Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-17, Page 8 (2)L',
! '414eetv leer ai► ' Su1ti and ttie, Aturik
-will look will Seel you` *a Well ss
**feet, fit We swill: •'guarantee you,
"fr* erre .rrupulously carotin to fit obit
our patrons to pertection, as every gar--
Oen; that leave oyer eetabli& rent t...
comes assn ad
v+e'rtiattern'>,elat for Us. We will
give you your choice of ttl a .finest and
newest fabric*. We do the . resat,,
..ill" ' ani Tailor,
- Ontario
Ruiiiss' ticiIs Rsad T
fl i. -.
1. ,
104,11 =.sr
Any person wishing Buckwheat for
weed can get same at the grist milt.
- W'ileat,- Oats and Barley _wanted at the
rys- a axe trimmer
t et 8terasrart et, ' `Regular value 8 to 5
+t:ars---more qu(ck x
I'Ive good reecotad hand Bicycles for
sale cheap. Jon Trfebner, Exeter.
IQc the yard for your choice of any
colored Dress 3fur1ins at Stewart's --reg-
ular values 15c to 2.c --move quick !
Ttie members of Court Exeter. 123, 1.
0. F., are requested to meet at the
Lodge room at t.30 a. m., cnn Sunday,
June 20th, to attend divine service - in
the James ' street church. -
2 for 25c -...aeries' black and tan Hose
—,plait or ' ribbed ----regular value 20c
and 25c. 2 pair for a quarter. &tewc-
_- To-yearn-teaitoring. . :-Tom....
30 $aantleU Room Rugs, in Wrists,
Velvets, Balmoral, Brussels and Woote,
all at bargain prices at Stewart's. Do
you want one? -
SSUBSC'RIBE for the Advocate and
get all the ,news. ,
$11.00 imp a- shell -tri ,i'orc4Zas*
Aisii ,Dinner Se: cit Stewart's. ` ,Pure
wh,tt body with neat pink floral decora-
tiokts and gold tracing?,
Repair Shop
Gun repairing
Umbrella repairing
Lawn Blowers sharpened
Knives & Scissors
LL Horse Clip ;
-Saws d r i e s t o: e and -Bled
Wringer Rollers.
All kinds of keys filed and
locks repared.
New Bicycles and " Sundries
Guns a .t.
std tlatmur���on - in
J. .r IEN
Three doors North of Post OMDce •,
Off With the Old
011, kith "the New
� t belong tilt your
Utah* turbot to sea new
for Spring'. Thlu arcs
*OR: WM bs more, than ever
In advance with neW `et
and tabor*.
l r fir
erda�: ern 1Iliettrth, , a Xn ±fit t, a .f Srde
aattaNi2 W ol'1 o1uE%tteMrre, ASS- en; loos
t « '$r1.`r is col /tied 'rte Meet bid
Beat h Illnoose the result of a41191.14
•crajid tifid4e, 'Will, be heli.
i t geedQn 't►Sl Zelyeceitette. at
sir eeteri here. «ndt
.Wit. Il. Geinrg . e lit.0'.el'e . hie few Nate. ttie
Ali»sermo n• on the everraingleet the ante in, cure, eree'eleller
Take Vali titrest tr�keo Ire . rte .The aro liaaoi
salt o.ff teens eve: a''a ISpublishing true.gligienrneiti,»t a
Pad . or two :t`, '*set r , I0OPie. rravx
�Pt: 't 1* d T to "*ttena,
'!K alia`SartCe#tee ` ,
.1611 of td to J
• ' "* 4 'tete ea to u do Y wed • Juoat Whet
trET�' crt pe tateded. Toe '1*the , time °Of
Pee Petr when: we peed a ' rain' like+ that.
at 1'ea*t once,* wsek`.
The teesonle brethren fl attent:1'04ne lie
vire In the Trivitt I+teii>loxlai ehureh on
the morning of the 27th, When the Weir
twater, +Thee ` D w.t limp, will 'preach.
. t�� �?e' t''Ra;at When #!�
Ilirdar cannot o t
kg Is bent, and that to the reason ithey
do not tail oft their perch; It you watch
a hen walking you will reptico that it
closer it* toes as it raleettl the toOt'o
oPe10 Cheat air at touches' the ground.
