The Exeter Times, 1880-7-1, Page 8T, _._.. w osite t:'c hihlo Christine (. � p thuralr, whore,nftvr Choice+untlttrE:oulg a thorough examination by Oon- ' stable C1rll,ho was pail) bis "tittle bent" great• 11Y against his wishes and oft•repeatod protesta- tions. lie hall>;33.111, a piece of tobacco .null, a a chunk of flint,. In the mending he was re. lcessd but we nude stand, dill not leave town u*4ti1 yesterday morning. A, aeon,—We uudorsta nit that the medical edict)! is about to tuove his gigautio printing oi1ii ' into his own premises, which have been ti+ted up at groat expense for its reception. The cost of this encttrt ion and of the repairs , i1e a:try in the b'hilding, is, at is currently reported on the street, to be taken from a cur - Itaut $2iewhiclt a certain waited editor oneo upon- a time reeoivetl'for hie vote, so that in I reality he will lose' nothing in the way of ex. 1 pease. Tho Reformers are delighted at the move, as it shows clearly that the medical editor, who at one time threatened to extermi- nate the ratio in the -township of Stephen by means of pistol bullets, has lee whip hand iu the coueern. C tnerceux.--Laei Sabbath AM observed throltghorit the world by special service•t in commemoration of the organization of sabbath schools by Robert Raikes. The first eabbath- school was organized one hundred years ago by this gentleman, and now almost every child in the civilized world posy attend them. The sabbath-schouls are do'ng a noble work in traiui_g the young, and every sab- bath -school worker should be encouraged in his or her labor of love. The day was observed iu Exeter by special servioas. Iu the morn- ing au approprtate setilion lois preached by Rev. G. A. Mitchell, B. A.., and in the after- noon publie servie was hold in the basement of the ehurch,at which Rev. Mr. sii.olrull anri Mr. liilpateiek delivered short addresses. . public meeting was alio held in the afternoon in the B. 0. Church. ROSE OF TRALTtS'E (bong.) H1ll. E F1SIllt;113 tt HALF ItiAST HIGH `t 11' HAM' t` BRITISH LION ,t WHAT A.•11111 TUE 'WILL,) WAVES, &o. halve. COME O'ER THE MOONLIT SES. Dttet. nee, 10cents eaelr. sena postpaid onreretpt or riets. Also in at ek J tus!se's ieneieet oate- eeiam trice 1:i cent•,. t z nny's lot Velt.oity L'to deem, -st sn•inrd every w here as a uo"u , of aegearmg ,aeitciwy slue rattitttty iu tingering Maus kotln atoekfsu1.^17,1-ied to _order. eT, 4.A ITU '.f-, Rook taller, Main fitr?et, Reefer, ('nt• • 'be Exeter TIiURS1» Y, JUI,Y 1, 188(1 LOCAL NEWS. The Te talc Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., win Feud their otplebrh.tea Electro -Voltaic 11 ens to tits atni.;ted upon 31 dnga trial. Speedy aures gaara.ntv.ad. ft,ay mean what they say. Write to them ILvunoLrrxr,auew remedy foreonsmnption, for ,;a`0 at 0..Lutz s Centred Drug Store. 8ti.kv fly -paper and fly -Powder et Central Drag Store. The only place in town for children's earl - ages end velocipedes is at Chas. Eaorett's. Call a:td see them. - 13est machine oil at E. H. • Spackman's. P et Ofiiee Block. . . Best machine oil at E. H. Speakman's. Post Office Block. GivrNG t:P nitN1TenE Bi sxNEas.—Auatiou sale of feruiture every Wednesday at J, Draw's until iia preseut stook of furniture is disposed of. Undertaki:tg carried on as usual. Te -DAY is a holiday, "and don't you forget ACCIDENT TO ' IsAAo Oaucin n: On .111onday last our excellent baudrnaster,3Ir. Isaac Crock- er, passed through a terribly trying ordeal, He was engaged itt drilling through a heavy it. ceetilt„ iu Messrs. John ;Moro at t ou's foun- dry, ,tine hole was ueeessiully drilled, and ae he was placing the pasting in position to To -DAs is the l'islt anniversary of Canada's drill the second he semi -embraced the rapidly birthday as a ra ion. whirling drill His brace cougltt in the keeper, end in the twiukling of an eye, before any one andel .each lum, leis vest and shirt ware DENIAN'ua fire company had their engine out for p.ttotice ou Friday evening last. She throws a good stream. Beet:a roN.