Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-13, Page 6 (2), DON1 SUE . • • 11344* :c A:7 ,t2 .••• • WINTE LiLR1II ¶i it With lyerhelttia (,U41.f3 . k . i '''tki4A4li 1,, • .t.•11. , XXk• , Cita' ,, APIA' ' ',.,"$..;,,t,'‘,71,i,t .f.iiii i!ity134ta i ,.iin4la one .„ lat.:atm! ir ,altan eitipteletat Va Ifie,, ala nnitea) ,-'' (nal .all too viteit tbis, is, eatirely teni fee (ha relief gate- . tel ..is nateteinearany, la' tall:_a_ttal,.4cal4CAnt14-4.-11-Wa4.01.4. r- ,. i.lt of. siieiii4 ' ---aa . r-et.ilt-fieili pespre to cold whe.n the paticat ie in en' anaemic or btoottles.e condition, in wive!' the nerve Is, literally starved. It reeds 710 ar,gument to. aliow aity rea- sonable pereon that a sterved "ter. ....,-,-.ene.... anot-bee-fedaante4inaeopnliealakarenfae 1.•vOwzr,ir,, _13'or"iii-71i tQliar-I-ifilvii.-Iti.rai-.;* it' way - Sdl,..Qui -extreMe 44vtrlY '0 1 8 on4 Lino l'ademwe ti',)7c flr4,r and IttloiOwn, al - gOzi lie -C.4_ a fee cf 100 fr. l'cl: -atte pc,ekrmaxice at the Inman t tereign re41V.5.5, - -EVen then w kbOwr4- 420 -1414.0. whicit-. !Ma allway !!4Q1ta•ClC.41,51.4-4, Pgelia Ma ala-.4s",s t.ifer cf i eartlar• v;.h -,eirtc-I'My gall 1:.,74t1 UP.4-XIMA titgel4t and waTiii;d hatne. 114 4)44e.veNV41.1Ca.o. POW afierd 11.0 aleccinss,1,b;11, akaallta. WO . briOM iiia.7diiialin,arn" la`in.'. takfOatttanC0.4 t.)'aetti t ' I'' 1', A k,74,,,t iliPOST.,r t, t . ; , ‘, 20 3. flt-. sr Mthle t !#stea,..--,,, Very LIMV 1.-4,, tor S70.0. ilk -40- '4310 t vatab: but; Izz.e, i i• 3k11.1. leavo- (40, And ;an fesmil kt 70t, end, alwaYS *halt N. 404trest. mY ,--tirotiew."--. --4 ft tYe an4 m1 -r 110,4,kss:c0c4.. , .0Argt.e3:,, Oar.7es. ' . 4, tbe soft ;,.0, , ,,, ' f rrite9ghgn' 030011100i •gtillniaker,.-,07e- 141'• ltis •UndAng '.4001,1.04.'fi4.. m , . ' „.. .• ,:rlet Sir:jth. s,sSIO4kee. . n'-'„ 4) „ 1,1ire Ft; .5�i• ." 10,14;$i. 'f- •,, 1 ,:e •:-..14? tt Lei lastio-0 ,f +O..; 1.; eraktels,:'i.1 or„ v$7filsot-80t.64-04.4.61: .41fkrent parts oI the .e.;.-orld, 'Torte from 'Italian. reside* New qpa. an4thcr.„49_01. tt*Ar- nanttive, ete40111d4e4ta41a4ihatiai:. With- CaitaliaWgra.aST`ii:ff''laiiatlitaiiilliW a sumptuous eradle-presentea to the Que_eri wben.' little Winans YOlande was born. The base tir of-•bronaea den- ately- -ehiselletta-anti---emeler --the Omit Item:taus, and Remus play with the Ira- •tkonaleavolteala, eattandaerrile udiffla la refalareilK 'The cradle is , tirerenn ded„ Wt; it;'-altlei -4e1- 'the' AliStritts-Otlionrei- Maplesort. tens. 4.story Of the lrggt salery he ever. paw., The reci- pient wen Mine. Patti In her contract it teats elated that Mine. Patti waa to ba paid. 85,000 before each performance and one evening, sairthe7tOlonel, ,the' treasury evasr''a -hit* -ahart'OtShataa” to ineet 'immediate needs. • I eent my treasurer Mme. Pattf'S dresstng-room with' 4,14:3r10, and a uressag ,e to the effect that the remaining $1,(100 \would -be forthooming very 'shortly. Almost im- niediatel.y 1 ight a visit from Mine. Put- tee maid. Carrying a shoe in her hand -she--observed that her mistresa-wav fun eneekeeeeneentanthernexenplitaxeaitifentne Wllanneleattitilin earatk a I a, .Avbe4 ten deaden the sclatie kw tline,--bna Jt latiTiatiot cure- etaffilietia -- • -- - Asehne rest is the hest aid te proper medical -.treatment. Rest and Dr. Win hams” Pink .Piils. aenially make, new, lacod and thus feed the starve:1 itertecewill cure most case. e.