Exeter Advocate, 1909-02-25, Page 4 (2).':••
thrit$ to, ' Imo, tr10$ oft olIgny,t,t3401.
*oaten and le. _eorit1arie.00,414 lie Ve--:
.",-.0;..; In *oilittott- th$ -turribut
lgiunt It open Ist, the, .10 .
;ler**. Tbmg,s0rert: Where*
tPe g401.0./00,1, 44 g40. ,..
r Sigalt.:open,S0 ,.._,. .40404.
..t 'the mOttletplatt:froete...
'.e.0*snir-,olhgrati bavinE
..the a)goilipio4r.*9\
ti.4'-**4 ' :the!' $ sUddin dli„
.. Vert tiii
w --
Th&• and F• ees
Ogo;' Dri4eii.74 rub. p
• . •
Pic.7gt,A \It:1p pzes*rty
, • *Wee' Vle*pri4.
Licgl laAlve Grant Sellouts
.-eVegelle -School .dlogted -
Borrowed, Bill., Payable
Use oa Dept, Ps a Ieecgtm
net Weterigsl: .
Grenolithie raeereent
MI eel -telecom,
Total liscelian,
to of7 Q9t
ID 00
143 ae
171 oo,
-2702 lel
5000 00
nta 51 00
alp $5.
140 01.
280 89
425479 1.1
&meta. Drably, -etc. 2105 9e
Town Dell • 111 00
, Salaries and Commissions 715 00
Water SuPIAY alga Vire Peov0 477 92
-Printin Statioaery, pontage 1:04 85
• Registrations
Dille yable
Interest. other. Veen
Street Ligating
• Street waterlog
• Retunde. error in assessments, 12 00
Election Expenses- 75 35
V.,.leter Can. Co. Deb. Debt 031 10
Itailway Deb. Debt 797 45
-Inre-rogirib -deberiture-debt 4a0 0
Graneditilic Debenture debt 810 33
__Cemetery - -173210'
Miseelianeous 793 72
Pub, School teathers salaries 4142 00
Pub. Sch. See'„y And Janitor's337 49
Public Sohoni fuel 244 69
'Pub• tle rnie-cellancous -19
Total Ezpenditure $.21582 .34
Credit Balance 43530 77
dt 05
5000 ,00
Isentures 93 00
3.25$ 81
-350 20
Cash in -
Tre4s, not linking hind88907T
Vases in arreary 92 40
, 1.,and including parks • 1600 00
Duetting% furniture, nOt School 0509 00
s Schoei Property 10,000 00
Water War.:s , 2600 00
vire iian app;tances 490u mu
Public LibrarY . ,1500 00
•acznctcry ' 330.0 00
e'annIfee Co. mortgage 0300 tee
eierita building and weigh, stalez, 4,4 n ''',
• Dane instruments and uniform, ..3JUU
Total Asa939 1
ur,ipatfl $014,
Due S4teol Board 417)3 92
Deb-O,ntratce-,1, La l Itnprev. .5847 12'
racilwa$a 3474 00
leceque Cumber Co. 0e18 90
4, All other ob;ectes 500 -00
ilableties '• 427 05
Teta 744,Tabittees ••• 22230 00
lielanee 421603 ,e7
Wtier egedeeolgacd tnUnicipal aude.
tiro, do certify thath
we tsve audited te
foregoing aeteunts and find them cer-
met. ene) VIvn. Actitinv.,0
the- Lanoin ei Treesurer oa the 31st
day o.?, Daze:next*. 100. • ;
los. Davis. J. G. ellanture. Aaaiteris.
To the Reeve and Council ot the Village
OZ Exeter.
We beg te cerilts that we have auiitc
tto tolits and vouceers of the eluneefe.
uto I.* az laae or Eteter for 'the
eter eteling Deeembeet 31st, 1908. We
tinti teat Let total recehe ipt* tor tyear
(lecluding_ telienee frOM. Teak yeee Or
" 6340,140) die $25,470.11 and that the
total cash expenditutes tor tee, year, aro
621.58244. lea,virg a balance in. the
hands of tee Treasuter of $3996.77.