—Yt s�ertlay an excursion to London over the L. H. et D. R. took place. Very few went fro n Exeter. $tt:rAwls.—On Wedno.,day of last week, a horse wh:o:i was i:d in front of Itfr. Grigg's b.)oles:o:e ran away. ,No damage was done be yone :he breaking of a shaft. PULPIT CBANGE.—ilev. illr. Thomas, of Clin- t ,n,will o3en;ty tile pulpit in thelBible Christian Churcli next Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Webber will preach in Clintou. Sr. Jot 's DAs.—On Thursday last., St. John's, the Freemasons of 'this to , and other places wet,t to Goderich wirer he cor- ner -stone of the Episcopal Church z s laid. Foe LNaua.Ncu (Jo netetzs.—On Monday Lest, a man was in town snaking a survey for the beuafit of insurance companies. We doubt if ho will find many towns which offer such uniformly good risks as Exeter. RseaPrxoN MEETING.—To-morrow evening (Friday) there will be a meeting of tbo :mem- bers of the Methodist Church and congregation to welcowe their new minister, 13ev. AIr.Gundy, to his new field of labor. No doubt a very en- joyable time will be spent. GARDEN PARTY.—A garden party was heIc1',in Dr. Hvudmau's beautiful;,groands on Tuesday evartiugmiler ier the auspices of theEngliah0bnrch La lies' AN 8 iciety.. There was a good attend- ance and all enjoyed themselves. The pro- eeeds atnouute,l to•nearly$40.. A Goon APPOIrtvSIL+NT.—The many friends of Mr. E. P. Westall, stepson of Mr. J. Fish- burn, will be pleased to learn 'that he has been appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Hen. Mr. Pops,as In pector of eattle at Puint Ed- ward. The salary, we believe, is a good one. stir. Westall was a student with Mt. Fish- barn. Trrraowv,—On Tnesday evening last, a boy who was claretl to ride a horse owned by Mr. John Willis. which will allow no one to rideit for any distance. The boy was brave and mounted the egnine, but was no sooner seated on its back than he was pitched to the ground, amidst tite eau. h er of the onlookers. He serumbled tip and tried to joiu in the laugh, b it he et,taltht't Laugh worth a cent. SOUTH Ilvnox AOaIUIILTIIRAL SOOIETY.—At a meeting ea the Dtreetors of the South Huron and Stephen and tUsborneAgricultural Soot - ties held at Kippeu on Tuesday of last week, it was decided to Nolle the fall show at Exeter en Monday and Tuesday, September 20 and 21. The prize list in to ho increased this year about $170, the principal additions being made to stock prises. The Exeter society give tete sum of $70() towards the prize het, being $50 more than the last year the show was held here, IP Pon Tan Nxetri'. –Uii 112ontlay labt there ru rived in.teem, apretty Hoot ty-lookingindivid- .rrd, who created onnsidereble annoyance at comm of the bash'. In the evening Oonetablo till kiudly ouutlet:tett hin>, to the banding op - $8,000 additional machinery and give employ - meat to at least 150 itande, the corporation will have power to collect the amount, and if they carry out their agreement in the time mentioned, the proprietors will be relieved front all claims. l'nrtstnsrATroN —On Tuesday evening last the Rev. ti, k., Mitchell, 73, A. • was made the reohtiont of a purse and the following address on the eve of his departure for Unrriston, whither he went yesterday : RESPECTED PASTOR AND FRIEND,— We in tete name of the congregation of the 0. M. Chut•oh, or:. Exeter, beg to avail otn•selros of of this oppoetutrity of manifesting net only onr high anpreciation ofyour servicot rendered here, but also of expressing our deep regret at your removal from amongst ns. As a pastor and religions instructor, yen have shown a very great interest in the spiritual welfare of all who have had the most remote claim to your attentiuu. 