The Exeter Times, 1880-7-1, Page 3:fui;' 1, 3080 i�,d�«F+WfA1VSkJW,;c W.' oak A. A M1a l TRICK. P ob(ibly the meatiest trick that was over ldayed on a white 3111U was play. c(t 1at4 . et.k it, N,00, Yn1 b. cud the faet th)Lt there iy no vigil;yrhee committee t11e1'0 ill the 001y ietteee 01(4 eet•lletl'atore of the trick aro alive, A bus'ai(;e 11(»11 had jt1)t Y,urchaited a a'i(.tt' stillrllat, met ;lie went into a 141110;li 4ki'0 a teat d , leu it' his frieuile to fit the hot on his hoed They ell took beer, and pa tel tho lent around se all (3'ald tied it, One of the weediest nt'n that ever ir. Id a country otileo wont to the h;ar 1cn1'r r od,ltlttt a, 341X)) ofLimburev r ohnotee oat all', 1Vllon the petty, were looking at the 110800tal cetlieg through 1) r'i ft leases this tvickt'd ff t'a,,il Hlilttr,,.1 ttt(a' clle13210 uu(liir.' 010 sweat ieathtar of 1119. bat, and the man Pitt it arc and walker' °till `.1'llr' 31°°31 who owned ths ha' R'ae 000 of year ltorvene eeuid , win) i aiways cotuplttit,iue of being risk, and one who fed as though bottle dreadful disease was going to takep ,SSPE 'n of 11itn.;Ile went bask to Ins plane of businc se, took off his hitt rind lain it on the teble,anrl proceeded to answer some letters, Ile thought he detected e ( utell, and when his leather (belied !lint if he clidu't feel skit, be said be believ ed 11e dill. The Inau1 turned pe:fe and said he guetr.so(t he would :Io home. 13.e met a skarn (3) the Sidewalk who said the air was full of rniestoe, wed, iu the street Car a man who sat next to him moved atway to the end of the oar, and »,eked him if he just cctmeirom Chicago, The mean witb the stat said he had not, when to stranger said they were having a great deal of small -pox there, and lie pulled the bell and jumped off. '1'11e prespirution broke ant on the :forehead of the man with the new hat, and he tools it off to wipe bis forehead, wtten the whole piece of Cheese seemed to roll over and breathe, and the man got the full beueflt of it, and he oxine near fainting away. He got Immo and leis wife met him and asked him what was the matter ? He said he believed that mortification had set in. and she to rlc . 0130 whiff as he tonic off his hat, and said she should think it had. "Get in- to it ?" said the mai, "1 !lave not got into anything, but some dreadful dis- ease has got hold of toe, and I shell not live. She told him that if any disease than smelled like that bad got bold of hitn and was going to be Chronic, she felt as though he would be a burden to nirnself if he lived very ',nog. She got Itis clothes off, soaked his feet 111 mUle- tard water and he slept. The loan slept and dreauled that a small -pox Hag was huatee in front of bid house and that lie was riding in a butcher wagon to the pest house. The wife sent for at (lector, and when the mail of pills ar- rived she told all about the carie, The doctor pteke:i up the patient's new htt,t, tried it fon awl gave a sniff, Ile said the heat waxy picked before it was ripe. The doctor and the wife held a post inortetn examination of the bat and found a shoe of limburger. "F'w and snort wore:tl:e prayots they said." Tho doctor brongfat to the bedside the het,. opened up the sweat leather, and show- ed the dying man he was as well as any main in the city. The last we saw of (118 odoriferous citizen he was trying to. bribe the bar -tender to tell hint which one of these pelicans it Was that put the slice of cheese inside of the sweat leather of his hat. A WORD FOR ROMPING GIRLS. 