Exeter Advocate, 1908-09-10, Page 3 (2)..) 14 A.:44,411110M,E.4:.:1 "ALIO*.HOT WEATHER AILMENTS It is cant that men and w ave iniluencrd their fel- A medicine that will keep child n deePlr.-have4spoiten_di-i well is a iireat boon to -'every me - unhesitatingly out iU. ther TIOVIZINitwLt"UAW* • their,ciiiii •best nittores, 'have TabletAn occasional et "waited' upon current 0:natant., doze keep *he little stfunPieh 404 -•'not repeat' .the ietirrVot'ybrits; ',,b4,/welA13 0, preventalsiekuOsts; „ otrvie. INoing tIu,„ o beet: w:At • „Uil,-nt)1* jr „xitTigqc 4 t isdrs, Ange- t V.".105110 , I •, • RIOIITIIANttEl'INE kew Guellsod Came to he Chose* For t,,Special.Traloinx,IL.,— iu ii11-4rar ;mtary' and J-51 cut oins and- 1iu .ttke ba • ianattoge,mtsif are', twO 1et 401.1: 13olye, and w • 4 n' -14,Tal.444 'SUSIE M. KINUS- \VOIVIH, 466 Qucbec St,, London: Ontario, writes: gam usln teriowlast "Stiot-ii bad cold, could not get anything to mo. "My nose and head were all 'stopped up, so that I coulclintrilly get my breath.I thought, atAimes that I would smothor, 'espeeally at night. • - "I have no trouble with that now. The noise in my head has all dis, • does -you say h ktannot_prahas 1'eruna too highly,as it has -done mucb for me. 1 hope MY letter wilI rea3h other ,stifferars," . J. ito'untz, 1015 Seevel street, Ashville, Tenn., Writes: eve had a very bad cough nearly ll nay ;life, and I. am forty- five years old. I have taken al. most every kind of cough medicine at has over been made, but none d me much good. I would have spells of coughing that I 'thought I would"cough myself to death.' I took Perrino,, and hist winter and • *a winter I have had no cough, and 1 know that Perlin* cured mem"' KNEW WS EiyILINGS. ‘That'i a beantiful, k gave 3•ot.t. r tf • tee "Swift ai scula breast „a I:Z' ehidrcn: ' ' . .t lif'°, , • ft(t4,14,,,tori ily- e , i e cf s ' Don't c . tr-dt ' ettiSifir ' ' cost a, precious littie ,lifo. :e Oet he Tablets now and you may feel reasonably safe. Every .raa.. r whoe Tablets ises ,- wlio does not elop this i. a crce, thi victorius faith in the truth ashe sees it. The mo sitive a man is the more force mut be put forth to express What ia ori- ginal n him; but the original words are the only ones that .ount; all other Are echoes. We hide our best aelves as it we were asliantei of them; but when we take cottrue and`Weak of -Our rke.pest- tions, our highest arrorations. we suddenly into saered companionship with our fellor, and that the breath of am fervor 'has stirred the same fire of nobleness in them that burns in us.- Never give less than your best, and your best is always yourself. TOO VALUABLE TO LOSE. • One_ offour beautiful sisters was .young gen -otweits— oncentrate his affection upon an particular one of them. "Yes, she said, "I have been working n the kitchen all day. Spanking does not cure children Mother thinks it is wonderful how 4.4 bed-wetting, There is a consiti- have learned to took. 1 baked taFon41, ttds trouble, bread and pies to-day,and besides Mrs. li. Summers, Box 100, Wind-- that I prepared the dinner, as ;t was the cook's day off," "Is that noir said the young men. "Mies Gladys," be contillur, ed, while she tried not to look ex- pectant, "there is a question I want to ask of you, and on. your reply will depend much of rey future hap - hat no „et er medicine o hildren so good. And the mother has the guarantee of * goveruluent rtalyst that the 'tablet* centain no opiate r)r harmful drug. Dea- lers -sell the Tablets at 2 eitte box or you,tan get them by' mail from The Dr. Williams' Medieipe Co., Brockville; Out w*re, that you deliberately stnek your umbrella in my ear last even- ing I" I.iittle Bifferton—"Very careless of me, I'm sure., I wondered what becarne'of it, end—would it be- too much trouble to ask you to return it l" pintas." "And what is itT! she -asked, get ting a little nearer to him. 1V111 thinking of proposing to one of your sisters:, will you make your -home with ual"*. - • 4,th 14 44,..n. r, i A. i e : P Or', ° the .1: „ i t44°‘'elte. h • r irg:with 'the' I'd ,o* '-: (I ten.. '' The fingeri,,of . $ free or de ,tral -baud *ere, , naturally, (1first, - .