-- -- air. 11. W. Awint is one at tae • In merchant* of .1feinfor1„.N.-$... Ite few years ago he was a great. sufferer - .from this -excruciating trouble. tie aayst "nhe attack was F0 SO% ere that- I had', leen off work tor tr,otnz time. The I cams. of my lege were all drawn up and I could only limp -along with the, aid of a stick. The pain 1 suffered was inaitieneetti dan-ana anaanItilattiLea-Ennaa.„„allattaltnlanteaggalracgeanta 611Cil pain as (any thee who havebeen JTUv_L wit • -te-441";)-Idor . .11Z1i; ac a t 1.0e137/71 to 11 nly cee item ••U tope- - less, When Dr: Williams' Pink Pills were brae:gig to my notice,. I got a half • dozen boxes. I had used the entire Amorality before I .found any benefit. But -1 was encouraged and got a sewed hefI zen boxes, -and before •those were air ygone every vestige of.. the trouble had aanappeared. Not only this, but 1 was Unproved in health in every way, as It - will be readily uncle.rstood that tbe tong eiege of pain 1- hail mattered had left • pie badly run down. 1 can't speak too e ,loghly.of Dr; Williams' 'Pink Pine. 1 1 eannerecommend thetn too •strorigly to -----other-aiiffererfe” . t't - pared wit the e.sga malhout ofefay 1 3Azraped aupaaasuni equivalent to $1,000, deposited it in rattrA shoe,aand sent_ It to her with my best compliment& Very few people know that the Earl of Minto, Viceroy et India, is the only man who ever survived a broken neck. In _his younger days the Earl was one of the most, daring and ardent, f sportsmen, and he scarcely -had a rival n riding, rowing, shooting, and fish- ing. Hie' lordship's great passion, bow - ver, was for horseriding, and it is re- ated how he took his degree in a rid - ng costume cowered by an aaadeinie. h. ane---hintiediatelyealter-tho-ceae leapeneanicatheeeaddle and galloped ff to the racecourse, arrfving just in tme to win the 'Varsity Steeplechase. n 1876 the Earl rode Zero In the rar.e or the Grand Notional, and it was then hat he nearly met his death. Zero ela at one of the fences, 'and 'everyone hought that the rider had been instant - y killed with a brokenneck. - Sir• 0117CS Paget was summoned-. and even lc the doe.tor's astonishment his lord - hi recovered, Lae famous phyetelau declaring that in the whole of his ex- perience it was the only instance he knew of ,the vertebra going back into Its place after being stretched. A popmlor member of the House of Lords, a good Isportsman, a favorite eourner, and a particular friend of His Majesty King Edward VII. Thus might' the Duke of Peeland be tersely describ- ed. In his youth the, owner of Wel- berk AbbeaPhad a great passion for... borsearldingalle started a stud when he entered the Coldstream GUards in 1879,_ and wen the Derby tvvo years -in !sue- cessi!on, viz., taga and 1889, not to men- Et0ieuetr eitieele events-reillid Oaks,' St. Ledger, One and Two Thousand Guirreare --The laiitiWitliffhirigallti 1h -ta- wny of stakes, not bets) amonnted to a very considerable sumbut at the request of the Duchese, whom he Mar- ried in 1889, be '4Ievete1 the entire aniaurit to the construction of a row of I t • • -s-*bg,- fe.