The Exeter Times, 1880-7-1, Page 7SLY 1,1s8o THE TTio Lis 7 "COONSKIN./' ing. To drop metaphor, she attended — I the wedding of her two Aaughters at A. paseeuerer train Whichleft Laming the American chapel the vauae morn - owning east, lata Monday, had among ing, the neesengere'at plaul 'fabea, sensible thma, and all Throat and I ungMfeotions, also a positive autl radical cure for Nervous De. bility sand all Nervous Complaints, after hav- itig tested its won,lelfui curative powers in thousands of Casoft,IIIIS Mti h1it his duty to wake It known to his sutfc,rinp fellows. Aurnate( by loOldtit.t girl; aabnnh. trvonty )eery of a,ike, SOMETHING A T+A€titi B hUOTITs1) this mottle anda desire la, la lic�vn human suf- and a titin• wailed, ei;iay luokieg friin;,1'uh suer free of (h tJl„ to all who do - 1 KNOW. sire it, this recipe, in German, to rtwclt, or Eng. Young matt a vt•rtl• ur two older, No h harith full directions lel Preparing and us - tate would 11 tee inistt vete(' that they i! els a yreucral thing the fanner is liable tug. tent try mail by adiheaah,g with stamp, \' �'^� /''( ( -�-t were eloping,hall not III" yottu nlwtt i his mining tilts paprrr1" . 1V. f:2111,tn, 1419 1.'oavers .V1 ��' �.J1�..J i J XE11 E'j asked the ' it elrnr if t11 wt way 1q for all tiro public injury his hired man Bieck,Ilochester, N. Y.. ' HALL, clergyman on the train, i'here was I'u t; Cralt,e while aottltatly employed by 1 burn, if he sends lziui into hie lot to —r SEL Prot). 1,or1w, and, tiro }runu r 10 10 exl,l:dined t++ i lzurll ala 1)usl1, and le, for any purpose Important to Con*umptives the passengers 10ont;d 11011 tltilt he; whatever, loaves 'It, and the rhos runs ----- tvrLL+ its is bail fir. Tie 11+ t(1 0;tmne truth t , A gentleman havingbeen so fortunate as toa from I3,ath l'uwltsllip iu to i„t;r}, az1,l into his neighbors hit, destroying his cure his sotsofConsara tion in its worst steps, Call, and see the FlozverIlants. 1 fence awl destroying his crops, the far- after being given up to die by the most cele - h0 was (flit') sura that th+ t14irl's father 'would tittle the Otter mail clown to . ,nr r is 'llablH fur the damages caused by heated physicians, desires to melte known the ! illi, wanton neglect of his man. If he cure (which proves successful iu every case) Clliogo'Tuners''", atl'tl there bnarj the to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis,..ole ing train *and r ales a row.i1•, send:= a, hired man on the road With a Coughs, Colds, Cousumptiort, and the Affrc- ttt4H 11.0t 11111011 011 11 t"t,w, h'lt '�'Ht he teal,1, and he, by negllgenco runs into thine of the Throat and Longa, a+td will send ' I aluwther vehicle and. 1l1 tires it, Or the the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, �1� veil the girl, end they were bound 'tt) i persons Who Slay be in it, boo fat lase if the • will forward their address to DANIEL nlarry. If the aid man came alone, he t ADLI , 34 Liberty EL, New York, Gm, thought lie could bluff him off. but. 'if i.11tlti,P, for damage ; but should the t.ti011 man te,avai the road 11e was dime- ---"--"-^------- ---� Black Lustros for �2 cts. 11is 1.. \‘:°, o big 80 10 came aln+lg, the walla roti 10 r o and travel another road for r ,— � , Black Lustros for 20 'vnnd b0 turnntl 1Ia therafure traurotl I'WO LIVES SAVL+D. trio know of a 1 i 4t1 «Lard I a red wvantrrt Ins own 01e:asgro or profit, then the Black Lustres for 25 to know and coonskin wearing if ed would €,trtrlor wuuid not be liable .for damages Norwood, February 19th, 1880. Black Lustres for 30 p stand by Jain. sl1 )titer any accident occur. If a !hired . T. Milburn & Co. Black Lustres for 35 mem, u1 going to or from the lot with a 'You bet 1 will!' was the hearty re• s, ythe, and by the careless hanal'ulg GENTLEMEN: --I notice that you have Black Lustros for 33 sponse. 'I got my 0111 gal by runniil:; 'or t; 4rrvillrr Jan injit1•es a1 passer-by, the become proprietors of that old and45 away with her, idol I'I- see you t.htntt l; tBlack Lustros for I'!1 J the l Y, well•tried medicine—F'owler's Extract 3 farmer is liable fur damages, es, If, this if 1 never do any more good! Ytttt ,iii cutting wood the hired man cuts of Wild Strawberry, I have sold it for Black Lustres for 50 riven t be worth a CeU1 ill it free fl;llt, 0.0,-,0 a tree in another lot, the owuer the tact twenty years, and in no case Black Lustros for 65 and now you go into the baggage oar is liable for trespass and damages, al- have I known it to fail to give relief and lot m0 run this affair alone. 