Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-14, Page 7 (2)Chiseotrite, The hral I writikles torat thoordel ita doos grow** or sugar. I batter Is notKer alloweli on b tee* erIrk tit* inreparatton for her tom* nwifrequent but ver* light eats So 41404.Z ale „rneeivaa einplOyea for the ftrs skrvellon ot ber tter*,tret riflgshe Always cats ar th!A Ihrers, Of tavern bret4 bprrKd reitm- ; or -nor butler, rer 1 leineet Of ' metro ,ete tort4i Iter Our front, wbch ,ahe $efertr, thie men • * whit 4 *nd 1I) mp14 wee iurkEHU1E .1110W nate- ot- soda -kr -0 14e• 111,111,4 WW1' te'eti rfn.. 11 1,10. t t . , 4 14110,1411 A. ,t)li,p4t , lie te, tht ieir,' 'tht jire fl '1 w a r (letty erid itereetterr, ix mji'.bng wtr n;flzng.- Tho important problient s if,ove to oembine the WO. • TO 'wort,: ,wi1 every fibre\ or 0tr be In to throw g te$10 wo haver. d I that' ottreteintserary Unfit us for lites battle,. but wiil a ink; the-Contlict-wittr•ieriewe denntless -courage. • litS WOIllt AND 11. fliG toiling with men and then retiring be with rood' ten$titute. the tette ythrn of life. It brhigsertut the bar- o character, the subtlest of lilt tuna c, and. melte* men and women int. go4fv1e. .gjfld. •-wariflt . ektuulying nnuc ir the weir We took at som people and wonder Li thcy (V ri Merited Jik 'e in tM l ar ;to - Nta MAN'S LIFE IS A BED OF OSES. Thee* Celine to iiii pet:Ards Of $1 t mid sties% viliett• the heavens are Irno dxd The' 'COM ' Uer- teen, ...when rappoinie 'tnrat$, Pot sing4,1. but as legt. ti, Ovkr. trike us.- ' Velteir -oar pet SehettitO. our 1. rting,plares„, rieurette, nutlike ix chiletS1 of bloater fail erasing to the - I de__ ,It- le. then _04,hat "gth, .00r cliata4lerS will SIP* at , h ii 1uwhether th4v ,have any a , .), _41 v int it,V#1..14 Atvitt,, therne-Witether they.. will king' alit 'deer and *Wept ler- Cratked" and thinrewhetlier aee have -a,- Treece Mat, pairseth all undeistanding he our hearts, or a pa -no' .nittlic.believe petite, width at, first *Igo 431 torillict takes . •I wino and Mes-away. The great tether in the weir& elf the text era us bore liar lied $0Ived 134 3. at t12 ,rivt° e s;‘*grilied•.. ti e Stoel 1111c'after oiermbettirkly,. Ori 0,, • Asp,s !tr Ituntartity. UmeUsh apnea nit Of prayer and with praYer' reeteesarye for further action. feeNereorreeereettieteive tikethret Mitt 6TterrY.. enda tititult_or two, and the reaults Of this regimen Patti:, her zaylng diet entle-tiveli 1 the laurel's Of izearity.,:_..liut in the froeess of taking fresh airQueen Alex- andra sedulously avoids violent. rex' ear,. 'citing exercise; • Yachting and driving *she -4'0100.., bit has 'never-tyeleeli4layed* gear r put a tail ewer a tennis net, and in 'tier opinion persistent ,automobiling„,offers iLe irdeltest jiteins known ,gctting lad of a ,.ttice-eernplexionrand• pante% About. Onizirlirterlorte: t!Sht* 45he Pcs or tt run in her own ear, but always for a brief. ••riiti of less: thaii an hour. Then 00 $writhed, tiro a Turkish woman in vella.. 'To motoring she infinitely reters As often ss four tittles dey, in Lon- don or the country, She goes for ft briik turn On foot, usually with her Imperil* ‘iegOME. DAIT"Y _ ter Toruitto ..