Exeter Advocate, 1908-07-02, Page 4 (2)•'1 , A zAclet ovate, cela, Propa • THURSDAY, July 00, • An Opinion on Church Union: fk- in Saturday iiight. Lt week we had both t Metho •0,1i151„ •cenfereace tho.83- tzod sitting in Toronto, and as 'one sat lolls home ih the evening epding, the rer,nits, of tho .pri,evetliing* of tpoo Ott- bodio ono could tobt fail Wee c •ot that ttlOriP is 'small hope, of brl ing into one bOdyr twili.glassPs Qk'[WOPC wiaelly et ysvlahce a.q'these. -Wakilarit3Vip.rit otoutit „ When a man -within a me th attends • buriciay services in A.oglican, Preshy- torian. 14ethodist and Baptist_church-. C3, he comes to the conchision that 1 while he has discovered mightr 1iLtIp difference in the doctrines put for in the various sermons he has listen •—ter-AtasattlactOmagit 14rbii ptkit*, .0 would prove to be serious obstacles in the way of church union. These other differences are, as a rule, overlooked -Auglicanw-with eirritual. ceremon in the diem:1y this subject, Th Jai and spec! tion in music are a people apart. Leaving doctrine out of it altogether, the rector and. the .par - SOD could dispute endlessly on matters of conduct and opinion, from smoking to pronunciation -they see life from angles so hopelessily at- variance. While they could possibly agree suffi- ciently on points of doctrine to enable them to exchange pulpits, this would t4""k"'-g'"' whttetalt-epeasiblifitirexchssigiont;par,, When:the enquirer into the practicability of churc4 union hears a etymon furious against dancing in a Methodist church, and next evening playa a game of whist with the rector of the Anglican or the pastor of the Presbyterian church; or when he hears smoking denounced by the one, and -zieealtinthecoth helms a revival -meeting in *fullprow grees in one church, while in another the minister expresses his disapproval of all suck emotionarism-one begins to understand that aside altogether from/4110100ns of _doctrine there are differences between the people of the various denominations which could not be reconciled. The regulation of personal conduct in the Methodist church; the refusal of the members in other bodies to submit to such law. ' giving -would alone be an obstacle to union which no ingenuity could get around. In fact it is highly probable that we need several denominations, and that • one could not possibly answer all pur- poses. We need one church for those • who want dancing; smoking. and the use of intoxicants strictly forbidden; we need another for those who would not submit to dictation In these mat- ters. We need one church holding re- vivals and drawing under its influence those who could not otherwise be readied; and we need another church for those with whom religion is not enititibmil, but tor -whom everythin must be reasoned out with logical nic- ety. I will not say that we need a \ State church -hut we need one for those who deem it absolutely necess- ary to sever church and Ste . In short, it seems evident t at were all the denominations me in one, the people would not be long in find- ing the errangement sio unsatisfactory. that new sects would be organized right and left, each bearing off some fragment of doctrine and insisting up- on certain standards of conduct. NOTE AND COMMENTS The death of Grover Cleveland the last Democratic President of the Unit- ed States last week removedlhe Man of the strongest personality since Lin- coln. , Be was forceful, courageous and self-controlled to sr great degree. He was president from 11384-1888 and from 1892-1896. Locatoption beer is said to be the Wed triumph of the. inventor and manufecturer. The breweries can how make a -beer so much like the old -----thitt-the-drinkor even eitt1110t detect Ute difference. The only difference is the ard0Unt of akoliol contained. ,Common beer has 3 Per cent. alcohol, the new beer 1.66 per cent.,_which be• ing teat than 2 per cent, allows it to ' he *old as a temperance drink. The • "dry" towns are *aid to be very inter- eeted in the 'legless" beer. Son