-sfoxotti: •0 1,qt, queoror.:, thdt Ii,s daeleaah, a a nig A.I14 Okling* as 111$ Intim were. at- Ic1ed. ,. When Miss Sraitti arixtottally,. :Madertaulitetalatthetlatetor bet telalter littlet;n41eAmiT:Uittiatt Jong '4.2, • Now, per u think that funny; Another' story hrta,is 'said to have told But Louse grew • s741Y ,Of Harry Mtss Smith after his lOve had eeoled When she found him Eby of money, was that ,he was engaged 14-41.- Miss Ine • • '. who threatened to Shoot hirt; and Miss .41111t liritttlit1011* 45,4,14,4. t :bdteer. niii,th. 0o.t„1.142-11,44.10LAtia,* yobtuf-e4rntatayeArta-,eareosalatialle., 's.:11,014:11'7!c'r:ivrtLex, 14 .str„.14rea_71:1::_4:.:0147:„. toioartic,it. two. 7.10..vi!les000.44t,Aas, tt%"41:714"*4•474 gago for egiitogi mat* to another . Tine M.,eumittoand . lire. Wen”Vt man. :a diseasee, apperde to tiro** ;Wiring relief neetlas troubleo, atins , . and statolutei cenvelescence. 'Write to 01,, itettoneltl, Vietriott Pszeottor Atte4t1 Grand. Trunk naltwer System. Tonna% lor illustretea deserlative. !setter. RE,VtiiSE, i.We are taldlitat. it takes nine tailors to make a Man, but in :many eases the bill of one 'tailor is enough to br,eak him. A f you 14411110 nanr Aiken * Walk PIO* fort, $'041 Will resiteioar, *oat vaitatailatoulari, thst heaa wsi -bath -end, !opt u!„Toi WithlanTideen breathe, th gen" tortteratiiir it levee' iT2Sits*, r Tholtsivillt iJwria. *auk w sagegia trOo tont and br,uchd Zethna, bRi wbo*poironoe4taei*t. /Orow ater,,riatinreit he* ale. the pin ast••;b.•.aelaseent nnd er.4. fttette,• ; ',ti 1=1:'''.'07.F.7t4-11'1a tate an, buk, up„aaA401*c.14:..1;44 e. 103trOUtetitiato10-e-etliete.•,-'-.)14 In V.-arattrittaatalCaerotati,14rarariat'' ,..eaftear.'t• 4 ::•'.•I'Oeiii;-bk ''s6t *4!":1$*1 .'Peee0,911t'r VIAtt alt.isalesafenut ei,'Leitte ' a. *tele aeattat-teatt ruY3d eaatedeteelleets. shawls',tib;;;;a:follo,41( 0#011041141''DislieW.rit'atuirtal •ots aitata.,, -ewe .LJIJ1R„S„.11Y.N1n, •'..' • Thy'iet11n-by-i -mart •„. '1444.144....4•4444•4404.• UaCEMTE� LFG, ;AND ANKLE. --Iferded-hy Zarn-111114, teramon result of' an injury ion* Vines, of even„a- tiny stretch is etutonie uiceritkei, the. skin •disease that eats deepest irito the tissue and la most painful, weatiening and obstinate. Ul- cerations are brought on often (especi- ally in the ease ot women) by excessive standing or ;cowling. Mrs. 3. E. Berry. in Of 0I-Callnikt vaii-4-tayeore--uttenirvilitItbadt-st'bi. And_ulecrated-leg4nd.stikle. -Don-min , ?••• t "4 t y- $ • A A fl - Science Is stubborn in re:iisting treat- ment and the patient often salters for t0 3tara. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not t simply relieve the pain. They eure the / dise.aso caused by poor winery blood. f • • They actually make hew bleed -and have iherAfore a direet and poWerfuI pure. 4 atiVO effea satch diseass as rheuma- t anaemia, general debility and 'alf14N' effects of the grin. As the nerves a ,4Iepend upen the blood for nourIsament. Th'. Wiltlems' Pink Pills are un'tqualled tidIt'nt cvizr the tha1 se- , \ ver' disorders,. such as neu- ralgia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance 'and toeaniotor ataxia. As a tonic for the blood and nerves (ley are used everywherf.with the. greatest sUccese, building up wasted bodies and bring- ing the glow of health to pate -and sat - taw cheeka. Sall by all medicine dea- lers er by mail at Sec. a box or six ,imes for 82.50 -from The Dr. Williams' earedleine Co., Baorkvine, _ant, PERSONAL pAnAon.tinis'. inghtelesuffemedasevere-palos.