Exeter Advocate, 1909-02-11, Page 1 (2).. �hib411101etaPP
>rt _ Of Mese
it pular sty's for p , `•►lerradtd. y&Iet to
now allowing our NB " ' M. and OINO S -
me and get your chole before they are all picked, over
*cotton filled with all kindsof
„r..',. tion needs very' lltt.ie
iihat. thrrtment will tYehe t+o show that we sell only the
fewest to brut In thing. 5 '
"' .r Your. -faithful . teraaeants
n great , care. ��
' � it ..I � ur�,: . !ectipp e y ,the.. fz tar 4 =. olid
footwear to behad. Style* that suit the eye an.:1 fit the feet.
Auction Sale "
Of ram Stock and iup1
avderassoNt Atiettesterlssa to
reason*' eel* +est a "ar
T 12. 00N. *, WE EN, ON
!Meek p
E anaIke Mimi* nimble property.
jy M
3 dr�Yyy
to aaalsr '•'w , tie
dam..ware 4
er,t+s+ethe let 'sock At1411 mkt
ar fala`a+lesaa' a w, rielsetylentekli, It
C lreas►arra eeiet� ataeee crista , YeM r
r#ktat .. r, sae+rirly' l 7MraraatairM
"aaeiE.eispt,etie %a+a .:e$aadlAttoVt, t.I,
t Weaaid *WOa....
iraa,~iatra n :
.,:th ti arra a : Town J-
ai4 xttast�+ aaied. wet z k*. T t
�taa/+aaat' of zt+>rd 'IBX the rct.ve whoa poke
.1141b t. :oln."#tae thxi* Mad �
l►r#ataetnt °`' *aystenti a4 new miYetem 'torr
ttret4ttletv onlye a * .Sst i
.brieoe donest and Lire purposaes,
sewerage ages connection Maras est the tanks
In Vier mint system were in a, *tomer
s yr end and toe !MAO 0'14'420 . In a . large
e• Imddea t the siyrratenn wee out-otdate
and the questiOirlitiVee w►'lnetbe,'r wp oUieht
o lntattatll e, syster.,n ter fire :.aleite or.
for fire and domestic purpoarer, ever taro
towns he 'knew of hod etendpipes at a.
Cost of 500 and then they were not
Itatisstitetorry for tiro pu ppswss. Clinton
is installing a syaste' n for both p trpoaaca
at a coat ot W:AO . The reeve Cid
zaot think We were, prepared to so thaat'
fir. as .t3ie town was: very *tattered,
e este
• • er;;nrara�tw;cr+''
r 4. "`±yf� Y.f(i rI p/;:.kcY" �Yar ( F• Wp.
to w at eza te?wr�t
warted so as tete be able to tell the exe
pert it they secured one, In reply to a
statement by .nicha rd Delbridge that
atone or cement abould make ee a better
;standpipe than iron or steel the reeve
said t saat' be .knew of none but iron, and
they were said to last 25 Year* by an
e eenditurre of. 415O a year fot repairs,
* ' r7rtta p'#' d+nt letst-* tot
tet` iii' sem. wvrlti�a : aas , rail
k0 'crl'ers the Heath* ° In c,04,Aniet,tott
ver �t del taction. ;from S. girlie cOh-
rstir>; ► ?test,* tilde. Alec and are-
' hx+tnbearer: these gentlenten beim'
aaamona' ti>. i ene ers of the line now
aKrai azti>err roe : Stratford to St, Miry*..
_. _ ilea _ . the chair ,and ewe
plate" t obit of . the s attbaerIn, ..
¥rr. : ! WA" t bss Prot Called upon,.
wbo briery explained matter* pert&ininli
to the pro$ ctr Ides thou clnt there was no
gtt'stlon AS to the prro.pects or the road
going thr oUstn •pit the municipalities
a10nir the line of tic • proposed rivals
world dei 'their ■snare tovvntds financing
the scheme to a ssucv astui issue.
tcra leatd he Wail connected .with
the • , Olt . uttia the r • • thro h
- ig ''' "Y
ier. .'c�x i, rfn »r yp aeF- %'k!^.
M41;14;14• tyyf y 1x \ley. Y! 854'1 4'4
`ire cilie t Jrsnncs ` iee:ktrs - here *Wed
that he Would ho pleased' to answer atm
qusetionns that might be oohed with re
card to the present *yaattem..
T. B. Carling Live ed buying the old
tyle light Idaant, and the river property,
building a dant' and plinths ,in a water.
wheel. Tae tank say*temho thought :1naGaa
good. A man ,should be seeur+d to look
over the town and ten use wheat would
be most eultaaabie.
N. L►. ' iu= doe aagrcd • that the teak
system testi was no good, 'and drought toe
wrings on ,Frayue** and 131usett's farms;
one mile east should be utilised in the
way of forming
a r'eitexvoir or filling a
standpipe as these aprtnngae were on a
levet with the top of the amts? betel.
