Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-17, Page 4 (2)•
• ,
Cr�*ch Prop.,
.cel ta ToWll 1U:Q
latne wna Me preeent. The
0 17,1g09 tellewleer 10 the Ordcr o widgets.duly
eat ea3ttat and appreeeti. Per
tzutip or th* prevIelea titain
4,7tti Of COnteeltteesnaltrPa, rat deer
4,44t1P4re. Atteudattee ,god, work ere"
. \ 01444 ir 1r4V0:4-UX * rigra.0414teg!" to,
tour tOt Inatrte*ationt twelve
4` -....nuktrieuiation and rlOrm*E 7g4tr*Oce*
•lige* Zr, *even Or ,,N0p* t1CAtroracia tartlY;.
ilteriure IT'tT I. a. ei-triictot,anat Iteriin that the.
.TePort ee'Asciopteit Per, V4
„,..Pt, 0" 11*J44,•0. ttnef1f IIu
jrneipa1, anwT. 11* Cerling ba
:usnittee tO amore trio, t2,010ii$
tink •ent1.1.,01104*, .requir
i,e• Stgen.0 'Dtpartkrient. . Per'
oriton unit 3.Atirtin seeary
wino. ,the Palueratett 'ntepartoretit tre'rere
erie:re to '',thO esor041. itrunte ,110.v.44 ;or,
owlet ntiteetiriCatiOna of te PrInciSali
,er 8 Marth arnt-T., #.'cariint-that the
pert of. the 00010 Delegatlen'
ceeptett arta, the exPensals. !readout petd.
Per S. Martin : atel F. Weed tt4it 41.A
rtirther use of tile Seaool cempus by,
tee Y. M. C. A 'football, trent be gratite
ei aubJect to theqtleatatre ot the beard,
Per T. B. Colin& and tt. Mertin that
the appeal on lanalf of ,Bouginis Stewart
fora retund o prepala examinetion fees
euetalned. Iter If.,Ilustert and S.
gertin that Miss Howard's resigns,.
titin ,be accepted. Per F. Wood and In
Martin that ailes Gregory's reelitnation
be accepted, with prondse of consider*.
tiee. of applietstion at any future time
shoeld a. vacency occur. Per. 11.'llus.
ton and T. B., Carling that the bbard
visit the school with a view to its OM.
targement ,and re-arrangerneitt on the
call of. the phair, and that the trecretat7
wet. Inspector Edwards of London In
referettee to an advising, architect. Per,
P. Wood ,and 3. Martin that the report
tlatmeat. be Inserted- In the laio'be tend
Kell and Empire for one week for the
'three' assistants required for the Sept.
ember ,tneen. Per 17, B. Carling and S.
Martin that the Statutory sick allow-
ance of one month be paid Miss John -
Sett for Sept. 1008. and that Miss' Gre-
gory be paid In proportion to the lime
man that the following payments be fi_P
Proved.1-Tla03. Crewe*labor an, Atl
insuranee Co. #20, Per. 3n..alartite
3. Grigg, Serretary.
'04 ,Otetti,t,, t0r*.t I r
til94tha Qt V,eral„.74e..
' *l1f04.*'.'ikt“:9*„alt 'leterealse aa
t40 gOnftePOieltnig-ITO,04th
APLIX41.T$10,, • On the
‘otor rattaiintlia or4144rr �zpedhtur
.ot tEe PoYrrnment. for s April and.
1009, amounted tO •114244$0,. an 14-
•creaste 'over 'that 14.Me Pc31011 1014' year
of $1,508,911,0; and coital expenditure*
.totatled *1.101,013. The net inereale
tbe public debt during the Month ot
an; was $5,140.000. The statement
• vised to .Tune 10 Itnlicatee returning
ereepnrity land Increased revenues from
,raxeticni, bu . tha tiattenel debt la seta
on 'the inc ase.
tion't ba
4rai4 to do aour.duty be
cause sorneorte riakulesor (*Pewter:M.
