Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-06, Page 7 (2)„
40. yi4
=.4,nd the,..2ordania:, mna4,
ttro .0.01.ek
Itickla aSlivitnesitt). hY the
direr of those premiting themeelveil
' This -in:Ornittipani..or ro„.
'jj mission of Jesus.
836 tbe preceding chapteie Ad
tellinony reeorded in versewi
es. sing those who had brought to
Iin the message, liabbt, be that was
vi2th thee beyond the Jezdan, tq whorls,
.44rititeth, .and all 'ram -Cidnic to
Is" eJobn • utters these reemerable
ids: "Ye yetiterelves /mar me witness,
h 1 sold, I am not -the Christ, but
sut 1 em fent before. Talm. -He
ltSt, triere4,Pes, Wt.:1_11mA, desreeee_ He
litiVeetneth from above is above ait7
The Father loveth the Son, andliath
given ali things ,into, hie /handii
11- that believeth on OW Son hath eter-
nal life; but he that ebeyeth not the
Son shall not ;see life." Thus does the
Vaptist testify to the divinity of Jesus,
and there ,JA to uncertain isound.lrelite
•only. It vealer
th 7it1her:7-7tlrej,H7aj'jry.
6,--irtgatittitig pa- If
.fl .rkg3n4.
d -he
ef the Pharleale oppoeition, and returns
'tc Galilee. '1 he shortest route takes him
theough Samaria. past the, village of
cSychar, near which was Jacob's Well.
It is this journey, of Jesus northward
through Samaria that gives ,OCC11-$..1011 for
the events with which our present lee-
$011 narrative deals.
Verse 4. Samaria -This name was
originally applied to the city built. by
Oinri, _of Israel, on_ the hill pue-
,ehased by him tif Simmer (1 Kings 16:
J end rebuilt by flered. Later the
surrounding provinte also received its
name trent the city. The proVinceis
• tette. referred to. The inhabitants of
-Suirtatia were a -tutted populate:tit, wes
inLxed religion 04 Kings -rt. -24:;-ir;
Ezrzt 4; Neh. 6), who, however, elainnei
tit he true Itraelites and 'professed to
keep the law of Atlases. They Seelll f4)
7 lave cordially reciprocated the hatred
with which the people of Judea reereidl-
eel them.
• .5. Sychareet ntified with the modern
As.kar, not. le 'Noblue, the anci-
ent Shechent sUpposed. tom or
s h
6. Jaeob'e Well -A, litticesouth of As-
-andeetbout- creemileefromel*er.us
he ancient well, now partially • ilre 1
• with stones and rubbish, is still to tie.
LIMO, r -forming, as it docs, One Of the
'few undisputed Sacred- sites' el the
MP/ Land;
Ihe- sixth hotir-Icoon,,__
9. No dealings -Iiii-Wi-Sintaff:cirtselte
W. " ; I e wounins
surprieo at the reqUest. -of Jesus made
to her. The antipathy between Jews
--Sairtarlitins cattsed both as far ae
pOstible to avoid littered -um with one
another. -A remnant of the ancient
esemaritart ra-ce still lives. in partial
latkm from other irihabilanis of P'ahee
-tine in *this ,stse2•vieitillzal-
10. /.1ving ,witer..-Well water, as 413
tinguislied-frorn that otahallow cifirerns.
It is from the latter that the inhabi.z
-*11,•eitts Patina 'it ,,necessary to peewit
their principal water supply.
142. Art thou greater -..Th emphasis
Is on the proneittr.- lite %%Orilla 90illd
StOt undereterid lieve this hungry way -
!firer could possibly furnish better water
,than 'that wiiieh she and her people
'derived from this enOient and honored
11. Jesus, replies by expanding rather
Than explaining the metaphor, as
did hie coriversalkm with Nicodennts.
• and claims for -his gift .the wonderful
Fewer to quench' mart"te thirst not for
41.„ time Only hat.fOrever.
