Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-27, Page 1 (2).
strbscri fors fbs ADVO-
CATO and get a bargain
ses above stud; or else.
take advantage of oarr'
FARMERS ha want t
big crowd ot\ their sales
aehould.azettheir Mlle at
tbeADVOL'ATtland, ad.
years e in• the Anvot
• i
iR. :Ai; o.
.• ' baa . . i. Y
. � �� re Visiting ��
llea " Mara has returned to her bo
Mre. W. T. Acheson spent • Monda,
n LOndorn.
e . t
crit :,, a Walter* of tendon i>ar
'viasiting -her home here.
f Misattettie Sweet intends earl":
or the Wart on Monday.
Mr. Richard Bissett of Loudo sipent
Saturday last in town.
Mfrs. Wm. Barrows and—Miss Machell
spent Saturd_ay in London. • -.
Mr. Fred White, of London, visited
at his home here over Sundaey
Mrs. Hannah Sanders and Miss Nora
returned from Toronto last week.
Mr. and Mrs.. Crockett of Dorchee..
„,,ta9 satiaitt ttaR tair45,r yy� t.,a, ,-• ,,,,,ITIflorMissow4thatcOttrotliseir 1,4
visited Mi GraceOudmore reset week.
el Piper- of Landon spent
Sunday and Monday with her mother
Miss Mariam Elton leaves to attend
the .millinery openings at Toronto to.d
Mrs. W1n. Sweet and Miss Bettie
Sweet spent Sunday with relatives at
Hre ulway.
.:' -,.o. ;u,t sR'• •.�uaw.e+aasiL•cuwo Yxlvmds. - uw+ww.;+.+....b;•xevn•s.'�':n:T�n9'"'1a:*A.+-rc-ti"� ,.. w•M.a.:ry-'•+%=+•'
� asset
_ _ �� 1i1, T�eF _.�.. a f lxe.cnirnt .,.>r~+a�unc><_
-fig _ . .. _._ _ �. -.�. _ . _'� - ,�. lG"Q�oHl. . .
+� r l,. .?"day.
' QGtf .�t., i Oth ng, Mr, -avid -haemes, of Crystal City.
MacLeod, latsI ween;.
- Gertie Monteith, of the Thames
Here belowwe give a few of our $ ►I11p prices: Road, . woos the guest of Miss Vera
Campbell an Sunday, •
Mr. Wilfred Westland of London
eras FUR .COATS was hereduring the week end, the
.COATS; Gro guest of D l3 d n
' e ntrod'Statb,.-.
t i t,UV ate ',AO
r sa of th fa4St:: t We, **Ilevr
y' baa. postage bit each pa . 't
Ce ng into • ited States, Tb ii
reaanaa024. i a year. ooa31
aaaa�aax as we must P
advance, _ . not ask our
subscribers' to pey in advance.
hhiny subscribers havealready
renewed for ° next, year, saying
they cannot do without the
Anrvocair , even if they do pay
tege. Kindly" remit at on , \
e are sending the Advocate
foreFeebruary that three what're
late In remitting may .not mise a
co . After this °nth all Taub.
sr pstions not as In advance-
yy�«y}.g ° ..jai
:1 2iiC73 K
co Mon ,
e score' Thrpress Bade
is tbe beat way' to reenaait.
Meefln•.faYond Again Sub-
Pura, �te .� Shoes, ° and Crockery.Man. visited his sister Mrs. George
Oat ii l Yr Robert ;crafts d if t
✓ 25 - for 2� e.. ar a� wife return.
yr, ed�hiarsdaaay after five weeks' visit •� in
44 St. Thomas ata .4other places.
22 fur
2 for • Mrr. Geo. Crawley of LAMn meas a
Mr. Wan. Monett land wife. :wh
bare been spending tI winter, here
�� etncned to Sarniiaa: Wednesday.
pleasant visitor in :gown last week,
FUlti '�"` �having come up with the curlers.
Was Sarah-wz t left- sura T rR
46 morning for a visit with relatives and
ate15. • f . + friends in London and other places.,places.,.,
Mr. J. McL3onaell and Musa Alice':
46 46 Pettydrove :down fro nca► " Hen it aand
a � � ��at�pl� o� t���� witlrafa�lsrr�d� : ��
#`tali► . a town.
Mrs. � •� R' nraeatt of Calgaryarr>rrrla'r'
9 ed here Saturday owingtte illness.
4_ of her mother. Mars. cDonell, who
A- still remains very ill.