Re also a spoke ot a new 'Idea of obtain-
btaaa n-ing • 'ttb pr seure `fronts • standpipes.
8pee',cxrnau believed In saacoiliriug the
,ter pro .- me_y ae c alrothe cOUrt
ell got an est to . Or 05.000 or. as ;
standpipe saannd aca?a31a along gain satreet..
)Els �thettsfirs~ att expert shotxtd >ka airs :+z
A. ?G flobier *aid he bared' .revel t aw
c1•urot ttoxn. Or $3,000 for a 1d toot *tan
pipe. 100 mat '14%11 , flet bettered In eie
tablishirzg a syaitteat>Gt :tor 410 r Cane
Seel t4' .'TO ' to ht25j0 0. wet
poi the bill. •
J. W. Taylor thought it would Coat
450.000 ox- -$1;4000. oily two syste la*
would be suitable for Mer,—Ee s rvelr:
but we have no high ground; and stand;
pipe. which sae favored with xualns four,
the, Main street itt least. •
A nwtion was here cauda by T. E, Cir
ling and J. A. Stewart that the counll
secure an expert 'and. get his opinion.
Messrs. !tv. G .Bissett, G Zuwet.'le. :..
B.. Snell, S. l i.' Pickard, S. M. Sana
ax thenar -spoke to the- motion. eaand.the
meeting `closed atter" carrying it, all who*
were present seeming to agree that ° a
move should be made and, that the river
water should be utilized. ` +.
War haat The home of Jas. Bulgy
barb, five miles north of hare., has been
destroyed by fire. BBIhlagh's aged �*lath.
ear, who has been blind as almost
helpless for yearns,, was dragged out of
-the burning house by his sone not
fore both were severely burned«
Wein news T. -c.
vocal, Piano And Theory* Wilt ptwpasrtaa
euplls for Toronto Conservatory m-.
inatiotas. .lteccut soloist izn WIaatten.
Apply bY phone. letter or perso# Ik11y.
75 acres et tide .fat von. aonnutduipin
Lot 2. 1wa nine from Centralia: CI aaaae*
under Cultivation, tea ae. Daasln. pastures.
There is a good two;stoats' isrrrtic eOttatgs
bornn 34 by 00. other buildtttat'aat *ls%
good well*, 2 Orchard*: peas sereaston
Appi r".t .rine prf:�,2ani e#': -
• MA; } t . tent? +.Mi"
lllraitl'l FGrt
f#aatr>F'rt 44 tett by 122 „feet, *etc elm
rata ,late for sate at At, °+ asonnairld+t,
ie ,e. ?l;~or 'lael><'titulaaaraaal a .epi " to OBR'LL
I . ,hint 1'. +clow , .•
Lt's utoN t.
AUDIPOOtt. lotern*id Auctitiuser
r ilsraxtrnCesAtr.. Ttr n -m ; oi,aatCirtaable,
antis can made tit tFe ; , #,v rAtee..
a e►fir.. "or l +eery 'l4ilberr's Ottke.
,A tit lion `WOW* of NO.
ret a aaa►rrd kt►pt for 'ate patrol**
* 'Thies
re errs �ai w "Mrs' s+. Abet he* *Oven tO
aagratiare>►aeata aaa rr`aki'>Aaarkstile aele in snit *It*w
at'ill li all Otha atttsit:*r', else g* .
1n� yrld .at grain Per acs
i 'rfi a
tested .in lees at 'tin
a.. aseta tale. It s Skta
arithar act ran ,Xrea tlinai the most a r4a 1r
std iwi111r� Lire vzp riiotrae 'allalG
Idiot the Ararat edia>atrt
ton. 1 #n t posrof leaks tri
eeeetsit *mill wont*
y`Hr Wil».
tot 1d, Oat.: y:,Itay.
i vov. ! t . as gar lir b petit to
and. ft vtre?sld also prove of e%,wit, benetit
to Ezetcr' p d 'a�Myt�$i�y" ytt rune, It
cit' the road une, It T*as ie
elear� ta• ;heave t: a .diose extended through
tse fiat` * hit, it would be neee,sary for
the tar'dnnicipalitics to :give their assist-
aThe road was to be •pup r `nroutgb,
•tris the ;Coat to bu::id would be about $2ii„
1Ra�ata i_: lsee.,,.t.i PEStIV of,_,brldge i1,T`hhee.
.- -- . 'were premed to do their sham.
r. XI. Dickson dean addressed
the muting. no said he was a warm
trlend and .advo«ate of the new rail-
way proiect woad better railway facilit-
ies. We want the propoesed -Toad- tree
Orst w:+ay ,aeraa u dune we give *some en-
couragemeitt we are seat likely to get Its
Tines the road could ba a great benefit
there ;Xs .o- doubt—that Is eon -ceded by
eels, iia would slice to know what prop-
oaltion the delrg'ates. had to offer.
