Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-29, Page 7 (2)EVORTS VR031 HW MOO TRADE CENTRES.. or Catiti, Gnins Ckeet4 I Prod t Ugh rtu*, -of tzt 'fl:trieseing therefore will Also ing tb Itwdas in uv dceline to r et -o ;inner any enY report ustrian an force would find itself monism rteaSs sources reaffirm that on its flank. a)dirct Aristro-Turkish settlement .So far as kriown, nothing' serious eg!irding Resnia and Herzgoviosis has developed from the arrest of is impending. The Bulgarian en- Gen. Vukotitch, the special Mon. ¶O ix still at Constantinople, where tertegrin envoy to Servos, although! c, had another int,erview with the it will doubtless further inflame the Ministers on 'Wednesday. All out- anger of the Montenegrins when it ward indications there point to a becomes generally iknown in that peaceful- arrangement, although country. The best check to the nothing of a eonvincing- nature hasdangerous effervescence in Mon- et tome thence confirming the tenegro and Servia alike is suppli- ed by nature, as in a few weeks military operations will be made inspossible by the weather. Winter luis already begun in the higher -ing at Thourmaya and Palanka be- part of the Balkans. Parts alliance story. The belief that no 'conference will e se„11/cd increases everywhere. The-atory from Athens about fight- * itt in ion siSS,S4AtosititIti&miaiss • liftlfOlVittfairss.es lrvolessorsCarlsttleytritrillitErirtthe • sssas.:sss...s_ssitesraretstisarrittess-sossesss.: A despatch from London, Ont., says: ;Herbert Bombard, of 479 3Lork Street, is in a seini-Coliskious eondition *is the result of bein at - fare on Tuesday nights -• The in was truck over the _heart, and, as be • has been a sufferer from heart 'trouble,the conicroni6s were ;serious. Although Bombard has not been aide to give a detailed account • , the attack, he, in his more eon- oua moments, chinas that a Man by the name of Watson was thesone wh track hint, because he refu5- .ed to a monetary loan to the laLter when appyoaehed. One of Pfnibard's ribs is broken and this pzerced his lung. - A despatch from Utica, N. Y., says: Professor Carl F.. Meyers of • -Frankfort, ei suburb of -this city,. is oin 0 . t i 0 ttAtki-es;:thltromt,-;fit.:- extinguielteds- Mrs- Masers is •veteran balloonist and aeronautt- eat engineer, and claims that down in Texas spine years ago he produc- rain that -spread over several States. His salan is to send up into the sky a big baloon filled with gases, which he explodes with an electric spark, Professor Meyers has been engaged by several paper companies of northern New York, whose forest lands are melting away to ashes, to make rain. He con- tends that the Mohawk Valley is bettor place to start the rain, and that 03ICO 'begun the rainfall will extend to the mountains. The first baboon will be exploded within a few days between this city and Frankfort. COLOR UNE AN OBSTACLE. 'DlcuIty in SU" of Unification of South Aftiea. A despatch from Durban, Natal, says: Some of the Cape delegate sto the -Union Conference oppose °sub And out any unification. A major- ity, however, may accept a cern- :promise between unificatiort and federation, rather than wreck the C eation. The question of pm cc r Vote, whielthe Cape, is ling trouble. A ' 4 t ew only exists suggestion is being Made to abolish the color tine throughout South "rice-, and raise the franchise .Ortsirtdard, but the objection is that arge number of whites may also be excluded. • A TUROCVLOS1S HOSPITAL. ' .