-- At -this stage my husbandprevailed upon me to leave off all oilier preparations•and use Zinn -Bak. This I did,. After a few ap- plieations the swelling in the leg Was greatly reduced and the ulcer looked healthier. 1 Persevered with Zamaluic until the swelling wris banished and the pain and inilanunatkin entiretY rer moved, Zion -auk has effected a cure when other remedies • Vaineffnic' alto heels outs, bruit), burns, running soma, eczema, hogs., eauptions, sesta *ores, chap- ped herida and all diseases of tile akin. 41 . t "............ .....10,./....• The young minister, who we said to L e rather "sweet" on the attractive schoolmistress, was paying a vigil. to the School. After questioning the call - A dren,011 various subjects, he -aid, with a patronizing smile:- "Now, boys and girLs, is there any question you Would like to ask me before 1 go- away? In- stantly one little girl beld up berltand. 1 Please, sir," she saki, in response ta an ---entaatteaging- -nod-, 'another aaYS lideresting AbOut Some of the Lord Methuen has roclord - -Ithat w41.1 appear in -history. nut he has also given proof of signal bravery in private life, 13 a well-read man, and L. 4 4, atritish Army, Ile once served as Wry .4.1teebe In Derain and during his -- -stay -there he :eaved m, rAe of a would- , ;be suicide iron) drewning. For this act the German Empeiar presented ban with a rnedat ear tire otcasion ot a State ball, and in the pr ie' of n. • hent assemblage. • 1,ater on Lord Me- thuert was selected to present the Ern- tperor Austria with kis Fieid.airar- ShaVs baton.' Corsitain 4 -Awl, his .plaeA .J11 WiltShiM Is a tine Elizabethan ho i.e, • 0 And, dale's from '.11'03:!. The park 4s ,tamed for ite cedars and Vallee, which are said to be the largest In Frigland. Lard Reyteigli Is notabla, not only: ns the disvoverer of argen, but ea eret 01 aritify4eialifeasaTif TingTanif. ate farina for thin parpeee tame -more 'ithan 2,000 are ef land, arid 1.060 caws '6grase +co the ineadaws MINIM Terling iPlace, his teat la raaea. To many .a,______J,Kenieeeateeezeeserra simige • thlt tkea who* is eViillietatea-hi T=TV-.0- orealeat acaenti"St in Ma Inettee d Landa, intereet eaelli a pro- ticct. as daFay-faaming.., 1,-..,r,o1531Fdp., 11m -eve?, !las palwaya 1.;11cien tack, teeneat 1fiterV, in the /4,o1 pra1.1].!.:c1,44 ,sof to-.1av. and it was (24-4,131-e to d'emcrictrato in be practical tnanni.le %%tat(.4.an •Colat4 In thway iet etairy,farininr. 