-tource..Aut, refreshing. -
• ft). In this 'mountain -4W summit pT
rat'insvidelrifor_ltifritiffraL fair te4.311
the Seat et Samaritan worship. The
in tot its sanctity wet based on
L 114 12. 'The also
toie. the tight of a rival temple which
had been the. Obiect of contempt and
rilltetite to the alewt, loaeiphus,
eats. Mei iMportanee attach.
cot to tlie ,tp6tAtott raised by the So -
0144140 words to Mils And
(itcs qrsiatitre wittl'h deptita,,
if find Sainarilarts
was ap-
pn1ed to argue tbe
and which the, Simiatttlirt-veakets,
bccatii,srf theiris Ivo* the loging tide In
t dkbalec:Were Put lo "troth _In,
p't With, the krrim of' a preVitous
prOvittied delivtr*r
ted Eke ,,114
is tallitd Christ.#4 Itintntie-
nation tot the everig tlst, net
hat the Ironer& iged,,
2.t rivto14-At s,f4elia2rig impro4
I r. gwir Afast0P4 $peakinitwitti
'WU) Witig icrily' a stranger.
-41-4dospim'd, Saliatomihrt-ts--welL ites
coiIitary to tho, p...tir_ititti tut.
lei time.,
It-'41its' be triei-trirLitf. t t
141 thus te tor gi.540.d fortune10
et trin toning bothaesc,.
an ,Pamitrittiers had welled to Icihr4
1.00044 at first loto4 $0 truc,
Turt-IMportant adeition to the'neet
tailored 'hIetuosi for nerinif et*
. the collar" and cravat*.
The wrong choice In thistine =keit
orentere therwetsre . ----- -
Zvery IfOtnall lit not a Mester in the
art of dressing her neck.
unix know how to chcioire her'
gown. the best hats to wear, and yet
ehit may spoil the whole' costume by
the fit or style at her colter. , ,
' manY trigs for ..1110....1.041Cired-liUlt........nr... A `kialet-tha-le-Idnried-on-anit-wa7.--- rt-onprent, 4,,werr,-Anniwyricififice
-- of.-the--steck.- -Either they tint -on--too- itt-theintdr-edges. - - - . -"der 7:threlleirer edge- and lets the ,np
....................._......-- .„................- ,
vrostr_ the w_rour,Atiof_t_soAgr,;,,te
Most women invariably do the wrong cot!, 1 ti! wegu. a stock ee collar Of edges Jamey 4kg:121:441tt:::thelat..a.n. e:E.7.. lc itili.
Ini: *lie& If -etnisegAil, see eresaleg_eneekind.-that-hodieeneererrezesettettintreeertneean
_ ' iir h a Inirrer is_nnver- used., to,
- i r ,._
111-47:_inotendre.715rifiiiiii; 7 7 .•:t_-, _ ,T.VAritirtz:NIT:Tift: . Ai&
--;;;Otten....a....greetzreass-oFINTri-E-.ttatc lek„,1.4 ,,,- -91-019-1.4110Japt.mit
ere- 14- it l'il:
----tatteet'Whihritiet 11 thiii= iierit taifeli* the '-' The- hign''4eta7-"rnevtrerf er-Lilartl0W:pco. T woinan.,
- Oftelfit-etil . The one reaeon that the %verage Wont---, - of. ber neek-Ute0 lintiellaild'°:rienthiill'Illralt
int.*. when the holitrwo of the neck cry. a.tee‘turnover collar looks no much lea* marl button, whlek She S.M. en Ow
,444,841.474:e cza te fremtre F a litiwf_ litrideiarr
o it particulerly for pod mesh a help. trig and neat than ti.Maiti's collar le In.
, Or, again. it great 'hunch of ruching' Canso ;the doea. pot, tighten her collar
ie put in when tbe teinese of the chin at the UPPer part '
tee top or the frock.
demand,* just the least line of white at A,:rfiani will tie his four.in-hried cravat
in tight knot at the very top of bis
One a the MOnt frequent toed fatal collar* and In this way hold the two
20. They Went out of the city. -S.0 •et.
32. Meat to eat • that ye know not- E OF TITE FIVE' TALENTS
rectrally had the woman's stery excit11(1 -
ed their curiosity and Interest.
