Exeter Advocate, 1908-03-05, Page 2 (2)a
mu of MO
• •
iteity'reel eve e
itk the .viterld?
iniseL have no desire to be made
the object of idle Or!4U 8INNU13-
' teen, and beciund,!y, etthotig.hithe eepht-
?lateen herein given will clear the hon-
er of •cae ot the moat powerful of the
• sociatee
1 have, hoe -eller, a reason for writ-
ing this narrative -a very etrong rea-
The story is an enthralling one; •the
a yerituses stranger, • polities, than
ever happered to ony other Meng per -
•190n. I have resohied to relate the plain
ixateiyernished facts in their sequence, jot
They oecurred, without *3s:e1dng to
zuPpress or embetreh, but to reeount
the strange adventures just as they are
registered in the small leatlitr portfolio,
or seeret dessier, which, still, at thls
moment, repos in the archives of a
certain eliiestry in ime of the European
capita re.
There have recently been stories afloa
-strange stories. At first I leughed a
ali the eteurd rumors, but very quickie
I saw how seriously distorted the real
facts had bevorne, for ingenkiwiepara.
phers •of certain ley paper.
_very seriously. upon Ws, honor of on
who le dearest in all the world to me
Well, my tale -or exposurc-is writ-
ten here -
11.7r. -i*•
teitsitraeei elie.elityiiityltle ;theft
and . great :'W11U4t,,.:4441V‘
ses, whti in my Poo.vo
'etesetteltiOyeeltle •-
amle coat The two great
tessors who WOre -oalled to me filaot*,
ttieir beads, telietiing that, even if they°
managed to SUT4) my life, it would be
at a loss of, one of itlly senses, In *la
- -se
flrnRon of the selerotit. Gradual-
ly my eyes, thesemost beautiful strue-
turee of the human body wh:eh manifest
In such email compass the great, the
unistieeakailfee;ethe ieconlprehensible pow-
erlof our ator, grew dim.. My sight
was slowly but surely failing me. I
was reoovering from my Wily ailment
to be attacked by the ophthalmic dis-
ease which the doctors had- all eking
I implored of them to do something
to Preserve ine elehte but they only
dropped 'into my eye certain limed*
from their little brown glass phials,
and regarded the effect gravely. t.
great oculist teem Rome came to glee
his opinion. I saw him but mistily, as
though I wen, loeking through a dense
tog; and he, too, told me thet all that
()oa1d be done had alrea.de been done.
(To be Continued.)
In order that'', these who read may
cleanly follow the curioua chain of cir-
cuinstanees, it is necessary for no to
giu back saner ekeht years or so -not. a
long period as far tee tizne goes, but
tO mo a veritable century. I was young,
ju9t, turned lwenty-eve.1 was -decently
weleoff, having come into an income
of nearly a couple of thousand a year
left me by my father, a Burn which put
me beyond the necessity of entering
business, pursuing the daily grind, or
• troubling about the roorpow. My ca-
reer at Brasenose had, I fear, been
marked by a good many shortcomings
and many youthful escepades, but I
• ended it by taking my degree of Bache -
tor of ,Medicine. 6INETtly afterwards pur-
suing the fashionable habit of "going
abroad." Within two year, lerwever,
I returned to London tiNrld-weary -
• like so ninny other yovang, men who,
being left oomfertably off. isemmence
• te taste the enjhyrnent of life too early
-and settled down ea a suite of smeke-
.begeerned_roome-rn-Essee-Street, Strand;
by ceurtesy termed chambers.
• The place was horribly dingysituat-
ed-in that cul-de-sao which is quiet and
almist deserted, '6 -en though only a
•• stone's (know from the bustest, noisiest,
and muddiest thoroughfare in the world.
•„:The ground end' first [loots of the house
were occupied, by several firms of ',so-
ticitere, whose doors were covered with
exiagged and sadly faded green. 'baize,
while the second floor I rented as my
• abode. The haint, shabby. trizarite old
place lead been built at the en1 of the
last century for family residence, in
the days when Bietensbury was an aris-
teereec quarter and great men lived
In Leicestee Square:- bid now, plaid
• smokeestained and time-dlennitel, it was
glien over to the dust which the law
those of its neighbors, there protruded
those great iron extinguishere used by
the, linkmen ofelle ileye bygone, while
the brolid, thin -worn stairs, easy of as -
Vine ths mind mahogany- doors, the
great carved handrait, and the fine Ad-
ace,iling3.--ake those in the older
• tertses of the Adelphi, told mutely of
the prosperity of its tong -departed own-
• ers.
