Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-27, Page 6 (2)• • 4 ' Oa, •urese, 1'1'4 tz0)1 t LL ,fahatallna1/22a 'Whkw 3t11. 0 M1U,hY ,seyint ilia 'r1 n( tett -aatr being eaugitt; an arra 1113t 3ttay44 you?' . Ire :tweed uneasily in his-eleair. aaSunbeerar 'lie'ele'settlated. enakee hot: think •el Slee'a %%It af it aleage hnt ., eve Lr, 1(u. sr OW Why, Ltilloou rove bee still,. Arid • you Weft the rime to let ,her suffer for ae"Sunbearn again, ' rem. Think how weeaver:were," her, "Yea inaY be Miro we., shan't suffer 4 ' i and thinit of where lebe may go for for this. Stmbearn 11, be wore uee to rgalave of esau. Oh, w atever eau Mean 419 now than ever,* were 11111's parting ty Year mysteraotes &peaking is tiotbitirt words, 1115 he weRt towards the Oar. _... te w1a we 04E*, to thel, lohherseetteet ° ath ' ,.. •, , -1;41,74Eittr5:a,, - le nah eaat eyes genii. i is mg ealgrilY. "Mane time to tolk about e_a_eiter. Ites ter-elearayeteeteturerarraeetatier aaheroatataha . ' , a'' ' ,INNTner . notae end listen to me--" ' 'But you don't 'mow the worst about ter. That they've ' arrested her for *stealing the pearl% and thate---" "Hang the pearls axed you too. I maws as much -as -1 ;venters An' Sea- esagelileeseme-,oliteateit:aitiler 4 As yea eve I "'two iiked ' r. etherarelilillentaW 'nie riaal oke ene ea 7 azs' s- a al - • e 1 s.kflCW Itte' ve ST la t1': i.turnM 111 riViletehe laid (torte far Su:sae:WI he did not know. JntShe felt reassitaed sort -that euhleal. • dellerer: known 13U-to-Ate:whir Whatever hehad kne to others. nd new. her dutesi was to save turn. t v riga,. But in and flange 4tiii6i-oa.notbTer, l would be safer, orldeome day .she would hea _ "vee- r - T ethriliVa- tothepearls. The longed for .farm an* bit al ground willte ours after all. So airry up. We Mt es won's -passible." e "But .it's too sudden. Bill; beskle.s we can't go away until Sunbeam Is "Gammon. kSunbearnal te well lookad after, e•ou bet. If you care for me an went a lome in your old age with me, eau must do leo% I say. If not, you can stay and get punished for me about The Sunbeam lasness, find run the risk •convert n or you to pay," she civilly ean quet "You maY he sure be will bring good there" was no one, and—." tn. remarked; "s1111, we can't Sce the family • ..soons Possible- 'Toilet the fltrst news,a exclaimed Lady Cruse for about "Aunt Hedy? Oh, what has happened of our missionary starve. To eccommo. teazle e•eurre rushed eess ea 'webjIje t\iventieth time mat morning. to herr date you, we will buy a few hundred hou'reeteed to tbat by note fl tbe quick. "News that will aaveheaer from ail the "She hasgone also. She' aid Bill. aches of land in North Persia for $25,000 er You aet to work. the better. We'll hubecieh of haameemw,, ee feel snro oe Dan, of conree, dentea cveryfling. lle efid eall things square." • fold up our beds an walk, an shake et. What elseeoeuld have kesit him was tater) up on the bank , robbery., As matter of fact this hied es, under. ' off the sail of England from our 'eel's from oeneeg each, so teen after his charge. But When they loundilto„pear:s laid by some of the best coal seams in atem rnaheight. You see, Het, I !might engagementr of tourse the police were mad With do. Persia, and will be enormously valuable have gorn and lett