Wounds Father. A family row occurred at ()lands* bore on Saturday morning, in which Harold Bice, a 17 -year-old lad, leged to have' inflicted el wound on his father. EU Btae. *bo awe hut Sirs lufortnation against his son. For smile thew.' it *Prom there bas bee* troahle between thee and Mason! Harold, the father smug the boy OT -being lasy and not doing a abate of Work. ' On this ground he or:laced son away from the bouse on Saturdeby• but the boy refused to go. This led to 1. dispute, ending in a scuffle.. in whkh thn fis,tbir was vinuoded in the arm, it is said. • Whether this wound was inflicted with any intent to do , herrn- not known. nor 1. it certain that a knife WOW used., The, wound Was inflicted• with some weapon, however, it is eleltned, and was of such *serious nat- ure as to require the ems, of a 'phyla - 'retinue results are ‘feared from the hirrt. Bke birs sineelbeAn i'aptrired at Grid- erich Constables °uncles and Bite- ett and *rout Waged in the jail on This - day evening. Winehelsen Intruded far- tut week, Mk* E, lip$wood returned home Friday after spending few cls_ II In rielttningtOSI.—T. Coward spent Thurs- day and Friday in London. -Miss Udith Torrited1 and Robert Co Ward re. tutied borne Mt Wednesdey of lest week Win Chatham, where they have been ettttediefIC Business (olleges-T. Doriiist and wife spnL the first part of wlth t oeosi at Britme-les-,- 111 rit Sulday and %4) ItSit'itOtti - I The Lutherian coogregation of this village had a, very successful picnic. at Grand fiend on 'Thursday Ittlit...-Mlas Ida Goetz, who has been in 'Detroit for some time. retereed home on Sat, oicted with his family in Mrs, itoth. orday, -Al r. Itoss. of 'Ansi). 'Craig ' 'has ernal's dwelling next ther ublies ools ci Me. Films has eecered employ ent •With,E. No:diger, ourpopiilet. ha nese ,noaker..-Mr„ Winer and- daughter .of Atorriston erethis week visiting frieede in . this rillage,,.,--Rev., L. X, 'Bid t is this wook .Atelmilipg tbe..14undaY lehge't Convention in kiekision at .A.yton.Ther 10.141cliehOol tescher holds 'P. , se 11*h*t''.entisit4e,,positiatt these ,ilAy0.---, ,avitig wilt'be i .full,fsWin •this tWOA k t;',aild, A pi. N. illiani.': 4'6 - ' ON ar0.*Itiit nKfrieridieln 't e villa itt;;Pw.0.0 '‘ ' 1'1ANK4 has been' louden for:some ti ' e, re turheate r 'home ' on Sett* ay. Mies 11,103.Ple ghle,ra•ot Naltierville Col- lege' has returned to speno the sum', inet*vacation at her home here. --Me are sorry to report the illness of Wm. Snell, who is suffering from muscular rh.erathan. We hope soon to hear V e", table, ilyrta, Brown. ' Chirence Culbert. AN'tt.anius SI t ckvealePta--,.-Vie17.,49 Kral- A... - here On dit'y nigh en h. a round with the home team. The score, 12-4 in favor of Zurich, ah ws plainly thia the visitors were a few too many f 1. the home team. While we don't p tend tounderstandthe game still n our opinion of a good game 4 runs is plenty to be made in an evening's game by both sides. Many chance runs are made by the bad handing of the ball on the field. From Other Sources. - A large number of our Crediton and Zurich friends attended the Children's Day services held here on Sunday last, 4,-KilohnitossenwshhtlentittAllietit,t ish Columbia the last three years, -re- turned to his home hen on Monday last. -111 and Mrs. W. Sandercock of London re visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goesnian of this place. -Wm. Rothaertnel visited friends in Shipka on Sunday las .- ving G. ii. Powell and Miss Flossie Snellof eteiteRitel.otArthinde-in-the-- -ontiaturdarlast;-11. W. Shore; prin- cipal of the Public School, left for Tor- onto on Monday last, where he will take a six week's course at the Univer- sity. -Mrs. McCrae of Detroit is spend- ing the -week with her _parents, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Ritter. During the severe thunder storm vrhich pa,ssed over this village on Tuesday of last week the dwelling ot Jneeph Davis was struck by lightning, doing some damage. -Mr. Deigatty of Bayfleld was the primary examiner at the entrance work here hut week. J. W. Shore, our teacher, conducted the examination at Crediton. -The Public School is closed down on account of summer vacation. -Arthur Kellerman, student of North-Western College, Naperville, is at present spending his vacation under the parental roof, - Mr. and Mrs. Eidt of Berlin were visit- ing at the Evangel/cat parsonage for a few days last week. *1' ' Centralia -Dominio'n-Day-Oelebration.