Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-02, Page 5 (2)t,tte • Oil ,041, ma a r1fpresect l4betutat et,p , Itthe pe*ure art ascivell, of ittlOWe ing Olathe is well dressed'. t*, e taken toto eretteeard lis, " „fl from the ,railvri . •tynis nit 0 .the • 4' excoo.pouttion , entre I i il ,. -e of F4ester ( event - - E., eberateingcbtsead erete) Silfif 0,4. Itinclude. the three trot poWet/ean tbrrrol tOW fe of the eounty-tioderich, if Afire-ritve the- iferuiA ,Legit Clothes and Patterns. 2. Ho\ Holtmann ortEDRQN QUeter Abuorate, Sinclers'et Creech, Props. ezellpHIFiet t 'ttt „ 104 -telirleit- It Vifiligeo) • ttt. ---.3iis;• -34-unicipia-_ceioim 01 w of Exeter to to CORI' epley-oftWli -11 the County of Weritwortie Paekere of Dried Fruit, the sum 1600.09 foe the purchase of the site and land now wed ausdoccupled by the mkt W. A. Gibit Company flee their evaporaIng process la the add Mere of WHEREAS at si meeting of the Ratepayers of the saki Village of Exeter it WM resolved that theebeve lieeLaw Armed be submitted le a vote 'ieed if carried thet the mid sum of 6300, be pad ,to the said W. A. Gibb Company oa the tams and eoonditions set forth Med coetabsed preliminary e.aient made alulatitaradiato by and -between- unicipalefouncil and the said W. A. flibb AND 1WilitTilfete the mid Municipal' Corpor *tion deem it advisable togive effect to this resett- lement the said Ratepayers. - AND Toillealta it la necessary to appoint the time, places mid *dicers for tad* tbek vote, ol duly qualified voten upon this lioelaw. AND WHEREAS it may be necessary to levy And collect the Mid mut of gfttlii by special rate apse the wholwreteselewspertrof the saldirfilage dories the yeer 1003. • . AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole -rateable preperty of the said Village word - the fast revised itAsassesaeat Roll It AND WIIERZAE the amend of Ow ceded debenture -debt -of theeskiaterticipality4 not IXtortt. 4%010000; THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Village of Exeter as I. That for the purposes elorniaid it *4 be Isorthl for the Reeve. and -Council el the sisid Stun- =pality to_pay to the said W. A. Gibb Com - pent the mid nun of $500.00 upon the teem lied ,ocalditiona ex,pres,sed in the .aid peetheleary agreeeteist. , I. That if teeessary for the perpoile aforesaid &di be rased in aed during the year tate by Ip.eIaIJets; cleft ail the ntsable property 0_1M eatdMankipality the sum et AM 3. Ttsat the 'votes of the dale qualified. 'electors shall be taken on thia Ity•Law on PRIDAY, THE TENTII DAT OP APRIL, A. D. Mee between the hours of Nine O'clock A. be ...and• Five o'clock P. M. at the several places with114 the said 3funleipslity herein after men- deofeed: by the mveral Often whose names are Almelo/4%er mentioned: In Polling Subdivision We. 1, at the residance of Silas Ilanifer, Hen iltrest, by Edward Treble, Deputy R turseete elemileer, eautelertiert "'ord. Poll Clerk; n Pen- _ tag ilubdivalftp.. Z. at, Weekes.4loW-41- , .. ,,-- - ._ - __ iteterning.Oncerand- weft Weekiire-Paelt lc 0 ; - _- - T.In-Tellft=likihdivistosi No. 3, at JO* Nitellare t Onee, on the North West. corner of Mein and aft Wtt1lgfon mets, her skptes Powe!!. DepetY tir 'Ilse `fietnneng Olir. and Veilliam Vale. Poll Cierkt - n Polling Sabeivisiam leo. 4, at the Town nail. Webs Street. by R. Nem Telteret= ReturningOlteer. Mid Christopher Luker Poll . 