Its is an old prtoveirb that when drunk
a Frenchman went" to dance, a G erll an
to sing. s Spaniard to gamble, an It le
San to boast, an Irishman to fight, an
Englishman to eat. an American to
make a speech. 1
Dr. Nell Gunn. brother of the hate 13,
B. Gunn, ht. 1'.. of Seaforth, died to
California on June the 7th, from better
burned in a fire In his taabratory. After
graduating sat_. ..9ll'1,.. toh,.
ala :d ireCa2St.ifurM Mahia., urys ntil 1901, then _naov
-.t.YILL:i+•�L F�V"rr".7 :Y^'�"^'G:'^M *rrIts.ss,oL'!WV✓s..... 4iwoo YCSiaz, •
editor e'"l -think lntk* ottend- tospend
their -money for paper, my daddy didant
and everybody seed he was the intern -
Inns man/amity-of
In the country, and had the
smartest /amity of t that -even duo .
ged tatters."
Ira Rice of 11% 141 cils,rged... +..ith. Ott
of 44'tiQ, 4l'�l a�u h
t ehetren 013 gu14y+4
rill Wit' to. :decide°
sod •T y nl ht.
to to nna
± 1O*ed ' rr':'..
On •• ui1 the•Ont
It took plsci *it Ray d9fr,
ll � alta., `et• a pf+�t` ter' lady*,
,y �,�. Co , est thtirt ottl r,
a wIte'!.44-4041. H.. Pat
teroon. . th Was ' the : sult - at
givi eg berth .ter ehint.�'the 1 ray:. '
Mr. Wielrlenl tm r at th recent meet-
Ow 'of the County Council 'reidiFued as
examiner oe the public and eantirnuatioin
graduation elaaaaes of ,Nest Huron and
dude, Miert ot C ton was aap-
potrated Ir hle piece, r. Weldeanl ani ce
wale eappointed to the Board of caesura.
intra of the High etctw:ol. District of
West Huron,
Bayes and girls should: learn to *what
sass It Is sn accomplishment that may
saeavee their own lives and abase of Others.
Having leuarned to swim they should
next learn, bpwvever. not to take risks
by awlmaming when o'ver'heated. or just
after sating a hearty meal. No matter
how well one amine", there Is need for
good aenire and caution.
The many friends here and elsewhere
of Rev. R. J. M. Perkins ot fnaGersoil,
a termer rector of the Trlvittenior-
h, - 1P -ie ascii wltb much regret
that he � been obliged' to give up his
cha�arge fora timed at least 'to go *bowl
l _ E, • !.
,b n 'ft .t'ttt'd '65!it l AL -Revere . at c k• ----of
`nerve trouble.
Under the heading "The right man in
the right plata" the -Clinton News -Record
last plc gave an excellent write-up of
a former Exeterite, Mr. L. C ! Fleming,
County Secretary of the Y. M. C. A ,tel
iL!en spoke .ot-rt e-## e euro
one In the interest of the Association,
aby this tactful and energetic leader. the
whole of which The Advocate fully en -
orates. He is certainly The Bight man
n The Right Place..
for Election last 'week= at Goderich, and f d
elected to be tried by :Ills Honor with-
out a jury. The defendant entered a d
plea of not guilty and his trial was
set down for Tuesday, July 6th.
Don't Leave it. --It tame out in court1 A game of football "Friday night
at Walkerton at a recent tassel that tween the Y. 3i. C. A. and Country
fre1g}at le!t at the station after Its at,- is on the School sounds resulted
rival for iotnger than 30 hours is held Ina tie, 1-1. The
Y. Ili, C. A. boys
at the risk of the party to whom It Is have not been beaten this seaaepn and
consigned. ?.lerchaunts should see that we understand In order to meet their
their freight is delivered Immediately on Waterloo they have challenged the re
receipt. O. O. F. for a game. Although the
Uddfcllows have not a tearer of football
l:a the House of Refuge the present prayers organized they will likeiya accept
number of inmates Is 69. who are maim- the chaltengej should it br made.
tallied at an average coati of $1 a week.
The farm crop is 8 acres of oats, 5
of barley, 17 of manglers, two and a half
of sugar beets, . 2 of potatoes'! tem of
hay, a nice garden of fruit and the tial•
ance in pasture.