'van's p For anything in Black or an other Goods try though=. he distinctly showed Jahn the when need for Summer Complaint in y z, y , boundary, and though the man may any of its forme. People often tell me have cut the tree with malicious intent. what it has done for them. Not lore Should the hir.'cl rnaan, from rnalioious- since I was at Ctrborne Station await - netts, rue into a team, even if it block ing a train,when a gentleman approach - hie wag, the farmer west pay the dam- ed, calling me by name and holding age, though dune contrary to his poli- out his Hand. "You don't remember tive orders. In all those cases the far• me" he said. "but 1 Have reason to re user min compel they 'hired marl to pay member you, for I shall always believe kiln back if he has auythinl to payyon were the means, under God, of with; bet this is rarely the case uulees saving the lives of my two children." the farmer keeps back his wade and I took his hand, and asked him his only settles wbeu his tiriie expires. name and particulars as to how 1 conld have done Jahn such a service. He said his nsrne was "Downer," and that "souse years before he had known �--y- mo while clerking in a store 10 Aeburn- �{ -V R LV 11 U R E DEALER ham," One day, after• b.urying two of his children who had died of Summer Having been drawn into the Furniture Line by deeeitfnlness and falsehood is compelled to Complaint he had been teiiing me of his troubles. Also, "that two others of his children were at that moment very is low with it, and the Doctors unable to do them any good." I then remember- ed the circumstauces myself, and that I had told him to go back to Messrs. An examination cf my large stock, which is not excelled outside of the cities, and a comparison Ormond & Giltnour'e Drug store in of my prices with other factories, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of what I say. Peterboro' and get a b)ttle of Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawherry. He said PURE PARIS I GR EN AND I-3Ii;LLEB+(O AFF, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES Cr ALL KINDS —AT TFIG AN ® " B ���BOTHERS Zr OR ISLA. W.�, GOODS. Black Cashmeres for 30 cts. Black Cashmeres for 45 Black Cashmeres for 55. Black Cashmeres for 65 Black Cashmeres for 75 Black Cashmeres for 90 Black Cashmeres for $1,13 Biack Crape Cloth for 45 cts. Black Crape Cloth for 75 cts. to bb seated beside the gal when the old elan comes in.' When the whistle blew for the lune. tion, Coonskin changed places, and as the cars halted he rut his arms around Mary and took one of her hands !n hie. The old man and his two -sons were nn 'hand, and they piled'in'to the ou pelt- mei'. eil- mell. 'Here she ie!' 'called the father, as lie:cauglit sight of the girl, and the three made a rush. 'Eno away with my ---!• began the old man, but when lie saw the stranger o-eeeeee beside her he clleoked himself. THE MAID'uN'S PRA.YEE. 'Want anything of us,' asked Coon- skin_ as lee looked up. A romantic youug menu asked his '%hu are you sir?' sweetheart to take a walk with him by 'I'm goiog to be your son in-law in moonlight on filo river bluff at East less than an hour—air! darling.' Dubuque, Iowa. ;She went gladly. He gave Mary a squeeze, and Mary When half way up the extension they looked happy. halted to admirer the prospect. Slid - 'Como along Mary --come right home donly a stone slipped under the young with me?' ordered her'father. man's feet and he went down like a 'Let's mash the villtian!' adder( one eartatn•stiek. Ile caught hold of some of the sons. 'Put a head on him—let me get at 'him?' shouted. the other. The father rsized Mary, Reid the sons seized Uoonskin. Then a recd shirtiow- fered al, ft, a pair of big fists began working with a "pool' "port"t' and as 'fast as a trio got -h p they macre for the door. Coonskin followed, ares and feet working like a teip-hammer, anti when the train moped off the father sat on a box with a big woolen mitten held 'to his nose, one of the sons was pulling loose teeth from leis jaw, and the other boy was groping his way to a snow - 'hank. 'Now., then,' said ;Coonskin, as the eaxtiltant lover returned., 'resume yer eeat, take her little bend in yours, and don't calkerlate ytvn owe me anything.' 