The Exeter Times, 1880-7-1, Page 4The Mo!sons Bank tationtenteren flAar ov 1741miA104,11", 1053. p /tat, $2,000,000, HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. '1:ROMS WORKVIAN, relq. ,PePtMeit 31olieuri, Estt. - I iqu D itacii. ft V.," Sh.epborti, ft N risen., it is 1', H 11 ltht tug, . IT,1141 CO5.1 Tti y4, I i,,(7,, t'7 3/.714,75i, tior 31' ilitiV,11BrI w. Iliveces, 1464,, - .15180c4 r. .1:11Xe tel.` TBrflhiOIL. RENUT - MAN M.11811.. 1...()ANs To FA111111116. 110oney v80.)n.1 to t. 111'l»3 Z1!1.,; t:1110S,Ofl their 011'4 PrAMOS,S,,ry 110.1:0$ WW1 OM'. to.:re eood on7 et.irser8.NQ ntortgez4o requirCd as soeurity. SANINtl 1.3.0,11. • uer cent p tem,: ,inowerl WE 4e limits. T,rair,4qt frultn.1 S11.•4 1),)`1!...tt all.t1S014. ROO: 11,1411W11..1.0441bi.)11.!ilt S(,1, C.11,;•1:tit)11,4 tai pares of the Dominion ar4 rotaros iiimulptly remitted ttE.„lomost. ratolf Extitnr .4.51:518t1301 hl IiT,:w7?.1.Stra7C11 ..ewspt per AE.174UtiAlig D0II`ttli (10 Spruce sereet),wbere adver- it 3 i;latf31 Ito 01 fir tieing contracts may ,t4 be wade for it i Zi• rva. "Noel 'w* itere;tr 4.0 1 TIIURSDAY. JULY 1,1880. TIIE PROPOSEI> WOOLEN FACT By reference to another column, our readers will be able to see the beelaw by which it is proposed to raise $4,500 as a bonus to a new woolen factory in Vxeter, or rather to atesiet in enlarging the preeent establishment. The by. law will be voted on oa the 16th day of July., and we hope that by that time our readers will have made themselves perfectly acriainteil with all the details of the prop sttl submitted, and thus be in a position to cost an iutelligent vote on the queetion. Regarding the propriety of bonueing, we believe there eau be uo two opinions. The prineiple is not a sound one by any means, tud time it very feepeutly resultsio iejeriogieetead of beuehtiog the innnicipality, is a well !outwit fast. The expetience of teeny towes jo Oante da is a prJof of that, But the qneetior to be considered Dy the ratepeyers of Exeter more thee the sormauesa uf the conmen del system whish supports bent ueitig is the expediency of so doing. Each ceee must be considered on its merits alone, apart from the ettunduess or etberwiee of the eystem, Theory mild practiced° mil at all- times harmon- ize. In the ereeetit ease there eau be no doubt about tiro eistlom of supperting the bonne. T1i44 eAttolishinetit in out midst such as tbe terms of agreement protide for, will be of in. alcuable bone - fit to Exeter, mid will go a long way to making the town one cf the nioet Lyres. perous arid tbrivitig in the west. eutert rise i ito experimeet. Mr. Lad. ley the Eugheli Meutteteturer who i,. to be the head of the ettFial:q'tl, i0 it gentleman if weitith, and ,...xaeriPnee iu the business. 13elievitie that Cana. da offered a first clasee field for 1 117010. - went, ef cepital in the woolen .ais.rufec- treieg, line, be Casio hese with ?Jr. Waeleescieternsined to stele aoluewecre January, 1874, Mr. Christie retired from the Cabinet; Ire February, 1874, Mr. Blake stepped out, and in hoe Dorian fullowed him. Iu November, 1874, Mr. W. Ross di .1r, p are I; and in May, 1875, lion. D, A. lIatelonald was appinted to the £4l( aemen t govern of Outatio. In other words, Mr. Mao. kenzie lost five colleagues where the presotat Premier has loot one. 1.'11E U. le, PRESIDENCY. The labors