Exeter Advocate, 1909-03-25, Page 7 (2)•
utj o
GD whes.t ex-$e"t
alCo t
that, the
4.14.6SING no* ALL .oUlt
1.11;10it tit*: r
thwest sro IeI virt,uatly
X Or -•
,pres theLvfl8 13WR, l'Atki, Kche ieu & Unt*rio' 1402*-
.imporwxt .,•
h it
U *bleb the roles 0 on flilift4AteQuete•Qetr to o %.neir
Although the u
Y haehe"01 redwtd There i tettr,",* trouble in ,the °
.:bislierislixed from VW Ititeen
ilnnalirougb per bushel', t • on eablages erAt .„01 .urilouill • r 4ented o 2 orthern, giant
a everal Other ;from three .cent* two cents. On demands for Increased pay: Igo* No I Northern. .1.-25
lared on Weduesday ban Au.a hams from live veut* to The Northern Commercial Tele. rail, mad, No..2 Northern, 1.22
awbaiek larrangement.4four cents, and. so on* with Other. volt coms,,,Loy bay& beei eharkred
the bill would have thCan
e product* of adian toil and to build 0., from Point- Levitt to 0,111.11*-(h3tArrio-3g042 white
nd has the treek -Toronto'', No 2 Western
Praetief411X as free dustry of greater or leaser, unportsliyumisor
ilarnibrough .hellevea, vice. 1LeipA1ty rn-coal ie also tvoutrut,,._,
st formere.---o the one of the provisions. ”The Senate tated do
cMulletes bill, the
iCh •wala preven
• Story • m the IC
14 in Saiskatoott,
Committet at WInolpeg,Strouel,
Perrot of the Feir.
ato�n by rod ingh om tee
companions,es and Mack J.3 Preifiet NV.0400(411Y ,a00k1
of this city, who hive been recommend that it be proceeded
az to winter around Moose with,. and that preparation* on annorthwest of the Pass. Ac. extertativo seal*, as laccomes the I'm.
AllinghaM's informant, portance of such a great enterprise,
had Secured number begin at once. The delegation who
of yo t,iraher wolves„ which- he have been visiting St. Louis, Poet -
driving„ --the Animal* land And Seattle.--.---moking--olnervaaa-
irkehle endurance and tion, „hav,e ooncluded thatsuds *
fair AS is prOposod not leatfibie
hot eminently desirable,
• 1
nadt oats, 47 to 47*, Colliogwood
fl Senator and No. 0 460 Colhogwood, ,
Orpose 'Pessis o. We* outside.
ens acting Caro American yellow,
oo boards of conciliation in labor VI to 744i on track, 'Teton -4,
41)14". ••• . and No. 4 at 72X, to 13e on 114-44
W. ,Ilerhert Downie, who claimed Toronto. Canadian.torrs, 71: to 72c
was robbed of *bout one thou-, co track, Toronto. •
tayag, -Sencl 491bira in his employer's of -4 Bran -Cars, *23 in bulk outside.
Vrai`foinid guilty at8t. John, -StnIttsi-1 .$23.50 in bulk-out-
On one occasion the trap.
been away on a long jour -
r finishing, up * hard
Which the 'anis:tabs had not
any feed, as is the way
dog teams white travel.
he ,driver and the team
ipproachsd the shantythat was
•heir home, hiss littie-three-year-pld
hiki ran out to mei*: them. As
ho ithed Animals reached her,
liey jtunppd on her, and she was
re het father could raise
Seizing a sharp axe frorn
the trapper went at
creatures, and rawer isto
he had killed the entire
ring Ave.
esa aloe for Aseistanee.
despatch from London :fay*:
rhe Standard thinks it it felt in the
4ver-aeas that Britain is
ncapable of providing adequately
or the Beet which is required to
pr�tct one-third of the world's
coastline. The bard -wrought home
tax -payer must obtain, assistance
frorn bis kindred. -The- -Stands
urges, e one condition stipu-
lated for such assistance, a defi-
nite plaee for the over -seas States
in the Empire's Council of Defence,
and coneludeni• "May we not hope,
in spite of all the discouraging sigqs
to the controls-, that, there
enough patriotism and public spirit
AMOlig our politicians to rise above
the limitations of party and co-op-
erate in laying the basis of a true
Imperial organization, founded on
a pint responsibility for Imperial
.elefentoe and joint and equal, eon-
” trot of the Imperial sea forces 1"
wortiirso NIOnT AND DAV.
permany raying Subsidies to II
ten Warship' Risildiugi.
A despatch from London says,.