11tr'st women have a dread of them. itiiothers would rather their little dough liars were called anything else than romps. They say to them : "I3e very quiet now, my dears. Don't run or julep, but be little ladies." As if a healthy child (Held be still as if it could take time to walk or step over what Came in its way ; as if' it could fold ifs bands in its lap when its little heart is brimful of tickle. It is) absurd• and wrong, because it is unna- tural. Children, girls as well as boys, reed exercise ; indeed, they meet have it to belcept in a healthy condition. They need to expand their chests, strengthen tlielr muscles, tone t'hai''nerves,develop themselves generally. Anil this exer- cise »lust be out-of-doors too. 1t is :d�ot enough to have calisthenics in thenil.rsery or parlor; they need to be out in the sunshine, out in the wind;. cut iu the grass, out-of•doors some- where, if it be no bigger than the com- mon or park.. Suppose they do tan their. pretty faces --better be brown as a berry, and have the pulse (pick and strong„ than white as•.a lily.,, and complain of cold feet anti headache, Suppose they do fear their olothos, supposea,they do wear out their shoos, it does not try a moth - patience half au machl;,o wand as it Goes to watch night after night a querulous,sick ehiid;, audit dope not drain a father's pocket half as qnick to bny shoes as it does to pay doctor's bills.. T IMES bidets (in New street, The invention,. its shown, 0°neiab's of an attaehnlei'rt very much like at soothers air pump by yr high cold air ei forced by the engine into the steam cylinder. The increase ill the number of evolutions per niiuute f the flvo.vlteel tyli"eu this. apparatus is applied, °\lir the n( trlf er it is able to bake whew tllt' e, gine is ran by steam. done ec'etna to intlieate a great gain in leer.. A tett ho''se power stationary engine ie need to exhibit the appliance.. I'f,e exhibitors claim that with this in- vention they can do ten per cent. more work, oil 80 ser cent, less coal, or in otter words that its use will effeet a' net saving of titilty•eoven per cent. iii the 00th of 1'tlnuitie on ordinary engine. On ,Entre 115, with 8853 pounds of coal, and whfte eslua. 'a frictionbrake weit{h- iug MIS a 'undy, the erlvriiie with steam rli rlt'. a,1u r d tint fly -wheel to make 18,- 688 r('v.1Iltii,ns. Ou t'.re next day, with the ;1l,luartatue( attached, blit with enl's 270 puede ede of coal—all °thereon- .11taenv UPI Itt<r equal—the iiy wheel made 20,7€13 revolutions, For the purpose of thorough iaspeetion by all who may bra inters: t.ed,. the engine and appliance will be on exhibition ie ruuuing order All, smrhtl time, E .giosers are parti- sulerl,y invited to test the troth of the ,,lt.hibitore' statement. ADVICE TO A YOUNG ?JAN. T'Iy, son, if you do a mean thing, if you are guilty of a small spiteful action if you wreck some paltry, shabby ven- geance on your lieigbb,.r, if yon do anything supremely little and cowardly and hateful, and still hold up your head alai want to be respected by the world, just lay this flattering unction to your soul—you are the only man deceived; no 0110 is footed save yourself. If you are mean everybody kr ows it, the rest of ivankuld as well as yourself. 'Your neighbonre may not, it is more than likely they will not, tell you of it. They will not express their honest opiuiona on the subject to your fade, but when you lie down at night and blush over your rueauness by yourself,in the dark, don't you add foolishness to your wick- edness by hugging to yeursetf the fiat. tering ((elusion that nobody kunws They all know it, and they all talk about it. Don't you know every mean thing your neighbors do ? Don't they all tell your all the mean things they know auout each other ? And do you. suppose they don't know all your little. messes, if you have any, just as well ?' My dear boy, you must know that this shrewd old world is too sharp for any dna, and that you can't fool it. It will hold you at your own estimate of ,yourself ; not your publicly expressed estimate, maybe, but your own private, honest estimate ; the estimate you hold yourself at when von have turner] out the light, and crept into lied, and know that t1eie is just