1 bad. taken OW? • tee furniture, a
frowsy lot of faded hers -eh -air, which
-had peillaps 'done detsaThere Ter half a
century, together with the Reties, end
even though they were to dismal, and
out -of -dale, I must eiresteee that they
bad one ,attraction for me, namely, tent
Sleeve, ha the tow-pltehed rooms on the
o -there- 4
iced eullege 4)y -eerie -Kr had;
After a gone deal of wiiii-oat sowing,
develoree Inte a rising fournalist and
. • hiterateur.
Curious though it nine. &pacer, I had
rebioneil from the Sunny South and
tteten up my nbedafn thst Anna, dia.
Writing place with ene siele ides., name,
rcelaciteilaseeeretriaa_ia Ft man whe wet:frac-.
rnyi'enty fsrend in tree Aviv -ere
World. • I was in ricre, need of him for
1 wee utterly beeilteee of everything
peeienttr future.
the exc.-ninon ef chi Mrs. Par-
tite'''. who tiad, .serricel my family for
twenty yeere, I was atrolestely elem.
turd -hetplees- issielecifitie---ert the rigitof
twentystive 1 had ceased, te interest ray-
eelf in anything. tine rbItangpd in (-ter:
• ?laigioetn. ten &etre for life hat ing
1eti4ip-6,:-Teelatowanet Mn1 Rs y,5rc4Md
tei tenger he t eels. even thieigh
in the het poeseesion et oh tne yuti-
fc imerital f:- -s, arse bodily
etteinglie heti:hits, lee:king kieward to
' fatale trIth Ezz.qt t"..,4=1*tik tlY
1%0 t ft -01 .0Crl!.1.e, syn -1133.
•Whno nvf-t),1 !ravening
'bitter °nil . thither threeigh1 e reill 'tale
*11 teivits, where I deaghted r4a5rI1 in
plctz,vtis, ani thmugh
apoke it erlita .bisfori,
tad beeft 1u1le211 itT,
`thrte rn'c.nt,jas tossCrtg upon
Vie' ;beet irt *SO Etweish *Zi)
4eritt-littio04 ittle4 fit# -tortti.ttoed
s she Oche. Date' , went fO'cervard,
414 yen tea *skit, 4*.110-
1.ts3 Oreen comer
*Aunt Ritetatetithi 49
Stot ttleleristane. 1 an 1U Omens
hildeettrit Wirt/titre rim, they cared me,
*13,-.110, you aro ray own limo 44110,
ten leurely My heed Uteri,' it WWII: it
,143.1101, nee lee ltive Yoth" PeittPiii1.litt41;
drentieig the Oft •te,ittee egfittli
eltt eitei bee brete ti IttllititTelit 014-
heee, e '14r -1 Mee .4.11yi lee*
(Op, .po
niser, Yettar tattier; iStteelat.....*.;
• "1 4i) .nct.m r.taM',:rreaedit
qt1A.,pin I&t 0:4';', fin he.
af;'0_ ,witA .10111
adJ,thznngs., 14 ier 1tne.,
I;i_ ehhAtei,001.1. tidlit JO' rteYOU
Nene LastY,.eeleeittie ,deughteirs lekse
lifiell-Cirkietj:!-10-Wng11,,Y.let1Sii11.11C-t714-11111Ultitt °19141.
us alt
ah e wares to 'first. 0-, ,
eYas-citme and see the totter. Then
Suribea.m You will knewthat what I
eay Le true; BiU has writlielheili-
"Ohl And 1 ,shall not see Aunt Ifets
tyr exclaimed Sunbeam, in a Voice full
"You have Jae instead, enswered her
mother with a loving mite. -
"Ah, yes -and it SOCIIIS WO wonder-
ful to be true. Espeeially eller all that
has appeared. Se wonderful that I can-
ted believe 1 .an the same girt Per-
luips heileas made a mistake; wham
theitidded with a sudden twthge
of fear, "he es only saying fit because
he knows your story and wants to get
rid of me."
"Read this, Duncan, rind let the child
sets that it is really true," interrupted
Lady Cruse, holding out the illiterate
scrawl- 13U1 Oreen had posted to her the
day befope.
