The Exeter Times, 1880-7-1, Page 6T .1'i TThE g WOTIISt?HILD'S MAXIMS. S. Aeoolyding to George I+ranois Train, the late Baron Rothschild lead the fol- lowing maxima framed an hie Dank walls Attend carefully to details of your busiuoss. .130 pxoi apt in all things. Oousider well, then decide positive - 1',y, Dare to do right. Fear t'o do wrong. Endure trials patiently. Fight life's battle,. oraysly, manful- ly, Go not in the society of the vicious. Hold iu tegrity' sacred. Injure not another's reputation or business. Join hands ouly with the virtuous. Keep your mind from evil thoughts, Lie not for any consideration. Make few aoquaintanoes. Never try to appear what you are not,. Observe good' manners. Pay your debt promptly. Question not the veracity ora friend. Respect the counsel of your parents, Sacrifice money rather than prin- ciple;: Touch not,taste not, handle not in- toxicating drinks. Use your leisure time for improve- ment,. Venture riot' upon the threshtld to wrong. Watch carefully -over your passions. 'Xtend to every one tr kindly saluta- tion. Yield not to disoouragements.. Zealously labor for the right, and success is yours. Y+.+-+ Mr. Gladstone entered. Parliament at 23, a year after leaving the univer- sity. Ttvo years later Sir Robert Peel made him a lord of the Ti easury, and within a year Under Secretary of State fir the Colonies. Lord Beaconsfield did not make his way into the house of Commons uutil he was 32. Of Mr. Gladatone's leading colleagues, Mr. Childers and Mr. Bright entered the House of Commons- at t32, wed the Marquis of Hartington et 24. Of for- mer leaders; Mr.. Pitt entered; at 21, and Mr. 1 ox was returned at 10, two years before he souks be received in the House.. A CHEEKY YOUTH:. The following advertisement, which sweated In a late issue of the Londe) (Eng), Times, is the most itnpudmt thiol, of the sort 1 have ever seen for many a• day :. "To philosophers and. pkilauth'rd'laists of substantial means, with no imme'tiate kin. A younc gen- tlemen, jtiat 10, who feels that he, has very good natural abilities for a scholar. 'philosopher and statesman, wishes to become acquainted with some of the above who would adopt him to give him every advantage to cultivate him- self in a superior manner, and who would subsequently place him (after alis knowledge and experience of his character and ability) in snbetantial independent circumstances, that he may employ himself ie promoting the well-being of his fellow-e,tuntry men. Applicant is thoughtful, oonscientinn•, energeti', preserving, methodical, Cala- tions, Modest and very temperate." Gond natnre and evenness of tamper will give yon an easy companion for lire ; virtne and good sense an ae,ree- able friend ; dove and ooustaucy a good wife or husband: We cannot control tbi\ evil tongues of others, but a good life enables us to despise them, It is impossible that an ill-natured man can have a public spirit ; for bow should he love ten thousand men Wile .never loved one. Which measured over four feet in' young lady friend, and to pair of ode - ler gth.---efatdiet'ottattoine.freputafaun. sorsa banging therefrom. severed qu are ter,y itx her arm &mitt ho volarly blod to WISE, AND OTHERWISE. -death, Tnis taceideut should WW1 young ladies that throwing arms Wills ars among the hast sad writee.. aroutld the feluatle waist is a dlwgerous shou The butcher whe trusts loses ilesll. faxniedfsol lynbystllelauak' solxtl be pier» Miners delight iu picking a " poeltet," ,Iy b„y, ,-, Saw. a strict 011urah- A dead sure thing ----wail's nlortulity. woman to her ebildren, at the begin - A dangerous gnarl—oue who hikes I1irug of the Lenteu season, t' Ishould like 'vary mach to ?eve part deity your• selves something staring the solemn weeks of Lent Will poli do it?" "1 will, mamma," said jc,hntty, a sedate