----Mrr eo,--Faasron:oftettte,:. albc;
formerly of Winchelsea, has been vis-
iting in Exeter theuest. of hiss. broth-
er-in-law,, E. S. Richardson. 4
_No is your opportunity to get some cheap
goods at rock bottom prices. Come early and get
your choice.
Miss Irina Fisher entertained* rrumn. ber of friends on Monday evening.
Mrs. peter Bawden is confined to
the house with anattackof congestion
of -the-- iratrr
Mr. Wm. Fletcher lydir'iving a line
driver purohaised from Rosas' 'Bros.,
London Road north. - -
Skating parties spent pl_eaasant even-
ings �da►ring the week at M r. S. Jory's
andlfr.--i atme rr Walker's.- . ' .
The executors of the Carling estate
barerte-haacdthe•a►1d-hourrseron her -corner -
of Carling and Vid toriaa - street* torn
,lrvt asisscaal Card*
.31, -.41 -DAL or Ontario and Honor
t� sat to Harron ty.
! ; +Qhrear Dickson a tames Law Dice, in
alu�or�as err Dental Pa
. A k.SIWt, L. D. a., in. D. rt.'
graduate w Xoiceto tr°nbr.ri*tlr.
±, •
* Mont a>ai y paha,. or any bed.lieta,
~ adman .4k Stahlbaares nett, Habit strrar*aat
1144k kid "
Dt. 2. y.-McL.W'olli.UN
Sao 1* *d'
tee atter not rriin a year ' (Col-
,ieg*)M $dUsb and Continental if • Gents!
With vault* atteattiaati to'Xve. (vide . setae-
. n'oww and Throat. •
Qlbiee Dasbraod.Ont
. ]raegaatt.
ar CS.ataT,lr•Itei, i1AA1 I>�T 1,
ate..e�aaelaysynaaciessr' onatntieia a>aeaat!s,
tate►. i3aaae�ir, ate.
nog Nt auks s a tint £satirist.
•• Olgoes, lista street..$xetw,
L.IL Dimon
fraoroba r at. tof tour
to* ittaxi1tarA isSr Antral,.
.itarta'ae,1iaats 0k..•Xt:eta!2' On
a�00 -
�1"a�lratlearn to A aux
lrauta"alrtft rift
n aMaaain-S:► . g
B aa. 'es
aatitaaliralkmeg glito -- adtaaal!
IWO Lauder, _ the. Scotch -
Colxiiqure are great. We have
them new o sate. Also the lat.
-. Marc =.
Phonograph is theStarperfo aaty
er in any company on any occa.
siren. It plays an orchestra,
band, piano, violin, sings ' wows
duets, quartettes, talks- and
laughs. . You listen to it., dance
O it, or laugh at it, HEAR
HE EDISON. We have them
prices.. Cash or easy pay.
menta. We Mao _ keep discos,
needles, ete., for these machines.
• t
aactab Window. (3aan.Exp. Bldg.
--Auction Sale .�.
Farm Stock and Implements
Theeeaadkt.vned a ...ttane,r his been �ialtructef oto'
sell public auction os
1 R1DAY, "MARCH, tt, .10
- follow*
r. red �''mac
10tsdloo;1Ally' erfi
And bpMlo;1 tool �old, tired b aes
foOtd atMoon. ,
acro '—v Cow*., doe to cam to
c.h d >rar 3fo ear bw; I flint*" tin"; $
4 *small* $ VIM 1 *net
Wit« l lre; t air6terai%1[aaaer'r
anttollliri#1Mi ti
aiaaaaai ra�e iraiianr ran k; waste t';ri
r> esrt si
s. quaasitfty ear r
+ yet. , *row
afar rcraa+aa>trgrar,+ a i* orti
olutuodor 40041; ever a
'wilt nal be glee*, On tnentelo
a< roat air f0a" as
flato., John Qusnce returned to Soo*".
ke on Wednesday, taking-wit#h1
a. car of horses for T. E. Sandford.
