Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-20, Page 2 (2)• •4 • - Ts d 7,7 • •;,,, uo terOveii y ars troni uur rummies* own fel* lo we tutk. t r. Ith the refu 4 Vet • ioW*t4Iyw et" nju If on ti fl 'or from lili itar nemy of the one 040 LSthe wrong. That great common teOchet int all to forgive jui hope to be--fortivemr- k,storld ,every znity and Ustiliti set us z1Iy sundering ,chasm -hetw $ "It s wfl .vena: '''--‘;--;•-•*trrUett'T--rtotit out from alt poseibility* of return, or if the ,itiCt, of angor or greetintiole forever poosiblitfu4her, triendihip with the orte injured.' • o,0,.,greed, anger* 0411* $01., shneu-Art their 414qgumei to • ,wound hem &nd work:- them 111. Sornetiinea the most -sr*.itsvouit dam- zge ia done by simple 'WANT Ok' ViatiGHT; • UnIth er1rfl i 1G, alt withnt , . p sin ' love's .nee thottgls of gettixig *en, k in kind or ni riatizf3inj i�&flC.. It ri1 by every, mean lift our own. level the who;hu degradad1 tie*, pr puuon iuteadr get even wth bim. 1 mro, 4. tVi; r * nip1les stnttbrng, ttli to of *role Tohn 14 obst '14 The .ht:i4tectil *4 . tore vry-' 0 v ' • 'a •-,' ' Venal* , ,i u with . o; tbou1ht and its, in*iteneeit t.. c*nialoYni oirtit'ets*olo6IY:- promoted iI .. gy s'oe_t! 04041 vete**. It has 11111w4.' to ULkV ss is zo ni eve - re- sulte4 pentane . When Obristiandiffer so mut* that they eitnnot or do not wok tagether, as unit, a, last the foreee of evil and to. ,.fortlier tthe oda of the - Kingdom,, hionitul, and they are ' in some such wayasw have been studying, 3 Our lesson at,o ebows Us 110 dzsputes between two individusis are to be settlod ; taik it over; free. ace; look be adiof each ot 4u*- ice;it purls anothe motivo in the Justice fe tht process which tescbos us all thet, this is an t y wqrld in which one must %salt as he Zows, consequently must u Forgiventse lets - tolpit its way; it does not shield willful_ -criminal _front- thefruitage - Or his aotst. but it let* them fi.l4 an bim only in the measure of ,etin ion, for his help owl restorMion .0,40_41 clre strive would Ita y:fiur enciuiee. Vcngeztn sizes and seals the enwit neasTimakt .10wirititCV and make* friend* w might Wive been lifelong- foes. leorgiventies, thin, is the an 41,14..:14, yrr, ys, An efo WOUR NEIGBBOB en to 11, thee,* of enmity; it subsit.40 helpfulness*fo.:_hittred - ,vory wrong e an lmpractic. ,other *pert from th enemy the whole world would forgetting the wrong00 es, but battlefield, every Times you'0*.rt Andl' "1100 enighteer Of , hand, egainet his neighbor effectually aa u iiiretonity was drunk. That we's • 11 Ltrogreas and Peace forever Poutt' 114"--'' 'But t4'4101°°411 tiLikes...'nothini unusual; he bad often been nnpOuly 044-145' the "jug *14b°E the m411(2171' 141: drunk before, 4verything workirt as "wean' beer With ono 10. 1110MT4erli Wit Calni"_; with 0,! well, he would undouhted0 other, only as we can be patienid t desire to - ouell 31" °vex- in, zt. was - hi* rbe otted* $ , , , , . your own; n; e how Mu .ou can give up, witb t offentling*,conscience; :sleek the ivine g Illii00. . 33 • IUdtF 01 son**. 1 make allowance for weakness a passion,' give up the natural demos for vengeance and seek to heal the breaches 'eonstantly being made 12 6616411/36$4 C40 Melt live together iu - peace andt good will. . To forgive, then, is to -refuse to take the attitudek ward my fellows, Ito may 4-.1°, me *wrong or inluatice. or may done- Otto dilt7*, and thore is to look; it seee through and 'heYond 'pat.. drunk lig;i I c the .fault to the p044ihility Of What 'St* Astol: Peat at lestchte °''' ii the other may be with 4 little help the "" ".''' c " 11°4°4 and kw*. '. ...„ e drunk n' tbe rinte-Pountla to b i ,,, Rorgive,tiess is the attitude which the captain's that communicated . NVAttt. at $474 I will tot be at war wit• h * -‘ue ciPtithea room) andlyben C*P.: own fellows_ even though. they *It) Pftilltp! left 'hie cabin hurried - wrong inc. I will.light, but I will inonid , to bue bridge. by a fight the greed - wrong along h•rouste-the speaking -tube, bet Avitia-them.