Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-13, Page 5 (2)tea siniscrniesseettie rtrkPi itevisitcw tt, rataisers, oherty Organ Stationery A most betudiful line of Station- lEAUN DRESSMAKING 1 -BY -MAIL. In Your Spare ',. Vine 'At Home . W. want .0= course to be in every home in. when: thorg, arc ladica, 5o have decided to gave,. direct to th- public our improvtd tt-15 courre . la drewnali.;:g. including our Ladies' Tailor Syrstern far whole5ale price,. 35.00 Ag there are a Large • raumber-o1 people. tepee. iialiy dressmakers ray you cannot kart: by mail ...v.t... r411.,zess....asstvet see, firktf lesevi (whicb. lires.. t2.achts Itocv to - k -e- ii, p-eireet-tertni*air5r,-. rtgistered to.any ad ---• in Ontario. After you aro sa.nsric.,4 you ca learn, send 6.100 cod u'e :vat 1 rrwa.rd fall 'um ti IcIlz;rins. P;ka.eda ailt ,,end ttnies5 yo.c.i ,...4sh to leant drerlimahing; 1.ve aro. F.,:a .'fl-- an5Proze can learn that tve guar- . altee. t,,7, ..Iiv::, SZ -90 to. anvcne -c,e c.:”:17.--4 ttach.. n5 teaell. 'how to cut. fit and rut - ttiZNILvr. ant,' frartnent frem thr,.., raines_.t. hirt .reai-A quit to tile trace.1 elaborate drea. 'This is iu Car.ada that the' h'i,lc Lizoils? can I--ara bv ono auernire.r tahirp. i,.,, .urrl. IN'a ltr.-..n in ''.piness for ten 1,z ar,, hav,:. tacight .4 v e r 7.(Z,O. acwar,:?, _,cf ill,Lifn),1,,• ,1-7---,-,.' . itivE? il %Iv:WM . -to copy our ach.',..4. ..-4,-and even olarrad v. -cm rirA 4110'aill tr, r6 the •• !lug course. • 1,;•.)• Li d v.-1'ff gt, riuir.-c: nit1;;-.4t.' cur &AD fia euarant.Qe., • SA,NDErIS'DRESS-CO11/1% SCVIOOL 31 rgrir; S::nnt, Stratf,..1„ Outarra. Canada. TgiWanted; 2 eelialqSineu as agents for Exeter and surrounding country to sell our speciaitles, MAYNARD PLUM, FITZ- MAIM MAIM ARCHDUKE CHERRY!, RITSOli PEAR, OUM- BERLA.ND RASPBERRY and a' eraflme of fruit -mid ornunentat trees. You van make alone* Out Of Out ,atoa where you would fail ' with common •etock. We payeash weekly, supply • outfit free and give exclusive territory Write to PELHAM NURSERY CO., 'Growers of high grade nursery stock. 'Toronto. Ont. LVDJA 1. 1141(1-1A r ave.. produced the .graude?t reined for wolnan's ills that the v. mitt I as ever known. in the -go' ad. old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roots rid herbs of the Ile!d to cure disease and mitigate suffering. The Indians on our Western Plains to -day can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and eureti diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of rims. • From the roots and herbs of the field Lydia E. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- enlia,t ills, more potent and eines,- ziousthananycombination-of dregs. ;4: .411e, *Widiaif • ., the. remedy for wo -31sweedale-.111-141wanee _ _ S•• 4k, . -Hnsafl • nd MrS, t'yWelsh and neplw.Mlhurr intendl aviog or-VUtonver.lierriAllee--Pet of .1"4044104 la home On ltet hollaios.- ensell hockey boyfetrirrtrued 'Thea - ford 104 last weeks -Oar feet .rink of ,hOst-leksCe,,T;-rtcruton,. Seltery*Mc. DOnell WOW.* Anti ttoP PikhUI 1104 we•elc„, by -defeating' ,ralir$* 0ritiftvoitid serniie 401;*in sue X0sichoolb04* beemitatith Wen t,*tbe-Lr4ry 'a-. t # O. ieds ht reufling )1.' 0 (it , 1111 Oehistol,tv down to 0 V,dmoie • Ppo.mtetl tat 44 it fir baa 4Q414t tiltaittd. wt"e4fitirl IP44 woadc.r.44V3Ca_thg it /1.0 hcen ttoW-reozod...7 ever ig.tiee, and we 4:00410, afta Cal,4* it 1 80 01041144 , 14.149k Or. it as saan, as - A, t:0 1:°;.'14444.114:1:t: 0, t; t'olborue T .Year.old, *oil .14 Levi fin lUtiii line, fell 444 Vet). I, and bro e hip titi h, i 14funett: Mn.TAO.' of the Cit, . „CIA., had tbe wdortuue to all do ' SULI breik her ani ou on rmit .Y.Aliatoey rialto bgtb that 1, sc u.rrtLrwF.r, J. Cltgay' evo ir al a.taii that wra_pr- 11144 naKO notIA tint thst-CAssot t rsrei t Oic »o ct i .1 /a eare. • V , J, CIJFLTh. fivireth t4 before to toimfroxiberxibof to nw' ,o4s4a.44,37crnctqlr..t..0.. 