Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-13, Page 4 (2)Fourtelf prese,ot
.04,* Vercoa,
the.thieg Alta ifk
'ere0d• affor Abe
ltifort siS
at heis well.
dressesl. —
; Ur4tJIton
Mi EIIi aver
re, tt
Engtood, geuerid mg at of
Jou Life Atomiser/co itt Sarna, ie in
the village Vtioss ‘.014 • ftlends.esOur
'buteber iis petting hie eteation"*. asuos
ply et it.. Wilson Amleesen lie:a the
.cootreet 40.0, Ise is Cert:1001$ sh,tinging
up the geoditfrotit the lokr.,(0,41filptT.,
Lf k"fitAr1,0*.t.wtnt
ol 01.eiti !tiaate
-.1.4* it
pit 0,11
',state *bets te
;stet 'Clatg has! oit
p 1,41411040,0"eatil
eitteetOMVP:f. tho' 'het
lo; and 'eau suit the.Ii.0t,
I1 jrttdii.ki
iits' ato gst us ',refer&
South 11 'Parmelee Institute Will
'held a in Visiteat, 411-
. P
,,..jIiflii— . - e Olt
kerise-wilf-iseslite-sen who wi
log to agrieultumand of interest t
the fernier.-Roliert Clark -our Ant
•, 70iitshier
*1 ti.-Attidie* Mitth4iiL& o 7urieli
on Tuetday. Tuna ss i ion
iven r hal
Arsbottie Couutti wilt ineet t
. Township Hail, Ellureille, oi atur-
day nest
AtiVe lectute in the EvsugeIfcaI
hutch here. he )ecture end its
views will be on the S ite Kings
4044 A smelladmiseio , • wilt be
taken .to dee*p
,fray ense esorie.
tbft • uuuipji1y The. Isiithets
, ilt.00AVU'Otkia
ti41-49.oj't 4•44*(i doob
aeiuit 01.4plipoi
neseelititch tofl
Sseess. 'rimy are everythieg. tbst
the Uteeilobirlscui:4;stts,otur
pooMlsbe,• e
trigi dicm you !regh
• aetalUttiatlatiitt
tuqt*Ptestttotaet, SItizear see**
1tasstta4ttkevi1votti4,1i, -Vrt*te
qt LhtargoV t04411**11440-4r**V4 r
ftriatm.- qtii tte,g4tillOtte Ara IN. •A
'WO,94:41016A*Cog4t1W,Ativ-PP**-1, ,t(44
oosocto*b-F,T404zoit sttxllp
• tott,41cictic, .;t4imirvo.w. , • •
, •
• _ 1e.pIace,bntthe1,oad8 atettbmt
11 all opened again now. Somelittle difs
. !Welty beinieexps*ticed when_pees.
0 Riga team on itott rosds 4. about all
t. the inconvenience one reelims when
;?iung ii Id week, 1110 puhIIc
being about the only thi
AststritikortliThre re
NreriezuspeW-al'or even.
Ingle novae coxing to venture out afi'.
• ter nightfalls: The meetingsare being
e condueted klaitOveelts with -ascertain.
▪ success. -Mr. E. P. Paulin
o r former townsmen: has sold his
n ha ware business in Goderlch to M.
W. Howell: As
Mn that is born of his parent e is -of
few days. and full of toicrobee. tle
goeth to school when a. ypizifster and
gets the seat of his pants died for
eoreethioglie didn't do un il he is siol;
at heart. ffe groweth up like a weed
- in a back yard, and soon reaches_ the
-----age when -he -la- competed IT- e
.'sf t freeklea and. n appetite-foipie.. '
utilise:A ttof ..10.r
iugfor acttyIerie gaa in theTown Hal
the past weeks Thiewill be found
tarkeil improvement in lighting th
lattforetoneertsandstither -meal*
-Don't forget the grand choral enter
tainrnent to be given in the Tow
flail, on Friday evening of this_
The program will be agood one. -Th
cold weather **past week wait splen
did for skating. Meny tee& advan
thy of the good ices -Mies. Zwicke
made a ehiprnent of seed to Toront
Tuesday- Hy. Silber, MRP., even
last Sunday at hotne.-August Kith
of tit-ells:1k of Commerce staff in Sze
ter spent Sunday under the parental
roolsesNeat Sunditasthe special anni
Evitugelicet sselautchis-ltese
such; rause fstbessylturch 4
not iven out his- intentions. -Miss
taxi 4eKocheoftheCtamixtercielliouse.