-- -an men who has opinions of hie. own and
the e °orate to advocate them will be
sere to have opposition in this world
because he runs across, 'or centrarY to
4tt4Tr aeople's °Oolong. but just work
right ahead it the comae Is ,gooa. or
3rour conscience clear. 110ret merry
*bout what other pettple saY; Lite la
tee ahort tor that,. Sox rt will_abuse•you
ly differ from you; but 'IV you keep
right on oeenire manly and Intelligentli.
and -with your proper dignity of char.
acter. aoneate ot purpose and self re-
JaPert.. those. who differ from you will
*expect yourphdons.
Its recent sesston voted down a reso-
-eendenteitur the three-/Ifthe clause
in the temperance legislation of the
"show that among temperance etorkere
who are slot slaves to party first the
three-fifths clawie Is rapidly coming' hes
to favor. It Is practically a declaration
that the Whitney Government was right
when it required a. threentlftlas maJore
ity to enforce -Local Option, and goes
to show that the idea is* „Molar Ones
In requiring mere than a bare maiartii
to enact a law that wIpeinout the priv-
ate Waltman; and destrele the living or
imany men without giving Mein st com-
pausation. And when Local (nelton has
,. Wen ptsse4 it ensures its peratine.r.-3p
requirileT three-fifths to repeal the
law. It certainly looks Uke a good law
and the. more it betomes, known the more
" ;favor it lama to renciVe.
,,The following Pgal query and answer
groat the Mail and Empire may interest
1?eople, here ;-"'X. Y. Z. Ereter.-Qu.
Was tAere ever a law that parents he.
Merited from teeir children. If so, In
what ymr was It changed. (2) lf a
will. le proved, do the becorsts ever be -
*come outlawed. Ane, -The Statute of
Distributions was passed in the reign
. of Charles 11. It provided that the -per-
senal property of any person dying In-
testate should be distributed as follows;
Vile father took the whole to the ex -
exclusion of the mother and brothers
and sisters of the deceased. But that
statute lute becn modified by our Dev-
olution 'of Estates Act, witieti s
Where an
Mrs. 1. Horiton has returned from a
few days visit with her sister in mien.
Igan.,-Word was received here on Bun.
day that Alm McKinnon, son of Donald
'WE:Innen of this place had died at Con-
norticut The remains will be brought
to Lateen for interment -Mr. Jame*
Parks ham engaged Miss Anderson . of
Centralia as book-keeper...40os iottle
to visiting friends In London... -
was Gertie Hodgins has returned from
x month's viiit to Toronto.; --The mem-
Werks Of the Masorde 'Lodge Will attend
ten service in Holy Trinity church on
Sunday morning next at It o'clock.
Miss Brownlee of Toronto is spcmding
-her holidays at her home here.-41xse
wm. Ronine left on Sunday for Toron-
to and win leave there on Tuesday- fi
rislt her sons at CranbroOke, B. C.
S*.te wilibe accompanied as far as Ma*
Ione Rat by her daughter-in-law. Mrs.
Wellington Roliimi.-Before leaving town
our popular dentist, Dr. ThoMP*0111 who
has for some years conducted business
here, was preeented with a gold watch
and- chain by tas friends of the Canad-
ian Order Foresters, and a suit case
by the young men of the Cittb. We all
• wish him success in -Ids new (wartime -4.
Shoebottom left for the West
0.4 Tuesday where she will visit her
daughter Mrs. Pox -est.
• , !
eg issue -and intestate as t� the
0 c or any part 0 s-. rex or per -
nal property, his father surviving,
*hail not be entitled, to any greater
&fare Under the intestacy than.his moth -
or any btiother or idater surviving.
etc. See section 6, R. S. 0.,. crap. 127.
'The Devolution Estates Act Was passed
about la or 20 yeare ago. (2) -Aper.
of Lio.
d M. Abbott so
John Abbott. Deceased wage -48 years
of aga. The funeral took place from'
Triatty Church on Saeurde,y to Clande.
aoye. He had been in for nearly three
years. A bright boy of 14,years he was
stricken with a form of paralysis;
wnica rendered him helpless till his
• death. He was spoken of by all who
sap who as entitled to a -devise or be- knew him a, splcudid example ot
quest under a will must claim it with- T
In the time allowed by the Statute kir
Limitations. It has been held that an
ttetion for a Inigaey must be brought
!Within ten years. and an action for a,
/share or an estate 10 the ease a SA in-
trest.9x4r inns* bl _1:m4:ought within twenty
years. Ike Ir. 3. 0., chap. 133, sec. 23.