> Mar John W. Taaaylor Said he was very
n u:l'i In terreatcd ixl this matter of beteer
reil,way facilities ,Naiad act.oznodaallort, he
t.>tao lit ;vv'e. should have the road it it
were pbaastbje, but he thought we should:
have *eau defi titer propeettioa and asked
that the St. Marys deputation down
sorn e° PrOPOeition as to what might be
Considered. a reasonable Sana:oU:it tor lex-
eter to tontribtite.. •
iffrr. d. Gr ern of Ste Marys said lie
vwaita pot as railway m+agnx tee but
be ht -there was every chance fon the
rid to be nz thrcougti Exeter° and- te'-goo W* of lie tee w "Oki the
deeded .aesititence It lei an as +o t
thing. 1-10 014 lne w&5VoriPated t***tit.
t watt bs •00114ort woald now be more.
there or (oar hundred Yard* ttottti ;
the Tommi Hall and not any further south
Mon the Mansion sion iso . lige . further
stied that it v ou d be neceriesurya'' for the
town to raise $10.000. .
'..11. ip roc anon after listening to the
discussion auggeated that .a committee
be formed, consisting o! that Council
I3oarrd. Weer*. 1. 11. Dickson. xyine ` .
Taylor and Thos.. Ijatvcy, to canter with.
the St. Marys de le aatleaa regssrrding teroto
of proposition. 'which was afterwaaards
:put -In the Lora >ra. natrtiaa.and. c&rrf .
genre. rn. x3awd n, VG'. J. Meattnan
A. Q. Dobler, W. 11. Lovett and others
*dammed the meting and all expressed
them:elves 114- being st>tatous to -see the
rood go through. r
The St. -Marys i egaa lien and Corinna -
tee met together atter the meting act"
jou'rned, when it water Chided -that Ex-
eter be asked to stibaddite titer road to
the amount of $10.030. �1
A public; meting of t ►e citizens of £x-
etec 'writ' to held to -Morrow (Friday)
Wight in the Town dolt to discU ss loot-
terra. in, connection with the, above.
itisent6gtr-prca •at •thla -
portant meeting
)Cil ZI OF ilatti. ; a Doti1" r Le.
Xt<baccornea oar weariful :dutry/t9 cbtorie
tele the death of one ot E eteres �gla1 qs't
knd Meet at*teemed ritildsitite, ha the pet-
tarn at ?arta. Dorothy MMeiataeli, , at`altite�ir
of the. late iiir. John McDotteIl, whore
mise took place lit rat eai,rrb mOtninai` of
Thursday, re ru llyr fian,a 1 Ops itt he
residett o: i•cillt'aaain *Met* Unit Mc—
1 oriew;l lnakei
'been lent titins 111. bat Ina
the end; pasted praret l t *,war wittottt
wry' asp ar e nt arra tering.£`?keel. a °ln Merton.
von hire, Eye,hole:1, teat the 14th , of.
Mete~aKn "a 18.17, !kirk. .Ntethatell. ?raid atm
treed her 82nd d • ser , She was thet.
third daaUghterr• Of tt.e late Wlihiiete 'narilit-'
ra>i11, and acconlahied hsr• tattler" 'end:
another • to this country 'velem ohs writ,
a wri ysars of ate., Vee s ttle4
1u ' Ikittirnithip of llo n >a tura
rtraIles **Wit of . `. 14.r14.ert, Mrs.
0014 resided pantile hire marriage itn
3:11e0. Four sows and. 411ve ,dautaters
etieviee her. The Otte are, Allen ofl!tatt -
stet', John ld , Ciat"le ct A. end and Fred t .;
McDo iel»1 et Then t, the daaaughltraaa,
re. Star. / Thomas , awdeeu a of (Um*"
Mrs I)rrr. l3rt"owntng /meter. utas.
araranett, Calgary',, }trot. 1 It Platoona+'
It.reteri and Mis 'Mcf'#onella at hole.
Mraaa.Ifeteen,cii west * good ndgh' r and
as ea ~�it knead to all Woes who estate
vavithin her ti . 'het it was 'inial hoer'
h+sttraa s ae.aired in her tinnily es a fettle*
rCtot .. rrlrCet
and saintly, Mast set* was
iwraat l avand roost 4600 "dam L'*
ty fes toad to thev;
e fsrwrt'at. *Weir was prtved r
say nn,` Of tee rehab**
akathe rwvs Init be anis erg
Ian are *th g Sacs in the wily
aretarf eaeneretery by her fw
e r a • bier. ver' T. ,t bei Can,
• aaetaaat41ri.10w, Mr. L ;. Dern.
k`. y Of HaareasMaaall,
er<f Mrw 1 eat, efficl ated. Tree:
rte: 'aa+f ilt.O salmi familiar Urea'
Ot'lhaaltlr~t g atn ltw►elt#tr: .
r era "ie>ea� Idle. Pest4rrtetta>a ; e
a ted t t
feelinieell it c et
of grat�i,tude, r rret arra.
slat'li aeea G WOO that !iv had been
septa red to be with his P00010 In r.xter.