"Your ledyship,
"Being air 'Icavin'ether- -orspittle
shores of England for an unlimited time
i .
j: llFB8VOflO
"And so that is settled, and every-
thing la cleared up in a mest &Algae,-
tery manner. Lady Cruse has her pearls,
Eileen has come out ,trumps, for it must
bc true that she tried to clear you, and
you are mine, for river and ay,” said
Duncan, as an hoer later he Und Sun-
beam stood on the baloony, watihing
the retreating back of the detective as
he crossed the square, his satisfaction
of the interview 'shown by Ms walk.
• "And yet," she Murmured, "I still feel
anxious and -oh, Duncen, you know
everything, you 641 .go I may telt you,
my second self.. For you will never,
never zneeteon ret again, r know." '
"Say on, sweetheart. Your secrets
•laoke-thereforsrlearn iYYn
protesting to keep tbem. Only look
pleased, more pleased than that.. See,
I will bring tee color to your CheekS."
She laughed as: she 'drew back from
his mobil:toe.
I 4,
"Some one will see you," she wbisper-
ed. "And I want to be serious, now."
°I am your ditties and all ears. What
Pi this fresh trou)le?, Do you still ache
to give • yourself up to justice to SONO
Gentleman Dan?"
"Ile did not do 11 And I feel that "4"Bauetttettried°prwes," said Sunbeam, sW1
if any one ought to suffer unjustly that fearful that Bill was lying. "Won't you
I am the one
"Too late. No one would believe yo—asu "k[Yeelar. thenir
Ile sla'atl get his money; for as
matter a
GHe sift the s thoroughly as we can.
now. No. Y411. are sake and e,S for be says, he waer good to you. We will
entleman D. leave him alone.
deserves it for ail you have suffered W.
both Lord Cruse arid are sat.isfied.
through Win."
ettletitetteftenotefetireelette---rteriNtedre-lielietit hhikeetettriatinteneereee
Wei feel they *WI hnosiite dzelighvintgthou:.
"Would you say who the real teulprit, "For ft long Um°
fs to save him?" he asked misehevious- was a myetery abOuteSunbearn. ?diely s
-Green told ene thee es • true. She was
Slip lushwl and 11 -ung her head: 013 10. ear more aititt illelPPeared. But
Somehow It was diflictilt to say what the peatis ore yours' agaird JliII deete
Gho tont. And. yet why should gap /let explain that." '
be punished for what .he did not-Sto? • "No. Nor shall we eay anything
'No. . I eould not do ;that," she re- about IL For all those years of agony
phed. "Only—" when they loved and tended my chiht
"You would sacrelce_yourseltfor hime I lave fergotten. They have &eon goodMy cleteltng, you can put all that frorn Ito her, Mr littlit
Sunboani-Phyffia A1.
yourmind. Ile will be punished more dine Ls ber name -Mit Sunbeam, the
fos the Lank robbery than for the peas% name they gave her, :must remain hers,
which are recovered. fiesidee he was for she has indeed been that to- as alfl."
not fatally innocent of their theft. you So seeing Lady Cruse drew her daughe
may be sure, 6Ince they were in his ter to her again. 0
hoiree.- Also, he may betray-......“ . • -is
"My father!" she whispered esextenisly.-
Mut on never what ilitenieeeeesseigeeeii.What 111°r"Eteicier-thil*e4GiarththeYtoS-F4asletter• V41Z,
o ey eve theefr-rii---eerfe'a from Sunbeain Green became
haler. Though in the; case things
802M peculate Evidently your father Aldinei but only for a ehort
• has got off -though h• e may still' be in time. For erc anothereeeason drew the
town, DunCan
daabonagil-rihatil. ut h• ainisteistshitledtmuhbi_mle' SraPieenhCl'416filarb.hi:eiind ilevtrearmilnidaedn ticiDhan,bildpene.• al fiervl-
meet loYellY-You would have mitinneu tude for twenty years es -felted so liget
deieg so if we had not feund a better a°nunistiment for rine. so accomplished.