• Sea also re Johnson, Sly v. Johnson, 20
4tharoe. Div. 964.
re on, June 1.0th
, 0
ZIVQ(11fPf• 014CM. Juit,
rriveit lame consignmtat, okbogelee
from flee ot the *Wog arteti ot 00,411C
1 alt tge tau* ,o1•71,4* *DA deetit4e, API
parson inteniltrig Iraylog wlirdo welt te
look Over our *00 *tore purchitelnal
We will *eve you MOW bY so deing, No`
trouble .•to *how .10.041e..A1 vehleleestre
fultr,g4er*Atosok, .nk .001: *Ohl
vinAlICX !41:, 119,031./N8t. (.r.dtton. Oct.
toll i
1* tfl*d4p 00
It will
bridge uezt Mit
Elmer Irroetnner *pent 'Sunder
'atitorne Withikii P***-. ate' in
Last Thunder .antl Friday * large
intMher of our :people attended the
Sunday School VotoVentionjn Zurich.
The Oonyetjo i1I have i111 NatigiOn
her* Math par. .
The picnic of the' Evangelical Sunda,'
wheel 'wait 'held at abe Bend Yestentata
More particulars of the tlay's outhee
win be givennoext week,
Auguet Kuhn of Stratford spent last
sunday with hls Lather in town.
Gab. Holtz:n*1ln or Zurkb, we.; to the
village on Teeeday on busbies* In con-
nection with the Hey Farmers' insure
anre, CO...
n will
Rev. Menunett of Rodney occupied the
pulpit 14 tile Evingelleki church 5 last
Sunday morning. '
Don't forget the Mettiodist thindaY
school picnic to -morrow (krids.a). Me:
exerboda alatuid
-ChliatialVihtirlUa little' 411%40*
ter Beatrice are in with acariet fever.'
We trust their sicknes* will he or ea
mild type and that they will soonrecover
their health.
The ecuto-toolt the ditch. about -fourt
deep the ether day tor a change and
alter crossing It came to a Sudden stop
broken off a post. Fortunatela tile one
cU1U!tOfhe ear weannt'hurtn altimugh
his nerves were shaken antt-It-is-sarld
'he -yelled 'Whoa" a few times when _it
made no numne
Last week was baseball week In town.
On Wednesday night the- Stars and
neownles had a practice tame. The
Juniors and the Stare golfig up to the
oefenth innings when they -were three
runs alkead. Then the Stars mad* eon.
neaten with the aell and made five runi
'In the :eighth. The Brownies- made one
10 the ninth and then the teenier teem
made two more in the final inning.
Score 7.4 in favor of the Stare.
On Friday night the lade got at
It was the first •appearance of the
Cube' and the • North -enders," There
vata all kinds of noisebut the young -
eters make 'some good plays. Score re.
aulfee In: 0-3 in favor of the 'Mitts.'"
Tee Tigers and east end club are going
to play smite time next week, Ind they
say they will make tbings hum.
On Friday the Maps went to Zurich
to play the return trarW. A lane .tty,trt-
'ber of the fans went along and Law
son took; a Emrich overlie nes aunt- Flom
reports received the neighboring town
had their_ war paint on and made air
kinds of promises wbet Would happen.
The fallowing was. the linteep with rOns
Zumcis, - Onsnrros
ledighoffer 2 Young 1
Brock. 1 Wurm1
Wurtii ' 2 McCue .0
Weayer .......:.,.-0- nivaliner B.......-.2
Rennie . .0 Kerr ..;„. .... . . . 0
Gordon . - 0 Brown 0..... ..1
Batsman . .. • • Ai llowsen• . •
a • „.. 0 Abner I.