$04..,...Add Otte Pint ,of titeweit tieriiitot,ez, melt' onion-,,-*:-t-t(y'leilf; oneetrelf. tea. 44).g.tit cteetert-outi-440K0004-4,-614seliti, la of rod p.epriete and two tante., 'epeonir, of -- butter r run throngit Sievet- -returri-ter-lireerrend -odd Ihro 0443ns 41, cornstarch .mofigene4 inter, tiet'veh& yta.. eqttaica. oI tre;rek ,,reke Codfish 04111. -TO . One cup pi .Pclatoes, 'WO one‘lialf cup of salt flab., One tea- spoon of butter,, ontehalf egg 404 PePe pr' to taste. 'Wash and ehreet flsb into ,cre Ur,tiallICSteiiir pin; oovii with boiling wittier end took until polite 'toer..are, tender; .4rain,e,meell line; add- hutt00 11e0,501401t1 *04 beaten egg, littut; , . . tfilfilelalifilattUll worpoisir imitotrarso aims. , lapiiriese ardeZ under her ;am. 11 • 1t 4 tiell'. , , 'L!v retelV . tCuitit Igbt,. ; : 4x$ lbtrnup. ..;-,.. . .„ • ' 'AfOr 1 W**U iaee. i3itit010$ ,1077 0: )1411)*' ' 00, the ilooe4n 4oznia, crow, knit!lopread theonrtops owiliamirta* 1-t' teetehing 'the a full 'and, .thlr* , in1i. 'levee ter Black cloth, --The elotb. 51)0414 be rubbed with this cloth solutior, and it.will be reatored to its ',proper Meekness, Boit totelher ter two hours. half P. pound' of bruised galls, <me pound .4)1 lOgweed, .3 quarter o pound 0* •- 1,41tut-t • Moo for Jove -lids !bon .V011ed-isTowly from three AO four :hour& is, perhaps, best to place the rice and Milk, in a caveNil jar. an then in sAtiletpaptif tollintwater. Stir the eon, tents et the jar from Unto to time, and :-artet..more rnifl ttw,euoy. A Ora ,way Mean oil paintings.js to cut a raw pottite, in half,. and Nub them. over ;gently 1,vith it. couslantly Out off 'the dirty outside of the potato, arid wipe away arty moisture on the Paintitirg With .3.1,--44r,./.1141m5W21t4013§MmtkIdow.: one way„ and -with Avert -Streit -0,S, , There is, a tendency amongst peopie of th PreSent 'day to elrbik lea -1041 often and to bevel it made too strong. Tea • ht4Ortd-hsesr-but-lielnkin ten ,debilitatest e whole 'Tie s ,11; t tvt,, . f:ok'' ,, Iti l'k ,t, Otartt • ' iift •3 itt, udg ' , i. 'illatA-1F4ig. '`ta;':it VA, '• ,„0 10,: i :r, ,ralinalg ihrTillt:liv, T° 1 : it 0 % . clfrial,;(:),,trtit.Vt4t!tett*)..hoLd if , Iarr v v}4 h S t 14 e:v Joshua (lied when the 1,people,torg4 Oietr pledge of loyalty to Je1,4ovort in !Orso4k hi ternmetidniente, Jnpunialt nerd: Jehovah pert -tinted their ellen1101. • ovtkr.cptlie and despoil. them, 'Then it ':Va5, in auswer to their ery for help- end- - iiirdon, 11E4 Jehovah raised up Jialge*, • that despoiled. thent..4 Tlie firs. eotilEct of -the period was wth he Cenuanites in the territory of Zebu-. mu, the 4.1e1iverer* being Bared(' ef this . -• 1S.te rt 4,sti ILL the emcee time theit.lidlOnitea. were pro:eine: the Moniites np. in!O the, !i-sritiory of judalt,ttronl-11-6 smitlIvvest.. Judah deli er hs tribe, from Atte invasion of 'tile li'44otnites. (3),: rbe'riloabitts, Iike the Edomiles..presseet Iv'. the Atulianites (4), invede the teller .• r al Benjamin hi:wines ..the itelteettr 15). It:01411A the _ikti,41ellitee,etteeterleinepaese. betWeen the 'fitoribites' end tier Arrie, writhes, and penetrate into the tint QJ • erealreeleriteree-4- u r 4 12that,L13. - that -nothing is more an outburst of anger. 'Then; too; from her outh fli she has at the first in ' 'efleidriPo-sition taken teTher tred and tilled in her massktte.. t thc fcts that Queen Alexari- ' has .0:ebrated her sixty- .lrd bir1idiy std that She has nine to • elite eritt :-XetAins her Y.; IIcw -she .contrive$ to. Taie at bay is!whgt, the feminine c4Itingn - in e. eed *- watching . her rwe by vilt34.10 -whether *1 be. ifl r • Paris,. ?apes or. Athens. .re 'Larring n. ludicloits and daintily 0flsjivaw. employment of quite1e4 ti smeties, the Queen is not al king. :ase is the more Surprising for Inethat teurt life is a toe to t-ik. 