In conueetion, withthe, debate on
the nayel estimator* in .Parliament
on Tuesday, The Timeo on Wc4nes.
moraing acerted that Germany
,has been working at the higbeat
rewire in, certain dockyards, both
,raight and day, to Posh the to.sk of
building hattlethipt. Thisis ren.
red possible, it is -declared, by
tb. Germ&n 'Clovernreeet payin
zubsidie*amouotin,g, in Soma tittee*,
to twenty.ilve ,per tent; more than
e-oriipOist estimateloicr-Work---- Una
• ,EARL oltgltnii SHIELD.
Teresa of Competition by the Cadet
Corps of eallati.,
A despatch from Ottawa eye:
A challenge shield will be given by
the governor-general to twit town
r city of kpoo eopie or over, or -A bilk- introduoed in the Rouse
the. county in any province not el- Representatives -at Washington
-having A town of 5,000 inhabitants on Thursday provides for one -cent
Which can show the greatest r letter postage.
Von of cadets to its munieipa An ancient eity containing sabout
county population on May *4 1910. * thousand houses has boon dis-
The shield will be held by that ea- covered in the Sao Jacinto moon.
det corps of the winning eity, town tainsin California.
or county which upon inspection It is Wievid that nn sa"aasin
by the D. 0. C. or selected blew up the powder works at Coeur
militayy, °Meer shows the greatest D'Alene,- Idaho, on Wedneeday,
proficieney inmilitary drill and killing three men. -
rifle shooting. Party lines will be e1imuistedi
the°United State* Rouse of Repre
the Payne tariff bill
ilwaysi„ propo1eb ward of
Management, rosposible to the/gov-
ernment, for the rnanagement ofAPPies
the lotereolonial Railway. qualities
The ..Court of Appeal of qui ee.
hasdeckled that. the Limiters- I Bean--Trireel $LDO fo 12, and
Governor in ectunollha* power to bLanty, joked* S2.1.0. to $2.15 Pet
Agpoiat,A4c,014011040Xt.t0 irlIfeetigst0; ijuSueL'' *
Itiontrial/a Oivie affeire, r intto -12.75
, Mr. 'ludic° Riddell eritteized: the, 'dozen: and atramed, 10 to 11e, per,
Old court house at. :London Ont.,c, ,unck,
very severely, and threatened to 1111,Y-010. ,1 timothy, m1o.75
, hose ,the county indicted if im. $.11.25 per ten on track here, and
provements were not Made soon. .10;ter *7444eils.400.to *10 * ton
Nova Scotia' etial Mine owners aotrnw-47 to 47.00 on track.
re oppo . roe r e in god L_n,,!.ates-.-00 to 03e, per beg
between thi* country and the 'woo.. • '
Altai States. The (7represental., Poultry-Chidressed, 13 to
vets ofthe other Province* Seim 150 Per Pound; fowl, 11.t0-1,209 tur-
tO • favor' it, IcOT.** le to .20-4 Per Pound.
A trams shed *sett by the nand.
Fireworks Company' at Ifattalt011
1414' the scone of an ,e4p105"tOrt.en tubs Bu t andtThuradayOne of the employees
was through; the door, but, fetioiv15
41* not erious1y injured. " . ' • 25, ,tR
EAT BRITAIN. • bringing
.50 for cboec
bo *4 foxsec-
oho Colomb warns Bassin's
theircolonies that rvivet MAT, de -1
Fend on Im-Pro-Paratione they uisko
for *vat defence of the cm
Mr. :Reginald liel(astanit, Firit
Lord of the Admirelty, JocIsred
'tiler British 1101150 of (Jommons
t tlie Dar," Must be Maintained
et cost*. •
UflflD fhATES.
Centratters Awarded' Celt..
trawl* for Railway Strattares.
A detiateli from Toronto 'loos
The Temiskaming ,&f, Northern On-
- tole RiailWay Commission toi Wed-
nesdaiya -received -nineteen- teridert
for * large sonquot 'of building to
be. done at Coehrane. City. The
contracts for the roundhouse, raa-
ebine beospotiVie foreman's.
dice, toad, ebute and trestle
reinforeed toncret6 areh'cuFerts
t mile ,posts 214117, 221, and
ere awarded, to ,the Forest City
saving and Construction Company,
LIndon,.The eontract for the2in.
zllizig of the boating spike:Qin the
ndh'in' and ,machine *op was
ven to the Shehlon'sLixnited .of
The lowest tenders Were' ae-
inevery ta,sp. The iwork
I1 1e commenced' at soon a* the
utrafs-are up and signed.