way_ out. of - And 1 be- In vj eateieitheeleeiyelett deeded teal
• live you are sorry- you cannot make Grata !ewe es left undisturbed je
a martini of yoweelf. eh?" ,
the n
"Oh, 1 &ended the trial Stith ,etv life he had chosenLu
. ckily
for tem so little syas said about The
every Melee! my befng, 1 eaneet tell pearls Melt 'Dee S. betrayal of him -tad
siou hew I dreaded it. Rut---! feel Neu rya ,e/teet, especial as lieseemed to
are defile tinting -nig Yee might lo have vont-Shed fro the face of the
glee The upyou see, Eileen is tileg _Co _earth, AO „Sunbeam elia.hged her name,
d as you melte 350 thletkesand per' to, did teshilit Iteify change theirs. and
349.-ii;only titanlifie ter that becait
ae. •ho had written, Australia is a big
hated to think' her l riot for env TIM END.
other reeenni .$iitibeare, 1 wan fed
yle keen the' flret, Nothing aifl alter
171431 riVed About thet—e ,
"Not evele if --rfound?tonna?" she tedied
iieevously. • • 110110 fit 8•
"Not even Hilt. ir Though I arerlv tepteillitrise Kter •
hope he won't he. nut here Is Laity • And stays till ft;
Cruse. She loofis ati though she winded' Voir tete ti
see)). 1 have already' _Monopolized youi theaila him to st8
toe lane."'
lle 4litnits her
'rite% 1 1.1. -ant you ,goihr 'rely re, -----
ta4...4'1'rete4'tiO1tl1el12giel.lieelettiitteteleille An £dciit tn.
blght tii trii4 face. "Tiie most voitticr. Itatits• the dt
tut' thinit to earth has. happerAl. 'Sun. Theyt,Nosopt
any Ettte Siittbeam1 twee jag( Ma*, sae' 0,
heard that yot aro, my, ‘407 eWn
king -lest 'elegise ,-", „- •Thee stipetriitee
he her arms a:ii-Ilet * )ngli
e:git.• ,
and rats wits ehurns ate •Dart. T44I,
°Midge him. 1 with my sister lietty took
eharge of a little maid of three or the,r-
• alierite. Wised -tie would call -lei- here
agile Well he never did, cos ef hie
loser' his memory. Sc as we loved the
child we etuck to her. I'd otrestan to
know she was your ltd,yehiseei but we
didret went to part wid ier, 1 'ave proof,
things she wow when she coined, a
paper rote by Sir -Ralph about ter, but
as she's bin a large expense, she's taln
brought up like a lady, suitable for
',et station, t,IKII3 not to shame you, I
don't give up them proofs fir nothink.
And a lady tike'yeur lidysbip won't ex-
peet et. • nein' as 1 hexchange fir her
I 'eve the pearls -she's worth -double
thena-1 won't ask morein a thousand
pounds•for the proofs. The address at
the' bottom will find me. You see Au-
stralyie -a litg place. It's no good put.
Un' the perlice on to me, wet would
bc• ongrateful after all we've done for
Sunbeam So 1 &mit mind saying as I
was the oove wet stole Mel penis. How,
it don't matter, but she's aS inticent as
you are. Mese give our love to gun-
-beam antetell 1er-we-meant-a11 for her
good and that we're ga10. to lead good
lives now to please tr. 1 knows' she
loves us, for weedideournebesti for her.
"As fir the perls I know you'd wil-
lingly give them up for Sunbeam,
Ahtilit-tbli farm I
rCest*elrri* gtite%krrtirleltetil4ie'"1e
?AU -it; Llet ‘tetitttlt, Petteeteetit delve
4'4 Vry kw owne.s Atr kirY
kt;cw ereettkilttlet Alt Oleo
S are iung apJ -whetbee 'they are
,4pt 8t te fit , rfTvtan, tett,
•. 01"00 s' IA
lizier Wad Utterly ,tweettlileeii tee
tIfietnniuniterivil,1 'tette'
ion,ist y the breeds and caw:411,y Se-
lect- the. breed that they eke best and
beet. suitee to their ocuiditions and
• foundation for figure prosperity.
The advantages aro far reaching an
promise great reward; greetee, 1
lieve, than we can eonceive it.
• This much we know, that when
association is formed, interest is
aroused and a desire for better things
is inspild. Full rikesd,eires are bought.,
and if a man feels too poor to buy a
good animal alone, two or three will
go together and buy. As good sires
are beughteeitcheageiseareimaft.eteeteets
a choice animal can be kept near the
mune locality' during the entire period
af his usefulness.
The secretary shouid be a live busi-
ness men, be In tow% with every mem-
ter, he should know what stock each
cne ha,s and what he ,desires to have.