----. Conditional - Gift of $30,000 to Montreal League. • A despatch froze Montreal says: 1 It was announced on Wednesday that the Montreal league for the prevention of tuberculosis had ac- cepted the offer made by Lieut. - Col. Burland to provide a tubercu- losis -dispensary and -institute at a cost of $50,000, providing the league would raise an endowment of $50,000. Col. Burland has pur- chased a building in Belmont Park and is having it converted into a hospital and dispensary. It will be known as the Riirtand Institute as a merrnorial to Col. Burland's par- ents. *Winnipeg Woman-Ilitneit Child Eseaped. espatch from Winnipeg saws: Martha -E. Swett, of 38 Union ntte„Elmwood, a suburb of this ety, was burned to death in her Ome on Tuesday night while trying o save her child in a fire caused Y the explosion of a coal ail stove. The child escaped unhurt. to *114 Dollars. • A ilelipatch from Winnipeg says: The Provincial - Government has )hteed detectives on private resi- nets in which telephones have teea installed, and if they find that mera are being kepi, as in the tase in many homes: they raise the 'rate, to $50, imposing a business ' uorirlimMonrp41.4.00.04•11141 -TIfltE}; MIMS FOIL $11). Thief, With a Rad it. cord, Gets Heavy 'Sentence. A de:-,p-ateh from Brockville says: Ambrose Godkin'aged 23, was on, Wednesday senteneed by Jtuke lieDenald to three years in o Kingston Penitentiary for tlie theft ef $10-; - • bail rord A PECULIAR ACCIDENT, Colts Knocked Ladder Over and •`- Man Was Killed. A despatch from St. Catharines says: A young man, named Went- -worth,-&-resident-01-43seirnibyrwa engaged on Tuesday on a flit -five ces adder .pain mg ga e end 0! a large bank barn owned by Mr. Willzaflu lionsberger, a mile south of Jordan. The ladder was fasten - to the fence with ropes. Some colts playing around the barn got tangled in the rope and pulled the bidder over. Wentworth was thrown from the ladder to the ground -arid killed -instantly. LOST HOME AND BARNS. ✓ Residing Nears bow Suffers Iteitvily. • A despatch from Peterboro' says: By a fire starting at the top of a large' straw stack near ono of his barns, Mr. W. j. Young,a farmer, living near this eity, lost thityear's harvest, three barns and Ins resi- &nee, and Ivas slightly burned him- self in trying to, lead a horse gut of the burning, stable. ' A hatclt from Manila says: Belated reports indicate that the svirm of betober le in the Nyasa - was the worst and moit ,struetive within 'the memory of 14 int; inhabitants of the valley. The eflicial figurea are not yet atAilahle,asotany'spliices have not l'eeti-heara'Miii,"'hut it scents ter - 1 in that th. i ,nizmbsr`4,;(' clout will ',11 A 41-000 4 ' typhoon and torrential rain t throughout the 'alley and in the mountains. Tht rivers, were flooded: and in ma - plates rose la a; heiglot of *0 feet .sweeping everything b,efore them itt their path to the se*. Iliindred were swept • enitnale and hots tWay by Atte Wattref, The Government h o coast guard cutter rtidition& and trgarn It i reported that ken out among despatche e relief. investigate he ebole'r% hi refuges. horse and killed, ori,..Thirsday. Tbtqmas SAly-tr-fions`-ol-Wintt peg terve been awarded the contrae for the new car shop's att Winnipe conneetion with the G. T. P4 ter minal. Mr. William McInnes of the gen logical survey, reports that there i a wide belt of good agriculture land that will be opened up by th new Ifudson Bay Beltway. The Kingston isocontotive Work have just closed a contract with th Grand Trunk Pacific Railway fo twenty-five engines to be delivere during the coming year. W enitoba Ir L4J4 - fWi 1-Nottlierif;41X t, for No. 2 "Sforthern, Georgian Bay g ports. • .. Ontario Wbest--No 2 rhittf to 90Me outside; No 2 red Winte - 99e; and No. 2 mixed, 89% to 900 s outside. 1 Oats-entario Nii.oS 2 white 374 to e 28c outside, end et 40,!../4 to. 41c on track, Toronto, No. Western Can - 0 Ma oats quoted 4 42*, Goderich. e Rye -No. 2 quoted at 753e outs ✓ side. d Buckwheat -58 to 600 outside. Peas -,Nos% 2 quoted at 85% to 80e otitaide. Corn -No. 2 American yellow s nominal at 86e on tracks, Toronte. and No. a at 84e. • GREAT BRITAIN. Seventeen suffragettes were son rins-ittsjacion o *Alit "P".t" Vet -Thoinicilkrabkintion Ws„Rgt,7. taitteLSO,HrilStAiltatii*L-41% the British Conunons, has been appointed • :Under-Secretary for Foreign- Affairs. • ,of the Government's Clan to iniee the $ituation.7,T1ia gravity o ease arising from the feet that luni- dreds of thousand s are on 'of starvation through lack was fully xeco,gnized by the mier, but he Sitid be could not un- dertake, in the legislative field, to Olifuwar 3 'orbit°, 74%c. Oats -Easier; N�. 