Mr. Brock accompanied another raid
r eylir
hn► ale►, eetp>nr<ale
k\ attrarat'tbe',li .Iaw�
r. ': . Dickson went over"tbe fir'..
umsstatineea of the proml" of ttae chit
epee the vote,, the conditions of the..
y4aw and ' . reef en't ; �` a
41.ws.. pip, Ya: �. i. R_ . :a f•
a=N �4 »♦
i'�+m;' 4,...,.'
go. •
araap '4' " lxsvo augtrt e:
in r u ne, ed 1 b ,Iiove
help. •%herr. ' , 'r !asst data .' :Oration
remedies° to the fan iii` , and also +site;
setup of .the; miraculous curets accent,
piisb '!esus the last, 18 Years, of -
industries'. The st ono n y is aa� res
.ible one, the amount o -p rchaser he -
site would be.lesa than one mill -on the
the dollar for oneyear, the agreement
Is all in favor of he town, and ' we
should have the industry for 10 years
int was here taken and result
ed favor of another vote.
Mr. -Hain:the Company's represent
ative. who was in *,��yy,•�.
en, liked to hear those
ppositaou express :thein . opinions..
e gave a resume of the operations,
the burning of the old bulidingy•- the
agreement with the citizens, etc. He
a.aaaid: the company) was not' begging, •
nor challenging, but wished to notice . Etrid the industry large to help themselvesny\ii.pire)
and the town. QL ""
.Mr. abblediok, of Exeter North.
also spoke on the responsibility.. of the Week,
Company". thei-sa;uare deali�g.ndL: _ ...4 ._ :..
ada'�tii;f �e3 _ Ulf;
`....`.rheas .. -, ;rr
Lun dawn conditions from _lung storm -
*eh or otherr constitutional trouble cur-
ed' l a; n+l� it;t all aclx`aa�lsta, 510e an
41. as or Dr, ', , Sloe�uun , td,, Toronto
the bwanitp liTO cid. Vniii i' .w 3r��ar
a% rn ttin .:a byIaw to
grant the' ibb. Evaporator Compaan
a freesite.. At least, sue: was the de -
elision of what was certainly aaw repro
sentattive-- eting of the citizens in
the 'Town ':H on:.:.oy .tught.
when arae matter was discussed. anda
standingvote take e. The vote stood
7«, number of speakers were
c;Irailed; the. platfo ram `by eve Bohr
webo oocupi>aed the chaaie, and not aailt
of them were in favor of *gain again sub-
mittting•ait, but. colnslderra.bl a of the op-
ition seemed to +riwing to the
�sy t .
p1e wt forcing them :to either ' grant
the site or they would withdraw from
town. A.'are';°�.irneeting pros. reseed,
however, .the* people Caere givento
�understaand tbat;it waas.not *Challenge
by the cornpaay, but tbarat the, sorra
pang l ams built on the succi i oaf throe
town v'oting,them the free ' te, and-
conslderaOd-tab t.ander the cirrcu'mstana:.
stances t . town, arra; ,a whole, -should
On° ai iba ni eet>rn ,
bier sap of hre 'vise` the industrry,
the amount o enorney► expended Inc a
poore' season like hist year it l not
$1�.. .tad. sepArtek.._.th
the town should support the action of
a number of citizens who had agreed
with the compaany•ta endeavor to Pita*
the bylaw, that the feeling seemed to
be one of regret that the by-laaw had
not bean weed, and now the Council
wanted a candid opinion of the meet -
log as to whether it: should be *gala
n mitted. • ti.
_ ardy said tbaiat citizen s
say the business men guaranteed its
passing, but the Reeve said they bad
promised to do their beast to carry it.
.Mr. Hardy'ttought one vote was en-
ougb, did not like the idea of the Com-
pany_ saying they would- wiitbdvataw,-
and he was willing to 'guarantee that
another would he started if they -did
t •
most -friendly spirit, an eel the to-west
ones ' %eh folio .. was one an,.a
y p +U'iiCiE .
g take"' n rG�e Matter by
I t
t t
neat interest in
the ratepayers. avid. their desire of
- gaining as ..ouch inf rm ation about the M*RR ae rte.
<..alrulaject:- rpossihle, . ,r.�,....,-
Howes-'�Nzr cO E_ln xeterr, on
ji atv ah Feb. 20, Ed. Howald of Zurich to
• At a 'fleeting of the , O. C?. ,d. F. on
Mies Mary Elizabeth Newcombe of •
Friday evening it was decided to build Massae..
a new hall for the use of that Order.— � i3o�,nrivns�--H��cr�ra�p; •'»r.- At Dashwood,
Milo Snell has returned home after a on Feb. 26th, Mr, John Schitnttult-tel
smonth'o visit with frrietnds where Annie, Seader bYc►tb -o>l sh -- -
.churcb -and,.Wlipa tri.:»- new choirr Mood.