of the Democratic Con- vention, wined' met at Cincinnati, Were cot -ideated more harmoniously,. and terminated in loss time than did those of the Itepublicau CouVention at Ohieage. The MOO who fimtllyemit,- ed the Dannenttrie nomination are com- paratively uuknown iu 'the political world, though built of them have. been tinned in politice to a greater or less exteut. Notwithstanding that they were not serioesly considered as the eomiog men before the meeting of the deligates, their nomination has beeu reci.ived by the D,eneeratio bnly huge with unbounded satisfaction. It is send by thee() who om,11t to know, that they ere the very best inen that ceuld leave beep selected, i. e., the most ceetaiu to wit.' the eleeiion for the party—coneidering the contlitiens of the contest. Even the strougeet Repcb- limbs ai,buit that it will be hard to beat. them, and it will. Iu ne respect is Garfield a stronger man than Hancock. Io previous contests the Republioaus have had a good card to pine' whieli in- variably won the game. Reehtly or untightly, Democrats are suspected of secessini sympathiee, and when the Republiean party hoisted the bloody shirt of the civil war, the effect ou the Republicannorth was magie,al. 1.3et that little move is now most e &anal lv checkmated by the nomination of (len-, eral Hancock. Both caudidates were generals iu the Unien army. Both won distinction, but liaueoek's record is much more brilliant than lhet of Gar- field. If Garfield has doao m (3 h for the Union, Heucock has dune tnore, so that the hloedy 811in would (10 the Republicans burin rather than good,in- annuli ae it would invite a e teepee icon of the patriotic record of the two wen, 'from 51j5,jj the Demoeratic cauditiate would have no reatson to shrink. Oen. sidered fKom the patriutic stand emu t alone, the uomination of 11 ineock was a master struke of policy. But then the personal char:toter of the candidates will have to hear the most searching; exeminithen. It is one if the inevitb.ble features of an Anieri- can election, and it ie not a b,tal clue so leng as elicit iuvestigation be of a legite mate nature. Garfield lets already boon attacked peel charged not ouly with receiving a bribe for his infinenee (1 Congress, blit with the more shame, tul crime of perjury. Ile is charged with being 0170 of the Congressmen who received bribes from the notorious Credit dubilier A.ssocietion, Wb. -)an it; the oeuntry. NVIttiteet4 brought c him to Exeter, he was pleteted u lilt the appearatsce of the place, and ',unsettled to ib vest his caeital hero if the town would 8 -hist blip with a small bonne. The offer is deculedly tho best :bat has 'leen made to ally to • n. Had Mr. leelley been 'were of the stela to t which bornnsieg has been came I its I his country, we are eum Ito could hese e• et tWiet'. 48 1.111101.1 11.4 Ex., -tor 1:1-01)0 et: t to give him. The people tit:Exeter wilt t be decidettly the Leers if' they refuse to .rand the very ineignifecent minium asked fen. The more the proposal is THE TIME A thirteen.monthe-old daughter of Mr. O'Brien, Port Hope, was droweed on rl'hursday by menden tally falling in. fit) a ail of water,. A daughter of Mr, O'llera,ef Orillia, wits instantly killed (10 Thureday by being struck by, a runway tei1411. All Ameriaan company has offiret $15.000 for Mr. .J. ho Kelly's