Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 3 (2)er
rin• ightainr$strit
A", 004,rut:
. 0. 10,',
sanSt st # *ht..
.ffironomr; ,,,,danim._,,,z1lo.tlt
oung men waredents of Wo
pwte tt:r'
-football- a*
when the storm.
c place sis to
t the game. 4114111d,40
• ••''
.2,14*1, ti*d,: U
toilelot buil ," buft*itrw
.yun UeiriguId an1 hii„comj&uo
e ing their pig1a1,.tho by rutL1
trand-broilght,the ..t?,
F* 2. 37
it -,w 1 by, the,utmo4 eflurL
the' .1. ' night's
tsve& The _tree under which
iii,, ext:7. voiat4,412.1wrioxitw
standng t ttruiltk,„. T
ii4 Me
old. of ,Mairtilton,„ formerly
. . .
Logo $110100.
'AS *ed. illth -$.1104tInt WItb
tent to
et Well from, -Nelson, B
ors:, The Grand 'Tory on Tueqiay
'rctUrned no hilr in the case of
:Lkrd.• Sholto,- ouglai,„ who. .irtit
hooting.with intent
iiig ome one,day frorn a hunting
"trip, it is soid„ found flowlamisin
the hougie decidedly the worse for
liquor. Lady Pauglite 11014 in 40.0
this Douglas had forbiddeulto
land* the housei and had portion.
larly *ordered him, net to bring in
any liquor. On this ocesison,
ppears,'he ordered 134viland3 out,
but he refused to go, whereupon
Douglas wena,rii
t to , tghboet, got
gun, and returned and shot Row.
londs. The Lotion of the Grand
-Juryluis been received with A good
deal of eatistection by tho people
nit A
BulklingAre Left In
Chelmsford'. .
om Chelmsford says
1xnfor*1visited on Tuesday
ht by tbe most, Slielettroue fire in
hitoy of the toWn. Practica1-
ly tho wholo town, !with the excep-
lion of two hotels and two churches,
was 4111r4,04 to the ground.- The
-fire-startod-- inthe-dwelling ab
Wile Brea. general sore by the ex-
plosion of a gasoline lamp at -10.15
At 12,30 the whole business
lock was A- man of ruins. The• ,
wiled 'buildings include, Pyne
• Bros.,' .general store, j. David's
pool -room and barber shop, 3.
arge's general store, Dumas' shoe
store, Cayeri's bake shop, the lkfeths
•:-edit church, and other buildings,
including !1t0,blet; and outhouses.. A
• contervative estimate, of the total
• 1(,%i5 $30,000, with little insurance.
'There was no fire- protection in the
• Tr
ItIPPIAS AUX 01 111110,Nr.
"Vkanglig 1est1al-4ft**
1. Tratialt, Ileineed
;ammo c
otice was
bs the trans
rem Montreal says:
oived on AVednesds,1,7
tati-onbureau of the
le thzt the Itailwa,t
COMM 14,1.14
del* 'Etis Oer
irjb 9oIttiub4a
e$:Geinrts or Pntari
vivpttigotion_ of 'the, Xui
an-w-211":4111u4iffra'te that
uttecithe-tatmily residenewat-Slic
ville, '
The Council of the Strathcona
Trust have decided to offer cosh
prizes for essays on the best method
of introducing physical and military
training in the sehools.\
It is underetood that 44 imperial
conference on the defence of the
emuip3Lre will probably be called for
Tho Cunard. Steamship Line
1:lame-tins the time lost lit the steps
tosole ab Oucenstown„by mailstoom-
• live
.n iow'ea
Barley -7N0. 3 extra 00c, outsi
nd No, 4-48e. outeide,
Oates -Ontario No. 2 white 48 to
4834c. Oetrack, Toronto, and 46
to 403 Ont0140 o, 2 Western Con- but. died Tuesday morning, He was
oda 4ac.,-Lensit-No.. 4 47e. outside. 38 Tease of age, and had been in the
• reass-INTo. 2, 96 to 060. outside!, country less than a year, coming
g '73 to 74e. outside.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 05 to 00c. out -
Corn;IsTo: 2 American ytiTllow
8114e. on track, Torentorand No.
at 804c; on track, Toronto. Can-
adian yellow,' 74 to /00,--.4on,ktrao15,
Brans -Cara of Manitoba, $23.60
in sacks; TronoTragfirs:
4450-,t Toronto freights.
