The Exeter Times, 1880-7-1, Page 1uT►.,twi+,fg&-+s ..vcu arF,Pfe:msr sr ", ,
PR 11'c1: LIT''.
{1°)t SALE --AN
P 1-a 1: t i .e 11101r1r,i,t to•t tri tui i401111011
1n ul, a t,u. 1 of Nit1 rib Iugt.
of Foto or Apply u•;tiw.a, 0. ;1..(,,G)'.I', Sol in.
tlt• 1,'itt•r. Augn.t13 ttt70.
.,,,>�L����t:,;.•�.�::�.:�:yrs–.���1�L�..•�t,• �-��r
Ii rP UtfrA\'1' Nt)1'l (1E8.
TA111ES uK1'., CI)ity'i''[ :\11t:;•1'1ON-
P neer. Solo, t,•ulnptly uttur.,todtu, Days of
h,.l.ta 0.1•r!Lrt,Z'h PI
1 UNI', 5. TO LOA& ON 1f1+,AL ES-
L. tato (• •the Huron &' tn:vit:r;n
ti.cirG.V. Los 1'0 toll of interr:ai. Apply to Jun
iv L. small sums n t 0tvt-r,ttu security ata lou.
deratu rate of it.t.•nust. Apttty to
73. V.V.—WIMP,
lath Novcntbor,1970, tf
its_ mlass Mortgages on steal Estato cr for
building purposes, for the Po.uinion ravings &
Divestment tiotlttc of Lolndon, Ont, for any
runmet. est'.aeruA<,nut., twouyy. Apply to
HAS. Il:.'> 1l)1f, t'lttrt.ogTttlthnr, Exeter.
J CGAII,K, Agent for the U.
17 •borne. Luft ,Itbbert Mutual Piro Insurance
(rnhapunyi i't„itlence—P:tr.iloar, Ordure by
xu:L11 prnulntly attended iv.
S. UA..1 '#3#!;LL, i'iiOV NCI�1L
• Land iinrveyer, &c., will le at the
It yai flottl :xeter,un the first Toesrlayi7L t11Leb
nluutll. )cure(; for work left vitb 11r. 5obu
e,laukrual will :aulive,trempt Lttontinn
rel W. I( .:dLil4
Te:ebb: th-1i and Natnralist. Reasts and Birds
Staffed ,• erred in th nno4 approved
etyie. te
1 trgn veriet.y of Pictures,
idyl Ptrunr.s r .toted its the best and oltearost
style. nun itroet.IBxoter. S
rpfI. E:t12'1'It,lt GREENHOUSE.
1e1 k i:<la et weetew end 13o(1,1111g Plant;.
- Han. tee 13u.1 to and ZabosBT.,eftto
i, 1,1 or, ( tbbtyn nt iflower. celery
gr„ •na entente P11Lnts hn yo+tsoil. Jnb-
,ei Ling t;arrlening earetully attendod to.
ttwidittn waft Amerioo,lt Fruit and
Ornatneatai Trees. Orders solicited
aud satit tact on ruar.tllteefl. W •i.ikiCItpUOti.
QTRA.YED. -- t3TitAYt 1) 1+1IO11
the ,treintees of tho nbuc iber,lot 5, con-
.cosu:tun 1, ttt,l)rt ne, ou or about the 411 of ,lune
twat, a dant r.t,t t'nw, with black uoso, sharp
horns; and et1 ptu kn 1'ked tit. Any person gi'ing
information a+t> .le• wit•ereubnnt't will be suita-
blyrew.trdea. •t.SLAh)i:, ftxater P. U.
June 10th, 3t18.l. lin.
BeTABLIalED M1782.
Agency iatablishoct iu Canada in1804. Ltnlilni-
ten Mobility of all t`w <tonitiurl.(e;s, and large
16esorvo Funds. Moderate robes or premium.
ROUT WTYltl7. Manager. Ag..ut est Itat•ter.