'Boyal tidies as a rulii fi Iffy that, ten years of court. liF las" ttt the • saute eiteet en a wo- e_ aulet 'is two years' at the '"- wiender and admiration Of Cheering ,14 Deornartc to that gat England li.lexan- trii, his ,earee_ leareererkee rarale In auly torceit'y by. pretnatitre loss of loess to resign their Claim. .The resses'Otf, France and .Austria- were Onlemporarlea and „their radiance tameollItt perfeation of feature all brew' her: into Ibe-Shade-- • lor1prO.:0-ttt woman. Eugenie in lircfnent.'with. tiOt a veitiv eIr rr oloring and delicate .con- ed ton the day on which ,et` Austria watke.d, down ting tva-to the, sprit .vittem • ZeZ .443 n• being would"have e ea CC tVII th• 'r'told adtrOat.' •etzeritig t, deetalezen eartingtvo to thrtnts and rever ballengo her right- to sit- wayrr anelltpr their itt 0 them finally obve ilonutonnlace. neett hav Leen , prenteeaa11 •(ourt.career Oats., 1:*.,verv gOn of ph. sinal, perfeee tern the, rtitss1a len wither- , tintler ,,thee:Steas of mat -mai dutiea 'tried' the tears ste eialtires evriry day. The at xiTet!rn, Ate has Len ccille,d upon • Vo, tett, alifoLto the creel strain of • • _Iliteetter. Jonatretrfn . ciirs,.• bnve agel etn/ Itordened her 41,6 lift it re41-olle3 . Iligit ard t4la •otereke Wive, plityr41 ihe mktehicel vmtetha 0.41441' tillbt,Zae,S_charat,r- Aut. , $.4311 AtilVir1C1141:11t0 oxen mother ci •• lialv into ,reren7011.t. es---ffv,!..„yotItti ton on. Atexattdra- . tecer.$ hu -fit; NI •Ord firesintessohor',,, ("1 ttfr .p•tic,O114 eheet,. ter round x,aat' cbol tritt -4141-* tit tr»re;;:,..sr-e, • rltil 1,11eitt , lree!leirjt1' vtlY IF5t11811' V4.7'11 Na matter how slight her, sense of pthpIca1 discomfort any be the Queen adent,e this first preeaution, for lier con-. viction is that fatigue brings wrinkles vhtth prompt rest and Massage can prevent. Accordingly she always re. ants' a tired Peling or a Jou ing.half a day in seclusion. No more lying down in et fluffy negli- gee with a *met and a box of bon. bens- suffices. • She regularly . goes to bed in a room kJ which..to soundS are allowed to peueitat'N •and %%ere She an enjoy an abundance,Td resbAtir0 Thera .torelroum she will Re- rela*ert-witti her e lif..Dardsh meld at the door to iweserve het from . • For a full hour, both Wore and after a Court ceremony, the Queen lies down .trid' isrubbed, end she usually goes to open Parliament or receive at a draw- ing room er- lay a cerneestene urider the stimulating influence of a special levee. This *remises of a glass of warm mill; with a dash of sberry t'11 it, and • bkser a London final. . , ' Mier any oereirony that has Kenai. . ed undue effort on her part the has a 1 second- slight- mea. 4i'' ears- ego 'iwhen she first carne over to England it retina'. rd alt her native lactoand mildly firin ineistenee to establish her rules of rest and diet. . ' In these duke ber &bre but urteeeet, eirly thimithring mottor-irt.law regard- ed the tegulaVons for beauty's rake as vire i absurdity. . ° It was natorients at onne te' 6 that the royal matherrin-law underlaoli to ilia. eipline her eon's wife era of her' ab. e ,- roe terenderliet.,71mite e i titES-''''S ill -k- to her t11- ,84:11 •s-ttet. pea • -dings or a rt wine