:rnilesssuuth' of•Mouse
, .:4Or'O
Iidst.ewitf:, ; jz sjirsirie,
wbic1i: started-r,near Linwrick
4nd* ' ,
iiitez..iip,i. .1ti . ' 11
rotecte4 and
.6 , N414wellto „ If; ikv :the place
a eaMe 04 SQ
rapidly, however, that. before 1 he
could get- to is' place of Wety the
gantes were upon bim,. The.unfor.
tnnate, mon ifved, through the night
this to a nt o huntheds pounds,
which tomato from 00 43 per eor,
and the shippers complainedlo the
cc4.111_1140M.% .110 laitter..
'-that thl, rottv':4;iyiliikt:41,0-20;g
base their charge on the value o
the tee tO-theovutsoiner, buten
the cost of the work to them, and
reduced .the rate to * uniforin
eharge of $3, much to the inhibition
of the shippers.
sizmittry SECTION or G.T.P.
Au imeertant Projeet hi
Voider ArenSideration.
devoteb from Montreal sutra
The question .of the electrification
of the Grand Trunk Pacific or Nam
tional 'Transcontinental Railway,
from this St. Lawrence 'River to
Moncton, it now under the serious
consideration of the ItailwaY -Com-
mittee, the Dominion Government
and the New Brunswick Cabinet.
Should it be carried .out, at 000702,
not ltuprObable., it will, be the most
trapOrtant railway electlie project
that has been proposed in any.00nn-
riti-the world, 230-fitr-Wiluteaffvf
is concerned.
W., German Sect Whose Creed is
to go Without Clothes.
A very turimit pamphlet is bait
circulated describing 41; new German
sect, whose whole-ereed is to ((o
without _clothe*, They do. this'
from sanitary and moral purpose:I.
They h*ve established themselves as
a colony at a clearing in a , forest
*I ,
• in the immediate vicinity of
too* spot the granger still
mustily come .stross men,' women,
and thildren divested of every rag
of clothing. The_sedic
clined to interfere. so long as they
keep to a very limited arts. A very
high stete of morality is claimed,
and it is &Oared that the rigors of
Itirtisiatt winterin....12O2sese sifted
thiste folk, who have grown .hardy
from exposure to wind and weather,
*di who lea * very out-of-door,
Letter trOm P.rince of Wales joys
• ously Aeclainted.
A. tlespitteh from Brantford says:
bre* rousing war whoops marked
-the conclusion of the reading of a
• Iet4r letter from the Prince ofWales
to the Six Nation Indians in coun-
cil at ohsvieken on Tuesday. The
Prince thanked the chiefs for elect-
s him to the Turtle Clan, and ex.
rressed thebelief that ihould the
ssicessionsi arise the Six Nations
would he -found worthy of their
glorious traditions in the field'.
It I
A man never realizes
superiority until he attempts to put,
lotlir to sleep.
'eutifie. t)eriartrokint [as Beeu
,by the, ilovE)tritritin
, • ,ft ' 4 tr4
The' 4ininent bas takft, an
portsnt step in reeognihon,of
*obuc'usly growing -seriousness, of tli
problezn of aseronauties from the
ionataitsmdpoint, by the crestin
seientifie .depertment to
study the prableth in reference t
defence, Prime, Minister
Azquith 1411101inceti 04 Wednesday
in the Rouse 'of Commons that the.
iu'rk .devising and building (Uri.
rships .1114 leen divided be-
tween the army and ths navy. With
the view to *Ain ring that the 14004
,aeirefite talent will ,ligt brought to
hear on the task, the Government
hits requested the Nstioinal
Laboratory to ,orgsnito,rit epeeist
rtutent for eontinuons inVesti-
n experiments' and ethers
the ttestions which must
o timebe solved in o
taetie'nn • -1 V
lir "17,, c al
other proniinent ours to wa. 1
rs. Adequate, funds
lotted fore work. •
tary of War )1alclatto it was
ered that the Government's De.
fence ( tee it.resolved to try
o plaee Great ,Britainin the fore.,
front, of the world in scientir* in-
vestigialon of **halo*, The new
tleportirteut will exist for tontinuous
reeeereli,.' and experiment with
models, somewhat as warship:44e.
viers do. The army and navy are
ontperintei"tinf with air vessels of all
tiPtit, and will submit their pieta),
tem* to the eointnitteec whieh* will
endeavor to dismter suilleittaly the
autos of defect*. and 'suggest
remedies, whkh will be tested by
this experimenter*. The tint ii to
itation the "post tom-
fie 0.
di hien -of-Shef-,1 o $O for choice qual.
we tw
- Walter e, ittlifW311
• _
t in Atimist,to reich-t north
in- a -dirigible -bid
venty-seven persons were kill -
automobiles in Now York
ring thssotst twelve menthe. `
Prof. Chast
Cha. -. , •
ell University, has been* offered &place. �n the Royal Commission
-which is to investigate the. sources
of Canada's milk supply.