3 white, 50 to 50e; No. 4 white, 48% to 49e• Barley Feed to maltin 59 to 05e. J1,4 -No. 2 on track, • 80%c. • CATTLE MARkET. Toronto, Oct. 27.-Tbe best load of' cattle on the market was one of • ;.11"ssitsstehstrats. - eatitles. *4.50 to -$4.04;s1rood oslit•safre-meeltsents---48185-4 --170,1*Iiiittiii***11161essiOefsEsiff'di abundant, $2.50 to $3.25; choice cows' $3 to *3.75; common COWS, $1.59to $2•75 per cwt._ The offer- --41-1seissew of them. ' Pricea-fors mil COWS' ranged from $25 to $70 each for cornmon to choice COWL _Export Owes -were quoted at $3.25 to $3.50 per cwt; bucks and trills aold at $2 to $2.50, and lambs at $4 to $4.50 per cwt. Hogs continued to sell at $6.25 per cwt. for seleets. e wrec c in Wis- consin, lentil:1g' six 'laborers. Floods are doing great damage in central and northern Oklahoma. Four persons were-killedin a t nado and cloudburst near Clayton, The Carnegie Hero Fund Com- snitteeshassa•warded 43 medals and $40,000 in cash averds. ' Forest fires are causing the death of thousands of trout in the streams of New York State. Four children were burned to death in the destruction of a min- er's house at Summit, Pa., on Mon- day. An attempt will shortly be made to raise the Royal Savage, the flag- ship of Benedict Arnold, sunk sti Lake -Champlain in 1770: ' Te Big Four Railroad has prom- ised its empleyees an increase in pay and work if Taft113elected, ana a cut of 10 per „cent. if Bryan sue ceeds. Cap. Rankini,A prominent attor- ney of Trenton, -Tenn., was taken front his hotel at Wainutlog, Tenn., and murdered by night -riders. Broughton Brandenburg, svho sold The New York Times the ups: eus Cleveland letter, predicting the election of Taft, has been arrested on a eharge of forgery. • • GENERAL. Central Europe is- expe• riencing the coldest weather since 1880. Eleven hundred persons were killed in the recent typhoon near Changehovr, China. The Chinese bill of rights prent- isee that by 1-911 China will be a Parliamentary country like japan or Russia. -IIALF. Itillag-OrtirtlieFlittres for September. A despatch fronts Ottawa says: The total immigration into Canada for September was 10,091„ as cern- pared with .19,05/ for the same month last year, a decrease of 47 pet cent. From January ist until the end of September the arrivals via oceali porta were 81,917, as compared with 191,020 for the same reriod last year. The immigration or the nine. months of this year from the United States was 45,053, compared with 41,809 for OW same period of last year, an in- crease of 614, or two per cent. The total immigration into Canada from all ,souarters for tho, first nine months Of this year was 127,030, as compared with 2350329 for the seine Period of last Year, a decrease of 10i,10.0, or forty-six per cent. • ) ttl purist) or .vomA$. , 111Maaekvrla, I1ogAt!e given. • DowrieS." Everywhere is the flog the frioid ef man, but in Manchuria he is• more strictly the friend of woman. There the dowry of 'a young woman doesnot consist of hard cash as in Europe, hot in* certain nitinher of sleek dogs with thick or silken hair. The .girls status may., almost be guesed by her wedding litortion of If she receive siit she i* poor, dozen. her parents are in easy mstaneess and it twelve deltil y be taken 'that she tAmes rich family. They are fulh fattened for their savory flesh, tl their tkins after death bez'onte riots, elistes, vesta. for bun. or bedsude WhiChl -11VfM1-1111t.Ereu tOr fts- frt'ze tiil. dog it wariii Attrts-ss tottlessmt&tOst persharrel at. *1.50.10 $tliteforscooking apples. Beans -Prime, $1.80 to .1.85, And hand-picked, $1.90 to $1.95 per