Exete , spent Sunday at The home. of
her pa oats here.
Tbe following is the *report of the
standing of the pupils of the Dashwood
Public School for Jan. Natues in or.
der of merit. V. elass-P'Willett,
L Keller.mann, Vs Gaybeil. X Keller
mann, B Graarbiel. slits Classes.•
Schram:lett ix Goetze-0-04*er, Astlert.
-•eisitMterie-11- -
*Ay -Whiskey
poker. /le Cometh home a -bigger fool
:tjian ever and.,Inerrieth *meet young
thing whose pe is supposed to be,
We thy, but wheel he subsequently
-ascertained', rouldn't buy. the prize
rooster at a county fair, flevrorrieth
along from year to year. gradually
- acquiring offopringse his house
resembles a Sunday school class just
-before Christmas. He fretteth
- through the day and lieth awake
• nights trying to figureout how to keep
himself ma histependent-P0Ordatim
out of the poor house. Efforts are re-
warded by having his daughters run
• away and, get married and briog him
home a ince son-in-law every few days
40 feast aptbas board. flit sons grew
up etid-call him governor and set him
tack a five spot every day or two.
About the time - he has acquired
enough luctteto make it worth while
for hie -heirs to quarrel over, -he -con-
tracts a eold and, is hurried away be-
fore he hes time to hese a. talk with
s his fairdly. 1,118 61.0'W fit biS es-
tate'on bad whiskey and plug hats,
* and ble wife puts the finishing touches
to IL. 'career by marrying the hired
. Thos. Keys has purchased the
le0 acre farm of Mr. Archie 0-imphell,
,paying therefor $3,700. ,
Simple Home Reel
Get from any prescriptimi pharma-
- ot the following: •
Extraer'Dandelion, one-balf
ounce; Compound Kargon. One ounce;
sConipound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
eitspoonfid .dose after each and
.st bedtime. -
ilent-anthority, who writes it New
. York daily paper, as the lies.t, pre. 8
• 00 tiption ever written to relieve II wk.
'40be* Kidney Trouble. Weak Bladder
This inixttsre acts. promptly on the
eliminative tisstwa of.the .
*bring them -to Meer and strain the
-iirie *nisi and other Waste matear from es
ing he wiligive a lecture onJapanand
will use stereoptican views during th
discourse. Admission 10c. and Rio
Special ansheme will be tendered b
the choir and male chorus. -Not since
the great snow storm of 4 years age,
have we been visited by such a storm
period as existed during the past week
--Busineos was conipletely denaoreliz
ed. Trains were blocked and travel
ling slovvaud dangerous. The citizen
of one burg organized a snowsho
brigitde-' on SsiturdaFrind_nictnoblY
cleaning the walks and • digging cuts
In the snowbanks on the road to allow
teeing to get through. The railroad
surveyors and several travellers wee
obliged to stay here.-Snow-ehoeing
has, become quite popular around here.
Long tromps are made. Some even
go to diotatit towns and find an excus
to stay over night. A few of tb
amateure have made their own sloe
and although a little clumsy the
make oiad tone over'the white waste
Tile following pupils of the Credy.on
Public SebootTotjtalped over 40% 0
the mares given. Continuation. Form
11, ILL -Latin, E Hill 00, A Holtzman
, e ead
40. Form 1.-Latio, E Geiser 0. E
Trueinner 07, 0 Finkbeiner42, P Hais
41. -O. Binetts teacher.
Division 111. -Sr. 1V.-flonorteL
Geiser, P Treitz; pass. A. Vinkbeitier
Sr. Ht. -Honors, Id Mho, L Oestreich
ee; pas. V Holtzman, F Hill.,
• Miss Robitiaon, teacher.
Division IL -Jr. Illesslionore, tt
11111.1" Hill, E (falser, 0 Gibson; pass
G Benedict,. M Clark, E Beaver, V
Motz. Sr. IL-Efortoree 0 Guenther
pass. L Winer,. 0 ShenI‘. E Treitz.
