Exeter Advocate, 1909-03-25, Page 2 (2)t Top *most *he to' petticular iodation ij 0 9 04. ki 1 10 IA A tb. ,,r10 V ica 'Io iII i* a study of tbt to rob1m Whztis.the vitible up- hencc s thesupply' obtain. thiruppl ecr What is being done wth of timberf What upon timber lands imber cutting t What regulas. tions are there or eliould there be out, cutting timber for ties I Can sny aatisfectory substitutes._ for timb�r tie be ,found t IIow can Alati national governmen1 in its piens for oonserv&tion and foredation ur eir 14 Intelligent answere to such * ar question ouldix ,1` 0 ., • 0 his type would potent, Keep s in mind prnesstily telfish inter- ests of VI individusti corporation • le-stfideritr bricripeetat problem would he Table to contribute much to the 'welfare of a tar Wider con- stituency. ' The trample. alleys the conimercial_ importance -of the con, re is far more iii it than mere zentnLent. 1t i easy to picture the preiervation of natural resources and the' plants for renewal of forests as greet natio at enterprises whieli redound to the benefit of the country as *hole. It, is also possible to show that they have an immediate and vital relationship to more than one branch of industry, The .steelerete age is a -coming. though we are accustomed to 0Peak of prehistork man • as be- 1ongnR to the *tine- a • -ltsz been declared a, and ;fence posts are being grown by t,ho - farmers, not by, planting acorns but by pouring a mixture of e ment, send, and stone into Mellow telegraph poles of rez forced concrete are.COMMOu rano, and concrete piles are.fincl Int a wider geld of usefulness eery year. In --Italy barges and scow* of reittforced .conctsite aro used. Fireproof buildings of the sktue "lunitter" ate -too plentiful to ex. cite comment, slid eoncretetot. 4 .',-**01 117,41' 0 01 UsKnow D�NotWi .•. • .444 live in sueevI time. ' lid those to whom 'the *petal and yet, let times he Wbat *.y. or tureumstanoss ever so leour life .nunst 1440411 be oteor in 11,4=etiele*, 'of '1ho Mk** the bearL 0 01 Knowing that thh shouki bear. with like the **min tbe ming ill that Iife 11 tti 0, ahipa--to bo _ Wiens to be ov will be illusive, ses th&t. are hes 1 appineas nier1y is not. bleitsed" s and that MAW* life •con. sisteth not in the abundance Of the things which. he foreseeth," for not till then- tan we • know what the apoatle you v •therefore under the '4;$11 • '1,t X ethhii tah . events4 not lieppe a. et there'is. reeson for ety I * g, even* thOUSh we not 1010 t414..koow What'it is, *liU tbat:that rea,;ort is, without f&ult 'or Ilsw beeause-the a ruleth ver all. 4 41- t. (pep 1igiuggoWus vete toquo, '9 to 'Iv r '(Ju1aTds, ' ,hrslca ,Satiu '11 'in figurePO Ovr hati. '¶Vhere is no end of.bii)140 aruoag the new cottons. re -longer iii-frii x high ,as ever at the back. 1*45 ',Ix *AIM GOEft ARTS or• Tux vro rat g far Wm* rixt, t.JE=VI iso ing this, we can believe t. mot are within Mis k1101,1* :e and :0111 4.401$4b 400414611. rd of *11, **1 '3/101X,01 the erhapa have been ordered ise, we isilieve- they were rdered by the merciful 004 0 et 0 ma, XXOt A, 14,7 1tings are le • • 0 • '-403141011e4-714014- rite 'hat ,00Wet4A, er fro k is back *gain to wearcymodela. ch of tbe braiding now seen t distinctly,„inedieval pattern. The suodo glove,. because it clings LO closely, pi -Wing* greast'run. Soft, pliable y4da braids )will robab1y be, 'used _ajai for aurn- 1 y tr* oming fPW1,1, for of black useful all occaio ' fidently commit the 'keeping of our ;souls unto Mini as unto 4 faithful seteator in the certain assurance that, Me caret]; for us, and that some day, if not now, we will see that all that He does or outlets t be done is for our final go ,e1P" Tens r it n I sential or *ty unless