- M4111144 bit4e er e under temptation,. elterc ilk* P r* e ran. The cbie ex thereby injured, 1, will he , engineertin .captiun It -with BIM and'nOt.'against z 4 grew purple' the face ind so bring the kingdom of he vials of his wretli „were on' sod SOOd will to come lisniOnt meir4. I as. he scrambled to his ftet --1178/1111* P. COPE. and glowered at the eirmer. take the attitude arid,Plnitlift L. ot s1Trie.nd to -them. It is to turn * deaf ear to -the, demands of sel. and Self.Pride and to have sAarger consideration for 4,"A greasy; .4runken so%comdel, not re's PWU c , *lek, Wm! corded a* 44 , Ordi U ce it, r 44 i tiereani front . bet*w, the n • violently' tor/ tA,,,; 1. , * t att 0 'the Th tire • , orruk 0 $ a 11 w • t tb. bride at ane teap, raced along *nateu he wzC�bes th deck and P retur .X1ter,. and.11 d W II ea . nun h onotne 'ill 1 'utes et,013:: unhur stslittOrli being ugge and e tches. Plinted as if L un on. uniting art oc to him gaUantI 11 II into p greet • t. and the utigl held by stout ro d on to ths „t'tt - lora * .; prti- , t the put 'new- e MtLeItan 1 ' Aring .wovni rp40110.40Vere • the forellitek. the bone barrels, n ail-slutft4 gone,4441" "It bales '411u,g4 `---SVOtt ' two.' W* *won.] , engine* didn't shake tbein, al sad wet, stacked in -ettleri solve* * to Indere t• - easier said he a,lway itutpecte there was * flaw in oils *WC' 41,?amn-the, second engineer! said the ettptoin imaPpili*.; "What 'ye got -to think about -iii' what's to 'be done!" . the lTbe ade -gc 00 tistit tehnif juncture,eer0.1‘1 and he hoon wzs visibly troubled. iA .40qt lire I" he cup *I .0 "1-1114-r, ;;;;;•;',,t. : dumb • itery, careering' madlt through the lifs* o err t *Iced in ror no long, *ozone minute the: • t; y Mhelitiloc*ritppci*Tint fitrof - water, .the oily wake of her broad- sided rift stretche.ffer to the north, Then there arose AIL Steady sound that was not the note of the storm. Phillip* gasped. " 9"" ocott*" he cried, atone* are Ivor • second' en- t array well up to the 'foreeastle 'hod, And .slowly the bow of the steamer sat.* own, while her 'stern tiivia up panted and invested as the work went on. Tytt thief engineer had ithekeir off hia ittutior, and W1114 doing work' o ten; hittint,a,-Itoofer here,- drag- ging * owe clear there,--* case that o had not been 414 to'rnev -t0e,,otret ZOUtten0 t•_ 1411 , ,* 1414 , lang and jingle of Chem and wire. t e ere tail -shaft a er. it mattered not that Mtn fell hes"A tow, I Something coming side their labor, ond.panted miler alone elled the *kipper. "What, ably that they cooid do no _mom is you talking' about, Maul This .The merciless spanner *ought them part Of the .world Isn't the Chao- out, aud.. they" rose like' -hunted nel, with *ships passing every five hare*, to throw * themselves with *004ndo. There reig41q,he_411,44prt1001..s.P.e.t4011.1.4„ on t#0 0-1104 -WW1 And : their wounded hands -Upped -lit there's ,* typhoon coming down 04 'teethe engine -room," yell - us in few hour* Good heaven's I ficellan suddenly, to his second, An$ the first accident ever I've on! -rin they forrard tanks full 0' come. *crow! 'wetter! 'ye itenfreir radv., The -first mate bad, come to the can*, scene b yrthis tin** roused by, the The chug -chug of the pumps liegan outtuen ,,eoneussion below. ',Elie•to add to the din of strife, .and the three olSeerk looked at 4,,,ao another how of the Mulligatawny sank still gravely, for tor each man realized what lower. impended. A dead .:leo-shore,the . They lugged out the.taiI-shaft a, fatal Clobbers within .few frenzy of despair, and the chief swift under.tiurrent 'steadily drag eye$' it lovinglIt- ging the ship southward, and *,furi, 4'fit, yarns pretty bit o',steel," uc us gale gale blov,iinkup to the north.-- commented. "Tale it eblaw, yesod- t Was a.coMbination of .