• . Eyery drill god action of the , r nitir e shown in in firing .fr the right theluid(w and sighting with the rilfht • WEEKLY-I.ETUR* A. j. Pattison Co., Toronto, state that the recent failure of A. O. Brown Co., of New York wilt, ot„..4dreet-:-Canatlion—investors; **- heir business was carried anin and if the firm .do not nay in full the brokers will be the misers. The New York market has been active and prices advanced beyond any immediate warrant—with receot re- cessions. However, every one knows that Wall Street anticipates events. And there is certainly; marked improvement in trade teat ditions, which promises to, not 014 increase, but to be permanent:The piim stocks are undoubtedlya fie,et I vestment and at present prices vn pay a good rate of interest. !They will sell higher after the Presiden- tial election—if not before. In tile Toronto market the advance Mexican Power which we recora. „ sor, Ont., will send free to "any wooded to our ohouts at 60 to 71 pother her successful home treat -4 and San Paulo to 150 are the reent, with full instructions. Soul tures. The bitykug at the** prices 40 money, but write her to -day • 4is probably foreign. The Englisli your children trouble you in this and French investor are more fav. way. Don't blame .the child, the orahle to South and Central Am, chances Are it can'tbelt, it. This ericiiii investments than the Cana; treatment also cures it,duIts and dian. The settlement of Dominio4 arid 000 troubled with umue Coal -Steel differenceswill not now —04-adit _ belong postponed, and we look for a aulisthtiaI advance in the price of this stock. The mining market has been ex- ceedingly Active, large numbers of shares changing hands. Prices hay igh „ • • , i s because the Singer factoriei are not vtetipait better catculatcd' to inake, good. sewing 11111,*, 4111103. baii any other,'but tbis equipment , 'is unique and not to be found elSe*here: This is because a half century has bees% -devoted to training and 'specializing men, • each totkrone thing best in sewing macjiina construetin.— silpierforr not-st on the 4 volt,49!",!4•1.17.,,P` AtklitY Singer Sevving Machine Company storiptinrp„ MONTREAL NN1P,, BACK TALK. me sets," began -Mi. Hen- peck, "the wooden wedding is the .tifth anniversary, Ian' iti" A deed, I do ;:that's why n& bim give me such an' ex- ivono." • CONTE 'GRIM ENTERING. Life Annuity .of PIETY -TWO TARS is offered by - the ANGE MEAT people to the ono sending in the largest number of oins ,of ORANGE MEAT pack- ages before May al, 1909. This • means that the winner will receive Dollar EVERY WEEK, or PIETY -TWO DOLLARS every year, s tong a Iie Or she lives, or they an exchange it for a CASH PRIZE of SEVEN LIVXDRED DOLLARS. sides the above there is.a see- d Cash Prize of ONEIIIINDRED DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes as follows:— . Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY DOLLARS each. Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL. tmor-016: Tweak -0451r----Prizeiv----of- -DOLLARS; eseir,--.1014- -GNP— mom Cash Prizes of ONE LAR each. The only conditions attached is that you rot -out the-bottoins ofthe (JAAATari ./ 'MEAT packages and *end then* n to ORANGE .MEAT, :Kingston. The bottom of A Jumbo package counts equal to Three of the *mailer- site. You should be able ta win one Of the above prizes if you start immediately and .get your frielids to help you. Seta too. nukume a d dress , to RANGE MEAT, 'Kingston, DAY* and *tate' that you are on tering the contest. it it 'IWO, worth trying for. , Duriog the past four years the Cobalt Silver mines ,have been clis-- Sure Itegulators.