4. Thet the Items of the esideltunicipel Capon - nee Omit attend at the Council Chasatier_ la the Tema Hall of .the said Municipality on FRIDAY THE TitIRD DAV OP APRIL A.D.1908, at the hour tit Two O'Clock p. ne,„ tor the purpose of appointing Agent* and Perseis to attend at tbe various Polling *Ohdivialows sad Esteem aforesaid sad the antuniag arp of the voter on beheit of Nelsons intereated In; teromotiag or opposing the pomp of this; Byetteer. 6. Thitt thetele of the said Mankipality ahall 1) ettead at the, Cox il Chmin aber the Town Hall aterereld Mt EAU/ AY. the ELAMITE! day et Anne Alt 1008, the heer et, Twelve attack resit tel shall then and there stare tsp the Totes for eild against the seid By.tAvr and ittliat • requisite certificates. 6. Tkat thietipLivie shall take effect wed emote intooperatimt, It tutted by the votes of ttse settlers sterewaldi eh the dee of the Seal sautn them( in 4064tdailiMidtkik, preiginiall, • Akira Att. : litATIffi it the Town Hall. Exeter, this lith day of Korth, A. D IOW a::1041 EiMittr NCra0P -1117 rid.'S'eaAi igt exbe bliata ofethe ta7.1 ,10 '4413 '* t POP gee m 7ds ca ezrxezelv wcat tiO4 houId not have so large a . terve, cCtthyt Mareh 1,4 sentittlen 44 rural populationi, Centre ,llo. ro.o, bo40'1‘boot 24,060. wbil. 3.,•uth the hours end rie theism,noat 0111r011 ihatits.bout.,19.,000. I.. thrr ar4. 4iiveitualitice , • TaligeiDyle ehee-smytopedeeeris of BOUtti •Uttrait'lit, t , ee. to the t'osett o rth Huron ‘1.0 i est after to I *MI, •ga nmitcA4 iJOS tbin itaittlieWepe 6 i,,e1e,31' alw. is.. For the vpiap of Exeter for the Year 1908. \ A'By•Law tp autherizatee Municipal Council of the Vilieee of Eteter to pay to The Connor Machine Cempany, Limited. at the Village of Exeter. in the Dowdy ot Ituren. illanufacturere t eee'te r e nes. an iscr m in theeeld V' of Exeter, and to pant the Company a axe ‘early easestitnent of 45004 for all eater except School rates for e. period *of ten yeeet WHEREAS at a meeting cf the. ratepayers of the said Village of Exeter it wo.s resolved that the above By -Law ihould be submitted to a vote, and if carried ' that the said elm otile00.00 be paid to the said Connor Machine . Limited. and theeeld exereyeerly geo and between he said Municipal Council se The and Ten 7. by C_orner Haar rieti Maclaine Coropaoy, of th saki vilime of Exeter. eilletraliVIERWASkalitt `orporation .reezeoseem deem it advisable to give effect to the said reseletion or the said Ratepayer; AND WHEREAS it is neeereery to appoint the time.places and officers for taking the votts ' duty _qualified votere upon this lipLaw, .......ANILIVIIEREASJemay-beeseeessereeto, -levp-an+ conect the said sum of e600.0eby special-, rate upon than hole_ rarebit_ the_Atit_Viliete ter durin ear t: mar., orthe- ' et keeter....seeonling, , .dheaMeefest et- they emitting -Dee benteiri the mid Itunigheenter 1. eete_motes than-lehiliedini- - RE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by theSlonicipel Couneft of the Wiles* of Exeter, 113 follows: - L. That for the purpoaei atoireeaid it Audi be law- ful for the ReeveandVoqncjof the saki Municipality to pay to the said Cosner Machine Cowpony. Limit. est. the said suns of 11600.09 and to grant to them a, fixed yearly aeseeement of 4600.00 for a peeled of ten yeam beginning on the nit day of December, MB. upon the teems and condition, expreseed in the said preliminary Agreezseet. a thereehaleberassedftr reddlaing- -100Tly matifilitsOUr ' purpo aeirestiafracentrel bett!!