11.--'-`,14 '.. . A , . . ' , A.W.otsesSoN,_'' ..„,--7, - ' ' - N'snisswc- • ii .:1•,. , 4V, 0 ''ifiX,- 'it lizlz. Oft* ' e1grae.-.Mrs. 11040404,114$ 01 her (Mee itialet to Robert Catehpole. ',lifts: CantelOn has returned to Plitt; ton. -Mr, and Mrs. Ketchen ofOghla attended the funeral ofthe 1 tters mother. Mrs. Bell, last wek.-R. Bon IttrOtki_ in._e'lryilitrIgsreleeks, has titkeix oince:.,Wamotf,tuitto' D 'phin, Ilan., tOeupply in the ministry. -R. Stewart and wife have returned from the weet, and will reside on the London Road. --W, Henry , and bride of St. Miry spent las_t week here. The leap.yei r Wilton Jim. alet in the Opera Hortswas A very suceessful one. Over 100 gaily costuined guests enjoyed themselvee to -the Music _PP - Piled byBleckstoneaorcheetreof OW. 'rich.- Mr.and Mrit. Dent, who have .been visitiogat Kr. Sutherland's, left Wedneeidey to visit in other parte:- Great business is being done since the storni.-We are sorry to learn that John Blatchford is quite ill. -Mrs. Mc- Laren,who has been *tatting ber- sis, ter, hm J. Weistuiller, left this week tor her borne m Acron, Mich. -Mr. A. Brandt spent a few day! in 'London Oil* We'elc..=-10.:1110010-0,--prititipal o ....Zurielilaibilw.h . 114,pui ,..-.- :AM ..Moortes.,4A. nurnber -of the • 1- I was a great sufferer from female troubles, had those dreadful bearing aorss pales, and during my monthly periods I suffered so I ,luttl to go to bed. doctored for along time but the doe- tor'a treatment failed to help me. My husband saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vega. table Compound advertised and got a bottle for me. !commenced its use and soon felt better. I kept. on taking it until 1 WWI well and an entirely diff. -- ent woman. gas° found that L ilinkbaasVegetableCom 0 I childbirth much easier for me. 1 would recommend your Vegetable Compound to every woman vrito is *Meted with female' troublca" What Lydia E. Pinkhars's Vegeta- ble Comixtund did for Alm Tweed ale, it will do for other suffering -women. eV14'11,!,44,'F•'"""4.27,447:1 filriir ire - laterry's Scat arc tuo Or.,:3t Ituourrt and the osttcna terieeds sugrown. ' nvery pacers: LIS behind it the reputation ef a house W1CrIC btrzines,st standard* ate the 1115W:stilt' Mb trade. rierie* 11108 See:IA:mask y:411 bei 11141014 riarX tc9 aki 4VAtCSisits. it contains coloredpistol, many rozntiamattl-telldescrIPtlinuk.VrirMuuddirettions /tn. puct.titg, over lux varletle3 CS Vegetable AM rimer heeds. Invalmtla to all. Set 4 for a, C.C.. 'FERRY & CO., WiedsorsOnt, Corbetf T. Shaddock is visiting his daughter. Hamilton, of the r2th eon. McGil- ere-were-no-services-in res Sunday week on account of the drifted condition of the roads. • In many places the fences were completelY cov- eKt0,-,10, C.4 ' 4-1114.46,1-167: Orking part time. of wide experienc ployed, byr", t u curriculum unourpa • in n- ada for thorongnesi ystent an actual business p rfr6 Timm eoeness-iTelegrepby. Stenography and Comnsercial. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Gredtuttes Assisted to pOSitioDe. No vacation. MAIL COURSES- in LAngua Bookkeeping, Shorthan W PentnamthiP, etc. Send s -postal torinformatton " abont Oanada'n1OriettestCltals of Nigh -aril-del Itstsittirest ton Busbien • GeorgeSpotton, Eby, Vice-Printi in S. So No.; 5„11cGillivray, and lilies Eva Corbett, stenographer, of team. spent.FridnAveniagtnd urdayYllth their aunts, recently. -Mr enMrs. %Vtn. Shaddock have arrived 'ettaken.un their residence inth old home, where they are receiving the congratulations of their friends in Corbett,. - Rhiva (Storra•stayed last 'week). The whole cry is, "Lots of snoti". We were without mail for two days o account of the roads being blocked vio that the stage could not go. ---The young folks gathered . at T. f)ollin'a one night lest week`and bad a *so! enjoya.ble evening. ---Chas. Holt has 'sokl hifarmWitzel for the gum of $3/50. We ere sorrow , to here f Charlie leaving our town Tom visiting his old home returned home on ' Wednesday. His sister, Mrs. 3. 011aurk of London, ateonspenied 'blin at fermi bee home. We, are laratys *Ito eee Tom come home. • .- ,,,, iabout , ' of thr Olfldal T I o „ tee t,". ,....",„.. tern -o..:irwlnding- the Town of'Eacter. ' Changes arm names.; changes of , • addressee. or'oritere ''for dtlillz. , eite entrieSslisoutd be hanileti1 r\ irv. at\ cinee to ' . \ 1. 1 :' tw.Alfeasels-arelp prevalent- 1' town. -214r. Thompson Of Gedench is in town on business. -Mise B. Ford, book-keeper at Seaforth„ is very ill. - Misses Laura Bolton and Florence Pope celled on Zurich friends Ouniay. -DinATH.-An aged resident of Hen- sall died on Feb, a' th in the person of Jamotneeiteold. Decosedslhi y, who WAS 90wYearsAina 6nth7 respected by all and basest four sons and two daughters. One son is Jame* Murray. of Exeter and the daughters are Mrs. Smiley and Mitts Jennie at how ,e-7---both---ot-----whom--deoerve--t,he greatest credit for the untiring car they have given the father. Deceasec was a consistent metutter of the Meth- odist church, and the funeral service was , -held thereon Tuesday, conducted by Rev. Toll.. The funeral was very large. Interment took place in Hen - sail cemetery.' Eden The church anniversary which was to have been held on Sunday and Mon- day last has been ost ned to the an , w special services will be held afternoon and evening of Sunday and the oyster supper Mon- day evening. Admission 35c. and 20. The following is the report of the standing of the pupils in S.S. No, 40 Ushorne, for Jan., based on regularity - of attendance and weekly estansina- tions. Names in order of merit. V- Wilile Sr. 1V. ---V Kerslake, a, Davis, NV Webber, jr. May, A Skinner, A McCurdy, 0 May, T Coates, G Davis, W Walker. At McCurdy.- -L-Coatee, E Kellet, A Hunter, L Harding, V Coates. Sr. IL -I Ford. M May, S McCurdy, F Web. ber, TSkinner, F Coates. Jr. I1. --R Thompson. 41, -!Web, Irrilite-r, EL Hunter, OThomp. son, V Pincombe. Theitnp- son, II Coates, B Caves. J. W. Ilogarth, Teacher. ' Zurialt - en -eases t . the -Division Court-sittings-on-Tnes; ;ley oflaist week, vr en Judge • Holt - Imilityter it* ---Baker Ana- ker vs. Biker, jud was given Lea for theplaintiffis In Jetrott vs. Bit. sonnette, judgment was "given for pleintiff. In Meldinger vs. Howes* the plaintiff was mratiles1 judgment. 10 Doan vs. .,Stoskopf* the owe was non -suited. ° In MeArtlitir fis. Patter- son the gbOntiff got judgment. In Frits vs. &boo,the plaintiff won, • R. Pickard Oo„ got« Rinker, the defendant won, having a receipt for the account soed, for. - Lindenfeki *I, licKa *..404 Alexander vs. McKay were eett ea be. fore -they weretitiled,-.Mrs.ir tine Kotherie ievety 11.1.-I24 dozen eggs front 140.1iens In the -tuoutti-Of 31411; uary is the record made bythe flock of Aaron Kotereltere.;41. -Maga and Detrolt --An attack of pleurisy -Is confining .Charlie Weber to his . bed.--Garttet Magel of Detroit le visiting . here. -At the second senualmetting ot Huron 'Weather insprisues Company here Tuesday the three retiring' directore W. T. Oitlatrell, ar firokenabite sind. W. 11. Bottle were reselected. Litter the director* elected A. Or. Stuillie pre. Ade.