-Every-- thing in connection witl;„ Centralia's annual big thie year as of first - lb class order._ right _warm day. large Crowd, good races and baseball, an excellent tea, and a good concert made up a day that pleased everybody Two games of baseball were played between the seniors and Denfleid cluh:' resulting in victories for pentralia, 7 to 510 the morning and 10 to 4 in the afternoon. The , hot:nesters had a strong team, Wes. Hodgins and Percy Simpson bein home and adding con - siderably to the strength. TheJuniers played two games with Ctediton Juniors, the first resulting 94 in favor of Centralia, the second a tie, 7-7. The "Pas" and ',Mae gave an exhi- bition game of ball in the evening, re- sulting in a score of 99. “Bill" 81hott And"Mrs. Sam" Davis - were the capteins. and with them were such professionals as Messrs. W Parsons, T Boyce, W. Boyle, Dr. Orme, II Mills, T Boyle, D Creech, T Oottert and 4•Mesdames" J Whitei Godsave. W Ilergotts, P Sirup - son, T Willis, W Spencer. Wes. Hod - glair made *satisfactory referee, keep- ing safely out of the clutches of the "ladies." Boys' Races, winners were -Under 8, I. Abbott, E Brown. G Hanlon; 12 years. G Hanlon,WSwartz,_H Swartz 16 years, R Coughlin, H Benton, G Butt. Girls' Races -Under 8, T Skinner, It Heddett; tinder I* I Brown, 8 Ifaist, 11 Glavio; under 16. niltist., I Brown, M Hepburn. ' Wheelbarrow race, Martin slk South, cott, Baker & Hicks, McCoy 4 Dup- Ian; PC41110 race, B Martin, E It Martell; Needle and thread, N Iliker A Donlan, U 0ough1Int.2h r race, Busvrell le Luker. Hick** „Little k Boot Ladle.' nac", Whole gallery., .Poserl Blieett, Naha .Ford; Ohatiele race, L Batt. lit Egan, G Hatilonasidief throwing bali, m Swabs**, P Bissett, L Handford; 100 SotithOott• Martin, Coughlin; op, *to and Pimp; Martin, Coughlin Windsor; Long jump, Martin. Butt. 000.mblin. _ 43O0. 11SiMerY and TomWil. Wil- lis, theisedos man tool *ire. 7with-lh- numerefilielOds got the prize for 'mg* family. Theepeelat feature of the day was the Marathon Race of two miles, and was woo by MU Baker 1st, it; Clough - lin 2nd, R. Bdritooll OW. The concert th the evening was well ettended and thoroughly enjoyed by, all. The talent as adverttsed was fully up to the Mark. ' • • The followingls the report of COri tralia Public fiehool for .June, 1908, based on examinations, 0604 Prok eciency and good conduct, and Is in order of malt. Sr. IV4e-Ive Esser,' Ala:well &villain, Prank Ilandroed Mary Hanlon Adtiltn Coughlin. Jr. IV -Fred Fars'Ory, , Luther Butt, Elea Brooks, Fs ed Fairball, Berate Ander- son. Sr. III-Kstella tifell, Marguerite Hanlon. Jr. III -Mabel Heaftlaii, ROO* Minion. Jr. II -Delle Brooks, Leon. and Abb t„ Lloyd Barnham, 8thel Culbert, Harry EIston, Cieraid Hanlon, Eddie Alexander. Pt. II -Veva Davis, Albert, Hackney. 'Sr. Pt, 1 -Hazel Es- ry. Res Miller Lorne Hicks. Madeline *n„ Roan IlnxtabIti. Gordon Cat tetr. Irene Alexander. Ruth Con/Olin. r. P .1.rehie LL cks$ Wsitred Hut. 1 1!JeGee. TeaOher. ere(' it° 11 Dominieu Pay passed off qteetly The majetity of our peeple stayed a hoine. Some went to Grand Bend' said others te-eintraiiiis Band furnished the music for the strawberry feetival in Centraliee--Eds „MOO 01 the twit (),E ommete having,- his holt ayes e tett ,fo S home'in Oftelptron Tuesdey, WhO •hasi 00.hostler : 11(01. for. seineears,' will l'eriVe.", 'nett WO; fOr ttii3 Old e et* res ' ant; * Tattri) POI Britain troui ttue t OITA Loany 03400 Whibld0.10# On we woo/4'411j , ' ,a ,ro. • 'inkbeioe oPittsburg, are Visitiegthe parente feta 're ,few weeksetVur sob 01 cleSed for thesum- Doer holidays Friday. ---Airs., Link and daughter of London is visiting her parents, Mr. and mrit. Chris. 