you, not rothered Sae settled gaily into the girl's grave' light; and the ,more he dented all leirew. to the Kalser when he obtains permis- ebout yeas but seau've ease square by • , • . race. ' edge of theme and of Breckleys the eon to coraalete the Bagdad railway. Mt, (1.11) Et 111 net square by you, tangs "Yea will eee tbat I am rights,' Adshe nore certain they felt they had tile man, The Sultan of Turkey, though he has • there's ita chance for me, there'll be 'one some one is owning to eee you 10 tell no fleet and altalasterved, unpaid aerny, • Added, though, with a sinking 'heart. tor yeue—" "But S.unbeamr' the interrosed tear. "So try to look happy, .my you all abaut it. Only gained on eke. is the fineVinternartionyalcrhems onwico layer in sunbeam highed sho fereeh a 6mile whilst. he went ter the police station. EuhoPe- ptoa tweeisag fully. to her lips. Per Wheel,. would mean. re- -for we travelled down together and had an exclustve right to protest her • healihaerttaZrr arl If her story ttlIfiC Ciut, do.! SbelI said. neehles, raol- good rase for her must oleo mann punish- 91"e4ani -inihrin1/1"leiv""11/311*" Cahalliar-iranicVwecastsgeitntenthgeteltr pet.werreeue*, the men!. for her father. So trew cent she e"Ber, wl at kept you in town thenr ill("Ar can 5."4u exPI8T1 'the Past? TheY'il PejOICO OVer that. It was' far leiter ler esIted La Y Cruse. Sultan, in 1900, suddenly isseed art trade • I. bound ta punish you some tow.a recogrdzing the righte of Gerratuty_and things to, remain as thee were. see Duncan's face darkened - " But who will _tell them? Why should- ofmarilet be very teverely purested i:41 di:61104 I 6116u1ddefor lsceer sen„le-O •Italy to the '61ne'Privitege* • that tome out et allr ,whilst "Bill, as an old offender, would seilltg myself. and wa„"eaie"'leihits A SECOND SOLOMON."LeastweYs, she's leg to es, ain ;stet penal servitude kr a tett-4_40Y. No, I was inhale en, all/laugh I do not tote e in the same year -the desperate feud she? Though Dan still grumbles obout he Wanted to bear. lbe puniihmera fer ell hope of doing so.' between the Greek Church and ,FraneiS. It. he's given up -tbet hidea -oh 'is.. He tarn. It weuld Le an atonement for act. artut there is nothing to tEsoover ear hs j 1 see_ esala wankel ter ff) mitre _her veerialees os. rve made that up to him, and ever° (pales. Hut h, might gess at e The Instil about "er, and try to sell us. But 000ked am." • • Ho leaned back in his emir, Chu& - ling with delight. She !coked at him pazzlede Theta realizing that he was an, a geed temper, exclaimed:- , "How? And for all that, why shotild •we go away, and leave Suebeam? She laves. us, and =lila let Ileittelohe-heapPen - He sheets •his head. "I fewer trusts a !Mahe, far, Pooh ycn. She's in a tight 'ale sbe may reee_evatheloscateehteerielealitatee-Soevrerre , Later p'raps you can nee ha again Sae ea if you tome with me. Are yeu -contra° 7 " Rhe met .bis. eyes entrentimeiy. Her sheart seemed torn in two. Affecteen .ane mood 'drew her to Bill, unsatistled . ihneleenal craving to SunLearn. She .boweel leer bead. "nut You loved bers." she murmured. sn'ou Were so good ete, her. How can we go itow ean Thin guess enough lo tell her story? If they knew' that, • •elael Might sey, leteua go, Bilh'elle env." el I seat that 