Through him exchanges are made; buy-
er and seller brought together. When
they have stock to sell he carries ad,
vertishig_ for the whole assectalkm,
thus lessening expense of advertising.
lie should have the registry books • 1
I,- 1111,-Ittete
en Tinini-PM areeTifflitirtlihitrIti
parted- to lhe secretary so -that a Vip-
er can find out by him what can be
bought and where it can be bought,
and a buyer will goto such weplace
when he would not go from house to
house in the uncertainty of finding
what he wanted.
In shipping there is also an advent,
age, as animals can be shipped much '
cheaper in car Iota- than singly.
It epene the wasi for cow testing ass
sociations• and they begin to weigh and
test each cow and weed *out tho least
piton able ones. They also 'begin to
teat r tubeeculosts, and this work can
be do cheepec wheneee_yeral are work- i
ing together.
It promotes friendliness, for when
twto members come together the min-
ima interest will bring up the subjeet
and experiences and knowledge will „be
exchanged. Speakers of experience can
he, secured and the best knewledge
gained. The. demand ,for good stock
is granger than ever before ate those
who take up this matter and act Intel-
eigen.tly are sure to reaji a rich reward.
Lake Mills, Wisoonsin, tor example,
eieestoted the workrover for its cottle,
Why? Because the farmers have been
working together rateing one breed. A
buyer has large numberto pi& from,
he can buy lots, and be can get what
he wont e and he is willing to pay the
"Yours faithfulle. • rice.
"BILL -GREEN lir the last (into.' Now this is business, straight, hon-
. est, Legitimate businiise; It will give an
"And so you see, my denting, It L tl.Purt to the •-farmer Monett it will
true. You are my child 10 reality,' bring comforts to hts familif and edu-
exclaimed Lady Cruse,. as Duncan laid catkin to hie children.
Seest thou a man diligent in his busi-
ness? He shall stand before kings.
fay A. beaker.)
Mightier ani yet ever rniehtier, their
tieteeepece ever augineutirigi arid the
Orate) tritignificezice apt riga eetenilrt
let eheir appeiceneette eitleteseing al'
Tweet anything new attempted in the
meet eitliettel of neetera the
great fietifieg pielaoes, or retheri' Otttee...
'eefor their pepitiatiori, nuinliere etteetiat
-Thinteat4eseef the pit:et:Cid eleyeeeleiterser
.iineneettaresleeee,.tholite ,110i-ey 'and tilts
dhe fitehrtiltre'eritketelle iivelsiti tee vies
tri..,4044,01,tt tth.Toietilittrgeteto, ,,i).trItsoe'sltitwtiorg:44hrtfeiHotire,ISe
6.46ge, °OC'tiAlv.P:de
Vit,4111 ths hielidinerth; end ',toe
etivel,h1 thei. genial searihine of tee teivi
vored land el the Pharaohs, er in that,
iliiver-adonned country of esepremest
'Merest, the Holy t.and, warm
• •
g en
soorn the occasional holsierZius efforts
of Neptune to reriurb his equenimity-
is indeed an experience of extreme gras
tificetion and pleasure. NO letters, no
tetegramse-though, alas!, that cruel Iv re -
less telegrapey is putting en' end to
that welcome cessation -no matters de-
rriand*ng 01 -mediate' attention, but an
absoltite rest from the stress and all
the tunnel! of Lite.
/hit in her angriest moods the incon-
stant, ever fitful &inn is apt to put
lying down in a berth is thew a most
laborious occupatk.n, involving the ex
ettims of ell the voyager's rnuscula
powers in the struggle to frustrate he
effirts to eject him from his Leah and
throw h:m upon the cabin flew, whme
he will be hureed to and fro liken foot
tall in a "scrum." And on these cc
citsiens dtning is an occupation of ex
Crane difficulty; ter when the steward
by the exercise of considerable amo-
batic powers hassucceeded placing
-0.Z.4.k.Aanat_ .imormAciraparie
ment-ofrWtabl rtrierflivAtivitiakes
. • deposit -Re- contents -in- ithee
the diner. But at length the storm pase-
es away, the turmoil of the waves sub-
sides, the- Paisieengersi ternergee-from the
cabins --a few ,perhaps pale end woe-
begone. but 'the majority blithe and
buoyant -ape the good ship speeds on.