bushel. Honey -Combs, $2,25 to $2.75 per dozen, and strained, 10 to to* per pound. Hay -No. 1 timothy quoted at $11 to $11.50 alon on track -here, and No. 2 at $7,00 to $8.00. Straw -$6 to $7 on track. Potatoes--Outarios, 50 to 55c per bag. Delawares ate 05 to 70c per bag on track. Poultry -Chickens, Spring, dress- ed, 19 to lle perspound; fowl, 7 to Se; (kick), .9* perpound; young turkeys, 14 to 15e per pound. •••••••..10.1•0 THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound prints, 23 to 240; Vohs 22 to 23e; inferior, 19 to 20c. OreLnery rolls, 20 to ' 20%c, and sclids'244 to 25%c. Eggs -Case lots, 22 to 23c per doz- Cheese-LaiTe cheese, lac Per dozen, and twins, 13%c. HOG PRODUCTS. , Bacon -Long clear, 12% to 1234c per pound in case lots; mess pork, $19.00 to $19.50; short cut, $23.50. Hams -Light to medium, 14 to 14c; do:, heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, 11 to llge; shoulders, 10 to -40%e; backs, 16% to 17c; breakfast bacon, 45- -to- 15%e; Lard -Tierces, 13e; tubs, 1334c; pails, 134e. . • BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal, Oct. 27 -Ontario NO. white oats quoted at 43% to 44c; No. 3 et 424 to 43c; No. 4 it 42 to to 42%q; Manitoba No. 2 white 45 • 0 45%0 ;No. 3., 44 to 44Xis ancere- jected, 43 to 4334o per 'bushel- ex -Avnteh4r- wheat pear -is, =Inds, $5.50; 'Winter what patents, is to $5.25; straight rollers, $4.50 to $4.- 00; do., in bags, $2.10 to $2.20; ex- tras, $1.75 to $1.85. Feed -Mani- toba bran, $21 to $22; shorts, *25; Ontario bran, *21.50 to $22 ;- midd- lings, 020 to $e; shorts; '4325 to $25.50 ' per ton, 'including bags; pure grain monilia, $30 to $35; milled grades, *25' to $2g per ton. Provisions -Barrels short cut ines$, $4.59; talf-barrels do., 'ILO; clear fit backs, $23; dry salt long clear backi, ile; barrel, plate beef, -$11.50; half -barrels do., $9;- tom - pound lard, 8,34 to 9Yicl pure lard„, 12,W to 13e; kettle rendered, 13 to 1346; hams, 12g to 14e: breakfast, bacon, 14 to 15;; Windsor boon/ 15 to 10e; . fresh killed abattoir dressed hop, $0.504. live, 60,50 to e6.75. • elicesn-Western, 1'41 to 12,k. Buttet-2-13a in round' lots; 26j - to 27c in jabbing, lois. The is weak and iltles of .0w 1111,W; I ieleet- d, Vigo ; No. 1, ‘20e, end 71/0,1per doe. ut trdcs fu 4 t tred 5 f41,0auud kosarmOre, to cost a totAt*12,500, . been intended. The ermadersalso se -bid for recrultsis- that th's_War Otilee WA1S to 'take on.. .11M9.-uten o ear training in the special re- The,sa proppsels quite fell c meet the demands of the Labor members of the House. SNOW TEN -On DEEP. Snowplows, at Work on Main Linea of C. P., R. rind Cs N. U. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The 0. P. R. and C. N. R. main lines in, the west are still snow- bound. In the vicinity of Medicine Hat and /tlaple Creek the snow is et-deep-inssomesof-therscat itta-s-no-w plows -are at work clears----soierssso-'"gsr-ssf'ssss g-1he4rseks4---The isterto-is--neW 4!,t1k4k,,,,-)1,41,44;)411:10,A Civic Assessment Gives the Ca* A despatelr---froins Ottawa -saya-t- Tbe returns of the civic assessment department for this year show that Ottawa's population has now pass- t.d the 80,000 mark. The popula- tion has increased by 4,024 during the past twelve months and is now 80,294. • A -despatch -from -Ottawa says: Ontario's wheat yield- tor this year, • according to reports received by the Agricultural Department corre- spondents in all parts of the Prov - i ince, s estimated at 17,264,000 bushels, an average of 21 loushels • per acre. The oat crop is estimated at 108,794,000 -bushels, an average of 35 bushels per are. The barley crop, 21,570,000 4ushele, an aver- age of 20 bushels per acre. The • bay and clover crop 5,329,000 tons, un average of 1%•tons per acre. The total wheat crop of Manito- ba is estimated at' 51,748,000 bush- els, an average of 17% bushels per acre. Saskatchewan's -wheat crop is placed at 35,940,000 bushels, an