'hy- this tole* te. r morning shell, knoweat, what hea?' be demanded. r.oelelakedeup_ta -aatiow ten that' le- -es', tin! ss ----- Oh; Bill, I .knew,you loved 'her • gore sventel save her: Yea aoblea goad man!" He sheepishi$,. ^ ' shtuDd oiLiiet4r clulterNI, 1T.Me pe-ed7- fi+7! levet Alut hare' up, tn tel 01 I've dcne " 'Whe-rt Pan may )v1 :scent •awl -nand.. 1741 tevc.1 rk,w.3 •'"What, yctl elmer tfr curcru...,;ity es'ng ag taug?,;cd .0i4a(Altel Ear with tlite biene,g. You. are. !hay inParbe-g4-srdeereeeslisaltiet, ,not.v., Bet we made a pod exvilango; nolft eraT--,dt',;-tY4-dtvak ond Itn. rate- Ed f: )'t vcti cow. tici5no's short. Liston, it: et neas, et ficlf:f•-1-2; kat watp imi3 .t0111, nigi'tkit41 (A-4 fcitc* traan: T113n naoy Ck7,3t41, terel aka) VP Citrill3 telt rtio t' 011 .1s!sk setavre 'itc, ,•\ rot knqrs' vt, lIety W:4 ri — Ottomirmigag,primpattivirtgillekttr44,404.,*=0=VM The balcony a Munton Hetet over: hung the' quiet 'Merkel, Nuevo, and was A favorite resort of all- visitors, While it afforded a capital view of rho town. .espereelly on market days, its emu- -hares' evterer-hidderftoanallre laze ef The lirehterfirlifelatifylirtarielara alraihriarga iticentheetsferiteettnitatha.,4erateleiLlolie esligNeasea," 14,4 • trim * • 4 * *it s la 4lt4:rd tIN Wenn 00410 taro. t _tug- aut. plea4ure,". htr ills parted lei, utter no *oat * tne deare.0.7u Vero face threehte rdeeadaesta :Mee ail blame. 4:40.,have :cinlitht:',41rot 4ilI with lam he pearK,,,.. ' a" h afelreirn,0 ' .4 4 -.0 1 iQa 0.11e34 .4 • (rL,d)10 ' .` :411, ::r,a0;e,,:g: 'ti'15;•.u.sade!Ylli.tis' , , that tiG4* 0,1PPO 'Ailta+r1) 11 r.0;: Inpalber • .0/at. iv :Sete w.4s empledeeota• r r.allg: *0'0W theusands_ - neld tint, I de rot utiaerStancl,"-Whitperett '$•liffbeain weakly. 44114w.. could 'they. a(e,use+Vrttort-taking-thelsorlsheir lie wes----* She 'hesitated, blushing. "They feelnd'ilterre iILs 14ti- r• C 11N • 4 G INTERINATIONtthee. ..ANta MAMEtAthe 1 t tre 4 te • ‘41a.tlt.ee k ween the :t Vr$t the illas;:„ MI:1y e W4,rW: Is at *very tJtr even With 1'r ; • N'ot, a war mih rtCana 401 :he' be ot'Wfts, war,i Pi'JnLe Mintitttif, as genersFi , lachee.and eelteels as rank, MI file. The bead regimes pt the campaleoesereriedud cated in the Press =tally in small para. graphs, but the reel naivete the forced , "And in hie anger he let autthet the Miseing notes:tad elle° been hid- den there -lie swore that he neer touChed the roarte, 'that he must have tacit robbed • by a oeeifehlerate awl that--* la -he r'" V' eujed8unberna S1jeelettitettehaelteadetnet1 aesesathatialtheraretth and so neepEcable, that ber'fa,°her.ares sate thipligh (lit' PtatiS were, fun de Had ;she teen oeivicted her sacrifice migla have been .t: teem Rio elteelsa glowed at the thoug t. Dan must havo been waiting for her father that dreadful 'tee Jaateneae immtgretion -problem- is- dahavel y-eand akert-aharge-eafrthw Proe a absehrtely settled. eolailleerobboaYeeeeeeeee-a----eaereelta-490te-Genetertroonitivedeto 'obtain; j9-Yarta atraesaleas. etaaltaherreeamirade talmild es rettiwa througtreesiet reaahrt,,eeraCulailisL.Lider4haseseallszlei .• rehl‘dinarethrte_ itthdeaa- es - e se e " ,...._ R ....10:4;4' 4 ,.. 411 .&,,,,, , ..., , • 440 A * 14 4 K. "''' • ''.. '' ."'"'.