TIST, :"+e
leas -removed
to Fausox s ;-
Block. throe ,'
doors nom t
' ,of Oarliug''s
-store. Otime
41 OIIN II. Ii1ND.tlaN,
money to lona cn mortgages, notes end other
• seeurltie•t. 'Bente end act:unfits collected en retL
eouuble t.Srinn. insurance ct8ected in first•claas
Conroe. his at reasonable rates. O.,toe—al Dr.
Hindman's. Alain S rest li,xotel
„eat_ ust receive for investment on mortgages
. at Wu I: cent.
on reasonable terms.
R..3J313OTT'L. D.S.,
t (irraduate of ltoynloollegc of
Office ovor O'Neil bank, and opposite Banwell l
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, July 1, 18 a0.
TN BlISE I,y1;b.
No datlbt 0. large number of our
r('tt,rt.t'N will tete advantage of to -day
'1'Ltireday) being Dominion Lay aud tt
1:emeral holiday, and will be glad to
knew where they can go to pass the
(ley pleatiently, We will du all we can
to aid thane lit finding tete planes they
are sut:roiiug for.
re aXtlatln
the day will be celebrated by horse
racing and other sports ou the driviug
pork south of theviltage. .A. number
of foot races will be run, there will be
jumping and a "tug of war" between
ten men of Stephen (Led au equal
number from Uslurhle. This will no
doubt be one of the most amusing and
interestiog features of the day's pro-
gramme.The prizes given to the
suocessful 0003pstiturs both in horse
racing and other sports are sufficiently
large to attack keen competition. At
0 o'clock the firemen of No..2 Company
will turn out dressed in their uuiform,
our good friends of 1110 Methodist
Church are humid to be r.p to the time.
twit have made arr'tlgetn€nts to have
nue of those very pleasant and popular
garden parties, in the haudbotne and
speciont3 grounds attaot.ed to the oar-
sonage, formerly the residence of Mr.
Thos. Tiivitt. There will be speaking
by ministers *aid others, and the vislt-
or's will be refreshed with Rtrawberrles
and ice oream. If a pica, pleasant
time is desired, Centralia is the place
for fuu.
too is bound to come to the front on
every possible occasion, and offers eta
traction's to the holiday seeker on Do
minion Day in the scrape of a tea
meeting, to be held under the auspices
of the 111ethodist Sabbath School. Tide,
anuiversary is always well attended.
because the visitors are entertained
handsomely, and this veru there wilt
be no exceptiou to'the ,ye
le But we
must riot forget
where Blake & Co., ever alive to the
necessity of providing aulueerneut for
the people, purpose haoiing excursion
trips per steamer "Victoria" on Lake
Huron, a distance of ten miles every
two hours. And in the evening our
old friend Mr. btaulakci will have the
pleasure of givlllg a "hop" to the ex
curbioniste in his new hotel. Aud last
but not least
will be alive. There will be a review
of the volauteers assembled to do their
itnunal drill. A. big titne ie expected,
and we doubt a great many people will
take advantage of the nue fare to see
the boys go through their revolutious.
The Rev. Dr. Itiackonouhie, of Lon-
don, is reported tube iu Montreal.
E. Sleep's house, Whitby, was bur.
glatizod, and $57 and some jewelry
A man named Horning, of Cops
town, was run over at Dundas and
badly hurt tlieother day.
A man nettled Dubois, of St. Nicht)
as, Que , was struck by ligbtuiug and
ustautly killed on Friday.
A large amount of valuable timber
laud was destroyed by recent fires iu
various parts of Digby county, N. S.
The by-law to exempt the Lybster
Cotton Mills, of !1erriton, from taxa -
tam was defeated by 28 iu St. Cattier.
hies. -"
Air. Gen. Hall proprietor of the
Blenheim foundry, fell from his imple-
ment wagon and broke his neck the
ocher day.