fern in Mamma. on which there is a gold mine, The Supreme Grand Orange Lodee of Otenade have, resolved open , appeal- ing the easo of Grant ye. Beadnry to the British Privy Caroled, David Connor bile been arrested at chlrged with attemeting to poison Mrs. Matilda ;Memo. Connor was enamored of that we men, au(1 deavured 005)1 her to run away with bine The mother of Dr. Powers, rtf Port Hope, her sister, Miss Janes, and Al, fleet T r Ratty, a lett who 1V5tm3 51 rivieg, were all eetionsly hart au Fliday by their tet1111 running away. A. shooting affray occurs ad Friday ovettiegat Reel:bit:ham, tatted twenty miles deem the river from Ottawa, in wil;cle 30 eatable 111 vomel5t tempi to a -t-rto a mai n an et 11 n i, received a peed> nely tat td tot wetted. ..7rTvrtroeitsiz.r.-7-r3-.7:-5,35tratervuittori. ereee State of Trade fletwom ('anati anti tee , t se ley Ft)1, , *et 1-, I.; N g at tees ,,,, tLee e.,11. The trade between Canala and thee . L. .11 P.', /4J1 .,1 Uni:ed l:itates amounts oen welly 101, -• many milliens of dollen'. '-Vitus fitr in I roe ° ; IPA'A. the hietory M the two cettettiee the 'sr anee of reele has geneettlly rem/treed. ea „ 1 ill laver of the 'United litateee but fn' Cr! 1. the fiseal year of 1878 '70 the dere ease reeenee (if nnpostett voile froin Ilia 0, mitt r -1 54".1""ii to Gallatin hronleinli 10 5,0,111 1105111.'0 bfriteli011. fellike (.11 woe ee ethelice of 'rade our favor to it ep ee • ports to ills) .1.11113i14,111 kis (4.01111' "— eutirely mo flee goolis. koer ilie yew! 1876 '79 Itioy 818,311105511 to 004 etee,00a, ;testiest $2:1,103383 is 1817 '78, a, decrettee ofti,:331_01 8. Tee A young nem menet Robert Fralten committed suicide on the 71,11 teteees shin the township of Vallenham by blowing his -brains out with a alio. gun the otherday. The fifth umlaut conference of De- lieveee for Bible study is now in SOS - 51011 at Clifton Syringe, N.. Y. Tv o intlitlred mid fifty mm ebers are in at- tendance, ministere, evetegli4s, mid Ohl islet!) workers from different parts of the ljeited &MC'S 0:1101518 , re- p. est ling varitme religious denomie ual lens. Snow e is largely used for packing Neel' fish for transportation. instenr''sd f ice. Otte deelrr in Carleton; N. Belted three houses filled with snow, which was packed hard, so that none of it hes been lost silica the warm weather came. Tito coat tit putting np fish by this Menus earettly reduced, while the labor is less. In Montreal an orgattizelion has been formed for improviee the comli- lion of the Protestatit ineeue wit. are now cnnh ed in asylums presided over by mins. A deaf and durnb youth, r bought there from Onebec to be'eslaced in 1111 /1.1SitrItirai and kit temporarily in (merge of the LOOS, has wystexionsly disappeared. Notion applicetion for letters pat- ents is mettle in the Caude (JaW z...e by J5111108 14.1eLvtrell, Ottawa ; Jitine8 Me - Lon ban, Q..0., 'fermi to ; J. B ton, Toroillo ; H. new,. New York, an10 S. 8, Hazer, of titVellraud, for 10.1)1p)ra- teen as a joiet stook 0050 p'3' 10 man. ulttetnre locinnotiee, steel r tits, etc., at Ironsides, ms the Gatineau Liver. From the °thee, deeriet come the most cheering :recounts of the prospsot. of 11 very abandmet harvest. The grail)15) faVatibie 100411, im is heavy lirld will yield a iarge quantity over the ordinery average. Wheat, esti, anti