you' r OICAL I4ESS Pry The mproved Character, istlio L5, an Improved aye- heeve,u, abitsints*st Mon Enough, Mind E T rid, to Make It a The money V,44 talent * listed city is tulteient if used and distributed to city an Edell, an Uetperides Gar- en, or the resilizetion of any dream, ancient or modern, of the. Golden Age. Ail would he edu- cated, all would partake of the best ItingW:Oliere would be no slums, no *bleat povertyt Everyone o could have all the joy, the wealth, - ough, m 4/44160ny . °petty mak* that wise man's questions bslong only to wickedness—a, *quarreloome dirt. position ----where •• • size* the same time, removes,the restraint of einscience and will, first. mad- dening and then unchaining the tiger;.grumbling, foolieh taiking— whero the drunks,rds* "tongue is sot on fire of hell r "wounds out cause ;1* "re4incos 0E- I"' Oilier (or both) the slimming of the 404 physical, ,mental, and spiri- tual, or the nose". which make. "the' .4:trill 'nose hills for tho "finis mouth." Another 0 • oyst-..Cigarettess.. V.- Means by Great Evils cs - Whiob ltomovec Thosei Produoed the Marvelous Tre r- otations harac in the Natty Ohristien Disciples, ,Which Wo Rave Bee atuibring. I,. Christi, our Living Leader, the power of god, for salvation, 2. .The Itoly 040, convincing men of sin, of rigliteousnesel and of judgment to come; awakening men's" hearts, inspiring them t better things. e_religious tat which these The resul as manifested ell 0g 0 • 04 y, A 4. the comforts, ..tht$44811taii the stlioolithe h .f th bod nd itt The e 0 e. us 0 ii value o dou docks rea'he* usi, .. or v ati, is purely. Down., ,„ Dirks,' you.seo the .hi ring the wool from Victoria, Zer1sintli2Now flough •Wales, Australia, 'West Austrelia„ (ape a.nd Natal Over the go the bale* into barges (or Jight era, sia they are moro enera1Iy 'ailed). which_ ceri7--them *rehouses. Rens the, buyers come I time to sem- ple the me -whole place , , I •weighs. 4oj pound*, I 0'of the wool aver- Therefo 11 r,i;0712 Pottle Os promise to domin- ate among the fabrics of the early. spring; ." The line is everything in fashion. now; the entre has not a tingle de- vote*. The. separate skirt. and _blouse are out of fashion except with * its . • There is definetleffort un- der way to bring *back pannier draperies., Great quantities of linen and _coXtion.L. ituitings.'„- are beginning to flood the counters. Guimpes andeleeves are trimmed *bundantly with .lace sod tucks of .embroidery., If is believed that the' low, round, Zilch collar, will be' worn on tbe opting arid summer shirtwaists. Tho Mephistopheles quilt is the most popular of '-the .01110:0 weird decoration s that 'figure 4tin toques.. 14 -fashioned beadwork has been revived and promises to be in- high favor. It tertecially•popular for, and- hags. The ,lartivheel ha uper in Paint busby, inch 00 in height what the Merry Wid uired width. ady nifedeT,liettiOOS, cloth is Moot u wince it styes ample warz out bulkine :nand bags are immense said many are tooled in elaborate designs to suit the fancy of the, owner; tome of )thein have 1110110icraM*_burned in. 'Stripe* -of the new. linens are of the herringbone style in white with 4 color, and thesis' *tripes, al,, mate with white OX104 of the samo idth. `"' ;Skirts Continue to he relood high t the beck, but many new .ones eve come dawn at the front;-siome to en are iMproye Underneat ' reg 0 Noti110. SS -miles underground roads, lined on each side with casks. Even this does not include the rum vaults the' •Weat India Dock, where *grit is stored to the value of • two and a half million sterling. Bete in the of"4:Itita4,70.11710,7se? ur 1 0,11: rt oil e4 zpaceis ,0(10tipicaisr ro:rt, sherry, and- Afaderits., Every, visittir