and .as she- bas, grown. cideriher CflI zt:::-.h.delliet.7.1u1S% increase& "”- " The, only , wine she ever teaches were- pure- -sherey-- *Melt- , the- King - Pr rtugiii geniis ter fr4l eome epetial %irteyseels he owns. and nearly all tt.te food She C01 mspraduved Ca her tins.. tames 'farms. When in torttion her •terreini is in_ O's, trait ton arid' b11 are sent Iter:fi,earn San., dringltaut, and the stv...kra she prefers is -honey supplied .to itzer irotra, a Devon. thire terra. - Ifoney . is used in b1.prOporal'on . et tire oeireealtes she ever eats, white' pure olive, oil re employM lard' or halter by :the. toolzTwIto in the reyel ralbee has a. liferiere _emterely to ..pain - Fe strkss i Iptil by ige ,reate,. iritoress !:4tfairy_ .reerieeetette,t freerear rei•-&4;tirifiTire serr. tri et ht.:. table, - • _ Detry_maide .11-1r..a.arit; iive to te vety old end keep ,marvelicortIy .trPch' tynd'. ynur4: Prc/all'‘.** .by tirie feet; II IF glfsh 's tosts even,' en 4flope, omplikite- ireinVe7ely--apret.1 tlpirZts in the phtereinetead of .a it 'Ili :e!ghtee e. tb. d toviia, yeara Xnerit'O. .' %inn vice/1y ehainre 1,1Ve• ter 1.**- ereelterit t*6- " Aro-W.1111, having Ing of g‘twod. A ' -s-ectis 1411t,IT ct tut', rvieryibiltig hr rAver $1,.-prit fret' tmra-rit Itmt4 tirrie.,; • #t -e' ?wins! to toraot bath,. the 'guarded her t".:::4st':01. dvEitec,1$ *V.th tlitelty•z:'.'ollaDt tasi, bid , rfif, rt'iVard. , rertare roe ereettritt.', JO the slalira, treat, one' ..14riitte; ee1r-tapirittetn • ralrez 'ter tririterveleafe, t :iee'r7c tore 'leaver:114, *.rz E' :t gte'rrArtl'. ,tier evee Sere Vibe * L..% ter reraeli 14: 1_70.e.teAtc1;ly, ite:r t , ttreirteras - fc:n, f.Itt with 11 :6! 413 4,44* if .-fittiti teit very wide eaves; is .oent on three side to adniit all the air obtainable •e is nustfiss- read riiiiree*or as Much aa poasibte. Wheri trte balcony boudotr Is net »11 use she oecupieS a, pretty little pavilion lb Me gardens, and int,the e,oldest win - let, weather 'often eels in one or the -other of her open air 'retreats with a bie bress brazier full of chareoal be- side her to take the edge Of the chill _ Ey dint, of ervintuch tare and preeau. 'hems the Queen managm rarely or Rev - to disappoint 4 crowd awaiting her 01;Pearti.nCe, and to the peopleshe Is always ft smiling, charmingly. dressed .ereatere whose consrvatite taste in everts rend clothes i- anninentlyesetire, letterer -to -thettn 'Where the Enghsh talk Of her they rerer fail to Insist that she is the besi. dressed woman in Europe. Appeetlet. beg her people's confidence in hei` ta.$te Ate:tundra spends royalty- on her ward- robe. To defray her dress acbaunt sh rays out close to $30,000. a year,. but this, includes her purchases ,of jewels, of Which she is very fond, and her teramonia/ robes, which must be ewers*. eusly c4tly. ot eller/rends and pe the onaments ehe wears at a ()owl functien sometimes weigh as much as £ibtbi-. len pounds. Theirido. of a court is that $he muet *weer wear tostume .twire in .pnblic,....and as sha makes, in the couese of, a season_ la_ Lendon, as many ree 150 or 200 public apearances, any woman can guess why, trout May until August, the sei.ving •rooms at, Buckingham' Palaee are him. ening with industry. A _French designer,' ten sewing girls and expert fitters. are then in posSesSien -thie. eeetion •of the palacerefer The litreaVarratteitteei but in England of English geode, • a