'tlicit lea tor -develop Lis ferro t Trifpg. te rce,v Msevgn years ag-4 s:nte, ,.Pciee9&e,-.7,-;41., :Ito, ferrous •plaTits'A was in in Polarilq ,C1rtl, that•ptil valtailaa4.4441Wa4takktiat anateallaanatattana ms *cubes estate. A year after his marriage the Duk, entireb-gave up --hortaracing rder--to- stud, and'Einee then he b himself ;to yacatingnshoollng.afltt - ing. It may not be generally known that lbe Duchess owns a endow; ooli lion of' direful:in() horses Niithieri were giv- eh to her by the Doke onet, tor each of Ute important racca which he -won. , BABY'S OWN TABLETS . A LITTLE LIFE SAVER. ------------- Baby's OtTal TtlifetS have saved many a ppez:ious Imo life. There is no other roodytine kr diagram so eafe and sure In its effects. Tat Tablets sure stomach and bowel troutes, teething (nominee, deatroy wnrins, break up eotda and pacatea a 0 arn-And-yotreitelan 1141 guaratae cf a gavernerient enalyat thattills' Itedielne dcea, =En,' contain a tarorro, 'Log *alley, Pas"..1., says:- partict'e of 417,7int or nerzotP. " wn a rreat., betewr In liaty's Own irolpiets. i taw ud limn an, many kr.O* af no medieine Mara 1 Caring the micit EiDEes rind young ellifolrk4n.. Fed ,ty Inedieino denlets.oi Lrenall at oats a bole from The NI(Nlif.1-.f.nr.s.t, niqkvtile, Pot. 41 • ted I' 4 in 'Lily 10 Ii40, 'tJ hv z-i,z1 ray , attenti-Ln to bavollt,e ta-sieee tei7•-_se-.,.1.q fire r It ntDy fae‘:ng kiz!tleal te,7 1.1,tt-.i‘tt'yczte,c--cr;se74e.'z'ec. Et.,yaut 7'o to txt-ytt'in •.'llzo daala mktt V;v11., try, to r.`...1 to (11 tot tz,otz5_'eL nnv;gati‘crt tf$:.‘,,z,t4-raiir tt;-4-.oitTv. •4V1\ .1 4 t..!;.tit the 32callen Ttl3:0! .1,IVZIOt tIze:r 'tLe the aAalitakeinea---a • , tOciirS OF C get sciencertell tie at frequent 1 - that at 00 Way dietatit jeLn- ia4 4-1)40d-104 '100ttitreisg- •a'ne-dii liac-W- trraang ths the otakci's saf wigs lave ten 4xperouenting. Many countrzc-----,-; are' u-w.akin,g ft e1 cr g313 -t) p.1 P..•;=rpi'A i.14-77,%.rL liTzo p TEsc4r; 1-arMAy,. A nuttber tAtC1C4-a3., .15t eats 4t1.110aPt s,pilAn c.ibIlitute. fee rk.:,11, bales wift,,j e itg5 nIei .wittl vel',Y• ott -A 4 • al 4cq't •tt. ' * , 10, s*,„...tt, ' • t ii r -t a etaaall boy wl lines to gct un arly and shovel +50 aaan- ratan ea Vgtbh PiLt -vacillate the, aetien of Lhereerellaria, purtiy the Wow,' and LeeP the sternach and °bey/els free from de- le!eraeras matter, T-aitn according to direct:4On they will ovtlaannie dyspepsia, ebiliousticaseasaa irgaris• iteareltmetions- ve-wellalinown---by Abet:sands onto knew y experience how beneficial they are ea giving tor.e to the system. 1110010...** Ape your corns harder toxeMove than tame ltothers-lave-badt --Haw they •tiitlittitilievcatintelandrIlivetritylitir Itenjairedb3Luillfitilactutikle&-Xorn• „.- A DISTINCTION'. ibTpiay cards sorae man refti.il.c* They say gambling is a sin; Well, firs gambling when you lose, , But business when you winl OMAN* wk. ere Palo end peevish want some. Oleg that will apilte goad dab blood; thole Ls stotMag to *pal 'Forrovi for this partseee. Vellbono, beware toot s bottle. - PESSIMISTIC VIEW. "Life," remarked the optimist, 'His made up of sunshine and shadow." "Yes," rejoined Ine \peastmist, "but the trouble is thereare about nine sha- , dews to one sunshine." taxXx•••••••••••r It takes a lot of Christianity .to able -a man glad- -when--ie is -called tn. for- Itl0 to- help repair ihe chink astoottrrat".. LInEt InEt_etultberee 014 sorts erserneed trove the amity w**TiWit OW& Zs* goad walk et nlemuestagleoempleted with WenvseaSgrap. DOMESTIC 