must carry \ a; little oil temp on the end of a stick. Looking up one can see this extraordinary etteets the thick .hlack and white fungus on the vaulted roof, caused by *the vinous atmosphere. It 15 a* ghostly place, a . wine. vault, dimly lighter * infrequent Seta of Pat * which you tie6 tiering far iswey., One might easily get lost down here. Some people would, Perhaps* rather like itt ntAt little limps! are precaution against that The *Milt 111 charge seaturIthet them lor *40thet etnhtentuwre ranuosetexk:pistet at vaults would be heti at once. QUEEREST IN .T 0 sey 0 0, besideswines • with- and spirits are stored in the Tv/sults, , for instance, filled svi 0 bottles 91 quicksilver. Have you ever 4604 • * 4$43 -pound wei oatiog *bout * pail of uicksilvert It is rho most aston- ishing• liquid in the, world. Lift up a ladlefuls—you will be surprised at its heaviness. Try to press clown the surface with your band. It. re- soisto *almost, like a solid aubstance., Yet again there are Trask:under. ground. chambers $t. Katharine Is, Where 0100,000 worth of rub- ber is *toted. There are crates of it in its. roughed state, mixed with, ark and earth,. lust as it now from ttle tree. In this condition it looks like mere rubbish, would never think it, woe- worth £360 a ton;, Other eases Contain the tubber in purer state, finally we come to boxes of "his. of • "ruhner ofecottleilteAet- illasttewes knowit bicycle , As you ern*, up front these' vault*, notice the, trilobite strewn all about the. handurtne pillared quail', will& remind one of the .columned ar- er.des down by thii port of Genoa. There, is a showroom close by for tioent 144114 Id The the display of tomhestones, grave. ague Journal .0re* * A004 e yard angel, and so on. They art information as to went or ahipped 'here from Itall • *Would plated additious to the . (*loyal you like -to thoolui monument ivy. The Contract. for 'the .hat. while you waitt hip Leftl Ison.was ploieed on Isigolgo Am) artAxont. 100-1, and thvhip took Prilsilegcs which he could ult4i.. The etterment of the oustw4r4 life 001, thing needed 'the Improved *opines*, which weresymbol*aud Itsin to make the social trangor. meartsyto 4 better spiritual 'life. b mation of the world, the, eliminatos is. The banding together in an d hid fa tages and t.elii—e4eelg i ' . r to — ing,,every evil .frOm OW 4Autakter .organization Which created a help. _ ,be equally numerous ere ' long. of moot tivy• aro raatorod to rui iltorai atmosphere. .,.._, Enough ha8 been 1%.4-nu,Plioiled with the motel image .of Godt, *hen, 'each 0., The courage, wisdom, gout,. reinforced voneritte to show that one. Aiid au bo *is si ids olio, love, roottot, soil, .t)iiltiolas, loos for carriage robes or deer for y fo Ian) bad obitruter au Their efforts to „tiring othe dinners," The wonderful artifiei . ,, stone ,..„ _ teeny, forms. • _ these blessingsiAntt t0,*p good news , credited with all the essential pro.:, Oft of thtire-01110# the great the rties of lninber save cowl:444i. obstacle which insist tottoitoe n* in ' 8.,,,Tho, *0041 crimple. of t6 iinee, ,,tbii ebrast),s,r!s. - ws And -the want -of this. pro- his, lesson, is Intomper "forests. will . , noed- but What he ought; ed ,„ righteousness o 'pro. for building purposes as DUI** zirs ,,The ootsitie ed in the disciples, . is an adventifo. .tire does *aka! of self-control over tho art. urn it quickly, nor rot con. Petite* anti 0**M°1111* . sume it slowly.. It hot the, strength . T.hos, wise *man of the Proverbs! • or steel, the durability of granitepre*** the / evil,* of intentrier. slid ;monist* to ?surpass Alf present er, by * series of -questions. ' attainments in the future when the tit. Who Itsitli Waist who hath so r- • wonders -wkought to.day will be to. oirt The word* torresponding to, gitorrowi,e tommonplates With th ' substa,ntives are, 'strict*. steel hurled in stone; The Ancient -inter - -iv- - - . . . 