one being in all the universe that is searching your heart ae closely as and far more honestly and purely than you can. And so, if you want the world to think you really lion - est and manly and noble, my son, you have got to be honest and manly and noble. Otherwise, 1 don't care wtra.t it says it thinks of you. Be honest with yorirtelf, my boy, so that when the clay is done, and the blessing of the right falls upon you, you can shake yourself by the hand, and say, "Old boy, you have lntuie a fearful naess of it to day.; you have ettintbted and faltered ; you have blotted the recons, you have just bristled with faults, but von did it all in henest3', in human ignorance and wilfulness. and you havn't lied to any- body,and when yougo out on the street, no man's aocusiug glances can matte your eyes drop. SmemotatanamM C « ct S. GIDLE'Y trader 'a,ttd IPtLenit t .ria Man a li-Ax.., tux ers j'OULD SAY TO G WOULD these lvho Rti;enii �;;YPW .,;�e-r.+or, + y call specia1attentien nr)lras(op to (to so from '- "^t � to 0311. 0000rtaking rlepsrt the titanufa0lnrer'. 'i'be o)eut,which is Snore coni. dealer 01)4) buys to 0(311 taetaGhaYievar,(6sw stave again must non„v:,ari t v " added. d s ural new designs y Rd a ev s �...L Have a prof') 1. \\ � .'1,,,irn i ,.t�I�il:.zT 1� t of Jrtto, Tire best 4aa11Lr.:, bion tlt t whinhiln Locaauint fall '1'.''''. � caskets r3133dsit a with to meet tho viaws o[ tht, .% l0Rebt p1'io s, Our new (1'azigers. Our oxuou o'n h:,...„..;4,,,,,,,,,,‘,,,; '_�-4 Hearse is rrorlan000d by aro loos thanh1'•ose of dila carnletent edges to be wtLuultiotiuerrvuus0t *•eat second to uar'e 1st the 1 .... iyocau sclloiltrar,el. y .a ,,— i(� provinces b1eins of all the Different Sooieties. JUST RECEIVE!) e,T EXETER, AND LIQUOR TllLi4 s'DCER STORE, A LARGE STOOK. 011 GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED FRUIT, SARDINE S, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITT1,B SAUCE AND PICKUPS, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE, MALT SOOTCH, IRISH AND CObI.MON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. Cr. A. MACE CE Main Street,Exeter. THE CANADA COMPANY'S rained Lan '' for Sale. Iii order to meet the present depression,the Canada Cernvanp offer for sale or Iease, on easy terms aril in certain eases AT REDUCED PRICES, Aivel11Chy, oirLv,rdsre-claioedorbsnofitbedbythe"'LakeBurwellDrainage Works," in the Township of ]Sosangnet, Stephen andllloGlllivray,in the Counties of Larubtee, Hun on and Middlesex respec,- Lists ofT,ands may be obtained, end plans of the Lots may be sec n, on application to Mr, JohnS1lroknian, Exeter, Mr. George W. Tidwell, of the "iiolwull riouse," Widder Station, G. T. Railway,or to stir. John Ironsi(Ie, of Grand iSe 3d, For Lists, l'rioes, TO^m s or other information, apply to the Commission e1,. Canada Company, Toronto. G. W. ALL,N, li, M. I4tuFv'ATT, Commissioners - Canada Company's offices, May 20, 1550. Crr, 'EXETER TIMES EXCITING SCENE. A large staff of assistante are contfn- uously employed in putting nh Wilson's j Clompound Syrup of Wild Cherry, the most popular of all remedies for the leuro of Coughs, Colds, Uroup, Whoop• ing U'lnth, 1.3rnuohltie, Catarrh, Loss of Voice, acid all affections of the Throat, Lungs au(1 Bronchial Tubes. The rapidity acquired by those con- stantlyengaged iii handlingbottles is + The' TI VIESOE FI::C I1 has excellent facilities far. turning out. most astonishing, °nil, to au nuaccue- toured onlooker the great wonder 1e that almost every bottle is not broken. Wilson's Wild Cherry is always male under the direct supervision of Mr. Wilson,, a• Chemist and Druggist of over oixteen years experience. This great home medicine is sold by all leading, druggists, and should be found in every house. A. novelty in motive power, ooneis- ting of an engine set in motion by alr aomhiued,rvith.steam,.is now on