• , . ' I. t -17, -Tri, as . ‘0,01,-..rtnyvym ..t. so. --- s 4 • name wa4 .11! (th4 Cnetoms.att,:.a crt hcr r 1140 oezil'd net.s.(s-, thaltsho Was Oy.itivg t'Uiihe 414-reeem*"4.1-1311)03 qt114et°,re41111.1Y! t4ILIta-11:131Cheilt5g CI;kr,w4rA1# it war* fOund, out .that she i 'is. p1-,','IluerK144.;h4r'litielk't);(11.er31„414calino':n41A‘elPAItiliekAtir t 11`,.11.F;13.1.1FIr ktit.„-(1410,11001i77; )it(11, I inkf,AbV., 1NMERRY 1,c4" WITT SOHN tstX4 4,,P03 111$ 'PUMA, 4 4,44,40. 11 1,13jAitS31 g1veLfle a Ade ese-Also Tells: of Slatscriptlon to, Make a Ilome. Made ;Mixture,. As roost people are' irware, the States, vaten they excluded the Chinai se did not include the other yellow Mee, the Japan- ese. -Japanese iaber IS swamping white on the Pacific Coat, and Cattle:sale 9b* IC CtS StreellNIWY* On the ether hand, Jelarle ratuaese to agree to any treaty at• Matt t take a cru1si in the Peciae,, By the time thes Itnes aro in pant Admiral Evans will lieve nineteen battleahlea and nine cruisers at Or off San Francisco. Nosh nally only out there for a cruise, no one imagines they will he withdrawn until, siribeain sat with Lady Cra,se the morning Per Duncen"ii meeang with Betty. St waiting tor her lever'. return, her heart full of anxiety. For punoan had not *cane back the night asefore, after all. They bad received st• 444,5 no _ rut valid s -burglar migat hal,* heal my father--" • "AO af, I tell you that he was su- spected Ate must be brave, dear," said Menem. "Few whatever happened be. tween the two men, he is safe. No telegram from hhn temng thavha was ene knows where be lide gone to. No &alined. How end by what, he did -re. Tenlembers -anYthing abOut mace yesterday morning, and Den. was not see?. Theverore, small wonder' that Oily caught last night. He walked in. Sunbeem looked pato and troubled, and to the ikt, unwillingly. A de'eetive was that her fingers trembled „,•sliglitly over watching 'Bill , Omen's I - and her dainty embroidery as sbe listened II, • • hit& pteraly t the Objective of the rallwaY was the Persian' Gulf. • 4 4 irt GERMAN WAY OF DOING THINGS. InektentailyeaGermatiy sent -mission- aries to convert. the poor Persians. As too oftenehappeas; oneof these holy men was inurdened; and Germany at once applied to the Shrth for $25,000 compere- satWone The Persian treasury was, and Le atpresenteenipty. No one knew that better than German " ‘1, 1.• 4 row, ejaculated Lett 'Cruse 'with 'meta- atico ft lit Tee' isoeeineh Liorn accentaledilial behaeler. It would mitiw- him that she stilt loved ,him, that she Po Nugh, Ms is* einsdesitlY the' end, dispute dispute was the right to sweep theepave- .mias ertacel grateful for all he had (bane and atter a little while we shall settle inent in the court -yard of the Holy Sepul. fee her. And yet the ardent of to -mor. down 'into the hinndrum once More. 'clove Ttto Russian French &neon,. ,P01,11,0s trial seemed more than she could 'Only who, ph Ale eateeeeee to work, Jeers brought the matter to theenotice of pear. She turnee white at the thought Vrile. Fursifti:tdern _ Of it, and -100W] down, ivto ihe silent, zner and gla'aced at hue; t,1144cheSjeahluiterliyi • I will 'settle it," replied his ahuare areateesey, u ewe Ate mum . beam., But tWasante 4Vegion filled 'the .Majesty urbanely.. And presently .he ie. aet out of it all:heed betraying her fa. girl's eyes and she turned anxiously to sued his .deeme that for the future both tber.