—Mandrake and Covered, developed and found to be Dandelion are known to exert St, -the richest silver mines in Amer'. f powerful influence on the 'liver and ea, _ The -Cobalt district is reacheI- lia the Grand Trunk Railway kidneys, restoring them to health- ful action, inducing a regular ilow tem* Pullman Sleeping Cars be- ei the secretions and imparting to ing avails,ble right to the heart of the organs complete power to per - the camp. The territory is situated about ro miles north of North- BAY,igun' their functions. These valu- fxble mgredients enter into the coin - or 326 miles north of Toronto position of Parmelee's Vegetable Write for free copy of illustrated Pills, and serve to render the the booklet to J. D. McDonald,4D r. agreeable and salutary medicine A., Toronto, Ont. •' - they are. There are few pills so effective as they in their action. • •• 11 s trIstf.13.6.7111.1 one marries a blookbea4 ceremony itself." NAY! You don't have- to go to a .rink io sees lot of cheap skates. • About the only time a man- is master in his oval house is when his Wife is away on a. holiday. No Alcohol in It. —Alcohol or any other volatile matter which would impair strength by evapora- tion doea not in any shape enter into the manufacture of Dr. Tho- rnae-Eclectrie-Oit -Wor-do-elima- tu, changes affect it It is al ser- vice _in the Arctic eirejet the • Torrid Zone, perhaps. more useful in the higher latitudes' where man is more subject to colds from exposure to the elements. Lawn -tennis -the opinion of raminent •doctor, , • the most 11 a thful form of recrestion. Much distress and sicknese cbfldren is caused, by worms. MO; ther Graves' Worm Exterminater giveir,relief by removing,- thet-eiuser Give it & trial and he toniine he thanee - -ef twolinger-Pfititti being *like is 4r mote leis than one in 640 India some of .the hats feet across the wings. Are six Englishmen to 011e ere, are more fragran wbite era t n o& anY othei color. 1 47060r, e -g roun 1oozng , because ef wha *u se4tocovei. bacillus is so blotto!, that * drop ontion millions. b.sot give op is tooiser, 6* lobo onto. holm obstinstaidiskarritintsof Atkin. Aitasi)htt Wiwi* sp*ta with WI/Me* eiltrate ad 5Uy th. blooi with IThatime*psr ;All dttittig* sitor--And-ssau esaped the wreekt" Longshoreman muin." Visitor—"Row did you feel when the. waves broke over youl" Longshorensan—:"Wet, mum. wer ry wet." In the treatment of summer com- plaints, the most effective remedy that can be used is Dr. J. I). Kel- logts Dysentery CordisL It is a standard preparation, and many people employ it is preference ,to other preparations, -11.-..is.as_biohly concentrated medicine *fid its se4a. tivo and curative qualitiet are be: yond question. .It has been a po- pular medicine for many years and thetleitii4 can attest its imperia qualities in overcoming dysentery and kindred complaints. ALLAIE III)124 4* , D. Priet,PriceAtToit are- ver is "that wliich prornpt*nd I thank you, but, 1 1 ",,Tets and 1. dourt'i*leet, you to pay. the.hill II ',at once if it's going*to . on." - Patientthc ,,-(;T-a *grateful 'to you , , Ida." - auffeld is the inventorof kind of glass*bleb will neither oriel nor bieak. It mitY be -drilledin lea. a :water and then placed en lazing lamp without any resulting, iniurys. A lamp east made of this remarkable material may, in ef ersency, used hi place mer .to drive in nail* or pit lit oilcloth, or, break coals, or, vets as * life itrnaliea o different* to the lionp glsH, lett anuslas usiinjtires1. Water :Of le `koil. markt valuerm.!: t standard o mine.