• (Arm& Atanceithat might have daunted the . They took. it -bolo* and "till the toutest heart. On the face of it. the cargo floated out of the gaping hold Mulligatawny was a .doomoi ship. and thinaled forward. The sky was 4..Ve taet *ail her.O seid the now shut -out in. hlielc and brood zriatr. "We luive't enough tahVil eloutl-,- ,41 4,Urtter *tituimped *bo*rd. We can't anchor, there's , toss the my' sea that,.4tow and ticiio on allicnutind fithomiherp. misfit broke: into ripples of foam. /tie the brief*, and nOth* Another difficulty preientel itself now. 'A strarm'etbutge-tdnittlos bad • *0°1* au- 2 1$04 the CO* gat„..ered round the stationary tein„ with a working face. Ito had goawAyi and were prying with never had an accident in the whole yottoromis noses at every piste' on of his career before this. her side. The atarnsglauct.,im atilt Up to the* there staggered the a ,clear foot under water, and the ore of the chief engineer.4he. t toctitite was thisheill! crowItt onthrewe breaking. 0---41:44---14.--lut---4eeth,-,but-----out.r. ' T. -- 041r calm, * • • utveive wasted time r he cried. "Yell 'Understand*" .he ,Mddy0 "We might have got 'a:start in the "A•Win 'aiwites 'boats before, ournoriloct-AWit, drawn the!And %Mr. flan bade lthn staperintendent's attention tae. Yort Baud hisAtingue. - sii,shoc. *As rotten as a carrot' Re. ,drove his men' below e ere a., r Th • li• .rtr * *laves, seta r a ,Inatter of an captain, 0 ..w.?! misery ntliou.r*of hatimeringi,theLbroken **P,r'0011101n0d*A00x-thir en3n6erk *Wt. was drawn in -board. It ho y the. greasy collar and shook him !been, necessary for someone to' ko go11 rat • .over the...stetn in it bowline; and "Your Pr013000r4baftlii beisectthe strong t$410 to the use- ar1ed 4-41%0 lostt propeller to prevent ita-lein ' th"I"; Ani he P.°)nted The gigantic(' tiLlt Ott th0 en *ea* ' .11,0.40114,m 0Yen u.loftif the*hatt,:soni the key that 'cep Aber kortol-ilicac Fttto screw froitt. twit/Only '1•02taid 0 ores-ihw. tr-he remarked conversation.' The tiocond.4)111cer. had looked or -And they wi0ro. It was net Until the ,iitevoTwa* out of danger that" Captain -bridge and azt- hours Were 0 A !CAM/ or $1"Y. U* the alleyway, utidting an empty whiskey -bottle. it'm naught but dissolute . mecnatne tiattenel stictiellan "But the captain mieht hae told tttithit C!iineie loan Jr*:--1.ontion Answers,. et" 1,•• • 'low )114 GOT ton. u e I I t outs tits inedts other. of theatimaudini , ' realty, -drunken scroundel, net iti and riernabu *oar,' 41341* whatyou 141*In besnarled. d , , tus, Gil, 2: 1,, afterward Paul's it tr be mpanion, * Greelc, a . man,. 4 so to ogxfoour,oribiostlyiraolasturtiseare4-14,0 wby au 0 4 erts), .itheild-itt up -to .-J4trusaleas ,.,; ,371-up-iin tel p -----)rt $0U 10 the 300 Mies sway) about this clues, u-",,,,,'", • tion. Paid went "by revelation" 4440 cowl engineer a it up- Gm. 2:2). which is .00611,17 ion.. light and swayed unsteadier. Then lir sistent with the statement the look . el portentous gravity over- spre*d-b13-14400*-46-tie-10116W-efl-bY I. church hini"' *cant oily smile Re walked " sent _ _. _ „.„„ novie up the council f The *potties. III. Peter's Plea. ---14. 0.11. Who , iscd ,a, pace.. stepped . aver an li 114 -elders, who "Are mentioned ImPeallne___. lit 0'0 was . not "there, composing the entire assembly. k of the skipper whom he took by the 1641 i pit aeount of their ,rattk, not -a-ig sino lurchedagainst the portly form,' is evident. from v .scii that 034,,, oth,cri buttonhole in 4 00Ulidential niennert 'Christian* at jerusaleut-,were itlitr4,' re 11-1i1c'axcli" me, son*" " Present* **if gaVe • 4. he "'but Ahtra. At thuol he decrees' emitted': (Ste Also -4r. trouhreil - ower Men*/ matte*. much 'ability, who would serve is 0 vecinien of the Gentile con- r For two Vine') litri 11 The Comte 1 at akaa. Oelden. Text, , Aets s 11. " Introduction. The .world. is hill of quarrels. Thert-are-morty Men. like that of whom a character