— If only— , Dueteate. liter he done so? Avid if E0 parties slieUltt lutV6 the right to sweep Then. see started uh with a stkoura.. -what could she ssay to- lam? She aught tae pevernentasonae.„ .,•,, 4 • „I'M---1441,0g11,--1,--L.,:..,:._„,jittitt10_141_,..,X4: 1_,..kc,ji.,1,41r,=111.J11.4°..n..Alisuice,11..,,,.,1kntita-must,have.einalt.t, "Look!' she said. ' hDurrean is porn- :escape was so great that she eould-'10-01 led fn las sleeve at the rage ot the re. rag. He mind; bave taught on earlier ;lathing but p,leasure, though.,at the spfttive *tame:Worst train than be said, and -,:•,`-'7 231ne, 'lane 6ornewb4 "ll'eni"b°14 "Ills news, is e t 'dr a eculatad terelealeauL „ruse es ehe. looked dewn and witved ' Duncan's answer, however, sistonts rer, liktid-w------trunettft., -yi-iBot-i-Figl-(T(f—lri ng 11-011-1 cilrelii-PT-LocW---'t- initathy tawards them, and, dcePite the• "St. amble I was told. Though how braver 44 greenery enframing item, had end why I know ino more .than you.' ceilii - 'Mem that WO Waving his eels' ex- ' --"She AO thedly 'with all the eppearaece if being "But how the dickers could he pees ate -Bill Often -metes' Eilean had lead' in _good spirits, , I ' .. , "flow dertghted - he , kidki, Sierh cam! him Sunt-tam'a Mori arides-" Am i no, 4 geed 'prophet?, • LealyaCreet capped her hands ...alit); Rut Sunbeam- del netereely. Fear a4 atte IntarPotgah" • •_ held her tongue end mooniited the Foe- "Then Eileen ivaS doing her test- to filititeg ahead. Wes tee. hither hap; boo' Sainte:Ina niter alit . flow we have aured? Would elle pas essesdeen 0 his rieSJUIVEd teral Poor girl, t see ft. now, ttlultnse? . '• • &ling yourig and intolerant the thoetglit She !o. ted dawn Into The shade eau it her duty to •proseetite and yet, allahe •Masai-- berehrealleettglathelasia inee-artiesafirteakeensetrfin . Denman, had disapeatared. leave, tree culprit, or rather' 4he . Mile £bc oral* he woaid ea yelp seem felling thouhht prehablee For et, coureeaeSte Mein what had he en I eteettalsa..btrn bearnaleaM_re!t. aceusin so -4-1.,.,o . And she NVG4 ribald it .Y.Gu • ktiow., ---:.;:, ..,,,-- i',4,.., , i,i4;;-.14, , ,bwir it afraid of eeeing hirei, 4irtad ter ".",14. n'is _...el''' a- j",,,PA''"e'iP--..e.e'her" ".441.2Q- 111431ve and l'0114:)w Lady Cruse lato, tbe triani,"' Ineethesidea ate girt. echa)h weees hhan &wand, •„ it Is natural that you thould all 411%14 . Sd 'OW mnaincd ther„- tacrilt. 11 :fl 'atthOngli .1cu Were' Med evongh not le, to Ode itee estrange, neesereek .theang ' tasc it, tinkt it Was. 'Iny father. I Wea to- il* sho_ j;7_10A1 itfi tee viliott, :s'. 'g' ro i olie10.,; Pat it :Is_ na _OV_tilt. , ing tEka \vas baler -sweet, trateeht With ot ootioil..ttiop wiit bettc . en:c..‹,ty fter her ,leiherearelalretty, and. I I: ' •411+.4,11Pittits..4.1 Shalt van -.t . • „ . rolzic, that in some' rrokr:otts teenner a 1 `- 'ef' eeMpliet ev.:arss thought to stm had ken „prevcd+ innomnt. , °eV gatritione,-P a AkanwhgeLtuly Cruie bed onierCl Me ,.. siittg-rooiM whco hc-r. husband sat -' tireev her to him; 're ell ' right now. !fere h'He -fining. It* baolt• 'to ter., $he loll her Than will Prove that to 3.611. NO anitalen-Asealasetider. -"Crates:4 ille -n--(ve'l es' :Ys.1:-Kt, nlartreeen-1-41ehoht:'---1 ga'al. ''DzInetil is (*Tiling.' lio has lsame. triEterea tis the 000,1° 61)01:1td, An& a .0 111!