The wheat crop promises but• poor-
ly iu the Belleville section. The fall
wheat was largely winter -killed and
the epriug wheat has rusted badly.
The assignees of the Mechanics'
Bank have taken aotious against the
defaulting shareholder's under the
double liability clause in the 13anitipg
Act. '
A man named Stanton, cif Point St.
Charles, was found til 1titGill College
grontide, l4toetreal, with his throat out,.
be having attempted suicide. HO will
A men limited Geo.: ll:arllinge, living
a few miles from Torotitc. received
CEO. ItZ121.12
1t'LMT(1. Bnn TUE firtni FSS.
Shap Grocery, Exeter
.Canadian Pacific Raiiwy'
Tenders for Bolling Stock;
.1. Li'R
1BNDs caret i :'vited for furnishing
the Rolling Stock regiairecl to be delivered
ou the t::Lnt.dinar 1' wino11.nilwav, within the noxb
four years, col, !nisi tag tate delivery in each year
or about too toltuwtay, vbt
20 1 000mottvo I:n,7nlee
161 u•at•elace GRAN (a proportion being alrepers)
20 S'eeo li slays (,ars, do.
3 14..nrt ss and b, male oax'e
S Poetttt and tereeaue ears
240 lies Freight oars
IOC Flat care
2 Wing Plnngbs
2 Snow Ploagho
2 solar gers
40 Hand ct»'e
THg WIaOGls TO Be MAN1:110A. L0)tr*D IN TON
DoM1tION n1r.CANAOL and delivered on the Clanit-
dian Nettle Railway, ab Fort, William, or in ?lin
Province of lvtl.ttitntnt•
Drawings, aitc'ulnca,tions and other lnearme;tfoll
Witty be :bail on application at tlic ottico of tete
I.lhyihteer-hn-nhlinf at Ottawa, .on and alto tho
1110 day of MARCH neat.
Tenders will bo received by the unclersignotl ee
to noon of T t r 1711S1)AY; the .est day of ti,y i1t ri.
By order, 'probably fatal iitjtities by his horses
n:a teiel .
tteeretary retuning limey. Hie wife was also bad-
.Der era arse et, iterateAY daft) CANALki`., ly. but
t� -
r.ttawa 7r ah l'eb..1s7s, 1
A young man darned Camp
bell, of Parkhill, fell from .a limit
building ou Monday, brealtiil,4 his Ieg
badly and produciug a bad gash in the
Going home from Bownlanville, au
Iuditui pained C('ruelttlk beat hid stew
nearly to dt'tath Duotors are endeavur-
ing to fix up her damaged body and
Save her lift'.
The Town Council, of Ingersoll, are
at present :with a firm
in Hamilton se to establishing• a glass
lectoty. Ere luug Ingersoll will have
another nianulttotory 1.1 her midst.
A highly successful political picnic
was held on Hamilton's island, pear
Lanceeter a few clays ago. Speeoltue
were delivered by pronliueut Ouuyervit-
tivea eo ovor 2,800 people.
At. 13rautford,Juhu battles, of Johns-
ton sattleuhent, oharged Leouttrd Claus
with haviug kuooked hiui duwu and
rubbed hiw of (lie pocket -book. The
pocket -book was found iu Claus' poti-
sessieu. The case was adjourned.
Ttie arrivals of wtient laid corn at
:'fou treat dSid'llig the peat weep: from
the sleet are by ler the largest on re•
.(ford, the ex:'uae of a heat Over the our-
reepoutliug wet, -k Of prat year amounts
to 180,000 uuslrels, and of tura tee ex-
cises is 170,000.
An eleven old son of Chas.
Puttrson, of A0101,0 ttibertau d county,
N. S., was bitteu eit the hand a few
weeks ago by a dug. Previous to death
b.3 m:tuifeated the f.;:oeity of a matt
dug, autt made several attempts to bite
hat mother.