'Say, Tom,' said the girl, 'I'm going tto kiss him for that!' 'Ali right, xis. `' a•-•••••-.11 "\tT&1l.just as yon feel,' said Coon- In Titusville, Pa,, a few days ago, `skin, as be returned the smack, 'but I Mrs. Joseph Bu 11nell died from the want it distinctly understood around effect of kissingthe dead body of her these parts, that when I see true love father ten days ago, while attending on ite way from Lansing to Howell to his funeral in Pittsburg. Her father get spliced, I kin lick ail the pursuing died of erysipelas, and at the time she 11ads in the State of Michigan!' had a sore an her lips, throueb which her blood was poisoned. Her little daughter Ella is not expected to live from kissing her mother. At Madgeburg recently a little girl American mothers have acquired no wandered into the burying ground, little reputation abroad for skill and en- which is under the charge of the chief tergy in connubial management on be- sexton, and plucked a flower ;front one half of their daughters. They are not, of the graves, unconscious of offence generally, we imagine, more inclined to The sextou caught !ler in the act, and management of this sort than mothers determined to inflict a punishment of other nationalities; but.sotne of thein which should effectually deter her Isom display so remarkable a talent for set- spoiling his graves for the future. So t!ing their daughters advantageously, he dragged the terror-stricken child 'that they have made a name for their away to the dead honse, in which four futile tribe. A Paris newspaper gives oot'pses wore lyiug 00 hiers, throat her b, recent instance ot the great 811COAss in, locked the door, and went abont his of an American mamma of the peenliar business. It was already late in the order. Her elder daughter had sailed day, and the sexton, according t) his from New York with some friends for own accuune, having finished his work, rt tour of Europe, and, after doing the forget all about the tiny prisoner in• Continent, had returned to the French earcerated in the charnel house and capital for several months of rest and made fast the cometoty gates for the pleasuring. Attractive and stover, she night. Next morning returning to had many suitors, some more, some work at the usual hoar, it suddenly 00 Jess desirable. She could not, marry cured to him that he bad oulmitt••d to them all, so she adroitly reduced the let the child out of the dead house be enirnber to two—the best of the bit, of fore twin;, horse. He hastened 10 nu - course. Then she wrote the feet to gee close the door, when a shocking spoo• mamma, adding that they were both taste met his gaze. Crouched in 8 cora so handsome, agreeable, well connected ner, "'it'll glaesy eyes filed in e' death and rich, that eine onutd not decide he- ware ot horror, and blood-stained lip:, tweeu them, and closed with the glee:s- bitter) through and thieingh in (animal. Lion : "What shall I do ?" Ton days 'ive agony, torts a fifth corpse, that of later" she received a cablegram from hie unfortunate °tensa. The hapless mamma : "I sail to•tnorrow.' Hold child had been literally frightened to loth till 1 came," The next transrat. deaths. lantio steamer carried IVirs, - • •----- an(1 her youngest daughter, turned 18, and juat 0nt of school. On arrival she immediately took the helm of affeirs. An old physician, retired from practice, hav- and steered so deftly through the dan- ing bad placed in Itis hands by an East Its die missionary the formula of a Simple veg( serous waters, that in a few weeks she table remedy for the speedy and permanen- had readied port with all the eGIOrta fly. aura for Consumption, 13ionchitis,Cattarh, Ass vines which clung to the rocks and hung on for dear life, expecting to fall a hundred feet and to be dashed to pieces on the rocks below. The young woman could not pull him up. so she fell on her knees and prayed for him. The young man united with her in this fashion: "Help! murder! 011, Lord! I know I'll be all broke up. Now I lay me. Confound it all, I forget. 011. Jerusalem) I've got to let go pretty quick. Give as some daily bread. Oh, that ain't right! 