'While you have by precept, faithfully instructed and admonished as in our ditty to one another and to God, you have by your uniform kindness, impel tiality and sympathy, won our affeetibnate regard and esteem; we are assured that espeoially the children feel that they are losing in you a kind and loving friend. We now bog you to acoapt of this small present, as being merely a slight token of our respeet for you, and also as 0 tan- gible evidence of our appreciation of your in- valuable services. One earnestadosire is, that Providence may continuo so smile upon you and your amiable partner iu life; and that even greater SUCCOR than you have realized in this pince,`may ever attend your efforts through. sabsegnent life—end thongh we ere now called neon IP bid you a sorrowful farewell, yet WO feel cheered to remember, that we all have the privilege, of one day, enjoying:the happiness of meeting and greeting exalt other in that home above, where the sorrow of parting will be felt no more. (Signed) IL SELDON, iu behalf of the congregation. Br reference to our advertising minium this week, it will be noted that our old friend. Perry Davis' Pain Killer appears in costlier apparel than it has,worn for a long time pact. 'i'his splendid advertisetnentis well ethloulated to both (eetch the eye and convince the mind. We know of no better eeidence in favor of an arti- ole than the writteu testimony of so many well-known citizens, especially men who speak from long experience, as these do in favor of the Pain -Killer. Messrs. Perry Davis it Son st Lawrence inform us that they are compelled to renew their advertising, not because the Pain -Killer is losing a whit of its popularity, but to caption the public against the already numerous and constaurdy increasing number of base imitations, and other tra•:hy mixtures, which aro being sold in this maeket ; many of them without merit and only intended to soll on the reputation of the genuine Pain -Killer. torn completely front his body. One of It has become a oomtuou prtutice ill Canada of late among a "certain alaab" of dealtt s, to keep in stock "everything," if its "onlycheap;" particularly in the mediciue line ; and in a little white they have a large collection of those imitation articles which they subetitute for the genuine, whenever a customer aunts along 'green enough" to allow it. An honest dea'er ought to realize his position batter, a••d not on ally account recommend au al tutlO to a fallow-bciug, or iufidenee him iu any way itt buyiug an article he knows nothing about, except that it pare a good profit. Careleesnes, .in chis may cost a life, and no an has a right to so trine with matters of such great import- ance. Perry Davis' Pain -Kilter has been be- fore the nubile for so many years, and has steadily grown:in. public favor, till we are sat- isfied there is no better cure for our thf.nsaud little ills than Perry Davis' Paiu-killer, and we heartily reeommeud it. Ids arms was batlly,hrnisod, but fortuuately u•tt•daueerously. It was a narrow escape ; au.t Me. ('rocker's many friends will be glad wheu he fully recovers the use of his right arm. slams Jonrnal. Mt. Crocker's many friends in Exeter will also be glad to here of his cumi,iltte recovery. Nu Mone FRSE Purrs —The Guelph Mer- cury has put its foot down on the free adver- tising system, aanounci.tg the departure in the following notice :—'All notices appearing in the columns of this paper calling attention to public meetings or enteitainulents,religious services, cricket or baseball matehos, or to any bnsiuess mutter, will be iuserted only as ad- vertisements, and ehar;;ed at special rate,. No distinction will be made in this class of notice" The above rule, if a.to1)•ei by all newepapers, would be of great bt.netlt to there The practice is dying out among all respectable jampals, and there is no reason why it should be kept aiiie. A newspaper is private pro- perty just the same its a store or a carriage factory, and people would think it very cheeky to enter a dry geode. et ere and bay a suit of clothes and then ask'th'e merchant to throw in a silk dress for the outtomer's wife, or to pur- chase a lumber wagon' and ask for the present of a carriage. TIIREATXING LETTER. --A yelaug man in town has handed ns the following copy of a letter which he received the other day. It ex- plains itself, at least ,vo suppose it does :— June 27 1880 A klA.tnsoezx TusTluoaiAL.