Jr. Pr. 11.--Honere, N $inbrook. L
McMurray; pass, L Glienth r. it Wolfe.
, Miss Girviri. teacher.
Oostreicher: pas, 1 WOE'', V H411'
te PtI
e.L-sslionors. 14 Haist,sK Sw it -
e s - ss i .6 Lam rt ' M
Goielithir, L Beall. Jr. Pt. -
weitzphr. Sr. Pt. 1.-fionors,, CI Hoist*
A Weiner; paee, S.Sims, E Vinkbeiner.
Pt.,,Jist= Kin
F4\14. Trot ..of-eltegime Sask.,(8torm-sta, ed last week).
wits in the village last et k on real
tate busineee. Mr. Me dd of Lon-
na wits here on Tii ay ' tuning
lance. ----11y. Eilbers M. 4.P., left for
ordtitO on Tuesday evening to atteed
he Session of Parliament -,Mr. and.
re. Besse of Winnipeg are here vbs.
ting friends and acquaintancee.-The
the blood which causes Rheumatism. d
Home persdes who surfer, with the
-afflictions may reit feel Inclined to T
(place much -confidence in •this shooks t
Mixture, yet those tro tried m
MO relief belt% effect seithout the
slightest injury to the etomech or oth.
eel the reeults are s uly surorisiog,
Railroad ourveyors are here, itt Jour
eying lines West. They are making
heir headquaxteri at nor* Hotel
er organs, t
Mix some and give it a trio!. It w
camtainly comes highly recommended.
his the oriteerlption of an eminent
authority* whose eutire'reputittiCt. it
is said, was established by it. • •
bile in this neighborbood.-Ire
rown has been in .Doshwood the past
k-asoioting-bisuntsies-Vit 4,Alleltett
st opening up his drygO4 stock... -
wing to the severe storm On Sunday_
both.thesEetingelical and --Methodist
bureiheinitfeelied-lite'Sfitidays *chord
id eve 'ft • Mr. and Mee,
homes Sherritt of Blake were In the
Wage on Tueoday.ottiiiine ofotzr bovs
atated-t at he could either supply the •b
• ingredients or mix the prescriptiOn
Asir otirreaders, alio recornmends it T
Boomer Wows) stesdiIysp..
plied, break the 'hardcit fed.
Coughing) dity, tater do* Ur's,
and tears the throitt and lung*
until the liesithy iisuft tint
stops the tough!fii;ittist
the torn ineathrsnes.
have been having lot* of *port 11130W•
',hoeing the pest week. -The business
of Our hurg was itt a standstill siriCe
Friday. The Milliard which commend.
ail that day lasted, until Mondays` It
as one of the worm foe years and our,
stage WAS toniblelo tome here from
Centradiii until Monday teeming. The
driver being obliged to reniain
litotes ftaim faittneday nieht.
saredrsfted badly. Delfts
are i Sortie of the people
in 'Cleaning the teackithave atrucit the
aleeihone wireis withtheir stspyelst-:.
OM TO ;indeed- ilielitid-Of ice and
nove.4-81tite the cold 'weather hat.
t in the rink is in fine Wotklog ordeis
EilbrIS.tha able intisieger, is tnak:
Ingsll kind* of riteney, as there Are
; large toptiher who 'kat& *very even.
-on* Mit
ndisi a f.w sreeks
Mire, A Thtmen, X Shiet-4Z Neeb. 0
Hat,. Best spellers V Clitiee-B Greys
hen. IV CUse.,-0 Schroeder. III
Clitstss-V Brokenshire.
, (Storni istayed last week.)
Mrs. Sabha, of this place, received
the sad intelligence on Wednesday of
Ilea week of the death of her sister,
Mrs. Wider, of Morriston. On account
of her age and the very cold weather,
Mrs. Sachs was not able to attend the
funerah-Mr. and Mrs. Meclitia, of
wow have beim visiting the Tat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Valentine
Ritter, for some time. They will soon
leave for Toronto, where they will
make their future home, -Rev. L. K.