in • Shakespeare says; "Thou wilt guar,. *with * that 'bath * hair 0 6 or* hair leas in Ma...head than thou hist. Thou wilt' quarrel with inan for tracking nut*, having nii other Teasel% but becausethu hest hazel eyes. Thr , head ,is full an egg' is full. of meat, Thr e are: many others with one. skied view*, which they hold perti. comrtirotedentwairt:rh. V.1,82r4troutroer ritolltriperstrsonlaulliattlopernionmaorithr apneznte. publie gathering Paul had i• este loan tee TurrkeYi ' An' a his views before the, leadingi!but thorough -thorough, sitini pos les in an • unfruitful private *C1400rtatiort on :the question " of eonferenee described (lel. 2.:„..Thibete--ain". railway stock .wad be In 6. place; s -r$,6 say- naught tir r P Th ' afit- the reanit. of Peter's testi41 CaPtiuri had broken * uP"-l11 You're runic; th 111401011$17' 404 ,plignadously. In 2 ahort,' the disputes' of the world ' 4re.440 Ulsuyik SO Viltrleds And to• -cer- tain, sooner or. litter, to involve each of tut, that * lesson on guar. ' relit is sureoto.be useful. If we can learn' how. to settle' dispute* Well worth 'While, That . is" the theme. of toAlay's whichlouteriistivetitleifp-it .1 4111 r tontrov ysy.I et arose arlr churtfit and showiethe is and thoroughly Chiistien w* which it vies settled, /4 The- Point, in Dispute. , While Pitul and • flest t Antioch after the jlret $434410 journey', what tlitlicnity *road Cer tont weak perhaps those *eat by James (Gol. .18), tame down frOuVjUtittee. The 'Arson ttxt,sity* that these visitors were Phoristes, 'member* of the strictest stet of ;few*. Perhaps they t$31.t inre$. tate ItUluorit Of laxity in the church; 'at any rate, they taught „the brethren ttbe serh is in the ' imperfect, implying ,toittinaK1 Con- they „kept teething); ontl *aid. tscept `rst circumcised 010140 he sued*, A very different doctrine from St, Poul's "Belie ,0* the Lorkjesus Christ. and thou t *belt be 44114" arty 1.8; 49. Oi hese Pfisriseis Christians t faith in Christi hut tlrY. the requireincut eunfor- Ish rites and ls,voi. The at not *mall disScrision itr but 4 dozin lo.ethy sliarkit had tied - *gen' 414i the taffrail *a the tactic was rigged -Captain. Phillips fell away inalmer rhim through the clear green Of' the astonisliinent. - • Iwister, Orli to hod shrunk beck dia.- "Don't Its * feel 44:11,011 • 4$ 4intitled. Yet he hi.d 203fal itutollne drunkard!" .00.4pried. "It'll nut Society certilicsites in his Chest l'ifo of „ all possibihty . shin .* tan - int 14. its . mori clean deo:10.011ot it** shaft At se* witf. tyttoon Coming your only excuse itati):07. AVM,. drunk fitit , , „ a * onyt All the multitiide 0'00 tue;:'netaiiiint Anger with an oleo, previous e *tea oath, and the buzz' of .comnatut been hushed. by Peter's 'speech. The ere fit mood to listen to Paul like the skilfu taetician be we', e (*ad Bern V seised the favors. p rtu "peek. age 1 he , , Re was 'the other': of Altol i4.eeeei istory .the Iiisho (Eusettins,,, '8.3)0;; brew of• the ifehrews. -Fro* bis upright *na. holy life 'he the mirtime. of "The just a )(et therefore.: with ths,* weight of e' *ratter as. Well as of wittious. • VI: The 'Wise Derition.-.Vit. Why were representative* 91 is lento:otos/2 - church • :throe* rothe 4eiritio* to '.Attlit,4,1st. To give -cligrt4 to the i•ivietter*.and weight. To reciprocate the boat paid _hi tho Antioch. Chtistiests to the. lerusittem. church, it .444141100 .h-eir leerier* to• tortittit with the.W.' and. not inertly *ending letter. To, tielfrirt the rettort of Pad **41 nithiksi, Aoki* '.40ttforvis. t.bi muspeef$ of e. 'hi** tow • stell4known; views. 111 -t , . • iad. at ouldertid the en; side, hastening to the speechlessness. h• addteud the tvliiite hii 40 he tooled'. a drink," tisinki Eh; but sis a stir thing t *outdo* ase far as, tat ,ttle, $044' sons ,,aratter, but you IskipPer'zi 0 Ay, drink'i stir on the re thankfit* rre sober • id gracefulir down the tis LU* hs&d t*vtatalaribets"Y,ktt d snored 1 was boiling witl* Ut the bridge.. 