Lawremet of Fort Vetimilltes
**Ilea 11,4100 Besitels of Wheat
A ,desPateh. from Vdmoriton,
Afta,.., savs No less than six thou-
sand bistels of whotit, were grown
last season at Port Vermilion, in
the Ptaiee River distritt,* by )4r.
Sioeridsn Lawrenee* one of. the
sserly !settlers inthe ecgintry. The.
wheat was sold to the Ifitdadn's
Say Company for $1,:t3 per 'bushel,
aad will be growd at, their •mill
os the reece River. In sddition
ix *thousand bushel* of wheat,
Lawrenet raisea I
•44,44,44 war.
Pollee at Fathi Dleeliver. Cave
'Lewiston Motnitelt. -
A 41espateh from Niagara Fallow
N. Y., says s.,,After working on the
ease foe -several months, tho police
.have ` discovered the liesalqiiiirteri
CI :the gang of vitiate 'thievesand
tar- burglar, operating both'
x•nitalitibe. harder. --The headeouvis
ters are in * cave on the LeWiiton
Mountain, in which thousands, of
dollars worth of ' stolen goods is
'thoeght to he hidden. Detectives
n both eidee of the slist'rer *rei
working on the cam Ona arittits
re expected within it day, or two.
lliS WES BLOWS Opt,'
xl prints, ,to 210,
rolls* IQ to no; in.
crearnery rolis,
/id* 21
Ota Of 'Thbilt laidare
21,c per doze .
0 Cheese, 13,140 per
us, 14 to 14c.
tat un th.e. aiuwpion,
ings,.,and th*t 'railroa
bloek*d awith-troop trains, *
ing 'n CEr • .11,11t0144°:wo;metle.:.11131Ivt a) t
it and
" Vines, loaned' by members
,with The 1i314.
• Una *nd atorea to brng.** the,.
ir.•`0,reiit vr,Owd* gathered. *long
onto ..of the run to IviatCh the
coiurnn, whieli was over * mile
long. At Ilastings-ther-,,,cars wet*
I 1 drawn up on- the, sea, front.
ca.ttlo are unchanged, extra
choice animals are wanted, and the
drift ie for higher prices. Sta4erit
and feederkAriii at okl late*. Sup.
ply limited. Calves--Slight,ly hign
er. Sheep end lanilna---ritroog
mand at old retell, with * tendeney
to higher priees., Ifogro-Ititaing
*elect quoted at 47.10 f.o.b.) an
$1.49 fed and watere4,-
ITrie.k at eatt
A deapateh from Montreal mays.
Mark Cunningham, the engineer o
the Boston train which. on Wed-
nesday trashed, tiroitgit the wall of
the .ladies waiting room of the
P.11,7, streetdepot, and
-Ore its way into the general wait-
ing room* *reeking a, largo portion
01 ,tb,e station, died 410 the general
IlOsPital on Thursday morning at
7„40., making the filth vietiex..of the-
atkecolent. •The4remaral Louis Oak*,
'and the-othervietims, were,report-
e4 to he making good progress,
with the.exception Of John Itrother,
RitittiOk_iX0r4rents WhO is ea
Whig from 's, fracture otthe.akull
and i
who s *till in * tritioal etindi
Bacon -Long clear, 12 to 123'e per
pound in cer,e1Ote; Mese pork, *20
to . short cut, *in to 424.
ants --Light to , medioni, 14to
40.* heavy, 13 to 132-e; roils,
10% to tic; Shoulders,hacks,
-165-to 17e; breakfast bacon, 15
to 16e.
Lard. -Tierces, 140-9, tube, 13ge;
pailz, 14Y.e. •
Otitaliqss IN MOMPAL.
Montreal, Mar.23.-Peas
2, 9"4, to Me. C103
Western No. 2, $1 to 5131c extra
feed, tio% to ateflsTa. 1 feed,
50 to 50ge; Ontario No. 2, 50 -to
Ontario No. 3, 40 to „40340
Ontario No. 4, 44 to 4914c; No. 2
05 to 00e; Manstoint, feed
.59.4 to 00o; buckwheat,
o 60o. Flour -Manitoba
wheat patents, first*, *5.60
enitobat Spring wheat pat
to $5.30; Mani
Cowie K1Ik lay Explooleit
• en the '
fromWinnipeg sayst
'Cowiek At fituiploitte, of the
Idea Vire Pence Company,,
gage& in blasting holes for tele.
raph poles .atong. the National
anseOntineatal,.wast kilted hy
emature explosion on .Tnesdity.
was: working by bizoself 'when
e zident Occurred. Both bends
blown off and his eye*, were
hlown out, His wife and farnily,
reside in Seotland.
e ,
. i 1 • n Ct'rmanyliav
for military ker*Ike . 4 ,.