•PAlitkellir_sAppodwr 2. That if areeses7 for the feeds! rate uPan all the rateable propertyof the mkt "The amendments also glee the Min\- nuldezetlitY the awn et 160001 2 Wee of Education power to „Oita lisb 3. That the votes of. the duly qualified electors pendeLgehoedit, the intention toms to shaft be tsken on Friday, the 1C4h day of April A. D • 41 Win • ZOOS. between the o/ Nine O'Ciock oconro st and 11144_ _ t,, tubtsc "Wen Five °Clock P. IL. tit theseveral Oates within the oui SUE ellottes SCA9OLIP se are to of re - said Municipality hereinefter mentionerleby the_ pa- tained. The Model School examine. *111 will cars whom netnesere her= iteltealettr, us rote tt Ettbdivbriou No. at the .* of Silas ,n future be conducted by tread. Stain Streee, Edward Tieble.Deputy Return; the Lrepe-rtMent, el are the ItTorteril *rake,* sadlier rtml/ Clerk; Pain% School exarninations, and all certifleat. No. line orkee--- e ; OA Main Street b W- • ; • . by the Minister. other important amendment I a • gi'-''':!u'u:'-'-vr'-'1'ssies, to annou cco that .'be NANNOrNoCreHk -1e. Olivia 1141 2-, will iNtitelv. * iituile4 number OW ' for instructions ,Jort Plaup and (kgiu Milo; floitzmanti bAl. two ,oertiniza,te frownhe Toronto ti halver.ty -al 104 on Theory *04 11**24, . ' , , . ."1"4/11011Pr; i ICW AN ,09pt. .• , ohti toc&nd, • . . I., , , • riaI 1 w , thaditstit• been:Tar t A 10'P' 14 f ' -When the Ws* h e 1Istlecttion tbCotv vea, 'bid a tot!' 0410,4. Qpbt**4 W1..044 399 in inttrOu Vontitv but bit4 only one ;repiesentittive at 4,7C.00et9. : to that — $ **The, Liberals tieedn't agues', even it they think -tharsire-nnjustlyTtreatic ed, thouthey are. not, after what they did n, 1874, and after the way Sir Wilfrid„ Laurier re -arranged the rid, logs of Huron or the pozninktn. thine. That 01m worse than anything we have done. 'LAN 141,t ile thing dean te seems to have beeu settled, June Oth is reported to be the date on which the Onterio election t,o be held. Ron. Dr. Pyne, in presenting *his education bills, Wined the following official sta went "r-'3471 911444 on *MO° tion being dra of what we qttitififilitift Lth claws, a. distine, a between two gi'adee n classes. continuation school will impart in- struction la advance of and inclusive of that prescribed for the fifth demi of the Public School and, may ;employ one. two or three teachers.. ___- ---"The7b—ontrntuitiiiii schools will be, to all intent, end pnrposee rural High, tion, y-riuto ' tut;thiL=Clif. 43.331T-tt neiuvery..townshrp-itt-the vince. The other so.calleil contin- mitien chose., exceeding 300 in num - bet.. have been really doing fifth, ,elase work. These will now be termed fifth classes and financial inducements to extend improve theircourees it is hoped, cause them to multiply rapidly. The design is to secure to the rural parta and to the II ,,s1t 4 4 a t'.. Mee iff ; a Polling Ets .1 on No. 3, st Joh, lift. on the Northweet COttite of Main and Weiliieetorilit b Steimistireerrowelljeeprity * RetoldOfficer. *PoliCterktVe-Prolliase-fie Mut 'Tetrai'llali. Oahe '10tooir by,12.2f ey/or, Deputy Rotund* Officer, and Christopher _Luker. Poll Clerk. 