The asactis we tam) placed at 443.83947
and 0,6 Iliabilittcs we fled are 1122.230.
Wiaite we reeve no rtaien from our ;
licatigatimand no desire to give
-imprtriston mat the atrietest honest)* has t
netibtriti otaervera by tlie official*. wiaa
- books, otamined, yet we fiel it our
duty to titpoZt to /our hone:fable 0410
thtt lore tda:05 tho ,tictiAad . of t
keep'fog tett varioue book. and ,vogrit:14
lets - 04 42-ve Munitittatity-notnn en'd Mrs
quatea e.td *tali '.7.0Attury to
provieonito ot •Mtleatdr-11 p
In C4;4- examihe nation et tTWCWattr-
Wit boos we round to diAllogity k taud.
inns Vac vatleas acne bt expend:tore
as a compartacta with the Order Rook
' rtadrIY, avritic.1 t4ca. pat some diffi-
culty was eaperie7.Ct4 1 a eheattng
xezeiPts as *no vouttets aop:.'artd
0,,b/n• tor sonQ et Ultra rcir cza.mpm.the
tiii,/(r.tlts k-ftlIttft as comlbg, into t44
'titi irgefa Clovt=rnett and cattr
isea.,;(te.,coazd TM. .11.11dcr tt14 lr
waro 41a4 to doz12-ortr the e!..J‘,1ict
rcee.:,red or tt;..3 z,eatetor onaoh,
tOJ 0 �tlits.,* b viz-,Ittz so*
tt.1J, bOoita v•rce *eV!. Winer COuld
we terlateidee tee ace:weer of tee tecordit
Wet ttze ceeeetoe ese tc.ee eceeet;ry ace
Miele, as he Led, tg & ttiloceer.
steee.t:zg. negitaci to, Preeetne tIa duiN•
41 topke,, 1;:gt receipt* from,
tbon 'Xbitd, 0:a* c --:e
• wc.,;.- \readily ir,Ntr,ti.ed.
A9 a treseide* fee' f.eete detette 5 t%e
girrat,%t sir, stem Ike woutt respecituilY
etv.,-enteel teet 1-.4 Trtaeerer ot te.
be relocated /0 keel* etafle
• litteere erteloAtik dr4tsi thttinen
oth_t..-P terms of regnittante'es payable t
itit.cfs.:paur ig!Ur tank.;
• itcas-ot reticipla 0014 tSat tro
flitter 03'1314 0havaL0 40lltti1x4,01
the tOwala loret tiatuirgi to Ilte:
tir,014,',,Uate rette,Ate too 3i1 *twat* sktid t
i pore Frank la
,ap.at TUiiri
tine 10 ;tJC
hese rented Mile:, 'W41140 tsi
01! yeare4-41iirmi Preen ,
:,',Franitor*7 Rveflaidas'
; I, 4
tttea her.'
nomno' 400 ..
rort•:0.400: r..otvor
0010 -*hen th*,Y
OA *Rapt Off.ps *moo
at- rUpt $14„rotv.‘ Tuor be.t Rot fo
Mu 1p.lity4:10g,ttlt,oC
e Akio o
, *41
td o bY-6 ,44":04 that'
depeolt!, Ito 1:0 'anekli
Atayi monies `tecelVed by lu
,woul- further recongniend tlia, thorn ,
telpel ',hp; kept eatitel,Y, uninixed
.41tIg. the 'Treaygurogeti private tUnds and
that all diehigigegnOitoi t the,elreasure,
bo -madeigofecheemer.