i wor /MS adv eel - Sugges.t an . t . , O OdiVit WuiOni- '-t ti bilit k 4%. on a drive or to a. charity ceneert ,1*-Igr, immediately retiirned- lo lb work. INXIIIIS Mid pulled to pieces.' Some parts of it may be saved and incorporated in enether costume, but if it is mode 4' f stout cloth the piecee era, rolled up Old, cent to various, hospitals- and asylums tor trOnstf)rrnaVon into crarotortable clothes \fee degerving poor imitates; The* richer falit)13, 100111S, ellic end velvet are salt to „eehoota of neediewoek . urider royal' patrenage* or to the Queen's in. ibeent frierela and pensioners. If reel tate' has :Ireen tieel 14.'11* troett ir -% always Preserv 1Iq Queen bets are_never patized. Won .. - Thes try the way, are made !under, her o eel- _ e„. „__ ere,_ 'The exifint "tki which soelety...interesig itself In tlee Queeit'S' dregs was Mani. ti-..sted last Gpflitif.fvhen Al'kzandre dr0Ve to 1112 ascot reces wearing a WittOu ,. . Lriutined plumed hat, The nevt, 0 y` r..4 frindta paper.'' felled lo„,eortinterit urge- the feet that kr Ycais The -Quee ilnd-tilV.461 WOrn ttpie at the racii. ' eery 1ay. whrit the lila& and white, erilarr, 411 ,(leclee- re at eewereetegleernestreeetter intoiire-ld 'arid sliver -iiu tonStiiirpre t.lg l.ineneren el* churns and g rem etel etie never :Wears co!cred reatael. 'Leiter hereelf. • save in, The seftitisot 41 ro,y41' ril;r1".ittS!A provirle te.treet ere;rreee Ors's! -reart.s. end 4,11'amonds' D:e ener fmint.,!ne' npus&s. Quc:(tril 153 EA)eb n. 4hat st:e affcei 114 ie. tbroagh arse meeting :et eriltter other ernarneuts. • reehing ieht, hos a 11ml:eta-on of uhole Usuy I;'tor e /ter 'photograph 11. wteat a‘44 a east <I klaterzzlittz. telt% sho pes- oft- ter-glOv-fOr IrKftv Ef'r ov.,n oplarcru. T14s. ter hands is sh., frantZly mutt. Th13' vInv,11.. is a iribC-A tit tcrt .c2dk'ssi end pride la tor hands ta curiously pit Vit -mot tvviVfes‘zine core tz prety w 1 c in1y tratt Lk. rt teen cali Sitake. 11?.isr.41‘s, t -show. bef'.',.e ftmeticn lock5, httll tot, ,ch of the *rill-. pvia. 04. 1-4,,itt,',1 zti,,,trsils 41;iii,,,,alt.11\ 'trance' corarocit to :boifituditIC eftet ittl'..rriert'crer Mere ts. retervezig 2 hutariars #4,) ttt? tt,uttai,\ fe3 .4tze 41tty ‘NtrIt Ill'qn#Nit he• waited liS ha • s ever been kilown vs"-•.'vz as Phtil,vtlg .*$ 014 bat' aliveYt Lcit r , it-tr44. .o.ctit.er.i) ti.'.., t..•'i'L'ich *lap,: tlpen a -royal pe'' 'Knee ,at Ituckitighttn 1 tt- rk i T t r7c..A 'Vc.:z1z*ft and tho,r/ Paiaci_,.. ... le...(..nt'„ .. ) •Ily a ttander on, a. Itaey , '..1 -• , ,Vel..:1/4,f,.=`-' _.t.?..1...14,2WiM4,14,Ati...thCav4-111:414,411,4)401, , ,I, 4, 01*4tn nituntly il!ik,eil oro/ her- mi::::;.,,,,ii,c„,,,,.1 Ls tee ta her ?ilauclier".s ap3rinttnfa. A i', 4.1,9•,t -i -!..e .t.,!•k.t......).'il—, 'N,71rtv livli-in.inr,. tot*".*. s t 14%44411:1t',:t *nil OR' tqwert toff !..A -'4.;.;"4:7‘k.:4,, tZil * u4k lea,'*eet. *II 'Vie loakit 1zoU3tiAno441. !yid 4c* tbai .. aal_pOrtliaa' 5;44 11114$ fqa few mornents. T oil" add chopped tomato, onion tan,. 'pow weflb!ez4ded cenrie of. the broth in which It bee • been blended. * Ram. Salad.. -This sated Inv bet pre- pared in one large dish or on individual . plates.. Prepare tine quart meshed vita - toes, one pint Of hem, chopped line; to which add one tablespoenful of ebOPPol pickle and one bard -boiled egg, chopped 1 1.4 loin crisp kttuce leaves; sPrInklor over this th heM,, and gambit with the whites or two hard boiled eggs:, cut in rings. Press through af Sieve- the yolks or tbe eggs; aprinide this over tilt, and -area- with French dressing; , A_p_pie=_Omeleta•-_Peelaeud toreeten applesa_Ww„eivitti augar -threet-clort%"and we:trip' vt-lemoir- ,7gfir raw the fruit two ounces tiftbutter, when nearly cold, add- Wel- beaten egg. 