exbi- All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch rder your work where you cern get it done the cheapest.. Colored Work a Specialty ! GEaiT. tt.N YRIJP." No otl'ier medicine the works' was ever given such -a test of it's curative qualities as },iosoriart's GEIMAX Sxliur, Iiitllteo years two millions 'four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of clump by ,lruggists.:in this country to those af'deted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs Puennmonia, and other diseases of the throat and lung,, giving the American people undeniable proof that Gsutt,io Sxitrr will cure theta. P1w result has been that druggists in every town talr11 village in the Ca - nails and United States are r'eootnmondiug it to their customers. Go to your druggist and ask what they know'iabout it. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Regular sire, 75 cents. Three doses; will relieve airy case.. CARDS,, BILL HEADS, POSTER',. CIRCULARS. GENTIL,EMEN F. E. HATCH, ---IS OFFERING-- A T BARGAINS HARDWARE Do not fail to call and see his Large stock be fora you buy elsewhere A IERICAN UT NAILS Cheep for Cash at the igx . ofthe Pact 3c.,002,a,,, l5amwoll Piokar0'sBloek,Maain St., Exeter. EHO! FO/? MANITOBA,. During tho iouiaidder or the season of 1880, GREET SAY'S Manitoba Parties will leave on The FIRST TUESDAY of Every Month Next party on4th 'Tay. For particulars apply t$ J1,10 • KNOX. G.W. Id, Aue*•t, Centralia LEGAL r'a H. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &o, Office, Benson's Block. Exeter. Mr,DICAL- D.R. HUTC.t3INSON, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &e-, &c„ Office nest door to 1, Carling", Main Street- Exeter Flit. I•IYN D FAN .—CORONER FOR �l the County of Huron. uffie,e,nextdoar to 10.1. Carling'sstore,l:xetor. W. BROWNING M. D., O. M. te e P. ti,GradiiatsVietoria'tJniverstty• Office andrssidence, Dom ' nior ),aborstor y, Exeter. 0.1<100RE, M.D. C. M. � . Graduate of MoGillliniversity, :Montreal Office andresidenoe,Exeter,On1, Office 1 ours— stn10a.mand 7toion-m �Fd. J. A. ROLLIN'S, M. C. P. S. ' 0. VLotorie S+. Crediton Ont, Office hours roar 9 too 10 a. in.: 2to O D. m- q�v LU'TZ, M. D., omce at his residence, Bxoter. r IL IRVING, ii'RADUATTt, 0NI- (7EKSITY Trinity College.\lemberCoilege elivsiaians and sui'„ eonf Out., 'jilioeliirkton. NEW BOTCHER SHOP he undersigned wouldi'iforn': the inha,bi- tants ofEsoterand. vicinity that helms OPENED A NEW BUTCHER S.aOP one roar south ofhis131acksmithshnp au0bores thesalneliberal patronage that has been Loc corded to him in the nL.\CRSOLITIU AND WAGON' 11.01I21 0 linawillb°extendorltohini iu his new branch nosiness, Itis meat wagon 101110(11 at the real .lents of tbo villas othreetimeseaclweekend. :E S .-T 1-i, A T all kinds kept oonsta.nt114n hand at his buteliorshop. Blacicamithing and wagon. inakiugcarried as mina iu all its brar,rl:ce R. DAVIS. Just. Received. CHOICE HAMS,. BREAKFAST BACON-, AND LARD, FRESH STRAWBERRIES ORANGES cC LEMONS, —AT THE— Choice ; ' amily Grocery. R. 3 OWLER'S EXT. WILD Strawberry IA.SpeeifieRemedy for EN Summer Complaints such as Diarrhoea, Dr- sentry, Canada Cholor.a; Choler Morbus, Cholera Trtfantuin, Sour Stomach, Griping Pains, and all. derangements of the bowels, ewes - ed by using improper food, 831011 as raw vogotobles, unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, impure - water or change of. water, changes of the seasons, exposure. No matter front tvlr(tt canoe of in what form you art, subject to any of the above com- plaints, but HOWLER'S P(xraAcv ('i" 'Vino S'rsawnrn er will relieve you, and a speedy cure will be eif(•ct+»t without injury to the system. 11 is rnoarafaata+rete from the Wit.i Strawberry Plant, and free front (3pittm and other injurious drugs, .r.,,in 1'or sate by all dealers, at 1s. 100, 10 e X1.00 , PREPARED 13Y MIL13 URN, Iilt;NTTt ''Y & PEARSO N.