417,etetica -•st agit, .41.41,,ha ho ha . , , „.. _ _ _ , sit iron Tare un , to* the T woes 1\ toping:tr of Is\ lere the .to Ositi . been • realTIie conquest of t lie.mado, by flying fOr fun. for epee$1,1** the *utorao'bil there always are men who are ;willing to try something else. Aeroplaning is exclusiveli cotin. tryosport, ror„ 40. yolpg mitre o itc.041: physique and nerve, with fair. ethletia judgment and present' of mind; the steroplarie 'otters an opportitnity for recreation. that has, jut enough Of the spite of 4arioi ger and the maximum; .of the rap. tare of pursuing. A men who has et his dispose' a stretch of ineas. *low with flat iickle nearby can learn to * short time a,ntlitith to great danger. Flying is called the king of sports., Even At the be.: - sinning the sense of resting on the sir while you glide over it is with - oat 'Whew little puffs of air tip the nitichine, and you nnist helmet*. on your wing there, is-* ' timity for exetcsiu.g t1 I 1 , %XI; *$ - poverty.' Not* that at and sorrows.. *to, man, Aj have teen i have. sin red ki o kill MOO) done goo rag the almost AAA," • 4,04,44 ul Ale 's, The tempter °site to Luther tem Arid stiught to hide that work *in shame .. • • In whiek, he loved 40 revel; Then *Luther, quick to and: ink, Q " e‘ his pot of ink And OW it, at the, devil, * ut Saten, not too old to ,learri, * not the one te,quitkly turn And haste 'away in terror; , teed of that he *tired With itkil t inkpot which he 1.140* still propstea,tink error. T Watson.011 r nthurst, On -t.,, 1000„ o STING tort ttr*.r. good fhinWto try when ,yotest o 'kilter to fast; &in of water during the fast,.but embcr when you, *to fasting to inve *11 reason for further fest. ring tided to fast,. the fester his mind to use itt should not, me to believe in the determines upon beginning. n't let bis thusialm, for t ry **SW with it 404* will His first fest clitlilacensian 0 re van titv * alight point, below. the elt line. - Dainty butte* bows for th neck are shown m two tones of sof okt blue suede. That upper row is om.hroide4d in* floss *ilk and itt contrasting color. Ostrich feather .neek_collaretteS, wide and. close of fit, come in *11 colors and Shades a stre. ono of • ha', finishes' When .fur is not used. Vr tt 8111P$ Two tri, eeinPleted Spring ii‘s of lireadeouttlit. Claim tb \ the Noie ivision \of ther.ou there s * fruitship omo Pleat on Dec. 131.11. -She unloading ten thousand toe* of °nastily eommissioned, 04 artiness and lemons from sunny Contract,* for the de Sicily. It only tattle itk.t,14 niern. oyes* Ghtirki, and Afridi were Ing* and before to-morrowls day. I codin Au usts, and September, light it will be gone! There is an 1 The thiurka wasis reuly for atmosphere of orderly quiet a1nt trrYi!e early tins month, and the 'these dock* for the most part, .but Afridi' will not be reedy until next, they can "get * Mose on ontli. The contracts for the ,I111 ilete$4107., 111104 up the ibis! sod wereoplat*i .s.s *ft tut* Of torrents from 1,901$t , The In *riffle f I hs:/ Icti°vninPlethtt! will' aittre* r6oltralpCe' aliedlld or tee43frihis"' 711h*°' Ileatr: bx)r°74 :itTrif II TigsPrilA htiTer'sire%; •;,... new Dread. u ht, will not. be tompleted un 11 June, and the Superb not until !archApril next, The' Fond - t another Dreadnought *4 Wit at Portsmouth on he will have, * *loyal of her large guns; euew cruers, exeept seta f about .4.500 tons With 11;000 i,h, oils bfiskrast they. are to steam $o snots, as * c I.alitted: three more knot* will he 41:1nr 13t'Itiss°.riye. ask' *fly officer which aro the ,Iststest destroyers ,k t t.qoe or the *Aunt ,. stout. won lid fvts., 4,31, tr. is 4 • 4 of spkes4-nutrness, Dutch Sumatra. or Freith aurititts, inn* on from Ceylon. VIZ-WOOLF, SEtItET.