4. That she Ret$760i the said lituedeipal Corpora. tionstiall attead at the CouncilChasebeem tilTown eit Use Oki Munichislity ow Abe Thlrd day of April,A.D. 1908.4 the hour et Two O'Clock P. 7/1., foe tke impure ot appoluting Pewee to -attend at the various Polling Subdiviai. and Pisces aforeeaki and the summing up of the vote* on INA& at Pereons interested in, promoting or opposing the pawing of this By -Law. 6. That the Clerk el the said Municbedity shell Attend at the Council Chamber in the Town Mil aforesaidoorelleiturdey, the lith day of April. A.D. 1908, at the hour of Twelve Vtlock Noon and shell the and there arum rep_the yetekldreft ValiiikrEflThw teed greet the requisite der. t e tett. 6. That this By -Law shall take effect and tome into operation (if carried by the vetoer Use electors aforesaid) on the day ofthe anal posing thereof, in eeeordanee with the provitions of The Ontario Muni. opal Att. DATED at the Town Rale Exeter, this Nth day of March, A. D. 1908. NOTICE -The above is a tine copy of e _peopmed Wank_ .4eset . Prete"- 4in -elweeent he aent oItbenIr(-tiina belng obtainedthere*. er Orits un�nth from the that patiliestios, thereof Ex.etre vooate and Exeter Ilmee, Newspapers, mid lieelear to be ,publieked in the maid hon. lepers once a sealer Timm sueesessvis weeks, nom. /Avenel* *lithe lath do KW/4 A. D. 1203.aftd that the votes of the electors of the Mid Municiptlity_ bertaion-on theaddltplatworettardityxna64-the hour* sind Nimes therein axed; " AND MATHER TAU NOTICE that any one desiring to apply to have, this -Heehaw quashed- meet Maim ha Cr her apNiessbou for that purpose to the nigh Ceurt of Justice within Three Mouths next after the Third publication of this notice in the mid Newspspersor he or will be too late tb, be heard in that behalf. JOE. SENIOlt, • perk. DATED at \ Exeter this 16tle day of lisrele A. ODOR • 2 orratratriatrodosarts...4 sarten...me atKiret* tree etery 'Precteeed rust *Pot ors if you aro suffering' from Impure blood, thin blood) tli,t.• bilfty,servousuessi exhius., . tion, you should Oeitirt st once, ivIth Ayer** Stittosrills, the Sarsaparilla yOu hot btoivul *II your ' Your odor. , knowsjr, too. -Ask him t its $6110400.44, ie.SOme t)o ren ab port the coin mem cord cOo may Alltb low wit 11. 44 the i tit* WOO jorit the fog. iclpsl iterr three re ern Soul tolto RstI tage tiode forth flu (Utile14) 119 provide* for the pep:000,ot the COW to. the itionaigreat-to Urban- sclWhi be 4roted-thisseitiOnLen tbegradeof the --Wacher's 'catlike and. the length of his successful; ex knee. The experience of the teacher will alio be a, factor In paying grant to the rural *oboe*” The • CropCompetition. • Department of Agriculture. Toronto, March 27i,1008. TO THE Elmo* Dear Sir:. --The Crop Competition in standing fields of grain which was in- augurated in 1007 in the Province of ()uteri() by Honorable Mr. Monteith; proved so beneficial to all concerned that the Minister has, thia year. secur. ed a largely increased appropriation for this purpose. iThe objects aimed at are to encour., site the wingArt io-Of.-tbc-,bes • • . 1 11 44 ;14 iireed-SAndAltittlitiit-4driMilia; es, such as rust, smut and insects. - Thevompetitions -excited muck itt. termt last year in the ,districts where the Itere held, and thoi rot -Alba Were dee dedly iltable_toLthose_whu,..sere Whillers,-Iliastiiieh as ' withou leaving home they sold their grid frbut the fields which were in the com petition toleading Seedsmen at prices froto Z7g, to 00% above market quota. :ions. This_ year, owing to the. larger a available, entries will be received pri 100 Agricultural Societies, or ten tha; es as many Ai IA 1007. In, the 1230Eutime. may PrelbnitattY notice that you toey rare to give wil be much appreciated. t: The Redistribution -Faithfully yours. 