal, 'Alberto.
-4 despatch-. --from, Til19ri***
„Nitta., says:A Sad fatality oecurred
at Lewd, twenty miles north,.
Tweeday. A eon of Aug. Cornier?
digging a well, dOtOOted, PE. JLow
ver he eentinned fa w
eighbor eittned Roam
iti thewell. Cor.nier,
ent to the resent and also,:
pseel.' The lad immediately "ierie
to ail,001110e$: for assiststoor*rxt
Vhe men -were ismitptly removed
from the well. 1 Thiehoni although
down ,,t11.61- longest, thenke to. a
etrone.ionetitutione. soon teeovered
coneeionsnese and vigor, but. Cole
t,I149! WILE; deed :wli&n, removert
Righty theUsand Merl have been
locked out by ereployers in Sweden.
The British steamer Maori tonns,
tiered on the South African ,coast.
A *ember of towns in the Span:
isleprovince of Catalonia have pre.
claimed a republie.
The British..i.stearner Waratu
n route from.. Sydney. N.S.
with 300 persons, aboard, is Mis
Charles'Browie a Buffiilo b
omitted siiieide on board
steamer Vadertand near
ifirk te„4-e tee* Wa1aie
dly lajureit
• patch' from Lethbridg
aa man Lewitt John%on; age
Poreupiue m
rectilito an4 fatal aceklent .n
Wedimsday. ile was digging a
beside a hi" bonider
whenthe boulder,slid in o* 1izn,
half' „finrying hiel,e and forcing tho
piek into Ids leg froreithellankh, ti,
the knee. 110 was there 49 hours
before the neighbors diecovered *rid
resceed huin. He was taken to
Pincher. 'Creek Ifo3pits1,,, but soon'
brother h at. apttor in
Trailers Bat* I!,
. •
on_...,.e.tong, gee.. 1314 '440
per Ib. 3n 'calm . tete; mess pork,
*23.50; short eut,.*28.50' to *20.
gams—Light to mediutu, 1534 to
JGe. do.,
1.4 to 14*;
to l3c; shouldere„ le to 123e;
bkei 13_ ..,41$140, and breakfast
baeon, 10N": to‘
Lard --Tierces, 'IVO; stubs, 1.4Xo
•ti ph me.
.,outresd, Aug. 10. --Oats .
'Canadian. Western; 40 to 5Ii;
o. 1 extrarfeed, 40,1 to
1. 0,M,'4914 to 1.103:401../g(4._'
an Western,' -40. Up. 150e. Rarley
71 to.12e; Manitoba feed bar.
MO to -Om- -Buckwheat —•-"693-
heat patents, firsts, tets.30; Mani.
t bie Spring whtst patent, tee -
$4# $64S0;:Wititer Wheat patents,
itlatnytbita' strong ',bakers,
3.G1; ttai1it ,s, to
-traigbt rofler in Wigs, $
shrt', $1; pure grain
30.. • (4 erns,
crcniery, 22c.
No. 1 ee
Chieg 0. Ilea
* '4-'4' red, $1M211too.
o. 2 bard,
. ' 1.O4,,,, - 66 to 07c;
eft. cf.;*02fl' ec•ii' °
t 1. 11.00
o 't No. 4, $2 to OW/ Ote
o. 2white,i 30e ;',NO.. 3 whit1 37
r standard, e.
i lis , Aug. 10.-."Whe
. If: to *1.01; Dee., e`
No. lNorther
l Noi tliern, $1.43;
No ' 19 to 1.11; ,
Durum. 1 No. 2 Durwi
014? 100.1b.
N. 'lour t pat*
VI; seeond.Patetits, 11 .
lint clears, $4.95.to
clears, *a.so to EL o
•.t/VE S
e espotident • f
he London Tekgrapb 'rkys that
tr e ptesent quiet is restor
et here are eqtaiti doubts 'wile
the revolution has received its
iath blow: 4:litartial lotw is still
te The 'civil guards and pro,
Armed with rilles,„ still patrol.
streets. The wholterite
priseners Alter toatquartial
111 ges en at the Vortress of
.:ntjuich. Il1IIi41r states that the
y'1uti nits will mence
'omit to nut�
15 on the urti.
T espondent, sT es
'41st nitszp 401(1a:tee,
14).-10 revolution; shootin
eaeh .ther with tiiy title*, And t
ing "Viva la Itepithlice."
thiret'it would take, volumes
tolibe the tles,olition now or
ing ,its eloak over Zareek•ns. In
poskin of thot,ponvent Church
tif the le#,
peculiar Injury to is rouag Woman
Year Sudbury.
A deepatel from Norte Boy says:
A peculiar aecieletit oceurred
the O. t==P R. T*.ronto.Suribury
1tornford, ere miles t of Sud.