child, would was very, fond. of griddle -- ;Alms; "I'11 do without my cakes fo the.. mort.n' g,' 'That's a gond boy. And. what will you give up, harry?' she ask- ed of his brother, a bonttle of the pur- est mischief that ever lived, who was Herald observes that some of other fond of piny, but had n' leve for books, main - circus ergets "shot" out of i Oh, I'll give tip tit t({ to school, t111aIY1• for'mers p R ( ma, for illy part,' bottle. wn his ready ansW- or. There is a beautiful poem entitled, "Gather Ripe fruits, Oh Death," Death will have to take the ripe ones, if he gets any, as the email boy seems the dead open and eliut mortgage on ail the green ones, life oheerfully. The world owes ne all a living, but she is just as !lard to collect from as any other debtor. It is estimated by the Detroit Free Press that a handsome woolen weeping before a jury has more effect in five minutes tlian two hours' talk. "Miss Zszel in Barnutn's circus, gets shot out of a cannon." The Norristown Ways the Sonth Bend (Ind.) Tribune: 'A. Mr. James 11. Gallup was married to a Bliss Emma Canter in Grand Ra. pidrl on Wednesday. It is safe to say that rafter walking down the matrimon- ial road a few mouths they will have a little trotting to do.' It will soon be time for rattlesnake stories, and the newspaper: office that hasn't already in type au account of a reptile ten feet long, with sixteen rattles, killing the farmer's hired'mau and two cows, is neglecting the best interests ,of its readers. 'Is this my train?` asked a traveller at theKansas Paoieic depot of a lounger. Don't know, but I guess not,' was the doubtful reply. 'I see it's got the name of the railroad• company on the side,..and 1 expect it belongs to them. Have you lost a train auywbere?' t A•lawyer was compelled to apologize to•the Court. With stately dignity he rose in his place and, said, 'Your honor is -right and I au) wrong, as your honor generally is,' There was a (Cwt.' look in the jndgs's eye, and he hardly knew whether to feel hapuy or duo the lawyer for contempt of court. A man went into a store the other day and asked to look at a revotver, and the weapon was shown hint. Tht.n he asked to see a car r,dgo and one %vat. handed lnui. Then be placed the muzzle to his head and scattered hie brains over the store. 'Fell,' ejtionlmt ed the astonished storekeeper, glancing) at the soiled walls, 'a luau who will ti such a thing deserve to be sent to jail for five }'Cara.' 1 11 to l a me t taidl,e tr .. Dl .tt fes tet.; etc, T11rec' must h: cleared c d out, and will lin sold cheap. A woman's jolt -nal sap Gabriella `i' or owl they e..n be got anywhere else in to:tn Stichnt'y, for a nnwbtr of 'eAat•s a cool J.GARLICh. poeitor in the Chicago Legal New, M-A.IN STIMET, - - EXETER. ofilo.' 'has secured tits apuoiut'rleut of - • r C SUPPLIED rT 1,1,7 t L�7:� notary public, and now does )float 01 .l S V .L".0 1J.1E the swearing for'the Yiilage of Otellyer, IL'.' If the lady is a gifted in profane history as soot() male compostto.re, whe nlila]rt include the tttljoining county in her swearing territory without feeliup overworked. liaw.u1B or Couxrinnrtrs AN» t rtTArro1f's.-=• The high reputation gained byFltiitraun's Puc- Toxaax, BBAi,ssat for the cure of ()attglls, enitl.<, and all etiaeases of the Tlu'ostt and Lungs has given reit to snrn'ioua imitation.% The genu- ine Pl•c'rouax. l3At.s cat hies the name of F. C. Hagyarclblown in the bottle whits is of the large size and sells at 25' cts. We thinlc it proper to warn the nususptcctiug against BAT - 3A1t8 berating culler names, or remedies offered as a substitute. Lank carefully to this and taste no other than iiAOYAtn'e Iiec'ronei BAL. setxa C ' 442.