—The following, which we clip from the Guelph Mercury, will bo interestiug to the Methodists of Exeter, as it relates to their new pastor, Rev. Mr. buu'e, and t.hey slid beat it up in good Gundy :—"The Rev. J. R. Gundy who has for ejrape as nobody can deny, trio night the past three years hold the exulted position being ail fiat could be desired and the of pastor of the 0. M. Church, was entertained cc. wd equal to the night, you can easi- to n farewell strawberry festival in the church ly imagine wise a rand time we bad, on Thursday evening, the nth inst. T;ie re- t•re violin was tunedaud they were soon freshments were served in the vestry, after in the beau of eltjtyment, some dancing which the intellectual an musioai part began others playing games. The hones pas- iu the ohureh by Mr. Graham taking the chair sod pleasantly and quickly away until and calling on the Rev John Campbell, 13. A., we were stopped to be refreshed with to open with prayer, and the choir to sing a gond things provided by our genial Must, selection ofinneie. Perhaps the most inter- pwho tsrever ready to patronize patronized and he arinees eating part was tho presentation to Mr. Gandy dance, �hae,ithis being overt y bat they again ire by Mr. J. S. Louden, on behalf of the oougre rutll e, the spurts Until twee stria gallon, of a gold headed cane, and a silver haute when each returned to their humps satisfied they had spent a very pleaea,rlt evening. t, ISPO H A G GE R T & C o H R N rampton ..i 4�tt�.,;.d to E.4.‘ .ia� oS win-tttla ,%;xi. nL.►'t Agricultural IMPLEMENT WORKS., 1� LR, ' v- FL v- ' it _T: rj.` IIas been appointedAgent. for the sale of the fullowiug articles 1i' ulnfacturtxl Ity St. Thomas and Brampton Agrieultural Works : .(reproved Royce Reaper, ,ys� �*y , ;y {".' GxtS, �i�%� 16f'i11! � �3aL � tf�'t�`u rt�Ew' 6f'.�.�+, �t:�" TIGER HAY RAKE, THE COBNELL STEAM ENGINE I+'O.Iv THRESHING. NACfIN. S. the g q.._____ These are all Warranted, and have gained a wide repntatinn, S•ttisfact•ion guivanteetl, or no sale. Any repairs fur any of the above implements eau be obtained from Mr. Verity. Winchelsea, NARROW Esc/in.—The following which we clip from the Seafortll Sun, has referent's) to a sort of 11r. Gotlboln, of tl:is plume—Oa blurlday eveuing last a young nom ilatutud .l.t. G,tdbolt,iu the employ of Messrs. Smith & Most, was ant boa Ling un the darn at It gmoud- title 111 company with Jr, Sn fret, uheu the boat upset, ltrecipi stt ug both into the water. Gotlb•,It could not swim told before 5hnitl, could cutne to his its- Sitildiptle be had Boole twice ; and but f r ulit.t's brave efforts to resent; hini ire would have assuredly bceu drown- ed. liiddalph. OsrruAns.—Ou M today of last week. Daniel I-lugau, of this townehip died at the early age of 86 yeare. Deceased was sutlel, eeteetntd by all his acquaiut- allces. Hts funeral on the following \\'cduesday was the largest .ever seen iu Biddutph, over 200 couveyauot.s leaving the house and 180 following the remains t,, the Catholic cemetery at Lucan. The friuit•al sena es were conducted by Bev. Father Kelly, of (Mit, and an impressive and feeling mer wan preached by Father Con/10113y. Mr. ligan was married to a sister of Joho au(1 Riehitrd Fat mer, of Exeter. He leaves a eife it,A1 small family, who are fortunately ttunlrly provided ler. 1•iensall. Helens HEATING.