°.Pdriciers omez of Cub* has de.
elatedthat tbo uprining in the i**.z, - o * IdO., short;
ho 11 Jo
bran, $23 , Ontario mid., 4
to 0,,j
land is trivial.
eteps toward t
The Shah tit r is
ill" , 412 ,pure grain
third soinatitutlon t..,, Iiis pef.plemouille. *33 to * anixed,
.PerssaO sokliersT are devastating 430. Cheese. . . weste
villeges.alonar the Russian frdntier to 13gc; eastern* . 11X to
nal,, butchering the irdisbitanti4 . Butter. -Pall creamery, SU: 'Mote
'¶1i strike of Freneh, telegrapher* creamery,. talgel i (burr, in, tibia,
Paris poitmen threaten* to •red ifte; rollei \10e. gs-2,5 to Ec
, almost* to tik Stage. of lie- dozeu.-
The Italian Police fesethe Maa,
' make an 'attempt on. the life,
cx-P'eidnt Roosvielt. ',during!
. , n ' 1 , V
ay in July'. '
- The Porte has ranted per t454, to Cr.14,11; July E.
1'0. i bard, 111.10,1 to
.sion 'to the aliens *
* at tf.lo o.,1 Northern ,Iti 153,* #43
tied after the
stantinople to returnTurkey. 1 --.2( Northern, .1*.113, tO
.. 4
Twenty *allots were drowned $1.14; No. * Nat Mao to
near Rotterdam When the Comm *1.111. Flour-Firat: pas nts, *5....1
'hip Margretha was sunk in ti‘ool4 .66 to *5.76; second patents, •435.04.1
lision-with another vesioel. a _ Ito $SA; i1„ tit dears,' $4.40 to $4-
A suit bas been entered In lrenemli 144. **coact titer* $3,,15 to $3.13.
'trio Illeanuiding the* extradition Bran. --In bilk, 140 to $23.50.
*ad trial. of et-Preside:at Castro on Ilufalo, Mar. $41. -Wheat ,-, r
a. tberge of tensing the murder of, wheat, atestly; No. • i
a. number of revolutionaries, elarloads, stores, UAW;Winter,
•‘,....„-......„ steady,. Corn. -Lower;, No.
low, 014 to tie; No. 4 yellow„
to tale%e; No., 3 tort!, 88X to 416.,4 ;
....... No. 4 eorra, 67,f,i', to AV. e; No
11 white , se),",e. Oats-;..Zsie:er; No.,
144;11;47:11-te:ttitite:7o says: ye. .
I white, I/7X -to Vigo; No. * white,.
!IAN, to WO; No. 4 white, ttiti34 t•o
take. nes .
*ti Istaitd, lwIrrthek"Irralt, stirialeirlf. o. shielkotrili.
ot.wfortnt sa $LAT; .4caolyrtulititi.�.
i. R
rimisly tataidin aft; sikaipit,
.I. , Y No. 4 41*.
0 'A.
work of desiring up the
bris In the Windsor station is pr
eeediug but ito •
partao.f the failen uiasonry had b
.removed, but thewreck of the
gine .1* lying lust AS it was It i
the tatettiOrl Of the Ongleeeri* in
charge of the work to lay temporary
•tracks on which.to _run .the_wreek...'
ed locomotive out atter; shoving up
the *Iron' below. This. Will
threetake or four days. It is a'
ticklish job. The MOMS Started
rebniklitw thebroken wall on
Thursday afternoon. The part of
the station which was damaged has
been boarded off , to keep out the
curioue, public.
TWO Englishmen Found in Shack.-
. .
One Dead,.0ae.Insate.
.A despatch from Ferule says:
Two Englishmen- were found in
von on Vaduesday. One is dead
and the otber is in a dying eondi-
- One Ts to have been
4:1**41 shout two days.- The other is
demented, and can give no *account
or; hirn$ett or of the dead Mau. By
the labels on their bnicgage theY
*prow ,to have lett England in
February last by the Empress of
Britain. . On the bed o the .‘ dead
• .
h o I
1. o
*:*, 4 *
• .
despateh from Po& Arthur
is: riairts gurnan,, the Swede,
as gone violently Immo* Ai A 're. ',crwate
of the retent accident' on the boiler in Jar
ational Transtontinental north nf mill Mew
when oven men with t.te inill ha
I two
•t I 'WATtetztsl, four .ten -dollar
several new suiteofClothef;
grips; Who the -dead man
or hoe he died remains a mystery.'