1taner--. The Misses Brown of London and Miss Marshall of Forest are v sitingtele- In-ourm" W41 wJ a .../st Sunday the pulpitin the Evan .gelka bur& was occupied by Mr. Arthur ellerman of Dashwwd in Ohs morn - g and Gottlob in the evening. Mr . Kellerman is a student in the North Western Coll Ill. Be speaks very fluently in t e German and his discourse was listen- ed to with attention. He certainly has a bright future before him. -Our farmers ere 'busy haying.- The crop is good. Wheat and other grain croPs are looking splendid and the farmer is certainly wearing a smile of content- ment. -Don't forget the Evangelical Sunday School Picnic which will be egret: T,Strod, 10th inst.- is Atathia Tatiger, who has been attendin.g the Business Col- lege in Stratford is home for her holi- days. -Rev. Andrews and family have moved to Bluevale. We wish' him every succesa in his new field of labor. Mrs. J. hn Wind. Mrs. John Schroe- der M • • -Christian 11"rick::end.41-1get relatives in Drtrolt for some time, re- turned home last Friday. They where accompanied by Mrs. Henry Wind and Miss Tillie Wind, who will visit friends here for a few months. -Our boys played -the Greysteads airame--of battiest Wednesday on the home dia. mondovinning by 6-4. Last Friday they went to Ailsa Oraig and cleaned them out by a score of 10-3. They were a happrerowd when they came home. Our Stars have regained their confidence and are in the fight to win. Clandeboye; The strawberrylestival in the Met °dist and St. Jame*, churches paasi off successfully. -Misses Ida Rowe and Lela Gould, of Exeter, are visiting their uncle, Mr. S. G. Lamport,Ofthis lace.-Mre.. Yager andsister,otHam- tim, are visiting theiroaren here. - Rev. Holmes bade farewell congregation here on Sunda leaving for his new field of Sarnia. -A reception 1. 10 be he on the parsonage lawn on Thursday ev- eiiingliffbur frasttif.--fai. Kerr. -Miss Minnie Patton of Toronto is visitin under the parental roof.- Mroand--- . Pulltnan are v ing here. -Mrs. F. R. Kestle spent a fewAlays here lest week. -Mr. Wes. Bodging is visiting Mr. T, Hennessy. - Miss Alexia Atkinson is visitine Miss Myrtle Simpson here. -Mrs. F. Ptewes of Toronto is visiting her sister. Mrs. (Dr.) Jones for a .few months, before leaving for Newfoundland. GreenvAly Mimes Ethel and Mae Carruthers ar. rived from Detroit on Saturday to spend the vacation at their home here. -Miss I. V. Fraser of Forest is spend- ing July 1st with her friend, Zellah English. DEATH OF JAMBS HICKS -Iiit.beemes our sad duty o record the death Of Mr. James Hi ks„ who passed away on Monday. Junel 29tb, at five o'clock in the afternoon. The deceased has been in poor health for many *Grath,. hence the end was not in the kast unexpect. ed. Mr. Hicks has been a es*iclent of this neighborhood for about twelve si years.'llaVing tuoved here f Om Cent, taliiL The dtceantl was a g P4, neta,, bor and kind flii3end and his eath w be much iregre teds Besides a sorrow- ing widow be Es sarvived by two sons, who will have the sympathy of the community. . - .. • 4 _ - . . Chiselhurst two valuable horses recent . They Wm. Meters ;t,f the town 4ne, lost ere @true . by.lightning.- "he map fiendsof ra. Ail Alit will r4cased 1 o hearth " at 14 ugh 5till W, 8110 iinprovi rrq Jacob. is, "Loa, ronosAlle ap veg. 4„f bi4 ' bpuse •giving it 0 'c It, o, ,paixit. ,.. . , eXao toill.V4 v..14,11,) 'Stiall Ella Breaks of Isondoreis ing tinder the parentafroof:-Rev. Keys Preached . his fereweil sermon here on Sunday and leaves this week for Port Stanley -A pleasant time was spent Thursday afternoon and evening Oar. R aerie on the -Oh 1 Litte.e.he- find* let:• -d iiiii ' 1.4 - con • idiom" being present at all three servicikt and the tea given in grovyvas *41 patronized. Proceeda atnou ted to upwards of $100. ,Grand Rend , I es. Mr. and Mrs, Jos.