%We' have here one of those enigmati-
cal sayings so often mid -to effectually
U1 by lestaS for the purpose et stlinu-
lating the lintelikence of his hearers.
Theeevords furnished food for reflection,
hut were not understood by the dis-
55. Lift, up your •eyes -Apparently
Rsus directs the attention of his die-
cipiei with these words to the approach
cf the people from Sychar. ‘Ve may
imagine the picturesque/ •sigbt 'furnished •••• -
by the slow advance of the people up To eaoL
lt according to hi.s. severa'iL-i- haVe resisted temp ations or yielded
. ., . .
the slepe toward the well, their %%tate ability,Mattxxv15
turbans noddingin the sunlight as they4 rtnilisessPaoot
srabet aeviw
t teamirig
8'Pl/l'eactlett IC may well have been isweeteet eoinfort. GA bolds every man
this scene which suggested to the mind )
et Je.sus the Held of grain white
,unte responsible for all that has been corn.
to them; as I have alloyed my pesstons
and appetites , and the, ttires My
/ewer neture to control •my thoughts
and actions, el- have brought them into
subjeatien to the higher, iso is tny char -
harvest moved and swayed into steady nutted, to him; he also rewards faille aeter t• -)4111Y- Whether 1 will or not,
undulatiens by the wind. This thought fulne.rs beyond our wildebt expectation. I I am held to the ,strictest accountabil-
in turn cans- to his mind the greater When. the beuseholder in Ute par. ity. The boy .in school who shirks th
receive the message .ef the gospel.
:Because or thi-- *off •-fit the wo-
man -Even before they had heard Jesus
himself speak.
40. Abode there two days -This was ability," To one man he gave five tal-
Also contrary to what might have been enta, not front favoritism, hut _because
•expeeted of an orthodox Jew. he had the ability to use profitably.
• 41. Decease of his word -John oon- The man who received one talent 'was
tinually, introduces the teetitneny_ne not capable oLgrealethinies,bUL ie had'
esus himself to his divinity, in con. the abllity to use the *tle tatent. Ills
neettee with the teethe/ewes ef ether fault was that he refused to use what
persons which he records in successkm v:aa eommitted to MTh fondly think*
In .his nan-ative. ing, that Ids master would be tatistied
42. The Saviour of the world - The its Sere return without
eineeption, of these Sameritans of the Inety als4 perceive a feeling of lea -
scope -of the redentpUve Werk which the HausY and dinontent because a lower
amount •
• The, taw of human responsibility is
universal.m, 1 am • toelay very much
what 1 made inyetilL As 1 have used
y time profitably or umroiliably, its
was-preparingefor-his -journey- he -11141411cation -labto; laroursing Tirriself
did not. distribute his property_ indie- to 61114 diligently When. he Mull' have,
ulna -wady -ainohg his servltnt9, put reached the higher mathemaLcs, finds
only pfter careful coneld‘ration. lte that the higle r mathematics. are an finve .
14:1 each according to his several Peledssgoibtolittylin‘seviththouintgsa thilatotrObueghileskonoisledv-
ae US es Ile te quite incapable el
rnakitg sthe et the five Waifs because
hf has buried, net used, the one talent.
'The serve nfa-heldee-goetHir the-sp
fluativorid. God gives gifts of grace
to flis children as they have the abil-
ity end disposition to use them. Grace
used meaes grace increased. • Oppor-
• tunity taken advantage, of means
grEAter • opportunity. Large returns
were not expected from the one talent
man, but '
He would have been commended erlit-
*Iffy with the five talent -man and the
two.talfrit trim hOwever-smill his re"
tutn might seem -in calullariSAA
Messiah was to accom fish seems 10
beenierratdmand- perAttenihril
el most of lite Zews themselves.
Seime pollticiens have king fingers
and short memories.
Iis front 'die wee a gold or mother -of.
pearl *Alex bittton. and ,the latter is
really veey nutelt the pretttee, .
She known, thet the right way to fess
ten. the cellar in front:le tit join the two
tleordY.PirefAtd:; 4000
' utuelly tried, of nvell
O4 . fawn in white or -pastel colOre.