. Arms, Dube, young wo-
1nar.4-eighteen yea of litanup,
s....walking with her slater along
he traek when a work train tip-
peosehed. The lipreading metal
--witigs of the gravel, ploeglt
Emma full in the face, breaking her
brala iug
-face. ShoAS taken to Sod-
ury Hospital, w 0--ere'Llies in
critical conditien,..
lSt. John, N. IL, Boy Valls Fijom
A despatch from St. ,lohn,„
alip3; Victor Nicholson, a *fifteen.
year.olfl 1444 while walking in. his
his sleep on Iffotineoclay night at
his home, fell from an open win-,
id.ow in -the third story to. the aide -
walk *below altd .was instantly
killed. . The boy's mother beard him
roving about his rom, anefruitted
in ieetime to grab, thee -boy's night
Shirt 4$ 110. VAAp. ittnixigo but the
garment parted in her bands oin.4
he boy 3Vatt :lathed to death, his
sktill being truth
Death of Alexander *. Scott at
London, Ont.
A despatch from London' .
Mr. Ale*. M. Scott died here o
Wedneday.night, aged 100 years
d 2 months. Re cerved ,under
pitman in 1831, was in Cantor-
tirt.durieg the gold 'mete anti was
a veWrart-e-1---:Americttn. -Civil
'Wan Ile: lived here 40 year. His
tether lived to be 134 Aild a sister
died in Scotland 3 years ago aged
102. .0f a family ofsix the youngest
o die was 90.
q e
e , A U E 1 1/01.1
4, arrest , Mita Urge
eridereon, She is charged with,
e• theft of ,Se,t42 from. the Thou-,
rIs14.4 . Railway Company, o
ch sie '' otos - bookkee ' r,,,olto
k\the that ofls. 1.. *570
rem, the Axle (oiiany paid "
freight ehargcs, and anfher
elittee for $93.01, ;psid by s -retail.
velem:- Before Jeetite of .Peot •
Murphy *he pleatAled not guilt and
was allowed to'go on 'Ai f $0,000.
This, weedc
eortelu t
&. Th boy waa arrested
utiy w e
re:1446 U1*,Aom • 9. boys si a
Dr el Says -Ontario I'd
re CAN ,Beat the Warble
A deePateli from Ottawa; 'moil
iAnngotoliteirroruetioorretfa.abey-o_reireefettrhiceiteimo welt,
*hoz* be iasned by Dr. Ilsienel„
Dire0or of Mines.haft recent-
ineestigateel the•elegrie melting
process of the world and as found
bat ixty 4e4olsteeetric furnace S alre.
f(sur ears. In Sweden the cost o
emelt ug is $12.40 a ton, but in
his r ort Dr. Resat:I will oey that
Nsith the abundance of water -pow-
ers in Optario and Quebec the. cost
in Canada should, „be- inuabi lower.
ligitt rotuti Iran 1 -
Prom a, Tree.
, .
A despetch film Brantford sayer
pars Braithwaite, Ar 104 thi teen
years' of age, the daughte or
George Braithwaite, hotelkee i at
Ilarrisburg,--- was • found hanging
from a tree in the orchard near her
father's house early on *Wednesday
tvening. The body was *firat no.
tieed by the *raw of a Grand Trunk
train running past the spot. ,Tho
train was stopped and the crew, o
twin the body down, founcelife
extinct , The case is thought to
auicide,' although a Motive is 'lee,
rOrtsigars Ruler Accepts invlintiett
• i„ .
Frew Wog Edward.
,despatch from Lieb•en,' iaysz
Meiniel hes aceepted an 4mi-
•-ion-from King--Edt.vard to visa*England in the -early .Automn. The,
invitation was emiehed in moat tor.
ems. No, menden of Xing
Illehetle:°•-tzwPtiillif1718°bun:istdrglic4get:rsiTedatsh-daiutn:rtinhitgf tibt1;i:1114:
, *WM
-rummy _nzaiit. moss.
Fuji:Tear's Givn *fore
They %tile Err
- A despatch from Ottawa says:.
The new interne,tional regulations
to govern the fieheries. of Canada,
and the 1,7nited, States, agreed open
Prof. E. B. Princeaud
)avid*-- Starr --4,6*Ritn4, W411 ireit go
into ---,effect -until --1911.,' They "will
pUblit)1Cd simultaneously' in De.'
bet next,„ -No that 4 full year's
ixiVp4 to all eon -
ort14, W
ts,"\at Binnfford.• ,
h froni llrzntfird says:
Twetit disl1&rs and eosts was .th*
Ane itn00$etl hY Police Magistrate
'f.ivingston on 'Wednesday in rig
on .Gettrek;. Getild for *lathing s.
ley Scott, 'prriprietore•ef the Lang-
foi4d Rotel) with it razor last week..
- b
sink* of th tt1ker
ably swelled. ,
'ke 08[110 for Wdn
or anizatioe*
uzIn. with thee' ,*
tomtit. deg, Are mining t
for aeltprofotion.1, The gun shop*
the, city *re 'prnotitally denuded
ij revokers and *Ad stroll arm.
Although the railro0 men hiv,
not ecidid ;to strike, 'the ilovert.,
is faking the 'preettutMa tG
tack* with troops, fear.
to Mow up brMtm or
of theor
• 0