Zidt is still continuing his revival
meetings, but the very cold weather
and the condition of the roads readers
it almost impossible for anyone nut-
sidethe village to attend. -Mr. Sei-
bert, he new has arrived
in thevillage arid is this week busy
with his assistants shelving-hle stock,
preparatory to the opening pp of his
bastuess here. -There tree 1no echool
in eiese of the jurner departniehts on
teacher Miss Carling.eThe greet snotv
blockade on the roads made it impossi-
ble for Miss Hartleib and also Miss
Kellerman to reach their schools, on
CONTRACT ULT. -The contract for
the masonry work of the Lutheran
church ' here was let to Mr.-hLouis
Schuthricher, of this place, and the
factory work arid- materiel was let to
the Dashwood Planing Company.
This contract calls for painting end
glazing which was sub -let to oona 0ne
in Parkhill also the slating which Was,
sub -let to an outside firm. The Mir.'
penter work was taken in charge by
the building bolted. The whole, dive-
iturevitett .-,i.i.- ted-vrni-ciJittiti rale'
neighborhood of $10,000. Aft will be
All imposing edifice; a great impross
merit in the a arance of the- v Ilse
. Nitixivklate,A_,
. The storm having ceesed 114 caused
business to ,Ise on the move. .sa ,i -
Mrs. Cecil- Maim and•sister, lilies Ella,
spentlost weeks in Nissouri visiting
bleeds.- iss Etta Fletcher, of Kirk.
ton. left. fo London after spending' a
few weeks with Mrs. D. Golding.-
Miss Maud Quince. of Exeter, spent.
port of lot week the*wet ;of' Mies
Mind Fletcher. —At .T000j0. 00-
bridge, of Exetetr, is '11oIidNying with
her brothers this week. -Mr. Ciii
land, of Woodham, conurieticeil haul.
log Ice to 'the butter factory on Tues.
____, ssret. laseletihoY0s.
(*Stortn-stayed list week).
Aloe Vs E. Kestle has returned' to
her tonne lielklerton After , "Opt tog * '
ten days with friends here. told
, Bice was iu London last week. Miss
Minute Pett -on of London visited her
pseente here last -week.-Shovelliog
silo* is the order of the &IT- Jak num.
ber of melt helm' been'etsga,ged on the
O. T. It -There were no ,serriceis in
tither church on Sunday owing, to
• her brother, S. G. Lampert; bbusiIfthen-Itits. Towle, Wilt* was itiOito,
re toned to her home in North Atig-
ostres-Miss Magstie Ilisawithes return-
ed home from Ilderton.-Misii Tillie
Yager, be* returned home,..Mrs. lied.
.ton and Mrs. G.. iletiglus were in Lou.
don spenaingia few days,
_.. , _L...
' .. —
, (it -- - Otaiiii - ISOititr ---
Miss 'roster:who foto born visitinge
ohn GUN returned to het. home in
GreenVray Saturday. -Mr. mid tirte
Heilman. ;vim wets*. Visiting ilitOktirld
bere, h.:0**one to their hothe lei Lo6-
don.---Mr. iksIseribet ty Is ,liblitng fiiii
soilltafiliceitela,"-kkeityre. 'Moil ,or
Munro were 'kiting their brother,
wr., here hoot week, --The vim,* were
blockaded for three dos s hot week,'
and AO it ,consequeriee the *as as
enable to return frotn -Piirkblll Wed
• y' afghte-i.-Wmi Sot
Thdfnrd irtika here *fettles bit de
ter Mr*".tioird. 'Richt Iltattiltort
lfttIe girt 'having zived
' , Orsittein or
oi tiote«
• - •
Highest Price paid for Grain
in #44roeivzeskesisligrai
co.. -A+
la vet Voles, Osires
0 V.SI Debilft silf 0'411 as,d Drain, fop% Dc
...degevf,.... box ;roamers.Egoissioont,
serriesti, ales Are* .d biotin*
lean pwurz, oixtor.
H. .,StE1.1)
siceeis9i to joseph Pobbledick)--
(Xncorporated by Act ot Patiligent 1855)
"Pu tondoaCosserrstort ot -Maki
It! Rude,* °Donald. Marin Widt4r.Loadoai
eat ittatita,y; Lotataa,11:0*. A Ibuitiiinumtitt
miils will be accepted
Mr. Rich. Hicks conducted the ser-
vice in the Methodist ,church Sunday
morning in the'absence of the pastor...