'Butter a deep pe -dish, Scat. ter_ eetutiatrs• over. lilt „xvilie the mixture, and cover with a layer of breaderimtbs. flake for. half enhour, and then serve , turned out -of the -,dieh. „.7 tierrieen Fritters. --Take Sonia, slfeeS of cold meat and trim ail nicely into -the gime eitaire and sire*. Sprinkle etith .pleee with chopped parsley.pepper, stad tea/ To.:41 Ire - solve 2 pounds f :dust in three quart- o! water; then with itcheab a, .1 ben Mt a I. -It 4. place wbere earwikrsior other Inseeta'10,- bruelt all the stilts and crevices 0: - bedstends; keep it boiling while using, A strong balling -hot tea of cayenne, used with .a brush, is al$0 a eapitat remedy. It is oceasionally desirable in a batho morn.Window ,or in one having an ob- jectionable outicok to have an .opaqtt( ane. A reit fros ed L . can evinflict Witte the -Philistines, in wind' -141 son of Dnn JJ.bJ1f•!iLML___..e TR. MO, Philistines seemed n eseturing • he ark of the 4xivenant and esteblish areng fortreases In different parts or, 'srael:s territory. They are not defeated ,rid driven out tudil the time of Saul /, 10, 11), who becomes the first king ivor Rte . -united tribes. To a pint of Stale ale add, a liiindtul .0! Epson alts. ,e'slix and apply with trUsh. This • Makes a hard finish that Wili ternairs Indefinitely, or, it -desired may be XVIII43Ved t*.scrubbing at.tini e. am . • , • - • • ontrtrnall -featherS o SOWnr:LPPIP,V*:,7101./ktrIravrimornwzonot, eiii-be,mitished at liome,„ with vc_r1; •1312!:* trouble and expense.- FIrSt enook5P good day, for the -drying le, half tirei•bsi, tie. and you need plenty of sunshine awl gentle --wind, Vse-iiikev4ra-Nvater _and one Of the many. pure 'maps, that art in the market, lust now, and avoid 'washboard. It will not be orany heir and it will oertninif pull yot.r quid oT, pillow -out of chope. flub thoraughte With the coap, istpreeziort 7 -end paitint, uji iLyour hands as you Iniglitline -WO(li- $ tr stur. Rinse An wo -i deer writers and hang up to dry in itt( sunlight. *A "dash of salt, inthe water wil IteepAhitLcolors _from fading._ MODEEN,ALTST SOLO SALVATIDN con or tient as them are $liees..ot mitt, and on WI the bacon scatter "a few* dips et ketchup and anchevy team. , Put 'the meat upon- -the bricon; roll both together 'and fatten with a sloweri- Pip eacti ro into goad batter and try IA deep fat, -to-ri 'golden color. Serve on it-inottlel of nicely belied lice with gray poured round. ;74,,Y• • . Stewed fowl's liver -makes rienieerlittle sevourr -or lireektast dish for one per - Sen.' - 'rake -a eiriekents li'ver„, pine* it in tusrnall seaucepari with a little butter and ertetugli,'Obd stock to oak. Add a sea- sonint -it pepper, and a bay leaf. Stew era_ jy_.for ten minutes.. Dram and 4 311 W1.5* :1-arS,r,!ftaaelirl , With. flour*. add. a tablespoonful of butter. lir, t Xture. 1111- it 1 -54)100 ' hfclivnin 1 ' sh '.liver, ' if --"POOr'''' it on wire "et 'tette teitst. ---flecipe for TAtoking-Alter-iPut--a-.