-, iii' day at home. Samples n'ortrtl iJ b +,p6� unfree. Address, Stinson & Cv' 1. ortlantl, ;!!nine. HAY PUMP W0r,.IJs. AUTON • PROPRIETOR. having added to my pump macuanerv, and pro cure,) e huge quantity of tlrst-class puulp logs, I am prepared to eller an article Superior to any Factory in the County, and atpricesthat defy competition. 'Wells and Cisterns dugon the shortest notice. Before purchasing calla,the ISey I'urnp Works ,..Shop--one-quarte mile wort of 17seter, T,ou,)uit Road, Slaw r GREAT BARGAINS IN MILLINERY AT MISS GAR.LICK.'S The remaining stock of Summer Hats arid Prilmuitt, 1 t..ttlu+rs, Flowers and' Ornaments will 1 c soldat Sretttly seduced prices I+� ,1-1:(3 t. ooc1s. TTotriton and Point Braids, Bodin and Fleecy '\oc1., tt tclu,nseaaat1h+,xrs theaCoinria and 'Oh, yes, yes,' the old geutlemau said, rather dubionsly, while Laura was telling hien about Tom's ability arlrl pro'pects, 'oh, yes; good euougll prospects, I reckon, but he lacks en- ergy; there is no `get up' about him, it tabes hire till oneo'clock in the morn- ing to get started.' But she only mur- mured that it showed he waM a 'saner" with great staying qualities, and thea the committee rose. A. ttimmer,Oounty doctor(as they chine from church): 'But now really, between ourselves, Maugh s, how did you vote?' Rustic: 'Well, sir, both part- ies they eenla and azee1 me, and I says to elle, says I, yes, said I couldn't : &.y 00 t� the t ot1- • sn I tEa]tes ua ballot > y card, ares into the box, shuts prey eyes r r �, tante retakes it tbt;.l ell'USe, pose it 1o, and HOW THE CROWS Ai iMr. SNAK- ES IN01110. A. friend informs tis that while ridinu in the country one day last week his ati.eution was attracted by the peculiaar actions of a nail' of crows in a field a ahcaver than ever. DASHWOAD FURNITURE WAREROOMS \t M. W. BALL svouldi itirnete to diose about to furnish houses or in neeu of anything in his line that ire lies added largely to Itis facilities for turning out list -class Work. Sash, Dom s and Picture Frames ou hand. All Orders a Sueeialty. Give him a call Dash wood, June 11, 1880 1Y Central Drug, Store, WINAN'S OLD) STAND. Lor' only knows 'ow I voted,' ---- A. patent medicine advertisement tells of a man.who is ailbrdeet iustetnt , relief by its use,and srho alu'ay t buys the prepara'.'ion 'by the gallon.' whitrlr prompts the queet1') l 'Minot how few rods from the road. After risinee, many, gallons are warranted to effect a to an altitude of eight or tem feet the erre?' The fttot that the man Wive the Airds would turn sndtenly and pnnnoe stuff by the gallon i'; not 0 very good recommendation f 'i 1'1� npcn some object ori the grnnntl, tllett ()l' the nit a !t lllr•. The rise in the air again andrepeat;the sdvertiseutent should declare. that a operation. tieing nt a low, to know ' fifty-ot'nt bottle is warranted to euro what kind of a frolic the birds were en- the most obstinate cases." It wouldgaged in, he left his team and went in to the field to investigate the matter. When within a few yards of the scene lie was not a little. eurprisel on fiudiog tee crows enganad in a lively combat with it large black snake, They would moot) dowrt upon his snakeship with open beats and endeavor t:y sei:ie him, but at every attempt the snake world quickly coil !himself and make a savage thrust at his wonlci>he captors, which made it difficult for them to get bold of Wein; Our informant wee oat long per, milled toview he interesting dpectitcte, as the crows became frightened at hist tion that he.oian'tf apprettCli and flew' off, othen• be dip- tl A Lan(ta•;ter y fling lady playfully ktl`cl;c d the black ezlalik0 With it, cleb, throes' her arm., x.0110,1. the waist of.a. lie; of course ; but they all do that, more or less, A Philade'iplliayouth,. who eommit- tett snichle twenty years agn•booanzie a lovely midden gave trim the mitten. line been hoard , frotu through till alt. town tueelittm. He says that