'REPARTEE. Mrs. --napperaatYou-seem -to think inamiranothingabutainiserablenatliotnte, Mr. S pner leatnalake"OljeApeeyota LL: eataefebaturo----against --ne&aect of th !acidity health, against' earelessne.ss re- garding the, 0,p-tea1 'condition. It steals in at the first oportunity and takes up Its anode In a man and it is tennetiines iftleult to eject IL Dr. Thornaa' Eclee- ic Oil will Arive it out in shert order. Vain cannot stay where it is used, but inuizeniately flees away. HIS REASON. The preacher made a. dramatic appeal to the comical:es of the raembers Ws cangregatioq. AGENTS tigge' de . eAsure Clothing liegitettesalaaenalea. Oa/4 Ceiesisakara ifentsfaisiatiost Tatilaring Ctiki TotiontoL catiowa Ran' Vitianta, • iestatte. 1 A Ma.,f1140,1401- nsn'aia;4:' 21 to ,40-44,4 r Lev Tonvirod to,kooze comma-416as preidos° AS zut aToopitaneestroot. Tomparanco 'aro:A ta MI 'greet tare blocktaortli west std.. , • , ' hy 1 Try alVisktertbeFainikti* of tho 181, C111 Ile CANADA'S ifEA,L111 RESORT in the Niagara Peninsula. treetneet el Nervousness a it kbounnatIone, a Spectedts. Th* WELLAND. "What do you call the man thet drives an automobile?” "Well, it depends largely upon one's religious scruples and command of language." It, makes all the difference whether trou are acting like a good man because emu want to seem to be one or because wou are. A SOund ,Stemacit Means a Clear ilead.-The high pressure of a nervous life whieh busiriess men of the present day 'are constrained to live make draughts upon their vitality, highly det- rimental to their healthit is only by the most careful treatment' that the, are rible to keep themselves alert an active in their Various callings, man el them 'know the value nf Parmelee Vegetable Pills in regulating the stom ae and consequaillirkeeping the head teacher can turn you round her little clear. finger, and we would like very much 4111••••••••Mmit 1.0 s'400 her doing IL" POET'S ADVANTAGES. Grace (to- ber bosom friend, who is caressing a blear -eyed poodle.). --"I hear lour engagement with Fred has been broken 01(1» Bertha with a sigh -"Yes I found that his love- for me was not - the deeP, h--ite love which nothing -on 'earth can -change, so •was compelled to let him go." Grace -"Why, bow did you find outr Bertha --"Easily. enongh- lle got no angry emery 141no poor Ialesele bitahlin," tasa• 11,80.PIIIZEDY t "Marriage," remarked moralizer, it tottery." "Yes," rejoined the demeranizer; "but It's one of the games' 'of chairee that lergymen do not try te diet:mirage. The bealth 1ow disappearing -fromThe -cheek :end -moaning •and-restiess. ght-are----ac-re-sympte worms in children. , Do not fall to get a bottle 10f Mother Graves'. Werm.,_Ex. -terminator; it IS an effectual inedloint.: Gladys -Pallier will he so pleased to 'est that you ore a poet. Algernon,--Ahl Like you, he adores Poott71. -*Pew people eau " weir eat a co,"bet t 111-14.0,4111114i0Ot *Lagoons ergsmunt. We. atbernn ILO WOO.% Oa.. nut' tAk. BSISSIS SS WO se& be *-tbo sole *lc - ADVICE._ «My boy, if you want to stay in t public eye-" • wireiirdifdr -- "Don't be a human cinder." your debts, r.se." The whale ofingrega- tion, with a eolitare excepton eccepbed the inviLation, end, having done tit, re- sumed•their seats at the minister's re- quest "N'efur, let .those who do not pay their debts stad4 up." , Up mew the lonely map. 