-eu al •ot tie* that has -been i thorough y washed In cold Wider 111141 a ' SaliCePAU and cover'•wi it five titpftils of tett-boil. ing wafer. it d Snit, and boil fast for a lou Arptarter-otan rr--TittnLput-the-satrce. pan, uncover . . into a moderate oVen. In a quarter of an hour the writer will hove torriptetely evapbroded: and 4000 greln of rite\ will be distinct and .4ty. Net a grain Will .slick to the bottom of the saitrepan. ltfca e'ooked in this way tor (Mit, an astontsitinent to,. those. %VII°, have not tried it ' ' • epu ar -. tat tie lirrisse n quart ,_ vet efertirr beaten Alt, tie -holt tot) r pulverized larger 'stirred.' into' 'Ille ealon_preatxtyanj Itareljniije:tacte nssolve erre•half, a peekage, Of geletine in as ' little .td **ter 'es posible, sot.on,' the stove, trird- jet voine to. it boil. Their let 'stand until partly cold and stir fitfick. iv ,into the beatin ,crearns, Illo a mould into cold . waleF'nud line wilit itly fin. iet, or :sponge__ rtde., __T-tirn.-1 tt„,ititd tnorild and eft awe iit, ii*,,e t9- vool: shou/4 stand four or live ult. ,,,L,...ti$jittit:,:litt•4,1glr N,vkil- h r "iiiOiti:', lee, • eiL, at , atom' (Nee night. ben -ready to eterve„.„41p flat Inetild in • hot itvatttr tor. pat iriSt*Iitt ItAtti Vie treant will turn out" e'er krpliitt like jelly* 'ThiSirmittes A- geod tfessert, too, at cdinner or Itineheon.... The fall recipe will.make 'enough for tight' people. ' -' , allt-tunts:-.4e.014- one-- pint of lI iidtili' hot ottettalt cup cf btifter; n Ittketvarui -add 4100 $testt*Ue tli*S- AVM ill 4 quarter cup ofarmAvatfr: $(/41 410 and ,a, belt quarts dented flour ft lielf Itespo'on of as/t; beet Weilvtiprer, and stead In warm place over , rogit„, 37.0g11041 'IvIllx: hart rrttri toi titatunserL liL'ixtiiiiilk;',1"1 . 1 I add one) totepeenfttl (4. (tenement ' hall rtIP or (1)0014 eilvill, 41fEs erste r to the' *pante; work until thereugh mieed. tern olit en flonted betittl Adding urftclent flour' lo 11111se * *ot, 416ach; 11 outi. cut into good sited 1411 .,_„ see -i*---lity-Orio. . a in II Dariered AlioneeS, of Eternal flapPi' , itess !.r $2.0. • „ • A remarkable case in\ whit% the ffitett. ii!.tnOtlieVal"?gurterMitiott and,siiggaifor are enviously .ei ratite untie the...notico of the 40dt:oz. or thelludoint,'; ilespital, Vienna. , A Ilungariatt,lradeaniett 'named 7ndott terttritiell'Otitte7- 46-11tft .111 ittaStati sahation. tha bdore Weiss_ w st uvhcn (be reation turrid ear religion and i. tire life. • declared that there was no as 4 -future life or ealvatiotil and “1,wraild tell rriy chance- of sal. for 12.50." ,tramederlii`rausre--eareeptecte- th offer' ort condition that the transactiote woe put in writing.; A regular 'dted. 4501.* 0611VtiYing salvation in lite '04sxt .world Kraus thereupeei dritwn uP, executed by Weles and • dulY, Wittiestied. ',Krauss look the ,deed and over the VIrel Viii*eits, Who aSicd halt:been 'kkl6ilS? fortnight *later "A"VI 4te wile as killed in a 'carriage uccide_n 10 womed this rteeiderit: ea' elgn he Divine anger viith*his 'impiratist &Tit tniCtRa Oat lits• reat7Orf SaV Way, MIMI) wa5 to the hospiittli- Obertnayers wha had. charge 41, WO 0401 ort hearing ibis Aare.' tiont !be Men's reiatives,decided eqlry lite effects, • and advised we:gs' re141,4vs to itto dee4 4ttt;e. ,wever. tat _sine "tx-iiight.-' the: I _ , '7talVa.., ton. (4vrt btrilnessli '.prospoed ex- cretdrit,gly, iirod ,he refused to give it, tip. under' $4X);. Wits Iva, *Matto to pay this, but finely ,the Oiler :rabbi el `Pre$s. burg 'le *Wilt titer matter :had been..red ' induced limn* to band the 'dee itch lo --1 •eiek -man on -rezeipt $100.