when he gazes through the uiisty veli•' which divides life frcm death:. and sees Inc old flame now with her fourteen uhi]d. ren lying aronli(1 icor e, a hila elle cleats house, he gets toed enough at his folie to. cnin.mit suicide eag'tin, and his greatest puuithmellt is the reflex.. `1HE SUT3SO1IIB.FiR TAKES THIS or'184rnlnity of thanking the public Po -- their flair share of patronage in. thugs least, o.ud respe.:tfully solicits 5. continuation or the saute in Ulu future. A.00MPLE C.E AND FULL STOCK —OF--- Druoz & Chemicals Ccr;tstettly ori hand and \\ arrantod. of BEST QUAL•ITY.& AT MODERATE PRICES Medical Wines tin,1 Liquors cc.n be relied on as besttlaulety. .1:couiplotu attics of TRUSSES', SHOE i',TOIIt =ACES S CHEST I'.etOTE C MRS, etc. Always on hand, Also — Stalionery,Sdhool Dooks,Fanoy Oocds,.ceo C N S AL DOUG s3TO t (W'IilAN'S OLD STAND) Directly opposite the Central Hotel Q. LUTZ. St1I, 3' JJOI1'lilliOil J R The Largest and 3\Iost Complete Factory in the Dominion,.. 140x100 feet. Highest Honors e ever awarded to any Maker in. the World. kiEDAL ./OD DIPLOMA AT CI;NTENNILT,, 1876'. - Do do • SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1817 Grohs) MEDAL AT PROVINCIAr4 EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1fi7fi. ,..TitIGsUEST AWARD A. INDUSTIRIAL EXHIIBITION, TOIIONTO, t879.. We are now 1z �anuf,ottlring Square and Upright Pis;rltbs, Best in the market. Correspondence solicited. Send for 11-- ustrsa,ted Catalogue. Mailed free. Address 11:aninion Organ and ma to Coiactiaan',. B OWMANVILLi7;. ONTARIO. 0 site, the Central Hotel '` JOHN DREW este has removed otpposito tlte•Centralliotrl,.Esetor,has opened oat a New. Stook ok . o la i.tu e and Undertaking Goods throughout. SHROUDS, GLOVE'S and apt SOCIETY Est- blains furnished at low prices. FUNERALS ATTENDED BY MYSELF.' S TIS 'ACTII)N GUARANTEED, I thank ray nnmorous customers for. • their favors in tits past,.andhope, to merit s. continuance of their patrolu:.goin my new stand JOHN DREW. savrewR.avvasae,n • ry.trrA aF (;}tiles r , � --- 1, ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST F:£1.,AELE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoa? sorties, aot'e Throne, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL -KNOW PHYSICIAN WRITaES " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause; behind, as is the ease with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays i; ,•i-• ration, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BB DROEIVED by articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get I)11. WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY, with the signature of's' I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. 50 Cents. and 41.00 a Bottle Pre- pared by *SETH W.. Powan. & SONS, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally.. 11 rGl�¢r(,prllElll,+�li�l A Protested Solution ef'tlie t"' tsetide of iron, Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the use of the • PERU ]flip SYR UI'. It owes a :" thousand ill's,'" simply .by Tongs+ iia, tan tooraarino, and Vrr:,onsrarr the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every nnrt• of the • body, repairing damages and waste, searching; out morbid secretly,— )shim for • disease to feed upon.. : nl,. tY i't1 secret of the. • wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, , oiiS, , Dvops'4 Chronic scoarrhoa, Nv95^t oug Affac Ions Female., ale. Oornp: e'a hta i .And a,ll diseases. originating in.• a tris state of, the blood, or accompanied by debility, or as low`. state of the system. C t1.II1':i.05.—Ire sure • you get the .'Pg - RU KLAN 'Pb'.TIUYl,AN S UJ'." Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets rent •free to any acldr, ss by • SE'i'n `tor, POWLii & tinge t, Pru„:,tieture., `:G itarr- risen Avenue,Bustuu„ Mass..