- *Aviv; Dun THE 01.0 •DAII
-"Subjedt to endoriat ion by. the eiti-
the Exeter Couneit" eayS -Reeve
;alum tolhe Advocate, "has purm
,chased the old dam properly Along the
river from Mr. J.**. N. Howard."
The Couneil is to be congratulated
prompt aetion. There is ample
*tope for making this property a plate
-of great Osefulne,te to the town and a.
*cent of beauty'. Thel CrOuncil. '00,;,et fee
*wet will be pleased to. hear ,through
the tattles the suggestions of eitizene
regardiig the manAgettlent of this
a enc., and even cheerfulness through-
aut hii illness. Tine funeral was very,
largcly attended. Maiden 01. father and
titother he leaves one sister, tiles Tina,
nt. Guelph and- Two brothers, -Berta-
and Harold of Chicago.
. •
The foundatiou of Mr. Thee. 'Nails'
new butter factory is completed. The
building is expected to be ready. for busi-
ness by thefirst of auly.
Mime Via Cave or Lmition spent Sun.*
day under the parental roof.
NITas gwaen, our teacher; le giving her
EhiraWe tease extra noisome, prepatang
mein for the conileg exeatilnatIenee
' Rev. 3. Salton of TraWbridga, tor -
neer pastor here. sipent Sunday yeltiti,
tate &wetter, Mrs. Elijah Colwill.
A largely attended meeting was held in
the '1,1ethodIst chtirch - on Monday even-
in,r,;* when grringernents were conipleted
thr„ Vemin'o_t Day Festival. Inaritels
nonimitteeso wereeappoloted to work out.
nee detains and jaepert.for,the monster
geteering. The silorteet the lay pro.
cnir:8.0 to be a drawlek card, wplie 'the
concert at night will eprobaaly suipais
alt others. The Italian Itarperse Mr.
nk and Mrs. Case of Louden tainlisbe
a tno ptogra-n.
Ifr Wn Tueker, otti pet tnaater has
lune jr'- Ot hard fixing' tir, °fir
and sidewalks. It is about "thne
we eiero having soma granolithic wiki
I to keep up with the other spiagea ot
e trzotiortions.
th". Corine gave •Aril `Intere'Ving talk on
Tensday-Platiatig ar-thr•teague nicotinic
on toe Lite and Worie of miss Freetele
'GUANO mit)
Prat agent z'autioday Ltd rd.,
dat Zerinheeaarne Samcis lisinnon Wee
ratom Wohle.siday.4,40e* Laura
alto arrival home StaadaY frOin
Jit's vlst nt 411 of Steeten.
ta:n.4 WA. Iramilltoa vlsiteol hoe on
• 7,00-141r. and Kts. .Toe. Brener
daOithter Mci Jame
t 't
t *
• • ••••••+0
Notes *of the garne.-In the first tn.-.
ring Crediton made two rune and one In
the second. Zurich was retired up -10
the fifth intengs; Crediton made one
in the fifth and Zurch three through
t.) rr4hton w. s!tut out 0d Zurkn
o mors. Zurkh4 the
iced a.4 a zulghty *lieu% Went eat. T0e,
hug. °rm. aAr nOtlTamil
*noir glee.. Whit *Ara:
t get to latelnesi. In the' sere
ana nelther Side eneredeIll
iitonna neat titans. the Pr. we4t,' Aka'
matle'..o; aefe -lilt but, waac*Uc
tiirooga whet ticene mune
ratntnt, 4ticiatalt .er the -uippke
-hit.' Wr* eacrUlad
401404( -Krg tq 10000. 101eit
tlie.bali, 04 *14 ,tet,
h lb 0104 w�rs z tts
rle crttfr&1 '/O-14 4-$C4,44.
oki Inen„ • wiz* Plain
"was en third, wt wine, 41414.110Wsen.t bat
,tWo • 0#1,kes called 1`, agattast,.. .