An exchange says that alcohol will re. using when by a small advertisement,
move trans status from summer clothe" costing .only • a trifle, will saver you all
The exchange la right. It will also re- the trouble. The same three ,applies to
move nunuxren elothea-when used to -_cart1c1cs -tor-sale; Cr. - A. -mall- *dine
cess and also spring and ,winter+ clothes 1 tiecenent in The Advocate will do the
work -- every time.
About eighty tickets were sold at
this station for the Farmers' Acle-
sion to Guelph on Friday, Last. Through
sorne hitch on the part of the- Grand
Trunk no special train was provided,
hence those gping had to take the reg -
tar at 6 45, while some refused tp go
and demanded their _mon>e}y_back. _ -
-- e' oweveer, was made up at Lou-
don but it arrived at Guelph one hour
lat_r then schedule time. The Farmer's
Ifstitute• will have' a gopd • case for
damages against the Grand Trunk for
breach o contract.
.1.fi�..1...A. M1,.t,4,11,011.pry,
.10..4,17 1
nOtiri, +iWtr.a family •
Pfkr Cr :l 40,
, ;:i 13,3' Fy:tt1*�o� 1 it► 1r.
tr d + `earn the Mere,!:s.Mt. Or y i1 4
agreed to ' tepeethir respeetiVe PIa 4
Of busMtnelep..s' arty int' e.uo p., m, excel ,
ft wedge ►y, and >5 turday.. many a ;
them mem to takes drlticd • away from,
the egreernrnept. Vats should not
You.Y all need a little time for revive.
1 and .it , the old agreement dote' net
stand good 'then make haste to have
e new one drafted ane • eye up to It.
HICKS' •WEtTij 2 b'Oti' JUNE.- .
regular storm period is central, on the
21st, ,covering the Putti tee the 23
The cul►in.atio:t of the June solstice
falls precisely at this period. In all pro
bebl:ity the prezedtng period will bee pro-
longed into this period by daily thus. -
der stem* each afternoon and evenbj
Great fluctuations of the barometer,
with high temperature, great humidity,
and startling electrical displays are to
lea expected: at this prolonged periods-*
especially from about Sunday the 2Qth
to Thursday 24th. ° High- Winds ..:..Awitte
poe,1ble tornadoes will probably attend
-soma of the storm*. ._-Overflowing
*treenail and ,,rivers will be enoeteeatur
tic -stormy. 'W,1 h- waters -will 'math
the central fevers before ' the end of
June. but we do not believe 'that the
anes_t destructive or maximum floods
need -be -feared at tt11v t robe 'oir even din -
Ing this year,
IIer'sCood News
Last week- -we- - advertised an estray
seer and the paper had been out only
a-fehort time whorl the owner received
word of Its whereabouts, through the
tittle adv. Why tramp the country for
neles around when you have lost any-
ny .
not only from the man %onto drinks It
but from hiss wife and children. • It will
remove household `furniture' from tee
house and eatables from the pantry ; the
smiles from the face of wife, and pap-
piness from his borne. As a remover of
things alcohol ha* few equals.
The Isaak Walton Pishing Club spent
Thursday last at Grand fend on the#r
annuuaa2- Balli g trip. -e day was not
as suitable as on many previous occas-:
longe for the catching of fish --the wind,
the water and -the weather being un ereor_
able, However considerable of a catch
was made and the day was thor:ouuhly
enjoyed. Two prizes were, awarded; One
'e pocket -book. torr the largest , fish
caught during the day, and presented by
President N. D. Hurdon. was won by
Mr. Lyman Palmer. The other, in urn-
bre>lla for the large*t number by fish
caught within an hour and presented b7
Mr. Palmer. was won by Mr. A. G,Dleer
Four candidates were initiated into the
mysteries of the clul.
It Is a pity that girls who are Wipes'
ed to be witty at the expanse of others
do _not knee/ ,those unatteaci ve---- •
make tee:natives. and how often they 'ot.
fend . against good taste. A smart, girl
sometinnea says unkind and 'antra*
things about her -comrades, and thinks
it all right %hen mole to whore sale say's
than laugh Haat them Do not hz,z,deeelved
gins. Two or grecs savary and uncharit-
able ecceees may vaueic you to lose
your srtminglys sure cosnquest#, though
your heart „envy be kind a and tare and
loyal. and, snit upon its ratite, would
eisatnwtn s :a acrid, ettteranee* ' ofe that
teoughtkss tines toegue'ot ...y>a3ura:, Cute.
