Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-13, Page 8 (2)r1T lila • ot. th bst, hare: $u1t that: were ever 'Offe ,Iluron gettuty. , • pportusi) tu --- • f 'Tail Ontario Ext. Mabel** *stow There is no clubbing rate too geO4 for Amvocxrs subacrlbers. We have the best anti cbeapestast that can be secured, and 41 you have to do is call and take advantage of ft.' Ral'thif .149414"..,? (gluier lott. at It .44 el s.creformrsituatemeskg e r.it iiiiidlieffhT7triki-iiitlitlete Do you want a ladies' coon fur jack. _St4warttis advauty on, sale very • cheap. 4114.rriage Licenses issued at the Ad - vacate. office. Throe swell Ladile samrk. fur tined coati. Bty values. Stewart's. louse tik Rost. On William street, brick story and * • tate of -repair. \4.ppl,k-tO Mrs. Perkins. Ladies' root lined rubbers, ist • 60e. Stewart's. -vozotosases ltdosseiSs• For eottighs, headache, grip, poets - towns._ istbintI--levers. -One bun4re4 borei, of our Salve at half pricy. Doz't. mitts the opportunity. Brwroszottn, ' Agent for Canada. craesiaa-estitaa-aate. --- Teo days crakingvheap sate at the Ezi•ter Bawd° Store of readytnade clothing, overcoats and cloths and • it WI for to wake room for a s k of boots and eh tea. J. VV. Broder' k. iii1•101Y Mr. Thomas Prior is quite ill at his _home.- • — - D d you ever notice that e'talk" doe-n't hart a matt much? Pertectibn isre-t-looked.-for in- man,- and whe some one tries to injure -st man by ranting about a few faults he has, the absent one, who is probably at- tending to his own affairs, is elevated in the bearer's estintation, while the • - lbwerQ accordingly. if a matt knocks along: 'doing fairly well peitple.realize tket while be hus Virtues. and • they twee charitable' eaough to over- look tirt,te faults. But it is different with a girl or 'monism. No matter how good and pure a woniln May be. \let someone start an infam9ua lie about J er lift 01 nue is wil *104 and there'', always someone to believeltV-Tharlie-cati titter be lived down. It may burn low but gossip. .1oxectare.re44 with -new --fuel.- D nit,efier think how damnably ---som:g.indygr,1 people are in this respect? k • ON'T MONKEY WITH THAT,COUGH . use • HOWEY. WdflE PINE' and TAR .4.43 only at lloweY's Deo Stem, • B.ig bottle for 2r. To Le best dr ,doeh.t mu to �t rtstb,o • AL DOING Aalle AroilkAteis snow isaoywhere from 9 feet Jeep, here,. Lunch riec:4 of eleetrio. lights I em o'eloeir In the evening. That renew nude a ini*teke when his(wonld bean open winteki * Waite was abIe, , to 0 • Wf **V4IIWO„liell I . 0 . • now tioc*leth*s- k t *keit heli r than .he disirt Mr Ed. ellka Ito ,ot Jones irk' ztore, •bu g�n here,. he 'ha*: been engaged at •Weisinineelialf elitIC • Smith Of the Lake Road hos ,reeleetetto the boArilettlie •dir- ettnlicinf-tter-Divorinion Breeders' Aetatiation, wthe destkof his • 10; joiePh Peart-rectraister-in-law, - last eek of Sarah Mason, at lloWntanville, on,Tuesday, Feb, 4th. k • ; • tw iftlieycoutire ou pro- Ilt.enoitgh- to payfor beating and rent.: They do not -want to sets_any more stormy week*, " Mesdames Stewart, Hearne% Malloy 4 Clarke have sent out invitations ii:Learirear Partyat thelome of -iiteountorturSt;-Valettiblerisretc.' lug. Fehruary14th. Bring the news to this office. We are always glad to have our subscrib- ers send or bring 11$ itemsof newa. If each one\ of our learge liet of treWello, would give us obeOtem viten week what a grand local paper we could have. Send in anything lut_politice APA...w_e_thelt haLthankfuls.