1 4 was trudging saii the thick el ley heavil rater h, tinkle her wily' from the 1; of shovels in ehuld * obit, *ou the, etta,017 Buttatierstibitykto id the oecond nYeIy to the 1 +sq.. 1 4 e e „t I a, speekne .stAter sense.? ah'... the ion .4'11 deo it, U5..1! r, tbet spare taillibalt of the ge romp-steozer Usually , down the , hidden undez- *,fow hundiel: ton* of Ceske. Th1,4 ill in Order that it 'boy he in initnertiete. readiutsit. The stern. asid, where the 'WI -shaft. leaves tli,, htill'end protrude* .for the pro., pellet to, !Ye/fitted:in piece is *Uh- , man would volunteer for the hex M - *ous work, and s' • it 1°404 ** though their effort* ' been in vain, 1101..tillin choir t, and keen eye* biased. . • '1Ma profesaitunil. sop* take," he. cried; " you bowline!" An the *tern; with: a. rim la It was kilUng work, but it was 400$ sOrattortr. • 114, $riatt wa 0 0 hauled clear, and the '-entirelnlisn Ocean putt° pour in through the gaping terngland.i But 04 pans ed about twelve or fifteen feet kept the water clown, and in eptititodie gup of Titania' effort*the new tai1.sha.ft watt' *brook tttroisgh the openiug. Its load showed el in the aperture, and an ehtes foot shirk nusaled at inquzruigly "Ali twin& deal grouted Matellan, see tic propeller hullos *woad attat,ts had gradual worked ispiato latch gf %lip. He slipped •ever and Joined wok, Ur* mievi 0*stops iof coal at , 44d. the elt* r elver that t�eapt the waterline, and sayto draw the ,brokeis shaft, and rp1ace it witli nevi one, valid be itirtailt of water The work of *nth ping' !ler,' and hanging until the.„; *haft is pointed, sit 'aritions, and We* the ratourceil oti htestptoa dockyard. And Mr. was gravel, tooPotuttlist% 'the suggestion thot. the Mani. gatswny shovdd be repaired at istio. *a yieti angry, . • in***1"1 he said swiftly. , getting the boat* - awey, but in deadly earn- 'feu' • "Zak keit Oa nd Window. - , lack $hepp rd's goal -breaking feats. have been elm:dated' at ii4*" -bridge Wells, England. A iyitinns a _ man named Dann, vrho !tirikti remand. in , custody by the , TenbAlge Ile metpetrati$, has apparently vanished into thin air. .The dream:. , ces of the prisoner's escape are ,- in eed reinarkable. lie was placed . in *cell from which escape appeared to be impossible. The cell opened ' on to a corridor in which prisoners 4T°"i " a rht IL' iio; to it!. ..', allowed--- 1 e exercise. only ex • his c - ridor„ialtuorde4 by _.a.large. 'iron gate, extending, from the floor' to - the ceiling.. The bars lira about**, nchiat apart:. Once outside t ' sett, the prisoner would have to elude 'the -eyes of *constable, who . weret continually pus* along the - corridor, and would: also have .to got through it closely barred win- oiv„, :rive minutes,l,efore be 'made is escape he was seen by ...11, con. le-securellocked-upi. INT0' one saw /xi go, and no tracer; could be ; found of the manner in which he effected his escape, , The. gate was *till Iotkoid, and uninjured.' Detet. 'Lives at 01306 let- out. AG find him, but despite 4 close search of all :like. ly hiding.plates, no trace of ' the . fugitive *out(' be found, Dunn w an-exetedingly thin- niari; iniVirt: 3* , believed that he maimgedio squeeze through the bari"Of the gate. ' The charge -against him was thet. . of sslarge quantity -of -old -le me Stange from an empty 0 No A 4- r a. • KOLWAM1L 01V4 th holes to- mend, knOW4 ot the buttons s of the belies te knows what 'the receriesi n'ows of the soolce to Idiairis know* of the ,Patcalog ws here �1iend this, *owt but mother. Of :theiehloins to buy, oles of theiearly when the 4Pia ..b11114‘ hese. thrills; rs hi* last year's sui at Wefl, rather; e eternal but fitt4ier. I tbs fitsjtion -of the newest s, ne front bos'that pine twist her; makes- her 4 121111 kows of pink , re will wear w $44 044 how* shall tsar 'Mu; k*oi low deo, sweet, shoild SOW '"••••'• •