And life, too, is subject to its storms.
But in its meal temptesturnis mcods when
rt.IN E&Gfeettilh
- „
.verel,Starthing Statements, Made al ,
a Beeeut 1t-eting Uctit in
,Loe. .
1. ,, : ct; 1:4% -:::le -4: i at i i:j,:itp ;r, , . , ,1,0 ,01444.1 relri .:,:iis:, ei of, i;tecf, , att, r i. 414:1rt 11 jii ii, . , , 41, 0. r ,,Ytitt
is;4tet ng (1 :t.he,'MccialLoti, tor 04 Vio.:
vOntoii, et. fir034,41y0 ;' .4044 -lull' ,tii
th'ilia: .1ttirieeia..: g4s0.
: ri:1? 1:41:41: 1)1R4:*11,;10.1,,,,14\ ri'''; Pi wASY:4=o! '43- ti:44'4:4,\:41:(741:4.gt:::1:17e4:11:::',_ 4 ''..t:'). ft
Dr. tirtninPdifeyliATIcittroN;,sii;poritoonoPE3. ea
si....• .4,
w-n1C-ItifirhaPsittPell iitielynktiethillte 114
• '
-Amu -re v
"she looked so beaut fut in the coffin.*
De. times replied that he should he
very glad to do se but he weitest want "
a fee. The man was not prepared to
r.ay title, and went away.
"Some time afterwards." said Dr.
Jamas; "he called upon me again and
aid a eery eitious thing had happen -
Before the coffin lid had been tin-
ny screwed down a perepiration ap-
peened on, the forehead of the (ionise,
and the urdertaker had told him that
,heebeiteliettexireetilesenthe body, ee-shreisis
might tatch sometbirigee
r "The man asked.. .me my opinion,'
r .continued the doctor, "and I told him
, that in my opinion the gill was not
dead. It woukt be en impossibility for
-perspiration to appear on the Vireo of
dead person."
„.• Many more cases have come to life
inotio of the • association during the
yeer. A shepherd ei Saint Aubin was
e believed to he dead, and the funeral
oalflp was
drzwie Miele and-operiedi • 4itiestrephesect
Vas living, but died a few hours 4fleie
A girl resident in Spon -lane, Brom-
wich, was some years age thought to
be dead. Before the ectlin was screw-
ed down the girt's father went to take
a final kxik at the boly. He thought
he saw the girl Move just when the
undertaker was putting the lid on the
coign, and insisted upon having the
lid taken off again. • The gires body
was tound to be warm, and a doctor
was simt for. She 4fter;ards recov-
ered, marriel, and had family of
twelve children. •
Then there is the case of a Dresdee
tutcher who came -to life in a nxirtu•
arty. • ,
The association is hopeful of getting
ita Bill for the Prevention of Prema-
ture Burial introduced into Parliament
this session. •
.111.111exyab .1•111...r•••••••••
ee_WIll Make enllaritipladhs T.Eireroopselt
The British Army Council having
sanctioned the issue of Mark 111. pat-
' tern el the ehot Lee -Enfield rifle, the
Improved weapon wilt be placed in the
hands of the register troops as rapidly
11 can be turned out from the be.
ginning of the New Year.
• The aerations that have Leen lnade
refer imainlye though not. entirely, to
the sighting, the object being to ree
• tain the present qualities of the weapon
for rapid ere and snapishooting, while.
addingl to its 0101es:icy for deliberate
fire at known ranges.
a tempest of -trouble is surging around,
and the outiock` appears- Meek and
threatening, thry wet fear no evil who
tty the aid of the Holy Spirit of God
have cast all their care upon Him who
caret)) for them, and who ilinusetf was,
In their stead, subjected to the ecourg-
ng duo to them for their misdeeds. For
His rod -and Ills staff are their sup -port
and their never -failing stay.
For securing the ,farm supply of ice
a common cram cut saw will answer
in, place of a regular ice saw. A mark-
er may be quickly made with a- frame
cf 2x6 stuff, and put together in the
saw instead et runners on one *Ode.