- Judge Holt " bpreslded oVer - th lvoaOupte1U2ngeere.on: %Vet edyof lad week was unable -to re&cb ditddBtW(jn •tbe -6 n ere. e and L. IL Dickson attempted to reach Crediton but after a snowball' the tbought better of it and -returned to town. rtarow.• • i 't Mr. Eli Snell of Fair Ground 'came' home Saturday night to remain a few days. While at • his work for the Sutherland Innis Company Mr. Snell had occasion to frequently see and speak to Ilsortwick, the roan who mur- dered his wife ten days ago in Nissouri township. In Mr.'Snell's opinion the man seemed quite sane, and rational in conversation. know of an item -Am.& piece of news, tell us about it. 'That's 'what, we want. But a newspaper man sometimes experiences more difficulty in gathering news than one would int- agine. This was -the case when a re. porterin a neighboring town,. who. . w days -ago was sent to * a write - up a fire In a residence. Going to the door he inquired for the lady of the house. Thelnaid said she -wits out. 4* -A -re cry of the family at home?" inquired the scribe., "No. they are all out," was the reply. "Wellwasn't there a fire *mine' 'Yes." said the hired Or' 1,1,!but that's out ton." It is not easy to leant to keep a household account book all at once. A young husband gave his wife a neat littleactount book prettily bound and designed to he inviting in appearance. He also gave ber fifty dollars, and said: "I want you tomtit down what I giveyonon-this side, arel, on the Oho write down the way it goes, and in two weeks will give 'you another supply."- Two weeks later he asked for the book. 4.01), 1 have kept that ateoune," said the young ruatro “bere it is." And on one page was in- scribed: "Received from Fred 0 t,y dolltwe-,-!"--and-ewtheoppositerwarlble sutronar3r, "Spent it all."- , • A number of citizens in Western Ontario are complaining about the way a number of agents are doing business. One lady said that an agent at her house and. asked her if she bad received a 'card of a certain Arm. On being told that she had -not.. he said that it did not matter and pro- dueed * ei dral cv_)lie„ him -the number on the ezveluPe she drew, he said shehad won a large pic. ti*e and said that an agent would like. Ircall on her the next day to see about it. Ile then prodaced a slip and aske4ber to sign it. Before signing she read it over and found that it was an expensive Order. -Guide .Advocate. Three belated travellers and Judge 'Holt made their, way to the rink on Friday afternoon lett in ortler to while away & few ,hours of the time they ecessarily had to spend in Exeter during the blockedeosra incidentally to-teactith tot 4`" t two about the reefing game i[ Of Toronto tta skip and the Judge** flee the strangers n the sttentitiee showed the citizens hat theyluiew thTS girinerto perfectrOO, inning to *score of 16.10. The citix- ibir rink, with Rev; D. W. Collins at Itt W. W., Te n lit* '000 alrip and Boston G. Seldoir•sa are 13,0*000grvitul. that the defeat • was 40,W admiring the Alintorc Selhate.. Exeter, tlon was eta a le ill Mr. tj LiWMZ4.or Crediton W114 iirnril home:Saturday font Wine 12.$ whitbtr he had gottedwith alee • hcrsee, tells the stoW9t the •Tivre4 o the train'on which .he went "Feet.' The prompt eetion ofits passenger train, which was following, • in draw. avirtherelirsiufthe freight- iAre& tbe back part of the train from beirig, homed. -A it'sras tivs car next to the one in ,whielr ,the hPrvel were.' Walk boruptl. •Alr. • sfere 4IflWJUrtJ 1., ' , 1 A neititt .th raiway .0 „ , y *Al*:„14ibig, oi .