—Ou"Thursday last some of Mr. John ,Etefferune' friends gathered tugetoer to sptttd a few hours enju)ment and help to heat up his new Dzer. Sin servioe to Mrs. Gundy, by Mrs. James Brown, You never cotne to me to see whet I weld on behalf of tete lady portion of the oongrega- rle your washing for or what von weld pay and tion. Both presentations where accompanied know you have taken them from me and given me anny warning botore now I will tell you if by a very fine address testifying to the many you give them to anm body eleo with out letten excellent virtues of the rev. gentlemen and rue know first why and what you woltl give and his esteemed tady. Mr. Gundy, on behalf of all about it but you did not ante i tell you if himself and Mrs. Gundy, matte a very feeling reply, in which he expressed his sense of the fidelity with whish his people had ever rallied round hum here. Mr. Gundy has been an earn - yon give them to her this weake with out warning me first the reson as I whits Washing by the in nrth you will pay me one moths cooly it shall cot you moor then the Washing if yon had told me what you weld do then I might have been able to tell what I weld do est, zealous worker in the cause of religion but you did not but I want you to etude it here, and his labors have been fraught with threw and you will pay for it you jest give it much good. He oarrios with him the best to her this weak von lied not think I ham cotn- l)ulod to do your wasuing but I will have more esteem of a large eirclo of friends embracing of your mead dirty tricks I can tell you if I had dun such n thing you wold want the re - son now corn and give yours and in due time and their she may have them and she will sate you much boiler I Lupe, Tale AGREEMENT wxTu LADLEY Jc WArrr,Ess. —A report has been pot in circulation that the council has agreed to exempt the faatory from ta'es.;'1'he following agreement witioll has been entered into by tiro c xtncil with La;11ey and 1'Wanloss contradicts the report :—That abouue. of $4,500 be granted to Joseplp. Latlley and Dtvid Wahines, providing that they increase thecapacity of the old factory tili•eef, id, and, employ at least 20 hands within the ensuing year ; and that they will in the seentgperiod build 0brink building 50x100 feet, and furnish the same inn workmanlike manner, and to lit the same with $4,000 worth of: machinery in addition to the old fantory. They hese agree as soon es the $4,0ft0 and (moveyahce of site are handed over to them, to eicmito a first. mortgage to the aoporatinn for $4, 600 ,on the old and new factory, and if nt the extpi• etion of five years, from' date of giving them a convey- . atm nuts littudiug these $4,000,thcy fail to add every denomination in the town. His next charge will be dueler, in the Coauty of Huron. ITaborne. Baoi' ee.—A few evenings ago a .couple of Stephen voting ladies went to the residence of an' Usborne farther, under ,the pretence of eeelting work. Tt is reported that the good man of the house fired a pistol at the damsels, knowing that they , were not really wanting work. This should be a warning` to lad tee lint to venture out ou such visits after night. Stephen. 'On Thnttday a young man earned Peter Croft, of the G'tshen Line,. gilt hie leg broke while attending It barn raieirtg at Jacob Buttner is, in the town. Ishii) of Hay., llay. ET$IOS £1710 IZEtaleWEZ,4. • Raving purchased the Boot rind Pike ;min of W. 31. T'rott,we arta now offer to tee Paylie one of tiro 3est an Cheapest Stocks of ready _made work ov,'r t:tthcretl in Exeter. \Vo wit ld els,, retuirtu tho,.o itt :at,t of Arst-oils :, Bonze-t,tatle•ll,t„tsr,trt't Slreee, towed anti r et4goct, that -:ve can supply theta witu zvliat will give sat- israetion. Eepairing done at 1 +west rntos and sati ttactien gnar•tutated. Call .end ver f,,•• pnnraulves. non' forget the phaco--iteaurtrtt's Irick. C. EACRETT. 1 lt. ABRAHAM. Exeter, February 19,18Sa. Om. R- -^^_-.. :ii'1 "'T"i.^ gig171.." ..,.3TA=1IMISTaCI[L9 line bete een con. 4 atul li. Mr. Hey - rock rats authorized te let a j•.b of deepettine a flitch between lets 5 and 6 S. R. W. aid of grading the rend nn side Zine between lute 20 and 21. The nounelt adjtturrte;d to meet on theitirst r Monday in August. B. Fos'EB, Clerk. AcclnE1v2.