Thor era- nearly alweleri ncenr41e4_,;„
fileeted. edged with laceand
stitched. •
The new lace stocks cannot be tad
high under the ears end' the back of
the nook.
'They niust not. however, under snit
circumstances look uncomfortable: so it
win eiolly be seen hoer, perfect. must
outer edges at the top With a bar pin- A Asol- their cut.
vetiirenral, ent..14..-1411....then:Ai. larger-- They-41t-titetteck-ve ' -clostrandiirelitt--
. eat..;!..1.914iLVVAIX..sinte,ze...crityst AtAlA....._.vrerLbpned...btdtirtd4heze_a,rrwand,-fnAlite-----,-.-----,=--
y.teeititifiablieAle.„litthe.xosatt;„I' 2.!-4-4.4A„.911.1L---XIMIAt- fASiltAntftg..thr,-..,....,-.....
-back -
hutterfiy, ,,..orto.i.-of.,.:.outtlaroidered, : i.:_the,,ohin., are ;seldom- .riewad
4.qaitninVer.7mnH-*nd very -ertlergrAtiktrtheXeej Illind; -,--.- ,..------,.-4-=w.,..-L7-7.
c`ifielr-with 41) ge. mt of the re t titt .... .
--There sr note of 1 vatic
VAIONIluttrare-kiv- ettimr==tieellelteter r
In ell colors and are attache? without , of neck. but must b 'yam tri,h2zb &&
Koine, %round the neck. reesible.
theirs, had he wed his talent.
And Just here Is the word of 00M -
krt. Tire five -talent men and the two -
talent men are comparatively few. The
greater pertef usure of one:talentab0-
ity. Alt that Ls expected of lg-t
we use and make the hest we are able
•of what we have, When ihe three • 1
the great accountIng comes we may
have little to offer, only a, cup of cold
• water given to one let Christ's little
Ones; only a kind, sympathetic word
spoken; only a helping hand held out
to on needing the suppoit; It fe what`
-we were able to do -imd we will receive
the commendation of the Master equally
with those Whose opportunities have
t been greater: *Well done, good and
• faithful servant. Ent7 thou Into the
joy of th„y Lord." •
• ILEV. 1. G. DAVIS.
Z should Wee vet from you Or trOln
'tome reader & Po
A. inunew:
r have no retipe for aluton-bre-ad
which 1 cen confidently recommend.
wo tnatialt 'when it was prescribed
fo on. Invitild. but it Was not Pala*
tit • or freed to look at.
Will somebody let usknew if the
mums bread hold by bstkere teservia
the or 11 it is a compositepro‘
onailtY that will rank It with breed*
that are both pleaeatit to the taste
and nutritious/
There are times when It Is advisable
to *keep, the door closed that leads -to
yeur dome of thought.
_ _
-feel ;hurt when no
many b the audienee tell. asleep during
the discourser "Wm, it encottraged
him to keep on." "How so?" "Whyi he
was oonceited enough to think they t -ere
• Bread4rAltig
Will "Mr& of Niagara yob. StoestiS
my resine for hread-makieef
At ato, dissolve OnOtait I. trice Yout.
In halt * two or lute arm wet _ire.'
„sTo on cupful or nee mssP0bli9401.
/3est thoroughly and set in & warm' piece,
to rise. At. nIght„ id it *Pones With till
Mixture in a two.gicert_bucket„,_
or Ifieltalito. anti voitsoaehly warm. ,
-Neat *corning, ittale two
milk and put It into the h
two cupc of cold water sus4haIf
ful of baking soda. Now the apooge 501j
In, with enough hour for & good o
to rise again Until ilght.
Kosgs it out ef draUghtp. but not t00,
This is' the hole for any kind of bread.;
I -USW fialtber butter nor susert'ene_blit mu.
salt. The dough roust to ithogw
and wittli it loaves the boat* 0 tr
Lar e without latching. Tess, you mali
roll it out 100 add cleated end drlea cqe.
tsntg aka raisins* knead again end est tor
when light make lest* tells or
kart& rued kt them get vat light. 11
flout ordinary bread.