Ifilmi Paella, has again become
Grand Vizier of Turkey.
Two men and * boy were killed
by`a live wire in Paris.
' The_ a_.Sh_..b_,_of_rersie. hal garuted
hie people a new constitution.
Massacres of Christians took
place at Adanagain on Monday.
,Chancellor Von Buelowthreatems
to -resign uncles his financial reform.
I ns are adopted. .
irteen civilians and soldiers
convioted of murder were hangedie
o tantireWeirelitivaiy,
The Preach •Covernment hats id
defiance to the labor union* that
are trying to force its hands, -
A vonipromise will probably -be
cached J;III the points in dispute, in
regard to the South African Uniorr.
indredspianoessinet- nearl
n, thousand revolvers have been
found in the Xildiz Kiosk, the, pat -
o, of the deposed Sultan.
It is -believed that the eresv., oft
American whaling ship, Carrie D.
Knowles, w.ho have been mourned
for over four years, are in-
eitreerated in., Venezuelan prison.
Wes, and $3 to $3,00 for seconds.
Beans -Prime, $1,00 to $2, and
harel-Ticked, $2.10 to $2.151 , per
141*d, '
dozen, and strained, 10 to 110. per
, Maple Syrup -95c. to $1 a gallon.
Hays -No. 1 timochy, 12- to 03
ton on track here, -slid lower grades
at 1O to *10.50 a ton. ,
Straw --$7.50 $s---012 track.
Potatoes -Car lots, 85 to 900. per
g track. Delawares, $1.10 to
15, „
oultr,y-sChiekens, dressed, to
0. per Itei, fowl, 12 to 13c.; tur-
eys„.20 to 22c. per lb.
Butter-Pound_prints; 21 to 23c;
tub and large rolls, 10 to 18c;
forior, ,.14 10c.; ereamery rolls,
26' to 2404 and 'solids, 20to 21c.
Egge-Case lots; 10e.. tier dozen.'
Clieeiss-s;. tee...Aloof:44 014,14, tO
1 pound and 4441, twins,1,41r4, to
4 0W*cheeso,"dull at 124 to
tt 0 'S.
Bacon -Long clear, 13 to 143/4".e.
per 1h. case lots; Mess perk,:.$21
to -$21,50; short cut, -$23 to *21.
Hams -Light -to medium, 14 to 150,
do. heavy, • 13 to 13340.1 rolls, 113
to 11-,fies; -Shoulders, 10% to 1-1c..;
tacks, 17 to .1.7140.; breakfast bacon
15% to 16c.
ards-Tiercee, 13Xc tube
ate Past of Rockies . la Fitt
despatch fronV-Chieato. TOSS'
Within ten or _fifteen year, accord-
o 3. If...Finney, -ttlecretary and
-of-the---AinntlathiWn rtift
stry Association, there will not be
atiele. of „timber *tending east of
6 Rockies, and within fifty you*
theentirecountry will be as bar-
ren of timber as the American des -
t, unless something is done to
crt the disastefr",„ This statement
-made in a eommUnieation to. the
Traffic Club. ltegarding the coal
ituation„ Mr Yinney deeleres. the
country consumes on.. on average
Ve to4S yper 'Capita* and wastes
hree. •
Sts of ItuiltiOal `Enterprises
Lighten tjie liurdeu.
'despatch, ,from Guelph Its
IitkatICO Cornniittee hare
brought•instheir report, with a' tax
rate for the year fourten and
f mills The estimated p
front' the eivielowned &ti1itfrs are:
elPitt-linfetion Raliway, *25,000;
waterworks, $10,000; street rail
t;$), $3,240; *es and electric
$13,146.0. Municipal ownership
year gait* the city a fourteen'
inill rate, the lowest of anycity in
nada, osid this ,year it is hut
hall a milt higher.
A de'pzt&i from
Aioygius Ou:rin, ,ho w fon
srailti of rianslaug ter on Thir
ilay,2scot neftrtion• With. the
Alex. Siithrielantl, of 'Wes
• ontresd, May 52,Peas-NO.