. We be; to revert further 'tilat we et
guntne$1• the books • of the wheel
reard with Om to ;arriving at the
-..tetie amount- held by itgerMunieleellty'
1 "Inds. We
$415$.42 lee
4"* Ertileth
. titell.....
eelleY.leevir-and-lese handl.. or the Tree
wet'. The latter appear to be In rog0Isr
torm and .of ,guIfielent value for thelr
The regal talaurelw-theahmuls ot -tbe
, •••
as Treiteurer est thee Sell
fled the indehteeness to
etated in ow report, of lla
-We have examined the r
Debenture Debt of the Villa
'er -badly
.4 Val- 1404beXt Th
Fr441,eloitiler � Thedteed were jiere
4tendar.-40»: and, Mrs. pato," •Itavelle
spent Sundae" et Port Vranksi-Jose
Dashev004. '
10.4 ;lean, Ieestle Of at. Thoitaka wait
tr. Iowa _inalroayAit_tatoeitt.
the Sutherland.lrines Co.
Ur. iggyi Kt*. Vineent end Sinn
*breeder lett yesterday ter 01101kat*
Mr. O'Brien took the ielPPenaf0Po1nt*
ment for leir,;Iftert on Sunday. Ws* Ied
Wt -desire to •eterstewledge the oure.
flay Oe the various town officials who
gave ui the Culled information and
Cheerfully rendered eve** assistance In
connection with the audd.
Seeter, Feb. 10th, 1909.
Miss 'Muriel' Jonel, lergelee'SulidgY
guest of. Miss Wlisore-George 1.)obbes
spent' Suriday with Ur. and Mrs. SidneY
Venison.- sses Violet and idarellol..
den spent Sunday at the home of Wm.
Jacques; as Annie Wilson area Sun
thy -at 1 .
• Oredite01)
EIDS SEEDS; §13E136.*
Wo w1sle40.4nnounce to the fennel*
requiring' seed that We helm selected
front' the stock we have handled 'Zig
season the very choiceet seeds or our
retell trade and offer the Saitoat
ve.-7 gnotgerate pricey. .l'e v n i oe
Timothy, fled Cloven- Alfalfa*
Timothy and Alsike mixed, Millettotc.
We offer ,a good grade of Bed Clover,
MI'leantd anti free front -Bockhorn or
lUb Grass at 0.00 per buseel., A call
re. Dora AArik is attending the
Spring Millinery Openings m Toronto
-this week. are .p ea to state
. that Atm Charles Roesaler and the
family of Rey, Bean, who are ill, are
reeovering.-.Ches. Zwicker and Mr.
and him Dan Sweitor were in Toron.
toter a few,daya this-week...Mr. OW,.
lens of London, the'Prov. Stey of the
Y.modt., was in the elliege On TIleit-
day. with, the object of organising aY,
M.O.A. here. This is a wortny work'
and deserve* the hearty support of alt
who are favorableitp the uplifting of
he young • every
success. -H. Either, MEP., was on.
able to .riturn to Toronto on Monday
owing to an Attack of inflarninstor,y
rheumatism • He expecte to, return to
the • city in a Week*. time.
Woods of Forest is *felting her elite;
Mrs. Claude Blitett.,Everett Pahner
sp.ent last 'Sunda* la „Exeter Visiting
frgendie--Garnet., Baker of London
spent last Sunday ittl,town.-Mr, ir.sra
Lamport 1. the proud father of a b04111.-
cing baby lauirry and- W.
R. livoter were in Parkhill last Mon
day evening. -Percy Bumble of iSat‘
!await_ in, the, Vilialfa-- Wit !rids, at
endingthe-funeral-4-th. hite---ilfre.
Johnstone -The Railroad Qae.tIon ii
egeht the Intereeting topic; " tl
ti4telelatkor ill Of the, Oft
*nee, ,;.Then again, our people kave
the 'Bridge 'Question to cOnsider.
will be but ,e; short time before the
Bridge on -the Bouble to be
repaired, Therefore, the, reduction of
intee will' he altogether ,ont of the
queation.,-Ifre. ism** 'Boded' and
ittle •grand.deoghtet and
Miss Dunlop, one of our potgbiareebobi
tethers, tleited relative", and friende
nExeter this tie
'Geo, Mott' and IIttle
visited' the fatties nd.
rents, liMatigi Mrs. -.John' tilltchell..