It is nil way to use two kinds of it
hardand thea a soft Wheal hour.
the sponge of the .oft, and knead stiff wiIft
the hezd.
foe ,ruttut a hour jytilie_aqX
Iron marelerriten the 4otieh to auto
any also d t -Fruit thin it It
for tiornebtnlY-
Hero Abe rez for "tiprissite&iligildit pi*
Otto cup or sugar; one of flour and Ono
teaspoonful of baking powder-41tte4 tO.
Bother in a big bowl. Mak*& itole tOS
-naddle. and break into it telir ssWe without
Separating whits. and Yolk*.
_Neat .att...therrotehli 'asstiraussotN.-and-.441--
ids lehlespOotifuls Of tolling_weaert-ona-44.,
,a time. Reit into sk,,,,thisk, Stkeet sad bake.
litalt paw and tat with thla mixtur*. leAge.
half a cup ot sugar, toother *Oh & Wait*
spoonful of corn-itarth wet up le a lit1.Ua.
cold milk, -
Stir in the hislatis IlaSe and favor 14i, taatk I
stir to a tonage remove Iroot the *tote.*
• 131.7r.
"Anyway," said Swigg, "yolk, never
saw me with bigger kiad than I -could
- --
"Nos" iepueo 1./Igg.s, "but I've seen you
when t thought you should have divided
the package and made two trips."
To -morrow never fromei,---uniees you
11 IS AN issue of the exchan4e. now setae
week. 014 wo &Win
ee* ea antrit front
.114111re. J. ire reeeettra woven sok err"
titres. Asa I -intruding In etrInS 5 *Ord
that sway bolts her?
We have & stair of relit *settlers., which
were. et court*. trepare4 at home and
thee seat to the address 1 inoloseto be
woven. -
They haie peeved .so •statieffLoterv that
think '').***. J. or." will hid that the .
weexerv eireetiene, it trberfw faiterunr.
.tent roault tn key Itevine opeir of ireauu.
eel -certain*, -
Our stripe were rut about three•htfat.
tete of an lath wide. the width eitirrnd.
tax mom the nosier or tIct atm Then -
we were tartest to -rotate two *aim of eine
Watt at tho-ortrae-thrter-.0o.thet,--theetriees-,
would -statek, Ishele-the eattalha Were
Norm teurether
...It I Ot
a be *ont Seeisttenott to iltre,
with her ssoess. t • Work reirset te
I *ball be *tad te teasatealtatel
treatise the Olika le Oh &MO • thag, had
It weeld be a pito were the -tort an*
atattety. K. W. (resist:ale. ).
I am Steidle, the eddreet ef this
friendly writer* and that of the
or eke Commends.. In too 'Other may
be required by '-Mrs. 3. ft"
And it inay.weit,he that other work-
ers upon eilit portieres May whet to
be further Infertroe4 With regliPil to
gellal4 or all parte Of the hiertUftettire,
etitherit 1at.i 1,11 ieo
st bee04_ Ate hiesbalt4
pixie Lad 'Veitate--41'
to match, sks 11 he had net had lie
much as lt, crust for twenty.four
e, hour*?
• The dumpling* he terrelowee and *vs
einillated with ttehe tben Would 11*
like thriving stones to the man's atom.
I have known his brothair
pronounce the aelt take be ustete.to
youth tIOWn greedily .with buttermilk
-forty visite isirs..."* vita mese" and
"the "110041" Without Whielt" he* could
not have enjoyed hie dinner in ,that
lotts-orr two; see "Only At for chicken
-Other egaiiee4thee ipnititaid
Ws wilts:tor tue sake et ,argument,
euppoite that +10110,•*', grOWIV.UP tester*
.1tese ,not changed, in vitality Year*.
May 1 as his wif,ola wolOrrislittr and
est 't
"stolaa't "iis,reatgt" 1141 I
:vnie At
.ttspaisoo •oorts
mons sista. , •
I* roars, 1 out. Ir, ft Is 455k54 .0*4
rodeo for skmetraitie ash itt
1407a 4Corati *Weal 11
t ,paio itlal ,Oviir it rant
L 01144 'WS
& early eranter veftsig-haink ta h hi &
enentearo antic* '
1' ION kao 1000 0111*11.,4tedi. 10
nate. Itirs. X it. 14. te.INREvvork
*1 with Ysiii hal let no bort our pay,
itt tdvaties in the ehape,of the eertveo,
Atold and &wash 'sate
Ths distasstolo fottfullY lirsitslot
jihrt *OW.