$1,05 to Oate--Canadian
*Western IsTo. 2, :52:,to.. 523"0...extra
N 1 °feed, 01.° to 513c.; No.1 feed,
'so% to 6004 IT0..s2,skarley, 00 to
67e.; feed; 00y; to CO. ; buckwheat-,
.0934. to :.70c. _Flour -.Manitoba.
Sprutg 'wheat patents, firsts, $0,10;
• 0004elts,„ AMOS. Manitoba
etrong lialcere, 08,40; .Winter
wheat patents, 45.75; -straight 1.61
$5.,00 --to -It5e604--dcessins bra
.$2.70 to $2.75 extraiS bag$
$2.25 to IMO& Feed-Manitobabrans *22 to 03; do., *bort*, $24
to $25; Outs:6Y bran, $23 to 24;
o., shorts, $24.50 to $25'; Ontario
middlings.; $25 to $25.50; Put% grain
inournie) $83 to 4135 mixed-mouillit
$2s to $30. Cheese --11,W to 11%04
Butter --24,3f, to 25e.; sold stock,
19'.4 to 2234c. -Eggs-I9 itv liwto
pots 40zeni, ,
Chicago fay 3,11.0-414sit.' Ottslt
No, 2 red, $1.46 to $1.4934;- NO. 3
zed, 41.43 to $1.47; l`fs),..2
1.22 to 21.32; No 3 hard, *1.25
to $L33; NO; 1 Northern, $1.30 to
$1,41341 No. $ Itorthernsr 4E27 to
iicrn-11‘124*.o.2,4 48Pilitatt -$1.41k25to .6. 11$01;.3%
white, 1604 X.O. 2 yellow* /41
/se, ;
14' to 14y 0. 4,
Oats-4,to. 2 white,
white,' lie to Ased„;
to 57c.; standard,
neapolis, May .
1.28' ; Jnly, $1,26!„
Nu 1
1.°291r t7Z; 1$1.e14.41 o.
Northern, $11.$814 to $1.20; N0.St
Northern, $1,463.4 to $I.$6j No.
Nortiiern, $1.24341 to *1.213,4 Fk,ur
First potents, $4.10 to
sreund patents, to, *CIO; first
$4.75 to tS1,95; steond ekra
to $3.60. bulk,
o SU, As
6 to Go. per lb. Lambs,- $3.60 ,
V6,60 each. Pood lots of fat IWO
uoid at about. So. per
Toronto,3Yfay 13. ---The demand to
butcher catty:, was 0Q strong that
everything of * fair quality andweight sold readily at from $i to
$5,00. Stockors' And tOedets. is?
frozu 2s -to tS) vents.- feedin
war an 42pringersoic-
talvo demand for best grades, but
common unsaleable. Calves, firm
*Sid unchanged. Sheep and lambs,
firrn and unchanged. flogs, $7.40
to $7.50 fed and watered, aed *745
Couuellmen and Those:Who Bribed
' A despatch from Pittsburg, l'enn,
saya: Sentences were imposed in
the Criminal Court on Wednesday
by Judge Fraser on seven persons
tonvicted within the last few weeks
in'the municipal graft vise& The
sentences follow: W. W. Ramsey,
former National Bank - President,
convicted olbribery, one year and
.six =tithes imprisonment and a fine
of $1,000; Captain John I'. "'Klein;
Councilman, two years and *fine of
si,000 On the bribery conviction, sod
one year and six months on the con-
spiracy conviction; - Joseph
Waster' and., Wei.' -Brand, termer
Councilmen each one year and six
months and ,.fine 000 for tea-
;Mir/1,V Lai. Bolger* hotelkeeper,
vette and- * fine Of -W500 To
bribery; Charles Colbert and John:
Colbert, convicted of attempting to
-bribe a jury in the Ramsay bribers
ease, two years and a fine of $500
each. ;
Eighteen Were Senteneed is Court
at Alipur.
A despatch, from Calcutta says;
ecatences were handed down. on
Thursday le the court of Mipur,
suburb Of Calcutta, in the e#SCS Of
thirty -Oct natives vtho were arrest-
ed here last summer charged with
complicity in the Anarchist conspir-
scy of May, tooS, Two of the inert
were condemned to eleath, ten to
transportation for 'life, ',three, to
traneportation for ten years, three
to transportation for seven years,
whije eighteen yere-- acquitted.
Iiutosh a. pulilie prose-
cutor, who was engaged in the con-
duct.. of these cases, was shot dead
in the Alipur court last February:
Wits, ,Let Go 0*- Suspend Seao
tem* at Okilth***,.'