'wet, At'the seperra,tiotr<,
and gladness that he boll 'been of
good In his Mae kex'ir hands to the people
to whom be had ministered'. Ills /Mat
raesairal a qday evening Is well express-
ed Inthe verse he took for feete discour e.
"FAnaily, broth -
tee. �whatsoever things are true, what-
soev er things a're honest, whatsoever
th in sa: are lust. whateocver thing* are
pure. whatsoever things arc lovely, weet-
sower things are are 'ot good repent; i!
t?ere be any "atm, and it tonere ba any
praise, think' on these' things." front
nt at aatdl' sxnilla will rest de nese for
>co� time, afterward to alto London.'
Next Sunday the pulpit will ba occupied
by Iles. Fetcher at Thames Road, who
wil'u declare the. ,pulpit vacant, and the
cougregatlen will proceed to (Ion • as min-
Sender.—In baahwood. to .fir. and 3Irs`a.
John Bender, a son.
Northcott. --I; t Exeter, Feb. 5, to qtr. and
Mrs. Mae. e. Nortt Cott, a son.
t•'rayne.—In Daborne, on • Jan. 31, to Mr.
aced Mr a. Wats. 1rraeyne,
ilei. -1 i Crediton, oat Feb. 4th, to hfr.
and Mrs. Henry Hale, a daughter.
G4arrk.—InCrediton, to Mr. and Mirs.Bert
Clark, a"datith
Ghon. -At Sl3arn,Ale, on Jan. 2e0, to
Mr. and Marys. Jahn, °reaasson, a daugh-
OrrtwcIn--Alt the 13ronsonn Line, Ilra< on
Feb. let, to lilt. and Mrs. J. Orrtweln,
a son.
Rant- -i.t the Sauble Line, Stanley, on
Feb. 4th. to M. arra ?stirs. Henry Rau,
>R atone. -
Col4 vurn.-ln flibtaerrt, on Veb. 3rd, to
Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur. Col nuhour r it
daughter. .
Ma rtAS_
ill t - oach,-.teat Zirktor' on Vela.
Mr. Goat op'or XfoltAlo'fp•, to glee 11
daughter or Janos srss • Botch.
ethitk, sir lx'ag; :? ,3 icons t►`
Wit, ,"'» $mlth. to , S**' ? Ie",eurtt e
thea Inter 4f John. tIrun ,.oath? ot Pith .
tan. •, a•
MO ea—Zo UtstQf *,,,t Stratford On 'Jell*
30. J0. fixiellel gOreten oro Ste? +►•.an 'ir. to
Mos .Cres Ohnsto ;` of .'ort ltt4t�'t1JEik.
McDoneil.-'ler Exeter, oin on 4th Lk*'
*thy Dalitwill. relict of the; late? Jelin
McDonell. aged b2 yearn,
Welsh....: Irn Usboz ne, London lad. North.
on Feb. Uth, 31st. John Welsh, aged
40 Vicars..
Ming* aired . ...
- tele -.. n y =
it � Clinton. • ?d Jan.
Matelot*. age? '71' Years.
Young.—in Fulearton, on Jan. 2Tt e 1-
izabcth Y. Paulo. wise ot 049. Young,
In her 54th year.
Bormcr.0-in Aiiea Craig, on Feb. I:, 'M*.
is sac Dormer.
Woods.. --In Godericb. Tp., Jan. 31, Aortic
Terme Butting.- tt : w1fe=ot iabix 'Woods,
aged Co- years.
itiel.aughltei.--ln Parkhill, Feb. 2, Arose
Irene, daughter of Patrick McLaughlin
in her 14th year.
Faster.—In Granton, on Feb. fth, Ann
Foster, aged 30 years.
is the beset preparation for cleaning
the teeth ever shown in • Exeter, ft'
Contains neither alkalinor acid. .It i'
& neutral cream. Every :ingredient ' 3iitli
iE Is for as purpose" The pricejs 25e,
All Vsntiine
Goods' at s Bold only a1 ---
• Reduction.
1 per cent reaction
itr{` d
It "would pay . you to bus year
!U save:$4, ► and .`$5, .`
r,wr'041#' *w.•r#rrr at♦ q,• •`er�' i
ye 30 percent0`fu).
. w l
•10�fayaij�>*1 Y •T/ F.y311