'whY dont Yon Pr417 Brother Tyson? 'Why are you so different from the other brethren here?"' V perhaprelteis liar, and 1 can't get a «d tent. of what those people round me owe'me." t t Quick ease for the worsi, cough--cluick relief to the heaviest cold -and SAES . le taken even for a child. on That Is SiilloWs• 03re.,; ,141Pre41 field under a. guarantee COltidhS. to cure colas and coughs le Ary *ticker than , any °titer- vat taeOhttlf rnedicine-oryour gooney hack. 34yearts of success commend Shiloins Cure. tiOcattl. me • • 1 FT,L;44.; Efihv-7.1 st-r-t•-•••• JOHN HALLAM TR'Zs" taws AND COOKS. n—YPEtrat—SUCCOSS.-----010---Re If you are a sufferer from colds get a bottle of Bickle's Anti-Consumptiv Syrup and test its qualities. It will o a no , pra se- S Xi. en, too high. It does all that is elaiine: or it, and does it 01,4Mugliiii. Do hat dRe because it is the best, having stoodtbe test -of -yet aters--oel OPEN TO DERATE. Mana-Dear rile-. wonder_where taby got snob ajemPett` Pape ---Never. mind! We haven't time to fight out that .questiort. just now/ trot mange., ,Praitrie Seratehaa.. every form of eonlaglous Itch ft; burrow 01, itninutts etarel.in.,30--InTilut14- Wok ferd'ir•Sanilary Utter). It never lei Sold by *It druggists. - - IT - VD. EteCirt't begging wake on it»z. itIyt.it; hew higy a�ne men ‘titkplf you wOuld be **taint& ol ng !imam!' • One MAE kcsn0t Wit good t� ther tullebo ha MOW dollars Mau • FINANCIAL. 11, however, the dealers insist on maintaining priees of diatomite, end we can find no attritelive investments In this -line, we tan KM put our sur- plus pi portabotase steak. 110. telliftig vtlikthaill id* and Owe It tnrnkeg Sae Slier, fret It ildte *V* If DAL." risaverota your • roe hair If • entbel 11,11. is -itald, doctor, (ha :pau treated your lantrord for livEr trouble tuld dZecl (it stouiach leouble!" -"Intamout' -slandert------Wherv-1-4reot-a-ptitlertViet liver tmuble, Ae dies from that! Undo. slehdr „ 4004.44.0164. a , :04Set Mr..Editor" wrote ei wire- spondookief a Certain. paper, "ean s-ett nhow.t6 prevent bleeding at t -he 'hose?"' "To previa replicd tk oilier, 'kcep it out f at1ipr peozile's bizsines 1' c-- -"Iles the zrearthst ,mtm 1 ev kriewr 11el"Vbst°6 be done' "Wh he -tiled cycar ia *lam hs fe war .,Vie boinct hs l:,a wore, na4tim ' '%D, 1 wniwash MY 'fate!, I 1.to to posh ray fanr. (;iandina'Nt-A ghty, naughty!: NVIiEn 1 was -a gl,r1 1,YAIWEV4 tny tae'.(7 i)olli.--41(Es, land 1-iant Irian ait \ a \ °Dear tr,0,0, Trn, yu cat ar,4,4-34 I fa* a 110to, kizn-gorl-til 'Vac Itbn t4 hie riaptteata s'neet I atoll ,aits'Ae,* wax -V/17 ,i:ntntfail,,,extztuation,„.„--_,.,,„..- ,44014,4111,. yatt• thin% that 11414 Men at p6-vrer 4*,* ort:O. "4 • Ante,'" ;ISO. tx....Araaramrsatt tit excaz aus.es Nr the Nom, the Stem the Ms* Et% A A it 'OP. 'INK V Irs Ito Dirt It* 'Danger -3 11 mo Oasis Ito-Mantiss- No Cateolina " -No-Extra Insuritifue Ito Stara's* !to Freezing Mo Polaols No Stoppages o ClookWark rat ortgoiro Limited 11 tete, et*. - NY . I- .„ ,,.,.. , .... ,, IS .,,,, • r 7:1's a '4,1