-A number of comtnerciat tnen
stormitayed here during the itorm of
last week. -Messrs. Parsons and Davis .
received the sad intelligence of the
sudden death of .their brother-in4avr,
Wm. Abbott, a former resident of this
place. Mr. Abbott some little time
Where he was in business at the time
of his death. Particulars of his death
are not to hand yet, but so far as can
be learned his death was caused by an.
autinnobile accident. The funeral.
which will take place at London is be-
ing delayed by an 'wiliest being held
over •the body. -The choral concert
undell' the direction of Mr. Nelson
LI -licks on Thursday evening promises
to be the event of the season. The
prograresies-liemounkods 14- certainly
an exceptionally fine ore ss W.- '11. Es-
sgii is visiting relatives in this neigh- .
borhood. -Miss Edythe Lewis of Cal-
* esteof4i, or -sisters -11 .
V. Neil. -The Ladies' Aiof the Cent-
mile Methodist church net at the' ;
home of Mrs. Brooks Thut 'day.* Not-
withstanding the inclemency of the
weather there .were a number out.
Two new members wereadded to the
list. .
Miss Botterell, the teacher at Fairs
field oaken!, was called to her heine
. recently owing to .the illness of her
father, who has since died, andof
whom. the Mitchell Advocate, says: -
'Mr. John Zatterells one of Fullerton.
tooviishni's highly respected -residents,
passed peacefully away on Sunday in
hisli3rd year. , Deceased has :been*
great sufferer for sortie time with a
a member of the English Church and
Is survived by his wife and five child-
ren, two sone and three datighters.
i er y.
Feb. eth, leaving hio late home lot 20, '
eon. 4, Fullerton, for Mitchell Metho.
dist cemetery. Muth sympathy is ex-
Treirsed4ttestate•fatoilter.2— -------•
AASettriliter- -
lawariiimmummouriorommormaxammommemow, vimossimmuommistassompoi
• OrrieellOUlte 110 a. tP3 p. ca. SATUADATB„ 10 a. at. wit. 111.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of luterestallowed
agog Bank geparbnents gredinuLdtalberworterievegravirarro....arioubtortassits b•
• I Deposita ot $11 Lad upwards mob'
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Dtelsoi, deCtaitutto, Soiicitors. . N. D. IIITRIMIT, Mugger,
Witches,Jewelierg. Sflverware, Toilet
Sets Etc*IP Etc •
has just been 'opened up and we may
Safely say that this is the iineSt stook
that has ever been shown in giceter.
oriretiattsitss-Mre. Mary tlYear, relict
of the late Thretir,s died tit the
Mettiidist patnon ge,
sley mottling. She was born in Corn.
wall, England, but emigrated to 0411
saw, and settled at* Ilempten, near,
Tho Busy and Econondeid
Housewife always liste
just ished'dyeIng
at tht re.sults after using your
Ilismsni Dys. The gar -
1. -1 aerie east
like new., 1 went over,to vWt a neighs
bor, mill the 144y where did you
get that local,y black.skitt?' X told her
it was tite old greett,skirt 1 bed:wornall 3at .
it with stuarsionleiri andarevi!I Itord,.304rYPetlit
tipogta vitti stairimid -Si& that "I,
nectr isAt any other kiwi of dye
in • thettfritv
t.u.ste..'ilson. M*plc Creek,
-, 1IIppnd ltries histire
• If you time colored skirta., oartssts.
Quit, or jde.,:etit thit hat* becbuic faded
an. unfit fOt-IlitVart it ati caty *natter
riive 'the old abings a new lease' of
life, anti mete -them look'eeolf they bad
tIst rouse from the ifinels of seine &Loh.