0h, Lord! Send some- body to help me out of this scrape. Help! Thunder!" At this point he conic' bold ou no longer, but went down. But not one hundred feet. Only a few feet, for ho landed on a ledge which neither he nor she had seen in i.heir ex• oitement. A small fragment of cuticle rubbed off his knee was the sole injury. SHE LANDED 'EM BOTH. CONSUMPTION CURED RANTON BROTHERS, Eacrett's Block, Exeter. TICS TO THE PllBLIC. WILLIAM DREW continue the business, and PREPARED TO SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Every Article Marked Down to the Very Lowers Figure. that "11e did so," and that "there was I have just purchased a first-class New Hearse, and am prepared to attend funerals Coffins, an improvement from the first dose," Shrouds and all Undertaking Material on hand. Prices very reasonable. Society Emblems and "that it saved the lives of his two constantly in stork. Be sure to give me a call, and I will make it to your advantage to buy chjldreu," your Furniture from me. Remember the place—north of Molsons Bank. I may add that it is equally good for adults, often checking and curing this dreadful disease when nothing else will. Hoping that this may be of service in extending a knowledge of its virtues. I am, yours truly. JNO. A. BUTTERFIELD, Clerk 21111 Div. Court. Peterboro' Co., Out. [N. B.—To insure a reply when con- sulting the writer of a testimonial, al- ways enclose a postai card.] JOHN BACK hn;bing purchased the stock oflMes.rs. R, &E. Spicer, has removed to the store lately oc- cupied by then,, North of Post Office. All kinds Flour and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in great variety. JOHN BACK. �T .2011.E407 THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT MAIN ST. 0 1_ TAKEI this opportunity of thanking my numerous customers for past favors, and wishto notify them and the public generally that I have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stock of STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, &c. &c, and have moved my own stook into the building lately occupied by Mr. Johns, in the Peat Office Bleak, where I now have one of the largest and best assorted stocks in the county. Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves THE BEST IN THE `fidARKh;T. Also a la,gevariety of Tinware, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cutlery. Eastimates given for Eavetroughing. Carriage Plating a Speouility. Depend upon it will give you good value for your money. 0 The very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skin. Remember tho place—the Exeter Tin and Stove Depot, Post Office Block, Main Street, Exeter, E H. SPAKCMAN. Exeter, January 20, 1880. p, t THE My Weekly Agricultural Paper PRINTED AND PUBLISHED Iter THE DOI`iIIhittItON. NOW IN ITS SECOND VOLUME. Unparalleled Success! New and Improved Form. x6 Pages Only One Doliar Per 2' FOX 5 NUMBERS. 4 Numbers a Month; 832 Pages a Year; 3,328 Columns for One Dollar. Devoted strictly to Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock. Dairy, Poultry, the Apairy, hlousehold and everything pertaining to a Farm, both out of doors and in doors. Its Weekly Commercial Reports and Prices are invaluable. The extraordinary success this paper has met witlet at the hands of the yeomanry of Canada during the past year, stands unrivaled in the annals of journal- ism of Canada or the United States. A large staff of able and practical writers are en- gaged. and corresp:.ndoncc of a 'valuable nature appears weekly from its many subscribers in Nova Scotia in the Last and British Columbia in the West. I4AMVI E Corms li Yd,Elt . Print..'d and Published at the Welland Steam Print- ing 1louse, established rlOb, by 1.13. COLCOCIC, Proprietor. i'. nee: re Editmr. Atiire:s, CANADIAN I'AltIIEII, rtr.,wcr II, Welland, On,, NATIONAL Having triumphed at the polis, POLICY ISAAC CABLING - s prepared to give all his caste era the barelits %tet will accrue from its adoption, and has o hand alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crocker'', Etc., At his Store, Main. Street, Exeter, which will be sold whish will be sold at prices unheard of tr•'4or)?ree Trade. The,farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vMtrltage to sell their produce without paying market fees, ort the oxoter market,which is second to non in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and hero to be had in Ovorcoating, Flxll.cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, 'Win.coys, Delaines, and everything neededin the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited Ni -.t trouble to show /nods ISAAC CAIiLING