av- eraee of 15 bushels per acre. bate's wheat crop is estimated at 8,120,000 bushels, an average of 30 bashels per acre. For oat crop the cstitnateol total yields are: Manito- ba, 50,201,000 • bushels, or $8 per acre; Saskatchewan, 29,703,000 beetle's,' or 32 per acre; Alberta, 25,451,000 bushsels, or 49 per acre. HE TICKLED DYNAMITE. A. Quarryman Instantly Killed Near Montreal. - A despatch from Montreal says: Charles Deniers, a quarry worker, was killed by a combination of carelessness and an unexploded blast on Thursday afternoon at St. Constant, in a quarry. The work- men at ,the quarry had drilled a 'bcle. and placed a blast. They fed the luisismsalsratirett; ynamite did. apt explode After waiting Mk fill minutes, the ,quarr3r- men becsine tired, and Demers, de- spite the warnings of his fellow - workers, approacned the hole and started tickling it with an iron rod to see what was wrong. The fuse had gone wrong, but the, dynamite was in good vorking order and ex. chided, hailing Deniers many feet in the air. If was later picked up uticonscious svith a broken leg and arrre end generally badly mangled. Ile was taken -into St. Constant, 4.40.1ere8tvathhoe iite(rio0glatiiriThrwlindca,111,7vyloVews11:1 -1100k , The Kaiser's fourth son, Augast *William, was married on Tuesday to the daughter Of the Duke; of Schleswig-/folstein. SMALLPDX IN EDMUNDSTON. New Brunswick Town Has Sixty Cases of MN Type. A dispatch from Fredericton, N. B., says: Dr. E. B. Fisher, Secre- tary of the Provincial Board of Health, said on Thursday night that there were sixty cases of smallpox in the town of Edmundston, N. B., and that 25 houses are quarantined. The disease, he says is of a mild , hirthinics-tim-spreadscan be Trevented. The only fear la the coming of cold weAther. The only explanation of the • source of the contagion is that it Was brought by men working on the Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway construction. STAitVED TO DEATH IN CAR. A despatch from Buffalo says.: The body of St negro wa,s found in, fkeight car opened, here on Thurs.- dity. "Yeeth-Wes-drie to st4rvation ind thirst. The car ivaa shipped from Pine Bluffs,. Ark., on Oct. 2, and had been rebilled from St, Louis„ Mos, but. wasnot opened it at the latter plate. In the car Was • onsignment of goods from Provis (knee, "R. 1.. ES MAIMETS. 7 -Wheat --No. 1 rd, $1.01%; No. 1 Northern, .0414; No. 2 Northern, i$1,0 ; ee.r *1.01/(k ; May, *1.0;Y:, *1.012/4; ‘10101,-, $1.03. • Minneapolis, Oet. 27.- Wheat --',- A d ez., $1.01%; ' $1,OV1 to $1.. l)r. I 0574; No. .1 hard, .01!4; N. 1;;Ont.,, Northern, $1.03,14 . 2Northern Gugge 61.011.c ter $1.0‘.:3; o. 3 Nerthern: 11 maelted . %Go to $1- Flou Vint 'Paterthen, SW t2+1411 ils furlough. The t(m. f5.20 to $5.40; second patents, $3 palo 114.;€, about two thousand 'men tl. $3.20; first clears, \$3.90 to $i.; eteple.$cd ta thy Il'icinity,of Davfsuil, 20; seeond clears, $2.90 to $3.20. The totaritcwstment,ot the Guggen- Bran-,40 hulk, *11.46 to $1‘. 4 itilliTh in the estuary ia said to be Buffalo, N... Y.. Oct. et: , , Wb it ti.4 the virieltbnrit,tod of twelve, WI, ring stronger; :tio, t' Nottla,ro,', 1..'ssta dollars. and the anment iu rar1*d, 1 .Vs' *. ,A:.q.t tel(l'i e- , M 04, 7;r7, * -o-f• t ntry. for the i . l',1will (twee.% one Vos lion, deliats ropa 414in ,,mipePt bit frozn Winnipeg aso formerly of Kingston, medical effier for Vie is in the Yuken, has ou his way home on last sellsOn, the total for they being over five Miiiiotts. 'Next year* when the , machinery now being plaeed is in operation, the output be increased t) eight millions,' and later the total output will pro.: !Ably be further increased'. to ten 'Mons per ofinurn! The develop., ot work is being done wholly by ge companies,. the individual miner being vire, Cansis And taehts ere beingsdug and dredgei. for the work of future years. There will be thnnv*nd ,Peotaei Dawson during the aur. ter. .1 , otAt.