\ Gilt, the Misses Geake and 0. LevrOn of Toronto spent Friday att_ Port Franke. -Mr. nos. Webb is all smiles, the stork having arrived with a baby girl on June 24th. -Mrs. Webb and son who are visiting here from the West are gnests at Mr. Zs fele-Mrs. Truman arid children oCcodszlor,t1i,ek-bouts, -,ifi, .Pc,Tt Stanley. Misallattielciillietliersiis' et., arrived here iday to 'mead the 1 eunliner.-Mr. an Mrs. Standeven of St. Marys •arriv here Thursday. - Mee. E. A. Follick and son Joe spent a few days here last week. -Miss Emma Gaake and C. Lawson, who have been visitimralelatives hesex.returead-to-T: • 1#1 fr011 • _ Pretajt,14 414 uusitc,eptl,9 , .01,12krS. /pew rou sk esyci*Wie0*-Pstait'S.a,ift regOiSel ed•Iii, mesl. eon.eil tor ioet,,,,at 4,!).que.,!..4,1 0,711111 leto9r.!t4,' Pat*t,s- • , Cromarty; Rev, Its Cranston of " Palmerston, a former pastor, was well received here_et the church services on Sunday. -He conducted broth see: laces and, gave,exeellent srmons. School' Reports The following is the report of S. S; • 5.-Usborner.- for Myrtle Moodie 79, Zoe Sillery 78 (hon- ors); Hazel Bissett 61. Jr. IV to Sr. IV. -Elva Ford 73, Vera Moodie 61, oh trial W Kernick 65. Sr. 111 to Jr. IV. --Rufus Keene 09, .A.ustin Ford 69, Fred Perkins 68, on trial Eddie Sillery 49 and Norris Sillery 30. Sr. Pt. 11 10 Jr. IL -Maggie Moodie 67. Garnet Mc - Falls 65, Clarence Johns 61. Pt. r to Pt. IL -Roy Perkins. Thelma, Ford, Ferrol Orby Retitle. Aver- age attendance 23. hist Robinson. teacher. TO Mars* Pratt Growers. The next provincial exhibition will be held in Toronto early in Novemberi year the county made a grant of $20 for prizes to county eihibitore and $50 for expenses in making the exhib- ---ne-countrof-Burotr-extd enpied- a table 4 ft. x 30 ft. and was very favorably commented on by irspepers and frul growers. A full report of the exhibit was made to the county council show- ing the disbursement of the mom', and names of some 150 Parties from different parts of the county who con- tributed fruit for the ,exhibit. The council were so pleased with the re- sult hist year that a similar great is made this year. If fruit growera in this county take an in in this ex- hibition the fruit production of thia. county can be shown to be *ea - rind to that in no peat of the province. Outside the county exhibit we should complete In the provincial classes. Anyone can secure prize lists, and information respecting the county exhibit b writing to W. Lane, secre- tary G *eh Horticultural Society. The forth Expositor Says: - Abram Mich drew e toad of logs from Dublin to Anient's Mill Seaforth last week, the load, wagon and loge, weigh. ing0,300 potaxls. • VW* CLEARING SALE ,or • SU R 'GOODS- • Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Summer Goods They must be sold, as we lo not want to carry" a. piece over if a price will sell them. 30 piece* of Muslins in all the new- CHINA, en ROO* 'KRIM, GLASS" CARE est shades and patterns, regular Ifie, :net to hand the finest line of Toilet u1111,11 20c, 25c and 300 a yard, your choke for 10c the yard. • A, few Pieces of Dress "(foods, „regular 50e, to clear at 260 the yard. See our Prints at Tithe Yea guar - matted fast colors. Shirts 1240 the yard for 10c. * Bmgalas hl /Adios' Blouses. (Yorast Covers. Night -Gowns, Marti, V Ladies' Ouse 100 a pair. • Itettel Orem Shirt* at half nricite Bort Whie Shirts 0.24c -each. Metes rind atReedy-to-Wear Suits at bsrgain price*. Job line of Menws and Ho s'itrine Straw Bets at 10,e tech. HARDWARE A full supply_ of Forks, Rakes, Scy- the. Smiths. EIV-Pork_RoPe. nlkys -.pore ;feria Green-ricreen voori. Window &teem Hammocks, Ooll Wire'. IONA Wire, Med WoVen Wire' Fencing. \ Roy your Binder Twine from *4_ ie Betts, DinnerBetts; Water Sett% ever' shown ,in Dashwood, and at prices that will suit you. We purchased a line of thoeitoods at a *pedal and wear. ving you the ben the -swam * ,anozst siorcal SHOES! Atl the latest *tyke fin Footwear in Blucher Cu •sind Oxfords. Reiriere. Patent Leather. Taos, OhOudistgoihr bow that are not the cheap' kind Ott will not weer, but theilesbottere the good kind at cheap prioes and freitirtriluttrear. ur prices are GROOM Our Oratory DePertrisent is ful New and Freels Goode. $ the. Oreen.Tee glint. Boasted Coffee , Mathes large box 10c, 3 Cans 25e, 3 Cans Poita 25e., 1 lb. Raisins 10e, gurblitinkil g..