•ok • Et 14. .teeth4474410440
t right, tirn,e aed, ar4 Spent g
ate. one, Int%,the'tte140 *00*ot 13r•P‘.vtl
.P.ettO*144Ple• liyin **,ner ttzen- 1*
wedx:1$14Qkfir.:'01,4-, On 10.,,1 1y ZurIch'is
;Let Inning/1i: was ot 81104 404,00, tiA•
St3rl.pitcher. Teddy 'xi.r.)•wn. doing the
work Of that .Inning e The Steve' path.:
Cr struck 'Qua la and Zurich 10. Vet-
ttana Went OrrOttert-taittirm Orel Browe
Zurich -Little ana Weaver. Umpire*.
Inuett a40 Bewaralegg.
The Lumley school win hold their an-
nual ple-nie In Mr. John Glenn's bush
en Friday elternoeu, June 1,8th. The
usual gameal-baseball, football -and oth
er everts will be Indulged In and a
Food time is In .store for Mope who
Ir. anti ...Amt. Gollen- and babe
visitairTi1rids In Zurieh.-eMi*. Bow.
Euglish is visiting her sister,, Mrs. A.
Wenitherlik:=41r.4%-Cle07,;,Ltither- east
birthday party on Saturday for her
little daughter, Miss alytt1e.-34rs.
Halter Is vis 41ng' her deughter, Mrs.
Bastard of Sitiplut.-MIss P. EH Nell ate.
tended the fullers.' at hereecolsin in Lia.
Carl on Saturday. -Mrs. A. 14. Wilson
was In London the Past week attending
flueentre SeeConventieneenetterand4fr
Grievee of Parkhill visited at sir. B.
R. willow* 00 Seeday.-Mr. J. I, Mc-
aone-Cnritt, "son; 3tiariton and 3.
Webb were in Lucan on. Monday atteed-
ing 1.4*. 0. 14* meeting.
The 8. s. anniversary in COinleCUOIL
with the Methodist church will be held
next Sunday, .lune 20. Sermons will be
preached by Rev. W. E. Minoan: at 10
a. m. and 7 p. m. At the afternoon
matting ,Rev. Millson, singer for the
eemeon Conference, will render selec-
tion, while Orstnton *III furnish the
muelc.-Mr. and Mrs. I. Wright and
Rettor Wilson attended the wedding of
their cousin, Miss Cora Short, to Mr.
Gordon Banting. on Wednesday. -A
number from around here were at Zion
on Sunday and Ustended to Rev. Robt.
Ricks of Crediton, who preached two
very impreastve sermons. -The members
of the Granton Lodge from around hero
attended the funeral of the late 3•O0in
Wallace on Thurada.y to St. Marys. -
Mr. Thos. Lingard haie purchased a new
buggy and a fine driver -who will be
the lucky
nitOKICNIIRMIC, Dailitar0011 CONVInin
ins itittntit. Deeds. IVU3s, Mortgages sad ail
Liget Docasseatsearefeny and_ pritiapay plipsted
Charsiessodeste. toot of '1,,g0 lama*
__The leashWood. stagtOookateesprinteu
King street, Parkin% on Wadneetiar. at.
116 a a
onto Main street ran onto the sidewalk
. the eest side, knocking out a post
and breaking a window in the store next
Ticknor'e repair • ahoy. The - stage was
badly smashed and the Contents scatter. -
ed. but fortunatelythere were no pas.
serigers in it. . ,
Buggies! Buggies! Bu gies
i;rg--- • °
e contognment • of Bu Leg
from five of the tending iirniii_oflantetio, in all the !sited styles'
- and designs.: ...... • • • • • * • . ••••••
Any person intending buying will do well
- to look over our stock before purcbaSing.
We will save you nioney „ by so doing.
No trouble to show goods. All veilicles are-iustt4ntee'd. :rift • -
solicited* it* • " *
TitEITPITHICX' 1,1) tiOrd
e itori
web:nit to offer God White Shorts. also
in ton PAL/
Shorts, at 25 p'er 'ton
Flour a
0 4t
Eipeeto redtic one jots.
k Feed
r 100 11)s.
eke tbe best
un`hinotion 0
this turf t
41 the 1ats
ta O otossb. 00e itoc
.1-•• ' -
and ths exat• 1104 1» AujtrJ,
Gerinany. Great . rftSdat'lI011att41. Xt*Itv. Norrat"
and SIT/ tlatild' is stated on the piOs Or *eel" clielee, wi
tk.yar. p*Shie at current rates. . ' , * .