Mr. John Tew, of the Tnw nsihip of
Bientfordl, has a cow of the Durham
breed ay!Hob gave birth to three calves
flu 'L'hureday hast—two deicers and one
bull—all doing well. This same .now'
test year had two halves, which wakes
five shoves in thirteen uiouttra.
Lucas Maims to have the swiftest
font nicer iu the Dutniuioo, young Mo-
Leau. Parki3ill elinins they have the
Fastest, u,t..dy Heid. lad will back hi nft:, ;ill( nt toe Allem Craig CalaLdoniarr
spot is 0(1 Duwi iiuu Day. Aliso. Craig
Itself boasts of a. fast man in Billy
tiou i to r.
Ou Friday afternoon a boy !about 14
years of age, sou of a widow named
Sproule, living about three miles east of
Carp, went to Lie tee horde of a travel -
ter, wbu had taken shelter, to a tele-
gt aph pole, wheu the boy was frilled by
lhghtiiiug aud the post shattered to
Write to the Rev, T. Atkinson, Ailsa
Crate, send statnps for reply and hear
all about ethat old Irish lady's salve
,vhiell never fails to care open or run-
ning sores, no matter how mosterate,
how old or how young, or by what
name called, only go by instructions
and site if you won't fiud a cure. It is
now called by some who have used it,
"The wonderful salve.,'
The WOlnttu Fiizone, who is alleged
to have •beau poisoned at Belleville,
was unable to appear in Court 013 Sat-
orday,wben Connors, the man charged
with administering the poison, was
brought up for trial. The prisoner
denies the woman's statement in tato,
and says she got ,'rusk and was deter.
ted by him taking blue vttroil, which
tie took firm her and went for the doe -
It is rumored that Mr. Davin' will
next wet lc move in the Superior Courts
for a new trial in the ease of Bennett,
eoudemued to death for the murder of
lion. Geo Brown, on the gruuegd that
one of the jurors was asleep while the
trial was going on. AfTidttvlts to this
effect will be sworn to by two lawyers,
C. W. Mortimer and G. W. Prescott,
who were .aebooiated with Mr. Davin
for the defeu•ce.
Over the County,
i3 LY'TII.
While M. John 131111 was lnniling a
car of grain 1hr11ieliiorrou & ilefeMillan's
storehouse on Sitturday of last week,
and while in the tact of carrying out
eotnewhere in the noighbnrbt:od ofa
tlionaaud bushels, he bad the tnis.fore
tune to run over the sit'lu of the plat-
('urns, precipitating both himself and
the cart to the wooed. Ills feee'being
badly cot presented a shooltiog appear -
name eftor he had arisen' flout the
er•)tltad, He is now 11npreviug and
Will in all lib:I.:W nod be able to resume
hos duties again shortly.
I'Vhhle a little soh of Mr. Woe.. Smith
was playing iu the pasture field on the
sante (Lay, he liappauod to go too near
to where the horses were grazing, when
bnddenly one of them raised its hu'e's,
striking him on the back of the head,
making a bad gash Dr. Sloan was
called and dressed thewound, pro -
flouncing it dangerous, but not fatal.
. As a very gratifying evidence of the
increase of bnsiness it: tbjs town, it maty
be mentioned that the quantity of
freight shipped from here by the G. T.
R. from the first et January up to the
present time, shows an increase of
about three thousand tons over the
same period of Fast year. This is a
very !sage inereaes and must be grati-
fying not only to the townRpeoltle, but
to the railway company as well.
On Thursday eveuing last Mr. Geo.
Knox met with a pretty severe accident.
His team is in the habit of starting as
soon as he mounts the bus, and while
so doing on that evening, the sudden
start threw hint off the vehicle, he fel-
hug on his head. Re was laid up for
a couple of days by the fall, being the
extent. of This injuiiee.