:n4 other relative* and friends in 11*e.
ter for fovi. deye thipust week. .,The
ledie* were itecostipginied by their hug.
UrL * (nee it
Is visitingher
*dog - acti,
„ A ,
tnt* t
she sings aibout
Greet West,John
eitsvi 1 tims IKflIghti th old Bs
bouitia1004 op tisa scid ooe: tot Bi
hen. paying s good
the faros I* one
nein* its tilait
msh to ittO On
1140001d tb. house, f
by Thee, Ifettereto NW*.
retiring frtnet term lite. Wear
*4 to welcome M. 'Cleve lia
tegideto-Leet Banday was Oonn
Dey In the Mot
Rev. W.11. Sett
ronnexielowel haste.
*rvd ernrsint, ve** roklooda,
people away* Alo their put
)14 Mr*. A.
lupent tigendey at
oith the letter's
ise Sethi An
' ,•
• 4.
t o on;1•I
sell. on OurobtY eve. adding Ws wffl
40.004, be rieging in 00r roldsit.--litent V.
Cluet took the organ In the abasence of
Mime rybuos on Sun/lard-Don't forget
theO'yer In the efethodist chub on
march arsi. Pen Perticulara ware ev.,
en lest week. It promlees to be a .rare
treat._ IleverrbodY welcome, _
9901111S8111112, BASSWOOD cmcwor-
- gNeltit. -Deeds, Irina It nod
sets and Protozoa
Chereesatotierete. besuevet
Mr. John Schlundt hes moved into Mrs.
elamacheree dwelling opposite the grist
rnlfl which was' vacated recently b5T Mrs
cieofge Diferner.--The ustua harvest ofjce
was completed hest weelc those ot
this place Wilt) are In need ot that art.
!cit. -Miss 'Martha Geiser is again sew-
ing at Mrs. Ctillfage.-41r. Simpson Ire.
'and ot Strelford, formerly or till* place.
,isaise. a visit to hia father taut Week and
else Welted among friends in the vil-
lage a few days. 'leaving for Ks home
Monday. -Dame Rumor says Vlore
5. W n our midst in ibe
near future, but, cannot voggeh fort te
correetnesei ot the report. -The Misses
.Carling have severed their conneetion
with our petelc erze
they gave good larthataction as teachere.1
-epee A. T. Italat,_ the Presiding elder
of. Usti district, conducted the Fourth
Quaiterly 'Conference on ,Saturday and
Sunday last. adminiatcring ths leacre4
agent ot the Lord's Supper. torthe
bergs and friends ot the char= titles
placeev. L. IC: Eldt' intend* 11
another week et rese
vival rvices
the English langtage tornetigne next
montls.-efr. Silas Adams has severed his
Cingnectionewfth the tirm of Seibert
Co. and la now on the, lookout tor jg,
1 er 1ave-tefl
Vf. tneew' . .011
$ ,Asa 4 4#*0'
' 1Re .0 it
. or
ettie**lx t
In $4
etuflh.g:tni,tbe lgree
of. .rd'a Supper wi t „dia
the, Veceeeleriage. eigurch A
Match: VAN Properederr
vce on'',$1104*Yin -Vetch Oth, at
t la-oraleee
Mention is Ea.W linder'irarquher head.
ot a presentation below made toOr
oho Vance. The tollowing Is the ad.
* taw- We. wow. Wends In this vie-
00•Ire t� es &WU Ihe -to*
vire time tor yeti tte a friend and cnin-
0105. and *Ism to place on record motile
mark of The high esteem In which you
ars held in this community. Before
-faroweliTpleasarlakcePt Ibil
_ Yuma _our -hands. not -on Ace0414-
0. Intrinsic value' tgat as a tOlgerg 9t
remembrance. We would *ilk you in
using It to &Slow a *nisi thought to
carry You back to thole yon lett ontb
'We carnestlY
or 9ts
ot yonr agiVinb‘loti
guestar4. °Wm. Z. M. Glenn. W.