On the other side fasten a piece of
Smooth IrOti 40-11M in -the -last grove
to not as a guide. Fasten a tvoOden
tiandki te It like st push cart, ..Start
the first line with the aid of hoOrds laid
On this ice as a. guide. The marker
should be about "two feet wide. Mark.
big both, Ways will -Measure, off cakes
two feet square. Then saw along the
lines, following the marks carefully.
and cutting the cakes squaree so that
they wilt store and pack well. For
pushing the cakes *bout ,fiesten a piece
el sharp iron to a long pole. usua1.
ly a regular ice pot° can be eorneWed
from seine loot iceman, likewise a
iieuple 4t lee tongs, to help in Wading
ihe tate-Info the- wagon.
Whentpeeklirer into' ituriceitioues take
special ains to secure good drainage
at the bettem, 'tieing rails and sawdust
er some clime plan to 'keep the oantesee
about a foot above the Suribee. , Lee the
first course et ice on edger to assist fur-
ther dreinage. Lay the either 'courses
side by efde. Chink up the top come*
oth pounded ice„and IUL lee und.saw.
dust around the 'outside. Peeking- tight
(ever the kip with two feet of sawdust.
Care should be taken to see that there
its goal eirculation of air at the top ot
the ice holm. .Alm'Ost any house wilt
keep toe if drainage and air circulation
are all right.
Sixty torte Of 141,01/411 be ittailtribtur
enough for any term even if there is
* groat dratused for milk tiail fruit
storage and some sold to neighb'ets.
A house tbat will Mid this amount of
'boo can be built tor not over SW, simply
pulling up a framework tight enough
to bold sawdutt ekLreef (12*1 will
,-Ikeep out the. wa
, 4 -
M10181er-"11111* bot 1 supjose
iktmts hate bitight you ,the g
ule. Will you, now mit.
now 14-1;811itt
tind- yeititeefitetiiibute
thnielet UM* ire Vera }et it% lite 14
' •
ust because * wstritt* 40c
the, bast ItUalond oat SO*
In, 'that iih* owl* lit* spit
Took Bar From Bed. Made Hole
• Through Floor and 'Walls.
A remarkable daring escape has been
made from the prison at Busto-Areizo,
_Italy- • The...Intim 1 situaleit ak
municipal buildings, which include also
the law courts. In a, large room were
six prisoners, twit) of whom, on awak-
ing 'the other morning, were surprised
not to see the& companions, one ot
whom was Me chief of a noted band
of robbers. The daring malefactors
had taken away !PM a folding ,bedetead,
which was placed in e corner et the -
room, a bar of Iron, by means of which
they bad, with infinite precaution, re-
moved pieces of the flooring from un-
derneath the bed. _Then they made a
tole in the wall communicating with
the garden which surrounds the
This work must bave been carried on
with the greatest patience for at least
two or lime weeks. Every morning
before the regular visit of the warders
the four prisoners put everything in its
ton. Their flight would seem to have
been effected between midnight and 4
Welock .iit -the mornings
• Wider:teeth the bed, the eseaped pre
leaflets had left the following tette:
"Signor Director ot the Prisons of Busto-
Arelzio-Finding the tribunal of Busk,
Arsizio too hard upon us, we have tak-
en advantage of a hole casually found
in the wall of the- garden, and of the
profound steep of our two cell convert -
lens. to effect our escape. With respect-
Tuneways Were captured
last night, but the police are still search-
ing for the ethers.
• A man --newer -realizete t- heels- gete
teng toid until his bey begins
cut • alter mat -right.
The curveet wings of the foresight
have been modified to admit more light,
and their tops have been changed to
prevent confuston. with tee foreeghts
1The foresight itself will be rectilinear
instead et the Oki -fashioned barleycorn
_egurimeirrisseteice _
Important remodellings will ISO, cited -
in tbe backsight, which will
• to protect the Wind -gauge screw, and '
givo other advantage% white the scale
„en the gauge will in future be station-
ary and the indicator will be meted
:along it. ,
Another change is that the eight -cap
vertieel Instead of slanting. tt •
has 'been decided to reintroduce the cute
eff and to deepen .the magazine in order
that it may newel conveniently be
.'charged with ten rounds. ,
The Territorial Foree will 'retain ets
present dike the 10dg-barrelled Lot -
Enfield, which has peeved its -advent.
ages in target oempetittons • at Bleteyi
end, the_ other reeding neve:ape hutiesti :
• nmehasereneeredeadvieebteefierthei -
short, weapon:
Most people know that if they have
heen sick they roiled Scotta Eirnati.
• aironla'bring• back heidth' and strength,
tiohaLphout Scor
is that yoiii don't have to to
ts from it.