• The American investors are pur- chasing heavily. Our reports from the' Larder Lake • Gold fields are highly encouraging the permanence of the Camp is stated to be assured •TArd the ettent of the gold -bearing kelt if confirmed will make this eittliti the ereatest gold Aileldin the world. Why not. Cobalt is now in its partially developed state, greatest Silver Camp—And they are only a short distance apart. ' A$ SHE SEES HurtsEtir. A lovely magnifying glass A mirror is to every Thss, lier charms are magnified in jit; It does not show her faults a bit. ,They Wake the Torpid Energies. Machinery not properly super- vised and left to run itself, very soon *Lowe fault in its working. It iii—theThailiervitrit-i-atio-iiirve -61F Unregulated - from: -time' to lier*relikely'bewine tor-, rad and throw the whole system out of gear. Parmelee'S Vegetable Piths were made to meet such eases. They restore to the afull-the flag ging faculties, and hring into or-. dor all' pints of the Mechanism. And Sometime* a man gets mar, ried in order to have someone be- lieve his talk. „It Will be noticed in the Shamir Sowing Itechirie.,Xonilianyits *fiver. thoonent that there are three dresseit a5. the, bottom of the en. touncement.' Any one writing will lease address Omni at the riestesk ene of the three, platolli to, his post EITE WAS liAPZIUMMED. 't'llever mind, *dew"' she Seidl_ etisurifitlY, as she raised her sweet:fete froM his shoulder; an, they both sew the.'white blur his 0)414 "it will *11 brush Off.'"Okst, ,butit-ott nftp-hidiAl-,hece *gain upmt or sp1i hi* whitey shoulder: "haw do you know 11,1 fOtE 8111tIMER OUTING. If you arbg fond of fishing, ono*. g. tamping or the study a will. imals look 'up the Algonquin Ni Jona). Perk of Ontario for Your miner outing. A fish and gam reserve of 2,000 acres interspersod uLh 1,100 lakes and rivers torah - log you, offering all the attractions hat Nature an bestow. Meg:4W cent tanoe trips. Altitude ',MI et *hove sea level. Pure and itit.; hilarating atmosphere. :rust the laet for a young man •te, put in hiii Miner holidays. Rotel *commo- tion. An interesting and pre. .,ly illustrated descriptive pb- tinn telling rat *II about 'It iee (sr* **DO:ie.:Won to j. D P, A., Toronto, Ont. „Correspondents Chas. tle,s4 & co.! lich4bers New York and Boston Stock Escholgos. euraigia Headache, Rbeumatism, Pahl, GENT!. ALL DRUCIC4STS, OE e Pango Company, Toronto ornomiwt lawYmsnos. a co., Toronto sod t KNOX MUM/30:V, UrOutig,---NAXION Louktnizi, MORE THAN E UAL. Lady—"You look robust. you equal to the task of wood?'- • Tramp—"Equai isn't the mum. ran .superior to it.... mornio' • ... 'sawing word, Good Ir LOCkWOod BU�KERS-- • ettaat,*r arOOKI hiettesm4 tvoiktvi ;Aix:4 cod. • Exchslge; lidi.11.11414 =.6 teronto: l'hnrifi 'Maio 74S., *.IXCOANGIC rism voitg Osvit. oway.-4.. Com—Cure_ Ilestroya kindcof .corna attit 'A:Art** 1'04 anal. &ko,.enLin lizre them .baith such a 'cheap and effeetuid. remedy *within reach? "This," remarked' Arr. Sate, '4* -y-phowgirph with inytwo Franc pood10. Van recognize me, eh I" "I think so," said Mims CAlie 'You ar0 the one with the hat on, re itOtt i iiit Nes b . iliy b 0 --.! IL, EU Oki tW*-$�tfceeoa OPPOMOVA. Writ* „mom cop; 111100,* St* Tom* / The Mild Climate of Virginia to•it, 0,46404 sovtemailia tor .04 itfis tootrair„: gagroskit awaria_tansiss. autos* sts iows. cresols* WItitimi. 10444 tad siolitAg hot0* Itooohs, loot isefootios 10o tois.loor. "Stay c‘ii.tioso Is* Wimp pits. write for iKottootiso to O. W. MAXIM COmitimiorot lEA14.Y. *P*, 100 1 go swirr mingt". ' - Papa.4- h hour ago you complained of Your stomach.", Willard—i"That's all right, pa 1.c&nswim On my" bac " 4.%4414-