-011 Sunday last, tho.27t11 ,inst., as Alice illabt-1,the youngest ciltild of Mr. R. Eacrtati in eomeaey ,n°itvtr S or 4 other little girls, the eldest of whom in about 11 yrs. of age it 118 in the'act of climbing over it f Mee fell, kuooking down a heavy rail on her, breaking the lets tt 1111117 OboVii the knee. '1'hey were terribly frightone.l,. parti- cularly so when they found 81 a wa•6 not able to walk. They contrived some how to get her back over the fence and eart'y her a few rods, no doubt cot tributittg, thonrxh uninten- tionally to her snfferinut. Gettig tired they concluded to let Mr. Et+creat• know of the ncoideut, who i nnedintely hur- ried to iter assistit.tice, melte foul(' the little suffer crying heartily. He at once carried iter horse. a dihltauce of over half a mile; ,and denptatcited her. Martin to Zurich for Dr.-Bneharan., who arrived in due time and stet the ittjnred limb. She is doing as well an can bo expected under tate circum- stances anti is hoped that w;'l'il skilful treatment and care it will not he many weeks till she ie able to lee around ogeiin. Tho little 000 although not'5 years of Age, used to ttOOttnPany her slater •o erliool, where she soon •bef!htlne a great ,Favorite with her little playmates who expressed the greater sorrow Friel sym- pathy for her, and on their way home from school on the following Monday called to eee her. KIoicnn BY A HORSE.—On Friday last, Ivir, Philip Rader, south boundary of thin township, was plowing in one of his fields, the thunder storm coming up forced hire to give up, and while. iu the sot of unhitching his team from. the plow, one of the horses, a young one, jtitt started to work., and it is supposed from not being much heed to persons going about its heels,let flywitli both heels striking Mr. Rader in the stomach. Drs. Browning and Eileen - non was called on to atteud him. Ile died ou Sunday. Oona of REVISInIt AND &TEAr,.— The Council suet pursuant to adjourn- ment on Saturday, June 19th. Moved by Mr. Moritz, Seconded by Mr. Chart- ers, that farther changes be made lir the Ascessmeut R111 as iollowe — 4Vtn. Broderick reduced $2110, S. E. cr lot 12 con 9; lot 12 con 8, w,l of w 15; oon 8, and w pt 11 con 15 be taken from Noah Bechtel and aeseseed to Samuel Rennie, w+ of n# lot 25, con 10, clld. to W, Waiper mud e . 18, cora 4 to John Corbett.---Crtr•rfeti. Moved by Mr. Kalbfleiscb, seconded by Mr, Charters, that the •Ocurt of Revision tor 14380 be now closed After adjournment the Council mot ou the call of the Reeve, the pfinci- pal bueinees being as follows.---lvinved end seconded, that .1, 0'I3rine be mod $27, fog building a eridge• on ISliud Devon. • The Bible Christian Chetah `i this place wee struck by lightning n$ Fri•• f day, but fttrtuntttely no great . amage was ,.dmle beyond knocking two small holes in the roof and injuring the coil- ing a little. .Acca»3aNr. —On Friday last, as Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Iioln,an, of Devon, were driving clown the linable Hill, a short distance from Olandeboye; ou thole• way !mine from Ltnodou.. 50110 portion of the harness gave way and .allowed the buggy to strike against the hgrses beets nod causing it to rne at a terrific speed do ton the hill. Mt'. Hole man was thrown upon the read, and the horse cnntinned his furious pace lentil near Clnntiob,oye, when dales Hol- man slipped frotu the seat aid reactietl ont'and caught the lines, which very old the front hart of tete buggy. iti a short tithe she succeeded in getting the horse stopped: i once then retltruell to the bridge and found Mr. Holman lying hteel:eible from his •felt. He was placed in the bnggy and (Liven borne. We itne glad 1e' learn that his . irt,juries,, though painful' are not likely it) refiut;, eciiouely.