Ore or, ht,' *730401 Of 'MONONA
VA viva d 1. the got paid aave,
. • many starers. rah of %ell
o u to d't, ate *eating
oltCit3 it,`49iZ3v1 ,AttrOS05 1?lt gaits.,
Vt'l atetasttstrIlitaw'sthe-saaodets
'srOar •aves:•-tier-ofriplishetl.:'
r Veriettliefil4 If our \' materiest 1st*
esecil wool ith toSteis. Or 'toot tied
there ask for latiteed ftes for cotton.
e , ti wo4, ask for
lara .for Wool.
000 'tat Vattli 4Ffisitlf Utica
tit your name and address by
pot c-ar1 or ictvr, hell we *ill mail k
of coot the fottaAto Diamond
,ireddy.11eor Iktoklet and
Cf141A:44,0141:17r14. $1 ,(0.,
13owmativille. when she married, Th04 SP. 40ilepit
Trear, who predeceased -her St -years, .
Her maiden towel*** Hovey And in Asverie pretty wedding Was soletrin-
thes-iiia-y7 liftliiiiih-e;With.Waret:teTaitt Ind at the home, of Mr., and We.
Ives moved to the Iltirolis. Triet endiDeatnan„ on Jan, 20th, -when thei
settled deWti rrn*the London Roadttl, only daughter Mary, was united ir
Cliuton. - *he- tuarrlirgelo Iltair'boitab-vir..Chiiiii;- •
sided till a little over -two years ago, burst; by nee, flirt be mese% Tee
whenshe Went to live with her nephereeeteg march Was plityikl by .
ew.'Utto W. IL Butt. Iler beglItsb 714 Maurice Brenner otOristid Dena.
good uutd, two Weeks SO when she bride looked very pretty In tow o of
'showed sagas of a general break down'. pearl grey silk trimmed with lace an
pie 4itotor was called In but found her applique and carried )10 boOtPtetipt
�uffrrinfrorn i$0 OrPtilie trottble, 14 white citraationt and hyiticipthie- WO.°
gradwilly souk and gent!
allYtqr, at advanced age o .84 years. ,tif woo, mod the' groom by his
bilis Was esereted Mise Akiereon
theyPhysiciati ptonotmein 'old age brother Jornesflostch.
, let the mime of death TRw fiinerel
' took' plate Tuesday *ben the remains,
were taken by train to Clinton for bur.
ial in the..fattaiir plot.
ilb64.verir,a.ne:zrz.rtetelitttt belle (lived foot. the use of
-"1 feel it rny sty :to testify to Alia
ford tkok. of * pont1sing youole moo " Nit 4,
, la Xcre Oa,
(rein Stanley in the person of :Robert terifreonlucti eisl meetitigo 1t.c54
'Gemmel!, See0134 *On Of Thomas Gem. trota * very bit comp
uiefl, Of this townshipat 17 ' frreopr4 into
r.,qotoinet wasen'groged Iltektri,ireollt, form. at' Plnevilltiioed* 441
t41-'cs try-„--...-
notteltlst,Tstafoti4b-,tweetrthtc-=teant ,:rsitititik Which 1 did, Arta lit sr tieing
if tbat 6.4ce4t4*testto from°. MOOtiell ttit'w few nottlest *as.tom tel re=
law. Olayitirt Mr. Gentinell set. seteted to %eidtb. t, rteptilote I*
eldentally frIt, striking on the heel of wonderful leeway to imitneirs frm
*nether plieyer's *bite. The, iron of Ilreeelsitis al tbor trotibmcN.
I I)
telt iskete pitnettsisted sttoio. tater: "1 aisle to tail t1 yyoleo,
Meth* ,stieh injuties that, he diid" sieee utsivg PsYrIsinst, is strouger *1143
' 4.1 mote terrviog power Bassett
etia do nt re with opelikes
11:341Z, +Not. tiotivIrs. Arty.
Ans t Toronto, Aug. 13, 1007,
Tbrat, *id otemsels frothiest
"syekino; aloe irseipieat
MI drag/fit,, 50e oast $1.00„
Motto*. Listited. Terosts,
about an hour afterward*.
"--atal1Stts50-Th5 1**Iimassags4l-,,ti
wnshlys fitaeley for the yostr .
wst 432 'Wrest the *Rid atviflante
The levy for Abe ('onnl
for the townOtips VOW
for drna IIKXNIM
UAL Soda ebnol rale *1
retie toehoole TI