potatoes look well, and all kinin of garden pro- duce ate abutelaut. The berry crop, oative and wile, will b.. eecepttortelly huge. WmM . eaglter,a porter ie the To, nn to Post 011iee was erre tee.' the other moiesing on a charge of stealing mom o letters. Twenty six letters wore route! iu Isis pessessieneta.d the prisober, win. pleaded not gellty, wets teteadeedb 8110)10 the Post allies. authorities ti obtain permit:ion from the Posteniteter. °helot de:Ohl:es were brought to liex ght e eueral to open theletters to see if the settle six or seven years ago. The evie content money. fleece egaiust him seems to be very A few weeks ago some person (1ng up red, Unless he can clear up these 15 sword near the mouth of Thessalou °harems 50 1110 satisfaotion of the people, river, in Aleoura. It was foetid beide 111) (01.1 It14, buried ainoung debris which the cause he represents will suffer,- for had been accutnulating for rushy years, he records et' the I/ meeofIlepeesenta- ives prove all that is leid against ins There is 00%v every prospect hat the next President of the Waited States will be a Democrat, ae the pre- sent one woul I be, had frand not beenUIISIVIIbSS(I, t , eanvae.sed, the 5115')will it commend 'Dewed to intervene titI oh8at tOSI tteelf to the favor of the freeholders of people out of their sight. the toe re Tt.e renignation of Mr. son on ucconht of ill -1100th, made the text for Oppoeition articles on the breakiog up' of the Ottawa Govern. meet. It is not worth while to argue with these who emit0flil thtlf, the with- drawal of a minister for private reasons is a sign of the approaching dissolution ad a Cabinet. It rutty he well, however, to poiet, wit that the present Govern - wept •remaited unbroken for a erid of time altnost anparallejed iu our history. Sir John Macdonald sue. ceeded Mr. Mitekenzie on the 161h of October, 1878, so that be has lost only .ouc member of the original Cabinet •in moeths. NIsekouzio took 10.11••••••••10 nommen. Pressed hay is being exported from Port Hpoe. The manufacture c,f shoddy cloth has beets revived at Dundee. Fell wheat in Hauldimand enmity leeks very ptotilifiltlif, OLI clayey mod high lands. In low lands with loamysoll, soil, not more than half a crop is count- ed upon. It is believed that the Federal Gov. eminent, having declined to take the 000We:11)141 Railway off thoahande of the Quebec Sever nient, that an atteinot is now being made to sell it to a private company. Mrs. Walker, of Mitchel:, has receive 'ell a glove belongiug to her daughter, who wee lost with the ill-fated Wau, buno, It wits picked np ou an islaud, but this is the ouly article out of a alt.po tlie.7th November, 1872, lit huge outfit that has 1)eau Loud. 1:110 smith appears l'.0 have belonged to au effieer of high rank, and twist have been erigim ally au art laic of great IN itut,k and value. The hilt is elaborately earved.with figures representing 111111Eery suttee, hut these figures are ets much decayed by rust and age as to be serionely marred. It is supposed tilt' Award belonged to an effieer of the Fretted) arrnyettid that it has been rust ing for over 100 veers. Rev. Walton Beek, rector of Peter boro', 0.0., MI 'se son was an ,oflicei on board the 1081 training ship Atatlan- teelies rec(ived the following letter fern, the Aemirality e---.“ Adroirality, 10tb jnne, a une, 1880.