IL Simmons; G. 414 •Gienn.
JO. 8. Horton and daughter ot Woo*
dale. Men., returned home on istiondaY.ee
Mr. Fyte of Crystal Cite' Man, tett
or Ms home Tucsiday.--e-etiss of
ort Hope Is visiting her nee% Ge
ealake.-Mra.-T. Dickson and dagit4a
halves here -Mr. and .N.tra. Work -
'were gUests or tbelorreer's els
-• Ssagaiit,.-Nirs. Ityckman and gime
Nellie Stoneman of neutral' visited Miss
idaude Glenn to a 'few days the ftrAt
Of the wee/4-1141os lemma Vielaggart
has returned to Detroit to reinune her
zgositton ti,gere.-The remaires of the in-'
'rant ehllt1 of Ur. Tratneer of the Red
Tavern were Interred in MeTaggar
emetery on Sunday afternOon. Also the
rettlain OA of the infant child, Clendon Or-
o:ban. aged 2 months, 16 tieye, ot Mr.
anti WV, W. Vanhorn. let Herman Mon-
day aeternooiewelles Mary M. Ethering.
to has returned to Toronto to resume
her duties as nurse:
Beware -or the druggist that tells .Yenz
that any other nair tonic is just as ;seed
as Parisian Ssge--he knows better. -
W. S. Colo Is the agent tor Parisian
Sage, and he won't try to give you some
thing Jona as goodbecause he knows
that Parallax) Sage le guaranteed to cure.
elandralt, *top felling hateand cure all
disc -awes or the smip in two weeks, Or
eeey b3ck.
keows thet Parisian Sage is highly
rtro=aczded as the most pleasant and
refuvt-gating hair dressing known. it
makes -the fair fluffy and Wanting. 50
tv..:lts a bottle at W.S. Ile will
101Drataco It. Med° in America- only by
it'enix Mfg. Co., Duffel°, N. T., and Fort
anivink every day. We have the NEWEST and
MOST STYLISH GOODS 618 store has ever shoirn
Come and see our new goods before purchasing
New Dress
fabric,, tortsisthlg of fitti
Wool Venetiens. Veriey
Orlepine Clothe, Ice; &c.
, c. ,
Lrgeit Amortinen Fancy S*itI
h nod. All the kteet pi/Attire* eleii et
bef/re you pO,rtheee,youe'll*tieic Sti?i
ui'Itock- is. complete,
p,jtb tbe most stylish .
ee, Panama.,•
•tlne Oloth. Vrofles,,
vmte ear
t vere.411:44
•• New ',Print*, r6Ing.
hams, Linens, Fancy
TUE VERY* /144,71MT.
cieai• \
tog4e use
Just Arrived
the Finest
ever *hown In
'Mil and epee.
. re* ATOM
to purd" wiro. for clog will do
te for the *bore feeeleirs
Meat Prices
tb exact amount Oyable 'A
irsaanr*. Great Brftsati, 11011*1100 t * ltdrivicr*' Thi
and SWitzerlientl ie etated en tiaita.cf eic4
fasatweat,earreni-rsites. : • •
chnquen and nil Inforinatiogrrgard4 them *iv ba Obtained Ai
• • A*
.0ter Branch -41, Harriaon
Branch abiO at_
AleX. ThomPsoll .1ast week -tor the
Zoo.-411ite Melinda Ortwein Is visiting
In, neftin, And llaniburg.--Tsio Misses tier
trudc and Alice next als4041 in *London
hket weeic.-111gas Laura Nirelounan Is tak-
ing- courie ot training ait, num In a
London hoppital.-gr at. Soot/well tat
etbliftrisalbeltileigt ot ber-pivreacilfr.
if .
a position with the Roll Ell/ Inn co. -:-A
ohliirk has gone' to SeafOrth to take
horst attached to a light wagon and
drir4hent abt.Ytiage sli.tralioninednerei°14rawneek4/rnicd
made * dash d wn the truk and thence
onto Tang *tree where it was stopped.