•ng. /47 lel •tv. -&.--. Irwrixi-,--nt,,,,o,rirka- valierirrferiff win -tat -66 iiii-uoinoirtd. s;ni.40 Ytt; wQrie right latter all."" ittg-ttle:r visitor. . iiliore: „g4'sednessil tiettitated Lord + an_ut. Aunt IleitYr Duncan:VP whi•SIvrol tIrtse,•, C;rowlillg easel' las !pert and ' 'stmtca,in_ l_turriMY. "DO yon thrOd tunaUng rannd cs ilfe tio:-.4, 4ened and LI„itua 4 That tteY eir6 bottl--riti .. f!te tn. n+24,: -5r ..cri..0.c, -I. re arlia tireaSayerig, nothing* -Tell sea, eV ,, - , . - ' a''' larehasre areatrriariltritfalrjratftWii,eXele ;.. ., , t. mons. • tOf ONO*/ art, And , y le* wail; , lo. "td tows' (re itiz 34.,74,0ftmlict6.\to tilt.) curt r. vt, . NotWnC, lilllt 'I ..det -not 'iito,*. 101191/# '1 &IAA's 'cilltYlietr641":1::11, , 14 ttitmr.:o yoz ' hateret, .erair.ng tIper-s rt'A i-Ahli,...' bt4 ttillkrli aquecesiee ' livod bomPlie4110: ,n-5.4 boro N., (110,..„10:-.4,-,.* , 1,,,,t5 -rea ivto MO IN wit. dcn't geteliere airadelay., Vik-i!, Cir.* il <1.,1;50 yea Ittnolvt*? begni, 0.10.1 i , .,,,, . .„ tere 'or. C', it . ese re- betatn:ng. • ., . 1). t t n earl-enki•red-^telf-k,Xe.31,ed-,--li" '.tatt, httio-.1f.r!ltiL7)1rrIfirtsit,_,rigtilar atilpel , tatien or ittese bouriaalics: win(iiiimomitiottooinwsuma, _!_011,, fittnlean slid '4 rj: ritiei • v •1air , ..,_,_ ,- - - * * ' • ''' it lls thing Wilt 1 th ' ° ,_.„__ 1 roi....'st;r:ngiy ett Ih6 dei;live• leo 613Ln or TOE 1f"11 t. • Atxt): _ he, Caen 1 - , 11 C.haPtill.,,,, ' .e.e.e.......--.„..--e...„...e.e.esee, iit. &sty et 111,6 floor, , - , in . , U Ior‘vixttelves "we had -_,--,4:-_,-----:__ tl Tie , - atalli4 la I t $0' lill yen' It* $.z.* 1 eAtil Mot , Ube* ,t,ounct„ * , )1 wA 1 a SIA411 S Tin t6 **ft 11?Oht,.* $. ,* A.., .. '101 1,110 tio‘ ' lattleli T raialte ,leriele, , • , v • ' v • r Pk 4" tiritain has had till very recently- jpignat in the.-„Eastewhanetuldegivedes- lic Saltetirtitie Thit was -Lord fre., Tact'. A oil Yeti= egoTfreforeltheentente cannel* eattled our looting la Egypt, Leal Cramer heard one night, that the tlartVartY, Which was strong- ly in ftvor of 'French contrel, had deter- mined to make a beitita demonstration agehst him' at the opera. What was he, to i Go Arid Mee II* Music, or stay at Ito and , let it be Said that he was rare ? , Instead, Ite.merely sent a note around ,te the French Agency, and the hostile chatre was utterly nonplussed when they tew him and the Freneh agent • ', . •, MIARING-- A.-= BOX .AT-V118+--OPEttAil-- 0*••••••-• N, - ereaerehtee In IN &and Thl'th ristUri%, ingw' 141P+Cq, 9' i,bI''ttXi'„ttllt.n*:;'j:.tik'ib.Tj'!:itikf'it,t„rt czL,10.-.1SIPL°4c.041,rti) ctn. esn. veteran,. has +died itri.P .,- '710t464,ZitrelittlitivNilltAolfiaiti veteran, died at laseston, LinoWnslitrot aged 71, . • • • ..‘ worki brewery, fell into a at of hot beer and Was &UMW& "I 1104e.* A buy, and the patent medicine MUM. 'lecturers reap the harvest, unless great care is taken to dress warmly and' keep the feet dry. This is the advice of an old emtnent authority, who says. 