% W. 11, Battler . "Ace ,president, It ;eller. EtetAreas. and O. Lion:swan Iteueral ageOti-44/0* Mil Koehler hae returned teom it *hilt in Tevistoclic. - flay , bigoted who knew her INI to her long hunn' on lin. Mtit.- Job** away in her tntit year. In"poorbealthpe eom floral took plaec the Ifol- lowing To the HrneaH ceme. ,Robert nt eaforth, and Mrs,1Keteberj uf Re.. astir,1v. ' it • Co b; brouglatis and all irritated eon- & oy the .throat aid eitest. It is thirereltiert of a great apecialist in medial/4e. At all 'Toed Aruggists, , LIfic; Dr. T. A. locum, Livted, Toronto. -Sad for Free Sample TO4sY. . Itodgem The Missea White met with a rather unpleasant eccideut one day last week while returning from a drive to Hen - sell. In 'some manner the clip came off the shift and the horse, becoming unmanageable, threw the occupants out aml the horse MO home. The oc- cupants escaped injury, but it fell to their lot to haul the cutter home throulth the deep snow.-Duncitev-Mc- Denidd and daughter, of Rosser. visited at Wm. White's last week. - Mies Umbel', of Winchebea, has re. „turned home after a, visit with Mrs. N. lerrott.-The roads in this locality_sre in a, bed state from the storm.- Mrs. Thos. Case still continues veil ill, with no signs of n2aprovement.- iss Da,v- idson, of Zurich. iv visiting At.---Tob Patterson's.-A horse belonging to seaustalbeit'ar'leYere"weiiiiia * e -Reetneactulfe-visi 'n. don Hyde Park last week. -Adam Case, ter a visit with relatives here, returned to Toronto Saturday, -Mie, Jackson. the 13 -year-old daughter of John Jackson, experienced a. very painful scalding accident One day last week, ,Sbe was about to remove the tea -kettle from the stove when the handle broke, and considerable of the contents were spilled on her feet and teem, scalding them badly. The patient suefered nouoh pain, but is now recov- ering nicely. -Thos. Cases sale will take place to.day and thtit family will shortly meve to rietet. Thar twiny friends here regret very much the loss of Mr. Case and worthy family, from our midst. as they will be much miss- ed, The very beat wishes of all will accompany them to their new home. McGillivray Vouncil Council met ou Feb. lth, pursuant to adjournment. Present J Robinson, • Reeve: W. T. Mena, Deputy Ito've; E. R.'• Moray and Joshua Morgan. Councillors. •Minutes of reviou Ineeting read And „signed. Ineas-that accourrts to the amount of $20.80 be • paid. -Carried. 'Ulens- Morgan-that By Law No. I of MOO appointing T. H. Pearson a member of the Board of Health as read it first and -second time be now read a third time and passed. -Carried. -Meng- Morgaii-that the assessor be paid (in addition to his salary) ten cents for es -ch dog over -four hundred in number that's asseseed and placed u n the Collectors Roll for the year I -ears vied. The Council adjourned to meet in the Town Hall oath* first, Monday in March at 1 p., tn. • . D. Drummond. Olerk. •Rephert.roonneit ' A special council meeting was held in the clerk's office, Crediton, on 'Sat- urday, Feb. 8.1008, at 8 py m. All members preeent, except Councillor In read and a st r:rreY-,That .Lair ing`BY42* . • �f 1008 baring been -reed the In - time, be paseed and shoed by the mut/ clerkamithe iteata the potation: attached thereto. -Carried. Ricksikearley-,-That Henry Sweit. xer and title Bluett be the auditors to audit th books of the Townshipfor the lest year's Viable's, at a salary of $8 each. -Carried, • - - Vearly-Ificlo-That Bylaw No. 4 arta.' to oppOint township auditors, bairibg been read the third time, be pitiwed and taped by the *reeve . and clerk and the seal of thecorporeMon