211satop-43t7e 1"beatiottoilWr911- -4-1:::irto-lingduTtoinglittil
white:flan -0,r,„Chiscuturtit..-gt. Writ -T -4E4
.on of Fairview, Palo,, are guest' of the
forma.** brother-in-law. Mr. Dry
Lora Sterling who was operated on last
week Is doing nicely. .
'Death of Jame* WilsOn.--There pass-
ed away at the home of the Misses wil.
son another of, our• *West and most
respected residents in the person of-ldr.
Janie* Wilson; who passed peacefully to
rest on Sunday last. The deceased 4a4
been In a very feeble stab of health for
many months and his death was due to
no Particular disease, sigirdy a wear-
ing out -0t the .aestentrns se was
beet 83. _114 -re welter, wee, a native of
or England, being born in Pett Parish.
County et Sussex, and 9aine to Canada
In the year 1843first eettling In the
townehip or Stephen, wheee he fanned
for a nUmber of Years. Itetiring from
the farm he moved to Centralia about
30 „years ago andhailicen -continuona
resident ever *Ince. tie. Will a man of,
sterling integritY, And a geed friend' and
holgrabor, and was esteemed hr all who
know hlin Iris wlea predeceeeee IUZA
over twentl yeaes eed he leave* /10 fairg.
The tune* tOolg"- place 14,4ondays,to
the Fairfield cemeterY.
• 94tAtiToN
PreParations are already under way
for a road race betweenliutan end Gian.
ton on mev: 21th, open to the trewnship
of Diddulph and Lucan. A considerable
'11141) 42,3 beeolgiltiKVAIICIA41*.x111
o prizes...4 -Tucke7vac
wiH teat r,. Langford bas lea.ed the
building to Kr, Arthur 'Wlison who will
run a temperance higuse.,,,inre broke out
In the kitchen, of Dr. tiang's house on
.Pridsty, evening of boat week, but * buck-
et brio*: hastily eatingnisiged it. The
Lire originated near -the range in the back
ilelftbenn, and *mouldered -for sometime •
until it made its way Op between the par.
Uatirrii -0431nd .bo 'Cured
iotai„Looikt. Arnamyno$0,.. 4..* they moat reach
tit* oat of the dimpast. Catarrh $0 *blood Or op*.
tntiesiddlvtan, u4 ist eida to cur* it you must
takoluterssiressitlik, mire Werth COI la talula
fatinagliyasdatts diraegyea thableod and salvos
ladies* lialfaCatarit Cara la net4..a quack WO-
-eta*. It wag proactibad on* of the DW
IA WI country **Yoga and le s meet '''prieloriPi
tioa, it is ironwood or the brit tonic* know*.
Wn.d witb. the toloot blood kinitienr, acting diredtly
on the esecool liosthitiv. ma paella
of the two ingrallegats la what producogiech weeder
tal malts la caging Catarrh. Eyed for teithsoatas
Ire*. •
ma'. CHM= k 00.,Propt.itrokklot 0,
gold by druggists,. price The.
nu/bra rosily Ms for costatipatioa.
retr, rh
he Nolsons.
niX.ITOOft 866
Capital (pa,i4up)
Rest d
Rao f.$ Brimehets In *44 end Agents and Gorreeitondent* In all the
el 'pal Cities In the World,
4111/0081L 1188108158 1'*AlitlIACTRD.
ed at bliihtet en
gents E*ettrg for M. Dosoinkgn
Iie**Toon nsiirSto
bee *re e
ood story -0.e Socfal
tted lafty:t4ishion Thnt
it tb "Mar's" StrOn
11* the uany lute
1,11 oat