Ong p:ee tcs' eto eat pay end.
Theyeauae tigni. a laI1t`n'fl5a aM. l�f}it Treece
as Better memory. and tee% are not sal.,
way* tetra. . -
two new inmates. arrived at tee House
or Refuge, Wn 3iat user of Gole-ric;
tow -p. aged' Se years and 'Wee Weee
gala of Kerrie tow:We p., 73 year* 01
EDWARD HALL Deette--Lest wrr+reSt
the death uecuared et at tee Itaase 0! Be -
tug') /of
peivS ret Halle,* fernier liar lI�
kr1'ta*h °gi,.h Pedlar et Pete& Horde, ird
�1 tiy ec012 kzrc+wei as Pee ztnariutaatctslrtx
rzf t' e \etittrated Buri h *ven 3 i'Ixtti ea
vas £r.' :rein rcgtitat1'oo haad a coo . d-ete
attle degree of eurative ettertre. 'He wens
ytars °Vase ase and was balled ie thie
Reeve t netery.
WINS TOAD Er EtItissavitia IT. -
T ne
teniadvertiettig r ertthantsdo tot
attk your Perm:Age. your Atte tt1on La~
tavar.-so' why *mould. you confer them.
Ttae you,
McTz ants a y attention
to you, hmus deaeOi1�1yng to -* Tour at.•AGAINST
�y ST xy�, + /+�, iti ' Eby
tt„*atte��a �f) return. They are'o°� t.Lieir +t7Rt7l��N[7#. �V:i'i�l�V ��Li4�� ��4'.�;
r�•_3`lt'� repeated T
all tine thee, 'tel aea�� value* tortoTheraitwarmingaaarasMld•by3 tiaraaalttapl'1a
ya3x teat stand Ytuii ,., cut the. country *gains; the practice ;
Inion that; will rotting ,.g bird.' roots. Apart • aliestt�'
st,t►a'Sd• argvertiet . Jr*
aaMr+rttt 1!zt be/. 4from t
he plet✓leiremay woe caetwie *lice* upon .t ' art thertf#r�dac� blthe briUty oft�r
ytt►slXy to mak* -t�f5ltt, sso
andthe7r Pitt et' eery , t_* tizattia.
ca petatle...to buy wells swat las to be ' have :a elatm on man toeirirotettidn: as
sabre to set o your =profit li'srs'sl~le t "
+o ►yn, Ile leer ' a►a'+bd eA r. r swkroaawt , >rt h . ,Vet Odra ae . le tattatsiik
-Every observer of the heavens at the
present thine marvels at the brilliancy
of a magnificent star whit's appeal a In
the south every evening -ass It Were, a
eeleetfal lighthouse. .Its radiancy sur-
passing in iter 'splendor Met of theme*
luminous of the hoses of the sky. The
*tar is Jupiter, verily the monarch of
the night. inc1traihg majestftalty toward
the west and going. to its rest at about
halt past two in the morning. It is at
formidable globe, eleven times larges
than the earth in, dlameter, 1279 Uinta
more voluminous and attended by a
,stately-, magnificent retlpue of saateliites.
Ilarsrata do wrong ltl keeping, their
children hanging around home. _ ezeiter.•
ed ani eeervated by parental indulgences
Trine eagIe does 'better. It -"tire up its
raiser ween the young eagles art able 'to
fly.' Tracy aro cohnpe'ied to ebblft for -them
jets -Ives. for the old eagle Iiteratl'q tures
thin out. and at the sane tiaatc, tears
all t8ne down and ceaateo s from the nest
'3+e fele cud laud tQuge eXperien: atf
'+akes ' the' king of birds •so, fearless in
tass f ighat tele 3 sent eXPcrt l3 ttlee pursuit
of prey. St` is aeh isteortu.ee te be tior4t
with a silver spoon,tyn Your. mouth for
you lease •tt to carry and ,Plague you all`
your days. Itietters often ung like a
dead weight. lees, \ like. a millstone
about the reek of ambitious young' tete.