- o what do you, attribute yo imst9 great many tenures, thonglitful masi h th un ly 010.0 pie waste thine* 11X 9. 0 NO 11`.ye Withi t t 04 trtos, 11' .t W4,11 ten , years *1 opium I wouldn't have said x0, - replied Aunt Iterthe,„" t •have learncdsite* that we ea for - stew, always if 'et are only willing to try, now woukIyou like to go 011 &WM* thcor She W41,4 !nightly. the rain!" asked the three, surpnse. "Why, Aunt Bertha1 How could we go °ow' the -affect us in the learit.,* We shall not even need rubbers ?unbrollas'," she an- swered, laughing. "You, may put To Oat o o and travel with you if Bobby op-A,Rimtwa'AiS,040,141* looked 2 tether doubtful, but. he went end soon five children were -watching aunty *tit& up four long strips of brown paper OA thir 111*ChiU0.. Thie she divided into five. booklets. 'Next oho brought! ft pile of old inagazines,.several pairs of acissors, and some paste obh , 1 est C 'borUlheire4., -44 magazine* are full of pictures taken "Now," she said, '"You may al travel:J*4 :wheTo-you-Wiidi;*Thesa, m interesting countries All over the world. Wherever you decide to, just find all' the-Pintiiree you can thekhave, 411)' .111,014400t/011 With the place, and paste them in' ;ir011, little books, and you will . have • mut*, of. the pleastire and excite. tient of a reel journey, with T WM10 ,f its dangers and discomforts. I wilt leave you for 4 little while now, and 14(5mi:come back I shall expect to And•you all bottle again, safe and taPPY-u How quickly the next two hours- , passed, and 'how busy the littlo brains and fingers, were! Bobby went to, Celifernia. His otetur6, rot of the "Sunset h Its .4 00 to cross the enti;te itie.which7._,11 :mot t - ttiktota throuei; and when ho -:rcathed the stortn7 land he fihled hi* booklet with scenes itt the great harbor on the Pacific coast,- pic- tures of wonderful', flowers and fruits that grow .only under south- ern skies, photographs taken at 44- .ostrich.fstm, .and many other things of interest, until the last leaf of the journey.book 444 -cov- ered. 'Elsa went to Japan, and *he eat. . tected pictures of bamboo housor and Japanetchildren with cherry - blossoms and butterflies. • erybody journey -ed somewhere. When Aunt Bertha 04111e, in, again, she brought a big plate of sugar tittles, and the way the cebyies disappeared proved that each little traveller had returned In good health with & good appetite. Youth's ComPik ou. SENTENCE SERMONS, Practice is the one prcacrv*tiya-, • Austerity to e thief 1* no evidence* of honesty.. _ • . Bitting, *till is always the most irying situation in life. • When love lies it is better than when hatred tells all the truth. Love has a language the deaf can hear and thedundi.eitii **a. * - They best .evid"ente of a healthi otitis iLs huliger for work -to dot ' .4,vertituoi Must' bny the; riches of Petietlet Wi111.1hit on No taati‘tan own, arty more,thasn he tin eirli in his own heart.* No man ell0 tlike Iniquity into hist Creed and keep it out of his ehat. No prayer meeting is long enough sthat does not reaelx to the market' , The ,,things you .restlly stand for arerecaled those Ion' run re ever is roort*t'theop far e mart who thinks it *ass bui1Lon1y for one. , it The man who hasn't the vigor to be vicious ueually prides himself on his 'virtues. The welfare (f the world may dr. rend partly on whether you eau whistle in the rain. 'toot users of sarcasm think more ofita soun4 than of the serviee it * bi * !ittues of our friend* es where we attem the