Tb� tiatolual and ail information reganding ihSat Mai be obtained et "icy
cistiat Bittir. ' .
Eiteter 13rench-G. W.nucleon, Ilanoilterarlinch also abt Orealitow
The"general public wilPtake floL1cc tliat'l kin doing -Wiliness n
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest MarketPrce3pajd for
Scrap Iron, Rags,' Rubbers*, Horse Hair, Copper,
Etc. Eta'. Etc,
All purchases to be delivered to T. „HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE.
EXETER. where the cash will be paht or trade given. Orders for collection of
scrap may be left at the same store. *here prompt attentionvoill.bet--
NI WEXLER Junk Realer, -Exeter Ont. -
11040rING- ASHES
clearsPlee allowing' for
another of the bright' features
• 6
If you'll but take the trouble
to cell in we'll gladly prove to
you why this range is so peppier.
-For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN
Mr. E. lqadiger left Tuesday morn.
mg for Pigeon, Michigan, to be in at-
tendance at the wedding of his broth,
er, John, of that pier*. irb6 was mar.
ried ou Wednesday, -Mr. Henderson
of London hail been thiting friends in
the vglage daring. the past week.-
The infant child of Mr. and him Dan,
isa-Vineent-passed--ftwer On lirridaY,
morning. The remains were laid to
rest in the Lutherian Cetnetery on
Sunday afternoon, Much • sympathy
is expressed for the bereaved family
in Mb their severe Annutd
Saud Picnic will be bald this week
on Pride_ y at Grand Bend Perk. It is
10 1* hoped the day may prove belle -
eclat to air who attend. --Mr. Y. E.
Thom, I.P.S.; paid the school here a
visit on Tneasty.,Severat from here
attend- ed the sessions of the Sunday
School Convention at' Ziirich last
week. Bev. W. J. Hammett of New-
bury occupied the pulpit in the Evan-
gelical Church on Sunday evening sad
preached a very interesting sermon
from the text: s*Conscience."-Tho Y.
P• A.,._ottitis_pbsce _intend holding,
-Strawberry Peetival in Mr. Henry
Guenthner's Orchard on the evafti
of the 291h of .3une.-The Mahon
Day Program in connection with the
EVangelie.al Church will be •rendered
on Sunday next- A. good Program
has been prepared and no doubt will
be profitable Vasil who attend.--Mre.
Louis Kleinstiver left on Monday to
visit her daughter at Bad Axe. M ichi
.gan. •
•.0. -44 4
The Dashwood Furniture Store
I wish to artnounce-W the public that
our stock is now one of the largest -and
best that we have ever canied,
Pianos- Organs Sewing- lac
-No'agente.. ComMission goes to you.
House Furniture h' 'X' is line is noW compiete and
bought from the leadingre'rgte
. of Canada, as we are barred from none,
We have a large assortment et Window Shades* Curtein
. -
Poles and Trimmings, Baby Carriages, Folding Cart*, Go (arts,
Express Wagons, . Curtain Stretchers,. Step-Lidders, Carpet
Sweepers, Peture Moulding.. Room_ Moulding, Picturegr,Etc.
*.r.,11-07Katensioi gods: White Cottage Curtain 'Rodeo .10o each...
Plettnitrratning•do on 'olio iitit notice4
1 ,
- VOte-carriii, togekand *SU assorted' atoek In this lin- e. In -
time of need do riot fail to,tall. Any orders, received by phone
Will 1* promptly attended to. Please call and examine our stock
and get price,-
111°11E P !VI ISAAC, DashWO
tncorpor*4 1
CRAW (paid up)
Ileat, Fund
eit in Cana* arid Agents ttna Cortes
Pei:trip:IX (Wolin tile litOrld•
'Interest alio*