1 1. Locale Wilson, auperinterldent e-62•tattlX,S, — • The followii3g le the correct report for,S.S. No. 3, Stephen for the month Of AlsrPliw 1400_,Ctest in all subjects for the' Elltrittle0 04116:-.4V ors: Dearing 8% G. Sancleto 7t; Pam: Tsiebner73, TrieboVe W-Shapton 50. PatewthiS Sharittm SO. tir3I1.-0,,Parixinto, sy. Mine, Wrel.h, Pet,* hale. Os-Preinicator. Sr, R. ?Attains, 0. Tilebrier. O. Stasitalte. L. Sanders. .P/4; zr,cs. Parson*, 'T Willist 0, Dearing. souter0, PresscatOr. Sit. Pr. Triebner V. Bari 0. Benders. lit.P*r, t-Rttan dere. 0. Hamilton, Hamilton, ft Pressoatce.-11/imber-onvolli16; *vet, age attend Slit 1.16 Tittsrartmt, Test:her AtIder8011 ing wite_m4Acet yloginder im4, 0E4 lEal‘et the the and Mr.. &OS tom_ Pe get.: timog Battensof Arklersott,,, Mar* 214 *hen *a ter lie taaft, 0! tett*. /1 *MOt their daughter, Miailliteittrice A.* WAS WAS eOneernell. Ail* lh,, OI united marriage to William a hAittron. atfordin ' lunge Bodge, elotIeb4 Hodge, rut • *red the Lo ' Brum rt.4., A V le perfoivied the tete iviy. Arid t way edlooio Th‘ brIdiamiud wait Ilion Minnie in giving' him the tem/ander ot and the trocirisman was Chas. F. rith Towniihip and takinpr $0*. amen, brOther of the brkle. town and putting it in Cetitie tooth *** pisytiir roby 1 e, betenee ex*uttookstiott Wat 44410, eititor ult between this town and the The hadownt* 1***ntlfot gows ti of the county. ivy silk. tritaithed with vitkneieo Do yen ronsidee Centre Union *co. Hee tratellingsuit ilebeipteir *tater he wm mited. . tenth laeltard, ltiotitti4Wwith. "Not. Ai*oildiag tothie'sseersaibillt, and *smut, with hot to *different pot* it is alright. Mrs. Hodge swill we the 06/lerieh ds Hort& lite to* in Full/ulna *ad itml there le not stievtion Ot the „st ee- ore! „ al pranka *ere pl*yed eticeut citizens. Soiv, Were. i, 0Nia. While, tiler. didn't feellik g Ing Vent tia. , Or, leilingli.,--The eine Coo py. Which ' yea he WI t week, gave its final- concert on kmday _mkt._ The , entertainments during the week *ere below the aver. and not many were in. attendance. The, usual amount of medicine howeve was sold to the sick ones. The gold watch to be given to the most popular lady in town, was won by Miss 'Wattle HiU.-Xnsectora Oowley ofTap Peceatit, tiag•,. 11.3r yer7 avora e. Voelker was handed a cheque for $300 the other day in payment of his claim for Total and Permanent Disability in the Independent Order of Foresters. The storm on Friday night'tg ., , The wind and li . , r 1 a • 00, ita the neighberhood. rt Clark too ion of the Royal Hotel yes er- .ad -Motto:it in a. eaving for their home in. Port Hope In a few days. -Mr. and Mrs. Dame Oestreicher have returned from Timis' . tock. -Godfrey Nicholson hat rooyed his household- furniture from Znricb ,lere.andlii.occopying-the.hou..--0111 ed by Robert- Walker. We welcome Mr. and Mrs.Nicholvers 'Wool= Juidg tLbu been qulte-ilI, Is-recoverin delF viteningthe:Wague o diat church entertained the Y.P.A. o thje Evangelical church. The visiting members furnished the progrzw, after -which lunch was served. Alt bad A very enjoyable re. tt.tt P a Centralia ATELE0E InCini-Voloe Predated.** arid Sing. ..- Rothe.* Dewitt, trio* IWO% Loudon, . A pupils will temee.to Dennis O'Brien le all siniIs the.. daft. rTite stork Itss *sited bi$ bo ettendance at Andrew 4111 auction sale Wit Friday was largely attended, but price. ruled tow in most case.. -,The Epworth Liege* are *re ranging for their. ionisers* , wbkh t • ." --The singing at the church servlce 'Sunday evening was and *peeks volumes for ership of Mr. N. E. Illeks. 