Now ast to the tont *Net
- Does It- ant -,traly-finitor
to ./Obitt AI it 414 viten be was &
boy ,.4ittbis *se bellow 40We to the
Ltd as bettor Within- an hour
ten- twetve b1 biotic*
One Veto, like himself, was ."raiset
et the South* lend e. band on the co
brittle queettent
This wee the way MY oldotoft(e-col.
*red 'mammy nitwits cornmeal pone:
A quart Of wetereground eoreineel
Was Wet up with told water, Salted ,
to testri (some cooks put In en salt).
shertened With'', little,Meited lard or
.. into thitie-oblonv Oettresi Thetoe'evere.
leid upon a well...great/tad 'Perreer
griddle or 'lite/N.4nd baked rettldly,;.
,Ths. practiced cook moulded the
dough Ants; . oval, ,_moundite -*baying
. -theta tlextereusly and- IlshtlYetty- tette -
• Ing the dough vier and ewer,. •
whe7-POrrils. gettred kat, and larelten,
*aver cut.
t4ta it *tilt* ,
t &ever lacking from the dinner
t hie when I am the guoet 'in 011,
Vtreirtitt. /Jut I have yet to, ette thio
white cook who •couid make the gee.
btiltirittea.pone ati it shOttid Milder 4 k.
have wolf a tatter) recipes for )atalt.
lot as teeny *Inds of . bread out et
oautliern cornmasn. „But I held lny
,,411124411410;itlicitt: Ottlitettiyeionditiptrtolatittntrior4::3,74:::
comfort. ,
eeltod--Yeirt° imite trite kito far tas'
reeLps few iittatenlook Yes UT hes bete
.554 ey soc. yeer mother esti great*
ether ler year.1 hese te-Yet, bee* me
ewer te tee reiu -
k MOO" all* like tte 11041 thi foriasla
IUNDAT , 0 lamb leestilettas fik 4tetintyhrt ..
, lirAxrj.s. ' 'soot igniesno, tole, too
•\ .• ' C Iti. itii net?
lett.. , **law g.;1049‘
• ' , Ltlitesta*it% tomikateet, '
eiriel.0 horn* lerrold mote. ' ,.
e4wr. with **wet better.: age* breed
4 art** (asset, castistta silese; pito.,
for that Cortese leisteerbread referred to
zero he of their .nottinw dotter i. .,..
Iv. ti6eIrmrsurbv.tra; iri.Yet wit'4
i i ot taws ant suutr oho* who
' would be ItItt4 te got it. With eg at Se
twits * dollen. leitli the treble bit' be
Please omelet those two r web. Anal
Aumpotersit (ristifentiarti 1410.,!4), s.
t 411tr ;iiiirt-icitor lieLbetoition*._ , 1
ri is superseribsa,..vas sosnr, inafiusi
PannatlarTheii rid°1441"onlyhe ""*it
wantef toorlit"1, I
irstt*I4 fain k#sp up_with the proesottion
of tters.„ ILI gait Pray 'Itesset .tittel.
Pita' oey, excinp 0 ins sad nhd ItereWitit;
e OW recipe; , • R
Boll * good Otto et ion Voir thadayi
befere the talneenteat 1 VI de. ,
,Nrat day chop It nue. Otte ile It
ill bits of sitin and gristle. ant. *nut
with toles Its, weight Of 41$10* 101e1+4
tett ripples, else cheeped. . ,, , .
klaVe.reed, four Itottnite or tit& wile -1 •
or moatgad tap lea Itt 1)11 proof.
st string* gad ,Misted to powder: ono
• l'',„ have nomi
: 'MIS. *Owed'
1 bib, ltootiet and appeal two pot*
01 toftants, litotes iy cuisines.. w
' ed,4111*41 aveeent pirand of , .,*000, tut
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