M. 11. Otrntelon has bought out the
interest of his brother in the land
where their premises reot.utly stood,
and we ale pleased to learn that he iu-
tends to rebuild at once, and also thin
he intends plltt;ng lap a brick instead
of wooden shop, 80 by 80, two stories
Mr. Inane Nioholson, of the 8ril con.,
while engaged in l ggiug last week,
with his sorties, had the misfortune to
have colo of them kilted by a sharp
stick flytng up and piercing it in the
abdomen, which caused death shortly
On Wednesday of last week, !tlr. J.
MeEwen met with an aociiieiit, .vhicb
for'tnnatlely was not attended with any
Kerions results. He and his son Ai tI-
calm had Leen to seafoi'th on bueieees,
and wooled at Earn?i •dcillA:ceteeetirry
on their way hotne. Mr. Ides wen had
just got lute the buggy again to pro-
ceed horse when the horse ran away
before his son had time to get in,
throwing Mr. McEwen violently en the
ground and badly wreaking the baggy;
the WAR carried into an adjacent house
and remained u!:consciuus for a couple
cf hours, but it was founts that ho sus-
tained ria other injury than the shock
to 1119 system, and he is now all right
Mr. Wm. 'McConnell, clerk and
treai=nrer of this township, had n vain
able youug horse slightly injnred, a few
days ago, by becoimng eutai'1 led 10
the wires of a barbed wire fence. The
animal was pretty badly scratched, bet
not by any means seriously injnred. It
lies learned it Masson, as it won't per-
mit itself to be driven ue to a wire fence
On Thursday eveniug of last ween,
Mr. George Turnbull, son of Mr. !Ceiba,
Turnb'tll, of the 2nd concession of Mc-
IClllop, met with a very painful se
eident, which will lay hien up for a
short time. He was assisting at a barn
raising at Mr. James Nichol's acid after
the work was over a number of the
young men amused themselves by
jumping. Bir. Turubull had taken a
run and was just 1u the act of making
the leap when, by some means, he
placed too molt stress on his lett leg,
end broke the knee cap clean across.
We are glad to teem that, under care-
ful medical care, he is doing as well as
could be expected.
Mr. David McLean, of the London:
Rood, near. Kippers, sold a span of
heavy draught horses, it few days ago,
for the handsome sum of ;$420 cash.
['ernes are commencing to be worth
raising in this onnntre.
lUr. J. Kyle has brought home nue
o€ the best ousts that ever came to this
town. It is a, mare, of a bright bay
chlor, and stands 15 bands high. It
was sired by the celebrated rtallion
"Ohestuut Hall," who has, a record of
2.18a, and was sol(! last ?'all for $15,-
000, The dam wag it "l3leckhawk,
nrid wits noted for speed and 'ondtirallee
Mr. Kyte purchased the (salt from 1\ir.
A. Wren, of Fosest, a well known
breeder of good horses, tri', Kyle paid'
about $200 for the 0011. Ile refdsed
$225 for it.
Ilenry tlrtckeon, Ei.q., of Esmond
No 45
vitle, returned home front an extended '.
trip through'Mauituba and the North -
Wet. Lie reports some parts of the
country very good, but it is not to be
compared to °uteric in many respects
and for various reasons.
We the other day saw potatoes in
Dr. Oainpbell'a office, of the early rose
variety, some of which nheasurer 7 in.
by '51. They were grown by ono of the
Sun's subscril_eib, Mr. David �touill,
of Seaferth.—Sun.
Oa TvIonday evening of last week
ab.,nt 20 members of the 0. F. society
visited their brethren in Mitchell, e.n(1
speut n good time. bpeechos were de.
livered by Bros. Williams, West Beat-
tie and others. Mr, James Cline saug ..
"Rule tirittat ia" iu excellent style,
which elicited the applause of the Audi.
;tlaesre. Sharp and Counter's fishing
party have goes to Lake Superior on a
three weeks' flitting and spurting tour, .
The following gentlemen compose the
party : Messrs. R. L. Sharp, M. R.