'that Itheametiarn and Kidney trouble' wea- ther is here, and *leo tells what to do 4 itiaaattacer.., delhen, one ounce Com' pelm2dx101rtIlet gcn, -three --ounces Componnd -Syrup aphrillitrallihrbrarir Wirth le and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime.. Also drink plenty of water. You can't drenk too much of it. amt try this simple home made mix. shire, and don't forget the water, et the first sign of Rheumatism, -or If you's, hack aches ete yeu feet thet the kidneysare not acting juet, right. is-saiit t b-tr.-srenctid--#t011ay" re• ulator end- axnost Imitate reined .4.45.34 .4 In the *halted triugdome Mr. Dickens, K. C., Reeorder of ',delete; iStone, and Mut. of Chutes Dickens, Cele- brated bis 59t1I birthdey. Over 81,000 men have been helped by the Soldiers' and Sailors' Aid Society in 4 A 0 decided to expend $116,5410 in rale ing the _electric „lighting plea, hhheeiaahaaelearalevararnallehartes. ducts the ann.ual races- at that town,. and made a profit £1,81$ !tom then's, last year. In Shoreditch the popoiigh Geniiell - has, by a majority of votes, decided Id provide free breakfests for necessitiotei hoot claidr,en, - - A Week of bath stone 'containing -a' umbehaeitebeesesawaSeloundatelekatetee -retard) . 'The, bees_ woo eneloered 'vet rae„easees-, t t t.3.16 , iftekirtiteire 'can ea.sily prepare this at home and at small cost. Alrnest any druggist in the smaller towns can supply the ingredients named, as they are commonly used in the prescription department. • - SILENT MAXIM Otrla. The clever Invention of an ' Inditrn „wmtts-Ar.4t, tir braltie''atablet- ha 126' in the Royal Fusallers who lest their asses le South Africa. During last year 15,319 eats Were re. ceived into the London Institution -for - Lost Cets, Camden Towel, as compered, with 13,314 in 1906e During December lhe -weigh-that meat vered at the London Central mar- kets was 37,214 eons. At Billingegate 11,593 tons of flsb arrived. 1 I If 4' • ,1 • 144* ' ,o‘,..mavr,i0vv.mt A remarkable apparatus has been in- vented by an Indian officiel, which seems likely to revolutionize machine gun lire. The object ol the invention is to silence the tell -tate. noise 0,1 the Inachine gun, thus inereaeing its value in the field* The Inventor is Mr -Alfred Thompson, who is serving en the Indian astablish. meet as chief examiner of nuichixie guns'. The' insistent crack of the Maxim. is reduced by the invention to a slight de- tonation., which is indistinguisbabta be- yond a range of 500 yards. At present _gum...Ma-can be heard thou- sands of yards aff, end, no vaatter how, , good or rapid it May be, the field bat. leriesedLeetre I Mil before they ean become a danger. - The rote ot the machine gun Ls, Merge kr, one of secret op,portunity to strike a body a (mops by surprise. with, 600 shots per minute, as with the afaeirn -and-then he law. But if the gull ran cperate in 'silence its possibitaties ere sensibty widened, not only by reason of its demoralizing- effect; but because -a steady, non -overheating discharge of 100 a mimeo can be maintained from time to Ilene throughout an .action.,, Mr. Thomeson's apperattes can -be at. teehed to a Mexim in a eeuple of min. utes. It welgas 16 pounds, and is less than a foot in lenge _The. Maxine au. es have, subeei e lessahealto iJrnment.' er, known far and wide for his heroic behavior at the great, mine disaster at . Ferndale years age, is