* Fancy Cakes , MiLtiftl8OV are sole Agents for Plymouth nindep, All Millinery to be altered Out TWIN% guaranteed the bests gardkiss of cost._ 160000 pounds of *061 *anted, in the next two weeks for which we will hest market priee, fiash or. trade. firing along your utter,Eggs and Wool and get .som of these bargain h and donlforgetthat by helping : ns yob are helping yourself.• • / • Market Priceo or rim* 'Produce, OPP IthHWQOD 01 1 14, ' 1.• etnatiti • The at Recite Remedy. mesa invigorates the whole • nervous systgut, makes new Id Veins, Owes Nem. 4 I e*s Debility, 31* coital an,d Drain Worry, Des. /*strewth nal- Werrkneii, otatorrlowa, tout Itferts „abuse or Excease3. er lee $1 per box, etzfor One will please six will etre. 134314Virrall r - plain ou ireoelpt et pr ce. Mw mv wailree. Tito WOW. Modlinissis 400i if if Wilscisor) Teresstssa ant .1"/ / to, STRA:4.C: 1:7••$114,71-. Vonnuercial Subjecta,;' Isaac Pitman's Shorthand. Tomb Typewriting. and in Oorateerefal and Railroad Operating. Each departnient Is In the hands if expo/demi instructors. We assist student* to positions. Our graduates always succeed, for cur COU11101/ are the best. Get our tree catalogue and learn wore about us. Yournayente snow, ELLIOTT' & McLAOHLAN, -111 Principal' A tr,g _ — liacerporated by Act of liead Mee, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Montreal' $3,372,500 3,372,5W IXTY-FOUR BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA tfti111111.0111110111101111111111111111111114 EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE, HOURS 10 a. m. to a p. rn. SATURDAYS. 10 a. DU to p. as, • A GIINEBAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rite of interestallowed II Bank Department culeiltfalieitv41.1,7" utrarf capwaida r ottotetter. 1 ha • Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. • Dioxsozt IS& Comma -Solicitors. , N. D. EITEDON, Maine?, DISCOURAGEDi MEN le LIFE WORTH LIVING .4 , tZ4, ' '0,10104"4 - you become When you feel the Nerve°. Debility and upon you. You haven't • berveor simbitIon you used to hart. . YOU feel you are not the MAD you ought to be. You feel likogiving up ta deepen,. You get nervous -end here little innUtion. pain Ist back over kidney's, draInS at alga, , hollow eyes, Ured twangs, prefer, to be alone, distrustful, variable appetite, looseness of hair. Poor dr*: culation-yen : have Mervin" Debility. Our New Bletked Treatment Is your twinge. It will Strengthen vresk orient; vitalise the nervous sown, purify the blood and restore you to a MAW fy condition. Pay When. uriodi: READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope/ Are you to marry? Ilas your blood been diseased/ RIM you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. "What it hem done for hundredot athars, It will do for you. CONSULTATION FUZE. No matter who hats treated you, write tor an hottest coOnloa Free of charge. Charges reasonable. HOOKS 17.1.24, -.-"The Golden lItoelter'l (Uhtatrstad) on Disseses et usa. EflA*U3�ZD 20 YEARS -CURES GUARANTEED. Ne TrIMPAII;41#14 Wet namm on Was* or ssavalasies. EvorrytTaismspaiSsitheala. Q**4404 J414 tg.. 1114101. Treabnent MEL &KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave.,and Grinvoll St, Detroit Mich. 11 YU Ocorrel to TO EXAMINE • OUR. NEW STOCK or • Watches Jeweliera, Ellivervitarer Toilet Sets, Etc., Etc We have undaitl; ttedly the finest linea of that have ever bon shown in 'albs, dis t. We can suit you in quality and price every time. 14X1 Weddings occur at all seasons_ 'but the big seawn is now approaching. We are ready for it with the finest rings 86 best presents. # * '1,0re:sent's xeter, Mul Examine Earlg MARCHAND 1. 1 1,1