• *the *a$ tOst marked. • -Wass, ft -assured ns• to the fate *1 soul, ntediately ituproved. A tog dece.d Was ftriltA NItaelt fitittao itcoriveyed the oiler ntart"a sadvar:en 't6 him., Thi* 4c4,5 'X- 3'$4,11 and Weil* tiOw, ' tatted. cite eoperly, with the first verse of chapter The Israelites have offended Jehovah 1. their disebedience, and he penults „he elkilanites to invade end ,plunden lielr" territory ter 4. 'period of seven, wars (0. Then he sends a peophet !in upbraid -the Peorde for theirrePesta*Y- • . leliverer of peop• le (6i 1144 thdeoreie • iret net of valor is the destruction of the- ' Mere of Baal (647.3.2), and when the again Overrun the lard it it le who ttentrions PIiS-0ountrYineil- to: -esist them G. 33-25).; At his contest re - 'est Jehovah pleats 'him re sign as an of victory (6. 2640). The nein- eer evar4 Gideon eble to Muster un (*Tit).* large, and is final. rAtnced three: hundmi (7. 143). ittio Mall Am:104 AS. 41ark lesL'cort, 4, 4,k LIU y re e es, z eon. y • help ot Jehovah, puts to rout a Much. 1gcr army .of the enemy. the iia_tilwr-The _camp of th nnifec, 1.he.....valley0 10. ,thy Servant-liehrew. abe'y'l; tijie an armor -bearer or attendant., - J. 1/riki the •oulternost part of titer ,tmed nien-The miler guard, or picket - eye, ot the ..enetny's comp. • 12. Like locusts for, otultittelerewe -..ote that tire eat nUntber is not given. .tvel that the hyperbole, wheat the tar. .ratori like tnany other Old TeSlament. rs eminently employs, hen serves Irilitert the inipretaskin of tic Jur- „---Lani1:74s,intande4. c14: ko• the ilgure the wet joinr 4,,,ve4ry.iirgriantilntrilninbers. iFcw A Midianite relating 4 ditain, to :is oornrade‘ • .eake ot 'tairley trtud-- 1;vord • trarzilated "take"' is ia miter! 'atoning,' thou in all prOltability . of fL NIS, 0Orree I ridered in the Eng. 14igo-triezklemda wthtLe%ti, ibv,t)rughtlutfilieroclalinmer tiil 4A titrilies a tent and turns It upside The tent referred to is that of' hrf, Men who le felting his deretn. rattier 'then that of . the Jovinniattdo. of the Ntidianite army,: Oideon,the,tiott-of tIetits liw;O" Lit:ougue perhaps through hie' daring •deatroy the attune of /teal. la. tic worehipeedireliti -hetzeigii, to Jere wizen of vie. 16..44iteliere-elitririen jora.--aue!t -0* - rein eritninott ire tor rare:slug Wh.tfr* 04, lirgintkIng ot the Ini'ddl'at ch; --The. liehrewq divided, the niOtt 'itittit Walitt,P54 the fire!, Watirteretlet wafeh, end the IniOnttig - 1101t*I11011,- : t 5 :the rom40.etistcint divItting tit! it intit Pam,,htuti. • 14,,,r4 Mati4,1t, 4r,„ . ,Tbe threa entupttntes.-!-:_tatieivit., approaching the :enemy a:44,2ply r difkrent 4:tfttions with lithie4. afal Dieting frutionet. titir kvi1 to the Ciurptisrmi tittliaroitem Li* -4 inuelt greal•er WA than they Ilion to ilreht, Or. "fled etifeeedillf of Ilek 07,etitt r. 1Nery statOt. Eveiry inap tumelJg ttelp 10,1 etit #!ilit' tayetii ,4t i".11Ntri *aik entirely Aueremsful. 1414 uarite' th0 Ceiri9 eamplote. -.fat as Beth Stiltiih 'toward ?,,ererais ockl, lige* oThert'ativttottrovetii idistaftes Votlit nistritidly 000 [a- 1 tbt' ,ettothestL ittrning •tioatithwarit 14 ,i-Alart Ilettei. solthotatt. fb 1°#'140,04 'Mikan- Eine, orwo! it. or ts,01Yer,atitt. ' .0! IA.," ftiVadfo *hornThty to ,klutaih;\