1.10_,Thittlinkiined-upir. • t Sunday °Vesting on the "Life of Christ." They have been of special 'interest and profit to Christian people and many favorable comments ve been given our piuttor.--The followitt report of a *twine at Stone Man" is of tutereit to many fa thl. neighborhood, where the groom was tiornand brought up. ' is the *Id- eation of Mr. John Hepburn, of place; Thi\sttrEAL. 1 , *4' re- ty. wedding ceremony was perfotmed at noon on Wednesday last in the Methodist Church, when Mr. Wm,. A Hepburn led to the altar one of tbe most charming young ladies of 'Stone- wall; .Miss Rankin Lockhart, eldest daughter of Mr. Aimee Lockhart, of Balmoral. The chord* was very pret- tily decorated the young PeOPNit 1111e0....40.0iEtbarearnatioM- ay-being chief among the deco a bell of smilax and pink being suipended above the altar. The rezuohy wasverforined-by the - T. 0-B4thel in the presence of.a riririlMberrittliir &IWO bribe con. 3 • • s tracting parties, The bride; who was 0 prettily Attired in a brown travel. , * suit, with white lace blase, %two away, by herlather, and attended iittie Miss Nellie Stinson,. as dower girl. .who was very dainty in pale' blue and white; the groom was uaattendea, The wedding march was played by Miss Museyove, assisted. by Mr. R. G. . May, with cornet. Moms. Roy Mao. grove and David Bruce pertonned the duties of usher. Atter the ceretrion._ Y the guests were conveYed, to WA'bocae Of Me J. H. Stinson, wbere illations were spoken, arid tbe breakfast-serredr-A..tsr nsiderable criticism has been 13 4, t regarding _the _commit grosIncial, rIcI won -Zoo -60. Br the wai ould be remembered that the re-. as published last week was only recommendationot the committee posed of Consarvitthe and Liberal bers of the Legiatikture, skocl ac. ing to Premier Whitney trill be tittered by the, whole twee, and be altered. The Totouto.NOws is ority ter the 'statement* that fol. .being the report of an intervievr h the member for South Iluron.Mr.• 'Elbe" Mr., Silber dentist itivolutely that re had been any gerrymander op proper arranging of the conotituen- ot Huron, although the chnge Id -probably give him larger to- a- y. Thit WAS only an incident in justifiable errangement of the rid - The change ws.. to reunite ttitlbe ides that were *Wit up by the „num gotheautilu the esteem in which are held, . The groom** glft ti was a set amok fur., .te. • .4. * ring. Dainty, and ihtloOt, gifts were els° made to inuelehme - .; era. Mr. and Ws. Hepburn tock the afternoon teak, for _Edmonton,- wbere they will spend* week with Mende, after Which they will, take up their resident*: at St Latarei Man..Tbey carry nith them ,hcoutr good whbes for their future happier!** and welfare fronli\Ozon'Y ftlenOtIti--StOttestall artd OU neumef-4 only nt Ireed ilecied hop3, p:ieYstitt)hri:411tuwtm6aatrrl, are. fichtto.1 4Fic w e' lt t t et ete if 7.66* 01411.4e itoport#4,;g st pring Tenn Opens April lst . /7 -ArTirit --sti,tiVatra Clubbing Rat We can equal any. club- bing rate otrered. Call ant see. 4IPP Thotoughaasa lathe key-uote of tide institution. Our school stands for whet Is 1110/1113T and BEST in bminese education. We have. three de. Partraents.- Conmeercial, Shorthaud and Tele. graphie. Our graduates always succeed. If inter- -el get our **catalogue. .X14_ tle4ittealdiferiCIMAttleotted -17iroot *t 'z'.