be attaeled"thereto,,Carried, - The following' orders were 'OeuryWKratti, Ittrioet $1.40rSun In. - tairence °Mee, insurance oribwn Hall $11.50itheiter Prouty* mlittikty, $423. The Council adjourned to meet *gain In thelewn Bell' Creak -ton, On Mon. 047i eflietrolineitt,"ar ,IIZHRY Eget% Twp. !Clerk, • Uttar • ' Mis. Robetteltrut, :who th4!fpast two has .been teaching, school In Alta., ha* resigned her, ind is now at her homeb bachelors' and betsidiCte d*nee, wbleb It to have been held Talk night; has been indelhtitely Postponed owing to the,brkade, **blot( mean, im patieible or the orebeetra frotn Lon., don Or y of theInvited goeets side 00 town to resell het:IN...Mile iRey . Arthur. Carliale,,, .wbo went to toOknOw * week *go to take: the' sort itekirt the Ing11sb chnfth there.' was oibours1 ard Unable( ttittliett home , tn it some ;pars.. ;were shrnting lieto on ,Feb. 2, a. brakeg• en named Let.n WitittY, itelteili was ockedvGw.th. tottorl",, 1,eq fra mind, that necessitated his being rot ctering the skull, and iflictin, „ moved to thei boapital. . Parkhill: A. B. Gilbert bas disp.os. of of his flour and feed business to W. Leary of tbe 18th ' Mr. Leary will take -• ion oinilituib' the ' bert: pu upenfugnn-0 ** rut' and Lite lasurance business \ Last week Grieve•4 Lets lie moved 73,009 ft. of hetnloek an pine • lumber into town from thei eitivp near .fleavertOwu.- In live da they had 1:139'00 225,000 ft- forming part of 300,000 ft. Of lumber. which had been contractei for by W. II, Mark.&Co. this canstitur tes a record in tbie part of the country for teaming- lumber. Seafortli; Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mos Thora Waddell, ,which occurred at her ome in Winnipeg _on Thursday. Jan ary 23. ,Mrs, Waddell was a native of Seaforth and was married to her now bereaved husband in this stn. --She-Vrati a Sister ofF. 0. Spar. liagraf-Wioghenuot*t ronte, Mr. Weddell car- • , 40'.*Ottua1 Aneetinii,,- • '; the irtk, Middlesex fiietspeta!'.1ftstitOtkv held. at ' , Orcenwa 0fl Wt3Jtd*,-, diUo 0. of , , gave a, very interesting ss "The liorae." In tb,e evening Miss Yates gave an excellent addeess on "Business Methode."*nd M17R.Ydd on "Drop Stitchea." President WilSen filled -the chair in an 'able manner andt ,spoke on "Care in Feeding," The .-held sin-sixealleas.sugating‘,-44t, TibOrnt:MearrNti;`4;.°4Viftionr new Woman's Institute was organized with Mrs. V. II. Wilson the Presiderit and Miss Myrtle Wickert the Secre- tary. Ir^ asp , Farquhar. The farm owned by the late W. H. Stewart has been purchased by his father, Mr. Win. Stewart, for a sum In the neighborhood of $7000. Mr. Stewart will work the farm himself, while Mrs. W. II. Stewart will still re- side in the house. -Mise Ade Tucker, who has been ill, is *low Tilte well again. -Ne mail for three dos in our village last week made us all wonder lust bow we would get along without a daily -Avail. - -.Noesle now for any • St. -George's Baking "Powder'. Glad of it, toot .1 don't get any mere complaints --but lots of compliments. So out with these old lines," write The National the' 'cCaThu & Chem' • 1 . of elkath Unified, fee rl r new ret ,.• ant evexylvdi intereited in garden- -- write for our New 1008 iich Li one of the most ,comple catalogues published. TO, each inquirer we ill include absolutely free a package of eed-4twourapltrulia totwi4mato, 'Tau I'ride," or if- preferred 'a package of our ()Wert -0- m-Catticliart-Vreut-"-- Turnip or Stutz Rosa" Poppies., le***11A0 to.daratiaiiatur your ellokc sae* ftte 'to inky Itttilirett,W Seld 41:,iiIldinwkkb Coneitlet. be tni»lees and tonratepayers . is 3. la *SW stat. tticftnt time +Itt4e_.0 flY.,N`Y 111:"N1,,v.