GARDEN P� Iere •-Thr~ Ladies Guildof tee)Triv1tt`� stl<taionai chtitzb ee
told eyrie Annual Garden Party 'ora
Friday, June '25th: '7
ItietLIPM-eA part141(clips; of -
owe. visible, in, tats part of tee v►iirld,
will takes place dint before sunset
tight, (Thuraxdae),. In Other *phis the
hent moon Will Italie *Dyna*t' direete
between-.. the satins' snail ibis Part Or tt e
e rth,, so that, apart of the light and
neat radiating ` trot tee stet will be rut.
Tie, Itioe Will. des art"ge* tate • sue's
northern Urnb. coveting about Franz or
it. As eiunaet,. cornea a little atter
o'clock. the . end ot tht etUplewill tot
tie' seats here, but *rest lei the Gismok
take* the partial Devoe 'will be seen ,its
22* entirety. ,
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
ifrm-fid. 1ACKSON & SON -one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no "truck) sail G.A.811:
'Rags.... . .. 75c per hundred
Iron from 60c to 75c
Old Rubber Boots per
& -Shoes 70
Copper & Brame..... 9c
Horse Fair-" 30c
Lead and Zinc24c
Mee, s dtable bar
Jackson 8c Sons
MAIN ST.. =term
aatitt �: s- Old Stand ,1
First . lass equipment
and ul, conscientious work.
'Ws Ruaraat.e sstlstalocn to ad easement
er t
-Y Tose nipeetiall ' sited.
A. Female -W. D. Burke
WE CA1:t2"tla p" s1CIt
of suet) high grade ea t there is et)
use 'lookina,g for tete? It isn't made
The !lint sack you its will prove teal
to you. • .
OBDER' us TO END 'tpt, ONE
te-da „so that'„, *Jou girl; 12 s: 'trial..
t�C'h>n'n r malts ;dike a}einatzn;tsrEe tet! say nice fr ,,
ttainto About' your bakltur, ou91 hive
proof tat eiit r Cour lie *uper10r tri
o er **am tyas+i .t+atti as you t.Ar
Wein, poul2' to `*tt er with bettor. fro
Itke . ours.
e lgor
and: Field Ria
One irial will o %+ any inii3apprehension
of the quality of tbeee seeds.
soon o something required for 'the home at Ibis
f tbf, ear,
.,'�`�;� � _ �x�►mfvr--- -the-��aar�or.. µ
-lve.P► - -�
�ax'lor Sults; f��►�oo –
Sides . Boa g es.
�-_-Cltrna +��-�neta�--��udi� Tables,
nm Chairs in all gradesFelt Il.fattresses in
three grades, the best on the market for. comfort , -
Wire -Springs; guaranteed notto sag, none better •
IronAndBrassfor quality and design none
equal.. Cali and inspect our stock before you pur-
ewe, No trouble to show ,gam -but delighted.
he Lig .Mane Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
-P86NE NU. p
Will Veather
brings the warm weather and o►u ,ono ' • ,e a
means.e want to ethe i
Light Su -ironer - Goods to keepyou comfortable—
fortable— rte'
For Ladies, Gents or Children
SUInIneT Goods for the Ladies
Indies' S '
lust the thing for this
weather. Plain and Striped
Linens. Fearer
all the the New Goods for Suit.
Inge found on our counters. -
Ladi'' Whiteairear
We -have a beautiful
lot of Dainty White, Waist.,
Skirts, Nigbt Gowns. Corset
Covers and Drawers. No bet-
, ter place than right heat to
•bar your wbitewear.
Ladies' randy Hose
Plain and Fancy Lisle
or Cotton Hose, in colors of
Pink, Blue, White, Tan or
Black. Lace and Emmbroider-
ed Hose are very much used.
Ladies' Nieves "
Nice, Long, Lace, Lisle
or Kid Gloves for the warm
weather. M! shades to chow
from. Mao every kind of
Short Gloves, from Pc to bOc
all colors. ,
rad. f l
Summer Goods for the Men
Cienis Stravi. Hats
The real *wager stuff
Brand bice in Straratrs. The
Kilos is very smart and the
p Fronts are good..,
Garde' Fancy
4 very' swell lot of Fan.
e����yy° Sol in a ottan er Via.
Earle 'raids, I Faire. Strlpfet;
andFancy biers. Bol. the
}ere the mal thing. P rr
an ItelP3 Fancy Belts
God ;,tatige to Pick F"rosn l
new tot of lieck Tiee u•opened n+ . ,v
In the Newest Petterm.
Nes" Shirts and Collars
eb up the tl
x't lie month,