Counter, 0, W. Post, (George Case,
John Seobit., Abrehatn D.tvideon, Alex.
Stehunons, and George Haughton. We
wadi them luck.
The fullowiug list comprises the 83riL
Battalion, of Huron, now iu camp at.
Louden :-
Stsff-•-1 lient,-colouel, 1 Major, 1
strgt'on, 1 paymaster, 1 adjutttiit, 1
No. 1 Oompany, Goderiolt-1 cap-
tain, 1 lleuteuaht, 6 sergeants, 1 bu-
glet, 88 rauk and file -40. No. 2-1
captain,. 1 lleuteuttut, 3 sergeants, 1
bugler, 36 rauk and filo-40. N. 8,
Seafortu-1 lieutenant, 3 sergeants, 1
bugler, 48 rank and file -52. No. 4-
1 captain, 1 lieuteuanta 3 sergeants, 1
' bugler,.86 rank and file. Total, 40.
No. 5,13russels-1 captttin,1 lieutenant,
8 serge ants- 1 bugler, 88 rank add file.
Total, 42. N. 7, Por.ere' Hill (Downy
—1 captain, 1 lieuteuaut, 8 sergeants,
36 rank and file. 'Total, 39. No. 8,
Gorrie-1 oaptaiu, 1 lieutenant, 8 ser-
geauts, 1 bugler, 86 rank and file.
Total, 40. No, 9, Darlgaunon---1 cap-
tein, 1' li;tmnteuaut, 8sergeants, 1 bug-,
ler, 33 rank and file. 'Total, 87. Leam-
ington County attached --1 captain, 1
lieuteuaut, 3 sergeants, 1 bugler, 36
rank and file. Tams, 40., Twenty
eliree o1bcera and thirty seven rank and
Intelligence from Buenos Ayres re-
presents ,hitt a battle was fo'nght or the
22nd inst., between national and pro-
vincial troops. The latter were,routed.
The national troops were repulsed,how-
ever, in the assault upon the city of
Buttes Ayres, cu the 24th inst.
The Chicago Coal Exchange has de-
cided to increase the city and habor
prices of egg and pea coal 25 centsper
tort, and 1)300 it similar advance in
live prices of 'mime and egg. 1'be
Schuylkill interest will take the same
cachou in regard to live and city priear;;
bot eastern rates will, it is thought, re-
main unchanged.
A special cable from London of the
25th save:—"The 0:uladian team had
a victory to -day, and a meet creditable
one. They were pitted against the
Surrey Club and ground (not the coun-
ty) at the Oval, and played their full
strenghth, fifteen. Some ram fell in
the earlier hers of the morning, and
the sky was cloudy and threatening
when tI1e wickets were pitched, but as
the day progressed the horizon cleared.
and the afternoon turned out all that
could be wished for. The attendance
was moderately large. Winning the
toss, the Canadians chose to go to the
bat. .Barratt, left round -arm slows,
and Johnson, fast vernal -arm, also left,
were the bowlers. At first the bowling
was very efl'eotivs, and the colonists all
succntnbed for 41. The Surrey Club
were not in gond form and were polish-
ed off for only 20 rune more than their •
••pponents, the Club's tenth wicket
falling for 67. The Canadians going
in for their second innings made an ah -
expected stand, the Rev. T. D. Philips
rtiuuing up the handsome score or fifty,
and the last wicket going down with
the total for the innings at 171,. T'lio.
Surrey Club made a miserable show in
their second attempt, tbo last man be-
ing disposed of with tbo total at 85,
leaving the Canadians victnrniis by 1111
rials. In ()eller that the defeated team
may not be cenfonuded with tits (tela.
brated co'tuty players, I good there
naln(5. There aro:—W. 1'fottlewell. .
L, Perkins, 1+', W.111 e kaiaks, (l,LVons,
Berl ate, Bro.:n, fit. IL 0, 1 clwartis, J.
Barber, I', A. 'l'liumits and Johneo i,