\' w'
lei lain orgaanizeyc�. with A. B. Aardrew, is lea er'. We wish\it $aid.- A
number of young peon gave a ve_ry
pleasant -evening-at-the' come -of F;
GoiiItis last week,; ,v all repartk that
singing class which hrrag.h, ea ;+ gaanixed
W asmatN In Clinton, on Wedn day,
Feb. 18th Mary A., eldest daughter
of John Wa sman, in her 21st, year.
here this winter is prraogressing favor- SLAC. —In Blaansbard on Friday, F
ably. ,We ought not to want fore 14th., Ann Slack. relict of the, late
singel*a in our new choir,, surely.
John Slack, a 7 ieaaar «:
r D - a Step ►e> Ba a. : ar -
lin, Nin infers son of Mrs D 4nu
M y# etre m onatbats, 2'drayae J
•ar LANNIQ1' •Xti ,-""'I1i N wet, Mans, oa.
Feb. 15th. Charles scar Robert,
infant :sea of r harlee Jost„ .
- F i ,TT eeeEtwhel skins), Aged
8 mont as,: 22 days.
s .
S may, b. In� neer, 001., on Satur-
22nd, to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Sanders, a sop. -
ezza�ltrEzetaet � -11-4, -1 ith;
to E. " Hackney and wife, rt son. -
BIG RErmcTjo-
T. 13. Carling said the Septem-
ber meeting had r"omised to •-do their
beettar -e as Hie' :. _ 'ls w, the sum asks
obi old only
the " irteres on.
be per ear
while the taax.the Oornpeny wouhl pair
Three C..T.:R. en ines were reduced
to scrap at Clinton last week 'when a
collision. occurred between _ a freight
and ar snow . plow. • The le:mu:lotives
were th 'van into the ditch and the
road blocked for Some hours., No one
wan iajt reed f although several men
were thrown into the snow bares.
On Friday evening last 0. G. Cl. F.
gave a choice program, in the hall after
their usual lodge 'fleeting. Mr. WM.
Balkwill occupied the chair. Those
takingpart were: Wm. Berry, cornet
solo; Mitoses Anna Martini Altee , H'ow-
• o nto . '
resdingt Misses Gladys Rieaaett
r' 1,,armer and Miss .Lilliaaan° Arno*,
ItliSsJohtitiMr. Brown
an Mr..Spackman were accompanists.
An oyster,App_per was iifterw*rdsi
veal at W. Stitthstree reestettri it.-
Mots, sets the Parr fs ecce.
That the flour manufactured at the
Exeter mills ie superior to that mom.
factur d. b tr any other mills is avid.
enced by, the fact: that just the other
daaaythe firm booked an order frost
H. Trott of Rformer oar forer • reitt
dent` of "" Exeter, for Ave 'hundred'
mods. .This s ke *ell" for 'the
Exeter make of, oscura, but it try ,
Coat rio idents tritaitifeettnied fat
riots hing r wid'er reputation
o popular t y foriteeztell ntq,uaalltlee
than the Rxeter brand. d
Al+. li
AT 1 00,E00 A
*o,, thtr bra; ; , sand Aria
*Ws. ousewould'be built, .acme! ° a
r tax would then .are received.
ear ' the circumstances the , site
should 'be granted, and he hoped the
meeting would favor it. •
Mr. T. H. McCallum was annoy th+e
fly -law had riotpassed, the September
meeting thought there wait no dsnger
of its failing when they promised to
submit -it. Thee had been no time to
submit- the by-law before.. the tipple
season . opened. The Company
shown confidence in. the tow and w
should he deserving of It
air."Thos. Its thea took up* clauses
ling-tinfiReting mala•
challenge Uinta by the Cotrnpanyy. - Ile
thought the• cbaallera ran should •be. a+ .
cepted, Atter eonaierehie discussion,
Mr. Haarrtnoll mamas led to believe that it
ware noI i � aaa e ,, as
be seemed to withdraw his opposition
tinea end.
Mr. D. A. goo thought that many
who voted against the ht.low would
novrioote for it. We Worts good town •
a''•' 2
d o
Woman's . 5000 W�men's*
Fur Lined Coad Sable Scar
`"omen's Si2.00
rwtw.�rtwbv.4',.cRi^fw'IDa��R�>ATq-.'yfs'-:P"N.'�!!•••^,[wP +s.An",:um•w
Cili:oth Coats
for $7.50
enyS ,.
0 0
6444.4 titaiditaNia
composites ptat
le blade% one ti
Mixon, 41,in
ve certified
me leather