' A despatch twin, Chatham, Ont.,
Ex -Police Chief .1Ciinhall, of
Tilbury; who .shot Coley
cad while idtempti • !rest
hini, Was 14 oft on
tenet .46n Thursday
Iustleo Teetzel 4 ' °hs was
satisfied .of the gi thsraC f
the prisener. His convictioo woulcl
warning to all constables to
be ptrcful with firearms* the lutist
sayillg no e1f0eer-hsti:..,a, t to
pluiot at a f mon. *me
dolegatign of eitizens were
in Kirnbzll's favor.
att !vat! i
, -.con 0'worbt
sp el r
dsmageoL tt3til,iive„e4ry
r _Was Tt:ttrlOakti, W 1441:d:
thrahing outfit, s. stable, a.
ana much. machinery Alestroye
making at total 100S Of $3.0004.
Tr_ enry Biktes lost considerable grain,
tii't implements and a lerge new
"es,n1001-sl"kirtg. J. "Smelt-zit:Li sl°t luktwoacarabst'uot
lumber, which he had jut removed
to his farm to erect new buildings.
ptured,..Atter a, Plena Fight Near
• Atlantie City.
A elespateli from Atlantic City, N.
3., says: Atteeked by on immense
bird of unknown apecies, supp
o be a rnember.
battle is I shortly before I -
light on 'Wednesday morning, be-
fore he was able to vanquish his
feathered satagonilt, which be
knocked down with, ah oar. . After
coofirmation of his weird tale Capt,
Donelity,,,oisshissreturn.testhis.tutj--- --
-est arms pinched.„--bleck_st4
hies -awl shreddedclothing? alone
with the otrange bird,' which .he
trussed up and brought home in hi* '
coat. Local scientists who have
viewed the feathered monster are
still uncertain of its speeies. It
weighs over 100 pounds, and stands
almost as tall as a man. Accord-
ing to the story told by Doughty,
he, was ;sculling his boat along 'Mir
front of Rum Point, near Brigan-,
tiots, shortly before. daylight on
Wednesday morningosrel *dente/
fog, when he wits atteeked by the
.bird. The; bird is still alive, and
will ha prisented to some collec-
tion if it ISurvivel the beating it re-
ceived <luring. the battle..
Settlers litrerirure4.
ortedtO Flee for
A despateh from Itartiloops, B. 0.0
says Ilundrecls -ot-----thousands of
to flee for their lives as the re-
sult of s, disastrous bush fire .that
swept the country from lqoteh Hill
as far east as 'Three Valley and
south from SicaMoUS aS far as Ver-
non. Among the losses are Urn
largo sawmills, the Carlin Mill,
V15,000, and the Carrigan Mill, on,./
Salmon. River, *35,000. Several mill
Threehands hl ta rag et 121 It 1 fixf er 1ft hhaveroeihires& 1.
:burning for several days and -a„ gale
soon brought them into contact..
In Mara District the loss will he
heaviest, for Scores of ranch pro- ,
perties Sri completely devastated..
On the main' line of the C.P.R.
fences and telegraph lines are
destroyed for nearly twenty mile*.
West of Kamloops wires are, dOWO
from -high winds; Reports hove
•that destruttive Atte are still ,urn-
Ing in Spallurocheen- Valley, near
Enderby. -
141.1,ST ST211! ON IfIS 302.
G�eraor ot Sandwieh Se*.
teaml to Ten 'Oslo
A despatch from Windsor says,:
corernor Hermon of Stindwieli Jail.
who . was adjud ,ged' guilty of on.
tempt of court by, *Tlidg6( Smith,:ber,
*6110 he failed' to appear in his A,
court *heti. ordered, and 'WAS. en-
tenoed 'ten ilays' imprisonment
own .bastile, wits on Thurs-
afternoon xervoil with sk' *14‘
by Bailiff 414. Louis, ordering
risrmon was in lin-
°al diftetiltim before I* received
resent, apointment, ,and this
(lay's action is the outcome of ie
judgment summons at the suit ot
Nelson- hardware Compaq ol
t tio
Domnianding 0
i*sult of
nicn Allieate sn4 he‘
o,ial Reform Countil with
erkk orden anti the Militis
regarding cost* or
txon, totone'Letsaird, Alt*.
t t1f4
he dti for uns thta
'r IAA
It toinforrn 30*
ishes OU to t4
le utiont to preett
iquor in camps, i
ell as in all other messes
'111*, to members oS
't being contrary to low.
that the Minister will
1 4 "
404' *A4*
en.4.14.0hri0. it%1).11.0