\ itt onA ikbAityi .11C _ and Erni i'mndcney. &root taknees‘ Entiseions: ameorrivced,* cut d APO* Abnee or Rxes Le -104140r Alta V cum' t ' AMP . et/ tat, t .1c 14 '4CS11 ILICa TUE MOLSONS BANK Uneotporated by Aet PerllaraiMt1851,4- ----ilead-0111-66; 5) = ,i. -- - ...g.,...,,,,,,,...,. - -..-,..,:•_,-...---;,••-r.,-;,0...,----,•-•.,,,,,,„.....,,,,,,,,,---,2.:::.:-.%,..z.,-,...,t 71. .7.77.7WO. :.,1411titt-•-•-TM,- -. • -„-.„;.--;;;-_,J.,-.7.,• . •,.,,, . ..,....: . .. ,.. . . . _ ......_ ..........:., tfii - ..,eir - -.33$0.104),, i 00-- - - TY -TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA . - 'EXETER BRANCH 0717CE MOUES 10a. as. toll-p.*1. EAU:1E11144 le a. ma te 1p*, A OHNHHAL isittritiffe 111151141383 TRANSACT/1Di - - DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interestallowed linirtmeat. Untitturther netice in- rest Otriatin-pneeeMat-e" omitted quarterly of ballyerely as fermelitf. wW be DOPOSitIll 01 01 rind u Ards received. lab V Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.' - :Meteor AV essitaa, Solicitors. N. D, 111111DCW, 0 lar NO NAMES USED WITHOUT warm cquatir. ftrifined to His Horne for Week% #74=iistrreellehililng audert1 habit* In double When worked hard the tom often laid up for week at n =OVA oPetattoa was my only bop. -but eramtetW Wed. specialisti. but Won found out ail theyosuateet mossy motley. X to look upon all dOOtOre W. bettor than rogues. Oneday ray boa asked me why witoff work soma and Iteldtbn my °audition. no advised tne teecOlftellteastank Xemetedy ireeneOp RIO bad taken treatment from them and knew - were *rave and *WM. UnreiletheRefftletneYeig.Thetillenotom... • was Ifitanerhiet 'mow and eariag theenret Mosither trisitment WM somewhat diticOuraged. However, I eon. tinned treatment for three months longer and was with ' WA cure. !could only earn11111 a week in a ntaelthee, be- fore t, now am earionessi and never lose a day. I telak sufferers knew of your rateable treatment. . mem a Locus?. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASEDIr 1ELOOD POISONS nre the root prevalent and most serious disease* Thermo &every • life blood of the ittim and ,tmlese entirelyetudieated from the system will cause onions mem nt lfte_rgurl.toeltePg -11,9nrtniert---e_ OlaittentALIDDleg AGED ' er-later-eicireeibitierierukerc •dearer eleinadet hien Are Toe& ileum" _ yotitre u lost War Are you Intendint to Mut- um your blood been owed!' Mire you any weekneref Our N mmenseer will _yrsti„ What it bee dene fee ether* it will dO fat low . vthOeltmetreatted-yenteevneteetOtelittlitibeirilPlitron Area I'Vere-."TheatddennoultOr." (Illustrated) on Dieriasee Hee; . 10140,11.1310 WITHOUT IntfiTEN comm. *NATE, or Amoit000dillootioL Quo** I t.i.111.44411111111.- • A ofte to tloolt, teletado 'Wet Whickyou tomtit teeth la pee joy it With 101 thihittti J is a pold. mid *ore th ed the life of my little so; wis, was very /deli treat .SA eprotratteit taid .nai,.kli 1 Mita. 4i11241t1 Ormirville, March 15, 10014. "taittr, reatly plesietA :with tico. resuuis we got from Coittfivete t. I get great entatort,witit \it ter mw reit. 6 Atha, Witlatit IftialtlitON01 171 ArgJeStt. TorOld& ' 4it tt, OUR NSW art`00S: Watbes,Jw�, Silverware, Toilet Sets• Sta ' ve Undo, ted:iy the , -gbd1,av eli.erbeeti hown lletrlct.. We futn suit you in qua Pxice every tim 0 it with tho flis re.* e•• te' ese \ but ho 1.;* are /* prBcnt