dead. The Hensry Borough - Council has abandoned the plan for erecting model dwellings at Highgate. at a cest or $98,- 000. The site will be, sold., "Drunkenness among married svomeer in the town," says the Grimsby stipen- diary; "is greatly' on the increase. Even _women with weal homes were regulttle ly before me.' Before a man was sentenced for fraud' et the Middlesex Seesione it, was stated that the indictment comprised fiftecee counts and was 20 feet long, rafileep thar-fiteachar-her ciaisTrpre' A Chatham mother diswed. a at ter. On pulling the animal oft the child., eaa -discovered-to- -heedead---fronr-suff cation. St. Andrew's Chereh, Ilford. has 'Nem . broken' into by thieves and completely , ransacked, the offertory boxes-beislee emptied and the valuable altar croes stoker. A meeting of the •haet Harn fleancil was broken up recently, all those pre. sent being Wren with vlokant attacks of sneezing. Some ,ene had s,prinkled snuff on the floor. . in threo years the Sheffield Iiioensings' justices have refused 58, ileapees •and paid 8220,330 in conmensation. Last year alone they refueed 23 rcenses and paid aut $67,a7a. • . 1.1411theitt-Zeethakejraereellariraileat morning, Wm. Ward, a Durhane inineish .found that his house leal been.; burned down, and that his yeurigest on :bad ageralejaathleelhe flap It mry_____Ifs of Leeds havel decided to proceed wlth projects In regard to ,tewerage end tramways, involvir.gh $6,$6,385,000tind $450,096 rzspeetirwly. .,5 .4' It' IS simply fatal to -make a hlunde ir'pditittc_Yireue,guittei_lefell.t.trnvefo....911_14.itrtermieeany ineseAregkhErterth , agreement, regard- isretIoroceo. lied till done so: Germany would eolith)* Vora setpliestett II* did not, and the r(%itit was Met Gftnlany 04 tor tokik tip., imist,t4 an the ee'rifero, n'a-ef 1CO3 greatly strengthened her TA- Preltif0-14-440414i-Atrkai: era 41161, pe‘Jr, DeWatfte hiniself loStthegreatposts+ Ma tad Power.ikhieh_be wiekled so Noll and orellie-WhOlet The champion bluffer ts,,,,of ,00ureet flusa. We all knew liti'depgns* the pVM upon ,our Indian Empire. aut. At: istati was always the In ber , try Cia1 tobthunkation• teem ,11u5!it 10 tt offedt that alas Cis+ fathei wFced about Tier .beundary linexatorig the Af- ghan frontier. Shona we haverio 100614 she weuld enicr into rettit;ots ir'sith Afghanistan ter _the 1iOe1 dtlht a ,44,0 VI% -4; 41 1,44014illtePe .etee, Vet 4;14e - 44•••••••••••••••••444014444raft,e,•••••••• THE AMENITIES. -ptels not half done." . iter Well, relish it then, darling. NO dlitS713- FOR COMPLAINT. .LandiatlY-"My, Stopaye. yetril eithet •Itave, to •pay 40140 yeti owe or leave." Slopey-"Thanks. The leat piece I we* at they made me. do both." * PROMMLY PARD0a&0. "Though I may not have the power toAraw an angel tom the...tale:sell= pirrnahie—naloetheatallh," tag a quick. witted inen-undismeyed- by tho-dtsmv- that_ he ewasestandin on a lad a re, # • 6•4•••••••,..4.44•41‘..soods.....04 TnU,sywonTift. Jack "Do you 'girlie really trust elle other?" i)ollie---HOf mime we do p Ethel just loid me she was in love with You. She cenfided in me, because be knew wouldn't ,\ The man vitio eninplimonts nine men_ on, th.oir_lorihs ond_life tenth_ ore hercleverness makes, bul one mistake. ' To 1 e, STIritOos :A• / ttettle4 escribd • ,•