Thos sick man was taken to the, hat.
10.1, *here it was found that hie
itet_b**1_4,4*n badlyfroren. als, the.
kin tame os with the et4c
74ittpatch from Ottawa
report on the obese industry
*nada' booed on the examitia,
n of $.3Isimples collected by
(i&l$ of the Inland, Revenue De.
rtment througli(Mt-Canaida. it is
tateci ' that only two SautPlea �f
, skim milk ehefrete were kind, whitit
*mild .indicate, that the **le of this
t is relatively- unimportant ifl
eommtnung on this
the Dominion analyst emosid.
,very satisfectory State di
ee the demand for theep
lerior articles in food is WPM*
inditation of poverty °nth*
f eonsioners„ -Exonin*tion
SO, made for fats other then
fet, but no foreien tat wee
ound in any of them, which is pret.
nelusive evidence that so-talled
eltmeam is not known in
tch from (1'41111
(1s1". pr
thence to Port Churchill by war of
Cape Pullerton,“ then down the
Groat Nelaton River, to Norwell'
House, and smolt** ,Lak° Winni-
peg to Sere. Pelletier left.
Edmonton lost ;ruin and interest
w ed to his ssittxtoture-bi-the
report that he and hts, party had
4 4 of Jap.
The Yukon Indians are fast paw
ing SWAY*" Write* trapper in Fur
News; ,"thecti4UftwO IWO' living, the
children increasing apparently, but
'among the men, Old and young, you
bear - the bellow -tough -of :lung
trouble. -
"The Polly =River 'baud,.
1800 twenty children, twenty Squaws
and fourteen men. That 'winter telt
`tbe. ..men died ,,poeunioniss,
You tee the Iludtem Bay band
aniongAbem too; a great scar
across the neck and throaklytter*
the old scrofula has healed up.
Illfore than one-balf of the adult
TM:liana on the coast have this
brand, called 'by this none bovine*
of the frightful disease brought on
his -coot 100 year* ago by the
Boston _under' CV
Grey ..and from Liverpool by OWL
0400Ulrer, from Spain, in feet all
ver the world, and spread t •
mployees of the 'Hudson's Bay
'Company among the tuttivta when .
after fur. The 113.1 *. 0
an air Share.;
:"T Yukon-Indiart- ii not ,
Other 'North America red' 'men; h�
is different 4.in build, habit and cer. -
tainlY inferior to the average Sion*
or 'Chippewa or other traits of the
Northwest. He is more like the
Iltp; has the same - tomplexion,
.heard and a. little teller era
not so cloth. The people are light
undersized and great bog
gars. *-few-work at-boat:2'130i
wood. cutting,. but generally they
e lazy and .nololent.
'There Are less than 1,000 big aott
-little in the Yukon country and
About 24.0(A.__dogs. The dog sled*
and toboggans' are the. (AY thing
;bey have to move with; never is
horse of ox.
"They .never have vegetables un,
less eating with - a white .inan.
Every ,trihe eould raise vertibles•
at ,their slimmer . camps they
would; They ,have good 'so
every hence to., raise
lettuce, cebloote, turnip' and
of t ere f et el
I froin
I il
own use,..
-"The • tribe*are si
tWelve to fifteen famine
found in places from
mile* apart. They live ru
Strewn or lakewhenat home; but
when winter-toruts31040 for fur
and ineat. They trate/ 'all *inter'
with the whole family outfit of kith,
4044 sqt.MWS and some obi people,
going from 200 0600, miles. on Vowels .„
+gerseralli An a great
' •
•,.; 4
build new ramps and ske .
trails -and . iital new
live on meat they kill and fish they
catch with nets. 'When good ;luck
,tome* with meat or Ash in plenty
they tl,ay and areoke,o-large gloat,
tity and put it in' log. pens Where
nothing can get to it. Tliis pen
cslled s ceche.
“These /odium kill fu at *11
times at the year, •xcepi directly
titer their Winter eath In
March; Ottr that theyhare plenty
to eat, "4 what is the use of trap-
ping l They just .110 *round too
eni eke.
,about 20 years of ago
.hot s black fox and sold it for *MO.
ft icas worth 101,000 or 41400. .11*
$00, of toile°, *oboe* by
th dy *,134 two tilatilteta at 00
young ossa, a tatibleoctt,
eould talk little Eazg-
jiil. wore
hat, watt and vest, short
lortec est with knee stockiagat, hd *
tell and thoin and s new model
tehester r15e., The+ are inveter.
pontalers mid will hit. their
Iast tent at terds and don't tere
p tossing to the limit."