* , 6 no* .1! .. wjt.b Mtetuu' •roUei It le: SIM ly,'golrg tosleepat nigbt; , :rts mer.conditions. The "fatlac *TreePing-4,he dust oft:the:at • iit heapal.K-everYthing dry and duety. The city is Clouded in one maia. O deo tentrelitidibere-teemar to be three or four distinct levels over which trate! and etteeieltra pass. The City-te un - level end in piece* there is a network' of tretitlework going inall directtone and as I said before at different levels. • ,* fr 0 cu u g Roe is not..to be r with E eter -41s. 'act judging Erom the 'appearance of the land and buildings.***" eased., Red lissaea• Gordon Brown, a young roan whose nmeis-at Farquhar, was brought he- t" 411 i Ittrater.„ RhYluntfremetrilere on Tuesday mist to answer to a charge of housebreaking, Ilemrs. Beavers Bros., merchants of Farquhar, have been missing money • and goods from their store, but to capture the culprit seemed a difficult matter, the thefts being committed during their absence from home' and usually_ on Sunday. Determined to catch the guilty' party tti ,torsiwontliutiage • •theffst.enlvieer =folks -4d - away, menet long hefIn) took advantage of the situationand breaking open the back door proced. ed'toithe frontofthe storo-m e --he was captured red/ banded. Their Wor• ship* cruntaitted the young man for trial and he was taken to Goderich Tuesday inoiuing. .. Moo' Foreesstfor Febroory: A. Regular Storm Period is central on the 23rd, prevailing from the 21st to the 2dth. The ;storms of this per- iod will culminate in central to eastern Settionatroni Sunday theZrd to Tuea, day the 25th. The barometer will fall in western extremes by the 2Ist, fol- lowed- by cloudiness -end rat in those sections by the 22nd; but these condi. t10003 will widen .and intensify as they page eastwavdly across the country during the 23rd to 26th. The vernal equinox will edd force to the storm*, especially in the southern parts of the countrythrough all the lot half of February, and severe todangerone usitorialiitortue will be -Vine -- 4 beginning about the 1,7t1i, to- ward the West Indies and working up to the South Atlantic and gulf coast .„, a eitt ut 40'41, 167 ie*, r• • 4,4 4 Ot * le *I etie Z�i 4 • 6•0 '15 lour 12 00 1400 •• 76 44). It's a guaranteed egg producer, anidol-tonic and a sure cure for chicken cholera rani), owe*, and all poultry dis;ases. Thoroughly reliable and effeetive. Highly recOnimended by leading poultry men eyerywhere and guaranteed • , • . -ne rnn', You can not fmti us unready for ltne. event of such storms in the swab, We Ina,feonficieutly count on rough, bor- eal storms, and * cold, disagreeable weather over most parts of the inter - 'tor., We believe that such will be the case and so warn and counsel the read- ers of these for:toots. ,asesrtblag makes tit. TOMO. 00. ' A writerin PrinteettInIs makes an oterOtlitg Xagnesitt of the reason why some towriciare "slow," Re says; "Anybody who has . had experience travelling,iniong the small cities and towns of this country knows that Wide ifferences are -seen -between -p the sante population, and in lunch the' same locality,- and „enjoylog_ximr Itioutalwalo-WiViiir op rtunities fortrade. One placeof10. t 11 people, for instance, will be thoroughly ahve. Its shops bright, its people brisk. and prosperity annatentlyors every band, ,Another, perhaps but * mile* away, will be thoroughly dead, its stores de- serted, dull. dusty, • its people given • to the habit of cracker-baxemversation. In biititown It II a pleasure to ate off a train end_looltior.husinese,,Arte j the 46COJA_Att.