—Sir,—I am a 'md ende by my Lords Commis lemons of the &d- imiratity to exptees to you. their deep regret that they have been compelled Ito abandon all hope of the em f ier 'of II 11.-5. Atlanta, ni.thing having boon heard of her since the alet of January levet, when she left Bermuda uncle tee co Mel ami of Captain Frauois Stir, ling, 11. N, In conveying to you this intimation, tny lords de ire me to add the expression of their drop eyranstby 'thM and of their regret at her ajesty's 801vice should have been deprived of so proinibing an officer as Lieutenant Arthur Beck, R. N. I am, fir, your pi:client servanto ROBEIIT 1.41,1,.." (2(701100 in 0115 exports to 0 111:144 old 0,1101,117 oil with those of (1.m', at 11, hale eliowe for the past. six yt•ars tit eretee. .. r, - • • • r) I/ of :20 per cent. nod ov,r for t ;rent, Uri- Lis . t- : • 111151. Although for the peel few years I . the experte of the Utsittel 8 ales have Telereceeeee .1,,,• decreased ill valrw,. Lite gmtutity ported to (.3.incia, 11'18 actoally morons.' , or 5: 911:113 time 1',,r 'To 1... aeee for t & 11 On 1.Owtelr. f ! • Veil...). atepriet s have 11111(0 iu th.ine t 5 way, PN.:,,,r.o'h,s ware roar ia vs..tnMat 211.1 Atigtb-1. 11 IZ.11-g, varclary Deptteniont of R ;1,1 I '' ttttavlt, einue 81 per vent, The 0:1080 helueing the all vanoin etagnatiou of our faverablo tra,10 with Canade in -y he attribeteel to the pro. 1:ect150 ft"Itt•Y w hi(1!) Wa.' "" l'11. t((11) 175 that (toiletry in Merch, 1879. .c details of this new tariff have been NTOTECE. fully expteined iu the past, but these. portiotie tentlieg to the injuty of this T 11.E ()N T f.‘. () 00111.1i15 fIrel 01/. goods Admit cite I opii7 cra$6.1 DaLunie; byre, Lintiely be enceesslitlly inanefactetred or pro- " dewed in Otitad tare viten...11v debtirred(01? T r J.o... 1 . ) 1T1,rt> rontrV.tft in 11 11' 1- ow offino, 7 cowl. of • \qt '1;' tromthly r,lititri.C...71: P:11rit.ili fin' W- WI:W.11.4a 151 Igt,1'114:i9eR ON. Lot, I 2.:4310, 8-TRA18HT LOANS AT 7 and 8 Per Dent. from 11111 01130,1011, atoll tho g3ode, which citta not be made in Can .uta are brought tr. re Great 13; ii. aio rat bor than from int United States. Tee • prebable ef. feet of this tariff will be inne deeply felt this Year than heretofore, as der. lug the last final year it Will • in fell operati511 only three and one hell' months. 'Under 1 itt naiione1 policy uearly all the arfle:eit now lilt port ed to Canada from tine cenntry will semi be produced there, owing to the sintilatity of climate, etc., bat the 111) 1'' from Great Ih itam will auntie 0 0.— Neer loth. rrtphie. George Windsor, a Me(illivray far- mer sighed 'viae be thought to be an itg,1111.110.111 for (111 act,ey f'r it pntein !mire sharoottor, but afterwinde iurnee out to be a note of hand or a consider- abfe amount. The hard feelings which hrtre so Mpg existed between the Douttellys and the Vigilants is if au3'thing.(01 the inereese. Dovnel]ys spit pat 1)10(08 were lately warned away from the -Vigilant wells by set ing pipers posted on the rumps. "No blackteet -vented here." ere e F2 V& 5:: T S BALL WLMAT. White Mina t ... ... 1 06 to 1 01 ... ... ... 1 Onto 1 05 SrItINO wuner (Me . ... ... ... ...1 05 to r rig it'd c"hair ..„ ... .,. ... 1 (51 to 1110 0 41 to 5 50 Oats ... ... ... .,.. 0 31 to r 81 Clover Seca.. .......... ................ ........ .. 8 01 to 8 93 Poes - 6 5) to .1 Bo Suott !hitter Flout' 11111. ..„.. APPKS, per bag • . Dried .3 pple,. pr b flow:, dros,ed per 100 }Titles, rough ... ... " ilremal, ... ... ihoonfatin., each ... ... iiay ver ton •, onion:, per bean ... (.00)1 ... ,.. Wool, per 11: ... 'f aritnY1515,:r-11' 'nose 1100101, Per pair • v 09 to 0 01 10 5 13 • g (0(0 II 5.4 0 30 10 0 60 ... 10 -I ... 0 07 0 07 5 64 to. 5 5: 4 00 10 5 00 ... 6 00 to lie .. 530 to 7 00 73 00 1 30 „. 0 153 1,10 OP 0 to 0 ... 0 bi 0 VI 0 07 10 0 07 �0'j to 0 1,4 0 40 to 0 30 ST. MARI% !all when.t,por 1,0,51101 1 12 to 115 ill)), i..1,y .. r51gwbeitt ..... .......... ............. .... 1 12 to 1 13 . , ... 0 (41 ::: to(01: (18:3: . . 86 to o 07 (t/rittt,1 7 00 5o 8 re N:;tP!..'.1.°..2.4.11.... ............ ... ........ 16 to 16 lii/loi 1500 lb ..„ . ,. 4 55! to 6 ,a, Portaii7t7e,',1:8140; b71..fi".7...- ................. ::::::.:*:::::'. 4 1.:'; ti: it (,,2;1) ,:onon skins ..... ....... ......... .,. 1. vo to 2 0) ‘17..m51 yer cord Wool. par tb 00 ete e s:1 to u:e3i 1110.111.00.4•1110•ZWW.gr".. 410e7011...1.7/21101), V7V- ••• 11-4 gliatira* ancoraing to the clams; nf xi:amity tae,ed. Savings Bank Branch. - INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE POSIC,S. .Appty 14,11101r:11y 01! 10 (et --'r "W. 1?. 13 LiLLEN, nitmer. 1,03.ginn, Ont,, SOth June,71OSO. 6,71 ALE rAmTAnr.E Under ami liy vivtno of a Power' r f sale cent treei in at aterieeee matle by ltn1,ert 6.0131m , 4.41011 11,ving burn mmlo 111 payment theroof, will b4 sob! by PLIAVC';TION Al" The Central II:Ad, Exeter, 0:1 et, 411,111 1,71 tb7. .1! trp. 0ft9,0. )iriCti 1, 3 1 wwl AT 12 O'CI,OCK NOON, the 'euewtee property: Tot 'o. 20, ria the Lake lb;ad, Fast (!miressial) of 7'own.ship of 11,,,,, in the (Amur!! qf If (trim, crati,1i,•1•1 (5 '4.111 Oat lna.m5) at,res clnarod 11115 (4) au n of citivatina, bootee bet.ch 1,111, S142144 -ro)1 1.4,4.,3..11.1t eituatA ito 141.11:1 and 1110...ket11. TIE 1?%LS- ratrobilor shell -ow! Copomt of'ono r:t the then of Feb:, the bn10.1500 41 0110.thirli of the 1g1.1.11:t;:ti 11.1,a10y la two wont: s tricreiftor; the rrinrinina two•thiraa in crab, or yeurva by a tiw.rtgag)1 pitv.ilaro hi from ow: tv five years, at the optie:t of the liurt.hauvr, For further pitrtmularq, apply to C111::it.113. & • MUIR, Ver.dorte Solicit°, 8, AZ/Milton, Oth tame, 1919, .,.(1.:4f131:4-77e777;11:4-71"ist!ill 44.Li.,4 • g.;ir f.a.:;TRIY 4.97.1MEMPtge, t`. The PA1N-KILLER -Is recommended by Physicians, lifiniaters, Mis:denavies, Managere of FaciorieN, Trork.shops, rlaniations,, ..nareee r.hort, everybody everywhere who has ever given it u trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY, It carc.s Dyspatery, Chrleivt, .Diarrbrott, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painter's Calle, Liver Cbmplaint, Dyspepsia +or Indigestion, -Sudden Colds, Sore Throat, Coughs, &e. T'SED EXTERNALLY, it curt% Iloils, IPPIons, Cuts, Bruises,Burns, Scalds, Old Sores min Sprains, Swellings Of the Joints, Toothache,- Pain hi the Face, Neural.. gio. and Rheumatism, Chapped Hands, Frost-bitten Feet, 4,:e. The PAIN -KILLER is put np in 2 oz. and 5 oz. bottles, retailing at 25. and 50 oats respectively,—,large bottles are therefore cheapest. PERRY DAVIS & SON & LA.WRENCE. PROPRIETORS 1ONTREAL AND PROVIDENCE. R, L ,1