-0,IPerIPP041- tr*velj man basnosooner- alighted -than lie wants to knot, the time of the next train" The diagnoeis , is ridiculously simple. In one, the newspapers en- courage live advertising by charging * 1 vete which includes settiog up new ads. as-orten AS the merchant carol to change. Inthe other, an antiquated tate system is in votine, making.* low charge for space and an extra ,charge for 'every change of •advertiternent. It's just worth While.consklering what ood, liV6 edvertiiing by the vier. ehente does for atOWn and ititrade. ,. Wont The eansdism Groeer. er citrieneis h prt.e • of 0 1 iI iot 4 Mies iciulte Race* °Me f Toronto. ' . • Illas-Tillte Yager • isiting Nettle Walters. mos ntnitr, 1. visiting at Loud the 1004 of Hrs. Harshell BOX. and Itre, W. T. England of le are vls#10g. In town for * few ,days. • Art. Wood, 104 of Lb*. So •lyti Batik, Montteai, is, home for rew40, ' A. Perkinton, o Usborne, were guests of the litioree Uaiy and E. Taylot on Tuesday. :LiketoTryP :: • a ava doetorp liist MR. IL E5TXPEXNaS Artkit, 0* „kw • t Il • . A 1 1. 4 'Mrs. Munroe is visiting in Brantford and Toronto. Mr. Geo. Orton., who has been visit. Ing_Mr.:Chas. Bienerliere-andalscria Belgtive, has returned to Windsor. • Mrs, 11. N. Taylor, of Zion, and Miss Neat, of Lucan, were the guests of theiraunt, Mrs. /oho, Hawkshaw, on Tuesday. • . - Mr. R. L. Long, wbo bast been viint- ing his mother. Mrs. John Welshfor six week; returned to in* 00 Wed. neadaymorning...-- • Ur. Walter Graham of London is here MU week assisting in graining Mr. O. B. Snell's new residence on Mr. and Mrs. llph. Hera and Master Ilarold, of Zion were the guestsr of lIertes parents, Mr. and Ws, Wm. Taylor. on Monday last, 311:TRITITTYRIE at t n cern Y -e retietd lava aciae;earagtne t t ,r ; • 1 VOW to• -And Telt$0041) Pri-Ourextensivelines include SIDE - BOOMS, DINING TABLES, BEDROOM SUITES. PAR- LOR TABLEs.T. MINA OABIN, ETS, etc.„ etc. . '•IRON 13ED01111110"1— are a line which sire are introducing and we are showing •• a:specially line seleotion, in elegant designs. • ROWE & ATICINSON fi e Leadini florae Furnishers • and Funeral Directors. • PHONE NO. 82 TEltpTINcf • ARRAY /IAN ghtv IttaniatArintert-preelostr- session;--Yettruktiyabuse'ater Keg eU it. Stop and think if your TRPATIN'O VOUR 8,411:$ "MGM Then -come and have us examine them. to learn how they should he teated in the future-. Outexemination costs you nothing. The gimes we If nedeirsary, will cot you*** Uttie as honest lenses and frames ean be .otd for. Chem , pile , • W. ike t b .1011104.•141.1.110 ‘1;110iS The new colorings in all staple shades are now in stock — Broadcloths, Venetians, Pans - nuts; Voiles, Taffetas, SatirtOloths, Cashmeres. The Season's Values Have v,r Been App:rpaohogl ones anti Pap as Two fabrics that will be extremely popular this .••.• sea8on. We axe showing alt the new colora- and inningourfaithtoa_ targe*Triorthein,at they are very correct and the proper weights for a very swell Spring:Dress; • Oo 756 All Wool _Venetians The correct goods fora to,ny Spring Suit. All the new shades on our count- .ers. • 506 75c 81 0-•13117e3i Lusters Beautiful, fine luetures, rick, high finish, almost likeltaffeta, silk. At im Price frOn •26c to, $1.25 broideties andLaces Evetythingwili ..be trimmed with lace; orefahroid. 4:41annot do better.thatt. mak your cho!ce ere. We have all the new, dainty designs and our stole cannot help but pl'euse you. 0 0 brOiderlet3 • 25 dftThrent pkge to choose from. Eve17 piece Per Yard wvrnie S • is wifl sur s all 130,5t Sea0011$ for, White War Not v ingneit WHLPE LAWN, LJNEN LAWN, PERSIA AWN EGYPPIAN LAWN, WRITE" LINEI AT d DIMITIES are alt the leasling good „ -.es.... i • i 644 the ni.)I , market; notpou will not wait shown. • 4. eV*